Records Retention Records Retention What You Need To Know PART ONE: INACTIVE RECORDS (It’s as easy...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Records Retention Records Retention What You Need To Know


(It’s as easy as Pumpkin Pie!)

Destruction of Public Records Act(PL 1953, c. 410)

Defines a “Public Record” as hardcopy, microform, optical, or electronic data created and maintained by a State, County, Local Government Agencies, School Districts, and State Colleges and Universities.

Records Retention Schedules must be created for all public records maintained by State, County, Local Government Agencies, School Districts, and State Colleges and Universities.

Agencies must obtain prior written authorization from the Division for disposal of public records by submitting a “Request and Authorization for Records Disposal” form.

Records Management Program: Objectives

The objectives of a records management program are to make records serve the purposes for which they were created as efficiently and economically as possible, and to provide for proper disposition after they have served their purposes.

Records Inventory

A complete and accurate listing of records, whether paper-based, microform, or electronic, that indicates:- How and where it is physically stored- Volume of storage- How it is classified- What its retention period is, if known, or- Its value, to determine retention

Files Management

• Creation or receipt of documents• Analysis:

– Is this a record?– If “Yes” what are its retention guidelines?– If “No” use as necessary and dispose of at

earliest possible convenience.

Files Management

• Classify for retrieval• Place in appropriate storage• Access procedures

Records Retention Schedule

Request & Authorization for Records Disposal

Records Classification


Schema:NameGeographicSubjectChronologicalFunctionRetention Period

Storage LabelingIn order to keep concise and accurate records that can be accessed at

any time by anyone who may need them, a consistent naming and storage plan needs to be maintained. We are providing you with sample labels, and templates are available for you to print more.

District-wide Storage RecordsAfter you have labeled and stored your items, you will need to record

them on an Excel datasheet so the entire district can be cataloged.

Records Storage & Preservation

Active Records On-site storage

Inactive RecordsOff-site storage

Permanent - Archival Records Public Archives Facility

Records Storage Options

• Storage Facilities– Public Agency Record Storage

(ex., County & Municipal Storage Facilities)– Commercial Records Storage

Records Storage & Preservation Alternatives

• Hardcopy Alternatives (Microfilm & Optical Disk) must be State Certified (NJAC 15: 5-3)

• Legal substitute for hardcopy – Microfilm/Microfiche

• Longevity – 500 years – Optical Disk

• Longevity – Not Archival • Electronic Records (Includes Email)• Longevity – Not Archival • Backups needed - disk routine recycle,

hardcopy generated, or microfilm

Vital Records Program

• Essential agency records needed to meet operational responsibilities under emergency or disaster conditions

• An organizations needs to ask themselves:– What records are absolutely crucial to our

business operation that will need to be recreated from backup copies if the originals are lost in a disaster?

Department of StateDivision of Archives & Records Management

PO Box 307Trenton, NJ 08625

Phone: 609-530-3200 | Fax:

Records Retention SchedulesVilirie A. Perry, Records Analyst 1

Email: Phone: 609-530-3213

Karen A. Perry, Records Analyst 1 Email: Phone: 609-530-7490

Argean Cook, Records Analyst 2 Phone: 609-530-5874Email:

Request and Authorization for Records DisposalJoseph L. Falca, Supervisor

Email: Phone: 609-530-3208

Imaging Certification Albin Wagner, Bureau Chief Email: Phone: 609-530-3204

Joanne McKinley, Coordinator Email: Phone: 609-530-7486