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OF POWER Danielle Carlo

With a life that spanned the greater part of the twentieth century,

Lewis Mumford (1895-1990) witnessed the rapid rise of a wide-range of

technologies, from mechanical and nuclear to early electronic developments,

and the resulting increase in industrial and economic production. However,

instead of a tendency towards democratization and a decrease in social and

economic disparities that would seem to be made possible by industrialization

and its abundance, he observed, rather, a growing global propensity towards

war, violence, scarcity, inequality, and a general disregard for human life. As

we solidify control of our environment by constantly increasing our power and

productivity through the use of scientific reason, why does our world seem to

become more fragmentary, more alienating, and less humane? The

examination and critique of this paradox is at the heart of Mumford’s two-

volume tome, the little known, and even less studied, The Myth of the




Machine, which represents the culmination of philosophical work he began in

Technics and Civilization.

Technics and Civilization (1934) was published prior to World War II and

the onslaught of technologies that would rise in its wake. In this book,

Mumford traces modern technology, and specifically the development of the

machine and the parallel process of societal mechanization, to the Middle

Ages instead of to the industrial development of the eighteenth and

nineteenth centuries, which was a view commonly held by his intellectual

contemporaries. His historical narrative of “machine civilization” starts around

1000 ACE and is divided into three periods, each defined by an increasing

tendency towards mechanization that often came at the expense of

humaneness. He asserts throughout that this mechanization was not an

inevitable outcome of technics, nor was it necessarily a result of a human

striving towards efficiency, but rather it was the product of a series of

intentional choices made in the pursuit of power, power over nature and

power over other humans. The machine became the end in itself and

ultimately took on a life of is own, treated as if it were the creative principle

instead of just one possible creation. And this “myth of the machine” in the

early twentieth century, at the time he was writing Technics and Civilization,

must have seemed more powerful than ever with the expansion of industrial

farming practices, the popularization of processed foods, the replacement of

traditionally handmade arts and crafts with factory-produced goods, and the

consolidation of large-scale mass production. All of this contributed to

greater output and expediency, but with a drastic reduction in quality,

durability, safety, and by extension human expression, creativity, and

autonomy. Yet, Technics and Civilization, ends on a hopeful, if not a bit trite,




note: “…however far modern science and technics have fallen short of their

inherent possibilities, they have taught mankind at least one lesson: Nothing is


The second and final volume of The Myth of the Machine, The Pentagon

of Power, Mumford’s last in the series of writings on technology and

civilization, was published in 1970, in the aftermath of not only the atrocities

of World War II, but also in the midst of the Cold War and during the War in

Vietnam, which was only the latest manifestation of nearly thirty years of

continuous war operations on the part of the solidified US military-industrial

complex. In the context of the degradation of the American project, the

American Dream, and the American Way of Life, the titular reference to the

Pentagon is clearly intentional, yet Mumford does not limit himself to a

critique of the American version of the myth of the machine. Like Technics and

Civilization, this book covers a broad scope. However, whereas that book and

the similarly focused first volume of The Myth of the Machine, Technics and

Human Development (1967), were essentially historical narratives of the rise of

the mechanical age over the last thousand years, The Pentagon of Power looks

to the past to specifically single out the building blocks in the Power Complex,

which is the ultimate expression of the mechanization of nature and the

automation of humanity into a totalizing system, what Mumford refers to as a

‘megamachine,’ and which revealed itself as an anti-human, anti-life

configuration driven by a pentagon of ends: power, profit, productivity,

property, and prestige. At the time of publication, this Power Complex was

exemplified by the US Pentagon and the Kremlin, which is still the case today

with several additions.




Mumford compares the compulsive force of the Power Complex to the

behavior of the pleasure center in the brain; when it is activated any

physiological, emotional, or intellectual limits are disregarded and the only

desire becomes the continuous activation of its receptors. The principal

stimulus for the Power Complex is money as the material expression of power.

Mumford outlines the way in which this drive for power through the unlimited

development of technology became irresistible, to the point of denial, to the

point of cultivating a view of technological development immune to critique,

or reflection. He pins a date to this shift from the understanding of technology

as a tool for human advancement to a blind faith that, in a large part due to

the complex economics of war, gave way to a refusal to reflect, think, or view

it in any other light even as the stakes got higher in the face of nuclear


Up to 1940 it was still possible to regard the continuation and

acceleration of modern technology as, on the whole, favorable to

human development; and so firmly has this conviction been implanted,

so completely has the Myth of the Machine taken hold of the modern

mind, that these archaic beliefs are still widely regarded as well-

founded, scientifically accredited, indubitably ‘progressive’—in short,

practically unchallengeable.2

In The Pentagon of Power, Mumford takes up the arduous task to

challenge the unchallengeable by revealing the darker sides of those

developments which are commonly taken for granted as triumphs of the

Power Complex and as evidence of the omnipotence of the megamachine.




The book opens with an overview of three foundational figures of

modern science: Galileo, Descartes, and Bacon. First, he outlines Galileo’s

“crime,” his role in laying the groundwork and erecting the guideposts towards

the extirpation of the human experience from the scientific method. From this

analysis, Mumford critiques the subsequent championing of science as the

principal vehicle for human development and the undermining of art and

creativity, the reflection of the untestable, the mysterious, the ephemeral, and

the unexplainable as a means to understand the word we live in:

In denying the importance of subjective factors, that is human

propulsions, projections, and autonomous responses, the followers of

Galileo unfortunately fended off any inquiry into their own subjectivity;

and in rejecting values, purposes, and non-scientific meanings,

fantasies, dreams, as irrelevant to their positivist methodology, they

failed to recognize the part such subjectivity had played in creating

their own system. What they had actually done was to eliminate every

value and every purpose but one, the one they regarded as supreme:

the pursuit of scientific truth. In this pursuit of truth, the scientist

sanctified his own discipline and what was more dangerous placed it

above any other obligations of morality. The consequences of this

dedication have only begun to appear in our own age. Scientific truth

achieved the status of an absolute, and the incessant pursuit and

expansion of knowledge became the only recognized categorical


According to Mumford, it was Descartes, and his equation of life to a

mechanical process, who “paved the way for the eventual militarization of




both science and technics.”4 The problem with this mechanical view of life is

that machines are closed systems whereas living organisms are always subject

to change and this leaves their future open and unpredictable. This is a

condition of life that clashes with the understanding of the world as a series of

mechanisms that run according to a grand design. Mumford draws out this

difference between the functioning of organisms and mechanisms, a

distinction which can, on the micro and macro levels such as in the minute

processes of the human body, often be quite subtle and difficult to perceive

when the body runs as expected:

Unlike an organism, which is an open system, subject to chance

mutations and to many external forces and circumstances over which

it has no control, mechanisms are closed systems, strictly contrived

by the inventor to achieve clearly foreseen and limited ends. Thus a

full-fledged automatic machine is a perfect example of pure teleology,

and every part of it bears the same imprint: no machine, however

rudimentary, was ever put together by chance or random accretions or

natural selection. By contrast, even the lowest species of organism,

according to the doctrine of evolution, has remarkable potentialities

that no machine can boast: it can alter its species’ character and re-

program itself, so to say, in order to seize new opportunities or resist

unwanted external pressures. That margin of freedom no machine

possesses on its own right.5

Thus, to insist on uniformity, clockwork regularity, and predictability as

features of the optimal functioning of nature, and by extension the human

body even equipped with reason, is a way to impose on it, by definition, a lack




of freedom. The reduction of organisms to the status of “automatons” that

perform a series of set “mechanisms” translates to the definition of a well-

functioning societal machine as one in which the operators have complete

control over the various moving parts, human beings. And this view, which still

guides the way in which institutions, businesses, cities, countries, and even the

“global village” are organized into hierarchies of people assigned to certain,

often imposed, functions, contributes to a societal model that increasingly

undervalues and seeks control over the faculties that Descartes himself

insisted set men apart from other animals, the use of language and individual

free will, in an effort to consolidate the power of the few over the many.

Bacon took up this view of the machine as the model for life and

demonstrated how it could be used to organize communities in order to

achieve greater knowledge and power. With his lack of qualifications as a

mathematician, or physicist, Bacon, more than any other sixteenth-century

thinker, “brought science down to earth.”6 He made it accessible, by his own

example, to anyone curious and passionate enough to seek greater knowledge,

and he swept away the notion that the sciences should deal with only “lofty”

things, stressing the fact that the very mundane and even the “filthy” were

worthy of exploration, and potential economic exploitation. But his principal

intellectual contribution lies in his vision of scientific endeavor as a collective

enterprise and the delineation of scientific community as a systematized,

organized hierarchy of individual minds that, by working together on large-

scale projects, would speed up the process of discovery and invention, lead to

deeper insights, and ultimately, result in greater power over nature and “the

enlarging of the bounds of Human Empire, to the effecting of all things

possible.”7 In Mumford’s view, Bacon’s outline for an organized scientific




apparatus, combined with the Galilean valuation of objective experience over

the subjective and the Cartesian understanding of life as a mechanical process,

laid the ground work for the type of collective, global scientific knowledge

machine in place today, which views unlimited technological advancement as

the means and ends of scientific work:

So it was not only the Royal Society or the American Philosophical

Society that Bacon actively influenced by his anticipations. His

quaint account of the future in ‘The New Atlantis’ provided in

imagination for our present-day foundations for scientific research

and our specialized institutes and laboratories, which utilize hundreds

and even tens of thousands of workers in what has increasingly

become a factory system for the mass production of knowledge—

technologically exploitable, financially profitable, bellicosely

employable. What Bacon did not foresee is that science itself might in

time become demoralized by its very success as an agent of

technology, and that a large part of its constructive activities might be

diverted by heavy governmental subvention, to destructive anti-

human ends on a scale that mere empirical day-to-day technics could

never achieve.8

Following this examination of the roots of the Power Complex,

Mumford reconstructs the solidification of the twentieth-century

megamachine that was initially powered by increasing militarization across

the globe that took place just prior to World War I, and which came to fruition

with the introduction of nuclear weapons of mass destruction, and whose

objective on a global scale is to achieve “the domination of nature and the




subjugation of man.” 9 According to Mumford, this new, “nucleated”

megamachine is a resurfacing of tendencies—strengthened, empowered, and

solidified by Renaissance and Enlightenment philosophy—that trace to the

Pyramid Age. The ancient megamachine was characterized by societies that

worshipped an omnipotent Sun God whose power was made manifest in

divinely elected kings who governed by means of a depersonalized state

apparatus branched into the mechanized arms of a maze-like administrative

body of functionary priests and an elite army. The “rebirth of the Sun God”

came in the form of the Copernican Revolution, which set modern technical

science on its current trajectory and, when viewed in this historiographical

context, functioned as the first announcement of the rise of the modern

megamachine. Mumford offers this unsettling reading and, following the

critical interpretation of the legacy of Galileo, Descartes, and Bacon, further

turns upside down the understanding of modern science and technology as

necessarily progressive, pioneering, or revolutionary:

And first, there was the cosmic religious preparation, which I have

already described as the rebirth of the Sun God, or, to put it in more

commonplace terms, the heliocentric system of Copernicus. The

exponents of this religion, once called natural philosophers, later

scientists, for long bore themselves with such modesty and self-

effacement, and brought forth such an abundance of useful

knowledge, applicable in mining, hydraulics, navigation, war—and

eventually in medicine, agriculture, and public health—that no one

suspected that their methods might also become a prime instrument

of dehumanized authority.10




Although the ancient and modern megamachines have much in

common in terms of their organization of masses of people to bring to fruition

technical projects that could not be completed on small or individual scales,

the modern version differs in obvious ways such as its planetary scope, its

ability to constantly downsize the need for human workers, and the fact that

workers have become ‘free’ to be cogs in the machine, as opposed to the

ancient system that imposed slave, or indentured labor. But, Mumford points

out, the underlying message of both versions remains constant—the pursuit of

power at all costs:

The ideology that underlies and unites the ancient and modern

megamachine is one that ignores the needs and purposes of life in

order to fortify the power complex and extend its dominion. Both

megamachines are oriented toward death; and the more they approach

unified planetary control, the more inescapable does that result

promise to become.11

The Manhattan Project, with its deeply hierarchical organization,

fragmentation of the intellectual community through secrecy and threats, and

systematic refusal to reflect on the immediate or long-term consequences of

nuclear development geared toward armament, and its product which makes

possible the complete eradication of all life is presented by Mumford as the

negative end point of the trajectory put in motion by Galileo, Descartes, and

Bacon. It is also the ultimate expression of the megamachine as a system that

uses science to develop technology that does not concern itself with human

flourishment, but that is instead oriented towards death. In the following

passage, which I quote at length, Mumford illustrates the extreme gap in the




destructive power accessible to the divine rulers of the ancient megamachine

and that available to the superpowers of the modern one:

Until now, human violence had been limited by the meager physical

resources at the disposal of the governments. In so far as earlier

megamachines were forced to rely upon manpower to exercise control,

they were kept to the human scale… But the new megamachine knows

no such limitations: it can command obedience and exert control

through a vast battery of efficient machines, with fewer human

intermediaries than ever before… This high degree of dehumanization

increases the lethal automatism of the megamachine. Those who plan

its strategic objectives contemplate the extermination of a hundred

million human beings in a single day with less aversion than the killing

of a few hundred bedbugs. For them, the sacrifice of an equivalent

number of their own countrymen has become equally ‘acceptable,’

once the ‘balance of terror’ fails.

In plain words, the religion of the megamachine demands

wholesale human sacrifice, to restore in negative form the missing

dimension of life. Thus the cult of the Sun God turns out, in its final

scientific celebration, to be no less savage and irrational than that of

the Aztecs, though infinitely more deadly. After all, the Aztec priests

disemboweled their victims by hand, one by one; and human nausea at

this spectacle was so great that the priests were compelled to ensure

themselves against unfavorable reactions by threatening a similar fate

for those who even turned their eyes away. The priests of the Pentagon

and the Kremlin have no need for such threats: in their underground

control centers they can do their job more neatly, merely by pressing a




button. Untouchable: unchallengeable: inviolable. Such are these new

controllers of human destiny.12

After the systematized killing of millions in Hitler’s concentration

camps came to light and with the threat of Axis domination, the creation and

usage of the atomic bomb was presented as a necessary evil, justified by its

purpose as an end to the war and further killing. This justification, so cynical

now in retrospect, not only created a world full Hitlers, and Eichmanns, but it

also brought humanity to its knees before the possibility of the complete

eradication of life. Finally, the megamachine had reached its goal to create the

ultimate tool of power: the power of total destruction.

Following World War II, the Manhattan Project solidified the military-

industrial complex as the primary model and goal of scientific development.

Although the achievement of nucleation represented the pinnacle of scientific

and technological achievement for our modern megamachine, the power to

control all life on earth under threat of extinction, there was still work to be

done in terms of developing technologies to enhance control over human

behavior and expand property, production, prestige, and profits. With this in

mind, Mumford dedicates a large portion of the book to an analysis of the new

large-scale communication technologies that were just developing, or that

were on the horizon when he was writing the text, as well as the reactions,

tendencies, and behaviors that accompanied them. These analyses, written

several decades ago, relied on intuition and extrapolation and, instead of

seeming completely outdated or even outlandish, their prediction of the

current technological trajectory is quite striking. For instance, he describes a

“technological compulsiveness” that was beginning to crystallize:




One may without exaggeration now speak of technological

compulsiveness: a condition under which society meekly submits to

every new technological demand and utilizes without question every

new product, whether it is an actual improvement or not; since under

this dispensation the fact that the proffered product is the result of a

new scientific discovery or a new technological process, or offers new

opportunities for investment, constitutes the sole proof required of its


This passage applies just as much, if not more, to the consumer society

in our digital age; what he describes is now a recognized condition whose

symptoms range from internet addiction to the non-stop consumption of

visual media as a way of life to the constant purchase of devices that promise

to be newer, faster, and more integrated but that don’t really do anything

except facilitate more effective advertising, more efficient, frequent, and

compulsive purchasing, and increasing detachment from a face to face, which

is to say, human, existence.

Mumford’s prescient critiques of the popularization of communication

technologies, the expansion of mass media, and McLuhan’s pronouncement of

the “global village” as the ideal human utopia do not deny the great potential

for inventions such as the telephone, the television, or the computer to

enhance the human experience, but he points out the dangers inherent in

erasing the limits of contact and communion between humans made possible

by these electronic technologies. His thoughts on McLuhan and the possible




outcomes of his call for a wired and connected world are particularly thought

provoking when read today:

McLuhan’s ideas about the role of electronic technology have been

widely accepted, I suggest, because they magnify and vulgarize the

dominant components of the power system in the very act of seeming

to revolt against its regimentation. In treating the planet as a ‘tribal

village’ by instant electronic communication, he has, in fact, united the

crippling limitations of a pre-literate culture, which made the

scattered, farming population of the world an easy prey to military

conquest and exploitation, with the characteristic historic mischief of

‘civilization’: the subjugation of a large population for the exclusive

benefit of a ruling minority.

So far from there being any spontaneous communication under

this regime, these electronic media are already carefully controlled to

make sure that ‘dangerous,’ that is, unorthodox views do not slip

through. Such a system permits neither colloquy or dialogue, as in

genuine oral intercourse: what takes place is for the greater part only a

meticulously arranged monologue, even if more than one person is

present on the screen. A population entirely dependent upon such

controlled oral communication, even though it reached every human

soul on the planet, would not merely be at the mercy of the Dominant

Minority but would become increasingly illiterate and soon mutually

unintelligible. Thus once again the parallel between the Pyramid Age

and our own forces itself upon the observer: here in prospect is actually the

electronic Tower of Babel. Instant planetary communication, conducted on




these principles, would bring about eventual excommunication from any

identifiable community.14

Mumford did not live to see the extent to which electronic

communication technologies would explode as a result of the Internet, he did

not live to observe Twitter, or Facebook and the rapidity with which one

person can communicate with another instantaneously from any point on the

globe, but his concerns for the way in which this ability would not facilitate

more human justice and autonomy, but instead make the conditions more ripe

for a world-wide subjugation of the majority by the minority who control

these modes of communication are particularly relevant in light of the

demonization of WikiLeaks and its founders, the arrest, alleged torture, and

conviction of Bradley Manning, the more recent Snowden debacle, or in view of

the complex, and problematic, role of social media in the Occupy Movements

and the Arab Spring. The question of whether or not the digital, global village

powered by the Internet and social media presents truly new possibilities for

humanity, and there are countless arguments in either direction, is a question

that Mumford never directly grappled with. However, it is possible to conclude

that he would not see it as a new beginning of any kind. Forty years ago, his

perspective on the coming computer age was that it just represented more of

the same. In fact, he envisioned the computer itself, which he referred to as

the “All-Seeing Eye,” as the ultimate tool for the megamachine to control,

systematize, and sterilize the human experience.

Even in the face of this repetitive historical tendency towards the

increased fortification and expansion of the anti-human megamachine and

the bleak picture he paints of the technological future, Mumford still remains




hopeful about the human capacity for change he expressed at the end of

Technics and Civilization. However, in The Pentagon of Power, he takes a more

radical stance and, instead of suggesting that a greater balance between man

and machine will be enough, he recommends a casting off of the machine and

its myth as a by-product of a more primitive mode of thinking. And, as the

first step on a path towards a new life-centered way of life, he proposes the

denial of the megamachine as an inevitable human destiny. The megamachine

was created by humanity, so humans can destroy it and create something new

in its place. And this doesn’t mean to completely cast off the old, or to raze

the basic structures to the ground. In fact, this disregard, ignorance, or

repression of the past is part of the reason we have been incapable of creating

a more life-friendly existence; we repeat and replay past traumas incessantly

as they are forgotten from one century to another, from one generation to

another, from one year to another. As an alternative, Mumford offers as a

starting point the refutation of the commonly held view of humans as

technical animals whose main drive is to control nature. He insists that

humans are driven by creativity, curiosity, and a desire to live, and that there is

a collective need to recuperate the primacy of human ingenuity and

imagination in order to reconfigure our way of life. In other words, we need to

take back the world for the use and flourishment of living beings—not for the

unlimited development of the machine. And the way to do this, according to

Mumford, is to move from megatechnics to biotechnics, from “power to


If we are to prevent megatechnics from further controlling and

deforming every aspect of human culture, we shall be able to do so

only with the aid of a radically different model derived directly, not




from machines, but from living organisms and organic complexes

(ecosystems)…These new models will in time replace megatechnics

with biotechnics; and that is the first step toward passing from power

to plentitude.15

One of the principal ideas at the heart of biotechnics is the fact that

organisms function best in a state of balance, and not unlimited expansion.

The balanced body and mind are considered to be healthy and whole, whereas

the body that has either an excess or a shortage of energy is a diseased body,

unfit for life, for reproduction, for survival. Mumford suggests that this same

concept of balance brought to the societal level would eventually contribute

to greater ecological equilibrium and result in a state of plenitude. And this

plenitude, which would undoubtedly be created with the help of science and

technology, would, from its earliest manifestation, be characterized by an

“indifference to money incentives, the liberation from self-inflating publicity,

the diversification of vocational activities, the deliberate slowing down of the

tempo of production, whether industrial or intellectual, the renewed

concentration on superior human functions and cultural values, not least the

active ‘resorption’ of government.”16 In other words, collective work towards

plenitude would include the complete dismantlement of the pentagon of


Mumford makes clear the fact that the seeds have already been

planted for this type of change by great thinkers, and doers, from Da Vinci to

Thoreau. Many others can be added to this list not least Martin Luther King Jr.,

or more currently Vandana Shiva, who outlines the conditions for a human-

centered way of life in Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability, Peace (2005).




Even though the last millennium has been ruled by megatechnics, there have

always been strong models for a biotechnical existence. This is not a new

concept and communities have existed and still exist that live in balance with

nature. In this text, Mumford advocates for, or dreams of, the intentional

installment of a biotechnical model for the human way of life on a mass scale

in an effort to promote happiness, health, and life, which would be a complete

and powerful reconfiguration of the meaning of civilization.

Now, more than forty years after its publication, The Pentagon of

Power remains a powerful statement on technology and the human condition

that serves as a prototype for bold, critical writing unencumbered by the limits

of academic field or discipline. Yet, this book, as well as most of Mumford’s

writing, aside from his architectural and urban planning work, has remained

largely ignored or unknown, even in academic circles. The question of why such

an important, incisive, and rigorous book, which is on par with, or even

surpasses, the scope of many of his contemporary thinkers, is disregarded, or

ignored, or downplayed, is not included on graduate school reading lists in the

social sciences and the humanities, or more frequently referenced by

interdisciplinary intellectuals, eludes an easy answer.

The book itself epitomizes multidisciplinarity; it is at once an

anthropological, historical, literary, and theoretical text. And perhaps this in

itself is the problem—its span and scope may be too broad for academic

disciplines, even those that consider themselves to be interdisciplinary, that

have become increasingly focused on micro-specialization. This book certainly

doesn’t fit easily into any category, formula, or methodological model. But




even in fields that are more open to broad historical readings, such as those in

the social sciences, Mumford’s work is not well known.

Perhaps the problem lies with the fact that Mumford’s approach to his

subject matter does not conform in any way with the writing standards,

guidelines, and formulas that are generally required by the academic

community in order to be considered for peer-reviewed journals, or highly-

regarded presses, starting with his lack of footnotes or endnotes, not to

mention his personal style and tone. His lively prose is full of generalizations,

digressions, and imaginative, creative, and playful analysis. A cardinal

transgression: he writes well and brutally critiques institutions, groups, and

movements, academia first among them, that claim to maintain distance, or a

“counter-cultural” stance, or to be focused on humanitarian issues, but which

in fact are completely tied to the institutions and the systems that they

critique and supposedly wish to “tear down.”

Yet, all of the above does not explain the virtual absence of this text

from the footnotes and bibliographies of the majority of studies on science,

technology and civilization. There are many books, written from within and

outside of academia, that are frequently read and studied in spite, or, perhaps,

because, of their critical perspective, their disregard of conventional formats,

and their treatment of broad topics which challenge the idea of a specialized

field of expertise. And with the republication of Technics and Civilization by the

University of Chicago Press in 2010, it seems that the institutional disregard of

Mumford may be coming to an end, perhaps a sign that people are looking for

broader perspectives on the old, persistent problems faced by humanity. But,

even with renewed interest in Mumford’s philosophical work, I would be




surprised if any publisher were rushing to reissue The Pentagon of Power,

although, I would argue, it is the more immediately relevant and challenging

example of his later philosophical writings. Two fundamental issues stand out

as potential impediments to republication. On the one hand, Mumford’s

insistence on the validity of intuition and extrapolation as a part of the

philosophical process flies directly in the face of a world steeped in the value

of the empirical at the expense of the imagined. In some sense, Mumford, in

his predictions for the future and his envisioning of something new, performs

the ultimate intellectual act of defiance against a progress-centered

worldview created long ago out of this same process: he dares to imagine a

complete reconfiguration of the status quo and by extension the creation of

new myths. In doing so, he treads a dangerous line between fact and fiction,

fantasy and reality, hope and expectation, not to mention the fact that he

proposes the dismantlement of the global market economy as well as a

fundamental revision of the concept of democracy. On the other hand, as a

humanist par excellence—he has been called “the last of the great humanists”

by some of his peers and followers—his optimistic view of the human being as

a capable, thoughtful creature has become harder and harder to believe in

increasingly cynical times. In academia there has been, over the past thirty or

so years, a turn away from humanistic historical readings and theoretical work

rooted in great hope and faith in our species in favor of more sterile,

depersonalized scientific approaches to literary and cultural studies, even, or

especially, in the so-called humanities. Regardless of one’s stance for or

against Mumford’s style, his approach, or his audacity, this text has proven

more relevant with the passing of time. Written for the future at the height of

the darkness of the Cold War, The Pentagon of Power was a call for coming

scholars, thinkers, and writers unfettered by disciplinary requirements or field




limitations, to boldly and audaciously weave narratives that demand the

transformation of the human way of life away from the pursuit of power and

production and towards an economy of plenitude concerned with greater

freedom, increased awareness, and ecological balance. Currently, in our world

besieged by wars on drugs and terrorism, bombarded with global ad

campaigns that push towards homogenization and mediocrity powered by the

internet and social media, and the continuous dismantlement of free speech,

democracy, and human rights in the name of freedom, patriotism, or

protection, this book reads as if it were written specifically as a travel guide to

navigate away from our present age of destruction. The question now, after all

of these disquieting years, is whether or not there are any writers, thinkers,

and scholars equipped to take this journey.

                                                                                                                 1  Mumford, Technics and Civilization (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010), 435. 2 Mumford, The Pentagon of Power (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1970), 237. 3 Mumford, Pentagon, 74. 4 Ibid., 84. 5 Ibid., 97. 6 Ibid.,106. 7 Francis Bacon, New Atlantis in The Major Works (New York: Oxford UP, 2008), 480. 8 Mumford, Pentagon, 114. 9 Ibid., 238. 10 Ibid. 11 Ibid., 260. 12 Ibid., 267-8. 13 Ibid., 186. 14 Ibid., 298-99. 15 Ibid., 395. 16 Ibid., 405.