Recruit. & Selec Projct

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Chapter 1


  To study the Recruitment & Selection process

followed at Converting Careers.

  To study the nature of Recruitment and Selection

process at Converting Careers.

  To study the sources of recruitment used by thecompany.

  To study the effectiveness of each sources of 

recruitment in the means of which source attracts most

number of candidates.

  To study the efficiency of various sources of 

Recruitment and Selection taped by the company.

  To understand how Recruitment and Selection is

done for high post.

 To incorrect theoretical concept of the subject with

practical process.

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Chapter 2.Chapter 2.

Introduction to the Recruitment & SelectionIntroduction to the Recruitment & Selection

Recruitment and Selection :

 This subject is one of the most important functions of any

organization be it medium sized or large Multinational.

Human Resources form the key factors of any

organization. Recruitment forms the first stage in the

process, which continues with selection and ceases with

the placement of the candidate. It is the next step in the

procurement function, the first being the manpower

planning that is very important for the operation of the


In other words, it is a ‘Linking Activity’ bringing together

those with jobs and those seeking jobs.

Definition of Recruitment :

“Recruitment is the process to discover the sources of 

manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing

schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting

that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective

selection of an efficient working force". Accordingly the

purpose of recruitment is to locate source of manpower to

meet job-requirements and job-specifications”.

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Definition of Selection :

“The hiring process is one of ‘go’, ‘no-go’ gauges.

Candidates are screened by the application of these tools,

if qualified go to next hurdle, while the unqualified are


Recruitment is creating a pool of candidates best suited

for an organization. Recruitment is process of searching

for prospective employees and stimulating and

encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization. It is

often termed as “positive” in that it stimulates people to

apply for jobs to increase the hiring ratio to the number of 

applications to a job.

 The mission of Personnel Administration is to assure a

steady source of sound people who can contribute to the

success of its business. It is also to ensure the consistency

in the rate of success as regards to the quality of 

candidates to fill manpower plan. Manpower management

is basically concerned with having right type of peopleavailable as and when required and improving the

performance of existing people to make them more

effective on their job. Manpower management thus starts

with manpower planning. It is concerned with crystallizing

from where the right type of persons can be secured for

future anticipated vacancies.

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  Thus, manpower planning management strives to have

the right kind of people at the right places and at the right


  This section examines current practices and decision-

making in recruitment and selection, they are critical

elements of effective human resource management. We

cannot discuss how recruitment and selection take place

without asking why certain techniques are used in

preference to others.

Within the HRM pattern, they are not simply mechanisms

for filling vacancies. Recruitment and redundancy can be

viewed as key 'push' and 'pull' levers for organizational


Recruitment and selection allow management to

determine and gradually modify the behavioral

characteristics and competences of the workforce. The

fashion for team working, for example, has focused on

people with a preference for working with others as

opposed to the individualist 'stars' preferred by recruiters

in the 1980's. Attention has switched from rigid lists of 

skills and abilities to broader-based competences.

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In general - as we noted in the previous section - there is

greater regard for personal flexibility and adaptability - a

reorientation from present to future stability.

Employment or Personnel Planning is the process of 

deciding what positions of the firm will have to fill, and

how to fill them. Personnel planning cover all the firm’s

future positions, from maintenance, clerk to C.E.O.

Recruitment has been regarded as the most important

function of personnel administration, because unless the

right types of people are hired, even the best plans,

organization charts and controls systems would not do

much good.

According to Dale Yoder, “Selection is the process in which

the candidates for employment are divided into two

classes: - those who are to be offered to employment and

those who are not”.

  Thus Recruitment and Selection process is not only

beneficial to the organization but also to the youth,

because it definitely increases the hiring ratio. This helps

also reduce the unemployment problem to a great extent.

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Recruitment : marketing jobs

Potential candidates may come from an internal trawl of 

the organization, or from the external job market. Thelatter are reached through channels such as recruitment

advertising, employment agencies, professional

associations or word of mouth. The approach differs

according to the organization's resourcing philosophy:

Organizations with a strong culture are likely to seek

malleable new employees at school-leaving or graduate

levels. More senior jobs are filled from the internal job


Companies looking for the 'right' (best fit for the job)

person however may rule out internal applicants

because they do not match the personnel specification

prepared for the job.

I. Informal recruiting

Word-of-mouth applicants are likely to stay longer and

may be more suitable than recruits obtained by

advertising. But word-of-mouth is discriminatory, since it

restricts applications to established communities and

excludes recently arrived minority groups who have not

had time to become part of informal networks.

At senior levels the informal method known as

'headhunting' or executive search has become common.

Specialist consultancies aim to find 'outstanding' people to

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fill higher-paying jobs. Whether they really are

'outstanding' is questionable.

II. Formal recruiting

Equal opportunity demands equal access. This can only be

achieved through public and open recruitment. (...) The

likelihood of attracting 'suitable' applicants depends on

the detail and specificity of the recruitment advertisement

or literature. Key factors such as salary, job title, career

and travel opportunities obviously influence responserates. But remember that employers do not want to be

swamped with large numbers of applications from

unsuitable people.

  This section of Human Resource Management in a

Business Context goes into further detail such as: quality

of agency recruiters, comparison of different media

channels, and cultural variation in recruitment practice.

Researching Candidates

  This section looks at the early stages of the selection

process - often called pre-selection. The recruitment

campaign should have attracted a pool of applicants from

which selectors can make their choice. If a job analysis

has been conducted, the criteria or competences that are

deemed necessary have been identified. These may be

well defined and focused on experience and skills, as in

the 'right person' approach; or general and related to

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education, intellect and personality for the 'cultural fit' and

'flexible person' models.

1. Application letters and CVs/resumes

  These are typically used for initial or speculative

applications. There are significant cultural differences

between different cultures in the way these are prepared.

Applicants should be careful to use the style expected in

the recruiters' country.

For example, recruiters in France typically expect short,

factual education and career histories. They tend not to

want the hobbies or sports interests, which also feature in

applications from job seekers in the UK, USA and other

countries influenced by the British tradition. Some

countries use photographs at this stage; others areconcerned about the equal opportunity implications and

discourage this practice.

2. Interviewing

 The interview is a social ritual, which is expected by all

participants, including applicants. It is such a 'normal'

feature of filling vacancies that candidates for a job would

be extremely surprised not to be interviewed at least


i. Informal Interviews

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Many employers invite applicants for informal interviews

prior to the main selection procedure. These interviews

are useful for information exchange, particularly in the

case of professionals. They provide an opportunity to

discuss the full nature of the job, the working

environment, prospects for further development and


 There seems to be some ambiguity as to whether informalinterviews should be used as part of the pre-selection

process by the employer rather than self-selection by the

candidate. The crux of the issue depends on what

interviewees have been told. If they have been led to

believe that it is a truly informal information session they

will not consider the process to be fair if they aresubsequently told that they have not been short listed as

a result.

ii. Formal Interviews

Despite the existence of alternative methods of selection

most employers regard the formal selection interview as

the most important source of evidence in making the final

decision. A selection interview can be neatly defined as a

conversation with a purpose, but not infrequently the

purpose is obscure to the point of invisibility.

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More often than not, pointless chat would be nearer the

mark. The interview has attracted severe criticism for a

very long time - being attacked on the grounds of its

subjective nature, questionable validity and unreliability.

Employees are always changing, as many workers may

leave the organization for various reasons such as death,

old age, resignation, retirement, etc.

Hence manpower planning is the process of determiningmanpower recruitment and the means for meeting this

recruitment in order to carry out the integrated plans of 

the Organization.

Interview techniques

  This section of Human Resource Management in a

Business Context goes into further detail about: singleton,

panel and sequential interviews; training for interviewing;

and questioning styles.

iii. Evaluating methods

How do we judge the value or effectiveness of 

interviewing - or any other method of selection?

Practicality and cost-effectiveness are important and

partly explain why the interview is such a common

technique. But there are other factors. Reliability is a

measure of the consistency of results. Validity is about

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whether or not the method achieves its purpose in

distinguishing the most suitable applicants from the

others. Until the 1980s research seemed to show that

interviews had a low degree of validity.

In Canada, for example, if a test, which has not been

validated, rejects a disproportionate number of people

from an ethnic group, race, sex, religion, or national origin,

it violates the Canadian Human Rights Act.

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I. Recruitment Policy

Every Recruitment process needs to have a good

recruitment policy. Such a policy asserts the objectives of 

the recruitment process and provides frameworks of 

implementation of the recruitment program in the form of 

the procedures.

A pre-planned recruitment policy based on the corporate

goals, study of the environment may go a long way to

man the organization with the right type of personnel.

A good recruitment policy must contain these elements:

1. Organization’s objectives.

2. Identification of the recruitment needs.

3. Preferred sources of the recruitment.

4. Criteria of selection and preferences.

5.  The cost of recruitment and financial implications.

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Policies on employment are needed to guide and

implement decisions uniformly. On the basis of policies

management of the organization can work out log-term

and short-tern strategies to get the right person on the

right job


 The recruitment process begins with the position wise job

description and Job specification

a. Job Description: 

  Job Description is a concise document of factual

information that identifies the work to be performed and

responsibilities entailed in a job. It contains a statement of 

 job analyses. Job Description describes the ‘job’ and not

the ‘job holders’.

  Job Description provides the analyst, worker and

supervisor with a clear idea of what must we do to meet

the demand of the jobs.

 Job Description has certain elements. They are as follows:


b. Contents Of Job Description

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1. Job Title.

2. Job Summaries.

3. Location of Job.

4. Supervision.

5. Duties and Responsibilities.

6. Job Relations.

7. Working Conditions.

8. Machines, Tools, Materials required.

c. Job Specification:

  Job Specification is the requirement that the applicant’s

must meet in order to perform the duties and carry on the

responsibilities. Job Specification is the minimum skill

experience knowledge needed to do the job that is

included in the Job Description.

 Job Specification tells what kind of person to recruit and

for what qualities that person should be tested.

d. Contents Of Job Specification :

1. Physical Characteristic.

2. Psychological Characteristics.

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3. Responsibilities.

4. Other feature of a Demographic nature.

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 To find out applicant the organization must know where torecruit or consider the most likely sources of the type of 

employee it needs.

Sources can be divided into 2 categories. They are as


a. Internal Sources:

In many organizations internal source is the main source

of Recruitment. Through transfer, promotion and

demotion, the firm try to fill their personnel needs. This

source leads the healthy and progressive atmosphere and

lowers the cost of training.

  There are certain advantages and disadvantages of 

recruitment through Internal Sources.


• Recruitment through internal sources motivates the

workers within the organization

•  The management knows the strength and weakness

of the worker.

• Internal sources are easily available as it is within the


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• Lack in variety.

Involves high training cost.

• Leads to breeding within the organization.

b. External Sources:

1. Friends and Relatives.

2. Advertisements in Newspaper.

3. Private Employment Agencies.

4. Direct Hiring.

5. Employment Exchanges.

6. Colleges and Management Institutes.

7. Former Employees.

8. Trade Union.

 These are some of the most common External sources,

which are used for recruitment in most of the


 The advantages and disadvantages of recruitment through

external sources are as follows.

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• By recruitment through external sources there is less

chance of groups.

• External candidates bring in new blood, new

insights ,and new perspectives


• Recruitment through external sources brings in

adjustment problems, longer orientation time etc.

•  The candidate may bring in attitude of the earlier

organization, which may pose a problem for the present


•  The organization may select a wrong person.

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a. Direct Methods

Sending of recruiters to colleges and technical schools. In

most colleges recruiting is done in co-operation with

placement office of a college. For this purpose, carefully

preparing brochures, describing the organization and the

 jobs it offers are distributed among students before theinterviewer arrives.

b. Indirect Methods

Advertisement is very useful in indirect method to recruitblue-collar, hourly workers, as well as scientific,

professional and technical employees.

Advertisement is though mostly newspapers, on radio, in

trade and professional journals, technical magazines and

brochures. Other methods include professional journals,

which are read by people with specialized backgroundsand interests.

c. Third Party Methods

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 These include placement offices of schools, colleges and

professional association, recruiting firms, management

consulting firms, indoctrination seminars for college

professors and friends and relatives, voluntary

organizations, computer data banks, casual labours or

applicant at the gate. Commercial private employment

agencies are also widely used.

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1 To assist public and private bodies in social andeconomic planning to ensure a favorable

employment positions.

2 To ensure employers in selecting suitable workers

to full up different types of vacancies

3 To assist employment seekers in finding the jobs

suited to their qualification

4 To study properly and prepare occupational details

useful for students and new entrants in labourmarket and general public.

5 To find out alternatives employment to surplus or


6 To advise government on manpower planning and

problems including reviewed and re-adjustments

of training programmer according to employment

market needs.

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7 To collect information on employments trend job

opportunities and training facilities to the public

authorities, employer’s organization a general




Selection is the process by which the qualified persons are

chosen from various applicants who have applied for or

offered their services for employment. It can be described

as a tool in the hands of management to differentiate the

qualified and unqualified applicants by various techniques

such as interviews, written tests, personnel interviews etc.

While formulating a selection policy, due consideration

should be given to organizational requirements as well as

technical and professional dimensions of selection


An effective policy must assert the “why” and “what”

aspects of the organizational objectives.


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 The Selection process involves a series of steps through

which applicants pass. It is a two-way process, where

organization selects the employees and applicants select

the organization. It is a matching process between the

requirement of the job and the attributes of the applicants

 The Selection process begins when candidates apply for

employment and ends with the hiring decisions i.e.

beginning with an initial screening interview and

concluding with the final employment decision.




FIRST STAGE  - Establishing selection policies.

SECOND STAGE - Identifying and choosing selection


THIRD STAGE - Gathering information about potential


FOURTH STAGE - Evaluating information and assessing



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1. Interviews – The most popular and hence the skills of 

interviewing are important.

2. References.

3. Analysis of candidates (career / life) data.

4. Evaluation of candidates behavior / performance in,

group activities.

5. Group Discussion.

6. Work attachments / experience (trail period).

7. Skill testing with task / work simulations e.g. typing,

computer programming, brick laying and candidates

making presentations etc.

8. Knowledge, aptitude and Psycho- metric tests of various facets of know-how, intelligence and


9. Graphology.

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One of the most major activity in most of the top

multinational Organizations / Soft ware industries /

BPO industries is Recruitment. The reason being: -

1. There are large requirements to meet the workload.

2. The attrition rate is very high.

3. Skills required are not easily available.

  The quality of Human Resource is of great importance.

 Thus to ensure a smooth implementation of its plan and

policy, a sound recruitment and selection has to be carried

out by the personnel department in the organization.

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Each attribute can be measured in 5 different parameters:

1 = POOR

2 = FAIR

3 = GOOD



Other selection methods

Work samples

Interviews suffer from a basic problem: - When asked what

they would do in a particular situation ... candidates give

the answer, which they feel the interviewer wants to hear.

 The work sample technique attempts to overcome this

problem by asking candidates to take on mini-jobs in a

selection situation. ... Properly designed work samples

capture key elements of a real job. Work samples have

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shown some of the highest validity scores compared to

other selection methods, even the smallest companies

could employ the simpler forms, such as the following:

* A typing test for keyboard skills

* role-playing

* group decisions

* presentations

* reports

 The most sophisticated of work-sample procedures include

'in-basket tests', sometimes called 'in-tray exercises'.

Candidates are given a typical in-tray containing a

selection of material such as letters to be answered,

reports to be analysed, items to be prioritized, etc. They

are given instructions on what to do and a time limit.

Standard scoring methods are available.

Performance Based Selection: An overview.

Performance-based selection is a fair, accurate and highly

integrated method of attracting and hiring top performing

employees each and every time. Performance-based

selection leads to increased worker productivity (up to 50

per cent improvement for some positions), which can save

companies thousands of dollars in training and

performance management time. It can also reduce

recruitment costs by up to 40 per cent per vacancy and

reduce turnover by up to 20 per cent.

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Unlike other recruitment models that rely on what

applicants say they can do or what they have done in

previous jobs (which may or may not suit the specific

needs of the current vacancy), the performance-based

selection process asks applicants to prove they can do the

work better than every other applicant.

 Job applicants perform key components of the actual joband are assessed on their technical skills, ability to solve

day-to-day problems and on their overall ability to perform

other regular duties of the position. Applicants are rated

fairly and accurately, allowing hiring staff to quickly

differentiate between those who can perform all aspects

of the job and those who only say they can. Performance-

based selection allows HR staff and hiring managers to

quickly and accurately identify top performers each and

every time.

Performance-based selection can be applied to all types

and levels of jobs. It has been used to successfully hire

clerical, trade, technical, medical, professional, sales,

managerial and executive positions. The reason it can be

applied to such a large cross-section of jobs is because of 

the nature of work. Typically, there are three stages of 

work common to all jobs.

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  The first stage involves gathering or being given

information or raw materials. The second stage involves

processing or transforming this information or raw

materials into useful products or services. By processing,

we also mean analyzing, modifying or making appropriate

decisions. The third stage involves delivery of an outcome,

a product or a service. And each worker’s ability and

approach to delivery has a lot to do with how well they

perform on the job.

Along the way, of course, there are problems unique to

each job and each company. After all, part of a person’s

ability to perform well on the job is their ability to deal

with daily problems and solve the unique distractions,

delays and personality conflicts that make each job a


Performance-based selection assesses short-listed

applicants on how well they can perform the actual duties

of a job instead of just asking applicants if they have

relevant experience and how well they think they canperform the job. It also evaluates their ability to deal with

daily problems and disruptions on the job and ensures

they will perform well within a company’s corporate

culture. The end result is that the top performer gets the

 job while the best "self-promoter" is free to be hired by

your competition.

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Performance-based selection has many time and cost-

saving benefits and helps to prevent turnover. It is a

simple yet superior step-by-step process that will fill your

organization with top performers.

Benefits of performance-based selection

Performance-based selection, as the testimonials reveal,

has many time and cost-saving benefits and helps to

prevent turnover. It is a simple yet superior step-by-stepprocess that will fill your organization with top


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In free market countries, the personnel profession has

adopted a 'best practice' model, which fits the prevailingbusiness ideology. This model prescribes a quest for the

'right (best) person for the job'. To achieve this goal,

criteria are used to rate prospective applicants by means

of selection techniques, including biographical data,

interviews, psychometric tests, group exercises, simulated

work samples and even handwriting analysis.

 The most definitive form of selection is likely to take place

within the context of assessment centres, which involve

several assessors and a variety of selection techniques.

 The 'best-person' or psychometric model has achieved the

status of orthodoxy in free market countries. Elsewheredifferent models of resourcing apply.

For example, in Japan there is a greater concern with

personality and background than presumed ability.

Recruits are sought who will 'fit in' with the culture of the

corporation; who will be content to build a career within

the organization; who will absorb the goals of the


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Executive summary

Recruitment is creating a pool of candidates best suited

for an organization. There is more to it than just sourcing

out a list of rightly suited candidates to form a work force.

Recruitment Procedure is all about laying down the

approach and procedure on selection process to place the

right candidate for the right job.

It is also to ensure the consistency in the rate of success

as regards to the quality of candidates to fill manpower


 The report entails in it the effective ways of maximizingthe benefits of recruitment in an organization. This covers

aspects like time management, organization climate,

talent search etc.

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Chapter 3.

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Company Profile

Converting Careers : About Us

Converting Careers provides a range of HR solutions to its

Clients in the Human Resource outsourcing space, which

ranges form Recruitment, Training, & Screening.

Converting Careers provides this suite of services through

its experts who are qualified & focused in delivery. With

our in-depth knowledge of the industry we caters to, the

best practices, processes & tailored solution which helps

our client to get a better return on their investments.

At Converting Careers we prefer to work with our clients,not as a short-term solution to staffing needs, but rather

as an extension of the Management Team, recruiting the

talent necessary to meet long term needs.. Our

customized client centric HR solutions have helped the

client in delivering better results to its end customers.

We take pride in distinguishing ourselves through our

knowledge of the industry, our exceptional levels of 

service and the outstanding results we deliver

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Services We Offer

Our services include customized staffing solutions, which

are very specific to its client needs. Our approach is to

study the client requirement in detail and provide a

staffing solution, which is based on extensive research &

proven process delivery capabilities.

All candidates are screened according to your specific job

requirements and the prospective candidate's potential &

abilities. Reference checks are also done on all candidates

and can be made available on request. We furthermore

also do credit and background checks, should the position

require. We seek to provide excellence in all our dealingsboth with client and candidate; this will be self-evident as

we service your recruitment needs.

Permanent Staff Recruitment

Successful organizations need new blood in order tosurvive and grow. New blood brings not only expertise but

also fresh ideas. However the biggest cost to a company

in recruiting staff who will contribute to a project is TIME.

We have spent the past perfecting the art of recruitment

to reduce the time a busy manager has to spend in finding

quality staff.

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Vacancies are different and we offer:

Database Search

A quick and easy way to access a large pool of talent.

Many candidates prefer to apply through a recruitment

firm because they perceive the agency to be independent

of the client. They use it as a sounding board to express

their ambitions and concerns. Their concerns and reasonsfor applying together with what they are hoping to achieve

in a job change are carefully noted and this information

correctly used can be the difference between a career

move that is satisfactory to both the candidate and the

client or a complete waste of time.

Both our reputation and our continuous advertising ensure

that many technical and professional staff ask us for

assistance when they are seeking a career move. We

simply match your requirements with theirs.

We can also arrange for you to receive details of new

applicants as they register. The advantage to this

approach is that we work on a "No placement - No fee"

basis. You may interview as many of our applicants as you

like free of charge. There is no charge until the candidate

has started working for you.

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  This solution works well when recruiting mainstream

technical staff.

Requirement based Press Advertising

Where large numbers of staff are required, or where there

is a national shortage of a particular skill or background,

the database search may not be suitable and it will benecessary to advertise.

Unfortunately the cost of running an advertising campaign

is not simply the cost of the adverts themselves.

An enormous amount of time is spent sifting through the

applications in order to identify those candidates suitable

to interview and responding to those who are not.

Response has to be swift or the best applicants will have

received offers elsewhere. The most qualified applicants

will usually be working and will prefer to speak outside of 

office hours.

  To catch the best requires trained recruiters available

throughout the day, the evenings and weekends, who can

identify those who you will want to interview.

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As part of our service we will write the copy and arrange

the design of the advert at cost. It may carry your logo or

remain confidential.

Why Us

We've would like to become our client's preferred business

partner as a result of the following:

• Save the upfront cost of placing advertisementswhere

there are no guaranteed results.

• You can reach many, very talented professionals who

are not actively seeking a job. Many of the best

people are satisfied with their current positions.While they may not respond to an advertisement

they may pursue a position when approached directly

with the right opportunity.

• Save your time by not having to screen hundreds of 

unqualified resumes.

• We use technology to the advantage of our clients'

business and our own;

• We provide our client organizations with world class

service and high quality candidates;

• We qualify our candidates to ensure a 100% match to

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 job specifications;

• We meet and exceed our client's stated recruiting


• We believe in building of long-term business relations

with our clients; and

• We add value to your recruiting process in terms of 

quality, delivery, integrity and placement ratio's.

• We are focused and efficient in all our dealings,

thereby adding real value to the process.

Our Code Of Ethics

• We respect all confidential information given by our


• Accurate and true information about all our

candidates can be expected at all times

• We disclose any information, which we find out about

the candidate, which may affect their work.

• We respect all confidential information given by our


• Professional conduct with all candidates regardless of 

race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex,

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income level, physical handicap or marital status is



 To be the most dependable bridge between our clients

and their customers.


We at Converting Career will strive to:

Provide customer care by consistently exceeding

customer expectations through delivering superior, faster,

and cost effective solutions.

We will endeavor to achieve this in an environment where

each team member is caring, efficient and effective. 

Core Values

Values and Standards of Business Conduct:

  They subscribe to values and standards of business

conduct that they believe are critical to their success.

 They shall exercise these core values and standards on a

daily basis at their workplace.

“Can do” Attitude:

 They have a high regard for “can do” attitude.

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Customer Service:

Attaining customer delight by exceeding expectations on

all counts is the core mission of their organization. They

endeavor to understand the finer details and needs of the

client, and believe in delivering and executing “absolutely

positively, whatever it takes”.

Quality :

  They accept only total quality in all tasks that they

perform. They benchmark with the best in whatever they



  They are guided by the highest standards of business



 They are accountable to all their stakeholders – clients,

employees, shareholders and society.

 They add value to the communities where they work and


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 They are performance-driven and action-oriented.


  They aim to provide innovative end-to-end solutions to

their clients. They believe GROWTH is through


Team Spirit & Team Work:

 They promote a collaborative style of management that

brings out the involvement of every employee. They work



 They are an equal-opportunity company and they value

the diverse backgrounds of their people.


All levels should strive to command and earn it.

Learning Ability:

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Learning is an ongoing process. Everyone is provided with

an opportunity to learn at all times.


Our services include customized staffing solutions, which

are very specific to its client needs. Our approach is to

study the client requirement in detail and provide a

staffing solution, which is based on extensive research &

proven process delivery capabilities.

All candidates are screened according to your specific job

requirements and the prospective candidate's potential &

abilities. Reference checks are also done on all candidates

and can be made available on request. We furthermore

also do credit and background checks, should the position


We seek to provide excellence in all our dealings both with

client and candidate; this will be self-evident as we service

your recruitment needs.

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Recruitment And Selection Policy Of The Company

Policy of recruitment and selection of personnel shall be

based on the criteria of knowledge, skills, and aptitudes,

so as to secure

“SUPER ARCHIVERS” and nurture then to excel in their

performance. The company believes in teamwork.

I. Purpose Of Recruitment

Converting Careers provides the various BPOs in Pune the

potential employees according to the need of a particular


Recruitment for replacement is one of the most important

reasons for recruitment. When some employees are

promoted or if on some grounds the company has asked

some of the employees to quit, or if some employees have

voluntarily resigns then Converting Careers recruits

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employees to replace those who have left the organization

on the basis of the above reasons.

II. Sources Of Recruitment Of The Company

Converting Careers looks for well-educated and skilled

people so that they have a perfect knowledge of the

activities that are to be carried out. Since the work in a

BPO involves handling of data and working on computers,

the staffs that are recruited should possess the basic skilland knowledge of computers.

  The Sourcing team works to source suitable candidate

keeping in mind employee specification as per process

SLA’s and cost factor.

 Thus the sources from which Converting Careers recruits

its employees or staffs are: -


1. Internal:

i. Data Bank :

 The names, addresses, qualification, work experience,

contact number & other details are maintained in the

Data Bank, so that it provides a ready reference for

future hiring.

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2. External

i. Job Portals :

Career job sites such as,

Provides a wide range of candidates for recruitment of 

candidates of various specializations.

iii. Campus: 

 Tie-ups with various educational Institutions, Colleges

etc help us to recruit candidates for different BPOs and

different processes such as Voice [Domestic and

International] as well as Data [Domestic and


iv. Advertisements: 

Advertisements in national and local newspapers such

as The Times of India, The Indian Express, etc also

provides us with huge numbers of candidates.

External source forms a very important source for

recruiting candidate for Converting Careers.

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Profiling of Positions


Advertisement, Walk-in, JobPortals (50%)


Check for

Man PowerRequest to HR.Annexure-I(RRF)





HR Screening


Aptitude Test



H. R. FinalInterviewround 

Offer letter


Check for

Check for

Check for

Check for

Source % (appx.)

Advertisement 50EmployeeReference 20

Campus 30

Screening of resumesto check eligibility of 

candidates for theposition specified

 Thought Process,Grammar, framingsentences, Energylevel, Body language


, Logic, Typing

Confidence, Salesability & listeningskills, Telephoneetiquette, Accent.

Stability check &compensationfinalization

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II. Entry Level For Recruitment

 This depends on the needs of a particular department. The

HRD Manager, the Manager of the particular Team, the

Senior Executive (HR) of the company on a whole decides

the entry level for recruitment.

Basic profile of the Candidate

 Trainee Executives / Executives: -

• Graduate in any discipline [12+03 years of formal


• Age: 21- 25 Years.

• Experience of 0-3 years in customer service / data


• Good communication skills.

• Good Keyboard Skills.

• Basic Computer literacy (MS – Office).

• Willingness to work in Shifts.

• Willingness to relocate.


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 The Process is as follows:-

1 The concerned BPO/organization identifies the

total number of vacancies.

2 The HR Department intimates this to the HR Head

at the Converting Careers.

3 The HR Executive examines the various sources of 

the Manpower i.e. internal sources (Data Bank)

and External sources (advertisement, Job Portals &

campus interview).

4 The candidates are invited for the interview at the

office of the Converting Careers.

5 There is a preliminary screening of the applicants,

which is done by the HR Executives of the

Converting Careers.

6 Some are rejected and the ones suitable for the

  job are shortlisted for the next round, which is

conducted by the HR Executives of the concernedBPO/organization, which requires employees.

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14 The HR Executives of Converting Careers

dispatches the list of all the candidates which are

being hired by the concerned BPO/organization in

order to collect the recruitment fees from the

concerned BPO/organization for whom the

Converting Careers have recruited the candidates.

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IV. Selection Process

All candidates will go through a comprehensive selectionprocess consisting of a combination of psychometric tests,

aptitude test, subject matter tests, HR and Operations


 The selection process can be broadly described as below:

  The Sourcing team member interviews candidates to

assess their suitability and Converting Careers fitment.

Candidates are determined on their behavioral pattern

and suitability for the job.

In some cases, the client may specify that candidates

showing a particular behavior pattern may only be

selected for the next round in the selection process.

In addition, candidates are required to appear for the

respective subject matter tests such as English / Aptitude

tests for data processes and Voice & Accent test for voice


A thorough HR interview checks for the fitment of the

candidate for the process, which the candidate is being


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Operations interview to check the suitability of the

candidate with regard to skills and knowledge for the

particular process. In some cases, there may be an

interview with the client, if so specified by the client as per

of the selection process.

Reference Check 

For all new recruits the Sourcing Team will conduct

reference checks either in writing or telephonically and

register the contents in the personal file of the respective

employee. The objective of the reference check is to

authenticate the honesty & integrity of the applicant and

information provided in the Resume.

Factors considered by the Company while interviewing the

candidate: -




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Converting Careers’ Culture:


Converting Careers believes in a boundary less environment

where information, knowledge and sharing of experience

happen as natural process. Converting Careers encourages

free exchange of views, opinions, information, feelings etc.,

across the hierarchy without any limitations of person orposition.

Converting Careers fosters challenging, result-oriented and

professional environment with stress on teamwork and

innovation at all levels.

 The HRM Guiding Principle: -

“Converting Careers regards Employee Development as an

important tool for developing the skills and capabilities of its

employees. Although the company will support and provide

tools, the primary responsibility for development and job

satisfaction will lie with the individual employee.”

HRM initiatives: -


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 The HRM initiatives aims at building a vibrant and youthful

organization where employees enjoy work and are motivated

to produce high levels of efficiency learn and excel.

• Employee Birthday Celebrations

•  Training Programs

• Open House – Opportunity for expression



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Employment planning is an integral part of a firm’s strategy

and H.R planning processes. Each option produces its own

set of H.R plans. Current employees may require training,

development and coaching before they’re ready to fill new

  jobs. Going outside requires deciding what recruitment

sources to use, among other things.

Like all good plans, management builds employment plans

on premises – basic assumptions about the future.

Forecasting generates these premises.

If you’re planning for employment requirements, you’ll

usually need to forecast three things: -

1. Personnel needs

2. The supply of inside candidates

3. The supply of outside candidates.

 This basically suggests that recruitment is all about creating

an efficient pool of candidates and probably that’s how

recruitment has always been defined but we should also

realize that recruitment is the deciding point of the

company’s future progress and success.


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Recruitment decisions can turn out to be worst decisions of a

company or it can make the company soar heights.

 The purpose of the study of “Effective Recruitment” tries to

entail in it the basic and in fact the most important level of 

understanding that should be present in all H.R managers

when they practice the “Recruitment” function.

 The term Human Resources is variously defined in political

economy and economics, where it was traditionally called

labour, one of three factors of production. Its use within

Corporations continues to define common conceptions of the


Modern analysis emphasizes that human beings are not

predictable commodity "resources" with definitions totally

controlled by contract, but are creative and social beings

that make contributions beyond "labour" to a society and to

a civilization. The broad term “Human Capital” has evolved

to contain the complexity of this term, and inMacroeconomics the term "firm-specific human capital" has

evolved to represent the original meaning of term "human



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In all businesses, people are a vital resource - and they need

to be managed as such. The overall aim of the recruitment

and selection process is to obtain the number and quality of 

employees that are required in order for the business to

achieve its objectives.

Time Management – Major Key In Effective


Any business is very demanding nowadays. The HR

Departments at the BPOs are recruiting people daily because

of the high attrition level. Their job is never done and the

quality of the candidates can always be improved upon.

Since time is so valuable to Recruiters of the BPOs,

managing that time can make or break the success of the


With the shortage in the job market today, HR Department

at the BPOs sometimes has no assistants to perform

supporting chores. Still, there is no limit to the time-

consuming tasks that must be done to keep the business

running on a day-to-day basis. Along with that, the HR

Department must constantly stay one step ahead of their

rival companies. Time efficiency is the key if you want to hire

good quality candidates.


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 Just think about all there is to do … buying, writing orders,

stocking new inventory, inventory control, managing,

customer service, training, bookkeeping, housekeeping,

mark downs, opening and closing, etc. How can we do it all?

Okay, you can stop holding your breath now. With a strong

focus on good time management you will begin to prioritize

and become more relaxed with that long list of job


 Time is a non-renewable resource. Learn to manage it or it

will manage you.

Managed your precious time is essential to making the most

of each day.

Keys to Better Time Management Include:

1. Have a Plan.

2. Prioritize your work.

3. Take action.

4. Organize your work and complete it.

Stick to your plan and complete the top priority projects.

Don’t try to squeeze in more projects. This will just frustrate


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and overwhelm you, making you less effective in the long


One must be surprised to see that you are spending too

much time on ineffective efforts. By realizing this, you will

learn how to plan to work in a more productive way.



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  The very meaning of the word research is “search for

knowledge” Research is a scientific and systematic

investigation. It is a search for information on specific topics.

 This helps in study, observation and comparison of data.

According to Clover and Balsley, “Research is defined as the

process of systematically obtaining accurate answers to

significant and pertinent question by the use of scientific

method gathering and interpreting information.”

I too gathered data pertaining to recruitment & selection in

Converting Careers has conducted a similar Research

Methodology. The data collected for this project is collected

from reliable sources of the H.R Department.

 The objective of this study is to:

• Collect data for various peak months for recruiting.

•   To study the comparison of short list, rejects & not


•  To study the various sources of recruitments & analyze

their success ratio.

•  To study the number of accurate application for the



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 The methodology used to complete this project was on the

basis of Research Analysis and Practical Exposure in the

organization. This is because the understanding of effective

recruitments needs a base of theoretical knowledge and its

relevancy in organizations.

Finding the Right Candidate for the Right Job has been my

main task for the two months at Converting Careers

•  This data was collected from reports available with the


•   This information was also collected from various H.R

Executives involved in the recruitment process.

•  The data is also collected from the Data Bank, which is

available with the HR Executives. Available with the

Director of the Converting Careers.



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Q.1 Is Proper & Systematic Recruitment Policy

followed by the organization.

Opinion %

Agree 72

Disagree 28

No Opinion 0

 Total 100






No Opinion

Q. 2. Sources of Recruitment:

Sources %

Internal Manpower 18


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Campus Interview 16




Any Other 12 Total 100

Sources of Recruitment.




Internal Referrals

Campus Interview



Q.3. Final Authority for Recruitment and Selection:

Postition %

Manager 55

Executive 35

Supervisor 20


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 Total 100

Final Authority for Recruitment and Selection







A) For Selection of Executives: -

Criteria Contribution to Recruitment

& Selection of Executives


Work Experience 15%

Educational Qualification 20%

Communication Ability 40%


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Overall Personality 25%

 Total 100%

Criterias of Recruitment & Selection of Executives.




25%Work Experience

Educational Qualification

Communication Ability

Overall Personality


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B) For Selection of Supervisors: -

Criteria Contribution to

Recruitment & Selection

of Supervisors [%].

Work Experience 08%

Educational Qualification 08%

 Job Profile 06%

Overall Personality 02%

Criteria of Recruitment & Selection of 





20%Work Experience

Educational Qualification

Job Profile

Overall Personality

Q.4. Is the selection procedure made clear or made

understood to all the candidates.


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Opinion %

Agree 82

Disagree 13

Not Sure 05

 Total 100


Selection Procedure.

 5  %

1  3  %

 8 2  %

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%



Not Sure

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Q.5. Number of candidate selected (hired) during the

months of June 2006 and July 2006?

Number of candidate selected

Name of Dept. June 2006 July 2006



48 54



32 31

Domestic [Voice] 40 52

IT Software 14 10

 Total 134 147

Distribution Of Candidates selected in the months of 

June 06 & July 06.









0 10 20 30 40 50 60

International [Voice]

International [Data]

Domestic [Voice]

IT Software

No of candidates.

July 2006

June 2006


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Q.6 Systematic Recruitment & Selection process

helps the Organization

Opinion %

 Yes 78

No 13

Can’t say 09

 Total 100















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 The process as mentioned is quite modern & systematic in

approach. But however efficient the process there is always

room for more improvement.

 The candidates mostly come through advertisements such

as newspapers,, thus, the organization should

focus more on own sources, such as their own site wherecandidates can apply directly.

 The other areas are:

  The application form should be standardized, making it

easier for the members of the selection team to ensure that

relevant data is captured & documented not just for

selection but all through out the career of the individual in

that organization.

Resumes should be compulsorily uploaded on the companysite, in a given format, which needs to be designed by the

organization. This would surely save time of the executive &

would speed the process.


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A system should be designed on the company site, which

acknowledges/ sends an auto reply as the receipt of resume.

  This process of screening is done manually according to

specific instructions given in the job description. This is a

long process to screen the resume & then segregate or short

listed, rejected or hold. This is tedious task.

Once the resume is uploaded on company site, there should

be a facility to screen resumes online & provide a feedback

immediately selecting options, short-listed, rejected or hold.

 This enables the employee to select only relevant data as

per requirement.

Resumes/CVs received as part of the selection process may

be captured, segregated & stored for at least a period of 06

months to avoid time/cost duplication on near future


 The process if fully computerized fully can be faster. Data

should be stored only for a particular period of time. It

should not be kept for more than a stipulated time of 6-8months.


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 The question paper & answers should be objective & not

subjective which probably would have multiple answers.

Only the right answer is corrected. The question paper

should be set by a group of managers or outsourced to

another organization that specializes in these areas.

Incase candidates are telephonically interviewed; it should

be more of video conference call where the candidate is

seen while the course of interview. This ensures that the

panel is talking to the right candidate & all his actions are


With growing competition, it is important to hasten the

recruitment & selection process. It should be effective &

short so that the head count is met faster. It also ensures

that the candidate joins the organization in the given time.

He also looks forward to be a part of a fast moving group.

 They should create their own jobs portals & advertise on the

same. This could be a permanent way of getting resumes.

  Job advertisements could be posted regularly. This would

ensure a steady flow of resumes directly to the organization.

 This saves cost, the continuous follow-up for renewal of the

contract etc.


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  The selection process should be systematic so as to

selecting the right candidate. This ensures lesser attrition

rate & stability of the employee in the organization. Over &

above all care should be taken of the employees so as to

retain them for a longer time.

 The greatest challenge faced by the organizations especially

IT & BPOs are to find people who can cope with the speed of 

change. I come across the organizations that are in need of 

committed people but do not realize that one has to adopt a

very intense hiring process to achieve that. While most IT

organizations go in for quick hiring at the beginning of a

project, the secret of engendering commitment lies in

enhancing the effectiveness of the recruitment process.

 The most important factors that go into effective hiring are:

Spend time in hiring

Insist that line managers get very deeply involved &

commit time in recruitment.

Don’t shy away from finding out very minor details

about the candidate, his job, family, etc.


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Setting up selection parameters around a companies stated

values is the first step towards putting a good hiring policy in

place. Ignoring this aspect would certainly prove detrimental

in getting good candidates. Value mismatch is the most

common reason for the failure of most senior hires.

Hence fixing the care values is the best policy. This is not a

quick- fix task though it takes time to get a clear measure of 

ones value & belief systems.

 These suggestions and recommendations are conclusions of 

the theoretical knowledge and the practical exposure

received in the organization.


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Questionnaire A :

1. What are the steps followed in the Recruitment





2. What are the steps involved in recruiting people

for unskilled or semi-skilled jobs?




3. What are the steps involved in recruiting for

managerial recruitment?


 ___________________________________________________________  ___________________________________________________________ 

4. What are the main objectives while recruiting

fresh candidates?


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5. What are the objectives while recruiting under-





6. To what extent are the following recruitmentsources utilized in your organization.

a. Data Bank.


b. Advertisement.


c. Job Portals.


d. Campus.


7. Whether managers are involved in manpower

planning & recruitment? Who are the interviewers?



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8. What are the criteria to select the candidates?

What are the methods of selection?




9. What are the steps the candidates has to undergoin selection process?




10. Are scientific techniques used for finding out the

capabilities & attitudes of the candidates?




11. How are the final decisions initiated? Which are


actual causes of recruitment that are restricted to a

budget cost?



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12. Is the manpower planning identified well in





13. What are the steps involved in manpower planning





14. Do you have specific planning process?




15. How are financial packages negotiated? Who






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16. Are the line managers participating in the staff 

Selection trained for interviewing techniques?




17. What are the steps in selection which the candidates

has to undergo?__________________________________________________________ 



18. Are scientific techniques used to identify the


& attitudes of the candidates? Are these techniques

useful to identify the “right person for the right 





19. What are the sources of recruitment used by your




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Questionnaire B :

1. How do you come to know about the vacancy?




2. What are the steps of recruitment followed by





3. How much time was required for every procedure?





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4. Whether the time consumed is too lengthy or





5. Which procedure according to you is crucial &



 __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 

6. In how many days have you received the reply

from the company?




7. What was the medium of reply from the company?

a. Written b. Telephonic

8. When did you get the appointment letter?





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9. How was your overall experience with the

recruitment & selection procedure?




10. Do you think that you are the right person for the



__________________________________________________________  __________________________________________________________ 


11. Do you think that Converting Careers recruit the “right 

 person for the right job?”





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Review of Literature

Books: -

1) Personnel Management

- C. B. Momoria

2) Personnel Management And Industrial Relations

- B.P. Singh

3) Principles And Practices of Management

- T.N. Chhabra


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Websites: -

