Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce

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  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Written by Marcel Als Borngräber-Berthelsen |






  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

     !itle age

    MSc INTERNATONAL BUSINESS ECONOMICS10th semester, Aalborg Uniersit!

    "rame#or$ o% the &ro'ect(

    MSc Thesis

    Time %rame#or$ o% the &ro'ect(12 March 2008 – August 2008

    )ro'ect Title(

    Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y – A New Workforce

    *or+ cont( 8!"#$

    Thesis A+isor(

    %an &ristensen


     '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Marce( A(s )orngr*+er,)erthe(sen! -&


  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    Table of Contents./ecutie Suar 3

    1 4ntroduction and 5ro+(e Stateent 6

    171 Wh nderstand Generation Y977777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777776

    17171 The Search for Ta(ent77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777776

    17172 Graduate Recruiting777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777711

    1717 :ounication and its 4;ortance777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777712

    172 5ro+(e Stateent7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777712

    17271 4ssues to +e Addressed fro the 5ro+(e Stateent777777777777777777777777777777777777777771

    17272 ./;ected Needs777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771$

    17 Thesis 5araeters and Structure77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771#


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    7 Generation >7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"

    771 Who Generation > 4s777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777773

    772 The :haracteristics of Generation >7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777776

    7$ Generation Y77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777$1

    7# Who Generation Y 4s7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777$2

    7" The :haracteristics of Generation Y7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777$#

    7"71 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"1

    7871 Geert @ofstede=s Ca(ue -iensions7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"1

    7872 Re(ating Generation Y to @ofstede77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"

    787 McGregor=s or Y77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777""

    787$ A;;(ing McGregor to Generations > and Y7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"3

    787# Sii(arities +etween Generations > and Y77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"3

    787" -ifferences of Generations > and Y777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"8

    7873 Mu(ti Generationa( Snerg7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"6

    76 :ha;ter :onc(usion77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777732

    $ Generation YD .ntering the Workforce 0/

    $71 Awareness of Generation Y1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111102

    $72 Attracting Generation Y111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 03

    $7 Recruiting Generation Y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111103

    $7$ Retaining Generation Y111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111145

    $7$71 A+raha Mas(ow=s Motiationa( 5raid111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111145$7$72 A;;(ing Mas(ow to Generation Y111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114.


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    $7$7 Training111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114/

    $7$7$ :o;an Guidance1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111142

    $7$7# )enefits and :o;ensation111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111422

    $7$7" Co(unteer Work 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111146

    $7$73 :o+ining .(eents111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111140

    $7$78 Managing Generation Y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111144

    $7$76 Work A;;roach111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111444

    $7# :reating the Mode( for Generation Y111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111447

    $7#71 Ste; 1D Attracting111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 447

    $7#72 Ste; 2D Recruiting1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111175

    $7#7 Ste; D Retaining11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111178

    $7#7$ :o+ining the .(eents111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117.

    $7" :ha;ter :onc(usion11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111173

    # Reiewing the Thesis 76

    #71 .a(uating the Mode(1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111766

    #72 Re(ating Resu(ts to 5ro+(e Stateent1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111700

    #7 :onc(usion1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 74

    " )i+(iogra;h 8588

    3 A;;endi/D -escri;tion of Ceterans and )a+ )ooers 8522

    371 Ceterans11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118522

    37171 Who the Ceterans Are111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118522

    37172 :haracteristics of Ceterans111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118566

    372 )a+ )ooers111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118500

    37271 Who the )a+ )ooers Are1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118500

    37272 :haracteristics of )a+ )ooers111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111185757



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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    igure 2,1 @ow the Three Methodo(ogica( A;;roaches Re(ate to .ach Bther7777777777777777777777777777777777772#

    igure 2,2 :c(ica( Nature of the &now(edge :reating Methods7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777723

    igure 2, )(ooEs Ta/ono77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771

    igure ,1 Generations 5resent( in the Workforce77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777#

    igure ,2 -efining .ents for Generation >777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777778

    igure , &e .ents ./;erienced + Generation Y7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777$

    igure ,$ Generationa( 5(aceent for 5ower -istance7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"

    igure ,# Generationa( 5(aceent for ncertaint Aoidance77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"$

    igure ," Generationa( 5(aceent for 4ndiidua(is7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"$

    igure ,3 Generationa( 5(aceent for Mascu(init7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"#

    igure ,8 4nter Generationa( Snerg77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777731

    igure $,1 :reating a ode( for Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y777777777777777777777777777777777777777777773

    igure $,2 Mas(owEs Motiationa( 5raid7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777781

    igure $, Retaining Generation Y7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777833

    igure $,$ Working with Generation Y777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777776

    igure $,# Brganisationa( B;tiisation 5rocess towards Generation Y77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777776$igure 3,1 -efining .ents ./c(usie to Ceterans77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777710##

    igure 3,2 -efining .ents for the )a+ )ooers77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777710606

    TablesTa+(e 1,1 Thesis Structure777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777720

    Ta+(e ,1 Age -istri+ution of ina( Year & niersit Students777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777#

    Ta+(e ,2 ina(istEs ./;eriences -uring niersit77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777#$

    Ta+(e , 5ersona( Ski((s F Attri+utes that ina(ists -ee(o;ed during niersit77777777777777777777777777777##

    Ta+(e ,$ Graduate Cacancies at AGR .;(oers in 2008777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777#8Ta+(e $,1 ina(ists who used Graduate Recruitent We+sites during their o+ search77777777777777777777777733

    Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y – A New Workforce


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    Marce( A(s )orngr*+er,)erthe(sen

    August 2008

    Executive Summary

    This Thesis ;resents a h;othesis stating that Generation Y wi(( change the workforce

    de;(oed in co;anies! cha((enging a;;(ied (eadershi;s st(es! anageent and the a;;roach

    to @uan Resource Manageent fro +oth! the e;(oee as we(( as the e;(oerHs

     ;ers;ectie7 )ased on ana(sis and co;arison to current( aai(a+(e data this h;othesis wi((

     +e either su+stantiated or refuted7

    An understanding of who and what Generation Y is! and how co;anies +est can engage

    the to eet the reIuireents of +oth the co;an and the e;(oee! is dee(o;ed7 )

    dee(o;ing and a;;(ing a ode(! created and +ased on a critica( and ana(tica( ea(uation of 

    characteristics of Generation Y and we(( known theories! this understanding is su;;orted7

    Whi(e the outgoing generation of )a+ )ooers and the workforce of Generation > hae

    sha;ed the working enironent of toda! the eerging Generation Y wi(( contri+ute to

    sha;ing the workforce oer ears to coe7 -ue to its siJe! co;ared to the sa((er 

    Generation > and the gradua( retireent of )a+ )ooers! Generation Y has the ;otentia( of 

    haing a (arge inf(uence on the working enironent7

    The Thesis ;roides an understanding of who Generations > and Y are and what

    characterises these generations7 )ased on a historica( ;ers;ectie! the ke eents occurring in

    their (ifetie! sha;ing their iew of the wor(d! are ana(sed7 .ight characteristics of Yers are

    (ooked at in detai( inc(uding iews on Work,

  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    the three naed critica( e(eentsD attraction! recruitent and retention of the Generation Y!

    ana(sed + using the theories + @ofstede! Mas(ow and McGregor! as sssues co;anies

    need to +e aware of7 Additiona((! co;anies need to understand how the characteristics of 

    Generation Y inf(uence these critica( e(eents +efore e;(oers can introduce changes to

    their ;resent ;ractices7

    To su;;ort the understanding of not on( these characteristics +ut a(so deands eerging

    thereof and the i;(ications to a co;an! a high (ee( ode( was dee(o;ed to he(; guide

    co;anies when dea(ing with Generation Y7 This ode( is ade u; of three sections!

    Attracting Yers! Recruiting Yers and Retaining Yers! with each section detai(ing ;articu(ar 

    characteristics co;anies need to +e aware of7

    1 Intro+ction an+ )roblem Statement

    This Thesis wi(( +e (ooking at Generation Y and the under(ing understanding of what

    otiates this generation and how this re(ates to the working enironent7 nderstanding the


  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    grou; of ;eo;(e who are ;resent( and in coing ears wi(( +e oining the workforce is

    i;ortant! to understand what their needs and deands are and thus efficient( integrate the

    into the current workforce7 The oera(( ai of this Thesis is to generate an understanding and

    eans for anagers to work with ;eo;(e fro Generation Y! which is su;;orted + e/isting

    understanding and e;irica( research7

    1.1 *h! Un+erstan+ -eneration ./

    Generation Y re;resents the ;eo;(e ;resent( oining the workforce and those oining oer the

    coing decade7 4n the S! de;ending on the dates used! Generation Y is set to ake u;

    a(ost one third of the entire ;o;u(ation KLeke! Raines and i(icJak 1267 ) this their 

    inf(uence in the work;(ace is a(so (ike( to +e corres;onding7 urtherore! co;anies are

     ;resent( des;erate( tring to find ta(ent! a(so known as the War for Ta(ent7 5artia(( this is

    due to continue organic growth of co;anies! +ut it is a(so to re;(ace the ;art of the

    workforce that is in the retiring ;rocess7 nderstanding how to work with Yers at this ear(

    stage is an o;;ortunit to ake the transition soother and easier for a(( ino(ed ;re;aring

    for when the ain ;art of the generation oins in a few ears7 4t is a chance to deterine what

    does and does not work and understand wh7

    111 The Search %or Talent

    :o;anies are finding it increasing( difficu(t to find! hire and retain ta(ent7 The ai of 

    co;anies is ;redoinant( to grow ;rofits and in this ;rocess the right workforce! in

    nu+er and with the necessar co;etencies and ski((s! is reIuired7 At the sae tie

    retireent takes ;(ace reIuiring e;(oees to +e re;(aced in the workforce7 When the )a+

    )ooers oined the were the (argest grou; in the then e/isting workforce7 Toda! the are

     +eginning to reach retireent age whi(e sti(( +eing one of the (argest workforce segents!

    (eaing a acuu that ust +e fi((ed7 Minorities! such as fea(e e;(oees! no (onger e/ist to

    the sae degree as #0 ears ago7 Ber the ;ast centur the workforce has e/;anded to

    inc(ude fea(e ;rofessiona(s! ethnic and re(igious inorities7 )eing actie( engaged in the

    workforce the no (onger re;resent a ;otentia( new source of (a+our7 :onseIuent(! the on(

    grou; tru( a+(e to eet an new (a+our needs is Generation Y7

    The search for ta(ent is a;;arent in toda=s (a+our arket ino(ing not on( the edia at a

    high (ee(! +ut a(so using other a;;roaches! inc(uding engaging with uniersities! ho(ding

    recruitent fairs or using other eans of gaining attention a(( +eing at the e/;ense of the



  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    The inancia( Ties ;u+(ished a S;ecia( Re;ort on OWorking in the Bi( and Gas 4ndustrP

    which inc(uded seera( artic(es re(ating not on( to the (a+our force in genera( +ut s;ecifica((

    high(ighting the need to recruit uniersit students Kn7a7! Working in the Bi( and Gas

    4ndustr7 Bne e/a;(e raised in these artic(es was the need for engineers7 According to a

    re;ort + :a+ridge .nerg Research Associates OQthere are not enough engineers to eet

    the deands of current ;roects! and a shortfa(( of +etween 10 and 1# ;er cent is (ike( +

    2010P KMcNu(t7 This eans there wi(( +e a high deand for those who Iua(if as engineers

    oer the ne/t few ears and for engineering co;anies it wi(( +ecoe critica( to understand

    how to attract and retain the7

    4t is not on( engineers that are! or soon wi(( +e! in high deand7 A )ooJ A((en @ai(ton

    re;ort OQfound that #0 ;er cent of ;rofessiona( e/;(oration and ;roduction staff were aged

     +etween $0,#0! and ust 1# ;er cent were aged +etween their ear( 20s to id,0sP K:rooks

    87 This deonstrates how the )a+ )ooers re;resent a (arge ;ro;ortion of the (a+our 

    segent that wi(( soon +e retiring7 The (ate >ers and ear( Yers re;resent a sa(( segent

    co;ared to the )a+ )ooers and wi(( at ;resent not +e a+(e to re;(ace the )a+ )ooers

    when the retire7 This! once ore! e;hasises how critica( it is for co;anies to understand

    how to attract toda=s e;(oees and retaining the7 4n the case of Generation Y! the ost

    used ethodo(og + e;(oers is through recruitent fairs or direct( fro uniersit7

    niersities on the other hand! not on( offer careers fairs! +ut hae co;anies coe to gie

     ;resentations a+out what the do and the o;;ortunities the offer7 :o;anies a(so coe to

    uniersities to host +usiness gaes to gie an idea of what working with the cou(d +e (ike

    the s;onsor facu(t chairs! offer internshi;s which! if successfu(! (ead to o+ offers7

    A(( this is done to gain an adantage oer co;etitors in the search for ta(ent7 As Yers are

    on( ust oining the workforce an are interested in hearing a+out such co;an offerings

    whi(e sti(( at uniersit or oining 4nternshi; 5rograes7 As the graduate Yers a(so show a

    keen interest in oining Graduate 5rogras! where no ;rior e/;erience is reIuired! as their 

    first footho(d in a co;an7

    11 -ra+ate Recriting

    4n 2003 She(( recruited as an as 1!000 graduates around the wor(d KShe((7 -anfoss has a

     ;rogra with Aa(+org niersit taking in ,$ students fro the MSc 4nternationa( )usiness

    .conoics degree eer ear for a ;eriod of ",12 onths as interns7 These are a(( studentswho are studing or hae recent( graduated fro a )ache(ors or Masters -egree7 -anfoss


  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    and She(( are ust e/a;(es of how an aor co;anies hae graduate schees or 

    coo;erate with uniersities to attract ta(ent at an ear( stage7

    These students are not reIuired to hae an ;rior working e/;erience! ere( that the ;osses

    the grades! co;etencies and ski((s sets reIuired + a co;an7 The graduates or interns are

    not taken fro a s;ecific fie(d of stud or on( offered ;articu(ar t;es of o+s7 4t is not on(

    for Accounting that OQrecruiting and retaining these indiidua(s reains a high(

    co;etitie ;rocessP +ut for ost industries and fie(ds at ;resent KYeaton "87 B;tions

    aai(a+(e ar +etween co;anies +ut graduates toda are a+(e to find entr (ee( o;tions in

    arious fie(ds with a gien co;an! +e it in @uan Resources! Accounting or inance

    within the co;an or Sa(es F Marketing! .ngineering or :onsu(ting with the co;an=s


    The a+oe deonstrates two i;ortant ;oints7 irst(! a er (arge nu+er of graduates are

    recruited eer ear straight out of uniersit for the ;articu(ar co;etencies and ski((s the

     ;ossess and are a+(e to contri+ute7 This re;resents a er (arge inestent + a co;an into

    attracting candidates the wi(( hae to train and dee(o; to +e a+(e to e/ecute a s;ecific o+

    and the functions it enco;asses7 Second(! graduates hae an o;tions aai(a+(e7 or 

    e/a;(e! if a graduate has studied engineering! the are not restricted to on( engineering

    firs +ut consu(tancies and inestent +anks are a(so interested in the7 :onseIuent(!

    co;anies co;ete against each other not on( in the sae industr +ut a(so with other 

    industries for the sae candidates7

    Therefore! it is essentia( to +e a+(e to understand how to attract graduates at an ear( stage7 4n

    the ;ast it was sufficient to attract graduates! toda this is no (onger true7 ;on oining a

    co;an! graduates a no (onger sta for ore than a few ears +efore oing to another 

    co;an7 The c(assica( e;(oent tie cc(e has changed oer the ;ast #0 ears with (ess

     ;eranent e;(oent offered and fi/ed,ter contracts +eing ost( used toda7

    112 Commnication an+ its Im&ortance

    This is another i;ortant e(eent to +e considered with Generation Y! their a;;roach to and

    understanding of work7 When a;;roaching 2#,0 ear o(ds of one co;an! Graett and

    Throckorton got the fo((owing res;onse O@e ust gies us the rah,rah cheer(eader +it7 %ust

    te(( us our goa(s and get out of our wa7 4= in this for e! not the so,ca((ed teaP K127 4s

    this rea(( the oera(( a;;roach of the ;eo;(e ;resent( oining the workforce9 :onerse(! theManager had the fo((owing re;( for Graett and ThrockortonD OThe kids hae no sense of 


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    tradition or res;ect7 The hae no work ethicP K127 4s this true or is it rather a Iuestion of 

    iscounication! is;erce;tion and isunderstanding9 A(so to +e ree+ered is the fact

    that soeties an e;(oee +ecoes the anager of soeone o(d enough to +e their ;arent

    or een grand;arent7 :ounication and understanding there+ +ecoe ke e(eents to

    successfu(( getting a o+ done! +ased on understanding the differences +etween generations7

    This wi(( +e addressed + not on( direct( co;aring Generation > to Y (ater in this cha;ter!

     +ut a(so ea(uating the generations according to @ofstede=s cu(tura( a(ues7

    Another factor to consider is that Oresearchers ;redict that in 200" two e/;erienced workers

    wi(( (eae the workforce for eer ine/;erienced worker who entersP KMartin and Tu(gan

    /i7 To iniise the i;act of the tacit e/;erience and know(edge that is (ost through

    retireent! a strong re(ationshi; and c(ear (ine of counication +etween those entering the

    workforce! those ;resent( working! and those (eaing the workforce is essentia(7

    This docuent ais to identif how +est to attract! recruit and retain e+ers of Generation

    Y! ;roiding suggestions to the ;ro+(es high(ighted a+oe7 4t a(so intends to understand how

    to i;roe interaction +etween generations to thus ;roide greater efficienc in

    counication and in o+ ;erforance +etween organisationa( (ee(s and +etween

    generationa( shifts7

    1 )roblem Statement

    The ai of this Thesis is to create an a;;roach which wi(( guide co;anies when dea(ing

    with Generation Y7 The first ste; is to identif who and what characterises Generation Y!

    (aing a foundation toD

    “Determining the requirements of Generation Y when entering the workforce and their 

    influence upon the current approach of employers towards attracting, recruiting and 

    retaining these employees.” 

    The ;ur;ose is to ensure a ;ositie interaction +etween Generation Y and their e;(oer7

    There are two ste;s ino(ed in the 5ro+(e Stateent7 The first is to understand who

    Generation Y is7 n(ess there is a c(ear understanding of their characteristics it wi(( +e

    difficu(t to co;are and contrast the with other generations in the workforce! es;ecia((

    Generation >! and how co;anies= a;;roach towards this generation wi(( differ7 The second

    is to identif how to a;;roach Yers! deterine what to offer the and how +est to interact

    with the7


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    11 Isses to be A++resse+ %rom the )roblem Statement

    Bnce a definition for Generation Y has +een dee(o;ed! the ne/t ste; is to identif the +est

    wa to attract! recruit and retain the7 This inc(udes answering Iuestions such asD

    • What is the +est wa to attract ke ta(ent9• What are the factors graduates (ook for in co;anies9

    • What actions can a co;an take to engage graduates9

    Attracting re;resents the first stage7 This ino(es understanding the edius graduates are

    ost (ike( to use to infor these(es a+out career o;;ortunities when the start (ooking for 


    This is fo((owed + Recruitent7 When the graduate has decided to a;;(! the co;an ust

    ensure the reiew ;rocess is as efficient as ;ossi+(e to iniise the risk of (osing ke ta(ent7

     Not on( is the candidate reiewed +ut the e;(oer is as we((! this +eing a two,wa


    Bnce a graduate has +een recruited! two issues eo(e7 The first is! haing identified the

    graduates recruited as ke ta(ent for a co;an how does the co;an conince the to sta

    for ore than the short ter9 -oes it ino(e attractie ;a ;ackages or is it a Iuestion of 

    creatie freedo or greater Work,

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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    techno(og and how to use it7 @oweer! the need to +e aware that soe of their co((eagues

    a not share the sae understanding or enthusias the do7 This wi(( a(so +e true in reerse

    in that co((eagues of Yers wi(( understand how an industr works whi(e Yers wi(( often +e new

    to a working enironent7 The wi(( need to (earn what it eans to o;erate in a certain

    industr and what +ehaiour is e/;ected7 47e7 one of the antici;ated needs of Generation Y=s

    wi(( +e to hae soeone to he(; guide the when the start work7

    @oweer! it wi(( not on( +e when this generation enters their working ro(e that the wi(( need

    guidance7 The wi(( need to (earn a+out work! +eing in a s;ecific co;an and an industr in

    genera(7 Yers wi(( a(so need feed+ack a+out their ;erforance at work so the know their 

     ;erforance eets the e/;ected standards and what the can i;roe u;on7 4t is therefore

    essentia( to understand that Yers wi(( not on( need he(; when starting work +ut a(so on a

    continuous +asis7

    Attention ust +e gien to Work,

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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    12 Thesis )arameters an+ Strctre

    )efore (ooking at the Thesis=s Methodo(og! its (iitations wi(( +e out(ined7 This he(;s

     ;roide the structure of what wi(( +e (ooked at and c(arif ters +efore considering how the

    to;ic wi(( +e a;;roached7 This section wi(( a(so identif wh certain things wi(( +e (ooked atin this docuent and e/;(ain wh others are not discussed! ;roiding a ;araeter for the

    Thesis7 This wi(( then +e enca;su(ated in the Thesis structure! out(ining the ain sections of 

    the docuent with their contents and interre(ations7

    121 Limitations

    The ai of the Thesis is to offer an o+ectie iew of Generation Y who the are and what

    the are (ooking for in work7 To achiee this! +ooks and ourna( artic(es wi(( +e used to create

    a foundationa( understanding7 The ne/t ste; is to erif the understanding o+tained + using

    statistics fro Iuestionnaires co;(eted + Generation Y and co;anies who hae graduate

    recruitent ;rogras7 At this ;oint traditiona( theories wi(( +e introduced to he(; understand

    Generation Y +ased on the ear(ier descri;tion7

    This Thesis wi(( not create a sure of its own +ut rather use inforation a(read aai(a+(e7

    Another as;ect of the docuent is to deterine how +est to work with Generation Y in the

    work;(ace! ;artia(( (inked to their ;riorities! +ut a(so the interaction +etween generations in

    the workforce7 This wi(( here +e (iited to (ooking at the interaction +etween Generation >

    and Y7

    1211 Statistical Limitations

    The reason for not creating a ;ur;ose +ui(t sure is +ased on tie restrictions and

    re;(ication7 4t wou(d +e ;ossi+(e to create a sure and work through the re;(ies7 @oweer!

    this is a er tie intensie ;rocess and wou(d reIuire a (arge ;art of this Thesis to dea( with

    the ;rocess of creating the sure! identifing what! how and who to ask7 4t wou(d a(so

    reIuire sections deoted to ana(sing the resu(ts! re;resenting the and e/;(aining their 

    eaning7 A(though a custoised Iuestionnaire wou(d he(; ;roide answers for er s;ecific

    Iuestions re(ated to the Thesis! ost of the inforation is a(read aai(a+(e fro other 

    sources7 A custoised Iuestionnaire wi(( therefore not +e created for this Thesis! instead

    using 2 Iuestionnaires conducted in the & in 2003,2008 conducted + High Fliers for the

    Ties and trendence Institute for the Association of Graduate Recruiters KAGR7


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    These sures addressed soe of the issues this Thesis addresses! such as identifing

    characteristics and trends of Generation Y! and wi(( a((ow the ;oints raised in the +ooks and

     ourna(s used in this Thesis to +e cross erified7 The AGR re;ort wi(( ;roide an

    understanding of what co;anies ;resent( face when recruiting graduates and soe of the

    cha((enges therein7 The @igh (iers re;ort wi(( contri+ute a iew of soe of the

    characteristics of ;resent graduates in the &7 These two re;orts thus ;roide a iew fro

     +oth the co;an=s ;ers;ectie as we(( as those of the graduates7 :onseIuent(! a(though no

    origina( statistica( data wi(( +e co((ected! the data ;resent( aai(a+(e fro inde;endent

    organisations ;roides the necessar inforation for the ;ur;ose of this docuent7

    121 Brea+th Limitations

    4n addition to the (iitations on statistica( data gathering! the Thesis wi(( narrow its focus

    regarding which generations and to;ics regarding Generation Y wi(( +e coered as out(ined


    1211 -enerational Limitations

    5resent( there are four generations re;resented in the workforce Ceterans K+orn +efore

    16$#! )a+ )ooers K+orn 16$#,16"2! Generation > K+orn 16",1680! and Generation Y

    K+orn 1681,16687 .ach generation has its own ;articu(ar characteristics which sha;ed andinf(uenced it with who(e +ooks aai(a+(e descri+ing each generation7 The focus of this Thesis

    is Generation Y7 :onseIuent( Generation Y wi(( +e (ooked at in uch greater detai( than an

    of the other generations7 4n addition! Generation Y wi(( +e co;ared to Generation >!

    co;aring sii(arities and differences7 To a((ow this! a shorter descri;tion of Generation >

    wi(( a(so +e ;roided in the +od of the Thesis7

    As an current anagers wi(( +e fro the Ceteran and )a+ )ooer generations a section

    descri+ing these two generations has a(so +een added7 @oweer! as these generations are not

    the focus of the docuent and no direct co;arisons wi(( +e ade! this inforation is

    contained in the A;;endi/7

    121 -eneration . Limitations

    The starting a;;roach for this Thesis has +een to (ook at the inforation a(read aai(a+(e on

    the su+ect7 Theories and data written on Generation Y ore than a few ears o(d wi(( hae

     +een written +efore the had een oined the workforce7 :onseIuent(! this understanding

    ust now +e reassessed to deterine whether it is sti(( accurate and re(eant7


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    A(though this erification is ;art of the Ana(tica( 5rocess! it is i;ortant to +e aware that the

    inforation a a(so +e outdated which akes this assessent necessar7 Another reason is

    that an of the artic(es written on Generation Y are not written + Generation Y and a

    thus + its er nature +e +iased7

    When discussing Generation Y! the to;ic does not on( refer to how this generation o;erates

    in a work enironent7 Bn the contrar! it coers eer as;ect and detai( of this generation=s

    da,to,da (ife! +e it socia(! ;o(itica(! ;rofessiona(! educationa( or ;ersona(7 This Thesis is not

    (ooking to ake a socio(ogica( ana(sis of Generation Y! +ut wi(( +e (iited to (ooking at

    Generation Y fro a worke;(oent ;ers;ectie7 The intention of the Thesis is not to

     ;roide a co;rehensie descri;tion of a(( as;ects of Generation Y7 4nstead it wi(( ;roide a

    suar of the inforation necessar to o+tain an understanding of the ke characteristics of 

    this generation! ;ertaining to how these characteristics sha;e their work ethic and a;;roach

    towards work7 The Thesis wi(( +e (ooking at ke characteristics of the work;(ace such as

    counication! res;ect! ;erforance and f(e/i+i(it7 -eogra&hic Limitations

    The descri;tion and dee(o;ed ode( wi(( not +e g(o+a(( re;resentatie7 The origina(

    understanding coes fro nited States KS sources! whi(e the statistica( confiration

    thereof coes fro & sources7 This gies a Western +ias in descri+ing Generation Y7 The

    findings a a(so +e a;;(ica+(e to Austra(ia! New Lea(and and Western .uro;e! due to

    re(atie cu(tura( sii(arit7

    A(though aor eents e7g7 econoic +oos or downturns! cause ri;;(e effects across the

    wor(d due to g(o+a(isation this does not necessari( trans(ate into shared cu(tura( a(ues and

    nors7 :onseIuent( the understanding and ode( are un(ike( to +e a;;(ica+(e to e7g7 )raJi(!

    :hina or 4ndia where there are re(atie( (arge cu(tura( differences to the S and Western

    .uro;e7 To ensure accurac and consistenc this Thesis wi(( therefore concentrate on

    understanding Generation Y fro a nited States and Western .uro;ean ;ers;ectie7

    12 Terms

    Throughout this Thesis the ters OThesisP and OdocuentP wi(( refer to this docuent un(ess

    otherwise stated7

    Generation Y has +een gien arious naes! inc(uding Yers! Generation Wh! Mi((enia(s! Ne/ters and .cho )ooers7 Soe of these ters a +e used interchanging( throughout the


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    docuent +ut wi(( a(was refer to this sae generation7 Traditiona(ists and Ceterans are

    naes for the o(dest generation ;resent( in the workforce! a fu(( descri;tion of which can +e

    found in the A;;endi/7

    The word! shift! wi(( at ties +e used when discussing the oe fro one generation to

    another +ecause a Generation does not sudden( coe to an end at a fi/ed date7 The dates that

    are gien are eant as indicators of ;oints when ;eo;(e are (ike( to +egin to show

    characteristics of a gien generation and act as guides7 .s;ecia(( during transition ears

    there wi(( +e indiidua(s who a associate ore strong( with the ;reious or coing

    generation than with what Oshou(dP +e their own7

    When referring to )(oo=s Ta/ono! un(ess otherwise stated! this refers to the entire

     ;rocess of oing through the successie (ee(s of understanding in )(oo=s Ta/ono

    5raid rather than an indiidua( (aer7

    The characteristics of Generation Y! as descri+ed in cha;ter ! are erified + the resu(ts of 

    two & sures7 These statistics inc(ude sa(ar and sign on +onuses7 A(( figures are ;roided

    in & 5ound Ster(ing as gien in the Iuestionnaire7 -ue to e/change rate f(uctuations the

    G)5 rate for this Thesis is set at 6#70"1-&RG)5 and the S- rate is #007613-&RS-

    Kn7a7! >.7co7 The a(ues used are fro 1$ August 2008 to ensure the ;roide a currenta(ue7 A(( nu+ers in this Thesis wi(( fo((ow the Aerican nu+ering sste where coas

    K! wi(( se;arate hundreds fro thousands i7e7 1!000kg7 The ;eriod wi(( +e used to ark 

    decia( a(ues e7g7 27$kg7

    Throughout the Thesis reference wi(( +e ade to ;reious or coing ;arts7 When doing this

    two different ters wi(( +e used7 The ter :ha;ter re(ates to the fie ain sections of the

    Thesis as high(ighted in the 5roect Structure7 Section wi(( re(ate to a su+;art of a :ha;ter7

    or e/a;(e! 4ntroduction and 5roect Stateent is a :ha;ter whi(e Ters is a section of this


    A(( sources used for this Thesis wi(( +e referenced using the M

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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    122 Thesis Strctre

    This Thesis not on( ais to understand who and what Generation Y is! +ut ore i;ortant(

    how to a;;( this know(edge in a ;rofessiona( enironent to attract! recruit and retain Yers7

    The Thesis wi(( use )(oo=s Ta/ono! to +e discussed in the Methodo(og! to work its wa

    fro descri+ing and understanding Generation Y to a;;(ing this know(edge and ea(uating

    its strengths and weaknesses7 This ;rocess wi(( sha;e the structure of the Thesis7 4n Ta+(e 1

    ,1 Thesis Structurea gra;hica( re;resentation of the Thesis= structure is ;roided with an

    e/;(anation of each section7

    :ha;ter 1! the 4ntroduction and 5ro+(e Stateent! ;resents the to;ic of Generation Y7 4t

    e/;(ains what a(ue the research wi(( hae and identif the ke issues that wi(( +e coered7 4t

    is here the 5ro+(e Stateent wi(( +e detai(ed and a conte/t ;roided for it7 The 4ntroductiona(so identifies the ;araeters of the Thesis! deterining what the Thesis wi(( and wi(( not

    coer! e7g7 statistica( (iitations! and ;roides the Thesis Structure7

    :ha;ter 2! Methodo(og! wi(( e/;(ain how the research wi(( +e conducted according to the

    -eductie and Ana(tica( A;;roaches and wh other a;;roaches were not used7 4t wi(( a(so

    e/;(ain )(oo=s Ta/ono a;;roach towards data and how it is inter;reted and a;;(ied7 irst

    )(oo=s Ta/ono wi(( +e e/;(ained fro a theoretica( ;ers;ectie! fo((owed + detai(ing

    how this a;;roach wi(( +e a;;(ied to the structure of this docuent7

    Table 1-1 Thesis Structure


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    :ha;ter wi(( dea( with Generation > and Y! defining the and atte;ting to understand

    the7 This stage re;resents the first ste;s of )(oo=s Ta/ono in descri+ing and

    understanding the data7 This wi(( then +e +ui(t u;on in accordance with )(oo=s Ta/ono7

    Ana(sing Generation Y wi(( address the understanding of how the different ;arts of the

    insight into Generation Y fit together! cha((enging and confiring this understanding7 @ere

    the statistica( data wi(( +e introduced to erif that the understanding of Generation Y is

    correct! essentia( for the ne/t section to +e consistent7

    :ha;ter $! Generation YD .ntering the Workforce! +ui(ds further u;on )(oo=s Ta/ono7

    @ere es;ecia((! the Thesis oes awa fro a descri;tie forat! towards a;;(ing and

    working with the know(edge fro the ;reious sections7 The ai of this :ha;ter is to create a

    too( or understanding which co;anies can use when dea(ing with Generation Y +ased on the

     ;reious :ha;ter=s data and understanding7


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    :ha;ter #! Reiewing the Thesis! re;resents the a;e/ of )(oo=s Ta/ono 5raid +

    ea(uating the inforation of the ;reious :ha;ter +ut a(so ea(uating the conc(usion drawn

    fro the Snthesis section7 This wi(( deonstrate whether or not this :ha;ter achieed the

    docuent=s o+ectie7 4t wi(( a(so (ook at whether the conc(usion is consistent! (ogica(!

    ref(ects the to;ics addressed and ;roides the resu(ts intended7 ina(( it wi(( ;roide an

    oera(( conc(usion for the Thesis7

    or this reason the fina( :ha;ter (inks to each of the ;reious :ha;ters as can +e seen + the

    arrows in Ta+(e 1 ,1 Thesis Structure7 These (inks deonstrate how this :ha;ter ea(uates

    that the o+ecties of the 5ro+(e Stateent as gien in the 4ntroduction hae +een et7 4t

    wi(( ensure the ;rocess e/;(ained in the Methodo(og was fo((owed7 ina((! the ea(uation

    wi(( confir whether Generation Y was first descri+ed! understood and fina((! the

    consistenc of the data a;;(ied to the origina( intention7 The secondar arrows on the right of 

    the Thesis Structure (ead +ack to the fina( :ha;ter re;resenting the resu(ts of the ea(uation

     +eing re;resented in the fina( :ha;ter of the Thesis7

    14 Cha&ter Conclsion

    This cha;ter introduced Generation Y and deonstrated the i;ortance of recruiting

    Generation Y! due to organic co;an growth as we(( as the ianent retireent of the )a+

    )ooers! ;resent( the (argest segent of the (a+our arket and the work force in

    co;anies7 Thereafter the 5ro+(e Stateent was ;resented! ;roiding the ai for the

    Thesis! to understand who Generation Y is! and how +est to engage the to eet +oth their 

    deands and the needs of the co;an e;(oing the7

    o((owing the introduction! due to the +readth of the to;ic! the Thesis= (iitations were

     ;roided7 These inc(uded the decision not to create a Iuestionnaire to o+tain e;irica( data

    for this Thesis +ut rather using Iuestionnaires fro the & that a(read ;roide thisinforation7 A(so that the ain +od of the Thesis wou(d concentrate on descri+ing

    Generation Y in detai(! Generation > in (esser detai( whi(e ;roiding descri;tions of the

    reaining generations in the A;;endi/7 The (iitations ;roided ;araeters for the Thesis!

    kee;ing the focus on work enironent re(eant issues and awa fro socio(ogica( factors7

    The 5roect Structure out(ines the to;ics coered in the fie cha;tersD

    17 4ntroduction F 5ro+(e Stateent

    27 Methodo(og7 -escri+ing Generations > and Y


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    $7 Ana(sing generation Y#7 :onc(usion

    The fo((owing section! Methodo(og! out(ines how the research ;rocess takes ;(ace7


    The ethodo(og deonstrates the a;;roach research for this Thesis7 4t ais to identif at

    which stage theor F data wi(( +e introduced and how it is used7 This inc(udes ea(uating the

    re(eance of the Actors! Ana(tica(! and Sstes A;;roaches as we(( as A+ductie! -eductie

    and 4nductie reasoning7

    The ai is to deonstrate a research ;rocess in accordance with )(oo=s Ta/ono! working

    fro an outer (aer of inforation which descri+es! through interediate (aers which a;;(and snthesise the know(edge! to a core which ea(uates a(( the ;reious (aers7 The outer 

    (aers deterine the research a;;roach whi(e the core deonstrates how the data is a;;(ied

    and erifies the Thesis has achieed its ai7

    2.1 The Three Metho+ological A&&roaches

    There are three ain Methodo(ogica( A;;roaches towards understanding data7 These are the

    Actors A;;roach! Ana(tica( A;;roach! and Sstes A;;roach7

    11 Actor5s A&&roach

    According to Ar+nor and )erke! the Actors A;;roach OQis not interested in e/;(anations

    rather! it is interested in understanding social  who(esP K#27 This ;(aces it on the right side of 

    igure 2 ,1 @ow the Three Methodo(ogica( A;;roaches Re(ate to .ach Bther ! with

    nderstanding &now(edge and @ereneutics17 The inforation that is gathered in the Actors

    A;;roach is not o+ectie as it is +ased u;on su+ectie data such as an indiidua(=s o;inion7

    urtherore! the Actors A;;roach Oassues that rea(it is a socia( constructionP KAr+nor and )erke #$7

    8  9er:ene(tics re,ers to a )isci;line o, st()ying theories an) their inter;retations1'(rther:ore< it consi)ers loo+ing at these ,ro: the ;ers;ecti=e o, another ;erson1 Robert

    #rease ;ro;oses a hierarchy ,or orientations :a)e (; o, the ,ollo*ing>

    •  !he ;riority o, :eaning o=er techni?(e

     !he ;ri:acy o, ;ractical o=er theoretical•  !he ;ri:acy o, sit(ation o=er abstract ,or:alisation@At+ins /42


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    @oweer! the Actors A;;roach a;;reciates the fact that OQconce;ts within socia( rea(it are

    a+iguous and continuous( reinter;retedP KAr+nor and )erke 1#37 urtherore! it fo((ows

    a +e(ief that OQssteic characteristics are not re(eant to understanding +usinesses and

    organisationsP KAr+nor and )erke #27 This Thesis wi(( +e (ooking at finding coon

    characteristics for (arge ;o;u(ations! which wou(d +e a(ost i;ossi+(e if characteristics of 

    eer indiidua( had to +e considered and wou(d furtherore continuous( need to +e


    1 S!stems A&&roach

    The Sstes A;;roach is different fro the Actor A;;roach in that it does not (ook at the

    wor(d fro the indiidua(s= ;ers;ectie +ut rather as a who(e! sii(ar to the Ana(tica(

    A;;roach7 @oweer! the Sste A;;roach +e(iees that the who(e is not eIua( to the su of 

    its ;arts! which the Actors a;;roach does +e(iee KAr+nor and )erke #$7 This ;(aces the

    Sstes A;;roach towards the idd(e of igure 2,1! deonstrating the e(eents it shares

    with +oth the Ana(tica( and Actors A;;roaches7

    The +e(ief in the Sstes A;;roach is that the differing e(eents can create snerg when

    working together +ecause OQnot on( the ;arts +ut a(so their re(ations are essentia(! as the

    (atter wi(( (ead to ;(us or inus effectsQP KAr+nor and )erke #17 4t re;resents a

    co+ination of ./;(anator &now(edge with nderstanding &now(edge7 4t argues that the

    facts a(one are not enough to e/;(ain a resu(t! +ut that an understanding of the facts is a(so

    necessar to +e a+(e to deonstrate the fu(( a(ue of the facts7 urtherore it aintains that

    the interaction +etween the e(eents creates snergies ;roiding i;roed resu(ts rather than

    when (ooking at things fro an indiidua(=s out(ook and ;ers;ectie7

    12 Anal!tical A&&roach

    The Ana(tica( A;;roach ;(aces to the (eft of igure 2,1! under ./;(anator &now(edge7

    Ar+nor and )erke note that Othe Ana(tica( A;;roach can +e e/;ressed si;( as an

    e/tension of natura( science ethods to the socia( sciencesQ4t +egan with what is ca((ed

     positivismPK6"7 The Ana(tica( A;;roach is (ooked at as a science +ecause a(( socia( sciences

    essentia(( eet the e/;ectations thatD

    • An o+ectie of a science is to esta+(ish arious

    genera( re(ations aong ;henoena in o+ectie



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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    • The test of eracit of re(ations (ies u(tiate( on


    • These data are co((ected in the o+ectie rea(it

    KAr+nor and )erke 102

    4t is a(so considered as a science OQ +ecause the natura( and socia( sciences are seen as

    haing sii(ar purposes, if not the sae resultsP KAr+nor and )erke 1027 This is one of the

    ain distinguishing ;oints +etween the Ana(tica( and Sstes F Actors A;;roaches7 The

    Ana(tica( A;;roach is (ooked at as a science where a(( resu(ts are +ased on ;rocedures and

    data O;roeP the resu(ts and according( is o+ectie7 The Sstes A;;roach (ooks at snerg

    effects which can +e soewhat ore difficu(t to easure as o+ectie( as a science wou(d

    reIuire7 This wou(d +ecoe een ore difficu(t for the Actors A;;roach where the origina(

    data is (arge( +ased on su+ectie inter;retation and understanding7

    @oweer! the Ana(tica( A;;roach is not a ;erfect science7 As it dea(s with ;eo;(e! the factors

    that affect the outcoes can not as easi(! if at a((! +e ani;u(ated as in a (a+ with natura(

    science e/;erients7 Ar+nor and )erke high(ight that for the Ana(tica( A;;roach the ost

    i;ortant factor is to find e/;(anations! not resu(ts K107 The arguent the gie to su;;ort

    this is that OQto explain eans to answer the Iuestion UWh9HP KAr+nor and )erke 10$7

    The a(so go on to high(ight that these e/;(anations OQshou(d not on( +e direct( su;;ortede;irica((! +ut a(so indirect( fo((ow as a natura( conseIuence of e/isting theor K+e

    deductedP KAr+nor and )erke 10$7

    The eaning of deduction is addressed +e(ow a(ong with those for induction and a+duction in

    2#.1. Methods of :reating &now(edge7 Thereafter the erits of the different a;;roaches for 

    this Thesis wi(( +e ea(uated and a ;articu(ar a;;roach chosen +ased on the understanding


    Figure 2-1 o! the Three "etho#ological $%%roaches &elate to Each 'ther


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

      E;lanatory &no*le)ge Un)erstan)ing


    @E;lanatics @9er:ene(tics

      The $nalytical $%%roach

    The Systems $%%roach

      The $ctors $%%roach

      ositi=is: '(nctionalis: yste: !heory rag:atis:

    #onstr(cti=is: heno:enology

    KAr+nor and )erke $$!$"

    This Thesis wi(( ost( +e using the Ana(tica( A;;roach taking the ;resent understanding of 

    who Generation Y is fro %ourna( artic(es and +ooks on the to;ic and erifing it with

    e;irica( data fro sures conducted in the &7 There wi(( howeer a(so +e e(eents of 

    Sstes A;;roach where the Thesis wi(( tr to deterine whether snerg +etween

    Generations > and Y a +e ;ossi+(e7 This co+ination of A;;roaches eans that the Thesis

    wou(d +e ;ositioned +etween unctiona(is and Sste Theor in igure 2 ,1 @ow the

    Three Methodo(ogica( A;;roaches Re(ate to .ach Bther ! though (eaning towards the

    Ana(tica( side7

    Metho+s o% Creating 6no#le+ge

    Three of the ain was of creating know(edge that hae +een considered are A+duction!

    -eduction and 4nduction each of which re;resents a different interaction +etween theor and



    Reality as

    concrete an)


    to la* ,ro:

    a str(ct(re

    in)e;en)ent o, the


    Reality as a




    Reality as



    Cel)s o,


    Reality as a

    *orl) o,



    Reality as a



    Reality as a


    n o, h(:an



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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    1 Three 6no#le+ge Creating Metho+s

    7e+ction -eduction is OQa ethod of creating know(edge where+

    researchersconsu(tantsinestigators infer sing(e cases fro genera(

    (aws that is a (ogica( ana(sis of what genera( theor sas a+out a

    s;ecific eentQP KAr+nor and )erke 67 -eduction is thus a ;rocess

    of oing fro theor to data7 ;on haing identified the theor to +e

    worked with and understanding it! it is a;;(ied to a set of data to +e


    In+ction 4nduction is a ;rocess of creating know(edge where OQresearchers Q

    conc(ude genera( (aws fro indiidua( cases! that is! construct theories

    using factua( know(edgeP KAr+nor and )erke 627 4nduction re;resentsan a;;roach where first the data is co((ected and ea(uated to then +e

    (inked to theories afterwards7 This eans finding the theor that +est

    fits the data7 4t is a strong a;;roach to ensure that ;rior theor does not

    containate research resu(ts + setting ;araeters7

    Ab+ction A+duction is different fro the two other a;;roaches entioned in that

    it does not go fro data to theor or ice ersa once7 A+duction takes

    the data that is aai(a+(e and then goes to the theor to identif fit and

    ake co;arisons7 The ;rocess wi(( then return to the theor again7

    This oe +etween theor and data is re;eated seera( ties oer unti(

    the two corres;ond correct(7

    or a gra;hica( re;resentation of -eduction KRed! 4nduction KBrange and A+duction

    KGreen! ;(ease see igure 2 ,2 :c(ica( Nature of the &now(edge :reating Methods

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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    Figure 2-2 Cyclical (ature of the )no!le#ge Creating "etho#s

    KAr+nor and )erke 62

    Ealating the 6no#le+ge Creating Metho+s

    ./isting inforation and ateria( such as news;a;er and ourna( artic(es wi(( create a +asis to

    gain an idea of who and what Generation Y is7 Thereafter the understanding that has +een

    o+tained on this +asis wi(( +e cha((enged + and co;ared to statistica( data to +e erified7

    There is a(read a wea(th of inforation aai(a+(e a+out the arious generations current(

    foring the (a+our arket and workforce and increasing( a(so a+out Generation Y7 4t is

     ;ossi+(e that an origina( idea cou(d +e created using an 4nductie a;;roach towards

    Generation Y7 @oweer! there is a(so a strong ;ossi+i(it that the conc(usion wou(d su;;ort

    a(read e/isting know(edge due to the nuerous and aried artic(es on Generation Y that

    hae a(read +een written7 The ai of this docuent is to ascertain whether ;reious theories

    hae +een accurate in their understanding rather than finding a theor that fits the data7 This

     ;rocess starts with ;reious theories rather than ending with ;resent theories7 Su;;orting this

    a;;roach the theories ust first +e understood to know what to test and how to test it7

    :onseIuent( the ;ath is fro theor to data7 or this reason 4nduction can not +e used here7

    A+duction wou(d ;roide a stronger arguent for the conc(usion due to its re;eated oe

     +etween theor and data ensuring greater accurac7 The re;eated oe +etween the two

    wou(d reso(e the ;ro+(e 4nduction faced7 A(though the data aai(a+(e a((ows for 

    erification! its s;ecific nature and high (ee( of nueric data wou(d ;roide (iited new


     !heories $e)(ction 'orecasts

     !heoretical Worl)

    In)(ction  Ab)(ction   VeriCcation


    E:;irical Worl)

    'acts 'acts

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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    understanding or inter;retations + continued oe +etween data and theor7 A+duction wi((

    therefore not +e used as (itt(e new insight wou(d +e gained + re;eated inter;retation7

    The Thesis= ai is to erif or deterine if ;resent theor is accurate7 As (itt(e new insight

    wou(d +e gained fro A+duction the one oe fro theor to data shou(d +e sufficient for 

    the ;ur;ose of this Thesis7 :onseIuent(! a(though it argua+( does not ensure the sae

    accurac as A+duction or the sae o+ectiit as 4nduction! -eduction wi(( +e used for this

    Thesis as it is the ost efficient to ;roide the reIuired conc(usions7

    2.* Ealating the Metho+ological A&&roaches

    .ach of the three a;;roaches has its own res;ectie strengths and weaknesses which wou(d

    affect this docuent7

    A(though an understanding using the Actors A;;roach cou(d ake a ;ositie contri+ution!

    a+iguit and continuous reinter;retation wou(d not ;roide the fi/ed ;araeters necessar

    to create Generations se;arate fro each other7 The Actors A;;roach cou(d ;ossi+( ;roide

    the ost accurate definitions +ased on inter;retation! +ut the notion of a Generation +ased on

     ;araeters wou(d +ecoe eaning(ess7 A(though the Generations a not +e ;erfect(

    re;resentatie of their ;o;u(ations! there are sufficient uniersa( e(eents to gie e+ers of 

    a Generation coon characteristics on a high (ee(7

    The Sstes A;;roach a ;roide soe additiona( usefu( insight as it takes a ho(istic iew

    and a ;roide a c(earer understanding of how to achiee snerg + co+ining the

    strengths of the different generations7 @oweer! this Thesis is not (ooking to on( identif

    eans of creating snerg! +ut understanding who and what Generation Y is7

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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    The Ana(tica( A;;roach wi(( +e the ain a;;roach used7 Referring +ack to the end of section

    .181/  Ana(tica( A;;roach  the e/;(anations wi(( +e su;;orted e;irica((7 urtherore!

    conc(usions and e/;(anations wi(( fo((ow as a natura( conseIuence of e/isting theor7 This

    a;;roach! when using the definitions fro ear(ier of &now(edge :reating Methods! a(so

    trans(ates into a -eductie A;;roach7

    4 Bloom5s Ta3onom!

    )enain S7 )(oo dee(o;ed a set of c(assifications to ea(uate (ee(s of know(edge7 These

    differing (ee(s re;resented how we(( a ;erson not on( understood know(edge! +ut was a+(e

    to use it and een +e se(f,critica(7 or this reason )(oo=s Ta/ono is a;;(ied to this Thesis!

    it wi(( ensure that the know(edge is understood and that the Thesis is critica( of itse(f7

    41 Leels o% 6no#le+ge

    )enain )(oo created a hierarch of the understanding and use of know(edge7 This

    hierarch was co;osed of si/ different (ee(s with the first +eing 6no#le+ge7 )(oo

    identifies it as OQthe know(edge (ee( of (earning achieed + rote eor of si;(e ru(es!

    facts! terino(ogies! seIuences! and ;rinci;(esP K&arns! )urton and Martin 187 4t re;resents

    a (ee( where a ;erson wi(( know soething +ased on facts +ut not necessari( understanding


    The Second

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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    Figure 2-* +loom,s Taxonomy

    )ased onD K-a+erg

    4 A&&l!ing Bloom5s Ta3onom! )!rami+

    This Thesis ais to use the ! and how Generation Y a;;roach

    work9 A sii(ar descri;tion of who the other generations are and what factors a hae

    he(;ed sha;e their iews has +een inc(uded in the A;;endi/! ;roiding +ackground for this

    co;arison7 This understanding wi(( +e a;;(ied to the current (a+our arket situation where

    co;anies are tring to recruit ta(ent fro aong Generation Y +ut on( hae (iited

    success! face high co;etition! and hae difficu(t retaining Yers once the hae +een


    :o;anies want to know what Recruitent and Retention Methodo(og does work! not what

    ight work as the re;resent a high cost factor for a co;an7 Therefore the Ana(sis

    A;;roach wi(( +e ke in identifing the difference +etween fact and o;inion to thus +e a+(e to


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

     ;roide a c(ear definition of how to interact with Generation Y +ui(ding on the know(edge of 

    the A;;(ication (ee(7

    The oera(( ai is to +ring the ;reious e(eents together! there+ ;roiding an oerarching

    understanding for a co;an of who Generation Y is! what the (ook for in the work 

    enironent! and conseIuent( how +est to a;;roach the to +e a+(e to attract ta(ent and

    retain the in the (ong run7 This re;resents )(oo=s fifth (ee(! Snthesis! taking a(( the

    e(eents and understanding fro the ;receding (ee(s and using the gained know(edge and

    resu(ts to create a ode( for co;anies to use in conunction with Generation Y! their 

    recruitent and retention7

    The fina( ste; wi(( +e to take the understanding and ode( created and ea(uate it to ensure

    that there are no contradictor ;oints within the a;;roach! no is(eading arguents and ost

    i;ortant( to ensure that it ;roides the answer reIuired! who Generation Y is! how to

    attract and then retain the7 This a(so re;resents the fina( ste; according to )(oo=s

    Ta/ono 5raid7

    8 The Research an+ *riting )rocess

    As entioned ear(ier! the docuent wi(( +e ref(ecting and a;;(ing the -eductie A;;roach

     + first using ;resent Theor as a foundation to then oe towards -ata rather than first

    co((ecting -ata and then (inking it to Theor7 Ne/t sures for the & wi(( +e used to

    co;are! differentiate and erif the theories ;resented in conte;orar +ooks and ourna(s

    on the issue of Generation Y7 The fina( ste; wi(( +e to co((ate the inforation that has +een

    gathered and confired

    As can +e seen fro igure 2,1! e(eents of the Ana(tica( A;;roach are used in the research7

    The e;hasis of this docuent is not on facts! of how an there are in Generation Y! +ut on

    understanding how Generation Y acts7 @oweer! to deonstrate the growing ro(e of 

    Generation Y in the (a+our arket! statistics wi(( +e used7 This data wi(( sere as su;;orting

    eidence for the arguent as to wh it is i;ortant to ensure a ;ositie interaction +etween

    Generation Y and the other generations and ref(ecting toda=s workforce7 A(so here the (ower 

    tiers of )(oo=s Ta/ono 5raid are ref(ected! re;resenting descri;tion and understanding

    of the inforation7

    o((owing the 4ntroduction of the sure data! the co;aring and differentiating +etween

    actua( data and theor wi(( sere as a co;aratie factor for the creation of a conte;orar


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    understanding of Generation Y7 This inforation can then +e a;;(ied to the working

    enironent! to identif how +est to work with Yers +ased on the new( created

    understanding of who the are and what their ;riorities are7 )(oo=s 5raid and the

    Ana(tica( A;;roach ensure that e/;(anations and conc(usions are +ased on a (ogica(

     ;rogression and e;irica( data7 4t a(so re;resents the oe towards forecast fo((owing

    deduction as seen in igure 2 ,2 :c(ica( Nature of the &now(edge :reating Methods7 

    As the 5roect Structure showed! the fina( :ha;ter of this docuent wi(( re,ea(uate the

    conc(usions drawn to ensure that are no contradictions! oersights or fa((acies7 This re;resents

    the a;;(ication of the a;e/ of )(oo=s Ta/ono 5raid! .a(uation! and wi(( further 

    ensure the o+ectie scientific accurac the Ana(tica( A;;roach ;rescri+es7

    9 Cha&ter Conclsion

    This :ha;ter aied to identif which ethodo(ogica( a;;roach wou(d +e the ost re(eant

    for this Thesis7 @aing discussed the adantages and disadantages of the aring ethods!

    -eduction was found to +e the ost c(ose( a(igned to the Research 5rocess and answering

    the 5ro+(e Stateent7 sing -eduction and e;irica( data! the Ana(tica( A;;roach was

    found to +e the ost re(eant in inter;reting the data7

    @aing decided to oe fro data to theor and how to understand the inforation! )(oo=s

    Ta/ono was introduced to act as a guide for the structure of the Thesis and the stages of 

    working with the inforation aai(a+(e7 This +egins with a descri;tie section in the ne/t

    :ha;ter! fo((owed + a section using this inforation in :ha;ter $! and conc(uded with an

    ea(uation of :ha;ter $ and a reiew of whether the 5roect Stateent B+ecties hae +een

    et in the fina( cha;ter7

    2 7e%ining -enerations : an+ .

    The Iuestion of wh it is i;ortant to understand Generation Y was a;;roached ear(ier7

    @oweer! is it i;ortant to ;roide a s;ecific nae to each 1#,20 ear range or een define

    such a range9 And if so! what are these generations9 These are soe of the Iuestions that wi((

     +e answered in this :ha;ter! aiing to ;roide an understanding of who Generations > and Y

    are7 This understanding wi(( +e erified with sure data conducted with uniersit students

    and graduate recruiters in the & in 2003,20087 )eing ost( a descri;tie section! this

    :ha;ter re;resents the (ower tiers of )(oo=s Ta/ono 5raid ;roided in the ;reious



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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    21 Is there a nee+ to Bran+ each ne# -eneration/

    Short( the fact that there is no cut,off date! at which ;oint ;eo;(e are in one generation or 

    another! wi(( +e discussed in greater de;th7 At this ;oint it is i;ortant to understand that

    een if soeone is +orn in 16#0! this does not autoatica(( ean that the wi(( act (ike aVt;ica(= )a+ )ooer7 @oweer! generationa( +randing is he(;fu( +ecause a(though

    Oindiidua(s within an generation hae different traits! Qthe shared e/;eriences of its

    e+ers i;act certain attitudes and ;ers;ecties across the grou;P KYeaton "67

    4t is these shared attitudes and ;ers;ecties that a((ow generations to +e created7 The do not

    coer a(( indiidua(s= characteristics howeer the do ;roide an idea of what a (arge grou;

    of ;eo;(e a hae in coon fro a gien ;eriod of tie7 Such coon e/;eriences wi((

    with great (ike(ihood affect ;eo;(e in a sii(ar anner7 or e/a;(e! the Se;te+er 11 Wor(d

    Trade :entre attacks ade danger at hoe a rea(it for an Aericans in a wa (itt(e e(se

    had since 5ear( @ar+our7 This then s;read to .uro;e with the Madrid and

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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    characteristics! generationa( naes he(; to ;roide a +road,+ase understanding of a (arge

    grou; of ;eo;(e7 Thus it is +eneficia( to assign generations to ;eriods of ears7

    These generationa( +randings a((ow ;eo;(e to know how! in genera(! to a;;roach e+ers of 

    other generations! knowing what is disres;ectfu( and what acce;ta+(e +ehaiour is7

    nderstanding differences +etween age grou;s ;roides an of the sae +enefits of 

    understanding differences +etween cu(tures as the ;rinci;(es are er sii(ar7 This wi(( +e

    e/;(ored further in :ha;ter $ where it wi(( +e (inked to @ofstede=s cu(tura( diensions7

    2 -enerations in the *or$%orce

    The o(dest generation ;resent( sti(( in the workforce is the Ceterans7 The Ceterans co;rise

    those indiidua(s who were +orn u; unti( the end of WW44! an of which wi(( haee/;erienced Wor(d War 44! either actie( or as chi(dren7 The Ceterans were fo((owed + the

    )a+ )ooers who +ecae the (argest generation to enter the workforce! the ri;;(es of 

    which are sti(( +eing fe(t now as the are +eginning to (eae the workforce7 The )a+

    )ooers were fo((owed + Generation >! who grew u; with working ;arents and witnessing

    ass (aoffs! shattering the iage of a o+ for (ife7 The fina( generation ;resent( in the

    workforce is Generation Y! the focus of this Thesis7 Yers were witness to the rise of the age of 

    Techno(og with the ;ersona( co;uter! ce(( ;hones and 4nternet a((owing g(o+a( o+i(it!

    un(iited access to inforation and a new for of )usiness7 The figure +e(ow ;roides a

    isua( tie(ine of the different generations and their ear +ands7 

    Figure *- enerations /resently in the orforce

    A(ost eer artic(e and +ook sets its own range of ears for each generation7 The +ands of 

    ears are usua(( sii(ar e7g7 Ceterans +orn +efore Wor(d War 44 ends7 What differs are the

    cut,off ;oints +etween the generations7 As was entioned a+oe! there are no fir dates at

    which a ;erson is either fro one generation or another and therefore the ;articu(ar ear 


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    when a ;erson is either an >er or Yer are not the critica( ;oints here7 :ritica( is that the

    generation as a who(e ca;tures the defining oents sha;ing the generation e7g7 the Cietna

    War! end of the :o(d War! or )i(( :(inton=s ONew .conoP7

    As a(read entioned! the dates and definitions do not a;;( to a(( +orn in the gien tie

    s;ans7 There wi(( +e those who are +orn in the id 16$0=s who wi(( fee( ore coforta+(e

    with a;;roaches t;ica(( associated with Generation Y7 .Iua(( there wi(( +e soe +orn in

    the (ate 1680=s who fee( ore coforta+(e with the work a;;roach of the Ceterans7 When

    considering the definitions ;roided for Generations > and Y +e(ow and the Ceterans and

    )a+ )ooers in the A;;endi/! it is i;ortant to +e aware that the are genera(isations

    eant to +e re;resentatie and to ;roide guidance! and not +e fi/ed7

    The ears gien for generationa( +ands hae +een chosen + choosing a ;eriod of tie which

    wou(d rough( coer a generation! for this Thesis 13 ears7 There +ands reain true to the

    notion of when the generations were +orn as gien in +ooks and ourna( artic(es with the

    difference +eing ;(usinus a ear for the +ands +etween sources7 The ears a(so ai to

    ca;ture ;eriods of tie where the ;eo;(e contained in this ;eriod are (ike( to deonstrate

    characteristics that on a who(e wi(( +e sii(ar7

    4n the ain +od of this Thesis on( Generations > and Y are coered in de;th as the are thefocus of this docuent=s co;arison7 @oweer! as each generation has different

    characteristics that were sha;ed for aring reasons! a sii(ar ea(uation to Generation >=s

    and Y=s has +een added in the A;;endi/ for the Ceterans and )a+ )ooers7 This he(;s to

     ;roide conte/t of who the are and wh the a hae dee(o;ed with their res;ectie

     ;riorities and a(ues7

    22 -eneration :

    The third generation in the workforce is a(so the sa((est generation segent KGraett and

    Throckorton $17 A(though there are fewer Ceterans in the workforce! as a generation it was

    (arger than Generation >7 The >ers were ;receded + the )a+ )ooers and fo((owed +

    Generation Y! +oth of which hae er (arge ;o;u(ations7 To gie a co;arison! for the S

    soe figures state there are as an as 3" i((ion )a+ )ooers ersus #1 i((ion >ers

    KLeke! Raines and i(icJak 6$7 or the ;ur;oses of this Thesis! Generation > re;resents

    those who were +orn in the ;eriod 16",16807


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    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    221 *ho -eneration : Is

    >ers were raised in a er different anner fro the )a+ )ooers and witnessed er

    different ;henoena7 The ;arents of Generation >PQ had the highest diorce and a+ortion

    rates! highest nu+er of dua(,incoe fai(ies! and ost ;erissie ;arenting ha+its QP

    KMartin and Tu(gan 67 There was a(so an issue of securit which enco;assed seera(

    different as;ects financia( securit! o+ securit! ;eace! or chi(d safet7 This generation did

    e/;erience ;ositie dee(o;ents with the introduction of the ;ersona( co;uter + A;;(e

    and Tand in 163" which re;resented the start of a reo(ution in how schoo( and ;rofessiona(

    work wou(d +e done in the future KLeke! Raines and i(icJak 6#7

    Soe of the eents e/;erienced + >ers wou(d hae an i;act on the wor(d at (arge and! in

    turn! how the wou(d (ook u;on it7 The oi( crisis of 163 deonstrated the re(iance asignificant ;art of the .uro;ean and S econoies had on oi( and how (itt(e contro( the had

    oer this resource Kn7a7! .nerg 4nforation AdinistrationD Bfficia( .nerg Statistics fro

    the nited States Goernent7 Soe of the wars Generation > e/;erienced were thus ore

    of an econoic nature than the t;e ;reious generations had witnessed7 The other t;e of 

    war that this generation grew u; with! es;ecia(( in .uro;e! was terroris7 -uring the 1630=s

    the actions of .TA in S;ain! the 4RA in 4re(and! and the Red Ar in Geran and 4ta(

    ensured there was no securit in these ;arts of .uro;e7 B(der >ers a a(so ree+er theterrorist attacks at the B(;ic Gaes in Munich in 16327

    This generation witnessed soe of the greatest ;o(itica( shifts to take ;(ace since Wor(d War 

    447 4n 1686 the fa(( of the )er(in Wa(( hera(ded the end of the :o(d War7 .uro;e was no (onger 

    seen as diided +etween .ast and West! Socia(is and the B;en Market7 Margaret Thatcher 

    changed the sha;e of the & econo + ;riatising an sections of & industr inc(uding

    uti(ities and rai(7 -ue to shar; econoic downturns there were a(so high (ee(s of 

    une;(oent during the ear( ears of the >ers7 This was to change + the tie the first

    >ers were read to oin the workforce7 >ers were of een greater interest to co;anies due to

    the ski((s the had that few fro the ear(ier generations ;ossessed! ost significant of which

    was co;uter (iterac7

    The grou; re;resenting Generation > a(so started to +ecoe ore dierse7 The efforts of the

    cii( rights oeents of the ear( and id 20th centur were +eginning to coe to fruition7

    Woen and African Aerican inorities were s(ow( gaining ground and rights in the

    work;(ace7 This was ref(ected in Ange(a -ais! a ;eace actiist! and Michae( %ackson! +oth


  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    fro an African Aerican +ackground7 Bther areas were a(so dee(o;ing! inf(uencing not

    on( Generation > +ut +ecoing wide( acce;ted at the start of Generation Y7

    The African Aerican counit e+raced @i; @o;! with stars inc(uding Tu;ac Shakur and

     Notorious )747G7! in the id and (ate 1680=s whi(e others took to Grunge and @ard Rock with

    grou;s such as Nirana7 Bthers again! engaged in soa; shows (ike -nast and usica(s (ike

    Saturda Night eer7 >ers grew u; +eing inde;endent fro a oung age whi(e +oth ;arents

    were working7 The cu(ture of a generation is a ;roduct of its ;o;u(ation and conseIuent(

    ref(ects the generation7 A(though great e;hasis was ;(aced on ust haing fun! an cu(tura(

    e(eents! fro usic to TC ;rogras! dea(t with socia( issues and the fee(ings of the outh7

    4n addition to socia( awareness an enironenta( awareness was +eginning to take sha;e at

    this tie7 After seera( aor oi( s;i((s inc(uding the Aoco :adiJ in .uro;e and .//on

    Ca(deJ in A(aska the conseIuences were +eing seen on TC on +oth continents7 The Wor(d

    Wi(d(ife und KWW! (ater the Wor(d Wide und for Nature! was esta+(ished at the sae

    tie as Generation > +egan to take sha;e! in 16"17 ) the ear( 1680=s the WW +egan to

    gain oentu with its i((ionth e+er oining Kn7a7! WW 4nternationa(D @istor7

    Generation > understood that the wor(d the )a+ )ooers had started working in had

    changed significant( econoica((! enironenta((! and with regard to energ! securit and

     ;eace Ksee igure ,# -efining .ents for Generation >! for ke historica( eents7 

    Figure *- 3e4ning Events for eneration 5

    KBer 1!$0,$2!#0


    8705Ds> M(nich Oly:;ics<

    IRA< E!A


    Oil hoc+s

    A:oco #a)i oil s;ill


    8745Ds> #hallenger $isaster

    Loc+erbie Bo:bing

     'all o, Berlin Wall

  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    22 The Characteristics o% -eneration :

    Whi(e the )a+ )ooers oined the workforce at a tie when an e;(oee staed with a

    co;an unti( retireent! >ers had witnessed first hand that this wou(d no (onger ho(d true

    for the7 The oined the workforce fu(( aware that there was no (onger an o+ securit

    haing witnessed their ;arents +eing ade redundant7 When oining there was a(so no (onger 

    the attitude of working ones wa u; the organisationa( hierarch +ut rather a desire to +e

    recognised for the work done7

    n(ike Generation Y! >ers hae not necessari( grown u; with eas aai(a+i(it of co;uters

    at hoe7 This does not howeer ean their a;;roach to techno(og is the sae as coon(

    found with )a+ )ooers and Ceterans7 >ers grew with the techno(og +oo and soe of 

    the ore successfu( -ot:os toda were started + >ers e7g7 Goog(e7 As techno(og grew!so too did Generation >=s understanding and use of it7 The ain difference +etween

    Generations > and Y in techno(og is that Yers a(was had it aai(a+(e! grew u; using

    techno(og and took it and its use for granted7 Generation > sti(( ree+er using t;ewriters!

     +ut a(so grew with techno(og and he(;ed sha;e it creating a different t;e of re(ationshi;

    with! and res;ect for it! whi(e sti(( +eing techno(og (iterate7 4n a work enironent this

    eans that >ers are eIua(( (ike( to use the 4nternet to answer a Iuestion as a;;roach a

    co((eague KWendoer 2"7

    )a+ )ooers were known to work er (ong hours and dedicate these(es to their o+s7

    This a ;art( +e +ecause the iewed their work as a ca((ing7 This is far (ess the case for 

    Generation > who! haing witnessed ass (a offs and the effects on socia( (ife of (ong

    working hours! see their re(ationshi; with an e;(oer fro a ore contractua( +asis

    KWendoer 2"7 With regard to actua(( a;;(ing these(es to work! Generation > a(so

    differs fro the ;reious generation7 >ers tend to +e ore inde;endent! se(f,otiated and

    se(f,sufficient KYu and Mi((er "7 The reason is (ike( to (ie (arge( in the fact that the grew

    u; a(one! a(ost neg(ected + their ;arents ;artia(( due to increasing diorce rates and

    woen increasing( oining the workforce KLeke! Raines and i(icJak 687 Bn this +asis

    the are different not on( fro the )a+ )ooers +ut fro Generation Y as we((! who

    e/;erienced @e(ico;ter 5arenting7 urtherore! >ers e/;ect work satisfaction and not ust to

    work hard7

    The ;oints a+oe a(so hera(d a change in what a generation a(ues7 )a+ )ooers a(ued

    hard work and ;erforance7 This not on( changes with Generation > +ut (as the foundation


  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    for the change in work=s i;ortance for Generation Y7 urtherore! financia( incentie is no

    (onger the ost i;ortant otiation for Generation > KYu and Mi((er 37 inancia(

    incentie is sti(( i;ortant +ut soeties the a(so ust want recognition for the work the do

    Kers seek out training in their o+s7 @aing witnessed the (aoffs of their ;arents the hae

    understood that the ust hedge these(es against econoic downturns and one of the +est

    was to do so is to create as strong a :C as ;ossi+(e7 >ers wi(( thus attend training not on(

    for the +enefit of the co;an +ut to strengthen their ;osition of kee;ing their o+ i7e7 >ers

    are re(atie( (oa( to their ;rofession not their e;(oer KYu and Mi((er "7 This aries

    s(ight( fro Generation Y who a(so ;ursue training to +ui(d their :C! +ut with a s(ight(

    different otie as wi(( +e discussed in the section co;aring the two generations7

    Another sii(arit to Generation Y! with a su+t(e difference! is the i;ortance of Work, ;ut great a(ue on their free tie! s;ending it with friends and fai(!

    taking a rather different a;;roach fro the )a+ )ooers7 Working (ong hours or weekends

    is not soething the do with great enthusias! which re;resented an iense shift in

    attitude fro the )a+ )ooers KLeke! Raines and i(icJak 667 Bne of the co;(aints of 

    >ers was that their ;arents did not s;end enough tie with the and an chose not to

    re;eat this a;;roach with their own fai(ies KLeke! Raines and i(icJak 127 5o(itica(

    decisions and (a+our (aws ref(ect this shift + e7g7 introducing (ong aternit (eae and

     ;aternit (eae7

    Wendoer argues the ke difference in work a;;roach and career adanceent +etween

    Generation > and the )a+ )ooers is in their ;hi(oso;h7 OWhi(e )a+ )ooers worked

    (ong hours in ho;es that their sacrifices wou(d +e noticed oer tie! >ers e/;ect their 

    sacrifices to +e noticed and e/;ect c(ear guidance as to what those sacrifices shou(d +eP

    KWendoer 237 As the shift +etween Generations > and Y=s a;;roach to Work,ers to anaging Yers as we(( as ease re(ations +etween these generations7

    Another area deonstrating sii(arit +etween Generations > and Y reo(es around the

    eaning of the work the do and what otiates the7 5art of the reason >ers do not work 

    (ong hours or are ha;; to switch o+s is +ecause of fai( KArstrong7 n(ike the )a+

    )ooers fai( has a uch higher ;riorit and cor;orate (oa(t coes second! asentioned a+oe7 :onseIuent( a >er wi(( +e wi((ing to change co;anies for a higher ;a


  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    check as this wi(( he(; to +etter ;roide for their fai(ies and coer increasing hoe and

    tuition e/;enses7 or those who do not hae fai( coitents the eaning of the work 

    the do +ears great a(ue7

    .s;ecia(( here! sii(arities +etween the ounger generations +ecoe eident7 >ers want to

    do work which has eaning rather than ust sitting +ehind a desk for a u(tinationa(

    cor;oration7 The wi(( therefore o(unteer to do socia( work in their free tie such as

    working in sou; kitchens KArstrong7 Soe co;anies hae recognised this trend and are

    socia(( ;roactie at a cor;orate (ee( su;;orting and in soe cases een encouraging socia(

    res;onsi+i(it + their e;(oees7 Bne such co;an is 5o(o Ra(;h

  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    *. *ho -eneration . Is

    The fourth generation ;resent( entering the (a+our arket and workforce is in an was

    the first generation to tru( hae grown u; in a co;uter +ased societ7 A(though co;uters

    a not hae +een coon in the ear( 1680=s! this generation wi(( er (ike( a(was +eenaware of the and used the either at schoo( andor at hoe7 The wi(( hae started +

     ;(aing si;(e gaes on it such as 5ac Man and as techno(og eo(ed their understanding

    and use of co;uters wi(( hae eo(ed hand,in,hand7 As techno(og was a (arge factor in

    sha;ing this generation it wi(( +e returned to short(7

    There were other significant eents that took ;(ace whi(e this generation grew u;7 The end of 

    the :o(d War gained oentu with the fa(( of the )er(in Wa(( in 1686! Geran re,

    unification and the end of the Soiet nion and there+ the end of :ounis7 The

    .uro;ean nion continued to e/;and and grew c(oser with the Maastricht Treat Kn7a7!

    S;ecia( Re;ort on . .n(argeentD 4n the Nick of Tie7 The Schengen Agreeent a((owed

    for trae( without ;ass;ort check at +orders whi(e the introduction in 2002 of the .uro

    reoed the need to conert currencies within the .uro Jone7

    4n 166$ :anada! Me/ico and the nited States created the North Aerican ree Trade

    Agreeent KNATA Kn7a7! Goernent of :anada Bfficia( We+site7 The fo((owing ear the

    Genera( Agreeent on Tariffs and Trade KGATT eo(ed into the Wor(d Trade Brganisation

    KWTB Kn7a7! Wor(d Trade BrganisationD What is the WTB97 These treaties! agreeents! and

    organisations changed the econoic re(ationshi;s of countries on a g(o+a( (ee( aking the

    ore integrated! reinforcing the notion of g(o+a(isation7

    Bther eents inc(ude the inasion of &uwait in 1660 and (ater the war with 4raI (ed +

    George )ush senior KBer 22,27 )ut a tru( defining oent in this generation wi((

    hae +een 11 Se;te+er 20017 4t was a terrorist attack in a anner +efore uniagina+(e7@oweer! sad as the eent was! it was the actions taken +ased on this ;reise that defined it7

    George W7 )ush +egan + inading Afghanistan in search of Bsaa +in

  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    found in either case7 This has eant that the ;resent generation in the S has not had as

    ins;irationa( (eaders as Roosee(t or &enned to (ook u; to and hae instead (ooked for ro(e

    ode(s e(sewhere7

    4n .uro;e! (arge sca(e terrorist attacks took ;(ace in Madrid! S;ain in 200$ and A=ailability o, #Ds

    'all o, Berlin Wall

    8775Ds> G(l, War

    Bill #linton F Ne*


    $ollyH the shee; clone)

     !he Internet

    .555Ds> B(sh 44 F 788

    E(ro @J F EU


    A,ghanistan F Ira? Wars

    Lon)on F Ma)ri)


  • 8/21/2019 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Y - A New Workforce


    Recr(iting an) Retaining Generation " % A Ne* Wor+,orce 2008

    At the sae tie! a(though not as great a concern for o(der generations! coodit scarcit

    and the enironent are issues er re(eant to the ounger generations7 Generations > and

    Y are aware of soe of the (u/uries the eno fro oi( +ased ;roducts! such as re(atie(

    chea; trans;ortation + (and! air and sea! and the ro(e oi( ;(as in the econo7 The are!

    howeer a(so aware that haing reached 5eak Bi(2! oi( wi(( not anish iediate(! +ut it wi((

     +ecoe increasing( scarce and conseIuent( increasing( e/;ensie with a continued rising

    deand KAuthers Kn7a7! She(( .nerg Scenarios to 20#07

    A(ong with oi(! techno(og is one of the defining factors of this generation7 As entioned

    ear(ier! with the ra;id( increasing aai(a+i(it of ;ersona( co;uters! their use was eIua((

    swift( ado;ted! ;articu(ar( + the oung for ;ersona( use7 Generation Y wi(( hae grown u;

    using co;uters to ;(a gaes! surf the 4nternet! co;(ete schoo( and uniersit work!

    down(oad usic and ideos! and interact with ;eo;(e across the wor(d instantaneous(7 The

    workforce e+raced the 4nternet using it g(o+a(( to conduct +usiness without O(osingP tie7

    :o;uters are not the on( e(ectronic gadgets Generation Y hae +enefited fro7 With the

    fa(( in costs and increased aai(a+i(it! the use of ce(( ;hones s;read to a ;oint where an

    househo(ds ;resent( hae ore than one7 As with the 4nternet! this has faci(itated

    counication in an ;(ace at an tie7 There was a(so the introduction of the -iscan in

    the id, to (ate 1680=s aking it eas to (isten to :-s on the go rather than cassettes Kn7a7!

    Son :e(e+rates Wa(kanKR 20th Anniersar 7 This was fo((owed + the Mini -isc and

    (ater the i5od which was (aunched + A;;(e in 2001 Kn7a7! A;;(e 5resents i5od7 Bther 

    dee(o;ents inc(uded caeras changing fro using fi( to +ecoing digita(! usic +eing

    down(oaded fro the 4nternet (ega((! and +eing a+(e to a