Recruiting Top Candidates - Presentation to HR summit 2013 - Shireen DuPreez

Post on 26-Dec-2014

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Recruiting Top Candidates Shireen DuPreez

Twitter: @shireendupreez



Mobile: 0414 767 821


Open communication

Some vegetable humour….

“The conference pears made several fruitless attempts to send and receive e-mails on their new Blackberries”



Shireen DuPreez – Consultant and Author @shireendupreez #hrsummit_au

As Marissa Mayer CEO of Yahoo said during an interview on Bloomberg TV, May 2013:

“Technology companies live and die by the talent they can attract”

“Often the best solution to a management problem is the right person” Edwin Booz, 1914

“Talent is the #1 top concern of CEO’s”. IBM CEO Survey 2012.

Top Talent – Right fit, right time

“In today’s knowledge economy,

competitive advantage is increasingly

coming from the particular, hard-to-

duplicate know-how of a company’s most

skilled people: talented (and highly paid)

engineers, salespeople, scientists, and other

professionals.” Redesigning Knowledge Work. Harvard Business Review 2013.

Human capital market - current

Three recent examples: 1. Senior Environmental Advisor 2. Principal Geologist 3. Remuneration Manager (Head of Remuneration

& Benefits for ASX 100 company)

Targeted research, reaching out to enough of the right people and a thorough selection process is why

executive search is effective “It seems to me that a careful examination might possibly reveal some traces of this mysterious individual” The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

Recruiting trends – Online tools The hidden job market is growing and the labour market is constantly changing

Technology is a fantastic enabler:

• Move to online tools for sourcing talent

• Consolidation of market share of online job boards and emergence of new players

LinkedIn wants you to be “Profersonal”

LinkedIn Maps

Recruiting Trends - Big data

Big data means using data to find patterns about people. • How did Xerox reduce turnover in customer service

employees by 1/5th? They discovered those that live nearby work and are able get to work easily are less likely to quit.

• A study by Evolv of 100,000 call centre workers showed those who job-hopped in the past were no more likely to quit sooner than non job-hoppers. Counter intuitive?

Source “The Economist”

Recruiting Trends - Omni sourcing #hrsummit_au @shireendupreez

“Most companies react to hiring situations as

emergencies; that might explain why so many do it

so poorly”

Legacy issues and hiring challenges

Standard notice period: 4 weeks Usual time for thorough process: 8-12 weeks

Recruiting goals

You don’t have to be better at recruiting than all companies, just better in your

industry niche and local geography

@shireendupreez #hrsummit_au

• Robust foundation recruitment process

• Use the available data and online tools effectively

• Put focussed resources on high impact knowledge worker positions (especially hard to fill)

• Fit for purpose approach for your industry and geography

Overcome the recruitment challenges

Thank you. Questions?

Some more vegetable humour…

“The best thing about Eddie’s new job was the huge celery”


and network

with me

Shireen DuPreez Senior Consultant M +61 (0) 414 767 821 E W Blog: Twitter: @shireendupreez LinkedIn: