Recruitment In A Recession

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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For those who were not there last time

Fight for your business

Cut to the bone on ANY unnecessary expenses and costs including yours

Review all costs and re-negotiate wherever possible

Fight to retain margin

Time to step back and study your business model and see if its fit to work in a recession

Get away from the coal face for just a short time give yourself a chance to breathe

check your work processes and cut out any waste.

Keep your recruiters dealing directly with clients and candidates

Slash any work not liked directly to profit

What you expect your should inspect

This is no time for sentiment, don’t keep anyone not productive however nice, if they can’t produce get rid quickly

Now is the time you need your team to step up

Now is NOT the time to upset your team with the wrong approach to recession, doom and gloom will decimate your ability to perform

Identify quickly the localised blocks to business and work hard to support their removal

Give your staff the tools and they will do the job

Think the unthinkable you are in a recession and you need to survive, be prepared to do things you would not normally do

Fight for your business!

Don’t set out on the wrong path think things through first, be flexible and prepared for swift change where required.

Make your business flexible to meet the needs of the clients.

Look everywhere Follow through every

single lead and piece of business

Find out why the lead was not converted

Push for “real” failure explanations, support and change your business to support successful outcomes.

Set your budget to chase success not routine

10 forms at least Re-contact

EVERY user Market them

regularly Clients need to

know you exist cutting marketing can be fatal

Harness the job boards to find perm leads

Harness temp registrations to find temp leads

Follow all leads through

Fight for business

Know your market

Sell your strengths

Get your team behind you

Incentivise to succeed

Close down the weak opposition

Step up a gear Focus on profit

activity only Work your staff

hard but incentivise them well

Support your staff they will see you through

Your client will tell you what your service offering should be

Match and survive Be flexible and

offer a range of possibilities

Nothing ruled out

If it worked before try it again

Look for old successful habits and re-apply

Remember what it took to get you where you are and fire your resolve to repeat it but better than before

Keep control of ALL expenditure

Look after the pennies and the ponds will look after themselves

Check every invoice

Check every cost however small

Challenge everything

Every hour wasted is an hour the competition get ahead

This is WAR and you are in full battle with all the elements of a recruitment war

You need to win so take no prisoners

Grill any temps or perm candidates what jobs have they been offered and where

Get out there and sell sell sell

Undercut and get the business

Survival is the key you can keep up your standards later if you survive

EVERYBODY needs to focus on profit and ALL activity should reflect this

Control activity Increase sales but

not at the expense of delivering profit

Let your staff fill the vacancies they have then sell sell sell

If you don’t know then you can’t predict profit

Know your skills gaps and fill them quickly

Mentor train and support ALL staff

You are all in it together

Try everything you can think of retain what works and loose what doesn’t

Now is not the time to be shy

Share best practice and loose poor practice everywhere

Push for productivity Monitor closely ALL

performance activity Don’t be opressive Take your team with

you Keep going whatever

the problem Be flexible and listen

to your staff they are a great barometer to getting it right

Monitor all activity Be flexible and

plan for quick change

Keep what works and loose what doesn’t

Focus always on productivity and man hours and get the most out of every hour your business is open

Review Review Adapt Keep ahead Take your team

with you Focus on

productivity Reward success

Keep morale up Listen to your team Lead from the front Loose ANYTHING

that stands in your way

Support and thrive Enjoy it as it won’t

last forever Even the great

depression only lasted 5 years