Recycling: Are You Falling Behind?

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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Recycling in the workplace has entered the 21st Century. You know that you can no longer rely on a relaxed approach, hoping that everyone 'does their part'; from environmental factors to your business' bottom line, it's time to make recycling a priority… Recycling: Are You Falling Behind? tells it to you straight, giving you the advice you need to keep your office, staff – and the environment – safe. From the commercial benefits of recycling to the frightening results of ignoring the issue, use this Slideshare presentation to guarantee that you don't fall behind.


  • 1. Are You Falling Behind? Recycling

2. Recycling in the workplace has entered the 21st Century 3. Businesses can no longer rely on a relaxed approach, hoping that everyone does their part; from environmental factors to your business bottom line, its time to make recycling a priority. Recycling in the workplace has entered the 21st Century 4. From paper to packaging, dated IT equipment to bottle and cans, the potential to recycle in an office environment is vast and so are the benefits - 5. but are you falling behind? From paper to packaging, dated IT equipment to bottle and cans, the potential to recycle in an office environment is vast and so are the benefits - 6. Recycling 7. Recycling What It Means to Your Business and Your Staff 8. Landfilling and incineration cost more than well-run recycling programs. And, where is this cost most notable? 9. Your bottom line. Landfilling and incineration cost more than well-run recycling programs. And, where is this cost most notable? 10. 83% of staff believe that companies should try to accomplish their business goals while still trying to improve society and the environment. 11. RecyclingRecycling 12. What It Means to Your Environment Recycling 13. In the UK alone, we use 12.5 million tonnes of paper per year and it takes around 24 trees to make one tonne, this is an alarming amount! 12.5m 14. 75% of each tree that is cut down to produce paper is wasted 75% 15. The average person in the UK gets through 38kg of newspapers per year 38kg 16. Recycling 1 ton of paper saves 17 trees, 2 barrels of oil (enough to run the average car for 1,260 miles), 4,100 kilowatts of energy (enough power for the average home for 6 months), 3.2 cubic yards of landfill space, and 60 pounds of air pollution. 17. But its not all doom and gloom 18. Recycling 19. Recycling Cost / Commercial Benefits 20. Most businesses that implement recycling schemes have cleaner working environments, happier staff and their bottom line is improved due to the reduction in waste management costs. 21. Offices can improve their green credentials and massively support their chances of reaching ISO:14001 standards through the setup of a company-wide recycling programme. 22. A Net Impact Study shows that a business wanting to improve its green credentials also contributes to work satisfaction. 23. The more your employees both recycle and reduce the amount of waste they create in the first place, the more your waste disposal cost will decrease. 24. Integrating recycling and waste reduction techniques into your daily operating procedures and the culture of your business will ensure that your employees are saving the company money while they do the right thing for the planet. 25. Over a third of businesses that recycle say it has improved their reputation within the local community. 26. Over a quarter of companies who recycle at work say they have saved space by having designated areas and clearly labelled containers/bins for specific materials. 27. Recycling Environmental Benefits 28. For every 100 reams of recycled office paper that is printed doubled sided, the savings are estimated at two trees, more than one tonne of greenhouse gases and almost a cubic metre of landfill space. 29. Waste prevention and recycling reduces greenhouse gases by reducing emissions, saving energy, and increasing forest carbon sequestration. 30. Recycling one tonne of aluminium saves seven ton of CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere. One ton of CO2 is equivalent to emissions produced from driving 2800 miles. 31. So, What Can Your Office Do? 32. What You Can Do With Your Team 33. Recycling at work neednt be a chore more often than not, it is simply a matter of providing convenient ways in which your staff can contribute 34. Most businesses that implement recycling schemes have cleaner working environments, happier staff and their bottom line is improved due to the reduction in waste management costs. 35. Keep your staff educated on the importance of recycling. If you have a company newsletter, why not add recycling tips and tricks? (Just be sure to send a digital newsletter and save the paper!) 36. Introduce a competitive edge to recycling and see which department can produce the least amount of waste be sure to keep staff informed about whos winning! 37. What You Can Do Around The Office 38. Cut down on unnecessary paper usage and only print documents if its absolutely essential.Use both sides of a piece of paper, where possible 39. If you do have to print recycle the used paper. However make sure you get your recycled paper picked up and shredded by an accredited company to ensure all confidential data is destroyed 40. Provide your staff with re-usable bottles and ensure water coolers are freely available 41. Last year, we got rid of (threw away or recycled) 142,000 computers and over 416,000 mobile devices every day! Recycle your end-of-life IT equipment but ensure to use a reputable company who can securely wipe the equipment before it is disposed of. 42. And Finally 43. You Are Not Alone 44. Companies such as PHS exist to help make your life easier and can offer a great deal of advice on how to ensure you and your company are reaping the benefits of becoming more environmentally friendly.