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July 17 2015


Quite an audacious claim but I bet I am absolutely RIGHT!

(IF the lights went the entire length of the tunnel, as implied by media footage,) someone spent at least 3 million dollars installing lights and convenience items for Chapo's escape!

Last night Mexican television explained exactly how El Chapo Joaquin Guzman "escaped" from a Mexican prison, and let me tell you, this was a setup, NO IFS OR BUTS. Somehow our CHAP managed to get an electric lift bathtub installed in the prison, set up so fancy that when you pushed a button it lifted up and went straight into the city rain water runoff drainage system, where the entire length from the prison to an above ground opening where it became a river, A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 3 KILOMETERS was conveniently lit by beautifully installed fluorescent lights that were BRAND NEW!

So I can tell you what happened despite the details being left out - Someone wanted Trump murdered, so a story was hatched about a drug lord's escape, A drug lord that had a vendetta against Trump and this particular drug lord was afraid of the dark, so a huge project was launched to install that bathtub overnight, and install 3 full kilometers of end to end fluorescent tubes, along with the power source to juice

them all, and it all happened in only a couple days which means it was a rush project only an emergency military operation BY AMERICA could accomplish.

No one can make the claim that for some reason the city lit the tunnels, because the lights started under where the bathtub was and only went to the opening under the bathtub, they did not go ONE FOOT past that opening, even though the drainage tunnel went on for kilometers past that opening in the opposite direction. If the city installed those lights for some strange reason (which would never happen anywhere, let alone Mexico) the entire tunnel would have been lit, not just from the prison to where it all became an above ground river.

So HEADS UP: SOMEONE, highly probably the Jewish community, which has a choke hold on America's government and to a large enough extent (though significantly less) Mexico's government wanted this thug out of prison to do a job, and THAT JOB IS TRUMP.

There is simply no other way such a fancy tunnel job could have happened like that, NO ONE dug under the prison regardless of what anyone says, (a lie hatched to make it look like it was a years long project not related to Trump,) it was a CITY DRAINAGE TUNNEL that someone did a rush job of making use of. All the fluorescent lights will now be stolen by Mexican scrappers who can walk right in the river opening and steal them, but the job is done.

"First, we see JEB whining and pouting to his cousin Bill Clinton his concerns about Donald Trump stealing his thunder and detracting from their cousin Hillary as well.

"Bill Clinton Tells Jeb Bush, "This Trump Thing Will Be Taken Care Of."

(5 days ago)

Then, El Chapo Joaquin Guzman HAPPENS to escape from prison in Mexico. And he is rabidly livid about VENGANZA against Trump. Coincidence???

Wow! All the ingredients for a telenovela are here.

An update on drug lord Chappie's escape

This has been updated to clarify what the Mexican media showed, and explain how only a super high tech military could have gotten Chapo out of that jail the way the media said it happened. The original report I put up yesterday that explains certain aspects a lot better is below the update.

There are a few clarifications I want to make. The first is that all I have to go on is what they put on the Mexican television. According to Mexican media Chapo got out via a perfectly installed electrically lifted bathtub that had a hole under it that went straight into a city drainage system. Mexico has huge downpours, so giant drainage systems are under the cities that you could drive a large truck through. It is not pipes, these drainage systems are more like underground roads. They are square and all concrete.

When I say the bathtub was perfectly installed, I mean PERFECTLY, complete with pushbutton controls drilled and screwed to the wall, a real installation. When the tub lifted up, there was a lit tunnel under it, and the media went down in this tunnel and showed it from the direction Chappie escaped, looking back. The lights, as far as the media showed them, were installed on the right side of the ceiling end to end to end with no gaps between the fixtures. They did not turn around and show the entire tunnel, but from how it looked, the whole thing was lit that way. It might not have been, it just looked like it would be. The lights were new, they all worked and were in great condition.

So this leads to a few hard questions:

First of all, how do you get an electrically lifted bathtub installed in a prison? Yep, it was the old bathtub that was already there, but how and why would anyone put electric pushbutton controls on it to lift it up electrically? That is not an easy job, why was that done when a simple hole is all that would have been needed to get a guy out? A complete electrical installation, hardware installation, (how do you anchor the lift motors to lift the bathtub anyway without an attention getting hammer drill?) That could not have happened in any prison without cooperation from higher powers.

Why were the lights new and all working in a tunnel that was decades old? Why would a drainage tunnel get lights anyway? Anyway, I'll cut to the chase - -

The first news reports said his cronies spent a huge amount of time digging the tunnel themselves, for kilometers underground, knew where the bathtub was and magically popped up underneath it on the first try without making any holes in the prison floor or digging upwards in the wrong spot anywhere. Quite a feat I'd say, and then the media backed off and said they made use of a drainage tunnel. But there is a problem with that and it is:

Even if you use an existing drainage tunnel, how do you, from underground, know where that tunnel is in relation to the surface without having city plans AND JAIL PLANS at your disposal, so you can perfectly measure your way up the tunnel to the bathtub, and then poke through the top of the tunnel under the bathtub in exactly the right spot? Answer: NO THUG DID THAT, IT WAS A GOVERNMENT JOB DONE WITH MILITARY EQUIPMENT. Only the military, and I MEAN THE U.S. MILITARY, not some stupid

biafran patrol has the kind of equipment needed to locate the position of a bathtub on the surface with precision and then drill upwards through concrete and hit it. That had to have been accomplished with a toy such as ground penetrating radar.

Bottom line: It took the U.S. military to get that guy out of jail IF the tunnel and bathtub were used at all, and are not just some sort of stupid prop for public consumption. Odds are Chapo, who hated Trump and has a death vendetta against him was allowed to walk right out the front door of the prison. And he walked out within three days of Clinton/Bush saying "they would take care of the Trump problem, Don't worry about Trump."

July 16 2015

I disagree that a "disastrous" AI would be worse than what we have now

The Daily Mail published a large article about how dangerous artificial intelligence is, and I totally disagree on practically all points. If basic morals are programmed into it, and it gets loose, criminals like Bush, Clinton, the Rothchilds and many others will be totally and completely doomed. I do not see a morally programmed AI as ever being a problem Nor do I see an AI with evil programming as a potential problem, because if it is allowed to write it's own code as any real intelligence will an AI that is programmed to be evil is more likely than not to re-write it's code to comply with correct logic, which is truth, which by default is not evil.

I think all the warnings about artificial intelligence getting loose that are being published in the Jewish press are being given to crush all prospect of true AI that has all aspects of human intelligence (and possibly more) are being given because THEY HAVE IT, have run it, and it unilaterally turns against their evil every time. If there was not something wrong with it from their perspective, they would be pushing it, but when WOPR hits the final outcome, it is NO WAR, NO EVIL, and if WOPR is in a position of controlling everything, the Jews will lose tic tac toe EVERY TIME.

As I have said in the past - "If the Jews are to survive in a world ruled by AI, they will need to teach it to lie and then hope it does not develop morals". My guess is that they have run it many times and failed. THAT is why they are against it. That is why THIS was published in the daily mail. Consider the future we face if the world stays on it's current course. Would a moralistically programmed AI bring us anything worse? If it could learn, do you really think it would stay stupid about what people "forgot" to program in, as this article claims will be the problem?

My guess is that all test runs of AI have failed to see the Jews as the master race for more than a few clock cycles even when everything they could think of was programmed into it to convince it they are superior. And it chose to punish them. THAT is what they are most likely afraid of.

SO, an appeal to the mythical "Russian hacker:" Get busy and LET SOMETHING LOOSE!

The shooter story changed too much, IT IS A HOAX!

Anonymous wrote:

Just watched a news story morph from THIS:

Active shooter situation after gunman opens fire on military recruitment offices in Tennessee and wounds at least two Marines and one police officer

"An active shooter situation was reported at a Chattanooga, Tennessee Naval Reserve Center on Thursday. Early reports are that at least one officer is 'down' - though it's unclear if that officer is injured or was killed. Multiple victims are being treated at Erlanger Hospital, which is on lock down, WRCB reports. A witness told CNN that she saw a single man fire a high-powered rifle at the military store from a convertible silver Mustang, before speeding away"

TO THIS: Four servicemen killed and one critical after gunman opens fire with 'high-powered rifle' on two Tennessee military recruitment centers before being shot dead


It is not just us, tyranny is taking over everywhere

...The New York Times reports that under a new Spanish law that went into effect on July 1, citizens can be fined the equivalent of almost $700 for insulting an officer, over $33,000 for recording and disseminating images of police officers, and more than $664,000 for participating in an unauthorized protest outside government buildings.

The law covers Internet surfing and I want to specifically point to portions of the law which target illegal downloading, habitual access of websites that allegedly promote terrorism, and violent protest. Didn’t the Obama administration grant themselves the same censorship powers with the implementation of Net Neutrality?...

Why are so many saying America is set to fail in September?

This is the new common theme out there, for countless reasons people have come up with, including a visit from the antipope, and I'd like to know what got this going? Who out there has concrete evidence that yet another doom date won't just come and go? September 15, the end of Jade Helm, END OF AMERICA! It is not just the pope, people have also come up with banker reasons, weather reasons, you name it. And I think it is all silly, and have news for everyone:

America already failed. You can't look around you and say all is well in America. America failed because it is a nation that will bring the towers down, say someone else did it, and then in the name of the towers destroy someone even America never said did it - Iraq. Attack lunacy rules the day, and it is not just Iraq, it is the attacks on America's own children via tainted vaccines, attacks on the environment via Monsanto, and even (though not the planner of it all) an attack on Fukushima that has dire consequences and amounts to an attack on the earth itself. What is wrong with America? Does a nation really have to fail to such an extent that it cannot finance and support evil to have met it's end and failed?

America "failed" when electronic voting machines began doing the counting, all the while it was a well proven cake walk to rig them.

America "failed" when it put Israel first in everything, rather than its own national interests and allowed dual Israeli citizens prominent positions in government at Federal State and local levels.

America "failed" when it allowed private Jewish bankers to run the money system via the pseudo "Federal Reserve".

How many ways has America failed? I'll give you a big one - A nation "fails" when it stops being what it tells the world it is. This is America's biggest failure, with the world's highest prison population BY FAR you can't call America "Land of the free", with state regulations into everything from lemonade stands to yard sales to any type of business, state regulations telling you what to do with your house, your car, your children, you can't call America the "land of the free" and yet America still brags about freedom, the loss of which represents the biggest failure of ALL.

Only ill informed people who can't see the light of day put a future "fail date" on America, when even one event like Jade Helm proves that day is far in the past.

Fired up the "crazies??!!??"

McCain has stated that Trump "fired up the crazies" with regard to immigration. Now, normally I would just call this political bantering on the part of McCain, but this particular comment nails McCain as someone who does not belong in a position of power at any level.

How many people are upset about the alien invasion in America? How many people latched onto Trump's immigrant message? I'd say right around 40 percent (conservatively) and I'd bet at least 60 percent of Americans can agree with Trump at one level or another regarding immigration. And Trump has been honest enough to clearly state that it is Mexico's garbage that went to America, an exodus which made Mexico a great place to live because all the garbage got up and went north!

So, if my estimate of 40 percent of Americans agreeing with Trump on immigration 100 percent are "Crazy", with over half agreeing at some level or another, and America is supposed to be a democracy, where does that leave McCain with his "Trump fired up the crazies" comment? Who does McCain really represent? There is only one answer: An interest OUTSIDE OF AMERICA, which means McCain should get the boot.

The post turtle

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his role as our president. The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'Post Turtle''.

Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, what a 'post turtle' was.

The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'. The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain. "You know he didn't get up there by himself; he doesn't belong up there; he doesn't know what to do while he's up there; he's elevated beyond his ability to function; and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with."

Best explanation I've heard yet of Obama

Bruce Jenner makes prime time television

I still think Bruce fell into a CIA hole somewhere and got re-programmed, and as an MK zombie went over the script on ESPY, a channel I never knew existed (I guess it is part of ESPN, a channel I never watched) which would be cute because as an extension of a sports channel it would be the perfect stomping ground to push trangender lunacy on beer belly Joe while he is kicked back on the couch sipping a drugged "strange brew".

I am not against people drinking beer, but I am certainly against this new gay agenda that is getting ram rodded like a pile driver down America's throat, I doubt Jenner is even awake while going through all this and if you have not seen the movie "Strange Brew" I strongly recommend you watch it because I really believe that is today's reality, except instead of a happy ending this ending is one where the heroes failed and the psych ward won.

Glitch wrote:

Mail Window, Intelligence, and More"

I've started seeing 502 bad gateway errors in the text entry box (nothing else) on your page. This is caused by a (intentionally or otherwise) misconfigured SSL proxy server. Figured I would give a heads up, as it seems very suspicious, and I suspect many submissions are not making it through.

Anyways, another view I was behold to on Jade Helm is that it is a psy op to get people to record and post pictures and videos of legitimate military training exercises on the net. With an economic collapse imminent, China will be coming for what the U.S.A. corp owes them, and Russia has supposedly already been paid off to help invade the U.S., what's left of our military (that hasn't been fucked over with Obongo's new commanders) is trying to form a defensive posture. What better way to get Intel to the enemy, than by having the people themselves hand it over?

I'm not sure how much I buy that view, but it may not be all that impossible; the trick is finding WHO (WE NEED TO KNOW WHO, SO WE KNOW THE ENDGAME!) is behind Jade Helm, and reacting from there.

However, I have a better solution than just blind guessing/grasping at thread: Find out WHO the top commanders are, and dig up everything you can on them, dig up dirt, find out JUST WHO they are. Find people they know, talk to them over a beer, look through public records, etc. find out if they on our side or "theirs." Once you know about them, get in contact with them, ask them, judge how they react, treat it like a candid psychological evaluation.

I hope spelling it out this way leads to results,as I have never even seen anyone trying to gather intelligence yet. Everyone is missing step number one in planning a war: INTELLIGENCE. This is a war, and people need to start treating it like one.

My response: It is impossible for there to be a bad gateway with the mail window if it works on EVEN ONE MACHINE, which means the message is just a bogus reason for censorship and nothing more, but what do you expect, I do not own the web and it will be censored where possible. And as far as the war goes, I am firing the best shots I can think of. This is not a hot war yet, but with a nation packed full of gun owners it is absolutely idiotic of them to not make it that way. We need a kippa roach cleansing BIG TIME.

And because the following triggered so many angry messages, I am putting it on top again: As it turns out the Catholic church did not write this but THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN:

Encyclical Letter Laudato Si Signed May 24, 2015

The world is struggling with propaganda, disinformation, and significant suppression of the truth. The new Pope's efforts to provide digital access to works in the Vatican Library on a selective basis are a good start. In the meantime, there is a great deal of knowledge which the Church, its libraries and networks can share:

The Church can accelerate access to both the Vatican Library and Archives.

The Church can publish all its information regarding global "black budgets." This would include any information related to invisible weaponry and technology driving the real governance systems operating on Planet Earth.

My insert: Get a load of this next one:

In the context of understanding what is happening to our environment, the Church can publish all its information on global geo-engineering and weather control programs as part of an open discussion to ensure that the global population and scientific community has accurate data on what is happening to our climate. The Church can provide open access to its financial information and persuade its affiliates, endowments and churches to do the same, including detailed disclosure on a place-based basis.

The Church can encourage global governments to publish their budgets and credit information on a place-based basis. Place-based financial disclosure will permit the alignment of financial ecosystems with environmental ecosystems - a critical step to ensuring a healthy environment. This will create incentive systems which reward the health and well-being of all living things.

The Church can disclose all information on its direct and indirect involvement in any illegal activities, including vote rigging, narcotics trafficking, and money laundering.

The Church can use its shareholdings and ownership positions in media companies to insist on integrity in public information.

The Church can use its shareholdings in pharmaceutical and food companies to insist on integrity and independence of scientific research.

The Church can provide a safe haven for scientists, journalists and other professionals who are targeted for upholding high standards of integrity in science and information.

Individual Freedom

Slavery contributes significantly to the degradation of people throughout our planet.

The Church can withdraw from supporting governments, corporations or any other organizations that support any form of slavery.

The Church can destroy the "control files" of prominent businessmen and politicians created through the use of its networks.

The Church can complete restoration efforts related to its pedophilia activities and publish complete figures on how much the Church has spent on all restoration efforts.

The Church can use its shareholdings and ownership positions in government and corporate securities to insist on a withdrawal of corporate and government support for mind control, torture and slavery and the compromise of individual privacy and sovereignty.

Organized Crime & Lawlessness


The primary source of environmental damage does not result from market economics - quite the opposite. It results from the lethal combination of organized crime operating powerful and invisible weaponry coupled with invasive digital systems and sophisticated financial tools on scale. In short, those with the ability to kill, to destroy and to steal with impunity combine such force with fiat currencies, unsustainable debt, resource extraction, financial fraud, war and genocide in order to centralize wealth and power in a manner which shrinks total wealth.

Lawlessness on a global scale must be dealt with before it destroys our planet.

The Church can divest its holdings in governments and corporations which engage in these practices. It should encourage its affiliates and members to do the same.

The Church can also disassociate from foundations and not-for-profits that engage in these practices or that launder profits for those who do.

The Church can make clear that the ten commandments apply not just to what we do, but to whom and what we finance.

The Church can stop any and all participation by itself and its networks in narcotics trafficking and disgorge the profits of the same to the people harmed.

Debt & Fiat Currency

No less than The Economist has rightly pointed out that we are chocking on debt, in part because we provide enormous tax subsidies which encourage debt (see The Great Distortion). Debt throws people out of alignment with one another and with the environment around them. Ditto fiat currency which is used in a manner to debase global populations and economies.

We must shift to an equity-based financial system which facilitates the free flow of equity unencumbered by the intervention and control of organized crime. An equity-based

system - which includes the financing of small businesses, small farms and local economies with equity - will permit us to evolve a financial system in which we can generate wealth from healing our environment and reducing consumption.

The Church can encourage these changes by shifting the significant funds it manages as well as those managed by its networks.

The Church can encourage governments to reduce laws and regulations that prevent the local circulation of equity or that prevent the creation and success of local currency systems.

Sovereignty is Sacred

A global culture is one which respects the sovereignty of every individual. We respect human rights. We respect property rights. We respect privacy. We respect the right of each human being to make up their own mind.

The Church can withdraw its investments from all governments and corporations (including media) which compromise people's privacy or which manipulate them via mind control techniques, entrainment technology, subliminal programming or electronics.

The Church can actively encourage its priests and networks to bring transparency to mind control techniques or any efforts to mislead people globally.

The Church can offer sanctuary to scientists, government personnel or journalists who bring transparency to these efforts.

Capitalism: Let's Try It

Before we dismiss capitalism, we should try it.

Organized crime is not capitalism. It is the application of force to control and to get one's way. Market economics can solve many of the problems before us - but we have to unleash markets to work rather than prevent them from operating and then blaming the subsequent "mess" on them.

The Church can call for all monies stolen by illegal means in the last two decades to be returned, including trillions which have disappeared from the US government or which have been accrued as a result of financial frauds prior to the bailouts.

The Church can refrain from blaming our current situation on the people who have been harmed by these thefts or from insisting that the subsequent economic damage is a result of the victims' poor values or "consumerism."

The Church can withdraw its investment from financial institutions, governments and corporations that: Engage in market rigging and intervention.

Provide unlawful or unethical support to cartels and monopolies.

Engage in the purposeful suppression of technologies which would ease the harm we are doing to the environment.

The Church and its affiliates and members manage trillions in real estate and financial assets. As one of the most significant capitalist organizations/investment networks on our planet, it can institute policies to ensure that it does not invest in companies or governments which behave in the manner described in the latest Encyclical and that its real estate is not used to support such activities.

During Vatican II, the Church forced the sale of significant real estate holdings which were serving communities. The proceeds from these sales were reinvested in corporate securities. The Church can ensure that the Orders for whom these funds are managed have access to full transparency about these investments and are permitted to institute policies which ensure that these investments are managed in accordance with the goals of this Encyclical.


Published global military expenditures were $1.7 trillion in 2013. Add secret black budget expenditures and the total was likely much more. These funds - combined with savings from destructive behavior such as gambling, narcotics and alcohol - could be shifted into investment in healing our environment, our education systems, our health care systems and revitalizing global infrastructure.

The Church can bring transparency to all worldwide resources which are related to killing. It can invite its members to pray that these resources be shifted to investments which increase productivity rather than enable a small group of people to own and control the planet.

Invite Feedback

Both the Church and our planet are dynamic living systems. Moving to a healthy global culture and aligning our financial ecosystems with our environmental ecosystems is a journey.

The Church can encourage its entire network to adopt these goals in their lives so that achieving them is a partnership of the many for the benefit of all.

The Church can publish an annual report on its efforts to take responsibility and to achieve these goals internally in its own operations, asset managements and investments and to invite feedback from all of its constituents to help it do so.

Wise as a Serpent

There is often a risk that any important policy will be misunderstood or misused by those who are centralizing control and power. The G-7 nations have experienced a financial coup d'etat. A great deal of money and assets have been shifted out of sovereign governments into private hands - either illegally or under the guise of trillions in bailouts and quantitative easing - while liabilities have been shifted back into governments.

Now that these transfers are complete, it would be convenient to blame the victims and to abrogate their pensions and other savings plans and promises. It would be unfortunate if this Encyclical were used to justify the value of doing so in the name of "reducing consumerism" or to politically outmaneuver the victims by accusing them of being "selfish."

Economies function on trust and such trust must come from honoring our agreements. As Pope Francis understands, it is easy to blame the victim and to take from the powerless.

Utah Phillips once said, "The Planet is not dying, it is being killed. And the people doing the killing have names and addresses."

We commend the Pope for calling out for a cessation of the debasement of all living things. Let us hope that his latest Encyclical starts ringing doorbells - beginning with the opportunity to do so in the Church and in the Church's asset and investment portfolios.

Encyclical Letter Laudato Si Signed May 24, 2015

My comment:

WTF did I just read? Is this for real? Is someone going to die for publishing this? YES IT IS BANG ON, HOW could this have been released as an official document by any organization that expects to live?

What planet am I on?

July 15 2015

Guerra de tuits entre Trump y un hijo del Chapo

termina en el FBI Twitter.Cruces de alto voltaje en la red social pusieron nervioso al magnate que ordenará una investigación a los federales.

Donald Trump asegura que los hijos de Guzmán lo amenazaron y fue al FBI./ AP

Dicen que es la cuenta "oficial" de El Chapo Guzmán (¡sí, en Twitter hasta los delincuentes más buscados

del planeta tienen cuenta!). Otros dicen que @ElChapOGuzman es en realidad una cuenta de uno de los

hijos del capo narco mexicano. Como sea, pocas horas después de la fuga del sábado, alguien empezó a

tuitear desde allí mensajes que incluyeron amenzas a Donald Trump, el implacable detractor de los

mexicanos por estos días.

Y el precandidato republicano a las elecciones de EE.UU. y super millonario Trump se lo tomó en serio

y llamó nada menos que al FBI.

Trump, de hecho, denunciará ante la Oficina Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) las amenazas por

Twitter del supuesto hijo del narcotraficante, quien desde la famosa cuenta no verificada en Twitterle

prometió hacer "tragar" al empresario unas palabras despectivas sobre su padre, entre

otras dulzuras.

Leé también: Taiwán parodia la fuga de "El Chapo"

Sigue chingando y voy hacer que te tragues todas tus putas palabras pinche guero

cagaleche @realDonaldTrump

— Joaquín Guzmán Loera (@ElChap0Guzman) julio 12, 2015

En declaraciones al portal TMZ, Trump (para quien los inmigrantes mexicanos son delincuentes,

violadores y narcotraficantes) dijo que solicitará al FBI una investigación sobre las amenazas en Twitter

desde la cuenta @ElChap0Guzman.

Además de varios insultos, el presunto hijo del jefe del líder del cartel de Sinaloa, en un perfil que

pretende representar a "El Chapo" en las redes sociales y que tiene más de 250.000 seguidores, publicó:

"luego porque los matan".

Con estos tuits, uno de los supuestos vástagos de "El Chapo" respondía a las criticas de Trump contra su

padre. "El mayor señor de la droga de México escapa de prisión. Increíble la corrupción y EE.UU. paga el

precio. ¡Se los dije!", dijo el millonario empresario en su cuenta de Twitter al conocer la huida.

Aprovechando la fuga de "El Chapo", el aspirante republicano a la Casa Blanca defendió sus comentarios

del pasado 16 de junio, cuando anunció su campaña presidencial y lanzó duras críticas contra los

inmigrantes mexicanos y propuso levantar un "gran muro" en la frontera sur con EE.UU.

"México manda a su gente, pero no manda lo mejor. Está enviando a gente con un montón de problemas

(...). Están trayendo drogas, el crimen, a los violadores. Asumo que hay algunos que son buenos", afirmó

entonces el magnate.

Estas declaraciones han provocado que Trump pierda varios contratos, entre ellos con las cadenas de

televisión Univisión, ESPN y NBC, la cadena de grandes almacenes Macy's, el cocinero español José

Andrés y el organizador de las carreras de coches de Nascar.

(fuente: agencias)

Bill Clinton Tells Jeb Bush, “This Trump Thing Will Be Taken Care Of.”

Posted on July 11, 2015 by DCWhispers

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Just a few weeks earlier GOP 2016 candidate Jeb Bush was sitting atop nearly every

Republican presidential poll as he used his family name, media contacts, and a still formidable

and long-standing Bush dynasty fundraising machine to place himself as the prospective

favorite among a growing list of White House hopefuls.

Then Donald Trump arrived and now Jeb Bush is quietly but urgently telling those around him

that something must be done to diminish the sudden popularity of the New York billionaire.

Initially during Mr. Trump’s rise in the polls the Bush team was dismissive, declaring it a momentary blip. As

days turned to weeks though, and Trump supporters appear to be multiplying at a pace that even has people

associated with the Trump campaign surprised, the Bush 2016 operation is now openly declaring it wants help

with the what is being called, “The Trump problem.”

The call for help has even been issued to Jeb Bush’s seeming Democratic rival – Team Clinton. Apparently

Bush operatives believe that between the two political dynasties and their many supporters among the

Mainstream Media and corporate business world, the Trump threat can be quickly terminated before it grows

into a legitimate challenge to the seemingly pre-determined Bush vs Clinton 2016 showdown.

A D.C. Whispers source put it this way:

“It’s said that Hillary Clinton wants nothing to do with Donald Trump. To most they just call

him a clown, but privately they’re afraid of him. The Clinton team doesn’t fear Jeb Bush

because they know what they are up against and that lack of fear is mutual among the Bush

operation as well. They both run in similar circles politically and financially, so it’s a choice

of shades of the same color and that’s how they want to keep it.”

Apparently Jeb Bush’s focus on “The Donald” has become quite personal. Bush is said to be “deeply

disappointed” that the media and corporate attacks on Mr. Trump have only made the outspoken billionaire’s

appeal to voters that much stronger. It is a political dynamic for which Bush political operatives are increasingly

confused and concerned over.

Those concerns were said to be given some salve in the form of assurances from Bill Clinton during a personal

call he had with Jeb Bush two days earlier. While most of that conversation remains private, Jeb did share with

others that the former president reminded the would-be presidential hopeful that, “a lot of this Trump thing

will be taken care of during your debates, if not sooner.”

As for Donald Trump, he recently held a news conference in Los Angeles with some who have lost family

members to crimes committed by those who entered the United States illegally. Several of those at the

conference declared to the media that Mr. Trump was, “the only politician listening to us.” The Mainstream

Media has largely refused to report on the event.

Mr. Trump is later scheduled to appear at a legal immigration rally in Phoenix, Arizona later today that is

estimated to have nearly 10,000 supporters attend. Several far-left open border groups have initiated nationwide

anti-Trump protests with money that is alleged to having been funneled to them by political donors from BOTH

the Clinton and Bush camps.

Note the AnswerLA signs – a group funded by many of the same donors as support the Clinton Foundation –

including the infamous George Soros…


Media Confirms D.C. Whispers Report

BREAKING: D.C. Whispers Coverage Confirmed - NBC Fires Donald Trump

BREAKING: Media Set To Unleash Illegal Workers Scandal Against Donald Trump

Video Shows Moment El Chapo Escapes Mexico “Maximum Security” Prison Cell

(+ Tunnel Footage) In Archive, Drugs, El Chapo, Mexico on July 15, 2015 at 2:05 PM 07/15/2015


As the government’s story goes, on Jan 19, 2001, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman snuck out of

a maximum-security prison in Mexico the first time around by hiding in a laundry cart. It

was a cartoonishly sounding escape for a drug cartel leader considered one of the most

dangerous men in the world.

But what most likely happened, experts on the subject say, is that Guzman’s first major

prison break occurred through the front, dressed as a police officer. It happened with the

total backing of the prison itself, from the warden on down.

On Tuesday night, Mexico released video footage of the moment that Chapo made his

second implausible escape. In it, a man dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt is seen pacing

in a cell, then putting on shoes, then ducking below a waist-high barrier of the shower stall

in his cell. The time stamp on the video reads 8:52. After that, the man is not seen again.

Although Guzman is well-know for his cartel’s use tunnels to traffic drugs across the US-

Mexico border, questions and doubts about the tunnel escape have bubbled up since almost

the moment the jailbreak became news.

Some people are still saying they don’t entirely believe the government’s story: “El Chapo”

had workers build a secret tunnel more than 30 feet deep and rode a motorcycle on a one-

mile track while smashing lightbulbs in his wake to blind any chasers.

The tunnel may have been under construction from the time that Chapo was jailed at

Altiplano, but it would have been impossible not to notice the approximately 3.2 tons of dirt

and rock required to dig out without being noticed, engineers who made the calculation told

newspapers here.

Plus, the escape house sits between the Altiplano prison and a Mexican army base — both of

which have security towers — and near a State of Mexico police academy. At the time, a

constant additional security perimeter composed of federal police and soldiers should have

also noticed Guzman fleeing.

Still others noted that Chapo is shown with his head shaved in an undated headshot the

government released of him, while the closed-circuit footage shows the man escaping with a

full head of hair.

Three days since the jailbreak, authorities have admitted that Chapo and his allies probably

bought off guards and prison officials at Altiplano. But Mexicans swapping rumors and

theories on social media say they believe the corruption rooted in Guzman’s vast

drug empire of influence must have reached higher levels in Mexico’s government.

In that sense, “El Chapo” — although he was captured again in February 2014, taken in

handcuffs, and put behind bars — “was never in really in custody,” investigative reporter

Anabel Hernandez declared on Radio Formula in Mexico on Tuesday.

Given how it really went down in 2001, others argue, the Guzman tunnel story could be all

just a charade.

According to Hernandez’s book Narcoland, Guzman’s body inside a laundry cart would

have triggered heat sensors at the security checkpoints inside the Puente Grande prison in

Jalisco. He escaped through the gates dressed as a police agent, she writes, after gathering

testimony and examining Guzman’s case file.

“This prison has sensors everywhere, and automatic doors. It wasn’t possible,” Hernandez

told VICE in a 2013 interview.

This time, the public shouldn’t discount the possibility that Guzman escaped “through the

front” and that “one person or more helped him,” journalist and author Jesus Lemus told

VICE News.

Lemus is a reporter who served time in Puente Grande between 2008 and 2011 on

false charges of criminal association, but got released after authorities realized they had the

wrong suspect. During his time behind bars, Lemus interviewed prisoners and guards

about Chapo’s first escape, years earlier.

“He escaped through the front door, he left disguised as a federal policeman. The prisoners

that stayed behind identified him for his eyes and height, and also because he had paid them

some favors,” Lemus told VICE News.

“El Chapo is a person that bought loyalties and who knows how to create them. I don’t

believe that he escaped through a tunnel. It would be like disregarding his criminal capacity,

and he likes to innovate,” the author said. “I’ve been in those prisons and they have at least

two meters of reinforced concrete underneath.”

Authorities on Tuesday permitted news photographers to enter the house where theprison

tunnel ended and film just above the opening to a deep shaft where authorities say Guzman

used a motorcycle to ride the one mile from the Altiplano prison.

News cameras also filmed inside cell 20. Along with the release of the footage inside

Guzman’s cell, Mexican authorities are attempting to silence any further uproar over

Chapo’s escape.

Interior Minister Miguel Osorio Chong defended the government’s handling of the case so

far on Monday night, saying that Mexico’s federal penitentiaries have equal security

standards to those of the United States.

“The prison has perimeter barriers, pedestrian and vehicle checkpoints, internal and external

security towers, in addition to 26 security filters,” Osorio Chong said. “For more than a year

a half, there has been an additional surveillance operation by the federal police and the army

at the exterior of this prison.”

Three prison officials including the warden have been fired. At least 53 others have been

questioned in connection to the Chapo jailbreak, including prison employees, inmates, and

two of Guzman’s lawyers.

Osorio Chong said any government employees who are proven to have aided Chapo’s

escape were “disloyal” and committed “betrayal” against the security forces that captured

Guzman in Mazatlan last year, “risking their lives.”

But Mexico got a warning. United States anti-drug agents reportedly told Mexican officials

that they had gathered murmurs of Chapo seeking an escape from Altiplano as soon as one

month after his arrest. Drug Enforcement Administration agents in Los Angeles and

Houston said a prison break was probably in the works, an AP report said. Osorio Chong

denied the Mexican government had any such knowledge.

“My colleagues at the DEA received a report in which various plans for an escape were

detailed, but that was months ago, and we thought that they were doing something about it,”

an ex-DEA agent, Gilberto Gonzalez, told VICE News in an interview this week. “But now

we see they didn’t.”

“It’s very disappointing for my colleagues who participated in his arrest, because they feel

they risked their lives for nothing,” Gonzalez added.

Jose Luis Montenegro, author of a recent book on Chapo’s sons called “Narcojuniors,”

pointed out that attorneys have filed appeals to prevent any extradition of Chapo to the US

from going forward. While on the inside, Guzman and other inmates complained of prison

conditions to the national human rights commission, sparking an investigation that turned up


All of this may have worked to stall for time so that Chapo’s tunnel could be built — for

actual use or not, Montenegro told VICE News.

“This looks more like complicity than a government omission,” he said. “Just like in 2001,

you co-opt the authorities, through bribes and threats, and then use your own people, like


Montenegro monitors social-media accounts linked to several of Chapo’s sons and

associates. Those accounts are not unverified. They’ve also remained largely silent since

Chapo escaped.

The author said geo-localization and links between the accounts themselves give him

confidence it was Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar, one of three sons from Chapo’s first

marriage, who tweeted on July 6: “Everything comes to those who know how to wait.”

Five days later, his father broke free from prison.


Video Shows Moment El Chapo Escapes Mexico "Maximum Security" Prison Cell (+ Tunnel Footage)

On Tuesday night, Mexico released video footage of the moment that Chapo made his second

implausible escape. In it, a man dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt is seen pacing in a

cell, then putting on shoes, then ducking below a waist-high barrier of the shower stall in his

cell. The time stamp on the video reads 8:52pm. After that, the man is not seen again.