RED CAMP PROCESS DRAMA€¦  · Web viewRED CAMP POEM ACTIVITY . Purpose: This activity is a way...

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Objective:Using metaphor and analogy, rendered through the elements of drama, this drama aims to explore the themes of conflict, loyalty and love in the face of adversity and the suppression of individual autonomy for group empowerment. These are themes which run strongly through Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story, the Boska and Admira newspaper article, and Hitler’s regime. Through exploration in and out of the process drama of the themes and related real-life examples students will gain a clear understanding on how to structure, portray and present an issue for a documentary drama. There will be a focus on social pressure, conflict and differences challenging the conception that ‘All people are the same’. By engaging with this drama students can achieve a heightened and more personal understanding of these issues. Additionally, students will be encouraged to think critically about the historical and contemporary societal issues which relate to the themes of the drama.

List of Resources:Red ‘leadership’ hatRed and blue stamps or pens to ‘mark’ students’ wristsMasking tape/ self-adhesive labels- small and largeChocolate and stickersRed member identity sheet and red pens (class set)Atmospheric, dramatic and tranquil music Images of red camp photo’s Camp poem written on the boardRed BalloonsCd player

Explanation, Expectations and Rules:

Process drama is based on a series of role playing and improvisation activities. The purpose is for participants to actively explore a theme, issue or idea. Participants are often given opportunities to negotiate the dramatic action.

Drama’s have two roles for participants ‘in role’ (inside the dramatic action) or ‘out of role’ (outside the dramatic action). Anything that is said or acted ‘in role’ must be true to the situation and character and participants must be willing to let go of the action once they are out of role. A role play is simply an honest portrayal of people in particular circumstances or situations. If a participant feels personally uncomfortable or unsafe whilst in role they are welcome to simply remove themselves from the dramatic action and either silently observe the drama or move into the hallway away from the drama.

There are signals which students must watch for. As participants of this drama the students will determine how successful and how engaging it is. Students should develop a sense of ownership because the drama is really theirs. As facilitator of this drama it is my responsibility to ensure everyone is safe at all times. Any distracting or dangerous behaviour will result in the student being removed from the drama immediately and if this happens more than twice the whole drama will be abandoned. This is because the issues that are being explored are serious and some people may be sensitive to them so participants must be responsible and mature. As a facilitator I will be dressed in normal clothes but to signal enrolling as the red camp leader I will put on a red hat. Student need to be made aware of this signal before commencing the drama.

The success of the drama relies upon group co-operation, with no-one diverging from the rules


Purpose:Camp Red Images- this is designed to introduce students to the focus of the drama- the Camp Red Group. The stimulus is used to get the student to engage in the drama as quickly as possible by beginning to obtain information about Camp red

Image of Camp red Participants from Previous GenerationStudents will be lead into the next room where there will be images of groups of people dressed in red. These pictures will be presented on the wall like a gallery. Students are to discuss what they think the pictures may be of, what they mean and how old they are. Students will then be lead back into their original room and asked to lie on the floor with their eyes closed.


Purpose:Enrolling and belief building- to provide a background to the ensuing action, and to give the students an identity within this background.

Teacher Narration(play some atmospheric, dramatic music in the background to heighten the mood)Track 15 (an Ocean) ‘Two Roads’ CD

“It is a place somewhere in the future. The world is a very different, somewhat darker place, having been ravaged by crippling wars and terrorism attacks over many, many years. You live in an isolated state which is controlled by two groups, The REDS and the BLUES, who have been feuding violently for as long as anyone can remember. You belong to the REDS, whose beloved leader is Master red, who you think is the kindest, most wonderful person alive. You have grown up believing strongly in the goodness and rightness of the RED force. To you, the BLUE community represents everything evil and destructive in the world. The BLUES and REDS go to separate schools, universities, social meeting places. BLUES and REDS would never work in the same building or even shop at the same shops. And relationships between REDS and BLUES are unthinkable; the ultimate

betrayal. A fragile peace has existed for the last couple of years, but there are now rumblings of new and bloody conflict in the air. That is why you have been chosen, out of thousands of young RED people, to take part in this special leadership camp for RED youth. I believed you all had a chance to view our hall of history with the images of Camp Red participants from previous generations. These are the founders of our community, these are the people that set us free and defended us against the evil and destructive attacks of the BLUES all those centuries ago. Now in a new era, the REDS have been made aware of new and horrifying plans that the BLUES have to destroy our community, our following and our way of life. The REDS therefore believe that soon, you young, fit and smart REDS will be leading the REDS against the attacks of the BLUES. You will be our PROTECTORS”.


The Purpose:This exercise has a dual purpose. Firstly to make participants feel that they are ‘special’ to be a part of this camp. Secondly, to contribute a sense of suspense of an event later on in the drama.

Marking Students Ask students to take a few moments and let these ideas settle in, keeping their eyes closed, and tell them you are about to give each of them a special, secret mark on their wrist, which marks them as special participants of this camp. Tell the students the marks must be covered for safety reasons and that they should not tamper with their mark or attempt to remove the label under any circumstance other than direct instruction from the camp leader. Proceed to stamp each student’s wrist, except for one, with a red stamp then cover it with a self-adhesive label. Stamp the other student with a blur mark, and cover it. Because of the events later in the drama, give the blue mark to someone who has the ability to handle a fairly intense dramatic situation. Again remind students not to remove the labels unless explicitly told to. Teacher places role card and pen next to each student.


Purpose:This activity helps consolidate the participants’ perception of themselves as RED members

Writing in Role Ask participants to sit up and, without talking to anyone, write down their personal details (as RED members). These should include their family background, their hopes and dreams, and in particular, one incident in their lives which, above all else, made them hate the BLUES. Students are then to form groups of three and share this incident with their other group members. They must create one freeze frame for each story. Students form two lines of groups facing each other and students show each freeze frame when directed by the camp leader. Students fill out a name tag with their characters name and places this on their shirt.


Purpose:This exercise helps to further consolidate the participants’ belief in their love for and loyalty to the REDs. Handing out chocolate and stickers gives the message that loyalty to the REDs will be rewarded. Facilitator asks participants to meet in the adjoining room for their official introduction to came RED.

Introduction to Camp Red:Leader dons leadership cap. This denotes her as leader of ‘Camp Red’. When she wants to derole and become leader of the drama, she removes this camp. Drama participants should already by aware of this signal. When facilitator is in-role as camp leader, it is important that she acts very warmly and enthusiastically, except when otherwise stated. Students in-role as camp participants should feel as though they are in good hands.

Leader: Hi everyone and welcome to camp RED! It’s great to have you all here. I’m your camp leader, but think of me more as a friend who’s here to guide you through this exciting time. As you know, you were hand picked out of thousands to be a part of this special training program, so you should all feel very proud. This camp is aimed at giving you the skills and qualities you will need to lead the REDs to power, but I think we’ll also have heaps of fun. More serious, though, is the fact that only a few hundred metres away, RED intelligence has learned of a camp for young BLUE people. Obviously their camp will be nothing like ours- theirs is about hate and evil, whereas ours is about goodness and rightness. So, needless to say, any contact with any of those disgusting people is strictly forbidden. But on to happier things, let’s all move into our activities hall and sit in a circle for our first activity!

Sharing and Planning Activity: Ask participants to share, one by one, a quality of the red group which they love. After each person shares their thoughts, say something positive and give them a chocolate and sticker.

Students are the to split into three groups. Group 1 is provided with cardboard and pens and asked to create a banner for the camp. Group 2 is provided with pens and paper and asked to create an anthem for the camp. Group 3 is provided with a piece of cardboard and pens and asked to create a logo/ motto for the camp


Purpose:This activity is a way of associating ‘fun’ with the fundamental principles of the RED camp

Poem Recital:Introduce participants to the camp poem, which is on a poster on the wall-

Roses are RedHatred is BlueStick by usAnd we’ll love you

Get participants to recite this a few times. Congratulate participants on their involvement and tell them it’s time for a camp game. This is an old favorite game invented by the original members of camp red it’s called “Simon Says”


Purpose:This game serves to illustrate how particular ideologies can be absorbed subliminally when presented in a fun and familiar form

Simons Says Game: Start off game normally, in a fun way, and gradually work in such questions as ‘Simon says who do we all love? The REDS!’ Simon says who is evil? The BLUES!’ ‘Simon says what colour are roses? RED!’ ‘Simon says what colour is evil? BLUE!”


Purpose:This activity allows the participants to reflect upon and critically think about the events of the drama so far, and to communicate freely with the other participants

Discussion and Reflection in-role:Ask participants to break off into their cabin groups, and retire to their ‘cabins’ (corners of the room) for the night. In their cabin groups, ask them to talk with each other about how they are feeling and what they thought of the day’s activities. Specifically, ask them to discuss the end-of-camp RED party: what they’re going to wear, what music they want, what decorations they can think of.

Bed Time:Tell participants that they’ve had a long, but very rewarding day, and it’s time for lights out. They should lie down and ‘sleep’. If you have some tranquil music play this softly to mark the transition to sleep, turn the lights off, then say the following over the top of the music. This will add atmosphere to the dream-like quality of what you are about to say:

(track One ‘Africhill’ CD)

Imagine that you wake up suddenly, feeling restless. You look around, seeing the others in your cabin sleeping, and something draws you to get up and go outside. It is a warm night, and you just feel like walking…and walking. You convinced the guard at the edge of the camp grounds that you dropped something on a group excursion earlier today, so he let you out. But you just feel like walking, and thinking…thinking about the events of the day. You know you love the REDs, but something about this camp is bothering you. Then an amazing thing happens. Ahead, you see another person, sitting on a fallen log among the trees. They must be someone else from your camp, you think, so you keep walking towards them, but as you approach, you don’t recognise them. With a thud in your heart, you realise that they must be …a BLUE! You should run away, but something about them, the way they turn their head, the way their hair falls on their face, draws you closer. They look up, startled to see you, but you recognise something in each others eyes which makes neither of you be afraid. You talk for a while, about lots of things. You keep having to remind yourself that this is a BLUE, your enemy, but with the two of you here, sitting so close, it just doesn’t seem to

matter. They tell you their name…Jaime. To you it sounds like the most beautiful name. But then the warning siren from your camp sounds, and you have to go. But, first, you arrange to meet Jaime in the same place the next night. You run off, feeling elated but confused.


Purpose:This activity allows students to explore the feelings and emotions of the character and to listen to other’s opinions. The sound scape will also provide atmosphere and tension for the drama

Sound Scape:Facilitator instructs students to think of a single word or phrase that they are thinking about in role. When the student feels a tap on the shoulder they are to say the word or phrase out loud. The facilitator will work the responses into a sound scape. Tell the students it is now the next morning and as they wake up they are to attend an urgent assembly in the adjoining room.


Purpose:This event creates a turning point and dramatic tension within the drama

Assembly:In a solemn manner, ask participants to gather for the morning’s assembly, then say the following:

I have some very distressing news for you all. It has come to my attention that one of you, last night, met up with a member from the BLUE camp. This is a very sad moment, because as you know, the BLUES are a sworn enemy, the people who have murdered you family and friends. And what you might not realise is that BLUE is a sickness, and if you make yourself vulnerable to a BLUE person, then you will be INFECTED, the sickness will be in your blood. You will bear the mark of the BLUES. You can’t keep it a secret, your skin will betray you. So to find out which one of you has fallen pray to the BLUES, I will need to reveal your secret marks. Those of you who are loyal will bear a red mark, the OTHER will have blue.

In a circle, peel off the labels of each participant, leaving the blue-marked person until near the end.

After this person is revealed, ask all other participants to form two lines down the room and lead the blue marked participant to the end of the line. Inform them that they are about to enter the conscience alley where the loyal red members may tell the betrayer what they think of them as they pass. The blue marked person must walk slowly down the alley and not respond to the comments. Ask participants to form a circle around the infected member once they have walked down the alley


Purpose:This activity provides support and encouragement for the singled out participant and serves as a group ensemble exercise so that everyone is again comfortable and safe with each other. This also allows the participants to see how forgiving and loving the REDs are.

Group Trust Exercise:Leader: Now, while it is very disappointing that this has happened to you, we know that you really are loyal to the REDs, and that this was a one-off act of betrayal. SO, to show you that we all support you, and want you to share in the love of the REDs, we will play a quick trust exercise.

Ask singled-out participant to stand in the centre of the circle, making sure the circle is very tight. Ask participant to close their eyes and let themselves ‘fall’ in different directions, letting the people in the circle take their weight and guide them from person to person. After a few moments, lead the rest of the participants in a soft chant of the Red poem: Rosed are red, Hatred is blue, Stick by us, and we’ll love you. Slowly, build the volume of this poem until it becomes quite loud, almost threatening, still guiding the central person around the circle. When it reaches what you consider to be a climatic point, call freeze.


Purpose: The ‘touch and talk’ gives students an opportunity to express their thoughts about this quite dramatic event, which may have evoked strong feelings

Touch and Talk:

Remove leader cap, and conduct a touch and talk session. Touch certain people on the shoulder and ask such questions as ‘What are you feeling now?”, “What are you thinking right now?” In particular, ask the singled out participant to answer this question.


Purpose: This allows participants to guide the drama themselves and bring it to conclusions which they can ‘own’

Freeze Frames: Ask the student to come out-of-role and in small groups, to decide an ending for this story. What happens to the REDS and BLUES? What happens to the two friends/ lovers? Ask them to illustrate their ending in two or three freeze frames. Each group should present their freeze frames for the rest of the class. They can narrate o explain the freeze frame if they wish.

A POETIC ENDING:Play some tranquil music to bring a sense of connection and conclusion to the drama

Track 14 (Riverbed) ‘Two Roads’ CD

Here’s another ending. The two lovers continued to see each other, falling in love. There was indeed a war between then REDs and the BLUEs, a bloody and tragic war. The hatred between them was at its most bitter. But the lovers refused to give up on their love. Until one day, when they were trying to meet secretly in the forest, they were caught in cross fire, and were both, tragically killed. Some say this event shocked the two groups, the REDs and the BLUEs out of their obsession with destroying each other. Whatever the case, the war ended a few days later, and a peace process began. The story of these two lovers was top become part of this state’s folklore. And these words have been used to describe it:

Two households, both alike in dignity,In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,From ancient grudge, break to new mutiny,Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.From forth the fatal loins of these two foesA pair of star-crossed lovers take their life;Whose misadventured piteous overthrows,Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife.

The fearful passage of their death-marked love,And the continuance of their parents’ rage,Which, but their children’s end, naught could remove,Is now the two hours traffic of our stage;The which of you with patient ears attend,What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend

(Romeo and Juliet 1:1)



What kinds of themes or messages did this drama hold for you?

How did you initially feel to be part of the special red camp? Did it make you feel special and needed?As extra stimulus show or read to students the ‘Inge Scholl comments on the Hitler Youth 1961’, Discuss the parallels which might be found between the ideals of the red’s and


Name:______________________ Age:_______________________Occupation:_________________________________________________Family Background:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Hopes and Dreams:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________One incident in your life that made you HATE the BLUES:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

movements like Nazism, such as discrimination and hate, but also a strong sense of belonging, acceptance and the feeling of working ‘for a great cause’ ‘Inge Scholl comments on the Hitler Youth 1961’We heard that we should live for a great cause. We were taken seriously, and indeed in a very special way, and that gave us a special buoyancy. We believed ourselves to be members of a great, well-ordered organization which embraced and esteemed everybody from the ten year old boy to the adult man. We felt we were part of a process, of a movement that created a people out of a mass. Certain matters that seemed senseless or left us with a bad taste would eventually adjust themselves- or so we believed. One day, after a long bike tour, as we were resting in our tents under an immense starry sky, a fifteen year old classmate said to me unexpectantly: “Everything would be fine- but this business with the Jews, I can’t swallow that” the girl leader said Hitler must know what he was doing and that for the sake of the greater cause one had to accept what seemed to be difficult and incomprehensible.

Inge School, Die Weisse Rose, 1961

‘The Hitler Youth Oath’In the presence of this blood banner, which represents our Fuehrer, I swear to devote all my energies and my strength to the saviour of our country, Adolf Hitler. I am willing and ready to give up my life for him, so help me god.

William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 1959

Why do you think lollies were handed out at certain points in the drama?Discuss the idea of rewarding ‘loyalty’

What were you thinking and feeling when your marks were being revealed?

What sorts of resonances or parallels do you find between this drama and the stories of Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story?

Can you think of any present-day or recent situations which resemble the conflict between the Reds and the Blues?As extra stimulus, show students ‘Bosko and Admira’ article, about a Romeo and Juliet type situation between a Serb and a Muslim in Bosnia

If you were asked to write a report on the conflict between the Blues and Reds what points of view might you write your reports from? Think of at least 5 perspectives of the situation. How would hold each point of view?

Article available in: Queensland Senior English Theory-Practice Connections. Margaret Miller and Robyn Colwill. (2003) Macmillan