Red Photographic

Post on 08-Dec-2015

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Red-PhotographicRed Photographic is a leading UK agency specializing in innovative photography. They’re passionate about personal service, fast turnaround and high tech, high quality delivery. They’re best known for event, business, sport and experiential photography and they shoot across many different industries.

Some of Red-Photographic’s clients are FILA, BMW, MTV, Cadbury and many more. Red-Photographic’s photographs get published on client’s websites and in general advertising magazines.

I like this photo because of the colours in the background how they stand out in the photo and how the focus is on his face which creates a nice looking effect with the guitar blurred to make a really good photo.

I like this photo because of the colour grade really makes the photo stand out and the reflection of the clouds on the car make the photo look a lot better.

I like this photo because the narrow depth of field makes the girls face stand out and the black and white creates the atmosphere for the photo and creating a better looking photo.

I like this photo because of the way the narrow depth of field that makes the glass’s and bottle stand out and blur the background but the bright colours in the background still stand out and make the photo look even better.

I like the way the flourescent colours in this photo really make it stand out and how it can make a simple photo look so good.