Redes sociales

Post on 03-Nov-2014

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Social networks are structures made from groups

of people interconnected. They can be friends, family...

Or they can have similar hobbies. There are a lot of

different connections between the users.

What are they?

Advantages Drawbacks

AdvantagesContact with known people.

Flashmobs (shorts

conversations about a specific topic)


Contact with

distant people.

Find jobs or contact with the working world.

Find current

information and


Create charity


Put a lot of

adverts, changing the way of the


Buy different products.

DrawbacksThey are

dangerous if you

don't put attention at your


There are people that

can impersonat

e  your identity.

They can be


Some users send

inappropiate messages


The messages can't be very extensiv



His founder is Mark Zuckerberg. 25% of users don’t bother with any kind of privacy control. More than 350.000.000 users suffer from facebook addiction syndrome. The average user has 130 friends. 85% of women are annoyed by their friends.

His founder is Jack Dorsey. If Twitter was a country it would be the 12th largest in the world. Tweets every second: 750.

His creator was Dan Nye. 161 million members in 200 countries. Two new members sign up every second. 1 million LinkedIn groups.

Youtube is a website where you can put, share or watch videos. The most watched video is made by Gangnam Style with more than 532 million views. The average visitor spends 15 minutes a day.

Its company is Pyra Labs. The cofounders are Evan Williams y Meg Hourihan.

60% of bloggers are between 25-44 years old. 3 million new blogs come online every month. Professional blogger maintain an average of 4 blogs. 20% of bloggers have been blogging for more than six years.

97% of the fans Pinterest’s Facebook page are women. Users spend an average of just fewer than sixteen minutes on the

site. The most popular age group: 25-34 years old. Pinterest drives more referral traffic than GOOGLE+, LINKEDIN and

YOUTUBE combined. The founders are Paul Sciarra, Evan Sharp y Ben Silbermann.

5 billion times the google +1 button is used per day. Student is the number one occupation of Google+ users. 625000 new users every day. Two out of three users (2/3) are men.

In this social network you can put and share photos.

575 likes per second.5000000 images are

uploaded every day.25% of users upload more

than three pictures.

• Social networks are very used in Spain, especially by teenagers.• Tuenti is the most important with a 60%, Facebook continues the ranking with a

21%.• 25,3% of the spanish teenagers update a blog frecuently.• Other services are less used, like Twitter.• However, Messenger doesn’t lose strenght. 77% of teenagers continue using it.


It was created in 2006. The founder is Zaryn Dentzel. It is available in Europe and America.

