Redistricting Committee Action Packet - Florida Senate€¦ · Redistricting Bill Numberand Plan...

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Dean CannonSpeaker

Redistricting Committee

Action Packet

Friday, January 20, 20129:00 AM

Will W. WeatherfordChair

Print Date: 1/20/2012 12:22 pm


1/20/2012 9:00:00AM

Location: 404 HOB

Summary: No Bills Considered

Committee meeting was reported out: Friday, January 20, 2012 12:22:09PM

Leagis ®Page 1 of 4


1/20/2012 9:00:00AM

Location: 404 HOB


Present Absent Excused

Will Weatherford (Chair) X

Janet Adkins X

Mack Bernard X

Charles Chestnut IV X

Chris Dorworth ~

Eric Eisnaugle X

Erik Fresen X

James Frishe X

Doug Holder X

Mike Horner X

Dorothy Hukill X

Evan Jenne X

Mia Jones X

Martin Kiar X

John Legg X

Peter Nehr X

Stephen Precourt X

Hazelie Rogers X

Darryl Rouson X

Robert Schenck X

Ritch Workman X

Totals: 20 0 1

Committee meeting was reported out: Friday, January 20, 2012 12:22:09PM

Print Date: 1/20/2012 12:22 pmLeagis ®

Page 2 of 4

Print Date: 1/20/2012 12:22 pm


1/20/2012 9:00:00AM

Location: 404 HOB



HB 6003:

HB 6005:

HB 6007:

HJR 6009:

HJR 6011:

HJR 6013:

Committee meeting was reported out: Friday, January 20, 2012 12:22:09PM

Leagis ®Page 3 of 4


1/20/2012 9:00:00AM

Location: 404 HOB

Presentation/Workshop/Other Business Appearances:

Ciampi, Edward - Information OnlyMartin County Board of County Commissioners2401 SE Montery Rd.Stuart FL 34996Phone: 772-221-1357

Meros, George (At Request Of Chair) - Information OnlyHouse Special Counsel on Redistricting301 South Bronough St.Tallahassee FL 32301Phone: 850-577-9090

Committee meeting was reported out: Friday, January 20, 2012 12:22:09PM

Print Date: 1/20/2012 12:22 pmLeagis ®

Page 4 of 4

Redistricting Bill Number and Plan Number Cheat Sheet

House Congress Senate

HJR 6009 (9025) HB 6003 (9041) HJR 6001 (9004)

HJR 6011 (9027) HB 6005 (9043)

HJR 6013 (9031) HB 6007 (9045)

Redistricting Committee

Additional Public Input(Received January 19, 2012)


Kelly, Alex


Mr, Kelly,

Lori Edwards []Thursday, January 19, 2012 5:08 PMKelly, AlexWeddington, HedyH9043 Polk County concernsCongressional Redistricting Plan HOOOH9043 Moore Rd.docx; Congressional RedistrictingPlan HOOOH9043 Polk Pkwy.docx

Attached are two areas of concern re: HOOOH9043 for your consideration

item #1 deals with the Moore Road area north of Lake Alfred

item #2 deals with the Polk Parkway area

In both instances, there are VrD lines In place, which, if aligned to, will alleviate these issues.'

In adavnce, I appreciate your consideration.

Lori EdwardsSupervisor of ElectionsPolk County, Florida(863)


Congressional Redistricting Plan HOOOH9043

Area of concern: Moore Road, Polk County

Congressional Proposal: Will be splitting a neighborhood

Recommendation: Move Congressional District 15 over to the east using VTD lines to include the following Census


Census Blocks ­






CD-15Red line­New Congressionalboundary proposal usingViD's and Census blocks


LEGENDmhOOOclO43_11fCJ Census Block" NEWmm Moore Rd area

o .5< 1 1.5


Congressional Redistricting Plan HOOOH9043

Area of concern: Polk Parkway, Polk County

Congressional Proposal: Splitting a VTD

Recommendation: Move Congressional District 17 north using VTD lines to include the following Census blocks

Census Blocks ­




From: Bob Buckhorn <>To: <>sent: wed Jan 1117:14:422012SUbJect: Will,


I~Next I[~!:'!~_J

All the best on a great session. Feel free to call if there is anything the City can do to help you.

On a separate note, I wanted to offer my thoughts on the proposed maps. I am certain that the process will be long and difficult but from the City ofTampa's perspective and to the extent that I can speak for the entirety of Hillsborough County, it would appear that Map 9009 offers Hillsboroughresidents the most compact district while at the same time complying with the intent of Fair Districts. By induding most of the unincorporated areas ofHillsborough County as well as the municipalities of Plant City and Temple Terrace you have certainly addressed issues of compactness, minorityaccess and communities with common interests. We have far more that unites us as a county than divides us and I think Map 9009 reflects that

The minority access seat currently held by Rep castor remains intact and this affords Hillsborough County two seats vs the current configurationwhich has us with one Representative and sharing parts of three different congressional districts.

I appredate your consideration and look forward to seeing you in Tallahassee soon.

All the best Will.


MayorCity of Tampa306 East Jackson StreetTampa, FI 33602(813) 274-8251



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Redistrictillg C011U1littee,


Jerry Beverland]MyDistrictBudder

congressional dlstrld 9

Sent: Thu 1/19/20128:48 PM


.Asfonner I1tayor a1ld CUrrellt I1lember ofti,e city COllllcilfor tI,e city ofOldsl1tar,Florida I alit reqllestil1g tlte i11tporlallce tllat tl,eC011l1llittee leave illtact tile FloridaSenate's reC011l11lelldatioli for tI,e redistrictillg ofFlorida COllgressiollal District 9.


f\lortllenl Pillellas COll1lty alld Nortlll1'est Hillsbollgll COllllt)' are C011lpatible ;1l1IUl1IYl1'({VS. Botlt oftllese areas ill Pillellas alld Hillsbollgll COllllties sllare like situatiolls andlike goals. Iliave heell a residellt of01dsl1wrfor forty four ..vears. Tu'ellty five ,years oftl,ose .rears I Ilal'e sen'ed tile city as Illoyor alld city COllllci/,1Iel1Wer. Also, durillg tl,oseforty four years II,al'e obsen'ed t!lat tI,e Oilly tiling tllat separates tllese two Coulltiesillterests ill tllis local is all il1taginary COllll!}' line. Co-operatiol1 behi'een tile twoCou1tties ill tllis area, u,itl, ti,e defillite Ilelp ofCo1lgressiol1al District 9 is illl'alliable toOllr respecttve grou'tlzs alld illterests.

Florida COllgressiollaJ District 9 lias beell al1d u'ell COllti,lue to be all il1portaltt asset totile grou'tll, COllcenlS alld success ofbotII COllnties in tI,e 9th District. It is il1tperativetllat botll our areas rel1labl ill COll-gressiollal District 9 for Ollr COlltilUlillg Sllccess.

TI,allk you for your Ile/p.

Jen)' Bel'erlalld

PI,Olle, (813) 855-1521





Chris Tomlinson []MyOistrictBudder

Fla House Redinriding Committee

Sent: Thu 1/19/2012 9:00 PM


Dear Fla House Redistricting Committee:

As a Clay County resident. I would like to recommend House Maps 9025 and 9027. Our population justifies that Clay Co has its ownHouse seat. which is something we have never had. We appreciate others that have served us in the legislature but there is nothing likehaving someone to call our own to represent our interests.

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this process. You have been very transparent.

Sincerely.Chris TomlinsonOrange Parle. FL


Kelly, Alex


Mr. Kelly,

Lori Edwards []Thursday, January 19, 2012 4:33 PMKelly, AlexWeddington, HedyH9027 Polk County concernsHouse Redistricting Plan HOOOH9027 Solivita.docx; House Redistricting Plan HOOOH9027Wahneta.docx

I have attached two areas of concern re: HOOOH9027 for your consideration.

Item # 1 - Solivita, a Community Development District, is split.

Item# 2 - The community of Wahneta is split.

In both instances, there are VTD lines in place, which, if aligned to, will alleviate these issues..

In advance, I appreciate your consideration.

Lori EdwardsSupervisor of ElectionsPolk County, Florida(863)


House Redistricting Plan HOOOH9027

Area of concern: Solivita, (COD) Community Development District, Polk County

House Proposal: Will be splitting a (COD), Community Development District

Recommendation: Move House District 41 over to the east using VTD lines to include the following Census blocks

Census Blocks ­







House Redistricting Plan HOOOH9027

Area of concern: Wahneta community, Polk County

House Proposal: Will be splitting a community of interest

Recommendation: Move House District 41 north using VrD lines to include the following Census blocks

Census Blocks ­




c: ]


Red line­NewHouseboundary proposalusing VTD's andCensus block.s

LEGENDo Census Blocks NEWm hOOOhI027_"fEZl Welt I ide of Wahneta

o .2 A .eMil...



Florida House of RepresentativesRedistricting Committee402 S. Monroe StreetHouse Office Building

Tallahassee, FL



7 District Number

- District Boundary

=:00 County Boundary

- Interstate Highway

- Major Highway





January 20,2012

The following report is submitted pursuant to Rules 7.12(b) and 12.2(d) for the purpose ofestablishing the procedures for committee and floor action on the bills proposing anyreapportionment or redistricting ofthe state's legislative or congressional districts.

Amendments in the Redistricting Committee:

The Redistricting Committee will meet on Friday, January 27,2012, and will file itsmeeting notice on Tuesday, January 24,2012.

Amendments to any bill proposing any reapportionment or redistricting of the state'slegislative or congressional districts may be offered in committee by any.member of theHouse, including any member of the Redistricting Committee, subject to the followingdeadlines:

o Main amendments must be submitted to the House Redistricting Committee nolater than 12 p.m. on Wednesday, January 25,2012.

• Properly filed main amendments will be emailed to the entire membershipof the House and will be made available via www.floridaredistricting.organd www.mvfloridahouse.govno later than 5 p.m. on that same day.

o Substitute amendments must be submitted to the House Redistricting Committeeno later than 12 p.m. on Thursday, January 26,2012.

• Properly filed substitute amendments will be emailed to the entiremembership ofthe House and will be made available and www.mvfloridahouse.govno later than 5p.m. that same day.

All amendments for the Redistricting Committee meeting must be filed with theRedistricting Committee on the Redistricting Bill or Amendment Processing Requestform (See attached).

If the bills are amended, the Redistricting Committee will file and publish the committeesubstitutes no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, January 27,2012.

It is expected that the Rules & Calendar Committee will meet on Monday, January 30,2012, and place both the House bills and corresponding Senate bills on the Special Ordercalendar for that week.

Floor Amendments:

All floor amendments to be considered on second reading of any bill proposing anyreapportionment or redistricting of the state's legislative or congressional districts mustbe filed in the manner described below.

422 Capitol Building, 402 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300 (850) 488-0350

Page 2

o Main amendments to any bill proposing any reapportionment or redistricting ofthe state's legislative or congressional districts must be submitted to theRedistricting Committee by 12 p.m. on Tuesday, January 31,2012.Amendments must also be approved for filing through the LEAGIS memberdashboard by 5 p.m. that same day.• Properly filed main amendments will be emailed to the entire membership of

the House and will be made available via andwww.mvfloridahouse.govno later than 6 p.m. on that same day.

o Substitute amendments must be submitted to the Redistricting Committee by12 p.m. on Wednesday, February 1,2012. Substitute amendments must also beapproved for filing through the LEAGIS member dashboard by 5 p.m. thatsame day.• Properly filed substitute amendments will be emailed to the entire

membership ofthe House and will be made available and www.myfloridahouse.govno later than 6p.m. on that same day.

Floor amendments to any bill proposing any reapportionment or redistricting of thestate's legislative or congressional districts must be submitted to the RedistrictingCommittee on the Redistricting Bill or Amendment Processing Request form (Seeattached) by the applicable deadline. Committee staffwill process and submit theproposal to House Bill Drafting for entry into and processing through Leagis on behalfofthe sponsor.

Once received from ij"ouse Bill Drafting, Members must "approve for filing" flooramendments through their LEAGIS member dashboard by the applicable deadline.

Amendment deadlines for both Committee and floor amendments apply to all Members,including Members of the Redistricting Committee and subcommittees.

Because each amendment must be submitted as a complete plan, as noted in the RedistrictingBill or Amendment Processing Request form (See attached), only an amendment to a bill, or asubstitute amendment for an amendment to a bill is allowed. Neither an amendment to anamendment nor an amendment to a substitute amendment is allowed.

Amendments must be submitted by the Representative or authorized employee of the House,with the attached form completed in its entirety, signed by the Representative. Electronicsignatures will not be accepted.

Page 3

Time Schedule for Special Rule - 2012

Procedure for Committee and Floor Action on bills proposing any Reapportionment or Redistricting ofthe State's Legislative or Congressional Districts

Tuesday, January 4:30p.m. The Redistricting Committee will file its meeting notice for its meeting on January 27,24,2012 2012.Wednesday, 12 p.m. All main amendments for the bills proposing any reapportionment or redistricting oftheJanuary 25,2012 state's legislative or congressional districts must be filed for the Redistricting Committee

meeting. Amendments must be filed with the Redistricting Committee.

Wednesday, 5 p.m. Properly filed main amendments will be made electronically available and emailed to allJanuary 25,2012 Members.Thursday, January 12 p.m. All substitute amendments for the bills proposing any reapportionment or redistricting of26,2012 the state's legislative or congressional districts must be filed for the Redistricting

Committee meeting. Substitute amendments must be filed with the RedistrictingCommittee.

Thursday, January 5 p.m. Properly filed substitute amendments will be made electronically available and emailed26,2012 to all Members.Friday, January The Redistricting Committee will meet at its noticed time and publish any committee27,2012 substitutes by 5 p.m.

**** **** ****Monday, January TBD The Rules & Calendar Committee is expected to meet and place House and Senate bills30,2012 on the Special Order calendar.

Tuesday, January 12 p.m. All main amendments for the bills proposing any reapportionment or redistricting ofthe31,2012 state's legislative or congressional districts must be submitted to the Redistricting

Committee.Tuesday, January 5 p.m. Members must "approve for filing" main floor amendments through their LEAGIS31,2012 member dashboards.Tuesday, January 6 p.m. Properly filed main amendments will be made electronically available and emailed to all31,2012 Members.Wednesday, 12 p.m. All substitute amendments for the bills proposing any reapportionment or redistricting ofFebruary 1,2012 the state's legislative or congressional districts must be submitted to the Redistricting

Committee.Wednesday, 5 p.m. Members must "approve for filing" substitute floor amendments through their LEAGISFebruary 1, 2012 member dashboards.Wednesday, 6 p.m. Properly filed substitute amendments will be made electronically available and emailedFebruary 1,2012 to all Members.Thursday, TBD Second readingFebruary 2,2012Friday, February TBD Final passage of bills read a second time on February 2, 2012.3,2012