Refutation Essay Organization

Post on 06-Apr-2015

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General Statement

Background information about the argument

(Why is there a debate about the subject??)

Thesis Statement

Identify the subject

In the first part of the thesis statement acknowledge the opposite side of the argument

In the second part, state your side of the argument.)

Open your writing books to page 110.

Read the introduction of “Social Cruelty”

Check the paragraph for the following items:

General Statement

Background information about the argument

Thesis Statement

There are approximately six billion people living on this planet, mostly living in ignorance of each other, carrying on with their lives, trying to make a living and provide a better future for their children. However, 42 million people lead their lives very differently from the others. They are the victims of a horrible and incurable disease called AIDS. While scientists are striving to find a cure, societies are trying to raise public awareness of the disease and eradicate the intolerance and prejudice towards its victims. Sadly, according to the latest statistics of the WHO (World Health Organization) 3.2 million of these people are children under 14, who contracted the virus in their mothers’ womb or during blood transfusions. They are seen as both the victims and perpetrators of a crime, but this is a crime that does not exist. As if this is not enough, some people hold the view that these children should be separated from their peers during their education, which is absolutely unacceptable in a civilized society.

General Statement

Background information about the argument Thesis Statement

Topic Sentence #1 (First point of argument)

It has been argued that...

People claim that...

your opponent’s view

Supporters of this view believe that... It is claimed that...

your refutation

However, this is not true because... However, this argument is wrong because...

Now read the 1st body paragraph of “Social Cruelty”

Check the paragraph for the following items:

Opponent's view

The writer’s refutation

Topic Sentence

In addition, try to identify transition words in the paragraph

The first point that supporters of this view make is that a child cannot know the risk that they present and that the virus can be spread without one being aware of it. However, this cannot be the case because of the fact that HIV is not something that can be contracted simply by being in close contact with someone who is HIV positive. In other words, it is only spread through an exchange of bodily fluids. This is most commonly blood, for example, by drug addicts using the same needle, by the natural exchange of blood between the mother and the unborn child – or unprotected sexual intercourse, all of which are out of the question as far as small children are concerned.

Topic Sentence Opponent's view

The writer’s refutation Transition word

Restatement of Main Ideas

Final Comment

Interpretation of the main points





Now read the conclusion of “Social Cruelty”

Check the conclusion for the following items:

Restatement of Main Ideas

Final Comment

Interpretation of the main points





In conclusion, there are people who feel that children should be separated from their friends during their education. However, man’s inhumanity to Man has been witnessed throughout history and even up to the present day. Hitler killed millions of people just because they were different. The bloodshed in the Balkans could not be stopped for years because of intolerance. Isolating adults and children with HIV from society is no less shameful. The arguments for this come from ignorance, misunderstanding and fear of the unknown. While only medical science can find a cure for the illness itself, it is the society which should find a way to eradicate people’s prejudice and ignorance and by so doing lead humanity to a more tolerant and harmonious society.

Restatement of Main Ideas Final Comment

Interpretation of the main points





Write a refutation essay:

The death penalty should become legal again.

Before you start writing, watch the following clips about the death penalty:

Death penalty: Is it a mistake?

Jeremy Irons talks about the death penalty

What do statistics say?

Now write your essay

• You can use the information given on page 131 in you writing book.