Regional Performing Arts Centre€¦ · Regional Performing Arts Centre Project Update. Ten-year...

Post on 24-Sep-2020

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Regional Performing Arts Centre

Project Update

Ten-year history

2007 FPI studies building condition to develop a capital plan. First time that scope of condition issue is understood

2011 FPI makes Infrastructure renewal a strategic priority

2013 City studies building condition. Scope of refurbishment triggers larger decision-making process.

2013-15 Feasibility study to understand needs and goals, options, costs, and funding requirements.

2015 Decision to move forward with option to build a new PAC to replace the Playhouse. City and FPI agree to move forward in partnership. City commits $14M in 2016.

Project Highlights

Addresses “end of life” reality of the Playhouse

New construction on York/Pointe Ste. Anne site

Meets needs/opportunities as identified in studies

Two formal spaces (850, 300 seats) with shared “back of house”

Share lobbies and public space suitable for a variety of programming/new uses

No loss of service/economic contribution to community

Advances City Centre Plan

Requires investment from all levels of government + communityRequires investment from all levels of government + community

In play since fall of 2015


Regional Performing Arts Centre

Why Consider New Options?

• Urgency

– Current building failure risk is increasing

– Lack of momentum on current plan

• Continue our exhaustive approach to good • Continue our exhaustive approach to good decision-making

• Community feedback

– Concerns about current site choice, costs

– Some expressing a desire to use existing site/building

New Option =

Expanded Playhouse Site

St. John Street Traffic Options

Convert half to pedestrian walkway

One lane through with side parking

Option 1:

New BuildingSame square footage as current plan

Meets needs/opportunities

850/300 seats

Slightly lower cost (not flood-prone)

Good fit (i.e. planning considerations)

No new parking requirements

2.5 years of closure (no service)

Option 1: Construction Schedule

-2.5 years of construction (Jan 2019 to July 2021)

-Full closure of Playhouse throughout

Discussion: Option 1

What the board likes

• Meets identified needs &


• Addresses concerns about

changing locations/York Street

What we don’t like

• 2.5-year shutdown!

• Cost savings are not significant

changing locations/York Street


• No dependence on Province for

Justice Building transfer

• Can begin design work now

Option 2:

Renovate & ExpandSlightly smaller square footage

Meets needs/opportunities

800/300 seats

Moderately lower cost (reusing

existing auditorium)

Good fit (i.e. planning considerations)

No new parking requirements

Can be phased to reduce (but not Can be phased to reduce (but not

eliminate) closures

Option 2: Phasing


Option 2: Phasing

(Site Preparation)

Option 2: Phasing

(Phase 1 Construction)

Option 2: Phasing

(Phase 2 Construction)

Option 2: Construction Schedule

�2.0 years of construction: Jan. 2019 to Dec. 2021

�Main theatre closed for two (2) periods :

�May-Oct. 2019

�May-Dec. 2020

�300-seat studio theatre is open during second closure

Discussion: Option 2

What the board likes

• Meets identified needs &


• Addresses concerns about

changing locations/York Street

What we don’t like

• 800 seats vs. 850

• Shutdowns (albeit less)

• Higher risks (due to reno):

– Phasing shutdownschanging locations/York Street


• No dependence on Province for

Justice Building transfer

• Lower cost

• Can begin work now

– Phasing shutdowns

– Cost overruns

Project Cost Comparisons

Current Plan New Option 1 New Option 2

York St./Pte. Ste Anne Site Playhouse Site: ALL NEW Playhouse Expansion

Expenditures Revised Estimate Estimate Estimate

Construction 34,435,800 33,000,975 29,958,405

Soft Costs (25%) 8,608,950 8,250,244 7,489,601

Total Building 43,044,750 41,251,219 37,448,006

Land Acquisition - - -

Demolition of Playhouse 340,000 340,000 -Demolition of Playhouse 340,000 340,000 -

Total Land Assembly/Disposal 340,000 340,000 -

Campaign Costs 400,000 400,000 400,000

Additional Studies, Research, etc. 100,000 100,000 100,000

Business, Technical Consulting 100,000 100,000 100,000

Total Other Costs 600,000 600,000 600,000

Contingency - 7% 3,115,250 2,908,781 2,651,994

Total 47,100,000 45,100,000 40,700,000

Suggested Next Steps

� Communicate new options to the public/stakeholders

� FPI to discuss options with stakeholders

� Conduct public survey

� Council listens to community feedback

� Request additional staff study/info as required� Request additional staff study/info as required

� Council decision in late fall on whether or not to change our
