Regions of Spain · Whilst the Balearic Islands of Majorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera are well...

Post on 16-Jul-2020

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La infografía es un diseño gráfico en el que se combinan textos y elementos visuales

con el fin de comunicar información precisa sobre variadas temáticas (científicas,

deportivas, culturales, literarias, etc.). Este recurso aproxima al lector a los elementos,

ideas o acontecimientos más importantes de un determinado tema, como: dónde ocurrió,

cómo se llevó a cabo, cuáles son sus características, en qué consiste el proceso, cuáles

son las cifras, etc.

La infografía es pertinente para aclarar textos de temática complicada, cronología de

acontecimientos, línea biográfica, casos policiales, hechos históricos, descubrimientos,

accidentes, etc. Sin embargo, se puede aplicar a cualquier tipo de texto siempre que el

propósito sea hacer más sencilla la información.

El objetivo principal de estas infografías educativas es simplificar la teoría y ofrecerla

de una forma llamativa y divertida, que anime a los niños y niñas de primaria a estudiar

los contenidos que en ellas se desarrollan. A lo largo del curso, los niños se enfrentan

ante innumerables nuevos contenidos a los que han de hacer frente para progresar en sus

estudios por ello es imprescindibles dotarlos de recursos gráficos que apoyen estas

nociones y ayuden a su asimilación.


• Favorece la comprensión ya que incluye textos e imágenes que le ofrecen

agilidad al tema.

• Permite que materias complicadas puedan ser comprendidas de manera rápida y


• Responde a las preguntas qué, quién, cuándo, dónde, cómo y por quién, pero,

además, incluye aspectos visuales.

• Debe ser sencillo, completo, ético, bien diseñado y adecuado con la información

que presenta.

Regions of Spain

Spain is made up of 17 autonomous regions known in Spain as ‘Comunidades

Autónomas’. Besides these ‘communities’ the country is further divided into 50

provinces (‘provincias’). In the following summary of each ‘comunidad’ we’ve listed

which province belongs to which community. However, there are seven ‘Comunidades

Autónomas’ which we’ve referred to as “single province regions” which means that

they are considered to be both an autonomous region AND a province.


Whilst Andalucia is home to the mass tourism developments of the Costa del Sol it is

also the land which most typifies Spain to the foreign visitor due largely to the regions

love of flamenco and bullfighting. Escape the ‘costas’ and you’ll discover a historic

land with great Moorish cities such as Seville, Granada and Cordoba. And no matter

where you visit in this fascinating region you’ll never be far away from a fiesta.

Provinces: Cádiz, Cordoba, Granada, Malaga, Sevilla, Huelva, Jaén, Almeria.


Aragon is a fascinating region in northern Spain which is often overlooked by visitors.

Whilst the region’s capital, Zaragoza, is well worth a visit it’s the stunning natural

beauty of the Aragonese Pyrenees and its historic villages which shouldn’t be missed.

The Ordesa National Park is one of the most stunning destinations you’ll ever see.

Provinces: Zaragoza, Huesca, Teruel.


Asturias is possibly the most beautiful of all of Spain’s 17 autonomous communities. It

lies on the north coast of Spain with Galicia to the west and Cantabria to the east. It is

blessed with a rugged coastline along the Bay of Biscay where there are many beautiful

beaches. Its interior is even more spectacular thanks to the stunning Picos de Europa

mountains. The price to pay for the lush, green landscape is high annual rainfall figures

but if you enjoy touring areas of natural beauty and aren’t too concerned about the

weather then you simply have to visit.

Provinces: Single Province Region.

Balearic Islands

Whilst the Balearic Islands of Majorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera are well

established on the tourism map they don’t get the praise they deserve for their natural

beauty. There are some great holiday resorts in the Balearics but the islands have so

much more to offer beyond their tourist developments. Rent a car and head a few

kilometres inland and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at some of the local villages you’ll


Provinces: Single Province Region.

Basque Country

The Basque Country is different. Located on the Bay of Biscay and bordering France

this fiercely independent region is has so much to offer the visitor. The cities of Bilbao

and San Sebastian are fabulous places to spend a few days whilst the interior presents a

beautiful, almost Alpine, landscape.

Provinces: Vizcaya, Álava, Guipúzcua.

Canary Islands

Lying off the northwest coast of Africa the Canary Islands are one of Europe’s top

destinations for beach holidays. Year round sunshine attracts over 12 million visitors to

the islands. The top tourist destinations are Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and

Fuerteventura whilst the smaller islands of El Hierro, La Palma and La Gomera offer a

quieter experience.

Provinces: Las Palmas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.


The cave paintings at Altamira confirm that people were living in modern day Cantabria

15,000 years ago. The region is centred on the lovely city of Santander where many

ferries arrive from the UK. Located on the Bay of Biscay this small region is home to

many lovely villages both along its coast and inland.

Provinces: Single Province Region.

Castilla La Mancha

Castilla La Mancha is an arid and sparsely populated land which lies between Madrid

and Andalucia. Apart from being home to the Imperial city of Toledo it is best known

for its Don Quijote windmills at Consuegra and for its excellent cheeses.

Provinces: Guadalajara, Toledo, Cuenca, Ciudad Real, Albacete.

Castilla y Léon

Historic Castilla y León is the largest of Spain’s autonomous communities with borders

to ten of the other regions as well as to Portugal. The Roman city of Segovia is one of

its many highlights along with the university city of Salamanca. It is home to some of

the country’s finest Cathedrals in Segovia, Burgos and León and is the birthplace of

Saint Teresa de Avila.

Provinces: Léon, Palencia, Burgos, Zamora, Valladolid, Segovia, Soria, Salamanca,



Catalonia is best known for its amazing capital city, Barcelona, which is home to the

stunning architecture of Antoni Gaudí and one of the world’s greatest football teams in

FC Barcelona. But there’s a lot more to Catalonia than its capital. Tarragona and Girona

are two historic cities that are well worth visiting whilst the coast of the Costa Brava

offers many beauty spots. The Catalan Pyrenees are an area of outstanding beauty for

nature lovers.

Provinces: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, Tarragona.


Extremadura borders Portugal in the west of Spain. It is probably the country’s best kept

secret as far as tourism is concerned. The Roman city of Merida is one of the region’s

highlights along with the Moorish city of Caceres. The historic towns of Trujillo and

Guadalupe together with the national park of Monfrague are just a few more attractions

that this fascinating ‘comunidad’ has to offer.

Provinces: Caceres, Badajoz.


For the best of Spain’s wonderful seafood head to Galicia, a Celtic land in the very

northwest of the country where you’ll receive a warm welcome and discover a beautiful

and historic land. Santiago de Compostela is the highlight of the region for most visitors

but make sure you head inland to visit the hidden valleys and take a trip along the wild

coast to Cabo Finisterre.

Provinces: A Coruña, Pontevedra, Lugo, Orense.

La Rioja

There are more than 500 wine bodegas in the region of La Rioja many of which offer

guided tours and tastings. If you’re planning on staying in the region head for the lovely

town of Haro which is well geared up for wine tourism. Logroño is the only town of any

size which has one of the country’s best “tapas’ crawls”. Elsewhere the region is well

geared up for rural tourism with some excellent walking opportunities.

Provinces: Single Province Region.


As well as being the capital of Spain, Madrid is also one of the nation’s autonomous

regions. The beautiful Sierra de Guadarrama mountains with its many secluded villages

take up much of the northern part of the region. The main destinations of interest to

visitors outside the capital include El Escorial, Alcala de Henares and Aranjuez.

Provinces: Single Province Region.


The Costa Calida coast of Murcia in southeast Spain attracts many loyal sun worshipers

to its shores all year round whilst La Manga maintains its reputation as the region’s

flagship tourist destination. There are some world class golf courses in the area and

excellent opportunities for scuba diving. Inland, the Parque Natural de Sierra Espuña is

growing in popularity for walking holidays.

Provinces: Single Province Region.


Pamplona is the only well known destination in the region of Navarra and is a city that’s

well worth a visit even when there aren’t bulls running down the street. Elsewhere you

can drive around the countless villages that make up this rural land and find out the true

meaning of the “Green Spain” that so many visitors come to find. Outdoor activities

abound as you head into the mountains of the Navarran Pyrenees.

Provinces: Single Province Region.


As well as being Spain’s 3rd city, Valencia is also capital of its own ‘comunidad’ which

stretches along the Mediterranean coast from Catalonia to Murcia. The newly

redeveloped city itself is well worth a visit even if it’s only to see the incredible City of

Arts and Sciences. Whilst recent years have seen Americas Cup sailing and Formula

One Grand Prix in Valencia, the vast majority of visitors to the region rarely get beyond

the popular holiday resorts of the Costa Blanca to the south.

Provinces: Valencia, Castellon, Alicante.

Downloadable and photocopiable © Ediciones Bilingües, S.L.






Which features do these photos show? Write man-made or natural. 1

Look at the political map of Spain. Label these autonomous communities. 2

a b c











Castilla y León

d e

Downloadable and photocopiable © Ediciones Bilingües, S.L.


Complete the sentences. 3

Label these rivers in Spain. 4




a D

d J

c E

e S

b T

Pyrenees Meseta Central Desierto de Tabernas archipelagos desert coast

a The form a mountain range, which makes a natural border

between Spain and France.

b There are over 7,000 kilometres of in Spain.

c There are two big in Spain: the Canary Islands

and the Balearic Islands.

d The is a big plateau located in the centre of the

Iberian Peninsula.

e The only in Europe is in Almería. It is called

the .



Plan de trabajo Segunda semana.

Todas estas tareas deben realizarse en hojas a parte para facilitar su entrega y corrección.

Deben ser entregadas a la vuelta del periodo de suspensión de clases. Estos trabajos se

evaluarán como notas de clase dentro del apartado “otros criterios” en el documento de

Criterios de Evaluación que ya conocéis.

Día 1:

Lectura del tema 4 de Social Science y realización de la Ficha de trabajo adjunta en la que vamos

a conocer lo que cada uno sabe y ha leído acerca del Tema: Spain.

No es necesario imprimir, se puede hacer en la hoja de entrega indicando los números de

preguntas y las respuestas de las mismas.

Día 2:

Crear una infografía, en un folio entero, acerca de una comunidad autónoma de España.

Adjunto un link en el que explica lo que es una infografía y como realizarla. Podéis hacerlo con

dibujos, no es necesario el uso de internet para la realización de las actividades.



Información Comunidades Autónomas:

En un documento adjunto, encontraréis la información de los links anteriores por si no disponéis

de acceso a internet.

Día 3:

Lectura de las páginas 52 y 53 del libro de Social Science.

Tras la lectura de la página 52, realizar la página 18 del Activity Book de Social Science. La

información necesaria puede ser de los países que aparecen en el libro o de los países que cada

uno quiera.

Tras la lectura de la página 53, realizar la actividad 7 de la misma página.

Os recomendamos el uso de la plataforma BYME donde podéis encontrar recursos y

presentaciones de los temas trabajados en clase.

A continuación os adjunto actividades y links que se pueden hacer de forma voluntaria durante

estos días.

- Crear un comecocos relacionado con las materias de Social y Natural Science. En los

cuales, una vez abres las pestañas, deben aparecer preguntas relacionadas con los

temas que hemos trabajado en clase. Se pueden hacer por temas, es decir, un

comecocos con preguntas del tema “Plants” únicamente o con preguntas de temas


- Crear un cuestionario interactivo a través de alguna plataforma digital que conozcáis de

los temas trabajados en clase de Social o Natural.

A continuación, os adjunto el link de dos webs para su creación.



Si alguien decide crear dichos cuestionarios, me los puede mandar y se los mandaré al

resto de compañeros para que puedan jugar desde casa.