REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL · Mrs. Costigan, Town Solicitor, responded that the former Solicitor...

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Monday, January 26, 2004 at 7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of Mayor and Council was held, Monday, January 26, 2004, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., Mayor Ingemi presiding.


Councilpersons answering roll call were Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano, Olivo, and S. Lewis.


Angela Maione Costigan, Town Solicitor

Bob Vettese of ARH Engineer


John Aloisio

Anthony DeCicco

Frank Ingemi

James Massara

Susanne Oddo

Louis Rodio

Lance Schiernbeck

Mary Joan Wyatt


Rosemarie Jacobs



This meeting has been properly posted on the bulletin board reserved for such notices on the first floor of the Town Hall and mailed to two newspapers pursuant to law. Please familiarize yourselves with the fire exit drawing to the rear of the Council Chambers. Also, there is to be no smoking in the Town Hall at any time.


Copies of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held 12/15/03, and the Organization Meeting held 1/1/04, were on motion by Councilperson S. Lewis, seconded by Councilperson Clark, the minutes be approved as recorded by the clerk and reading of same dispensed with. Motion carried.


Motion by Councilperson Morano, seconded by Councilperson Bertino, dispense with the regular order of business. Motion carried.

Comcast Cable Hearing

Mr. Barry Taylor and Ms. Kathy Farinaccio of Comcast were present for public hearing on Comcast renewal.

Mr. Taylor, Area Director, gave a brief presentation concerning the cable franchise renewal process. Comcast has sought renewal by filing application which is available for public examination in the Town Clerk’s office. No action is necessary this evening. This hearing is an opportunity for Comcast to hear the publics opinion and concern’s as well as Council’s. He will also make himself available after public hearing for more informal discussions with the public. He stated that Comcast Representatives believe that they have serviced the Town of Hammonton fairly and to the best of their ability for several years and it is their hope to continue this relationship. Comcast does employ the technical and operational services necessary to provide the best service as well as digital cable and other amenities to Hammonton and all it’s communities throughout South Jersey.

Councilperson Chiofalo questioned who on Council will be handling the franchise renewal?

Mrs. Costigan, Town Solicitor, responded that the former Solicitor and Councilperson Maione were handling same. However, since she has been appointed she has had several opportunities to speak to representatives of Comcast concerning franchise renewal.

Councilperson Chiofalo questioned the franchise being 2 percent which is set by the state of New Jersey?

Mr. Farinaccio recollection is approx. $36,000.00.

Councilperson Chiofalo questioned if Comcast will notify Shade Tree and Environmental Commissions prior to trimming any trees in the Town of Hammonton.

Mr. Taylor advised his crews would certainly cooperate in this matter.

Councilperson Chiofalo questioned 2 way services and interconnections?

Mr. Taylor responded 2 way services and interconnections refers generally is wide area networks but are almost antique at this point.

Councilperson Chiofalo questioned how do you define qualified individuals?

Mr. Taylor advised that once all services are connected, Comcast will determine if they generally serve the school system, public, council, etc. Comcast supplies the pipeline but whatever goes into it is entirely up to Mayor and Council.

Councilperson Chiofalo questioned the availability of a technology grant?

Mr. Taylor advised that has not been discussed but they are very close to finalizing an agreement and that subject will be part of same.

Councilperson Chiofalo questioned the difference for internet and television cable connections?

Mr. Taylor stated internet is not regulated by law and cable television falls under State guidelines.

Councilperson Bertino questioned if an office will be located here in Hammonton?

Mr. Taylor responded, yes, they plan to maintain an office here also for local payment.

Jim MacLane 412 Bellevue Avenue

Mr. MacLane stated as a former member of school board he held discussions concerning running of additional wire at the new Hammonton High School for their broadcasting studios including the arts center and stadium. Mr. MacLane stated that as of this date Comcast has not intended to extend this service. If Comcast would allow this or make it available they can also broadcast more items from two different channels. He felt channel 13 could be utilized solely for educational subjects. He just returned from a convention in Nashville where they utilize and run 3 separate channels.


Motion by Councilperson S. Lewis, seconded by Councilperson Bertino, resume the regular order of business. Motion carried.


Councilperson S. Lewis

Mayor’s Meeting for the County

Joe Silipina Chairperson of the Freeholder Board reported that the County Budget was $148 million. There will be a 2-1/2 Cent decrease in county taxes. The County now participates in the State Plan for Health Benefits which saved 10% from a 20% hike in premiums. There are now state mandated health benefits for inmates.

Each town then provided an update of activities and discussion.

There is a new publication from the county called "2010". I would ask the clerk to request it. Also Mullica Twp would like us to proved them with a resolution re: "Disorderly Persons" to Mayor Crowe’s attention. Also the association needs host towns from April forward for their meetings.

The next meeting in February will be in Margate with Conectiv as a guest presentator.

Hammonton Environmental Commission

The re-organization meeting of the Environmental Commission was held on Jan 14th. At that time Barbara Edwards was elected as Chairperson and Jerry Barberio was elected as Vice Chairperson.

I noted per the Governor’s state of the state address, that there may be possible funding to investigate air and water pollutants in the town. Also, the commission asked for a clear definition of responsibility for Treasurer, their location status and tree permits.

Mayor Ingemi requested names be provided to him for recruitment purposes for the commission. The Commission also stated that new representatives need to be appointed to the Great Egg Harbor River Council & the Park Commission. Chairwoman Edwards will be creating an Environmental Commission Newsletter.

Park Commission

The re-organization meeting of the Park Commission was held on Jan. 20th. At that time Lois Morano was elected Chairperson and Jim Borda was elected Vice Chairperson.

Bob Vettese and Dave Cella of ARH provided an update of last year’s progress related to park development. Bob suggested that we review the plans and decide on future development and advise ARH. A sub-committee was suggested to move the decision making process along.

As to funding, Bob Vettese reported a small interest loan of $250,000 from Green Acres and a $60,000 grant from the county for a total of $310,000.

Other discussion included financing at Boyer Ave, the need for soccer and baseball fields, site clearing, site clean-ups, the Parks and Recreation Budget, lighting, painting, crossways, parking, refurbishing the Kiwanis building and landscaping.

Park Commission Requests Addition of 2 Alternates to Park Commission

Mayor Ingemi referred this to Town Solicitor for investigation.

Requested Weight Limit and One Way Streets Be Reviewed and Updated

Councilperson S. Lewis requested Mayor to assign this for report back at next meeting.

No Left Turn onto Central

Councilperson S. Lewis questioned what has been done in this regard?

The Clerk advised former Solicitor was authorized to forward letter to County and she will follow up on same.

Tree Ordinance Permits

A discussion was held concerning construction applications to consist of additional check offs for Shade Tree, Environmental and other boards who must first review certain aspects such as tree removal on building lots.

Councilperson Bertino

From the Business and Industry Committee

Under the Hammonton Revitalization Corporation Reorganization Meeting.

On Jan. 15 the HRC Board Meeting to elect it’s officers for the 2004 year. The officers for 2004 are Lewis Farsetta President, Gina Rullo Vice-President, Linda DeCicco Secretary, And Sarah DeCicco Treasurer.

The Board discussed many issues about their fundraising stategy for the coming year, the board also announced the mailing of the Community Calendar and thanked all sponsors for their support.

The Chamber of Commerce and Mainstreet will be joining forces to sponsor a Home Show on April 3 from 10am-3pm at Seaboard Asphalt on North Egg Harbor Rd, there is a resolution of Council’s consideration later on the agenda.

On January 8th the Hammonton Chamber of Commerce held its trustees meeting and many issues were discussed, along with the Home Show, John Runfolo briefed the Board on the change of location for their Red, White and Blueberry Event. As you know this very popular event has always been held across Central Avenue at the Middle School grounds, this year the Chamber has moved the event to the Hammonton Middle School on Liberty Street. The date for the event is June 27th and I will keep council informed as they proceed forward.

The Chamber of Commerce will also be starting its own web site to enhance and advertise the many businesses in our town.

Under the Transportation Enhancement Project

The Business and Industry Committee has been working with the town engineer to complete the remaining issues to allow the Town of Hammonton to bid this project by March 2004. The project will include the Sidewalk and Landscaping replacement along Front Street from Passmore Ave to Line Street, the funding for this Phase I of our transportation enhancement project will come from the NJDOT $125,000in Municipal Aid the town received earlier.

The Water and Sewer issues can be found in the Engineer’s Report.

Approve Solicitor Contract

Motion by Councilperson Bertino, seconded by Councilperson Morano, approve Solicitor contract with changes concerning bond ordinances and prior approvals.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

Councilperson Morano


Councilperson Clark

Highway Department Report

Town Highway personnel recently cleaned up the ally way in the rear of DeMarco’s Pizzeria. This area was brought to my attention by the code enforcement officer.

Highway department personnel are starting a litter clean up detail on rural and inner streets. This will assist with the state grants report for the 2004 year.

Weather permitting the department will be upgrading the towns gravel roadways. This will in turn reduce the maintenance to our road grader.

The Highway Department chipper crew has chipped 960 Christmas trees so far this year. This information will be useful to our recycling tonnage report for 2004.

Highway Department and Video Pipe Company have stopped all work on the storm pipes and inlets on Pressey Street project. These are the photos showing various areas that caused drainage problems.

All of Hammonton’s roadways were salted and cleared during the recent snow storm. All of the municipal lots were cleared and salted by a contractor.

Quotes are in for the bulky bins at the convenience station located on 8th Street. Councilperson Clark will discuss this with the other council members.

The Highway Department is upgrading our street signs. Some are faded and bent. Changing the signs with 4" letters and 6" plates to 9" plates with 6" letters will be very helpful to our fire and rescue teams and also to visitors to our town.

Award Quotes Bulky Waste Removal

Motion by Councilperson Clark, seconded by Councilperson Morano, award quote for bulky waste removal to United Roll Off and Recycling at $132.00 per pull for year 2004.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

Councilperson Chiofalo

Airport and Transportation

Committee on Airport & Transportation

DY Consultants has sent the bid spec’s for the fencing project and has also submitted the pinelands application. I would like to advertise for bidding with a closing date on or before the Feb. Council meeting.

The Town has signed the completed ALP. After the State and FAA sign off on the plans, the State will release the remaining funds for the EA.

The Town is now eligible to receive the third installment of the $ 150,000.00 from the AIR-21 bill. I have learned that, if Congress funds

the new bill, it may be extended for another year for a total of $ 600,000.00.

I spoke to Mr. Draper from the DOA. He has informed me that they have received approval from pinelands to remove some trees from both ends of the runway. The work will begin sometime in February.

I spoke with Frank Olivo today regarding the progress of the condemnation of the airport properties. The complaints have been file and served. And the owners have until Feb.6th to object to the appointment of the Commissioners. Mr. Olivo has recommended that we update our appraisals since they are almost a year old. I was unable to contact Mr. Hagel to get an estimate for the update; however, I would like approval not to exceed $1500. I would also like to ask for authorization to deposit the money with the court at the appropriate time.

Last week I met with the FAA to discuss the new CIP for the years 2004-2007. The total improvements planned for the next four years total $ 12.6 million.

The FAA was interested in projects they can fund this year. After revising the initial CIP with DY Consultants we show $ 2.23 million in improvements. I have also attempted to contact Rob Scharle to discuss the funding of our share (5%) of the grants, which will be $111,550.00 for this year if all projects are accepted.

I’ve asked Bob Vettese to analyze the insulation material on the south hangar walls.

The samples were taken last Friday.

Since the FAA may fund the renovation of the Hangar I would like Bob to get some quotes on the demolition of the interior area of the south hangar.

Authorize Clerk to Advertise for Airport Fence Bid

Motion by Councilperson Chiofalo, seconded by Councilperson Bertino, authorize the Clerk to bid on the Airport fencing.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

Condemnation of Airport Properties – Update Appraisals

Motion by Councilperson Chiofalo, seconded by Councilperson Bertino, authorize a purchase order not to exceed $1500.00 for Airport Appraisals.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

Authorization to Deposit Monies

Motion by Councilperson Chiofalo, seconded by Councilperson S. Lewis authorize the deposit of Airport funds when necessary.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

Councilperson Olivo

Board of Education

In attempt to help balance this years school budget the board approved a resolution that will allow the district to avoid sending certain special education students out of the district. This will save the district approx. $200,000 for this year alone. The school is creating ways to improve our school district while also lowering the burden to the taxpayer. They are also looking for others programs that will work the same to vastly improve our school district. Deadline for Candidates 3/1/04.

Mercantile License

To better serve the citizens of our Town, I would like to repeal our Mercantile License for the year of 2004 and establish a business registration ordinance. There will be no increase in fee and it will expand our registration process. I would also like to ask the solicitor if we would be permitted to list all registered businesses in our local paper and also list those businesses that will be fined if there refuse to register.

Shade Tree Commission

The members of the shade tree commission have once again asked for council’s support and respect in the year 2004. I assured theme that they would have the complete support of this mayor and council. The people of the community have received their final warnings and they will be fined if they ignore the ordinance that is in place.


Town Hall Project

Phase 1: Environmental – completed

Phase 2: Environmental- By 3/04

Relocation- ACIA proposal

Condemnation- property owners notified

Meetings with Engineers and architects


Building committee be appointed, meet with each property owner to assess needs, continue to meet with engineers and architects for updates

Official Newspaper

Received information submitted by Hammonton News and Gazette

Business Registration

Prepared draft of ordinance

Recommend: Consider Repeal of Mercantile License Ordinance as it does not exclude professionals

Comcast agreement

Continued negotiations

Recommend: Meet with Comcast representatives to negotiate final agreement



1. Hammonton Wastewater Treatment Plant Surface Water Discharge Permit (11-50047)

On November 7, 2003, NJDEP issued a Draft Surface Water Renewal Permit. Since Hammonton remains with a stream discharge while it is investigating the performance of the land application facility, the Department has taken a position that a Surface Water Discharge Permit is warranted. The last time the surface water permit was renewed was in 1991. Since that time the Town has been governed under interim requirements as contained in the Consent and Judicial Orders.

Comments to the permit presented objections to the following parameters:

o Phosphorous o Effluent pH o Lead o Nitrates o Whole effluent toxicity o Ammonia

We have also requested a public hearing on these issues. In addition to the anticipated parameter requirements, the new requirements as it relates to phosphorous and lead result in extremely stringent limitations. Treatment for lead and phosphorous will result in significantly higher capital costs and will also lead to substantial operation and maintenance costs. Also, treatment of these parameters will have an effect on other parameters and overall operations. In our conversation with the NJDEP and other permittees affected by these parameters, the NJDEP will not waiver from requiring the proposed limitations on lead and phosphorous simply by voicing an objection.

However, the NJDEP does provide for the evaluation of the stream to determine whether less stringent or no limitations for these parameters could be justified. The cost for a full scale stream analysis is significant (possibly in excess of $100,000). It would be in the Town’s best interest to eliminate the need for treatment of the lead and phosphorous limitation. In so doing we are recommending that a stream analysis be performed on these two parameters. In discussion with a known expert in this field, Ray Ferrara, PhD of TRC Omni Environmental Corporation, the most cost effective strategy is to perform a limited stream analysis to determine whether Hammonton Creek contains the characteristics to eliminate the lead and phosphorous parameter either partially or in its entirety. The preliminary investigation will comprise a set of activities that would be necessary for the full stream analysis. Therefore pursuit of the limited study would not be a waste of time and/or funds should the preliminary analysis indicate that the Town could eliminate the treatment requirement by further evaluation.

Unfortunately, the Town of Hammonton must simultaneously comply with two discharge permits (Groundwater and Surface

water). While the land application (Discharge to Groundwater permit) requirements are being evaluated, the expense towards compliance of the surface water permit would be minimized if the preliminary study is authorized. Further, action towards compliance to the Surface water permit would be initiated. In the event that stream discharge is eliminated in its entirety, the pursuit of the surface water discharge permit would be unnecessary. However, if a stream discharge will continue to be the case in the future then the results and expense of the preliminary study will be applied to the full scale study.

We have attached the outline and proposal for the preliminary stream analysis for your consideration as prepared by Omni Environmental. The Town has 59 months from the time the permit becomes effective to achieve compliance on the surface water issues. Due to the length of time to study the stream and obtain usable results, delay for the stream study is not advisable. Failure to provide a report to eliminate or reduce the limitations on lead and phosphorous will result in the need for treatment to comply with the proposed stringent standards set forth.

Once again, it is highly recommended that the stream study be employed to avoid the perpetual and unforeseen expense associated with achieving treatment compliance on lead and phosphorus. The goal would be perform the suggested preliminary study in an effort to remove or reduce the need for stringent parameters.

In summary, the preliminary study would demonstrate an effort towards compliance while the conclusion is made on whether stream discharge would be eliminated in its entirety.

Action Requested: Authorize TRC Omni Environmental Corporation of Princeton, NJ to conduct the preliminary stream analysis for the lead and phosphorous requirements set forth in the draft permit. The cost for this preliminary investigation would be $20,000.00.

Motion by Councilperson Bertino, seconded by Councilperson Clark, authorize a purchase order to TRC Omni Environmental Corp. in the amount of $20,000.00 to conduct preliminary stream analysis for WWTP Surface Water Discharge Permit.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

2. Video Pipe Price Quotes (Proposal #04-0017)

Two years ago Mayor and Council requested that we obtain price quotes to have a contractor provide the following services to the Town on an as needed basis:

1. Provide the services of a vacuum truck to clean and vacuum various sections of storm sewer pipe on a ½ day and daily basis.

2. Provide the services of a video truck to complete a video inspection and tape of various sections of storm sewer and sanitary sewer pipe on a ½ day and daily basis.

We are requesting Council’s authorization to request price quotes to complete the same services as before plus the use of a cleaning and video truck jointly on a ½ day and daily basis as needed for a one year period. The total cost for contractual work for the year 2004 is a not to exceed amount of $17,500.00 in accordance with the State bidding requirements. If authorized, ARH will revise the price quote request forms to reflect the items noted above, solicit price quotes, review and report to Council for the February meeting for a cost not to exceed $800.00.

Action Requested: Authorize ARH to complete the required work as described above for a figure not to exceed $800.00.

Motion by Councilperson Bertino, seconded by Councilperson Olivo, authorize a purchase order to ARH in the amount of $800.00 to perform work in connection with Video Pipe Price Quotes.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

3. Egg Harbor Road Sanitary Sewer Extension - Proposal #04-0005)

At the last MUAC meeting, Mr. & Mrs. Giacobbe (Egg Harbor Road) requested consideration for the extension of sanitary sewer along Egg Harbor Road from 14th Street to Francis Street. Their attorney forwarded letters to the various property owners along the project route. The majority of the property owners responding were in favor of the sanitary sewer extension project. MUAC requested that our office prepare a proposal to complete the field work, design, easement requests, permit applications, etc. required for said project. We have attached a proposal that would take the project through the permitting phase for Council’s consideration. The other stipulation attached to the MUAC recommendation was that the affected property would be required to post an escrow fee with the Town to cover the cost of said work. We estimate the cost to complete this work to be $11,000.00 as noted in our attached proposal.

Action Requested: Authorization from Mayor and Council to have the Solicitor draft an agreement with the affected property owners that would require them to pay their fair share of the cost to complete the work necessary to obtain the various approvals and permits associated with the sanitary sewer extension project.

Motion by Councilperson Bertino, seconded by Councilperson Clark, authorize the Solicitor to draft an agreement with affected property owners of the Egg Harbor Road Sanitary Sewer Extension that would require them to pay their fair share of various approvals and permits for this project.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

4. Sanitary Sewer Feasibility Study (11-50111 - Proposal #04-0004):

As authorized by Council, ARH has started the sewer feasibility analysis for the following two areas:

1. South Quadrant, encompassing portions of South Egg Harbor Road, First Road, 8th Street, Oakwood Drive, Giordano Lane and Golden Eagle Drive.

2. Southwesterly Quadrant, encompassing portions of Chew Road, 12th Street, Second Road and 13th Street.

Also as requested last meeting we have reviewed our available data and other information required to complete a sewer feasibility study for the Basin Road/Rt. 206/Middle Road area of the Town. The study would identify the following:

1. Tentative location of proposed pump station to service this area. The most likely location would be in the area of The Heritage Assisted Living Facility and Cedar Branch stream.

2. We would identify the tentative limits of the sewer service district for this section of the Town.

3. We would note the development potential for each of the parcels within the sewer service area in relation to usable ground and present zoning standards both residential and commercial.

4. We would develop a rough cost estimate of project improvements.

Once completed a general report would be developed for Council’s consideration and potential funding sources listed. We estimate that ARH could complete the above noted tasks for a figure not to exceed $4600. The time frame for completion of same would be about 6 months.

Action Requested: If acceptable to Mayor and Council we would request authorization to proceed with the Route 206 Sanitary Sewer/Feasibility Study for a cost not to exceed $4600.

Motion by Councilperson Morano, seconded by Councilperson Clark, authorize a purchase order to ARH in the amount of $4,600.00 for Rt. 206 Sanitary Sewer/Feasibility Study.


Councilperson Chiofalo questioned Mayor and Council, the Town will pay for the feasibility study and the property owners will pay their fair share of the cost of project, if feasible?

Mayor and Council agreed, yes, to Councilperson Chiofalo’s question.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.


1. 2004 State Aid Linda Avenue Reconstruction (11-40014 Proposal #04-0014)

The Mayor and Town Council has received notice from the NJDOT Commission indicating that the Town has been selected to receive $150,000.00 for the reconstruction of Linda Avenue. The section of roadway to be completed includes the following limits.

o Linda Avenue – White Horse Pike to Cedar Branch Stream Bridge

o Elvins Avenue – Bellevue Avenue to Linda Avenue

We have prepared and attached a proposal for Council’s consideration to complete the required work. Funding for the project must be established in the Town’s 2004 budget.

Requested Action: If approved by Mayor and Council, we would request authorization to proceed with the required field work and design work for a figure not to exceed $19,500.00 as detailed in our 1/20/04 proposal.

Motion by Councilperson Clark, seconded by Councilperson Chiofalo, authorize a purchase order to ARH in an amount of $19,500.00 for required field work and design work for Linda Avenue Reconstruction.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.


1. USRD - White Horse Pike/Basin Road Water & Sewer Improvements (11-50104):

The Contractor has completed the work with the exception of some minor punchlist items which should be completed this spring. Once finalized it would allow this portion of the project to be closed out and reimbursement requested from the USRD.

We are in the process of preparing a report, cost estimate and project budget to complete the following two projects to use the remaining USRD funds:

1. Egg Harbor Road Sanitary Sewer Extension within isolated sections of said roadway of said roadway where sanitary sewer presently does not exist. We have discussed this potential project with the County Engineer in relation to their proposed reconstruction schedule for Egg Harbor Road.

2. Central Avenue water main extension to the limits that the funding will allow. There will be the need to appropriate additional funds in the 2004 budget if the Mayor and Council want to finish this project so that the County could reconstruct the roadway.

We will need to review and discuss these projects with MUAC along with the Sewer and Water Committee so that appropriate funds could be established in the 2004 Municipal Budget.

2. Hammonton Test Well Bids (11-30117):

As discussed with MUAC and the Sewer and Water Committee, we are presently reviewing the options to complete another well test within the area of 11th Street/Chew Road for the possible placement of a new well. We will keep the Council informed of further progress so that they could incorporate the appropriate funds in the 2004 budget.

3. Colwell/Railway/Wood Street Utility Extension (11-50116):

The survey crews completed the field work and the initial plotting of the project base plan. We are reviewing same for design consideration. We have also briefly discussed the design options with the Water and Sewer Superintendents. We will keep Council informed of further progress

4. NJDEP Water Allocation Report (11-30088):

As requested by the NJDEP, we have provided a response to the NJDEP inquiries as related to the status of various water project installations and issues regarding available water capacity and allocation. We are awaiting NJDEP review and

response to the data provided. We will keep Council informed of further progress.

5. Boyer Avenue Land Application Project (11-50058):

At the last meeting we reported that Trenches 2 and 3 have been emptied and once thoroughly dry will need to be remediated similar to Trench #1. At our recommendation the work was awarded to RAC for the remediation of trenches 2 and 3 with the work proposed to be initiated after the first of the year and/or as soon as the weather permitted.

Pennoni Associates has been performing ongoing evaluations of the trench activity and percolation rates. We discussed the results of their initial data collection after Trench 1 was loaded on the three cycles following its remediation. The conclusion at this point is to refrain from manipulating Trenches 2 and 3 until the piezometer wells authorized to be installed between the trenches are completed. The installation of the piezometer wells was authorized under Pennoni Report last month and will be completed by mid February. The purpose of installing the wells (cluster of three in each location) is to understand the movement of the water at different levels. Once this information is collected an alternative to remediating Trenches 2 and 3 may be proposed. Therefore the money set aside for the RAC activity may be spent to investigate a different theory since the remediation of trench 1` indicates that the complication is occurring somewhere between 6’ and groundwater.

RAC has been advised that the work order has been postponed at this point. The next course of action will be determined after the professionals reconvene in mid February to evaluate the readings in the piezometer wells after trenches 2 and 3 have been reloaded. Under force majeure scheduling, a report of our findings will need to be made in April. The investigation phase is on schedule to provide this report and our actions to date.


1. Old Forks Road Reconstruction (11-40007):

We are in the process of completing the final roadway design plans for submission to the various departments of the NJDOT for design approval. We have also been in contact with the Trenton office of NJDOT relating to the intersection improvements. We are waiting for the signatures of the easement documents from the affected property owners. The easement activity has been assumed by the new Solicitor. Although the easements

have been prepared and forwarded, an agreement between the Town and the grantors of the easement has been requested thus outlining the expectations from each party. It is our understanding that the Solicitor is in the process of preparing these agreements. We will keep Council informed of further progress.

2. ACIA Community Development ADA Funding Phase II (11-40013):

The contractor has started the work and is approximately 40% complete. Work has stopped at this point due to weather constraints.

3. 2002 State Aid Front Street Sidewalk Curb (11-40006):

We completed the initial conceptual design and forwarded same to NJ Transit representatives for their review. We have received their initial comments from the Infrastructure/Engineering section and are in the process of responding to same. We have also been in contact with the Real Estate Division and the Director of Project Management regarding a long term lease for use of their property for construction of the sidewalk and streetscape improvements. We will be meeting with NJ Transit representatives on Thursday 1/24/04. We will be discussing the terms of agreement with the Pettiti’s regarding the relocation and installation of a new fence surrounding their impoundment yard. We will discuss same with the Property and Light Committee along with the Solicitor.

We have obtained a cost estimate to provide street lights and pedestrian lights along with irrigation for the landscaped areas within the project limits. We will be discussing budgetary costs with the Business and Industry Committee.

A copy of the conceptual design plans have also been forwarded to NJDOT representatives for comment. Once all approvals are obtained and the proper funding in place the project could be bid. We hope to be able to receive bids for the March meeting of Council provided all approvals are obtained and the funding is in place.

4. TEA Funding Downtown Sidewalk/Curb (11-40006, 11-01056 & 11-40011):

We are continuing work on the project consisting of the following two phases:

o Phase I - 12th Street – Washington Street to Front Street

o Phase II – Front Street – 12th Street to Passmore Avenue

Similar to the State Aid section of Front Street, we have submitted the original conceptual design plans to NJ Transit and NJDOT for review and comments. This section of the project will require additional reviews by various NJDOT and NJ Transit agencies due to the Federal Aid project funding. We will inquire whether the pavilion portion of the project could be bid under a subsequent project phase in order to speed the approval process along. We will keep Council informed of further progress.

5. Pressey Street Reconstruction (11-01000):

The Highway Department has scheduled Video Pipe to clean the majority of the storm sewer along Cherry Street and Pressey Street. In order to complete the cleaning and video of these line an award for these cleaning and video services for 2004 must be obtained. We have included a proposal to solicit price quotes and prepare the required contracts/purchase orders for Council’s consideration. The initial cleaning investigation of the pipe seems to indicate that the storm sewer may be in fairly good shape. The Sewer Superintendent recommends that sanitary sewer main and service laterals be replaced similar to what was completed on Second Street when that street was reconstructed. Once the extent of the project is finalized, we will prepare a cost estimate to complete the required work. A budget amount for 2004 must also be established.

6. Green Acres Funding Boyer Avenue Recreation (11-50099):

The Mayor and Town Council have received a notice from the NJDEP Green Acre Program indicating that the Town has been recommended for approval to receive a loan allotment of $250,000.00 and a $60,000 grant for the Atlantic County Open Space Program for the completion of further recreational improvements at the Boyer Avenue site. We must meet with the Recreation Committee to generally discuss their recreational needs and what improvements would be appropriate for the next phase of the project. Once a direction is established, we could provide the Mayor and Town Council with a proposal to complete the work required for the next phase of development of the park. The funds for the project must be established in the Town’s 2004 budget, therefore it is important to make a decision as quickly as possible related to the proposed improvements.

7. 2004 Public Works/Water and Sanitary Sewer Projects

We have generally discussed and will be meeting with the various Superintendents to establish a list of anticipated projects and associated costs for council’s review and consideration associated with the 2004 budget preparation. We will keep Council informed of further progress.

8. Town Hall Site (11-01060):

Our ARH environmental staff has completed the Phase I Environmental Report for the project and is presently working on the Phase II Report as authorized by Council last meeting.

Our survey staff has completed the individual lot surveys and legal descriptions for the project area and forwarded them to the prior Town Solicitor for use in preparation of the property owner’s notices and associated documents. A preliminary base plan of the project area was prepared and a copy of same forwarded to the architect for his review and use last year. Once an initial sketch is prepared by the architect, we will be able to prepare a cost estimate for ARH to complete the site plan, site improvements

and permitting process for the project. If necessary we could prepare a rough estimate of this work for budgetary purposes.

As also authorized last meeting, ARH is in the process of gathering the required information in order to complete the low interest loan application for project funding to the USRD. We will keep Council up to date on further progress.

9. Public Works Stormwater Ordinance

Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program: The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has adopted stormwater management regulations that affect each municipality. It is anticipated that municipalities will receive their permits by the end of January whereby the permit applications must be completed within 30 days of receipt. The content of the permit application is unknown however ARH has attended various educational seminars throughout 2003 offered by the NJDEP. We fully understand the regulations and are in position to assist the Public Works Department with compliance.

The base Geographic Information System (GIS) that has been installed for the water and sewer systems will aid in the compliance requirements. This allows us to map the stormwater facilities early and to store that data for use by the Public Works Department in their maintenance program.

Grants may be available from sources in NJDEP. We are researching the possibility for the Town. We are proposing to cost share elements with other municipalities we represent, such as Ordinance preparation.

Once the permit is received we will meet with the Public Works Superintendent and outline the compliance requirements. The outline will include the elements to integrate the information required with the GIS and submittals needed by NJDEP.


Appoint Town Hall Building Committee

Mayor Ingemi appointed himself, Councilpersons Chiofalo & S. Lewis (Alt. Counc. Bertino) to the new town hall building committee.

NJ League Municipalities Contest Scholarship

Mayor Ingemi reported on a contest and scholarship sponsored by NJ League of Municipalities for Hammonton High School Juniors and Seniors (3 - $1000.00 scholarship). Deadline for submission of entry to

Hometown Mayor no later than March 15th. Mayor Ingemi appointed Marie Fucetola, Carl Mortellite, Brian Howell and Jeanne S. Lewis to judge the contest. Mayor Ingemi requested the Clerk to forward the necessary information to those appointed judges.

Mainstreet Representation

Mayor Ingemi reported that the government has created grants for municipalities who have local Mainstreet programs. Mayor Ingemi is investigating the possibility of acquiring a grant for the new town hall project. Mayor Ingemi once again stressed the need to work together to achieve common goals.


1. Budget Requests were submitted to Department Heads by Clerk.

Mayor and Council were so advised.

2. Award quote repair roof:

Motion by Councilperson S. Lewis, seconded by Councilperson Olivo, authorize a purchase order to Tri State of New Jersey in the amount of $6,435.00 for roof repairs at Hammonton Historical Building.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

3. JIF Seminar Breakfast 2/19/04 Invitation 4. Appoint Court Prosecutor

Motion by Councilperson Chiofalo, seconded by Councilperson S. Lewis, appoint Stephanie Olivo as Court Prosecutor for the Town of Hammonton effective 1/13/04 and expiring 12/31/04.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Abstain: Olivo.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

5. Request release Applebee performance bond #5623301

Motion by Councilperson Chiofalo, seconded by Councilperson Bertino, authorize release of Applebee performance bond #5623301 contingent upon posting of maintenance bond.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

6. Special Meeting Refunding for USRD & P&F Early Ret. 2/9/04 @ 6 pm was scheduled.

#R 18-2004 Transfer Resolution

Resolution Providing for the Transfer of Funds in Budget

BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Hammonton, County of Atlantic, and State of New Jersey, that there be and hereby is authorized the following transfers from the budget appropriations for 2003 Reserve Funds:


Administration S&W 21,727.32

Group Insurance O.E. 6,270.62

Insurance O.E. 20,083.62

Legal O.E. 3,041.97

Police S&W 60,226.79

Uniform Fire S&W 546.00

Total 111,896.32


Assessor O.E. 5,000.00

Finance O.E. 778.00

Buildings & Grounds O.E. 25,437.79

Collection Tax O.E. 14.00

Highway O.E. 49,934.03

Shade Tree O.E. 30,175.00

Uniform Fire O.E. 546.00

Total 111,884.82


Municipal Court O.E. 11.50


JAN. BILL LIST 2004 2003/Reserve 2004

ADMINISTRATION 0-01-20-101-000 Casa Payroll payroll services 231.95 Tapper supplies 170.90 US Post Office stamps 322.00 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 10,565.77

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 10,697.77

Atl. Co. Mayor's Assoc dues 400.00

Atl. Co. Mun. Clerks Assn dues 150.00

Atl. Co. League of Munic. member dues 375.00

Casa Payroll payroll services 966.29

NJ Mun. Clerks Assn. dues 125.00

Comcast Feb. internet 196.00

Pitney Bowes postage meter lease 500.00

Savin Corp copier lease 1,263.20

Velardi, Kathryn reim. coffee pot 63.59

724.85 25,302.62

FINANCE 0-01-20-103-000 Tapper supplies 778.00 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 5,702.88

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 5,702.88

Bowman & Co. budge. process seminar 75.00

Rutgers State Univ. fd/fin mgt. Seminar 868.00

778.00 12,348.76

ASSESSMENT OF TAXES 0-01-20-104-000 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 3,536.54

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 3,536.54


COLLECTION OF TAXES 0-01-20-105-000 Danone water 14.00 Savin Corp copier lease 934.76

Tax Col. & Treas. Assoc dues 100.00

14.00 1,034.76

LEGAL 0-01-20-106-000 Frank G.Olivo legal svc. 655.00 Hammonton Gazette tax sale lease 984.00 West Group dec. bill 138.00 1,777.00 ENGINEER 0-01-20-107-000 Adams, Rehmann, & Heggan svcs 2,220.00 2,220.00 PLANNING BOARD 0-01-21-109-000 Danone water 19.65 Hammonton Gazette public notice 39.75 Peter Karabashian expenses 446.85 Press of Atl. Cty public notice 42.14 Tapper supplies 127.97 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 276.92

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 276.92

Press of Atl. Cty 21.56

676.36 575.40

BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 0-01-21-110-000 Hammonton Gazette public notice 23.75 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 142.31

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 142.31

23.75 284.62

RENT CONTROL 0-01-21-111-000 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 34.61

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 34.61


SHADE TREE 0-01-21-112-000 J.C. Tree Svc svcs. 1,125.00 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 75.00

1,125.00 75.00

CONSTRUCTION 0-01-22-126-000 Boca Intl. code commentaries 416.99 Tapper supplies 95.85 Wearguard jackets 114.93 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 6,916.93

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 6,826.93

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas const. Official 45.74

Savin Corp copier lease 934.76

627.77 14,724.36

OTHER CODE ENFORCEMENT 0-01-22-127-000 Rovani Graphics merc. lic. Decals 595.00 Tapper supplies 409.52 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 1,269.23

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 1,269.23

1,004.52 2,538.46

GROUP INSURANCE 0-01-23-114-000 Delta Dental Jan. report 4,151.39

NJSHBP ins. 69,858.23

Prudential Grp Ins. Jan. report 436.18

Vision Svc. Plan Jan. report 2,602.69


INSURANCE 0-01-23-115-000 General Code Publ. Corp update handbook 1,666.38 M.L. Ruberton Acy policies 19,828.06

1,666.38 19,828.06

WORKER'S COMP 0-01-23-116-000 Atlantic Co. Mun. JIF workers comp 70,670.00


NJ DISABILITY 0-01-23-148-000 Jacobs, Rosemarie Treas 4th quarter disability 2003 629.41 629.41 FIRE 0-01-25-117-000 Airpower Intl Inc repairs 249.94 Bruno's parts 326.54 Contntl Fire & Safety supplies 617.90 Crescent Tire repairs 2,380.00 CRW Parts parts 720.44 Emergency Products Inc. service 1,537.50 Hammonton Co. 1 reimb. for school 555.00 Hammonton Co. 2 reimb. for school 185.00

Jan Commun. & Electronic radio repair 150.00 Jimmy's Lakeside Garage towing, repairs 598.68 Lyons, John 42.60 Macri, Howard reim. School 60.00 Monzo, Jos. III reim. School 185.00 Natl Safety Clean Inc. gear repair & cleaning 2,429.53 The Sign Co. Inc. lettering 87.00 10,125.13 UNIFORM FIRE 0-01-25-118-000 Contintl Fire & Safety Inc. supplies 535.00 Dell Computer Corp monitor 585.58 Wearguard clothing 405.33 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 738.46

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 810.46

1,525.91 1,548.92

POLICE 0-01-25-119-000 Baglivo, Jared clothing allowance 147.90 Butterhof's Farm Supply dog food 193.68 Crescent Tire parts,repairs 2,128.95 Danone water 43.75 Easylink Svc. Corp internet use 50.00 Ford Motor Credit Co. car lease 847.85 Frederico, Joel clothing allowance 112.29 Gateway Digital software 995.00 I.C.O.P. radar trailer 9,600.00 Lawmen Supply supplies 52.38 Lopez, Jr. Frank clothing allowance 213.45 Micrographic Computer Svc typewriter repair 92.00 Penza's supplies 2.89 Photo Center photos 54.36 Pinto, James clothing allowance 88.78 Public Agency Training Council seminar 425.00 R & R Repair Inc. radar repair 306.50 Ruggeri, Timothy clothing allowance 238.00

Safety First Co. svc. 525.00 Silver Coin prisoners meals 20.25 Tapper supplies 188.00 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 68,651.08

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 68,651.08

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas ot 983.60

Baglivo, Jared clothing allowance 11.10

Ford Motor Credit Co. paymt 847.85

Lopez, Jr. Frank clothing allowance 61.64

Maimone Jr., Joseph reimb. School 750.00

Percodani, Thomas clothing allowance 652.55

Town of Hammonton reim. Petty cash 300.00

Savin Corp. copier lease 1,698.12

16,326.03 142,607.02

PROSECUTOR 0-01-25-123-000 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 519.23


RADIO 0-01-25-120-000 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 8,330.79

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 8,618.79

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas ot 1/8 338.62


SPECIAL SERVICES 0-01-25-11A-000 Ingemi, Frank reim. Camera 479.80 Lawmen Supply Co. equipment 4,660.91 5,140.71 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 0-01-26-108-000 Allen Oil & Propane repairs 75.00 Colonial Electric repairs 60.79 I.P.M. preventive svc. 120.00

Sal Jacobs, Plumbing repairs 1,090.00 Laury Heating svc. 172.55 Penza's bulbs 2.95 White Star repairs 217.29 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 961.54

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 961.54

Sal Jacobs, Plumbing repairs 565.00

Town of Hammonton sewer 394.13

Town of Hammonton water 124.40

1,738.58 3,006.61

HIGHWAY 0-01-26-123-000 Adams, Rehmann & Heggan eng. Svc. 392.50 A.E. Stone Inc. patch 104.39 Apple Printing Co. freon coupons 2,927.16 Atl. Co. Util. Auth. tipping fee 29,085.40 Berco Fleet Svc mirrors 113.34 Bruno's parts, supplies 395.73 Cintas First Aid supplies 157.75 Colonial Electric supplies 83.19 Crescent Tire parts, repairs 199.00 DiMeglio Septic port-o-pots 311.94 Hammonton Gazette ads 71.13 Hammonton Glass repairs 45.00 I.P.M. preventive svc. 42.00 J. Morano & Sons supplies 102.13 L & M A/C & Refrig. freon removal 136.50 Lorco Petroleum Svc parts washer 92.00 Napa Auto Parts battery - leaf machine 74.74 Penza's supplies 60.19 Ransome Eng. parts 425.16 Rodio Tractor parts,repairs 800.35 Schenk Uniform Rental svc 315.00 Seely Equip. parts 627.05 S.J. Sanitation bulky waste hauling 270.00 Tapper Stationery supplies 33.71

Welding & Radiator Supply torch assy 350.00 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 26,796.15

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 26,796.15

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas ot 4,501.81

Bruno's parts 365.33

Crescent Tire parts, repairs 1,797.00

L & M A/C & Refrig. freon removal 99.75

Joe Mastro Auto repairs 175.00

McDonalds Saw Svc sharpen blades 41.20

Napa Auto Parts bearings 44.16

Penza's supplies 26.98

Rodio Tractor parts 24.61

Savin Corp. copier lease 504.56

Town of Hammonton sewer 250.00

Town of Hammonton water 67.50

37,215.36 61,490.20

ENVIRONMENTAL COMM. 0-01-27-113-000 Buckhorn Garden Svc. svcs 195.00 195.00 DOG REGULATIONS 0-01-27-125-000 MGL Forms-Systems dog tags 188.00 Animal Capture & Control January 570.00

188.00 570.00

PARKS 0-01-28-130-000 Ace Oil fuel 252.00 Frank Mazza & Son cabinet 513.60 Sal Jacobs Plumbing repairs 65.00 830.60 RECREATION 0-01-28-131-000 All Star Sports, Inc. soccer goals 2,650.00

Bertino, Anthony reim. Supplies 128.61 Rovani Graphics ins. Cards 559.00 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 1,611.54

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 1,611.54

3,337.61 3,223.08

ADVERTISING 0-01-30-136-000 Hydrate Irrigation Inc. blow out sprinklers 159.00 Mortellite, Anthony reim. Expenses 697.33 White Star Ent repairs 351.00 Conectiv electric 210.89

SJ Gas gas 235.39

1,207.33 446.28

AIRPORT 0-01-30-137-000 Laury Heating furnace repair 5,530.00 NJ Div of Aeronautics license 35.00 Venus & Mars Locksmith keys 89.00 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 76.92

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 76.92

5,654.00 153.84

GASOLINE 0-01-31-11E-000 Hammonton Board of Ed. nov. 2003 diesel 13,002.25 13,002.25 NATURAL GAS 0-01-31-11F-000 S.J. Gas monthly bill 4,913.20


STREET LIGHTING 0-01-31-138-000 Conectiv charges 2,163.20

Conectiv charges 20,962.76

2,163.20 20,962.76

ELECTRIC 0-01-31-11G-000 Conectiv charges 4,214.80 Conectiv charges 5,134.71

4,214.80 5,134.71

TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 0-01-31-139-000 AT & T charges 29.02 Avaya charges 14.62 Verizon charges 108.76 AT & T charges 210.66

ATX Telecomm. charges 1,324.96

Nextel charges 2,125.53

Verizon charges 1,722.93

152.40 5,384.08

SOCIAL SECURITY 0-01-36-145-000 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas social security 6,923.37

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas social security 7,291.76


NJ CLEAN COMMUNITY 0-01-41-209-000 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 851.23 851.23 MUNICIPAL CRT. AERE 0-01-41-202-000 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 349.62 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 60.00 409.62

ATL CTY MUN ALL 0-01-41-211-000 Myron Mfg. Corp calendars 155.06 School Counselor Resources St. Joseph PTA 54.95 210.01 COPS IN SCHOOL 0-01-41-32C-000 Delta Dental Jan. report 20.62 NJSHBP Jan. report 411.29 Prudential Jan. report 6.00 Vision Svc. Plan Jan. report 15.87 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 1,624.31 2,078.09 MUNICIPAL COURT 0-01-43-201-000 Baur Municipal Supplies labels 11.50 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 5,138.08

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 5,678.08

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas interpreter 225.00

Pitney Bowes Inc. postage meter lease 250.00

Savin Corp. copier lease 504.56

11.50 11,795.72

INTEREST ON BONDS 0-01-45-402-000 Chase Manhattan Bank Int on bonds 64,680.78


INTEREST ON NOTES 0-01-45-405-000 Chase Manhattan Bank int. on 2003 bans 17,571.99



0-01-56-987-000 Jacobs, Rosemarie Treas pay 1/9 365.38

Jacobs, Rosemarie Treas payroll 1/22 365.38


CAPITAL BAN PAYMENT 0-04-99-930-000 Chase Manhattan Bank 2003 ban note paymt 878,600.00


DISTRICT SCHOOL TAX 0-01-99-951-000 Jacobs, Rosemarie Treas district school tax 938,652.68

Jacobs, Rosemarie Treas district school tax 1,386,073.56


POL RES CONT 0-01-99-952-000 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 3,397.50

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 6,075.00


TREAS. CLEARING 0-01-99-954-000 M & T Outsourcing refund 3,443.59

Washington Mutual refund 4,538.25


COUNTY TAX 0-01-99-955-000 Atl. Co. Treasurer county tax 925,663.33


RES FOR GRANTS 0-01-99-960-000 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 540.00 Franklin Trailer trailer 4,085.00 Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/8 3,617.84

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 cops univ. 3,583.46

Jacobs, Rosemarie, Treas payroll 1/22 cops in school 1,624.31

Delta Dental Jan. report 41.24

NJSHBP Jan. report 822.58

Prudential Jan. report 12.00

Vision Svc. Plan Jan. report 31.74

4,625.00 9,733.17

MARRIAGE LICENSE 0-01-99-977-000 Treas-State of NJ oct/nov/Dec marriage lic 600.00


ORD. # 22-1998 0-04-44-433-000 Olivo, Frank legal svcs 573.84


ORD#18-2001 SEC A 0-04-44-443-000 Adams, Rehmann & Heggan svc. 4868.75 4868.75 ORD#26-2002 0-04-44-445-000 Adams, Rehmann & Heggan svc. 2316.00 Olivo, Frank legal svc 120.00

2316.00 120.00

ORD#3-2003 0-04-44-446-000 Adams, Rehmann & Heggan svcs 3,408.75 Asphalt Paving Sys svcs 42,191.94 Bruno's repairs 1,097.14 Lakeview Garage upgrade DOT sys. 86.32 Laury Heating heat pump 3,575.00

NAPA Auto Parts batteries 320.96 Bellmawr Truck Repair upgrades 3,825.00

Olivo, Frank legal svc 120.00

47,105.11 7,520.00

ORD#13-2003 0-04-44-447-000 Continental Fire & Safety supplies 228.10


ORD#22-2003 0-04-44-448-000 Adams, Rehmann, & Heggan testing 1,755.00 Lee L. Rom, Inc. appraisals 7,500.00 Frank Olivo legal svcs. 1,120.00

Landis Title svcs 2,259.00

9,255.00 3,379.00

WATER 2003/RESERVE 2,004.00

Rosemarie F. Jacobs, Treas Payroll 1/9/04 10,019.92

Rosemarie F. Jacobs, Treas Payroll 1/23/04 10,593.58

Adams, Rehmann, Heggan Engineer Work 1,136.00 Arnold Equipment Supply Inc. Street Brooms and Handles 33.45 ATX Telecomm. Serv. Ltd Monthly Telephone Charges 200.00

Bruno's Auto Parts, Inc. Supplies 167.19 Colonial Electric System Repairs 102.76 Conectiv Power Delivery Electric 8,539.29

Contractor Service Inc. Pipe Wrenches 111.00 Delta Dental Plan of N.J. Jan 2004 Report 290.15

Garrison Enterprise Inc. Emergency Water Break Repairs 1,605.01 Hammonton Board of Education Gasoline & Diesel-Nov & Dec 2003 416.97 Helena Chemical Lime 396.00 K & H Auto Stores Supplies 35.80 Lynkris Hardware Supplies 70.58

Nextel Communications Wireless Service 266.12 NJSHBP Jan 2004 Report 5,360.81

Northern Safety Co. Boots 136.92 One Call Systems, Inc. Markouts 67.06 Penza's Hardware Supplies 2.50 67.28

Prudential Group Insurance Jan 2004 Report 24.00

Q.C. Inc Testing and Sampling 350.00 Ransome Engines Service Generators 800.00

S.J. Gas Heating Gas 559.25 2,553.91

S.L.C. Meter East, Inc. Water Meters 25,734.50 Sal Jacobs Plumbing Repair Gas Heater & Install Water Meter 302.52 Savin Corporation Copier Lease-1/04-4/04 504.56

Schenk Uniform Rental Uniform Rental 71.25 South Jersey Welding Supply Co. Oxygen & Acetylene Rental 10.50 State of NJ-PWT Tax on Gallonage-4th Q 872.90 Town of Hammonton-Sewer Billing Sewer Billing 300.00

Vision Service Plan Jan 2004 Report 191.99

Water Works Supply Service 397.80 33,575.50 38,716.07

WATER SOCIAL SECURITY Rosemarie F. Jacobs, Treas Payroll 1/9/04 766.52

Rosemarie F. Jacobs, Treas Payroll 1/23/04 810.41


WATER BONDS & NOTES Chase Manhattan Bank Interest on Bonds & Notes 32,654.50

WATER ORD 22-2002 Adams, Rehmann, Heggan Engineer Work 255.00

WATER ORD 5-2003 Adams, Rehmann, Heggan Engineer Work 948.75 WATER CAPITAL-BAN PYMT Chase Manhattan Bank 2003 BAN Payment-Principal 301,700.00

SEWER DEPT. Rosemarie F. Jacobs, Treas Payroll 1/9/04 10,666.59

Rosemarie F. Jacobs, Treas Payroll 1/23/04 10,831.11

Adams, Rehmann, Heggan Engineer Work 600

Adamucci Oil Co. Inc. Oil 90.94 All Industrial-Safety Products Repair & Calibrate Meters 271.41 Applied Industrial Tech Falk Gear Reducer 4,012.74 Arena Olds-Pontiac Inc. Door Handle 74.18 Atlantic County Utilities Auth Dry Sludge Disposal-Dec 2003 13,640.00 ATX Telecomm. Serv. Ltd Monthly Telephone Charges 200

Bruno's Auto Parts Inc. Supplies 2,585.32 C.A.M. Company Repair Piston 241 Colonial Electric Electrical Supplies 119.09 Conectiv Power Delivery Electric 13,153.85

Contractor Service, Inc. Hammer Drill 599 Crescent Tire, Inc. Repair Tires 72.45 DeCicco, Anthony Tolls & Lunch for Confer., Reimb for Boots 131.51 Delta Dental Jan 2004 Report 391.47

EMF Control Services VFD Repairs-Prof Services 450 Federal Express Transportation Charges 53.45 Fisher Scientific Co. Inc. Lab Supplies 657.44 Ford Hall Co. Inc. Repair & Service Algae Sweep 893.95 Gall's Inc. Whelen Strobe Safety Bar 524.98 Hammonton Board of Education Gasoline & Diesel-Nov & Dec 2003 403.96 J. Morano & Sons, Inc. Cleaning Supplies 93.25 J.R. Henderson Labs, Inc. Sludge Testing 98 708

Jet-Vac, Inc. Shark Hose for Jet Machine 3,500.00 K & H Auto Stores Electric Switch and Wire 22.64 Mcmaster-Carr Supplies 335.1 Napa Auto Parts Hose 10.95 Nextel Communications Wireless Service 141.8 NJSHBP Jan 2004 Report 7,614.43

One Call Systems Markouts 59.56 Prudential Group Insurance Jan 2004 Report 30

Ransome Engines Service Generator 591 Rodio Tractor Sales, Inc. Repair Weed Trimmer 40 Root 24 Hrs Inc Emergency 1,515.00 S.J. Gas Heating Gas 2,243.00 3,223.03

Savin Corporation Copier Lease-1/04-4/04 411.92

Schenk Uniform Rental Uniform Rental 82 Tapper Stationery Inc. Office Supplies 525.68 Tomasella's Fire Equipment Inc. Repair Fire Extinguisher 161

Town of Hammonton-Outside Detail Traffic Control 270

Town of Hammonton-Water Billing Water Billing 135

Vineland Auto Electric Inc. Strobe Light and Extension Cables 1,013.70 Vision Service Plan Jan 2004 Report 259.16

Water Environment Federation Basic Lab Procedures 31.95 35,886.05 47,894.56

SEWER SOCIAL SECURITY Rosemarie F. Jacobs, Treas Payroll 1/9/04 815.99

Rosemarie F. Jacobs, Treas Payroll 1/23/04 828.58


SEWER BONDS & NOTES Chase Manhattan Bank Interest on Bonds & Notes 103,597.00

SEWER ORD 21-92 Adams, Rehmann, Heggan Engineer Work 800 Frank G. Olivo, Esq. Legal Services 340

Pennoni Associates Inc. Const/Inspect/Materials Test 1,655.00 2,455.00 340

SEWER ORD 23-2002 Adams, Rehmann, Heggan Engineer Work 170

SEWER ORD 4-2003 Adams, Rehmann, Heggan Engineer Work 948.75 SEWER CAPITAL-BAN PYMT Chase Manhattan Bank 2003 BAN Payment-Principal 193,600.00

Motion by Councilperson Clark, seconded by Councilperson Chiofalo, the payroll, overtime and bill lists and transfer resolution be approved for month of January 2004.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Abstain: Olivo (former Solicitor bills only)

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.


1. From SCHAEFFER & SCHEIDEGG ENG. re: Street light approval req. Madison Woods Major Subdivision.

Motion by Councilperson Olivo, seconded by Councilperson Chiofalo, TABLE Madison Woods Major Subdivision street light plan for further review. Motion carried.

2. From HAMMONTON PLANNING BOARD re: redevelopment area plan

The Solicitor was authorized to prepare an ordinance to be introduced at the regular meeting to be held 2/23/04.

3. From TARA PARKKONEN req. permission attend various class from 1/13/04 thru 3/31/04 at a cost of $868.00 (e mailed M&C)

Motion by Councilperson Chiofalo, seconded by Councilperson Olivo, authorize Tara Parkkonen to attend classes at a cost of $868.00.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

4. From BARBARA SACCO notifying town of hearing on use variance for premises located at 303 Messina Ave.

Ordered received and filed.

5. From TARA PARKKONEN req. perm. Attend seminar 1/22/04 @ $75.00 (e mailed M&C)

Motion by Councilperson Chiofalo, seconded by Councilperson Olivo, authorize Tara Parkkonen to attend seminar on 1/22/04 at a cost of $75.00.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

6. From FRANK INGEMI re: request promotion June DeFebbo

Referred to Committee for investigation.

7. From MITCHEL KOGER owner of Hammonton News and Tobacco re: adult publications

Previously addressed by Town Solicitor.


Report of the Town Clerk, Registrar, and Construction Official for the month of December 2003, a copy having been given to each member of the governing body prior to this meeting, was ordered received and filed.


1. From Keith Gazzara resign. From Historic Pres. (Alt Class C) 2 yr term to expire 12/31/05

Motion by Councilperson S. Lewis, seconded by Councilperson Clark, accept resignation. Motion carried.

Mayor Ingemi appointed Joann Dixon to the unexpired term of Keith Gazzara.

2. From Michael Hozik resign. From Env. Comm. 3 yr term to expire 12/31/06

Motion by Councilperson S. Lewis, seconded by Councilperson Chiofalo, accept the resignation. Motion carried.

Mayor Ingemi appointed Katie Sedia to the unexpired term of Michael Hozik.



Ordinance #001-2004 (Amend Mercantile Ord.)




PURPOSE: Mayor and Council of the Town of Hammonton, County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey (the "Town"), have deemed it appropriate and necessary for the Town to maintain accurate information regarding the businesses located within the Town, including emergency contact information, and in order to effectuate such intent, Mayor and Council have deemed it appropriate and necessary to repeal Chapter 182 Mercantile Licenses, and to require all businesses in the Town to register annually with the Town Code Enforcement Official in order for the Town to maintain accurate information regarding the businesses located within the Town including emergency contact information.

Section 1: Effective Date

This ordinance shall take effect on March 1, 2004. Chapter 182, Mercantile Licenses of the Town Code is repealed and the repealer shall take effect as of March 1, 2004.

Section 2: Registration Required

No person shall engage in or carry on any business in the Town of Hammonton unless registered pursuant to this Chapter. This Chapter applies to all existing businesses within the Town as well as any businesses commenced on or after the effective date of this chapter.

Section 3: Definitions

A. For purposes of this chapter, the word "person" shall include an individual, firm, cooperation, or any other

organizational entity or association.

B. For purposes of this chapter "business" shall be defined as including:

1. offering goods or services for sale or hire from a fixed location in the Town;

2. the solicitation of business including offering goods or services for sale or hire from a fixed location in the Town;

3. any and all other professions, enterprises, trades, and vocations except those defined in Chapter 204 of the Town Code.

Section 4: Registration Fee

An initial registration fee of $35.00 shall be paid to the Town Code Enforcement Official at the time the applicant submits the registration form required by the ordinance. Thereafter, an annual registration fee

of $35.00 shall be paid on or before March 1 of each year. If any person or entity, who is required to obtain a registration pursuant to this Chapter, does not register and pay the registration fee by March 1 of the respective year, the Town Code Enforcement Official will assess a late fee by March 15 of the respective year equal to fifty percent (50%) of the registration fee which is late. All late fees assessed against a business must be paid with the registration fee. In addition to any late fees, the business must pay all registration fees for the previous years that were not paid and applicable late charges. In any action to enforce this Chapter, the Town Code Enforcement Official shall include all late fees and past due registration fee amounts in the summons and complaint filed against the business or other party.

Section 5: Registration Forms

Registration shall be made on forms to be obtained from the Town Code Enforcement Official. Businesses in operation prior to the effective date of this ordinance shall register with the Town Code Enforcement Official within 30 days after the effective date of this ordinance. The registration form submitted for each business must contain updated emergency information with the names, addresses and telephone numbers for at least two (2) people to be contacted after business hours in reference to building security, damage, or any occurrence that requires that access be gained to any facility owned or operated by such business.

Section 6: Responsibilities of Registered Businesses

A. Registration is mandatory whether or not the business is alarmed. Registration information must be updated annually, and changes must be reported immediately after they occur.

B. Every business registered pursuant to this chapter must maintain evidence of its registration, as provided by the Town Code Enforcement Official, on the registered premises in a place where it may be readily seen at all times.

C. Failure to comply with the requirements of this section may result in a penalty as provided in Section __8__ of this Chapter.

Section 7: Enforcement

The Chief of Police, the Town Clerk, the Town Code Enforcement Official and any Police Officer of the Town of

Hammonton has the authority to examine all places of business and all persons of the Town of Hammonton to

determine if this chapter has been complied with and to enforce the provisions of this chapter against any persons

found to be violating the same.

Section 8: Penalty for Violation

Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $500.00 or to imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days or both.

Section 9: Effective Date

This ordinance shall take effect on March 1, 2004.

SECTION 10: Severability

If any section, paragraph, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by the Courts to be invalid, such adjudication shall apply only to the section, paragraph, subsection, clause or provision so adjudged, and the remainder of this Ordinance shall be deemed valid and effective.

SECTION 11: Repealer

All other ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.

Motion by Councilperson Olivo, seconded by Councilperson Clark, the ordinance be taken up for first reading and pass first reading.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

Motion by Councilperson S. Lewis, seconded by Councilperson Olivo, the ordinance be given legal publication as required by law. Motion carried.


#R19–2004 Dedicate by Rider COAH



WHEREAS, permission is required of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services for approval as a dedication by rider of revenues received by a county or municipality when the revenue is not subject to reasonably accurate estimates in advance; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:4-39 provides that the Director of the Division of Local Government Services may approve expenditures or moneys by dedication by rider; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town of Hammonton, County of Atlantic, New Jersey, as follows:

1. The Town Council does hereby request permission of the

Director of the Division of Local Government Services to pay expenditures under the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:4-39, as amended by P.L. 1999, c.292, for the exclusive purpose of depositing and expending funds paid by individuals to offset the costs of operating municipal "fee-based" recreation programs.

2. The Municipal Clerk is hereby directed to forward two

Certified copies of this Resolution to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services.

Susanne Oddo, Municipal Clerk of the Town of Hammonton, New Jersey, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Mayor & Council.

#R20-2004 Home Show



WHEREAS, MainStreet Hammonton Organization and the Chamber of Commerce has and continues to promote the Town of Hammonton with scheduled events in the downtown business district; and

WHEREAS, Mayor and Council has and continues to support the efforts of MainStreet Hammonton and the Chamber of Commerce; and

WHEREAS, Saturday, April 3, 2004 is the scheduled date for the Chamber/MainStreet Hammonton Home Show from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAMMONTON, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, that the April 3, 2004 Home Show is acknowledged and endorsed with the following streets being closed:

N. Egg Harbor Road (between Orchard Street and Pleasant Street)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all vendors who shall participate in this one day event shall have their vending fee waived.

#R21–2004 Waive Right to Examine Budget



WHEREAS, the local budget is subject to examination by the appointed Chief Financial Officer for the Director of the Division of Local Government Services; and

WHEREAS, this option cannot be selected by the Chief Financial Officer of the Town of Hammonton; and

WHEREAS, the governing body must by Resolution waive its rights to examine the budget locally; and

WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of the Town Auditor, the interests of the Town of Hammonton would be best served by the Director of the Division of Local Government Services conducting this examination.

NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Council of the Town of Hammonton does by virtue of this Resolution waive its right to locally conduct the budget examination; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the budget examination be conducted by the Director of the Division of Local Services.

#R22-2004 Authorize Tax Sale




AND CHAPTER 99, P.L. 1997

WHEREAS, it appearing that delinquent taxes, water and sewer and other municipal charges for the year 2004 are set forth on the records and books of the Town of Hammonton; and

WHEREAS, the statutes of the State of New Jersey, N.J.S.A. 54:5 mandate a tax sale for the collection and enforcement of delinquencies; and

WHEREAS, proceeding are to be commenced when a property is in arrears after the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the fiscal year in question, and with the tax sale taking place any time thereafter;

WHEREAS, New Jersey Statute, sets forth the conditions pursuant for said tax sale, advertising, etc. to be conducted after November 11th of the fiscal year; and

WHEREAS, the Tax Collector of the Town of Hammonton is empowered by statute to conduct and preside over liens.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Hammonton that the Tax Collector is authorized to conduct a tax sale for all 2004 delinquent taxes, utilities and other municipal charges.

#R23-2004 Appoint Tax Assessor Agent


WHEREAS, from time to time the Assessor discovers an error in calculation, transposing, measurement, computer of typographical errors in the Tax Assessments on the Tax List after the time the County Board of Taxation has certified the tax rate for the tax year; and

WHEREAS, the governing body of the Taxing District of the Town of Hammonton is desirous that every taxpayer pays his fair share of taxes; and

WHEREAS, if the above discovered errors are not corrected the taxpayers affected would be paying more than their fair share of taxes; and

WHEREAS, the method of correcting such errors is to file a Petition of appeal for the current year with the Atlantic County Board of Taxation; and

WHEREAS, the error was not caused by the taxpayer.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the governing body of the Town of Hammonton that the Assessor is hereby authorized to act as an agent for the Taxing District and file a Petition of Appeal or Appeals for the year 2004 with the Atlantic County Board of Taxation to correct such errors and lower such assessments to the current value; and

That a copy of any Petition of Appeal filed with the Atlantic County Board of Taxation under this RESOLUTION be filed with the municipal clerk; and

That a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Atlantic County Board of Taxation with any such Petition of Appeal.

#R24–2004 Defer Local School Tax

WHEREAS, regulations provide for the deferral of not more than 50% of the annual levy when school taxes are raised for a second year and have not been requisitioned by the school district; and

WHEREAS, the Division of Local Government Services requires that a resolution be adopted by a majority of the governing body prior to February 10 of the year subsequent to the deferral, authorizing an increase in the amount of the deferral; and

WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Governing Body of the Town of Hammonton, County of Atlantic to increase the amount of local school deferred taxes by $586,856.50.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of the Town of Hammonton that the amount of deferred local school taxes be increased to $6,079,337.00.

#R25-2004 Designate Official Newspapers


WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40:53-1 provides that the governing body of every municipality may designate an official newspaper or newspapers for the publication of all advertisements and notices required by law to be published; and

WHEREAS, the Hammonton Gazette and the Atlantic City Press maintain the requisite qualifications for said designation.


The Hammonton Gazette and the Atlantic City Press are and shall be designated as the official newspapers in and for the Town of Hammonton for the year 2004.

#R26-2004 Solicitor Salary


WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Hammonton, by Ordinance #30-2003 fixed a salary range for the employment of certain officials and employees of the Town of Hammonton, County of Atlantic, New Jersey; and

WHEREAS, said ordinance provides that the amount to be paid to such official or employee within the salary range shall be fixed from time to time by Resolution of the Mayor and Council; and

WHEREAS, the time of service of any employee shall be computed as commencing in January of the year when the employee was hired.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Hammonton, Atlantic County, New Jersey as follows:

EFFECTIVE-January 1, 2004


Employee Classification Salary

Angela Maione Costigan Town Solicitor $65,000.00

#R27-2004 Approve TEA-21 App.




WHEREAS, the Transportation Efficiency Act (hereinafter referred to as "TEA-21" provides funds to the New Jersey Department of Transportation for a variety of pedestrian and vehicular "Transportation Enhancements;" and

WHEREAS, the Town of Hammonton desires to seek funds from the 2004 NJ Transportation Enhancement Program for an intermodal transportation enhancement and streetscape improvement program for the Hammonton Historic Commercial District; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Hammonton is responsible for the maintenance of the sidewalks and curbing, as well as lighting of same.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town of Hammonton that:

1. The Mayor and Council of the Town of Hammonton endorses the proposed NJ Transportation Enhancement Program to be funded with TEA-21 Grant for an intermodal transportation project in the Hammonton Historic Commercial District.

2. The Council of the Town of Hammonton hereby agrees to provide the required long-term maintenance on the proposed improvement program in the Hammonton Historic Commercial district to be funded through the NJ Transportation Enhancement (TEA-21) Program.

#R28-2004 Appoint Frank Olivo – Airport Litigation



WHEREAS, Frank G. Olivo, Esquire has served as Solicitor to the Town of Hammonton since January 1, 1998; and

WHEREAS, Frank G. Olivo, Esquire has handled all Airport Litigation during his term as Solicitor for the Town of Hammonton; and

WHEREAS, the substitution of attorney at this late date would not benefit the Town of Hammonton;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Hammonton in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey that Frank G. Olivo, Esquire, continue to represent the Town of Hammonton with regards to Airport Litigation for a period of 6 months from 1/1/04 through 6/30/04 at a rate of $100.00 per hour.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Frank G. Olivo, Esquire, must report all activity on the Airport Litigation File to Angela Maione Costigan, Town Solicitor, within this year, 2004, and Angela Maione Costigan, Town Solicitor, shall report same to the Mayor and Council of the Town of Hammonton.

#R29-2004 Tax Resolution January

WHEREAS, the following accounts need to have amounts credited, transferred, canceled, refunded, or changed





NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by mayor and council to authorize and direct the tax collector to credit, transfer, cancel, refund, or change the above accounts

#R30-2004 Professional Services R&V



WHEREAS, the Town of Hammonton desires to retain the services of a consultant for Blueberry Ridge Development; and

WHEREAS, Adams, Rehmann & Heggan has a conflict with Blueberry Ridge Development Project;

WHEREAS, Remington & Vernick Engineers qualify as a professional providing the services requested by the Town of Hammonton; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq. requires that the resolution authorizing the awarding of the contract for professional services without competitive bidding and the contract itself must be available for public inspection.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HAMMONTON, COUNTY OF ATLANTIC, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, that a professional services contract be entered into with Remington and Vernick, Engineers located at 300 Kings Highway, Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033 in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 escrow fees; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a professional services contract in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5(1)(a) of the Local Public Contracts Laws as Remington &

Vernick Engineers do maintain the required knowledge and expertise as required under the statutes of the State of New Jersey; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a notice of this action taken by Mayor and Council shall be printed once in the designated newspaper for legal publications for the Town Hammonton.

Motion by Councilperson Chiofalo, seconded by Councilperson Clark, resolution(s) numbered 19 through 30, 2004 be adopted.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: Bertino (Designate Newspapers only)

Abstain: Olivo (Airport Solicitor res. #28 only)

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.


St. Joe Church (raffle) 7/18/04

Ducks Unlimited (raffle) 2/7/04

Motion by Councilperson Olivo, seconded by Councilperson S. Lewis, the raffles applications be approved as recorded by the Clerk. Motion carried.


Daniel Santora – 374 Old Forks Road

Mr. Santora stated he was in attendance this evening to bring several problems and potential hazards surrounding the properties and property owners of the Old Forks Road Senior Development to the attention of Mayor and Council. He gave a detailed description of various problems he was having with the developers and those supervising the developers, primarily ARH.

A discussion was held with members of Council as well as Bob Vettese of ARH and Solicitor Maione Costigan (formerly Solicitor of Planning Board who oversaw the application process for this development).

Councilperson Olivo once again brought up his former opinion of who is overseeing the problems surrounding the projects throughout Hammonton and why do the citizens need to appear before Mayor and Council to have their concerns taken care of.

Mr. Vettese of ARH stated that a new engineer will be handling portions of the project in the future due to a conflict, however, he feels ARH has kept up to date with all aspects of this project. Mr. Vettese explained the circumstances of several issues brought to Mayor and Council’s attention and further stated that he will work together with necessary town forces to resolve all matters as soon as weather allows.

Solicitor Costigan agreed with Mr. Vettese as she was Planning Board Solicitor when this project was approved and every aspect of same was looked into meticulously. She believes the overflow is due to the basin not being built.

Mark Santora – 385 Old Forks Road

Mr. Santora thanked Mayor and Council for giving him time to address them this evening. Mr. Santora reviewed the entire project and the size it grew to over the years. He stated that the primary concern with residents is the drainage as they were advised that all drainage would be held on site. This has not been proven yet, granted the basin is under construction. He questioned Mr. Vettese concerning the need of additional testing in this area?

Mr. Vettese concurred.

Once again, a lengthy discussion was held by Mayor and Council, the Town Solicitor and Engineer and Mr. Santora concerning several aspects and problems of the project and concluded with Bob Vettese being authorized to schedule an on site meeting to ascertain what can be done to resolve this matter.

Gina Rullo – Vice President Mainstreet Hammonton

Ms. Rullo thanked Mayor Ingemi for his attendance at the meeting held today. She updated Mayor and Council on some business openings in the Town of Hammonton.

Josephine Santora – Old Forks Road

Mrs. Santora reminded Mr. Vettese that she attended a site investigation with him several years ago and she advised him at that time that the water would not flow as he advised it would.

#R31-2004 Enter Into Closed Session

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Hammonton that, in accordance with the "Open Public Meetings Act," a closed door Executive Session to be held on the below adopted date, for the purpose of discussing and/or acting upon:

1. Approve Closed Minutes 2. Personnel 3. Litigation

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of said

Executive Session shall be released only after same will have no adverse effect on the matters involved as determined by the Mayor and Common Council.

Motion by Councilperson Bertino, seconded by Councilperson Olivo, the resolution be adopted.

ROLL CALL – Yeas: Bertino, Chiofalo, Clark, Morano,

Olivo, S. Lewis and Mayor Ingemi.

Nays: None.

Mayor Ingemi declared the motion carried.

Resume Regular Order of Business

Motion by Councilperson Chiofalo, seconded by Councilperson Clark, resume the regular order of business. Motion carried.


Motion by Councilperson Chiofalo, seconded by Councilperson Clark, the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.

Susanne Oddo, Town Clerk/Administrator