Relation between Head Coach and Assistant

Post on 09-Feb-2016

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Relation between Head Coach and Assistant. faithful to our style. Marcelo Giarruzzo (fitness coach, Gustavo Benitez (Head Coach),Mario Luna (asst Coach) In Racing Santander. Presented by Coach Mario Luna. What qualities must have good assistant ?. Outside the field. Loyalty. Fellowship. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Relation between Head Coach and Assistant

faithful to our style

Marcelo Giarruzzo (fitness coach, Gustavo Benitez (Head Coach),Mario Luna (asst Coach)In Racing Santander

Presented by Coach Mario Luna

What qualities must have good assistant?.

Outside the fieldLoyalty.Fellowship.Solidarity with the rest of the technical staff.Good Relation ship with players.Try to be opposite Character of the first


In trainingKnowledge.Motivation.Commitment. Adaptability.

Before the game

Receive last update about the contrary teamIndividual Motivation.Position in the dressing room information

about set plays and strategy of play.Supervise both teams warm up.

During the GameConcentrate in the opponent

style of play.Exchange information with the

first coach.Inform the changing players

there commitments, system changes and set plays positions.

Motivate the team during the game and controlling the bench.

After the gameWhat ever is the score stay

calm and control situation.Talk to Doctors and other

staff member thinking about next training.

Congratulate or help to get up mentally the players.

Small meeting with the technical staff to prepare for the next after game analysis meeting.