Relationship Counselling save my marriage Life

Post on 25-Jul-2016

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If your couple relationship is not going on happily and you want to remove your problems related to their relations then Relationship Counselling Kent is here to solve the problem. We give you advice related to marriage, 'Stuck' relationships, Infidelity and affairs and more. For more info visit us


Relationship Counseling Kent

We are here to help your relationship

Sian is an experienced and professional relationship counsellor near

Ashford, Kent. Relationship Counselling Kent will help you gain

understanding of your partner’s perspective. This will enable you both

to move forward in the direction you choose.

What is Cognitive behavioral therapy?

In simple terms,

cognitive behavioral

therapy (CBT) addresses

negative patterns and

distortions in the way we

look at the world and

ourselves. As the name

suggests, this involves

two main components:

‘Cognitive’ therapy

examines how negative thoughts or cognitions contribute to a

negative emotion

‘Behavior’ therapy examines how you behave and react in

situations that trigger that negative emotion

The basic premise of cognitive behavioral therapy is that it’s

our thoughts or irrational beliefs – not external events – that

affect the way we feel. In other words, it’s not the situation that

determines how you feel, but your perception of the situation.

Your thoughts can block you seeing things that don’t fit in with

what you believe which can cause you problems if you continue

to hold on to them. CBT can help you to identify and challenge

any unhealthy beliefs whilst at the same time helping you to

identify and reinforce a series of more helpful and rational

beliefs – consequently changing the way you feel.

Common Problems

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most widely-used

therapies and can be effective in the treatment of many

emotional disorders such as generalized anxiety disorders, social

anxiety, depression, stress, phobias, anger management,

obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) eating problems, mood

swings, sexual and relationship problems and many other


Why have Cognitive Behavioral

Therapy at Counselling Ashford Kent?

Clinical trials have shown that CBT can reduce the symptoms of

many emotional disorders. For some people it can work just as

well as drug therapies at treating depression and anxiety

disorders. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

(NICE) recommends CBT for a number of common mental

health disorders.

If you are looking for an effective, trustworthy, non-judgmental

CBT therapist in Ashford Kent, then look no further than

Cognitive behavioral Therapy Ashford Kent.

Relationship Counselling Kent

Elwick Road, Ashford, Kent - TN23 1PD

01233 714059 / 07919 108021

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