Relationship of Preferred Type of Music Genre to Personality Type of the High School Students of...

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A Research Paper Presented to theFaculty of South Mansfield College


South Mansfield CollegeRoman Cruz Ave. Soldier’s Hills Subdivision

Putatan, Muntinlupa City

Rela t ionship of Prefer red Type of Music Genre to Personal i ty

Type of the High School Students of South Mansf ie ld Col lege

A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of South Mansfield College

In Partial Fulfillment


(Portfolio Assessment of Students of S

outh Mansfield College)

Eleanor De Ramos

Grade 6

Academic Year 2011-2012


Approval Sheet

In partial fulfillment of the PASS requirement to graduate from lower school, a PASS

research paper entitled Rela t ionsh ip o f Pre ferred genre o f Mus i c to the

Persona l i ty type o f the High Schoo l S tudent s o f South Mans f i e ld

Co l l ege has been prepared and submitted by Eleanor De Ramos who is hereby certified for

oral defense.


Ms. Jade Michelle Mojica-Orellana

P.A.S.S. Research Adviser

Board of Panelists

______________________________ ______________________________ Member Member



______________________________ ______________________________ Ms. Mishael Ahmed Ms. Celsa Alojado

P.A.S.S. Chair Principal



The researcher would like to thank the following that helped in finishing this P.A.S.S.


First and foremost I would like to thank God for giving me the spirit of wisdom and guidance in

everything that I do. I could never have done this without the faith in the Almighty.

My parents, Mr. Jose and Mrs. Luz De Ramos, for raising me to always strive for

excellence; As well as teaching me to keep my feet on the ground and to appreciate all the

blessings that have been provided to me.

My siblings, Kate, Aika, and Jason for being my support system and for encouraging me

to do what I choose to and be the best at it always.

My PASS adviser, Miss Jade Mojica-Orellana, for patiently guiding me in every step of

making my portfolio and ensuring my study is exceptional.

And last but not the least, our class adviser, Ms. Mishael Ahmed, for constantly our

keeping the class on track in all of our school activities; In addition, for keeping our spirits high

during rough times.

Your continuous guidance and support has helped me accomplish this portfolio and I am

very much gratified. May God continuously shower you all with His blessings.








Introduction 6

Statement of the Problem 7

Conceptual Framework 8

Significance of the Study 8

Scope and Limitation 9

Definition Terms 9



Research Design 13

Respondents of the Study 13

Research Instruments 13

Administration of the Instrument 14

Statistical Treatment 14



Question no. 1 15

Question no. 2 16

Question no. 3 18

Question no. 4 19

Question no. 5 20

Question no. 6 20


Major Findings 21

Conclusion 22

Recommendations 22




Chapter 1

Problem and Its Background


Music is a big part of everyone’s lives. It’s almost like someone’s personal oxygen that

makes them breathe and a photo album that reminds them of events in their life and marks

significant moments.

People nowadays are getting more influenced and more interested in music such as the

music of Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, One Direction, and a lot more.

Most of these music lovers are teenagers. Most of these teenagers probably like music

because it helps them to express themselves, sooth their mood, relieve their stress and some just

want to enjoy the music as a hobby. Lots of songs can relay the way they feel and the lyrics of

the song can always help them express a certain situation in their lives.

But, music is more than that. It is more than an expression of one’s feelings and

emotions. It is more than a way of managing one’s stress. It is more than a hobby. Music, or a

preferred genre of music if the researcher may say, is linked or related to one’s personality type.

Yes, latest research from around the world suggests that an individual’s favorite music

genre is closely linked to his or her personality.

There are a lot of theories about how and why music embeds itself into someone’s lives,

but the most interesting one is about music and personality. Have you ever wondered if the type

of music you listen could be representative of your personality as a whole?


Statement of the Problem:

The researcher would like to find out the relationship between the preferred music genre to the

personality type of the respondents. It will specifically answer the following questions:

1. What are the different types of music that the respondents prefer?

2. What are the dominant personality types of the respondents?

3. What is the relationship of the preferred type of music to the personality type of the


Significance of the Study

This research would be beneficial to the following groups of people:

Students- That the students will be aware that their choice of music is related to who they are.

With this, they would be able to discover and learn more about themselves.

Teachers- That the teachers will get to know more about their students’ personality depending

on their students’ preferred music genre.

Parents- So that the parents will know the genre of music their child/children preferred listening


Future researchers- That this may inspire the future researchers to make an extensive study on

this topic.


Scope and Limitations

The research focused only on the relationship of the preferred music genre to the

personality types of the selected High School students of South Mansfield College for the

academic year 2011-2012. This is also limited to the responses of the respondents based on the

questionnaire given to them.

Definition of Terms

Anxious- Also means worried.

Calm- Defined as excited or agitated.

Careless- Means someone who is taking insufficient care.

Complex- Defined as someone who often has repressed ideas and impulses that compel

characteristic or habitual patterns of thought, feelings, and behavior. They tend to be

exaggerated in dealing with their emotions.

Dependable- Means someone who is worthy of reliance or trust.

Disorganized- Means someone who is unmethodical; messed up.

Emotionally stable- Means someone who hold himself/ herself together without just falling

apart emotionally.

Enthusiastic- It means great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause.

Extraverted- Defined as someone who is disposed to be open, sociable, and talkative:

communicable, communicative, expansive, extroverted, gregarious, outgoing, unreserved.


Genre- It is defined as a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content,

and technique. Operationally, it is defined as the 9 different types of music ranging from rock,

pop, religious, classical, country, R n B, rap, alternative and dance.

Music- It is defined as any vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody,

harmony, or rhythm.

Personality- The visible aspect of one’s character as it impresses others. Operationally, it is

defined as the perception of the respondents about themselves being extravert, confident, self-

disciplined, sympathetic, quiet, reserved, complex, dependable, disorganized, calm, careless,

emotionally stable or anxious.

Quiet- Making little or no noise.

Reserved- reserve, or restrain, your emotions.

Self-disciplined- the act of disciplining or power to discipline one's own feelings, desires, etc.,

esp. with the intention of improving oneself

Sympathetic- expressing, feeling, or resulting from sympathy: a sympathetic glance.


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

New research from around the world suggests that an individual’s favorite music genre is

closely linked to his or her personality.

Professor Adrian North of Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, has undertaken the

largest study so far of musical tastes and personality type. He is an expert on music psychology

and has carried out extensive research on the social and applied psychology of music, in

particular the relationship between pop music culture and deviant behavior in adolescence, music

and consumer behavior, and the role of musical preference in everyday life.

Over the course of three years, Professor North asked more than 36,000 people in more

than 60 countries to rate a wide range of musical styles in order of preference. Certain aspects of

personality were also measured by questionnaire.

The results showed:

Blues fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing, gentle and at ease

Jazz fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing and at ease

Classical music fans have high self-esteem, are creative, introvert and at ease

Rap fans have high self-esteem and are outgoing

Opera fans have high self-esteem, are creative and gentle

Country and western fans are hardworking and outgoing

Reggae fans have high self-esteem, are creative, not hardworking, outgoing, gentle and at ease


Dance fans are creative and outgoing but not gentle

Indie fans have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard working, and not gentle

Bollywood fans are creative and outgoing

Rock/heavy metal fans have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard-working, not outgoing,

gentle, and at ease

Chart pop fans have high self-esteem, are hardworking, outgoing and gentle, but are not

creative and not at ease

Soul fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing, gentle, and at ease

North said he wanted to study why music is such a significant part of people’s identity.

“People do actually define themselves through music and relate to other people through it but we

haven’t known in detail how music is connected to identity,” he said. “We have always

suspected a link between music taste and personality. This is the first time that we’ve been able

to look at it in real detail. No one has ever done this on this scale before.”

People may define their musical identity by wearing particular clothes, going to certain

pubs, and using certain types of slang. So it’s not so surprising that personality should be related

to musical preference. “We really got the sense that people were selecting musical styles to like

that match their own personality,” North said.

He believes that his results show why people can get defensive about what they like to

listen to, as it is likely to be profoundly linked to their outlook on life. The study also

demonstrates the “tribal function” of musical taste that can explain why people often bond over



North noted that classical and heavy metal music both attracts listeners with similar

personalities but dissimilar ages. Younger members of the personality group apparently go for

heavy metal, while their older counterparts prefer classical. However, both have the same basic

motivation: to hear something dramatic and theatrical, a shared “love of the grandiose,” he said.

“The general public has held a stereotype of heavy metal fans being suicidally depressed

and being a danger to themselves and society in general,” he said, “but they are quite delicate

things. Aside from their age, they’re basically the same kind of person [as a classical music fan].

Lots of heavy metal fans will tell you that they also like Wagner, because it’s big, loud and

brash. There’s also a sense of theatre in both heavy rock and classical music, and I suspect that

this is what they’re really trying to get at when they listen.”

Music is a big part of most people’s lives – it’s almost like a living, breathing entity that

reminds us of events in our life, marks significant moments, and basically has a presence that’s

unbeknown-est to us sometimes. There are a lot of theories about how and why music embeds

itself into our lives, but the most interesting one I’ve read recently is about music and

personality. Have you ever wondered if the type of music you listen could be representative of

your personality as a whole?

There is actually a study about the correlation between music and personality, conducted

by the University of Cambridge which seeks to see if it’s possible to identify a person’s

personality traits based on their top favorite songs/artists.

The main idea of this study is described by the researcher: “My research is based on the

idea that people seek out situations and environments that reflect and satisfy their psychological

needs. So given that our personalities influence the types of situations we seek out and avoid, it


seems reasonable to suppose that our personalities also influence which types of music we seek

out and which types we avoid.”

Some key findings from this study are:

1. People with strong preferences for classical, jazz, and folk music (aka Reflexive & Complex)

most likely have personality traits associated with openness and verbal ability. This means that

they have more of a creative bent and are quite open and imaginative.

2. Those more interested in popular styles of music (aka Upbeat & Conventional) tend towards

the traits of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and low levels of openness, verbal,

and analytic ability. This means that they’re more conventional than their classical, jazz, and folk

music counterparts, and have strong sociability and dependability.

3. Accurate impressions can be made from musical preferences and personality, based on data

from this study. The personality profiles based off people’s music taste may even be more

accurate than face-to-face first impressions, which is a weird idea considering that the music

seems to have better indicators of personality than the person themselves.

4. Stereotypes about music fans might be related to personality traits and the music the person

listens to. Although stereotypes are usually to be taken with a grain of salt, according to this

study both the physical and social stereotypes actually have a connection to the actual personality

traits of the individual.

5. The main idea is: music taste and personality have a connection. This could be due to the idea

that people who are more creative are drawn to jazz and classical music, although each person is


different in what they’re interested in. However, it’s possible for you to compare the music taste

of a person and get an indication about what they may be like.

What Does Your Music Say About You?

A researcher went to a high school at a time when musical preferences were a good clue

to social group membership. There were, for example, the punks who listened to, well, punk; the

stoners who listened to Pink Floyd's "The Wall" over and over and over again; the hipsters, who

listened to what was the hip music of the time (grunge); and the "popular" kids who listened to

pop, pop rock, and country (I went to high school in Nashville, where country music was the

popular music). Most assumed that what a person listened to could tell you a lot about who they

were, and it wasn't uncommon for the question, "So, what sort of music do you listen to?" to be

one of the first asked upon meeting someone new. It turns out our assumption was probably

right. People's musical preferences good indicators of their personality make up. At least, that's

the finding of research coming out of the lab of social psychologist Sam Gosling, ofanimal

personality fame.

Gosling is not new to intuitively plausible personality research. He's found, for example,

that people's personality judgments based only on observing a person's bedroom or obvious are

pretty accurate1, which fits with my experience of people accurately judging my personality

based only on the fact that my desk looks like it has been hit by an F5 tornado. In the last few

years, he's turned to music, with the following goals2:

The fundamental question guiding our research program is, Why do people listen to

music? Although the answer to this question is undoubtedly complex and beyond the scope of a

single article, we attempt to shed some light on the issue by examining music preferences. In this


research we take the first crucial steps to developing a theory of music preferences--a theory that

will ultimately explain when, where, how, and why people listen to music. (p. 1236)

It turns out that, despite the fact that most of us believe that musical preferences say

something about who we are, social psychologists haven't really been all that interested in

studying music. Rentfrow and Gosling write

At this very moment, in homes, offices, cars, restaurants, and clubs around the world,

people are listening to music. Despite its prevalence in everyday life, however, the sound of

music has remained mute within social and personality psychology. Indeed, of the nearly 11,000

articles published between 1965 and 2002 in the leading social and personality journals, music

was listed as an index term (or subject heading) in only seven articles. (p. 1236)

Seven articles! This simply will not do (I should note that cognitive psychologists have

been studying the hell out of music for some time, 'cause we get people). So Rentfrow and

Gosling start down the road to remedying this by looking at the relationship between individual

differences in musical preferences and personality traits.

They started off by looking at people's beliefs about the importance of music "in people's

everyday lives." To do this, they gave university undergrads questionnaires that asked them to

rate the importance of various activities, including listening to music, to indicate how often they

participated in those activities, and to rate how much those activities said about themselves and

other people. As you can see from the graph below (Rentfrow and Gosling's Figure 3),

participants believed that music revealed as much or more about themselves and others than


other activities. In fact, hobbies were the only types of activities that revealed as much about

people as their musical preferences.

Different Music Genres

Classical Music: Classical music is a complex form of music as it requires high musical skills,

like learning the ragas and ability to coordinate with other musicians. One has to maintain the

complex relationship between its emotional flows. If you wish to learn this music, then you have

to go through proper training.

Rock Music: This music genre originated in the rock and roll era of 1950s. The vocals are

accompanied by guitar, drum and bass. Certain rock groups also use piano, synthesizer,

saxophone, flute, mandolin and sitar for a deeper effect. This type of music has several sub

genres, such as hard rock, progressive rock and metal rock. All these types of rock music are

popular till date. 

Metal Music: Metal music emerged after the Second World War. Here the melody of the song is

heavily influenced by the structure of the songs. While in rock music, songwriting is based

within a form; in metal music, the central melody decides the structure of the song. It is also

known as 'information music'.

Hip-hop Music: Hip-hop music always includes the use of instruments such as guitar, violin,

fiddle, piano, bass and drums. In these types of music, the bass is the main instrument. This can

be used in different intensities to emote feelings of anger, pride and others. This type of music is

the result of hip-hop culture and is known as hip-hop music. This music shows a heavy influence

of Jamaican music. The roots of the music are found in African-American and West African

music. It was first played by a group of traveling singers and poets of West Africa. 


Wedding Ceremony Music: Wedding music is used in the ceremonies like wedding. These can

be classical and modern, according the tastes of people. Some people prefer country melodies,

while others opt for classical music as wedding music. Such music varies from every culture. 

Trance Music: This type of music is usually played in club houses and discotheques. It

originated in the 20th century. This music is characterized by fast tempo and repetitious beats of

the percussion. It has a hypnotic effect on the souls of listeners.

Jazz: This type of music is featured by strong and complex rhythms. The main musical

instruments used for jazz music are cornet, trumpet or violin, that help carry the melody. This is

a rhythmic music and has a forward momentum called "swing". However, in this music genre,

the skilled performer interprets a tune in his own way.

Folk Music: Folk music is a kind of traditional music that is handed down from generations in

every culture. This type of music reflects the emotions of common laity. Popular music and tribal

music are the two sub genres of folk music. This folk music shows the social upheaval that lies

among various classes of people. This also portrays their struggle for survival and their culture.

Techno Music: Techno music is also known as fusion music. This became popular towards the

middle part of the 1980s. This is a form of electronic dance music and based on African-

American music styles like funk, electro and electric jazz. It features fast beats and this form was

initiated by Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson and Derrick May.

Opera Music: Opera music first emerged in Italy in the 1600s. This genre has a remarkable

combination of theatrical art and musical invention and is specifically played in the theaters. This

has greater appeal for its delightful orchestral accompaniment. The preludes and interludes of

this music set the tone for the action on-stage.




This chapter presents the research procedures that were used in this study. These are

presented in the following section: (a) research design, (b) respondents of the study, (c) research

instruments, (d) administration of the instrument, and (e) statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The research made use of the descriptive design to find out the relationship of preferred

music genre to the personality type of the High School students of South Mansfield College. The

questionnaire used determined the preferred music genre of the respondents and the different

descriptions of personality types.

Respondents of the Study

The research has a total of forty (40) respondents covering the entire high school

population of South Mansfield College.

Sampling Method

The researcher utilized the stratified random sampling and fishbowl methods, wherein the

researcher got 10 respondents from each high school level. The students who would be part of

the study were the names that were randomly selected through fishbowl method.

Research Instruments

The researcher used a questionnaire adopted from The Do-Re-Mi of Personality by Peter

Rentfrow Ph.D. to gather the necessary and relevant data needed for this study.


The questionnaire is composed of 2 parts. First Part is composed of asking the

respondents’ preferred music genre, while part 2 is composed of the descriptions of the different

personality types which the respondents will choose from based on the personality type that best

describes or fits them.

This instrument accepts multiple responses.

Administration of Instruments

The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the high school students last February 24,

2012. The students were given enough time to answer the questionnaire. The researcher

reminded them to answer the questions as truthfully as possible. Questions had been entertained

and personality types were explained to the respondents with the help of the PASS adviser, to

ensure the reliability of the data. The researcher then tallied, tabulated and computed the


Statistical Treatment Data

The following statistical treatment was used to treat the reliability and dependability of

the interpretation of the data gathered.

1. Percentage - n/N X 100%



Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of Data

This chapter presents the data gathered by the researcher to be able to answer the

following questions:

1. What are the different types of music that the respondents prefer?

Preferred Music Genre Frequency Percentage Ranking

Pop 17 42.5% 4th

Rock 19 47.5% 3rd

R&B 39 97.5% 1st

Classical 9 22.5% 9th

Country 14 35% 5th

Rap 24 60% 2nd

Alternative 13 32.5% 6th

Religious 6 15% 10th

Dance 10 25% 8th

Heavy Metal 14 35% 5th

Opera 11 27.5% 7th

Reggae 9 22.5% 9th

Table 1: Preferred Music Genre of the Respondents






Country Rap





Heavy M


















Figure 1: Preferred Music Genre

Music Genre

Based on the data in figure 1, 97.5% of the respondents had chosen the RnB or Rhythm and

Blues genre, making it as the most preferred music genre of the respondents. Second is rap which

was chosen by 60% of the respondents. Third most preferred music genre is rock which was

chosen by 47.5% of the respondents. Fourth most preferred genre of music is pop, which was

chosen by 42.5% of the respondents, and next are heavy metal and country, both chosen by

32.5% of the respondents. While the least preferred music genre is the religious, which was

chosen by only 15% of the respondents.

2. What are the dominant personality types of the respondents?


Personality Type Frequency Percentage Ranking

Extraverted, enthusiastic (A)

24 60% 3rd

Dependable, self-disciplined (B)

23 57.5% 4th

Anxious, easily upset (C)

17 42.5% 6th

Open to new experiences, complex (D)

40 100% 1st

Reserved, quiet (E) 6 15% 8th

Sympathetic, warm (F)

20 50% 5th

Disorganized, careless (G)

12 30% 7th

Calm, emotionally stable (H)

37 92.5% 2nd

Table 2: Dominant personality type of the respondents

Extraverted, enthusiastic (A)

Dependable, self-disciplined (B)

Anxious, easily upset (C)

Open to new experiences, complex (D)

Reserved, quiet (E)

Sympathetic, warm (F)

Disorganized, careless (G)

Calm, emotionally stable (H)

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%









Figure 2: Personality Type Personality Type

Based on the data presented in figure 2, “open to new experiences, complex” , is

the dominant personality type of the respondents, having 100% of them have answered


it. Next to it were the “calm, emotional”, “extraverted, enthusiastic”, “dependable, self-

disciplined”, and “sympathetic, warm” personality types comprising 92.5%, 60%,

57.50% and 50% of the respondents, respectively. While the personality type “reserved,

quiet” is the least dominant of all.

3. What is the relationship of the preferred type of music to the personality type f the


Kinds of Music

Different Types of Personalities

A B C D E F G HPop 1 2.5% 2 5% 2 5% 5 12.5% 1 2.5% 2 2.5% 0 0% 4 10%Rock 2 5% 3 7.5% 2 5% 2 5% 0 0% 3 7.5% 2 5% 5 2.5%R&B 5 2.5% 3 7.5% 6 15% 5 22.5% 3 7.5% 7 17.5% 1 2.5% 5 2.5%Classical 3 7.5% 0 0% 1 2.5% 1 2.5% 1 2.5% 1 2.5% 0 0% 2 5%Country 2 5% 2 5% 1 2.5% 4 10% 0 0% 1 2.5% 1 2.5% 3 7.5%Rap 4 10% 2 5% 1 2.5% 5 12.5% 1 2.5% 1 2.5% 4 10% 6 15%Alternative 1 2.5% 4 10% 1 2.5% 4 10% 0 0% 1 2.5% 0 0% 2 5%Religious 1 2.5% 1 2.5% 1 2.5% 2 5% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 2.5%Dance 2 5% 0 0% 1 2.5% 2 5% 0 0% 2 5% 1 2.5% 2 5%Heavy Metal 1 2.5% 3 7.5% 1 2.5% 4 10% 0 0% 2 5% 1 2.5% 2 5%Opera 0 0% 1 2.5% 0 0% 5 12.5% 0 0% 0 0% 2 5% 3 7.5%Reggae 2 5% 2 5% 0 0% 1 7.5% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 5%

Table 3: Relationship of Music Genre to Personality Type

Based on the data in table 3, the Majority of the respondents, which is 12.5%, who chose

the music genre pop have the “Open to new experience, complex” personality type. While for

those who chose rock, majority of them, 7.5%, have the “reserved, quiet” personality type.

While for the respondents who preferred RnB music, which comprises 22.5%, have the “Open to

new experience, complex personality type” and 17.5% have fallen under the “sympathetic,

warm” personality type. While those who chose classical music, which is 7.5% of the

respondents, have fallen under the “extravert, enthusiastic” personality type. While those who

chose alternative, which comprise 10% of the respondents, have fallen under the “dependable,


discipline and open to new experiences, complex” personality types. While those who chose

religious, dance and heavy metal, which comprises 5%, 5% and 10% of the respondents,

respectively, have fallen under the “open to new experience, complex” personality type. While,

those who chose reggae, and opera, which comprises 7.5% and 12.5% of the respondents

respectively, also have fallen under the “Open to new experience, complex” personality type.




Major Findings

The following are the major findings of the study:

97.5% of the respondents had chosen the RnB or Rhythm and Blues genre, making it

as the most preferred music genre of the respondents.

Second most preferred music genre is rap which was chosen by 60% of the


Third most preferred music genre is rock which was chosen by 47.5% of the


The least preferred music genre is the religious, which was chosen by only 15% of the


Personality type “open to new experiences, complex” is the dominant personality type

of the respondents, having 100% of them have answered it.

Next to it were the “calm, emotional”, “extraverted, enthusiastic”, “dependable, self-

disciplined”, and “sympathetic, warm” personality types comprising 92.5%, 60%,

57.50% and 50% of the respondents, respectively.

The personality type “reserved, quiet” is the least dominant of all.

Majority of the respondents, which is 12.5%, who chose the music genre pop have the

“Open to new experience, complex” personality type.

Those who chose rock, 7.5%, have the “reserved, quiet” personality type.


Those who preferred RnB music, which comprises 22.5%, have the “Open to new

experience, complex personality type” and 17.5% have fallen under the “sympathetic,

warm” personality type.

Those who chose classical music, which is 7.5% of the respondents, have fallen under

the “extravert, enthusiastic” personality type.

Those who chose alternative, which comprise 10% of the respondents, have fallen

under the “dependable, discipline and open to new experiences, complex” personality


Those who chose religious, dance and heavy metal, which comprises 5%, 5% and 10%

of the respondents, respectively, have fallen under the “open to new experience,

complex” personality type.

Those who chose reggae, and opera, which comprises 7.5% and 12.5% of the

respondents respectively, also have fallen under the “Open to new experience,

complex” personality type.


Based on the results of the research it is concluded that:

1. Majority of the respondents preferred the RnB music genre.

2. Majority of the respondents have personality type of “open to new experience and


3. This research had established the following personality type of the respondents according

to their preferred music genre;

a. pop – open to new experience, complex


b. rock – reserved, quiet

c. RnB – open to new experiences, complex, sympathetic and warm

d. Classical – extrovert, enthusiastic

e. Alternative – Open to new experiences, complex, dependable, self-disciplined

f. Religious – open to new experiences, complex

g. Dance – open to new experiences, complex

h. Heavy Metal – open to new experiences, complex

i. Reggae - open to new experiences, complex

j. Opera - open to new experiences, complex

k. Rap - open to new experiences, complex


1. The researcher would like to recommend the following to the future researchers who

would like to conduct study similar to this:

- Use other personality test to identify other personality types

- May consider the degree of preference for the music genre chosen and relate it to

personality type.

- for future researchers to use a standardized personality test to ensure validity of the result.