Released: May 25, 2021

Post on 28-Nov-2021

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Released: May 25, 2021


Table of Contents Introduction and key dates................................................................................................... 3

2021 key dates ................................................................................................................. 3

Eligibility .............................................................................................................................. 4

Who qualifies? ................................................................................................................. 4

Who doesn’t qualify?........................................................................................................ 4

Eligible expenses .................................................................................................................. 5

Transformation Funding ................................................................................................... 5

Repairs and Maintenance (R&M) ...................................................................................... 6

Allowable new purchases (not repair or replacement) ................................................. 7

Play Based Material and Equipment (PBME) ...................................................................... 8

SPF (all components) must be used to ............................................................................... 8

You cannot use SPF to support… ....................................................................................... 8

Reporting requirements and approval process ...................................................................... 9

Reporting requirements.................................................................................................... 9

Receipt Requirements....................................................................................................... 9

Approval process .............................................................................................................10

Audit and recoveries ...........................................................................................................11

Audit ...............................................................................................................................11


Glossary ..........................................................................................................................12

Contact Us ..........................................................................................................................12


Introduction and key dates

Special Purpose Funding (SPF) helps you with one-time

expenses needed to comply with licensing and health

requirements, improve program viability, support

business transformation, and enhance quality.

SPF is claims based. While you receive a pre-approved

amount, to be reimbursed you must apply in GovGrants,

upload a completed SPF attestation, and provide all

receipts requested. We will reimburse you only up to your

pre-approved amount for eligible expenses.

2021 key dates

Date Description January 1 to September 17

1. Eligible Purchase Period - Service Provider to Track Purchases • Eligible items/work must be purchased/completed during this period.

May 28 2. Gov Grants Application Window Opens • GovGrants application is made available to eligible Service Providers.

You can apply starting on this date. • Primary users can check your pre-approved funding amount in


May 28 to September 17

3. Consultation with an Early Years Specialist (EYS) / Application Period • You may consult your EYS on timelines, eligible expenses, required

documentation, GovGrants application, etc.

September 17 4. GovGrants Application Window Closes • Last day to apply. A completed SPF attestation must be uploaded with

your GovGrants application. • Late or incomplete submissions won’t be processed.

TIP! Submitting your application early ensures that technical issues can be fixed on time without impacting your payment.

September 17 to October 22

5. Review Period • Your EYS will tell you which receipts to upload in GovGrants. • You must upload in GovGrants the requested receipts, paid invoices

and quotes within three business days of your EYS’s request. • Your EYS will review your application and supporting documentation.

November 1

6. Funding Agreement Issued • After we review your application and documents, we will issue a Special

Purpose Funding Agreement in GovGrants for the amount approved.


Date Description November 8 7. Send back your Signed Funding Agreement

• You must submit your signed SPF Agreement by the deadline. Late submissions will result in late payments.

December 1 8. SPF Payment Issued • If your signed agreement was received on time (see #7), you will receive

your SPF payment. TIP! You can get paid earlier if you apply, send all required documentation and a signed contract at least one month before the listed timelines.


Who qualifies? To qualify for SPF in 2021, you must continuously meet the following qualifying conditions:

1. Be a licensed centre-based child care provider in Peel.

2. Have a signed EYCCS Fee Subsidy Agreement dated on or before December 31, 2019.

3. Be open and providing services to families in Peel by May 1, 2021 unless otherwise directed

by Peel Public Health (PPH) or the Province of Ontario.

4. Be in good standing with regards to all funding agreements with the Region of Peel.

5. Comply with all program, financial, contract (any EYCCS contract), and/or system planning

data reporting requirements on or before the assigned timeline. Service Providers who are

on hold and don’t come into compliance by September 1, 2021 are ineligible for SPF and

their applications won’t be approved.

6. Meet the timelines set on the 2021 key dates section. Late submissions won’t be approved.

Who doesn’t qualify? You don’t qualify for SPF in 2021 if:

• You don’t meet or stop meeting the qualifying


• Your agency or program(s) closes permanently in


• Your program opened in 2021 and received start-

up funding for publicly funded capital spaces

(regardless of the year).

• Your agency/program’s assets are sold in an asset sale 2021.

In the event of a shares transfer you may be

considered ineligible.


Eligible expenses

SPF consists of transformation, repairs and maintenance

(R&M) and play-based material and equipment (PBME)

funding. You can spend up to your 2021 pre-approved SPF

amount on any of the listed eligible expenses. If the expense

is not listed, consult with your EYS. We reserve the right to

deem expenses ineligible if they are not reasonable or fail

to meet SPF eligibility and submission requirements.

Transformation Funding The objective of this funding is to support program viability and facilitate child care

transformation by providing one-time business transformation supports.

Eligible Expenses - Transformation Eligible Items Maximum Reimbursement

• IT equipment/upgrades to facilitate internet connectivity for business purposes and, in 2021, to enable educators to receive supports and participate in virtual consultations with Peel Inclusion Resource Services (PIRS) Resource Consultants (RC). o If you used Safe Restart Funding to support this

expense, you must consult with your EYS prior to making additional purchases.

Computer $1,500.00/unit

Tablet/iPad $750.00/unit

All-in-one printer /scanner/ copier


Modem, Router or Wi-Fi Extender


Two-way Radio $100.00/pair

• Child care management/parent/guardian interactive apps such as Hi MAMA or Sandbox. o Subscription may be covered up to December 31,


Child Care Management app and software subscription


• Website development/upgrades including mobile capabilities and online social media presence: o If your website also serves programs located outside of Peel, you must

use this formula:

o If your website serves programs not licensed under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2021 (CCEYA) (e.g. private school), you can only claim a portion of the cost proportional to your licensed program.


• Online marketing (e.g. Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Display Advertising, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and content marketing) and/or radio commercials to support enrollment or staffing


• Print materials $500.00 • Signage $3,000.00

Total # of Sites

Total cost of the Invoice # of Sites in Peel Amount claimed


Repairs and Maintenance (R&M) R&M supports one-time repair and maintenance costs to help licensed child care programs

maintain compliance with licensing and/or health requirements

as per the CCEYA.

You must:

• Consult with your Ministry of Education (MEDU)

Licensing and Compliance Branch Program Advisor if

your R&M work impacts your licensed capacity or room

and/or play structure.

• Submit proof that you are in non-compliance or at risk of

non-compliance with licensing requirements. This may

include MEDU documentation, a third-party inspection

or an EYS recommendation.

• Submit proof of prior school board approval to complete

the proposed work if your site is in a publicly funded


• Notify Peel Public Health at zzg- prior to beginning

repairs/replacement of equipment or any other work

affecting the kitchen. Proof of the work required and

supporting documentation must be submitted to the


To be approved, R&M projects/work must:

• Be completed by the time the SPF GovGrants application window closes. Incomplete R&M

projects / work won’t be approved.

• Align with licensing, health and safety or playground inspection requirements. If you are unsure if your R&M work aligns with the CCEYA licensing requirements, contact your MEDU Program Advisor.

Area Repair or Replacement of these Items/ Projects Is Eligible*

Food Preparation

• Kitchen hand washing sink • Countertop

• Kitchen cupboards • Major and small appliances listed on the capped eligible items table

Washrooms • Flooring material • Change tables

• Partitions & doors • Mirrors

• Taps • Toilets

• Sinks • Soap dispensers

Major Systems

• Building foundation • Accessibility

• Emergency lighting • Secure entrances


Area Repair or Replacement of these Items/ Projects Is Eligible* • Heating/cooling system • Windows or Doors • Leaking roof • Wiring upgrades • Sump pump • Asbestos removal or encapsulation • Ventilation System • Floor Waxing 2021 Only

• Air purifiers if ventilation is insufficient or where outdoor or fresh air introduction cannot be achieved by other means. 2021 Only

Play Area • Fencing to meet licensing or playground inspection requirements.

• Damaged or worn outdoor safety surfacing

• Damaged or worn ceiling • Damaged or worn flooring material

• Windows • Drinking water system

• Playground shade structure • Heating system • Pre-approved indoor painting where paint has faded due to frequent

cleaning. You must consult with your EYS prior to starting the work. • Materials for outdoor screening (outdoor shade/tents, folding table, folding

chairs, signage) 2021 Only

Furnishings and

Equipment for Children

• Cots • Strollers • Cradles, cribs or playpens • Chairs • High chairs • Tables • Safety gates • Toy shelves • Ergonomic chairs for staff during

sleep time • Other storage shelves 2021 Only

Capped Eligible Items Maximum Reimbursement

Capped Eligible Items Maximum Reimbursement

Triple stroller $2,000.00/unit Commercial dishwasher* $7,000.00/unit

Quad or more stroller $2,500.00/unit Commercial grade stove: gas* $6,200.00/unit

Cot $100.00/unit Commercial grade stove: electric* $5,000.00/unit

Safety Gate $150.00/unit Commercial grade Range hood* $2,300.00/unit

High Chair $300.00/unit Commercial grade Fridge or Freezer*


Cradle Crib or Playpen $2,000.00/unit Washer or dryer* $2,000.00/unit Ergonomic chairs for staff (sleep-time)

$50/unit Secure Entrances (may include surveillance cameras)


Microwave 2021 only $300.00/unit Mini fridge for staff room 2021 only $1,000.00/unit

Blender 2021 only $300.00/unit Commercial grade food processor $2,000.00/unit

Vacuum 2021 only $1,000.00/unit Air Purifiers 2021 only $3,000.00/unit

*Includes delivery and installation if delivered / installed by the seller. Disposal fee is not eligible.

*Allowable new purchases (not repair or replacement): • storage shelves (as needed) • materials associated with Outdoor Screening (outdoor

shade/tents, folding table folding chairs, signage) • small appliances listed on the capped eligible items

table • vacuum cleaners • ergonomic chairs for staff during sleep time.

Everything else must be: • a repair or replacement of an item. • a requirement recently identified by

your MEDU Program Advisor (licensing), PPH inspector, or fire department.


Play Based Material and Equipment (PBME) PBME helps create enriching indoor and outdoor environments with open ended materials that

promote children’s learning and development through exploration, play and inquiry consistent

with How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years.

To be reimbursed, materials purchased must:

• Be non-consumable. For example: while paint is consumable (gets used up), paint brushes

are non-consumable (eligible).

• Comply with the Ministry’s Operational Guidance and/or Peel Public Health’s Enhanced

Health and Safety Protocol (wipeable toys, multiple of duplicate material to encourage

social distancing).

Montessori programs can use funding to:

• Support outdoor play.

• Purchase items for toddler classrooms that are

not Montessori if approved / verified by your EYS.

SPF (all components) must be used to: • Support child care spaces licensed under the CCEYA in Peel.

• Purchase items/work that meet licensing requirements, MEDU’s operational guidance and

PPH direction.

• Purchase non-consumable items.

• Support reasonable items/work. If you don’t know if the items, amounts, quantities, etc.

are reasonable, talk to your EYS prior to purchasing/ starting the work.

Eligible PBMI Items

• Blocks and construction materials

• Dramatic play

• Non-consumable art materials

• Gross motor / outdoor play

• Table toys and cognitive play

(as applicable):

• Sites located outside of Peel

• Sites without a fee subsidy agreement

• Delivery of online curriculum

• Head office operations • Home use • Unlicensed programs

or rooms

• Costs (items or work) previously funded (in all or part) by other federal, provincial, and regional programs such as Start-Up funding, EYCCS Phase 3 and 4 Funding and Safe Restart Funding

• Advance or last year’s purchases (items/work delivered/ performed outside of the eligible purchase period)

• Program expansion •

You cannot use SPF to support…

Items: • Duct cleaning • Cellphones • Fogging machines • Consumable items (e.g.

sand and art materials) • Extended warranties • Appliance disposal and

environmental fees • Inspection costs


Reporting requirements and approval process

Reporting requirements To be reimbursed of eligible SPF expenses, you must:

1. By September 17, 2021:

• Make all purchases and ensure all work is completed.

• Submit your completed application in GovGrants. After

the application window closes, no changes to your

application (including the SPF attestation) will be


2. Submit supporting documentation (receipts, paid

invoices, etc.) as requested. To be considered, receipts /

paid invoices must meet the following requirements:

3. If the item is sold or the work is completed by someone who is related by blood, marriage,

common-law partnership, or adoption, you must get a minimum of two quotes in addition

to receipts/paid invoices.

4. Keep all supporting documentation (receipts, paid invoices, proof of payment, quotes for

non-arm length transactions) for a minimum of seven years for all items claimed. We may

request these documents at any time.

5. Participate on verification activities. We may verify that SPF was used for its approved

purposes through random audits, unscheduled program visits, online video conference,

requests to send photos, etc. Failure to comply may result in funding recovery.

6. Submit an attestation declaring that the items claimed on your application have not been

covered through other EYCC funding streams (e.g. SRF, EYCC Phases 3 and 4, Start-Up, etc.)

and/or other government funding.

Receipt Requirements: Receipts must include items claimed only and include: • the date of the purchase • the name and address of the seller or supplier • the name and address of the buyer • the full description of the goods or services. If this is not

possible (e.g. a cash register tape), you must write a description of the goods or services on the receipt.

• the vendor's business number if they are a GST/HST registrant. If this is not included, GST/HST amounts won’t be paid.

• a written label with the funding component (e.g. R&M) Multi-sites must label their sites to their receipts/ invoices.

If you Submit a Paid Invoice: • It must have a “paid”

stamp. • You must document

proof of payment on the invoice (e.g., cheque number or credit card receipt)

• Your invoice must meet all receipt requirements.


Approval process Once we receive your submitted application, your EYS will review

and advise you of which receipts to submit.

You will have three business days to upload your receipts /

paid invoices from the day your EYS requests them.

Once we receive the requested receipts / paid invoices or by

the end of the submission due date (whichever is earlier), your

EYS will review your application and supporting documentation.

We will ask you for additional documents if you don’t send your

documents on time, the documents provided don’t meet the

requirements and/or the receipts don’t match your SPF application.

Outcomes of the application review

Situation We will… 1. You did not send a complete application including

the attestation or

You sent a complete application but did not upload any requested receipts by the deadline

• Consider that you withdrew your application. This means you will be ineligible for any SPF claims submitted.

2. Items claimed on your SPF application and/or receipts/paid invoices don’t meet the requirements of this guideline

• Only approve the items that meet the requirements in this guideline.

• If we don’t approve all the items on your application, we will notify you the changes.

3. The items / quantity of items on your SPF application are not reasonable e.g. you are asking for 5 tablets and you have 3 rooms.

• Approve only reasonable expenses.

4. You purchased laptops/tablets with your SRF, included additional laptops/tablets on your SPF application and did not consult your EYS

• Not approve the items unless your EYS identifies the need.

5. (First Request) you sent some of the requested receipts/paid invoices

or the documents sent don’t meet the requirements or

don’t match your application.

• Not approve items for which we requested receipts, but don’t receive them to our satisfaction.

• Require you to upload additional receipts / paid invoices within three days of our request.

6. (Second Request) you sent some of the requested receipts/paid invoices or the documents sent don’t meet the requirements or don’t match your application.

• Require you to upload all your receipts / paid invoices within three days of our request.

• Approve only the items for which we receive receipts to our satisfaction.


Situation We will… 7. Cost of eligible items purchased was more than the

cap • Only approve the items up to the

capped amount. 8. Cost of eligible items purchased was less than the

cap • Approve the actual amount paid.

9. The items/work claimed are eligible, we are satisfied with the receipts sent but the amount claimed exceeds your pre-approved amount

• Approve your application up to the pre-approved amount.

10. Your current payments are being held and you have not come into compliance by September 1, 2021

• Consider you ineligible for SPF and your application won’t be approved.

If any items on your application are approved, we will issue a Special Purpose Funding

Agreement in GovGrants. Refer to the key dates section for more information.

Audit and recoveries

Audit Through the Region’s audit selection process, you may

be contacted to complete an audit/review of your SPF.

To confirm funding has been used for its intended

purpose, we may conduct check-ins at any time and

may request:

• receipts

• paid invoices

• quotations

• proof of purchase and/or payment

• proof that you are in non-compliance or at risk of non-compliance with licensing

requirements. This may include documentation from your MEDU Program Advisor or EYS

pre-approval to support the work/project requested.

• proof of prior school board approval to complete the proposed work if your site is in a

publicly funded school.

• copy of notification to Peel Public Health about any repairs/replacement of equipment or

any other work affecting the kitchen

• any other documentation needed to assess expenditures

Note: additional reporting or audit requirements may be implemented on a case-by-case basis.

Recoveries You must repay us all or part your SPF if:

Final approval and payment are subject to the Region’s discretion.


• You did not meet the terms of your Special Purpose Funding Agreement or this guideline.

• You used SPF to cover items/work already supported by other federal, provincial, and

regional programs such as Start-Up Funding and Safe Restart Funding.

• You close permanently or your agency/program’s assets are sold in an asset sale within 12

months of receipt of funding.

If we determine that you must return all or part of their SPF amount, we will notify you by e-mail. To maintain ongoing eligibility for EYCCS funding, you must repay the amount owed upon



Term Definition Term Definition CCEYA Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 R&M Repairs and Maintenance EYS Early Years Specialist SPF Special Purpose Funding PBME Play-Based Materials and

Equipment We The Region of Peel

Program Licensed site You Licensed Child Care Service Provider

Contact Us If you have questions, e-mail your EYS or