Religion in China Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism.

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Religion in ChinaReligion in China

Buddhism, Daoism, ConfucianismBuddhism, Daoism, Confucianism

• China’s three religions have been the bedrock of Chinese civilization. TaoistTaoist thought was systemized by the sage Lao Zi over 2,500 years ago in his book Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching). The book expounds on the mysterious Way of the universe, which he calls the Tao.

• Confucianism Confucianism (philosophy) (philosophy) emphasizes a moral code for governance, family, and individual conduct. The teachings of Confucius (551 B.C.–479 B.C.) were the guiding principles for nearly every Chinese dynasty beginning with the Han. All who wished to become an official had to pass civil-service examinations that comprehensively tested their grasp of the Confucian classics and their moral code.

• In A.D. 67, Buddhism reached China from ancient India. Its focus on personal salvation and meditation had a profound effect on Chinese culture, lasting until today.

• Under the influence of these faiths and philosophies, Chinese culture has spawned a rich and profound system of values. The concepts of “man and nature must be in balance,” “respect the heavens to know one’s destiny,” and the five cardinal virtues of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faithfulness are all products of these three religions’ teachings, and traditional Chinese way of life was tied inextricably with these ideas.


• Began 6th C BCE in India/Nepal– Buddha: The enlightened one– Born Siddhartha Gautana: Kshatriya Caste– 4 passing sights

• 1: An old crippled man• 2: A sick man• 3: A dead man• 4: A holy man with no home

• Developed the 4 Nobel Truths to become Enlightened (Nirvana)– Life is difficult– All hardships and suffering from inappropriate attachment– Avoid suffering from inappropriate cravings– To do this, follow the 8 fold Nobel path

• Different sects: – Himalayans/Tibet:

• Vajrayana

– Southern Asia, especially in Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma):• Theravada

– North Asia and the Far East, including China, Japan, Korea: • Mahayana

The Great Buddha of Kamakura- Japan


A mandala is thought to bring peace and harmony to the area where it is being


“Tibetans see the mandala as a sacred object. After spending many hours of intricate labor, the monks destroy the mandala when it is finished, dramatizing the impermanence of our lives. They will then distribute small amounts of the consecrated sand to those who are present. They will pour the remaining sand into the stream that runs through Wilson Park so that its healing power will spread throughout our community and beyond…”

Creating your Mandala• Gather your materials and go to a quiet, private space. Light a candle or burn incense to

establish a reflective mood. You may find it helpful to sit quietly for a few moments of prayer or meditation before beginning your mandala. This helps focus your attention on messages from the unconscious. Perhaps an image, a color, or even a movement will come to you as the beginning point for your mandala.

• Next draw a circle freehand, with a compass, or traced around a plate or other template. Then fill in the circle with color and form. Allow your mandala to unfold with as little thought as possible. Let go of all your notions about how a mandala should look. There are no "right" or "wrong" mandalas.

• When you have completed your mandala, write the day’s date on it, then put it somewhere in your living space where you can walk by and see it often. Let it be part of your life for a few days. Be open to receive any messages it has for you.

Flags of TibetFlags of Tibet

Tibetan Flag Tibetan Prayer Flags

Tibetan Buddhists for centuries have planted these flags outside their homes and places of spiritual practice for the wind to carry the beneficent vibrations across the countryside. Prayer flags are said to bring happiness, long life and prosperity to the flag planter and those in the vicinity.

Tibet: The roof of the Tibet: The roof of the worldworldTIBET’S GOVERNMENT: THEOCRACY TIBET’S GOVERNMENT: THEOCRACY

• 1933: 13th Dalai Lama dies• 1935: Lhamo Dhondup born• 1940: Lhamo Dhondup proclaimed 14th Dalai Lama, taken to Lhasa

– Dalai Lama: “Teacher of Ocean Wide Wisdom”• 1950: Chinese troops “liberate Tibet from Feudalism”


• 1959: Tibetan uprising failed, 89,000 Tibetans killed. 14th Dalai Lama fled– Exile Government led by the Dalai Lama (Head of State) in Dharamsala India– 1.2 Million Tibetans died in total/ estimated $80 billion in holy items stolen

• 1960’s: Most Tibetan monasteries destroyed during Mao’s Cultural Revolution

– Mao: “Mao: “Religion is Poison”Religion is Poison”• Today: Tibet is an autonomous region

– “Tibetan Autonomous Region”

Valley on the way to TibetValley on the way to Tibet

Panchen Lama: the lama next in rank to the Dalai Lama

Lama: Tibetan religious teacher


Gendhun Choekyi Nyima

~ Born 1989

~ Named 11th Panchen Lama

~ Disappeared 1995

~ Youngest Political Prisoner


Gyaltsen Norbu

~Born 1990

~Chosen by Chinese officials in 1995

Xinjiang as Xinjiang as Tibet?Tibet?

• Uighurs are one of 55 nationally designated minorities in China. China's constitution officially recognizes the Uighurs' right to practice their own religion and to speak and learn in their own language. In practice, however, the government maintains tight control over Uighur culture. All mosques are required to register with the government. In 2001, authorities called in 8,000 imams for special training on the Communist Party's ethnic and religious policies. In 2002, Xinjiang's top university eliminated all instruction in the Uighur language.

• In 1949, when the communists first took power, more than 90 percent of Xinjiang's population was Uighur and about 5 percent was Han, from China's largest ethnic group. However, government-sponsored migration has dramatically changed the demographics of the region. Today, 47 percent of Xinjiang is Uighur and 41 percent is Han. Smaller groups of other Turkic Muslims, including Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Tajiks and Uzbeks, make up the remainder of the population.

• The Uighurs (alternately spelled Uyghur, Uyguir, Uiguir and Weiwuer) have lived in this region for centuries. Uighurs use a Turkic dialect and write in an Arabic-based script. Mostly Sunni Muslims, the Uighurs comprise more than a third of China's estimated 18 million Muslims.


• Literally, "way" or "path;" the rhythmic balance and natural, flowing patterns of the universe. The enlightened human being is one who always acts in accordance with the Dao

• Finding solace and harmony in nature• Sage Lao Zi over 2,500 years ago wrote Dao De Jing

(Tao Te Ching). – The book expounds on the mysterious Way of

the universe, which he calls the Tao.

Tai Tai ChiChi


Confucianism or Confucianism or “Literati Tradition”“Literati Tradition”• Founded by Confucius KUNG FU TZU (b. 551 BCE, d. 479 BCE)

– Contemporary of Buddha and lived before Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

• Confucianism is NOT A RELIGIONNOT A RELIGION!– A Moral philosophy based around character building


– For the educated elite

– Confucius is NOT a deity!

• Is a code of conduct to help the individual contribute to society

through self mastery and personal responsibility.

• The LUNG-YU, or analects, is the most sacred writings

Today: Today: Confucius and TV; weddings; Do your homework! Confucius and TV; weddings; Do your homework!

2000 of Chinese History- Confucius2000 of Chinese History- Confucius

6 Major Beliefs6 Major Beliefs

• 1) Li:

• 2) Hsiao:

• 3) Yi:

• 4) Xin:

• 5) Jen:

• 6) Chung:

Confucius Confucius Quotes:Quotes:

• Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.

• Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.

• When anger rises, think of the consequences.

• Have no friends not equal to yourself.

• He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.

• Silence is a friend who will never betray.


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