REM4ed Readiness and Emergency Management for Educators.

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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REM4edReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators

REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators

REM4ed Solution

Software solution that provides framework to Standardize and Manage all aspects of Emergency Readiness Plans

Key Benefits Crisis Plans Online - Create/Expand Manage Plans, Audits, Events Single, Live Repository for all Info Easy access to Information Online Training

REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators

Crisis PlanExtensive Knowledge Base

Addresses over 60 Hazards Addresses all 4 Phases

Preparedness, Prevention, Response & Recovery Over 100 Activities identified per Hazard

Program Steps to Create Crisis Plan: Identify Crisis Team Select Applicable Hazards to address For each hazard,

Select Applicable Activities for each of 4 phases Assign activities to ICS Crisis Team members

REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators


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REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators


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REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators


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REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators

Contacts / Teams Identify District/School Level

Crisis Team Members ICS Team Members First Responders Special Response Teams

Profile Team Members Special Abilities Training Records

Easy Access and Reporting

REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators

EventsProgram Manages Calendar for

Drills Table Top Exercises Meetings Plan Review Audits

Maintain Record of Events Log scheduled event information Log actual event information

Date/time – Start/End Notes regarding Event Recommendations

REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators

Safety Audits

Program Records and Analyzes Audit Data Chart Data by individual items and/or

Categories Identify vulnerabilities common to

Schools and Districts Generate and track Action Plans

Knowledge base of over 400 Audit Items Manage Standardized Audits

REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators


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REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators

Mobile CommandProgram Overview

Emergency Quickly view your assigned list of activities for

responding to an emergency. Plan

Review entire Crisis Plan Search for activities based on Hazard>Phase>Role

Contacts – Access / Call ICS Team members First Responder Team members

Platforms All Smart Phones

REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators




REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators


Multitude of different reports for every need at District or School Level Hazards / Phases / Activities Contacts Teams Audits Events – Drills, Table Tops Emergency Equipment/Supplies Special Needs Students

Print Different Formats Plan Binder Emergency Flip Charts

REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators

New Features Dashboard View

Calendars – Events Management Action Plans/Task Management Track key personnel – Google Latitude Manage Compliance events – Flagged Notifications of periodic events

Manage team information Profile team members – Trainings, Certifications, language Quickly identify teams for special needs

Track Special Needs Students

Manage/Mark-up Site Maps, Floor plans Upload Images Mark-up floor plans with relevant information

Track Equipment

Text Messaging

REM4ed, LLCReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators

TrainingOnline courses

Managed by software

Multimedia Online Training Courses Web Delivered Track grading/courses taken by staff

Initial Training Courses REM and Team Building for Educators Universal Precautions Front Office Grief and Recovery

REM4edReadiness and Emergency Management for Educators