Remembering Jake Vinyard

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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  • 1. 4-1-1995 4-8-2014

2. Relationships change but memories last forever. You will always know how much you impacted my life and will always continue too. You always brought a smile to my face and I know I could bring one to yours. Keep smiling Jake, no matter where you are. Alexandra Thurlwell 3. My nickname, my memories, my first best friend, my whole childhood. All because of you. I'm gonna miss ya more than you could imagine bud. Even though we had some rough times, I'd definitely say the good ones outweighed them. I just wish things didn't have to be like this. I love you man. Matt Swanson 4. The Vinyards have always held this community in their arms and lessoned any burden we may be bearing. This community will absolutely do the same for them. My prayers are with the Vinyards at this unimaginable difficult time. I hope there's comfort in knowing Jake touched so many. Spring Grove and RB gained another angel. Please everyone keep Jake's friends and family in your prayers. -Michelle Graham 5. It is always so tough losing a best buddy. No words can describe the feeling I have inside me right now, I am so numb. Thank you for all the memories we have made especially in Spanish class haha I'm truly going to miss you bud. Please watch over all of ur friends & family. We will truly miss you Jake. Love ya kid. Alex Callanan 6. Lets not be sad because hes gone, but be happy for the wonderful memories he left us with. But lets not let his passing bring us down, but lets rejoice that heaven has gained a new a angle and know that if your ever feeling down or need someone to talk to you can always look up and your bestfriend will be looking down on you listening. R.I.P Jake Gone but never forgotten and forever in our heart and memories. i hope heaven is treating you right homie. Ricardo Corona 7. Tuesday afternoon, I lost my best friend, my brother, my rock. As tears fall from my eyes, it is unreal how completely broken I am. My world has come crashing down, and I don't know how to pick up the pieces. Jake was the most important person in my life and I simply can't imagine my life without him. Although I am surrounded by people who are helping me and my family through the most difficult time we have ever faced, I feel empty, alone, and numb. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate everyone's kind words and presence. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come by our house, all our doors are always open. Please don't be a stranger...we need all the love and support right now. Jake-If I could talk to you one last time I would tell you how much I love you, how much I need you, and how much you mean to me. I wish I could have helped you, I'm so so sorry I let you down. You were my little brother, and I feel like I let you down. Please look over me and guide me and Mom Kelly Hart Vinyard and Dad Randall E. Vinyard through this. I can't say enough how much I love you. Until we meet again, Rest in Peace my sweet Jake -Kaitlyn Vinyard 8. For the 1st time since April 1st, 1995, the sun rises upon this earth without our son, Jake. I was hoping this was all a dream, but I have not slept to have the chance to wake up. He should be here with me to watch this beautiful sunrise, but he won't. I should have my arms around him, but I can't. Kelly and I should be able to hold him, but he is gone. Thank you for the early visits, notes, tributes, pictures and postings. I know alot of kids lost a friend and my heart is with all of you as well. He was a great kid. Our son, Jacob Henry Vinyard. We appreciate all the love and support. - rev 9. Honestly dont know what to do. Jesse Dacheff 10. When I talked to Dean Palya about starting up the band Final Call the first person's number I gave to Dean was Jake's. When I asked Jake the next day in middle school if he wanted to be in a band with me it was a no brainer for him and he said yes to play drums. Since then time our friendship took off. We were inseparable and always goofing around causing mischief. Playing in a band with him for three years got us really close. We shared some of the same stage frights, same mess ups in our music and of course our greatest shows where we couldn't miss a note. Playing at the Rave Bar in Milwaukee was one of the best times we ever had and a time that I will always remember. We were rockstars and we loved that. Especially hearing the music we played in- between classes over the intercom in our high-school. I wished those days never ended because they were my fondest. Jake and I played baseball and basketball together along with a a lot of our friends at Nippersink and Richmond Burton. He was a great pitcher for Richmond and I miss those days messing around on the bench with him and our buddies. Jake and I were always getting in trouble in school, you know the occasional "stop talking," and "who threw this", but those were our funnest years though (those poor substitute teachers). Im definitely going to miss dancing with him in gym class to YMCA with Patrick Butler Matt Malecki Jesse Dacheff and Adam Kinsella. Jake was funny, kind, and a great friend and will be missed by everyone. He was always making you smile and it was contagious. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family Randall E. Vinyard Kelly Hart VinyardIll. I'll see you in heaven bud, love ya. R.I.P Jake Vineyard -Bobby Liston 11. It's simply too quiet right now. I need to hear those footsteps of Jake walking into his bedroom above my head from where I am sitting right now. I need to hear the "plop" onto his bed which causes the squeaks in the bed frame. That squeak once annoyed the crap out of me, but now it's something I'll forever miss. As most of you have said in person, in message, in a post or in a text today "there are no words..." I say to you, you are correct in many ways and there's nothing wrong with that. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, love and support. We are hoping to get some details on Services for Jake out tomorrow night. We have some family that are traveling and we want to ensure we can plan for everyone. Stay tuned and again, I simply say thank you. We have a long way to go, so please don't stop praying for us. - rev. 12. My heart is heavy for Kaitlyn and her family in this terrible time with the loss of Jake. We all miss and love you Jake. You will never be forgotten and we will all see you again one day! - Chris McRoy 13. For my final birthday wish, I'm asking every one of my FB friends to say a quick prayer for an AMAZING family who lost their son today. Hug those kids of yours, right now, go and do it now. We love you so much Randall and Kelly Vinyard!!! - Melissa Strebe 14. RIP Jake Vinyard. I'm at a loss of words and shocked. I'll always remember all the times we had together when you were my neighbor. I felt like an older brother to you. When I pulled in the driveway after finding out you passed tonight I just stared at the yard between our houses where we used to play baseball and thought back to all the good times in that yard. Randall E. Vinyard you and your family are in my prayers -Sean Reagan 15. Thinking of my best friend and her family tonight. I love you more then you know girl and I'll be right by your side when you need it most. - Amanda Stanek 16. Kelly Vinyard and Randall Vinyard I wish I had the right words to express how sorry we are... This whole community loves you guys so much, if there is anything we can do please let me know... Our prayers are with your family. Bonnie DeGroot 17. Please bless Jake Vinyard's family with the prayers of our community, friends and family. May they know they are on the hearts of many tonight. We are so very, very sorry. - Duane Blanton 18. I can't even seem to find the words to write this status. God gained a wonderful soul today. Rest in peace, Jake. Kaitlyn Vinyard, Kelly Vinyard, and Randall Vinyard you and the little ones are in my every thought and prayers. If you guys need anything let me know. You guys are like family to me. - Laura Boling 19. Hi Randy, I know we don't know each other very well, but I have to say that last week, when it was your son's birthday, you posted so many comments and pics of the two of you together that it stuck with me. I remember thinking how cool it was to see the dad of a 19 year old son posting so freely your love for him and obviously, him for you. That doesn't happen often and it really resonated with me. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss and will pray for all of you. - Jill Feldman 20. Randy, Last night I logged on to facebook to post this beautiful Picture I took while on vacation. That's when I heard. I will forever think of you and your family every time I look at this picture. This one is for all of you. - Dave Rudkin 21. I didn't want to believe it. He always seemed so happy. Whether I knew you very well or not you were a classmate. We'll all miss you. Allison Navlyt 22. ill never forget you brother save a 6 pack for us up there man because god knows we will race again i love you man i hope you knew i would have helped you with anything and i hope you knew how much you meant to us all man we are lost with out you.. this is unreal i can't wrap my head around it i miss you more than anything man.. RIP brother ill see you again someday. - Charlie Glavin 23. We might have not been friends throughout high school but in middle school we were friends let alone teammates. From rbba baseball where we won the championship game with the sox to bonfires at my house. There are plenty of memories in my childhood that i will hold on to. Sad moment hearing the news. Rest in peace Jake -Jon Smith 24. Jake you were an amazing person and an awesome friend. You had so much goin for you. You will be missed greatly and your jokes and that laugh that would make anyone laugh. Miss you buddy. May we meet again someday. R.I.P Jake :( - Lane Banville 25. RIP Jake, it's crazy how to look back on the memories we all had, we haven't talked in years yet I find myself laying here crying thinking about all of the people you have touched over the years and knowing your contagious laugh is no longer with us. You were a great friend, I'll miss you -Kyle Samples 26. Jake my friend, idk why you did it but you will be forever missed. I wish there was a way to bring you back to fix whatever was wrong. I know we didnt know each other very long only a couple years but it was a pleasure working with you and getting those chances to hangout. I Love and miss you buddy rest in peace. -Lane Banville 27. heaven gained an angel today. Keep an eye on me buddy. We will always be thinking of you. I can't wait to see you again. Always & forever. -Alexandra Thurlwell 28. All of my thoughts and prayers go out to Jake and his family. I will never forget all the years of baseball we played together. Especially when we played on the White Sox, I can't seem to get that out of my mind. Rest in peace Jake. - James Galla 29. To my Friends and to friends of Jake, I wanted to extend an offer for you to stop by our house and visit with us today, tonight or over the next few days. . Our door is open and so are our arms to welcome you into our home. Do not feel awkward or "when is a good time?". Anytime is a good time. We want to see you and share with you. We are here and want to see you. We are overwhelmed with your love and support. - rev 30. We have gone thru the painful, but necessary task to set arrangements for our Jake. There's also a Memorial Page that has been set up by our good friend Tina Kranz. Visitation for Jake: When: Monday April 14th, 2014 Time: 3:00 - 8:00 pm Where: Justen Funeral Home 3700 W. Charles Miller Road McHenry, IL 60050 Final Visitation & Funeral Service: When: Tuesday April 15th, 2014 Visitation Time: 11:00 Service: 12:00 Where: Justen Funeral Home 3700 W. Charles Miller Road McHenry, IL 60050 Burial: Following Service Milburn Cemetry Just East of RT 45 on Milburn Road. Thank you again to family, friends and the community for all the warm thoughts and sincere comments. 31. RIP Jake we all miss you!