Remote Sensing Systems: the Human Eye Spectral Resolution: 0.4-0.7 µ m Spatial Resolution: ~ 1-3 cm...

Post on 20-Jan-2016

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Remote Sensing Systems:the Human Eye

• Spectral Resolution: 0.4-0.7 µm

• Spatial Resolution: ~ 1-3 cm @ 20 m

• Radiometric Resolution: ~16-32 shades B/W or ~100 colors


Retina Rods & Cones:

our visible detectors

120 Million rods, 5 Million cones, & 1 million optic


Cones--color sensitive, form sharp images, require many photons

Rods are intensity, but not color sensitive, & form blurred images

Birds--big eyes, more cones, “faster” eye muscles, more support, and best

vision (8x better than ours)

Nocturnal animals have big eyes & more rods/fewer cones

Our vision is Our vision is optimized for optimized for

receiving the receiving the most most abundant spectral abundant spectral radianceradiance our star our star emits. Evolution?emits. Evolution?

Human Eye and Retina

Eye Cross-section, Front, & BackEye Cross-section, Front, & Back

Human Vision

Visible photons --> electrical charge

Nerve impulses are electro-chemical

Information transmitted to brain for processing

Human Vision -- could be better

to processorNot optimum design--lots of nerve cells in optical pathway

(give us a few more million years without a major extinction event…)

The Octopus has a

comparable eye to ours--an example of parallel evolution

Insect visual simulation at

2-3 m

Albert Einstein Image projected onto compound eye Insect views AE

You be the judge