Renal and immunological effects of occupational exposure...

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British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1992;49:394 401

Renal and immunological effects of occupationalexposure to inorganic mercury

S Langworth, C G Elinder, K G Sundquist, 0 Vesterberg

AbstractSeven parameters of renal dysfunction (urin-ary excretion of albumin, orosomucoid, 2-microglobulin, N-acetyl-p-glucosaminidase(NAG), and copper; serum creatinine con-centration, and relative clearance of JJ-

microglobulin) were examined in a group ofchloralkali workers exposed to mercuryvapour (n = 89) and in an unexposed controlgroup (n = 75). Serum concentrations ofimmunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM) and auto-antibodies towards glomeruli and other tissueswere also determined. The parametersexamined were compared between the twogroups and related to different exposure

parameters. In the chloralkali group medianblood mercury concentration (B-Hg) was 55nmol/l, serum mercury (S-Hg) 45 nmol/l, andurine mercury concentration (U-Hg) 14l3nmol/mmol creatinine (25l4 pg/g creatinine).Corresponding concentrations for the controlgroup were 15 nmol/l, 4 nmol/l, and 1-1 nmol/mmol creatinine (19 pg/g creatinine) respec-tively. None of the parameters of renal dys-function differed significantly between the twogroups, but there was a tendency to increasedexcretion of NAG in the exposed group com-pared with the controls. Also, a statisticallysignificant relation existed between U-Hg andU-NAG (p < 0001). Serum immunoglobulinconcentrations did not differ between thegroups, and serum titres of autoantibodies(including antiglomerular basement mem-brane and antilaminin antibodies) were low in

Department of Occupational Medicine, HuddingeHospital, S-141 86 Huddinge, SwedenS LangworthDepartment ofMedicine, Renal Section, KarolinskaHospital, S-104 01 Stockholm, SwedenC G ElinderDepartment of Clinical Immunology, HuddingeHospital, S-141 86 Huddinge, SwedenK G SundquistDivision ofMedical Chemistry, National Institute ofOccupational Health, S-171 84 Solna, SwedenO Vesterberg

both groups. Thus the results gave no evidenceof glomerular damage or of a tubular reab-sorption defect at the current relatively lowexposures. The findings still indicate slight,dose related tubular celi damage in the mer-cury exposed group. There were no signs of amercury induced effect on theimmune system.

It is well known that inorganic mercury compoundsmay cause both glomerular and tubular damage.'Glomerular damage with nephrotic syndrome afterexposure to mercury has been described in casereports' and animal studies suggest that immuno-logical mechanisms are involved in the aetiology ofthis glomerular injury.'7 Increased prevalence ofantilaminin antibodies has been reported8 amongworkers exposed to mercury in Belgium, but thisfinding was not confirmed in a later study.9The tubular damage is considered to result from

toxic effects ofmercury accumulated in the distal andmiddle portions of the proximal tubuli.' Ifglomerular damage develops parallel to this, theresorption of filtered, protein bound mercury maycause pronounced tubular necrosis.'01'

Increased urinary excretion of high molecularweight proteins, indicating glomerular dysfunction,has been related to occupational exposure to mercuryin several studies.'""4 Tubular damage is often mon-itored by measurements of smaller urinary proteinssuch as f,-microglobulin or retinol binding protein(RBP), and oftubular enzymes.'5'6 Only a few studiesofworkers exposed to mercury have shown increasedexcretion of small proteins, suggesting tubulardamage, whereas several authors have related theactivities of certain lysosomal enzymes in urine toexposure to mercury.'4 17-20

The purpose of the present study was to comparerenal function in a group of chloralkali workersexposed to mercury with that of an unexposedcontrol group, and to study the relation betweendifferent dose indicators and the selected indicatorsof renal dysfunction. Also, a possible mercuryinduced humoral immune response was examined bydetermination of circulating immunoglobulins (IgA,IgG, IgM) and autoantibodies towards glomeruliand other tissues.


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r J Ind Med: first published as 10.1136/oem

.49.6.394 on 1 June 1992. Dow

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Renal and immunological effects of occupational exposure to inorganic mercury

SubjectsThe study population was composed of a mercury

exposed group of chloralkali workers from fiveplants, and a control group of industrial workers (notoccupationally exposed to mercury) from twochemical industries, a paper works, and a sawmill. Atotal of 96 chloralkali workers and 80 unexposedworkers were asked to take part in the study on a

voluntary basis. Workers supposed to have highexposure to mercury were asked to participate first,as the object of the study was to detect renal damageinduced by mercury. The exposed and controlgroups were comparable in age and type of work.Exposure to other heavy metals (for example, lead,cadmium), organic solvents, or excessive alcoholintake were criteria for exclusion.The mercury exposed group comprised 89 workers

(93% participation rate) with a mean age of42 7 (SD12-7) years. Their duration of exposure varied be-tween one and 45 (mean 13 5 (SD 8-7)) years. Thedefinitive control group consisted of 75 workers(94% participation rate) with mean age 43-6 (SD12-5) years. For more details about the study popula-tion see Langworth et al.2"Among the exposed workers there were eight

subjects with hypertension (four treated withdiuretics and four treated with #-blocking agents),two with orally treated diabetes (type II diabetes),one with earlier history of renal stones, and one withsuspected earlier pyelitis. Corresponding figures inthe control group were: seven with hypertension (twotreated with diuretics and five with fl-blockingagents), one with orally treated type II diabetes, fourwith earlier renal stones, and one with suspectedearlier pyelitis. In the statistical analyses the materialwas examined both in total and after elimination ofindividual subjects with the diseases mentioned.

MethodsAll subjects underwent a routine clinical examinationby a physician, including an interview focused on

history of exposure and previous health state. In thechloralkali group, data from routine blood mercurycontrols during the past five yea;s, and detailedinformation about the person's work exposure were

collected from each company's health care unit. Dataon smoking (smoker or not), intake of alcohol(average weekly intake of beer, wine, spirits) andconsumption offish (number offish meals a week andtype offish eaten), were registered by a questionnaireand checked at the interview. Odontological state wasrecorded by a dentist. The total number of amalgamfillings, the number of amalgam surfaces of eachfilling (0-5), and the number of gold fillings were

registered.Blood and urine samples were collected on the

same day as the physical examination. Samples forwhole blood mercury analysis were collected in metal

free, heparinised Venoject tubes (Terumo EuropeNV, Leuven, Belgium) and serum samples for mer-cury analysis were collected in metal free Venojecttubes, which were centrifuged one hour after sam-pling to separate the blood cells. Morning urinesamples were collected at home by each subject in 250ml, acid washed, polyethylene bottles and deliveredto the company's health care units where the urinewas immediately examined with a test stick forpH, sugar, proteins, red blood cells, and bacteria(Boehringer Nephur-Test', Mannheim, Germany).Urine samples with pH below 6 were tested for pHwith a special test stick (Merck Spezialindikator pH4 0-70, E Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). All sam-ples were then poured into 12 ml metal free, plastictubes, frozen, and stored at - 20°C.The selected indicators of renal dysfunction were:

(a) urinary albumin concentration (U-albumin),(b) urinary orosomucoid concentration (U-oroso-mucoid), (c) urinary fl2-microglobulin concentration(U-fl2), (d) urinary N-acetyl-,B-D-glucosaminidaseactivity (U-NAG), (e) urinary copper (U-Cu) con-centration, (f) creatinine concentration in serum(S-creatinine), and (g) relative clearance of fl2-microglobulin.

Urinary albumin and orosumucoid concentrationswere determined by zone immunoelectrophoresisassay (ZIA).' Antibodies were from Dako, Copen-hagen, Denmark, and Seronorm protein (Nycomed,Oslo, Norway) was used as standard. P2-Microglobulin was quantified in urine and serum byradioimmunoassay (Phadebas ,B2-microtest kit, Phar-macia, Uppsala, Sweden). Urine samples with pHbelow 5-6 were not analysed for fl2-microglobulin(n = 11 in the exposed group and n = 13 in thecontrol group). After centrifugation and gel filtrationof the urine samples on Sephadex G50 (Pharmacia,Sweden) to remove interference NAG activity inurine was determined colorimetrically.2' Creatinineconcentrations in urine and serum were measuredwith Jaffe's colorimetric method using picric acidand a reaction rate analyser (LKB 8600, Diagnostica,Boehringer-Mannheim GMBH, Germany). Thecopper concentration in urine was determined withelectrothermal atomic absorption spectrophoto-metry (ETAAS) using the Perkin-Elmer Zeeman/3030 system, which comprised a microcomputercontrolled spectrometer, a HGA-600 graphite fur-nace with an AC-Zeeman magnet, an AS-60 auto-sampler, and a PR-100 printer. Each sample wasanalysed in duplicate. In a sequence of 10 sampleswith a mean concentration of 24-6 pg/l the standarddeviation (SD) was 1-0 jg/l, and the coefficient ofvariation (CV) was 4%. Relative clearance (Cl) of P2-microglobulin (f2) was calculated according to theformula:24

Cl #2/Cl creatinine (%) = 100 X U-#2 X S-creatinineS-#2 x U-creatinine


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r J Ind Med: first published as 10.1136/oem

.49.6.394 on 1 June 1992. Dow

nloaded from

Langworth, Elinder, Sundquist, Vesterberg

Serum concentrations of immunoglobulins (IgA,IgG, IgM) were determined by nephelometry andserum titres of autoantibodies to reticulin, smoothmuscle, parietal cells, mitochondria, cell nuclei, andglomeruli were measured by an indirect immuno-fluorescence test.25 Specific antibodies to glomerularbasement membrane antigen (anti-GBM) weredetermined by an "anti-Goodpasture" enzymeimmunoassay from Biocarb Diagnostics AB, Lund,Sweden. Antilaminin antibodies were determinedby an ELISA technique.26 Ninety six well Costarmicrowell titration plates were coated by laminin(Sigma Catalogue No L-2020) at a concentration of10 ,g/ml at 4'C overnight. After five washes in PBS(phosphate buffered saline), the plates were blockedfor 20 hours by PBS containing 1% FCS (fetal calfserum) and 0-02% sodium azide. The plates werethen washed three times in PBS and incubated for 20hours at 4'C with a mouse monoclonal antilamininantibody (Boehringer-Mannheim, Germany) or withserum diluted 1:100. After three washes in PBS theplates were incubated with alkaline phosphataseconjugated antibodies to human and mouse immu-noglobulins respectively. The plates were finallywashed three times and incubated with substrate(diethanolamine). The optical density was then readin a Bio TEK microplate EL 309 spectrophotometerat 405 nm.

Total mercury concentrations in whole blood (B-Hg), serum (S-Hg), and urine (U-Hg) were analysedin the laboratory of the Division of Medical Chemis-try at the Swedish National Institute ofOccupationalHealth. A modified version ofthe cold vapour atomicabsorption spectrophotometry technique wasused.2728 For further details concerning quality con-trol of the mercury analyses see Langworth et al.21The urinary excretions of mercury, proteins,

NAG, and copper were adjusted for excretion ofcreatinine.Within the mercury exposed group the renal

dysfunction parameters were related to five differentexposure indicators: (1) current B-Hg, S-Hg, and U-Hg; (2) duration of exposure (number of work-yearsat the chloralkali plant); (3) intensity of exposure(low, medium, or high mercury exposure, based onthe employees type of work and their expectedexposure to mercury judged by one ofthe researchersand the company doctors); (4) consumption of fish(number of fish meals a week and type of fish); (5)amalgam burden (estimated as 0-5 amalgam surfacesfor each tooth with amalgam fillings). In the controlgroup the parameters of renal dysfunction wererelated to the exposure indicators 1, 4, and 5. Fishconsumption and amalgam burden were included asindicators of background exposure to methyl-mercury and inorganic mercury respectively.


Comparisons of the examined parameters (renal

dysfunction parameters, immunoglobulins, andautoantibodies in serum) between the exposed andthe control groups were made with Student's t test orthe Mann-Whitney rank sum test (for skewedparameters). Dose-effect relations were studied withPearson's correlation coefficient or with Spearman'srank correlation coefficient (for skewed parameters).In both groups the influence of age, smoking, andalcohol intake was examined by multiple regressionand by analysis of variance (ANOVA).The 90th percentiles of the parameters of renal

dysfunction in the control group were regarded asupper normal and values above these among theexposed workers were considered as abnormal. Theprevalence of abnormal values of the dysfunctionparameters were then related to three concentrationsof current U-Hg: (a) low = < 10 nmol Hg/mmolcreatinine; (b) middle = 10-25 nmol Hg/mmolcreatinine; and (c) high = > 25 nmol Hg/mmolcreatinine.The prevalence of abnormal parameters of renal

function in the subgroups with low, middle, and highU-Hg were compared by x2 test or with Fisher's exacttest. Minitab Data Analysis Software, release 7-2,Minitab Inc, USA, was used for all analyses exceptFisher's test.

ResultsIn the occupationally exposed group median B-Hgwas 55 (range 15-299) nmol/l, S-Hg 45 (1-255) nmol/1, and U-Hg 14-3 (0 3-46-9) nmol/mmol creatinine(25-4 (0-5-83-2) pg/g creatinine). These were sig-nificantly higher than in the control group wherecorresponding concentrations were 15 (1-65) nmol/l,4 (1-25) nmol/l, and 1 1 (003-4 3) nmol/mmolcreatinine (1 9 (0-05-7 6) ug/g creatinine) respec-tively. In the chloralkali group both B-Hg, S-Hg,and U-Hg were significantly related to estimatedintensity ofexposure but not to duration ofexposure.In the control group the strongest predictor for B-Hgand S-Hg was fish consumption, whereas number ofamalgam surfaces was the best predictor for U-Hg(see also Langworth et al).2"Smoking frequency was 44% (39/89) in the

exposed group and 40% (30/75) in the control group.The estimated average weekly alcohol intake (cen-tilitres of liquor) was 14 in the exposed group and 12in the control group. In neither of the two groupsdid smoking or alcohol consumption influence theexamined parameters.

Figure 1 describes the distribution of theparameters of renal dysfunction in the two groups.There was a tendency (not statistically significant)towards increased urinary NAG activity anddecreased excretion of f32-microglobulin in themercury exposed group compared with the controlgroup. The group difference in NAG excretionbecame slightly stronger, and statistically significant(p < 0 05), when workers with diabetes, hyperten-


on 22 May 2018 by guest. P

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r J Ind Med: first published as 10.1136/oem

.49.6.394 on 1 June 1992. Dow

nloaded from

Renal and immunological effects of occupational exposure to inorganic mercury

0 (15, 4)0 (7, 8)S







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Exposed Controls










Exposed Controls

sion, and history of earlier renal disease were

excluded from both groups. None of the otherindicators (U-albumin, U-orosomucoid, U-Cu, S-creatinine, relative clearance of fl,-microglobulin)differed significantly between the two groups. Serum

Figure 1 Box plots showing the distribution of the renaldysfunction parameters in the exposedgroup and the controlgroup. The 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles are


concentration of #,-microglobulin in the exposedgroup tended to be low compared with controls(mean exposed group = 1-63 mg/I, range 0-8-2-6;mean control group = 1-78 mg/I, range 0-9-3-6;p = 0-10).

In the chloralkali group there were weak, butstatistically significant, positive correlations betweenU-NAG and B-Hg (r = 0-29; p < 0-01), S-Hg(r = 0-26; p < 0-05), and U-Hg (r = 0-43;p < 0-001). Figure 2 shows the relation between U-Hg and U-NAG. A significantly higher prevalence ofabnormal U-NAG (concentrations above the 90thpercentile in the control group) was found in workerswith high U-Hg compared with workers with low


-ac 5.c






OD.0 _


-a)o0)L- 15





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on 22 May 2018 by guest. P

rotected by copyright.http://oem


r J Ind Med: first published as 10.1136/oem

.49.6.394 on 1 June 1992. Dow

nloaded from

Langworth, Elinder, Sundquist, Vesterberg


; 15-


E 1-0-E

(. 0*5-zD


$O+ t; + o+ 0 + ° +4+

+ ++~ *+ + +

~+f.4 i4+~++ 0t ++


+. +0

10 20 30 40 50U-Hg (nmol/mmol creatinine)

Figure 2 Relation between U-NAG and U-Hg in theexposed group. Workers with diabetes, hypertension, orearlier renal disease are indicated by open circles.

U-Hg. A similar tendency was noted for U-oro-somucoid (fig 3).None of the parameters of renal dysfunction was

significantly correlated to duration or intensityof exposure. Weak, positive relations were foundbetween age and both U-NAG and U-#f-micro-globulin.

In the control group, there were no significantrelations between the parameters of exposure(current B-Hg, S-Hg, and U-Hg; fish consumption;amalgam burden) and the parameters of renal dys-function. Age did not influence the parametersstudied.

Serum concentrations of immunoglobulins (IgA,IgG, IgM) were normal in both groups (table 1) andwe found no relation between immunoglobulin con-centrations and the different parameters of exposure.The frequencies of raised titres of serum autoan-tibodies were low in both groups (table 2). Only oneworker exposed to mercury had a weak, positivereaction in the anti GBM ELISA (13 units), and allthe controls had negative reactions (<10 units). Allresponses in the antilaminin ELISA were consideredas negative. Average antilaminin ELISA absorbancewas 0-0362 (range 0-0 45) in the exposed group and0 032 (range 0-0 43) in the control group.

DiscussionAnimal studies, case reports, and experiences fromhighly exposed workers show that high exposure toinorganic mercury may cause renal damage.' Less isknown about renal effects after long term exposure torelatively low concentrations of inorganic mercury.Data on dose-response are scant, and many differentindicators of renal damage have been used. Which isthe most sensitive indicator of renal dysfunctionremains to be identified.

It has been suggested that glomerular injury

follows an immunological activation, with formationof autoantibodies towards the glomerular basementmembrane. The role of mercury in the pathogenesisof this injury has been convincingly shown in animalexperiments,57 29 and some case reports suggest thatexposure to mercury may also lead to a glomerulo-nephritis and nephrotic syndrome in humansubjects. Lauwerys and coworkers8 reported anincreased prevalence of antilaminin antibodiesamong workers exposed to mercury but this findingwas not confirmed in a later study by the sameresearchers.9 Bencko et al 3' described increased con-centrations of serum proteins in workers exposed tomercury vapour compared with unexposed controls,but details concerning mercury concentrations inblood and urine were lacking in this report.

Increased excretion of serum proteins and oftubular enzymes are often used as indicators of renalinjury, and the strategy of screening is discussed intwo recent reviews.3 32 Buchet et al 4 describedincreased urinary excretion of large proteins(albumin and transferrin) in chloralkali workers withU-Hg above 50 pg/g creatinine. The authorsproposed a urinary biological threshold limit of 50 pgHg/g creatinine (28 4 nmol/mmol creatinine), and
















I- l





(0/24) .

<10 10-25 >25

U-Hg (nmol/mmol creatinine)

Figure 3 Association between U-Hg andfrequency ofabnormal values of U-NAG and U-orosomucoid in theexposedgroup. *Significantly higherfrequency (p < 0-05)than that of the "low" class.


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r J Ind Med: first published as 10.1136/oem

.49.6.394 on 1 June 1992. Dow

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Renal and immunological effects of occupational exposure to inorganic mercury

Table 1 Serum immunoglobulin concentrations in exposedand control groups

Immunoglobulin concentrations (gll)Exposed (n = 89) Controls (n = 75)

Mean SD Mean SD

IgA 3-2 1-5 3-6 1-4IgG 13-7 5-3 14-7 5-2IgM 1-8 0-8 2-0 0-8

this proposal was supported in a later study'8 inwhich both renal and central nervous system effectswere examined. By contrast, Stonard et al 7 did notfind any relation between exposure to mercury andthe concentration of albumin in urine at a mean U-Hg of about 67 ug/g creatinine (38-1 nmol/mmolcreatinine). Neither did Piikivi and Ruokonen" findany increase in urinary albumin among a group of 60Finnish chloralkali workers with a mean U-Hg of10 - nmol/mmol creatinine (17-8 ig/g creatinine).

Increased excretion of smaller proteins such asorosomucoid, fi2-microglobulin, retinol bindingprotein (RBP), and of different enzymes, has beenwidely used as an indicator oftubular injury. Elinderet al 3 reported increased urinary orosomucoid withdecreasing tubular reabsorption capacity, andincreasing urinary #2-microglobulin among workersexposed to cadmium. A mercury related increase inurinary orosomucoid, besides increased excretion oflarge proteins, was reported by Buchet et al.'4 Theauthors also described a slight increase of 62-microglobulin in plasma, without concomitantincrease in urinary fi2-microglobulin, and it wasproposed that this finding indicated a small reductionof the glomerular filtration rate in the mercuryexposed group. Stonard et alt described normalconcentrations of f32-microglobulin in plasma, butlower #2-microglobulin excretion in the mercuryexposed group than in the control group. This wasinterpreted as possible degradation of the protein inurine, enhanced by release of proteases from

Table 2 Serum autoantibody titres to different tissueantigens, determined by indirect immunofluorescence (numberof subjects with titres > 1/10)

Serum titres

Exposed group Controlgroup(n=89) (n= 75)

Tissuespecificity 1/10 1/25 > 1/100 1/10 1/25 > 1/100

Reticulin 0 0 1 1 0 0Smooth muscle 0 1 0 1 0 0Parietalcells 2 0 0 0 1 0Mitochondria 0 0 0 1 2 0ANA (nuclear) 2 1 2 0 0 4Glomeruli 1 0 0 0 0 0

damaged tubular cells. The authors reported normalconcentrations of orosomucoid in urine, and lack ofrelations between urinary fl2-microglobulin,orosomucoid, and different exposure parameters.

In a study by Roels et al'8 slight tubular effectswere detected as shown by an increased urinaryexcretion of RBP in workers exposed to mercury.Bernard and coworkers35 showed that increasedexcretion of RBP is a sensitive indicator of earlytubular damage, and RBP was suggested to show aclose correlation to f2-microglobulin. The authorsalso pointed out that RBP is more stable than f2-microglobulin in urine samples with low pH (< 5 5).The value ofurinary enzymes as indicators of renal

tubular damage has been discussed in severalreports.'5163' 323637 In the screening for effects ofmercury on tubules, the enzymes mostly used havebeen f3-galactosidase, NAG, and y-glutamyl trans-ferase (y-GT). The activity of f-galactosidase inurine has been related to exposure to mercury at U-Hg of about 50 Mg/g creatinine or more by Buchet etal " and by Roels et al.'8 Increased excretion ofNAGand y-GT is described by Stonard et al '7 at a meanU-Hg above 100 ig/g creatinine (56-8 nmol/mmolcreatinine). Himeno et al '9 described increasedurinary NAG activity at a U-Hg above 140 ig/gcreatinine (79 5 nmol/mmol creatinine).

In the present study we analysed three urinaryproteins (albumin, orosomucoid, and #2-microglobulin) of different molecular sizes, and onetubular lysosomal enzyme (NAG). The purpose wasto discriminate between glomerular and tubulardysfunction.8 Measurements of f12-microglobulinand creatinine in both serum and urine made itpossible to calculate the relative clearance of l2-microglobulin, which is considered as a sensitivemeasure of tubular function.24 Serum concentrationof creatinine is often used as a screening tool forglomerular dysfunction in clinical practice. S-Creatinine does not, however, increase until theglomerular filtration rate is substantially reduced,and is therefore considered as an unsensitiveindicator of glomerular damage.9 Increased excre-tion of copper and a positive relation between U-Cuand U-f2 have been found in workers exposed tocadmium, and U-Cu has been proposed as anindicator of tubular dysfunction.? 4'The finding of normal excretion of albumin in the

mercury exposed group does not imply any effect ofmercury on glomerular filtration of albumin at thecurrent exposure levels and the lack of raised titresof serum -autoantibodies to glomerular structures(both antiglomerular, anti-GBM and antilaminin)argues against the development of a mercury in-duced glomerulonephritis at the present degree ofexposure to mercury. In earlier studies, increasedproteinuria has been found at much higher exposureto mercury 42


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r J Ind Med: first published as 10.1136/oem

.49.6.394 on 1 June 1992. Dow

nloaded from

Langworth, Elinder, Sundquist, Vesterberg

In accordance with Stonard et al 7 we foundslightly decreased urinary concentrations of i2-microglobulin in the exposed group compared withthe control group, whichmay be explained by proteindegradation due to release of proteases from injuredtubular cells. This finding, together with relativelylow serum concentrations of f2 microglobulin in theexposed workers does not support the previouslystated hypothesis ofBuchet et al."4 The low excretionof f,-microglobulin together with normal excretionof orosomucoid, copper, and normal relativeclearance of f,-microglobulin argues against a sig-nificant effect ofmercury on the reabsorbing functionof proximal tubules at the present levels of exposure.

Nevertheless, the slight increase in urinary NAGactivity among the chloralkali workers combinedwith the positive relation between U-Hg and U-NAG indicates a slight tubular cell damage, probablydue to exposure to mercury. The tendency to higherfrequencies of increased U-NAG and U-orosomu-coid among workers with high U-Hg (compared tothose with low U-Hg; fig 3) strengthens this con-clusion. The relation between U-orosomucoid andU-Hg was insignificant, however, and the linearrelation between U-NAG and U-Hg was rather weak(fig 2). This is probably explained by the relativelylow current U-Hg found in the exposed group (range0-47 nmol/mmol creatinine = 0-83 pg/g creatinine).As stated, Stonard et al"7 reported raised excretionof NAG and y-GT at U-Hg concentrations above100 pg/g creatinine, and Himeno et al"9 described arise in urinary NAG at U-Hg concentrations above140 ig/g creatinine.Both the group difference in U-NAG and the dose-

effect relation between U-Hg and U-NAG in theexposed group became somewhat stronger whenworkers with hypertension, diabetes, and history ofearlier renal disease were excluded. Several studiesshow that U-NAG may be raised in these condi-tions,4345 so it seems reasonable to exclude workerswith such diseases from the calculations (especially ifthe diseases are uncontrolled).

In the control group signs ofglomerular or tubulardysfunction did not correlate with the differentexposure indicators. The lack of correlation betweenamalgam burden and renal dysfunction implies norenal effect of dental amalgam, something that, basedon animal experiments, has recently been sugges-ted.' Neither was exposure to methylmercury,estimated as weekly fish consumption, correlatedwith the parameters of renal dysfunction. Methyl-mercury is not known to cause renal effects, butbackground exposure to methylmercury (that is,contaminated fish) may disturb biological monitor-ing of exposure to inorganic mercury.2' Also, ademethylation ofmercury has recently been reportedin animal organs.47Our finding of normal concentrations of serum

immunoglobulins in both groups contradicts thefindings of Bencko et al.'0 This, together with thenormal titres ofserum autoantibodies, argues againsta mercury induced effect on human lymphocytes atthe present exposure levels. The possible immuno-logical effects on human subjects of exposure tomercury need further study.

In conclusion, we found no evidence ofglomerulardamage or defects in tubular reabsorption at thepresent low exposure to inorganic mercury. Never-theless, the results indicate a slight tubular celldamage in the group occupationally exposed tomercury. The relation between U-NAG and currentU-Hg together with the absence of influence (on U-NAG) from a cumulative exposure indicator such asduration ofexposure suggest that this is predominan-tly an acute tubular effect, possibly oftoxic aetiology.Altogether, this study, in accordance with earlierreports, shows that chronic low exposure to inorganicmercury can cause subclinical signs of nephrotox-icity. N-acetyl-f-D-glucosaminidase is establishedas one of the most sensitive indicators of proceedingrenal tubular injury.

We thank all personnel at the companies' health careunits for excellent collaboration, Lennart Gustafssonfor statistical advices, and Kent Wrangskogh forgeneral scientific support. Chemical analyses weremade by Kerstin Roxstrom and Siw Siljerud (mer-cury), Birgit Akerlund (protein), Gabriela Balodis(NAG), and Vitauts Lidums (copper in urine) andtheir help is appreciated. Financial support has beenobtained from the Swedish Work EnvironmentFund.

Requests for reprints to: S Langworth, Departmentof Occupational Medicine, Huddinge Hospital,S-141 86 Huddinge, Sweden.

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r J Ind Med: first published as 10.1136/oem

.49.6.394 on 1 June 1992. Dow

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Renal and immunological effects of occupational exposure to inorganic mercury

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Accepted 7 October 1991


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