Replies to Seventeen Questions on Mirasi Right

Post on 19-Feb-2015

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by Francis W. Ellis.Colonial era report on mirasi property rights, including texts and translations of south Indian documents.


. .


- l\Htatidat - renilif:rs hiif to coBb,.

OdV'e:rnment, irmay be answered, that by the Implied compact under whieh

the Miresi vileii:'s- a:':: be b6:,ZRd hR

cul(ivate'hm full proportion of the Yarapet lands, according to the share

he in Villege, wil Inifglect, {," refesal do is

breach of this contract, necessarily entitling the State to- p,90vide for the

maititenance of it's revenues by other mean'5, hut I not think. that, eUhel.·

iH {trict right, or to g:':K¥cral pracl2Z·e of t.he the

permanentforfeiture of )1irasi wonld ensue from discontinuing, merely.

cui fo.: nne "il{ dekzzITlitlatz.: nUEHher of If

l\Urasidar he so reduced ill circumstances as not to he able to bring

Itiv:iftion share of Yin:?:pet, ifh,· haee ab.mhQneii . ~igriculture other it in,z,mzbent on him to

for it's culture, by granting to Payaca!"is such terms, as will induce

beshrw . or, it of heir rtocii ::nd if. hr::

do not do this, the State has then a right to employ Payacaris, either

the curreel yeer, for fined, zmt a:?: indehuite,

years, aDd perhaps,

{·:::tent he

the je{tice 0.::f it

to resume his Mirasi Swatantrams in proportion to the

neglecteh to cuH.ivate, the latter, however, though

be be ::'f::nsihered harsh

measure, and should not be resortetl to except in· cases of CE.treme contu ..

a Pi mt{)R ViHa~;e bythH MirPridar{Z,

or, after 'he has been' establislled in it by the GQvernm.ent, he altd his

to III k:&nintefrnpte£i occRzpanch

principle, be justified: admitting tbe Mrrui to be 'forfeiled for reCusing to cullinl", it certainly is DOt by fbe refos(jl·of tbe M.i,iMd?:H to 18k?: ::hl'ir Vilfage trot; nben, th?::",fore, ill 796 'GovemmIlDt'

limftl tte "rnmmn::,I,lion ::be Cifl1,clor and mjp:cting of Boatl1

~f-R .. ~ue;d~ided-u thai jf·the Inbebil1lnls- of Tremasby penist in deelioio_g to take th~ir. VI~lag .. rpon berlz n:th t~r radt!ryer~ frifm ::re ,c:ft:::,0.mBrt ,0..res the !,h0.bUar::0.

"'propMed by the 'Col1l'Cltor, h~'be luthorized to transNr 'the M'rlsi pfflference of tbat Villag. to

.. nbllllO'eep:r of Inhlltit:ftntg-af:he Je;~g:: may kO tat, it unt::, that "sess'n,::::"

Cr::ellltatirr or 81bdl'cisirn was felt byaif ocqnainted wilt the subject, Dot-

witllslanding the various reasons alldllced 10 support -ft,10 b.; found.d on erroneous prillciples anet

t:,::,,_i:0. iff tbif juS! 'of pe6Jil::' rig!::, rhea nh,o'lb, 'hslem renlint Rhe nifrz.rnmnr&

IiIhIre of -the pro"duee 'us u"lmown, 811d 'whe'D, conseqoently, DO such Dbligation as i. her. implied~ ::::"td 1J0. 0.r btlen iwrl101ed the:::: i:?i:,idv"

( 26 )

"Property must be discrhninated by occupancy: tbus if another invade

the land occupied by subjects, the king opposes him, and land is occupied

by suhjccts~ witb the king's' consent." &c .. see the passage.

UTile subject's prop.erty in the soil is weaker than the king's, for the sub­

ject is weaker than the king: but it is founded on the rea~on of ,the law

and on settled usage: therefore the land ought poi to be sold by the king . .

to another." &c. see the passage.

On the concluding words'o" 'the lasfsentence it may be observed, that,

as the p~opert,y of the king in' the' ~Oins here declared to b~' st~lIger 'and

tbat ()f the su-bjcict weaker, if the kisg' cannot sell th'e land, 'a' fortiori,

the subject. can'riot; . b'ul from what follows' it is e~ident; that, though

lleither can dispo'Se of the ,,,hole property" either lTiay of his right in it, ihe

king, {r~m his inhel·ent:independenc.c, without the: consent of the subject,

the subject (rom his inherent. d.e'pel.~c~e wi,th the consent of the king~

16th~ The' joint propertY' ofihe' king and the cuttitator in the soil is

arrain adverted to in commencing-the-tiUe UPartiHo'n of Patrimony,:'''( 47) ~ "

wllere JagganiLtha Tereapanchfl.Oana enters into a di~quisition on 'th~ na-

ture of:pPOpe~ty·tn general. and the investiture of it by heritage in the rcla­

tioDs..oflhe deceased oWllet' '(see the whole passage from Page 502 to 520, Vol.l~., Cole~ro<?ke's ~~ge~p.; be.en4swith thefoUowUlg exampleaml:coll"

clu~iQ~. a~ ~o ~he,e~i*~c.~!o.f.~oncurreO;tpl'Opel·ty in the Erne thing.-1~ when

a prinp~pa~ty is sold, tbe p~~flcebas property entitling him to,receive reve­

nue; ~Il.t the pr,operty .of the occupant, entitling Mm· to enjoy the pro­

ducet?( tlz~ land; subsists iu full fo,rce ,=. \vhen tbe p.rod.ce is sold ·bY the

occupant, the purchaser acquires a right to enjoy: it,. 'but the king reta'ilie

his title to receive revenue. Henee# he who cultivates land for which'he • .. • • •• ' I •.

pays revenue to the king, and who e~joys the produ~~ obtained from that

land, is acknowledged t~ possess proper~y as cultivator oj the Boil; ifhe·

scll the,lan.d".,the purchater acquir(>s s~}nil.r property" i~ right of lime!.

he enjoys the produce after paying r~yenlle to.the king. ' The ·c~tivator is·

not destitute of ownership; for that "'ou-ld not be censiste~t \\;ith practice ..

Consequently "arious concurrent rights to one and the same thing being

( 41) Da)'a-bb~ ..

( 33 )


The extent of the Mirasi lands in the villages of Madras bas beeh so

rn lIch reduced by repeated alienations, that to state the greatest, least,

am] average value of the land now remaining with one Mirasidar wOllld

.. sfford no answer to.this question: when the sale, of which I have made

meution in the. preceding answer, took place, the village of Tondiyarpett

was divided ,into ten careis'or shares, of which !J shat'es, or one half, valued,

according,to .the t&tahaiuation before stated,. at Star Pagodas 207 " 9 ;, 65,

werejointJy held by Muttayapa and Perei-tombi Topa Mudeli; 2 shares,'

orone fifth, valued at Star Pagodas 82"39,, 74, were held byVaradapaMu~

deli; I share, or one tenth,. valueaat Star Pagodas 41" 19" 77, was held by .

AyamaMudeli; lGhbe samevahae by Viranen and another byPeriaMudeli;

the aveiag~.annual Mitasi of one Mh'asidar.w&s; therefore, in this village'

Star Pagodas 25.~ 40. ,,48, thoogh,as above shewn, the a~tual division was' .

very unequal..The vaIu.eof Mirasi·in the four Maganams'

of the ~omefarm villages when the Terapadi accounts were taken by Mr .....

Place. in Fuslies 1202,3,..'1. will be SheWD by.the following Statement ..


Number of N b Total"v:l.u~ Off A 1 A vera~e value V 'I . urn er the J~J HaSI 0 verage va ue f b lLJ" ,

I. Bj1:es III f I 1\ '1' f d fat II IV. IraSI a b M ' a eae I u. aganam a o. or ooel b M' , 'd nc aga- M" id . F I' esc Hasl U

I . a. ars. In us It!3 year. f

---~ ___ ~~~I _:::~

Average Do. I for the f. Magaoat

I S~ P9. F. C. : S. Pe, F. C, S. Ps. F. C ,

'I'rivttlur, ,. • 7 51 3,60~ 9 70 I 1,~OO 33 ~~ !t3 ~4 3R,1 ( 5

Cadambacam; . ' G I 7[ : 13.34141 611 ~ 1,1134376 15 31 3 { S. P. } I > 16 ~ Nungllmhacam, 7 54. . 1,774 31 70 591 ~5 50 10 4~ 75 I

Conn ~r, ,. .. " , l~- ~~I~~: 33 ~ ~ ~ ~ _1_4 3 ~5 j 'folalof the Home Farms, ~8 ~,!g' I 0,956 ~6 77 3,65'2 8 77 ".. "

'In the Statement entered in the reply',to the. Eig~th Question. the_ .

Ihares enjoyed by the Mira~idars itdhe. Madras villages and the'. "alue

(55') This appears a Itn, average; in it, bo'!uer, is included only the valoe of tbe produce of the­

Mlnyam and Varapet l.oda.nd or tbe Mer.;. of the·MlrUid81'; who' bnidn elljoys a share of tb.

Grama.-Ihelavu, of the ready money (pn collect.d from Chiui, and o.thefl, .of the sah,,!Jf fresh ·waler

fi,lI,the profit from topes, gardena and bRck"8rd~, &c. ; hesid .. s it w.ill h .. fo.und tbat in roJlo), Tillages .;

there are one or two great proprietors III'h.o han the manal,!l'mant or the lands and take th. ~rl\lt.r par- .

lion or 1I1@ actnal agricultural profi ~9, and Ihat .the lessft( proprielors procure an additioflill 8ubsial.nce .• '

lIy laboring •• l·alll~aris in other Villages, or by SQwe occu~tio~ diatinct.frolD a&ri~ulLlWI. .

C 36 )

of sale executed by the Sheriff. by the connivance of tile claimant of the

Mh'asi; as such sale. however. would onl,. convey' the BUp'eriorities,

namely, the TunduNaram, _Cini-merei,' Calpadi, &e. and not the land,

I resisted the attempts·of the, pprchaser to·disturbthe actual tenants and

shall maintain them in pos~es!!lion"l1ntilth6 ca"e·be decided My law.-Be­

sides the tenure of the permanent and temporary I'ayacal'i there are othersl

by which lallds.are held of the;Mirasidars.l &8 ) jointly or severaUy" und,er,

mortgages and assignments of various descriptions~ some of wbicli are and·

some al'e not in .commOD use •. To enter into a descripti9n. of these, :

though nQt a difficult task. asthe enquirer "'Quld readily-obtain. informa-·

tion on thcsuhje~t through various channels •. is~ foreign. to the. general.

n~ture of Ute questions' t.o which 1 am; I shall • .bowever,advert to, a mode of boldin.g~ formerly -very common .within the limits· of Madras, I

and which. has in some inst.ances been specifically. reoognized and,

confised in the grants of Government. 1 allude to that singular conversion.

of property by which a Mirasidar in aft Arudi-'carei village·{ 59.) makes­

over the possession. rigbtof transfer. audan other Mia' privileges to a,

stranger and .coDstituteshimself a permanent Payacl16'i by retaining· the.

right of cultivation and the custamarf·share of the produce; ground ( 6Q..)1

is fl'equeotly assigned in this mode for the. formation of gardeils, and the,

assigue~ pays the government revenue. hut neither Tunduv!uam or Mepeis 4 this: case the privuege'of,pre-emption vests in·the Mirasitlaf. and", if tbe ~

occupant aballdoll the ground, -be resume~ in- fulL his original·right (61 }.

--------~--------------------------.... --------------~------.. -. ( 68 ), S.e Appeaai::s •.

( 69) 10 Pasuog-carei villagrl, allo, if by the co,!pent o.r till the M iruidars. (Gt., An ~xteot of grou'nd witbin the village or St. Thome, eri!/inally graoted to Mr. F.lIowfield i.

held in lij".manlllll'.; .lb.. right·of. the.M lrti.s~ .. to the.ctMtintion of it beiDg reeocoized aod coo&rmed- J

in lhe granL. . : . ( Gt) No distinction baving been mad •• on the introduction of the permanent lettlement into

tb.d agir~ io whioh. tb.right& of M •• -&.i h8Y& .h,aya-prevailed, between tb.' Pottahalo be givl1I by tb.

)htahdan to tbe nveral dca,:ripti0ll8 of landholden_ wbetber M'ruidar-.. Ulcudil.! Paracudia or.­

otber., tbe provilion!J uf R.gulati~n XXx, 180'1, ban in tbi. district. from tbe contending praten.ioM of tbe .e9'eral parties interested; become dmolt nugatory. The Muta"'liuI, wlio.e wiah it ba. been to rid them.elwit as much .. pomble of. the ilicenve1Iieno, of lbe Mlr&.i claims, have car.Cull,.

avoid.d giving any instrument tending to corlinn tbem,. wbile tbe M "asiders with tqual pertioacity han refll~.d to enter into Iny engagement that appeared to compromise them, and have regarded with extreme julo.IY,,,, to'8ny dficriprion of P'ayarafis,.1 iiivolvinf,t an infringemeDt of indefeasible right.. By Section X .of tbis. R.,ulation power ia.given pnerally. to" proprietors"

(thereby meaning Zemindars. Mutahdar. and others receiving t~e Sires, due~) " lind f,Hmera of land"

~ &0 graDt the laads'of" I~ uDd.r~ farmln, or Ryoll,"'rcfusing "to exchange mutual .D5asem.Dla ia.

· .

r ·S! )

I.b Q./k 16 5.$ c.0lJ:Jtr ;7QJ/F LUlTtlf lb ~} (f3¥d l5 if' lTQ.J tf) IJJfr

tLJ Lo r;8fT6O)t$ 67 .Jl)U@ .i!j .sJJl ~ @.z~Cli ~1A~jr st5'fE f8

\~ #'L-(jYi:E6ff t..!?~,lJ)'~ .JIJQ.J!;pOSTJi C9WlrTL-rtfii'fT §~ '-(oO:6\) e;rr~UJfTL-# .f!j:1bfTm~t5GI,6YT(jjlL1L-@ w(JufTcr6i-

'~i1U- -!!l®60-e:fTc<:JLJU}- UJrrlt'..![) Q:~ff\)rfQ)f1iJ6i~5l$(!!j LDrr .!J!i .!J ~~ - .1f1

.';=D l7l.Dl::i<5E'J C1J sPeE e; LJU LSJ-='lD ~u,. U IT e;. .i5" u JIDJ~ ~U1~ e; f5 [_/5 .,as} fiJJ1115~ §iJ. , .,-"

:~a~ L-1iQ} SEJ(]c£~s9

.;S t!!5 $rf? fiJ IE.J e;r!!!!5 dSr:!5 if: ir ,T 8TQxrr L..;,fre

&11" fT e:r .f!)tr fifiO/~Tifrf!!jLf~ ~:irre}.ffj § at,f} .G if ij c:; hl f6L~ ~ . ~ fj(T ~ 6V 6ISr & Oli 60).61' .§j 6lJ(T~ § ~ff;;""&6lZT '-.!5,'.$JfJi.G..c$(j) § 1Ii.L~.~~f1;6(r ~d:;T .J!) fl:ij~fffT ~fT •.

. .

. ~(!!)6U $. G~-!;po:$'6i <§ ~'''€P61f '.

tR. 17fT lJ1e..tJJfT DfilS'I' ~t!5 QI (!!j~ q. ff' ~ 'LJ 4 Q rtF UJ. U.Jfl l.t f'i);:

Gt !/TfilJr-fli.s/;T ®CCfi.D j~:z~;OL 6JS)'r$, .-£'fir!rr~f .f5 ·Tiff-IT

(f;l ~}f.6iJ ~'hlQ if!rfWT C!i!!5~ tf~ fiJ .Qv - ff~ ®~ 15:§j e; c!!;~u.HrQST QJfiST" G 15. (f)~ rrFrr-t!btFl>6i)w,rr £&: ~ CR! ~ir fur {&TLirTC!!)C!.fi:ffiiJrr.J:irj' ~jlf{UfEJc$(r:.!J.L('!!; - t;J.ffgJc;:.

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. f!!!!jUlLJ U}-U-' lTUJ $. t$ ¥DG lkfTfB $ff>..1J), 6V !;PfE a; C!r fil;SlfT qy.,.§Jj flj !ffLP f~JJ G..grjf~ifrt_/!.{f....-. .:P60.~i Q)~, .

(iYl) lz:L.9~ er t:J'If1lS?fTtULJ: 0c$6'(T 15([~uS6i)f5L.5,cf·0 CP i!3'.15J-@ ~ $I~Wffi)rr UlW ffie)8'1T ~ ~ Jfrr~wS Q!/6i).~:C.:6\) ~ffrr~!Tf~Tldrr@l:rfhjlThlfi~wrJ:fgO·C6.6JJ9C~! JlJ..j f~· .• ;.f'~""~

a;rrqfiSE.LI::J..J. Q1rJT & ~ .:».rr(i), §j . Ii' r.58S ~ (!!J11:. :

ti:'Tf" lITirfft- jjdr C1Jlr Tfg ~{ TI{ [.L)fiLJ 15 :ziP LT tjW .2'·!·:qr

l.rl (8LhTA/' .If ~ fT6'!JlS1' iff:£! e...fg ~ G UJ rr c$ W § ff: t.R u;" Oli).g:­

~JJf'.~~ ~(~.fiSl:.6l;)J .. PJ.~.ffu.J.I5.1~~l.:j\$,cJi> ..!D..i/i.I,ooOT L.-(r ..

~ (. ~55) )

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.. , -". . "

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~~6J/ 6ISr.,~~~. ~Lfwn ~J/; C8u(' ~6V~.!5'CilfT Cd 4lL! .. "~ tP~~ ri.'§;~d:i.~· e; 'fP."~ .~€~ B; ~.iJ; j£;,~ltJ~:g;.fEJ C$"

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· r 58 )

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~~.6Vr:-;l.I:l CB';; . u21'5e.;£1,ll). JY.QS)l.rl ~6,p~~UfLa urrLUe:, J;" If e5 6lT §;oS u':' . IE'; ~ ~ Q6ff Qjf" JIll ®UJ-8;titP t5 $ cf' C'!) {;~ 6!' Jlj.~ ~ ~ ~ {D ~ . f.!7O 6r!>.!J). -!SQ./thl c!:p QD.1D

UJ rr CLJ r!E £>0" rr L£r5Ji!'iitrtP (8 Q) <!5 UJ- t.l5' l!5 iB .tDJ Cd ~"~ (jjl ;~ r6. ~- fR.§$ $:c[~l..!:J9'rt~uu;..- fi/e;w;J5J r;; ~rr~ (j} ~ {~..iV~4-:"'LU ,{5~t-iEJC1iGIiitrr .. ~ Ji1JJutJD' §-?Jill£ (j)'e;1r

cfi/SJff.@-IJ!; ... e:.rrr - {li.(lTfi¥t5~<$fli6iJtA"lD ~ ~:an;rSSlsf:§'':§;rr ~g;.&v. ~G\$lTaY 1§~'f.6.Q r!EfTGrzr:~~(!!J;;~~t$f;u ';;{#-~~~~~01$l~.GUJ6lrr::lf> ;u;.J;fi)t5.,.n~rr~iP¢I ~~-17 fT ~f!'#UJ (!p.§fJ\)fNilST" .J$1 !E~~' .~fi)JA}f/-(J J6C(i:JTr. -fiiST.r;;Un;6jJ):§>.;o ~l1i §.JD LA~!i!ii1~:'O CJ 1Y;~l1bl~.-,i.. ~ '~La1!llLJ~ .§J·~rr~ $l6i).~.1§-e; .~yjlit;j5J·8=-G 6n:§j

. .fiAJQ1(!ft67:(ffl-rrtB$-Q §Qg'..JJ» #·fii}I9.f1IE~fS.m0i!5"'L:. -w..lA~Jj) t!jfb$' .J1) -t-,Ju;:..u2 (!!!)(jfiJJ.Lj~ -1Tf ~~))'£h··~)U~ '~..fJl.n~ .J.j!6D.:§jer:;; £5 c$ . <!!).u9 ~.llil!fo .G) i!rfr ~~Q;JLp 'is' jjj C1i, si:Q)G ~~ J[JJtPGi)'cf1.fJI5.!bf5./{E~fI)'i:!!5 __ 4? ~~.4~ . .t&,®(J·a)

'Ut /.Il~67QJ~ ffJ·:'§.il GffUlL{'& f6 .i5'[r.~.if~~c£·&i!5~Q:j'.rr ~~ .fi1J.IL/~ ~.sJ.s.G~~(j}~t5t.fJJJJ~)!Q./ayf#J~ "If.§ /E.l~G ~rrf;mff '--IL6:JfffL-ftJ.t4 ~s:rr .;p~.LQ) 41f' ~ .t!5d{~.f1)<!5UJ-t» (f!!!j$f.!3tRa n~ {5& &' (!!J u(8 iJl1:(8~ @QJ IT 6(5cfb (!5LK' <B5~ Gf.JlQrr .Jl11 GfJ}fT~ f!2IjSJ~8;.".f;it) 'sf' (j'§ IJl ® G 6J@Q.J /Tc$ '5$ ~(F .Q ~rr .f5 f5)6.VtAJ6i)ff-J~Ci? ff1'f5T~ .!D .

.iAl.-§Jj $LJLJ L-Q» 60 Q.RJ\J G~JW~'~ ~Jrfl~~'! 4 ~ .!$Q=(EJ

c:e>rP~ c.{3~ef' ,.tD@I5~- .e;.£~c$~~.fg~QJir~ 4§tr n .§;·lLJfil{LJ6l!lST' ~ u..; !f? QJ QS)L-e5n ~ ':'-I ff!- # e...,.., t--tr iii if' ~ @~/ ;;<S~c$<!5l5n~Ifl:~~6i~D.6J!C!Jll.(l~~­L-rrUJ 8= ..tJ)CEir c!5d) (~@ Qln 8; err Q LJU:-' tPGOtf; 8; Q}/.IlUff ~if' q:

f!i:f.fef5§:!.~~ Q c:F _f~.rfJj~t£'.:m 1§JlJ!if§ ;;,J cf5:S Jb~(t~

: ( &9 J

\!S16 ~rra)-1DJU0L9-UUL-l-lF~Ul.!5 §1 G60 JJfI5 § e..!Jl QJ

;e> L-fmUJ(j)&Jn6'ff ...mj I-~ QDQ./ f5.§iJ .f5 ~ QJfT9:RSr .!5.f5ff <!3 .&~UU6lRST~Ge:~~·§Jlf.RD.ItFn...60LofTu26c$~lJ:l-GUl 5fJ.JIV f§UJ-CB GiGrr (b>LJL::(f)J LJeJ Uff iii lIJff l-'-ffn~ -

· Gl.o.JSJj ~f5 IS rft fN/&U6 6iP Gw c!!5 U;-c$~e; C§ "1!h 6lDe=e..6llU

I-ffUJe:l.Fq~UU;-(!p §'6fJfTfiIST .6iJc$ errG fFUJfi'JJrr ffS6'fT - -'¥ · .., e; (lQ).1 Q)n6lJlST .f5~rr rf5e;~I5~'-(.!Jl :£ffU~.

€T L-'-n:QJ .sEJeJ ($ !;P~ ./Dn .s51n /AIB".(6 e; tiYPGfiO:fJj.!5c..1?Mr & unaT .s5rr 0 n t$~SJfSf @ •

. ..

-~ QRSr@ .$ if' u nlrlfAJ$ 6'ffJ (J6i) QurfJ uj £Ion Lo~ff uS' t!3 e;

· &?.m .J5Je,<!!J filC3U./El QLJW;;'LAL-@~-<!51@ cP6U6fJTSIi'

. Dn~l.Ilffu9 <515 .f5fT6\)t!J I5.I6J.G LJUJ n(!;p.s5 ~LJ JE.fliJQ LJUJ iT lzJL.@(B~lll .. &"on 8;.6; <!5UJ-.6i6tP(!!jLJUff n c$6YT-@'UU/Jf:-fG

iI' t!5fb-&' JO.,~ liJarr izltA1.tD6tP<36i)· 82 6i)G i...J UJ li-iR JDl .fS"I6~L-. /JlrrwuJ3i.rJrre;6i> JJj,QJff61T'U/6.1~ If> 6Vf5.ICE fiJ./arr LK'~I5:#" c!!J1B if'.1D &' urr erCli ~UJ-8; 6fT" U tV £7L (fie; G fAn 6I:RST (bl-fD/ i

" .!i!J1Ju&G.6 JBj.&G & ffffil1l1T (i; QJ t!5tf' Jl) ~ 6lJaT@ • .

~ Qg' U §ffQJ~(3c$!;/:l~

g .!B§jallisr 1L<!:B&t .JJ)t!bUJ-e;'ft!!!)ElRSr(iJ

. S QSI'U;:f6fTQ:J -fli:J(3t$~ Hi ~!b.!BD"-:

ILL-t§u;:. & Offs;.<§~{£ C!!!)La- UtTW c$,-,c$JITtP ~Lo"'U.UB; If' IJ ITl.Il.i5 ..f!iJl5 c§ iB .!D is e; ~ffUJ LJ G LJn:> UJ lfIl7 IT l.Il !$.JfiJ e; .

~-rn@r.a>- GUUJff(!p.fD6l) -ELrrr- GLJUJn!JlL-(ii"e;<!!j~' fi41"QI'r&£!OlTt..oJ .fSJJE~ -tP--Gi LJUJD -fl-. QuUJ 6L.offt&t5.

( 6~' )

.E1 QI5r@ :. 'ffj 1EI~~tiUi£v' :;..i; 15 ~!..:J .Ullrf5.t.::-.4'ii' ~ Ail (!;Ocavr(j),; - .,' -, '" ' ,-'.: :, . . . " ,

--- ~': ... ." 't,"

u .£' ~ (!!J 6ll.fJi) g!E !/2fil.J0 , . - ,', " ,--,.....,

, , '

i£fJrr/P6Doyrr.iS rJ:J9 L-rEJ:$,~G60 r!2~$~85c!!) ,fi'Q)'$J/£

(Ji6'ff 9VeJSt~l.llrf wui$ Jf' 6£l ~.;. ~1Q.//}.c$e5.§;~il5i:...f:JI;,~ CBcfi1 rt1U!5.aolJr-C/i t!.. QLrOr;rfU.: ""',, . " '-, ,;., ~:. ..' ...

..;;J:;1' ~~~ ... ,..... ~

• __ .:..... '" .:. '. .' .J:" '..' I ,

LJ.ff)®C!!JQ.I.I£J~$ fj?-c£'$C!5.!5.§U6l/ ~.' '.'~: "

& (JrrcP 6i)~rr..$Ij 6' (.j rrWJj/e;#~ ~(f,~L.H..9:-- I f ~I~.if UlLo '1:'\ f"l) 0 0 0 0

l.J rr UJ tElE rr rr cI£ ~ Uj-$ 6'tT. \D! rr f5 .§ fT6\) Jlf Q./ (1 ~ 6rT a= ff I!G lISff rr ~fi .# IJ6l./ LJ U;-C5 (!5c!E ~lr I}' Lo.Ei53') .f!5 tHFfiff r5'15'f@ Q)IDJ~. ~Q; ffe;~QOt-Uda<B'~6iP'fKiF'@U~ .1IJuf£lcf-L-@e;Qf&/r QSlST" (b1 e...C!B..EJ trfT c!:)L:ILSf-U Q1lSTJ.lirQ';r e;8iff Jfl,(JQ)'JI¥;;u!F If; 6fT" Q L.J .L!) -f!)} C5 Q C5 rr 6'fT e lfJ.JI) ~ 6If6U t2 .Jl) t!l{ ~ IJ f5.Jc!!) UJ-Q.1 IT a LoU.J1) .uS" C5 Cd CD rr6rT-~~7IJ .iEJ i:rJrsi @'1 QJrr ~ .1D .sf'(8~-mt i5.!JjlJ LJlr:UJt!D $ fT 1ft. iii C§I.!f-,c$.~ c!5 §.f!;6lfJ'ifJJ;tl~·~ ~~~ En: <5Q; C§tr G!F §J .f5.ib, C9 ~*~filSfSl" ~($lS) is -!JI~.U;~ nCD6lT$'@J !p.i5JU4IfDJcf~ Qu(U !f.fD~~®-G ~.JW ~4Jr cf> .Jl).fE1 (!/J607Sr (b'-~ ~Q) G Lo6VLJU UJ $' 6VfliIl6 6JJdrr.$ C£' 0 UJ

~ CD efJ 0 4.JfEJi6 e!j(f; c!!J'£o ,~ ~ J?U,ffbJi!tlJU,;$ $.cf> ..f!) ~C§ ~-c§LJ~~~c!p.E~rr~G~fmff.iE.IilRrrrLLf.r:~~~~JfflI 15@S).fSU:fLoQ)nCE!c!!jfiJ.£!)js} $ ~Ul Jlf UUL1?- ULJ L-L-lItrLLl

. &e;rrif>,CD.~~c!!;,41urr .ss§LL!.L~iip~~. : '" . , . ,'" . , \. . ~

i.J §'(~ ~!/?'! ~ ~(J CD £e ~ . . .. .;

,tR fJrr#~tr §GJ9 L:..'$.JcS'otPC&fiJ~~,$f;ff~. e..,;efr ff~ !-.@

~G QJ .J!l/f <5eB <!!JLJG LJffif! .J!)'§J~&Qf1"~ (!51-l+ ,Q ~UJ :J5 . If' ~LoCJ9 L-@ (8 €ll (8 .Jl}i@fibe '8=rI~UUf-Q ~ J/)'.JE.t(!;p

filJrJrl-fT ~LJ:....tL!J-I6t...:...rSfi' JJ;-§il8;C§ ~t,C6.6tr@S:~r$'UJIT

( u

uf uf wh concctitute22 tte

modern pro\'ince-of Tanjore, ata ,-cry ear!y perirXl; possibly before the commencement

iif th22 Chri34:i22n erfii 35 mauy of th22 22amii"; by Whidz plai;22i are uuW

seem to have been imposed by these colonists, are found in Ptolemy'a.tables.

l'hu V cIlbl22r of at

tribcs.-The first were the Cond22katti V ullater

sctt1egirnt di nided into three

named fmill tyinii tbe,haidn a tuft

nIl thu urown nf the iiead insKead of leat'ing a sm22iU locii, Cudumi, drhind·-as wom in

this dart of;·bd-ia, hefi;rr, as gom Mal22iialam.Th22r.u it wurild, 1iCC:= A'c:br:rid.

Chacraverti tound in the country, scattered 'over it ·in distant settlements where the

land' h;,d' be2222 sufficiently ukareh find to ori

!!'he second, Sh6zha Vell&ler, . accompanied the prince into Tonda.~.m, but iradi-

4:ion tbni f22W f22illail1ed c lbe diffi22dUy eiic~I·IP.IJc22n"22

in·clearing the ground and the small profits resulting "from their labolli. __ Thethird were . .

~he'Tuhiva Vdlaler who had from Tulu22u.nadu; 4:ztud22dqn We&t;;;;a

coast ofIndia, II:mfknowD by Ws madern misnomer of Cannadaor Canara;,the&econsti.

4:uted far great;c?, bOOu af. tha and iaare iath;ced rernuEu anc; ;iiJOg

whole province into cultivation by tbe peculiar privHeges (the'Cini-manyam, Mercia, enjrihed QU tbeir CO;ifaued :r;I~ tram bb

.Chacraverti.-(~?) .Each of these jri~~ ~okl ;tt.prc&eJlt ~Ur.asi ia -Tonda-muo.dalam; the

VeHtli;r in ureata22 the k:r;D~~iuftti.a:r;d Sh04§ff;~ cadi re8J;>:r;afi velh in a

}W9port,i~n, and, . .until the .terminatiqn ,pf. t~e . Ta!D~1 8over~qK!nt, .. noue but Vell.le,

9rr;are;q.:r;alifi«dlX'tf4§~f h,nilf~h 'J.>r?p4:zt)" j>w;;;nc~'

.The ("xtentand bY3'"aadazi:r;z of tbe ~ub'b t6;;;i-66ttliT; tire cc~""'.,...

v:r;;-zation in pppu1ation and prosperity.,in afier:tinlesaro to bUraeed, 'not-by vague

tR¥;litimj; only 115 is cO;;;illonly uanceiYY3d to thereSpeY3tto- thu remygn;;

efindian bistor,', but in writings ;of different period~, -as substantiaU, .authentic, pro.

bably;; ~dough fable; aYiithe;;-Y3aom;whtnoSt ytiJerG€4:untri.;;:;;;.

hr~t, i:s ilscribed .to~u\·e,iy.itr,a ta.~il:Roetess .o.( higb .r.e!1OwD ..

Gev'ill'l,.J ,T

• (]lbfD~tJt.,JeJJ Y' Ul6l.~G'llI~f!,-G 1517~7-<J5'rUl .. . G] d a; ~ dG &I n; ill c;;/#iS ha;aY~ 6ff;22 5~ riud LUI7

.G,05toC!;Jl..J &6,fiJJlA ~'5#~.~.f5 fU511 II 15 QC9Y3;;i;

1 ; .' .

------------ ------ ---........ --_._-----('1) 'f'4§crr the (:.yuntry.

,," ,." '.

( yi )

4"d a large co"cretio. of rtfoud "'gar in the fllitllt oj th;' cake Repre,e,," the interior oj Cachchi, where the bull-bome Deity reritie,.

A STANZA.'-I.-GUJ"IiJC!JU"~-(!J"'.&II".G'-(!PUfl(#~_IJ"" (JG'-G'-~~"'& IT P6 pG ,"_lTrltr. flflUj'f!!). ,.. '-(O)I.-&(1tJ. fI.~trlU".511 fi'r Uju .. ,& trf1:Zr,-"

." '-U}- p G GIl.., ".,17 pu:oe)t.lllloliJfi/JI' ;/Jl-_t-".'&' •• fA

II (Tontl'ri-"Uu), contain, twenly-jo.w Cottam, ,eoenty.". NUtI, "'"' OfIe thou,a"d "i"e "".tlred Naflam (toDmsllifJI) (tI) beaut!fted byt", IetITJUo/ the pal.: tile familie, (g6trnm,) of anae'" tie,cent are twel-oe 'bo",ad, but ;, itnpo,lilll, III de­clare the "umbers IIf tlu: YeflfJl'ett inlM eo_ry.

LIsr tJ, THE COr'TAMS.JtND N.4'.'u,.

is I.

4 ffoID G." '-'-fA PUlan C6T'uII

.trl/J ~ .,,(/} Nayaru "tut. c!lJLA U PJ11Tf7 Ambat'tiw

.s~'9- Lgudi

c&JD c!JII'r A"t~r

_&&'1 Ealwmiw (Egmere)

cS·-·"0-@ Total ,,6tl:u, 5.

e.. U.

'1" $/f1(J fIIl'-'-U'. COTTAM

e-Jl>flJlllrtr"~ C,,;;dalilr "U"

(J·Il'-fltr C6t't'r

.s.-.,,~ .@) Tolali.

16- III.

••• '-(!Ie IcA''I''l'U CHulI G-'-'-lA

."e·etr""(J e6c,,,z"r "41,, M'Q Cachehi .... ,,~-.. Total!.

Ii' IV.

~1Itr~trfl(}."'- '-lllM AN' ..,.'va COT' UK

:../1T ... ·"0 PtWlei n6tt"

~ ~ -1'eJPl1 fI IIllllw

(11) AccorcUng to the list kept iD the NyallLprac_ Matam,. i. "lIlch the .. lDei orth. N1lt'tams belonging to each Nid'a are elltered,. the total Dumber of tile latter amematJ onl; tit 519, falling conaiderable short of that bere stated. It does 1I0t appeal' at "laat peri4NI this ac:­count, which ioel udel only the Nat' tams beld by the Ritiht..hand celie., w ... taken.lnat it il cf'rtaia that many of the ancient Na.'tams, u well hereafter appear, lDulthaft been IlUbdinded,aod that -these IUbdiTisions are now rated u separate .. magel, for the .num~r of thoaein the J'sir only far exceeds the highest number of Nat'tams mentioned in any writing of formu tilDes. In this lid enly fourteen Nat'tams are named as belonging to the four Cot'taai. which compole the. tractl

colored !Jcllo~ and,reett in the map, and none of those included ill the four ~&d'a of Cbaodirigal, co_exteosiy •. with the modern district of Chittaf, are meDuooed.

Qu f!!)(~P~ Pf£S'TlkEtnt4&:'f Ie=" /DiD ' u,ndam

.a •.•• G> - @il T()l41 .5.:I#IIler.r N'f£S'lIl'izr

v~ .... ",,~-.

G.~~G9. iClBIf£S'IIf£S':.l.#'l"TU eO'r$~ Q ~II &.- q;... &'A

QL.I .... ~ ... 1l' P~gJigr fgM'~

d#JP.p~Tq;s AJigaf,i/ir

.,(IJ,e·.Il(/J - II.

vr.-el.l!!j"aa.#r'-'=.U!Pr:&:T'va C6'1'r~

JiJ JDI..l J» ,is .. q;s0 Vilptiiii ""'" ..

Q·s-rtr Q ...... .. ~









Tg,ld~r rd4"":&:1



.~JP!"{fJI GiillI r-olBI.. ~


~ ,JJJJUSl.lf/JI JfJ -0 CurtlmbQrei "o,d'r

.0 15 If(/) Nail'u·,,;;.r.

~S~rIl'0 l!fIl Trtrl4:$


\J'"-Idr"· (1."'-'-«1

!)~ p'ffjfTr#rVJ


P-ereijiur ,,&r~


cl!l!!P".(J-,-t- Lll AIII/'a C6or'"ull

~j)&ru/0 Clllr"JJhi lBIdd'u Tel. 3.· r

L.J (j) err p.au_ ~.=q;s.~ Ilb Tiilill I.

~lBIu:&: JD(Jfll!Jll!0-~u:. TriJr"iiS ccn$T'A.iif

• SJP(/j)II,,(b CamHI., "Mr XIII •


~-!D~~"~ Qrdlr-4:-i:&:l



y J aell3,hia/lrm

Total ~ cSJ!DC!:/' JD~IJ/III·W ~rlJfllllrllllgd "U~

IX. ~ •• r"~ Ei@ 'ErIal I.

tJ'iircr"Dr C5!1"r.Ui& W5' XIV

GGlIiI2Ir~_ /D-PlUei!lurniMl'» a6ll~'-1A

TrmmClf£S'Wr G:.J(!3 •• " r'0

( x )

. -caste especially,. was established, ad C9Dfcrre4· on the principal VeUalcr, whOle

descendants DOW -hold it. The. NAttaa appears to have held' eriginally the wholeciTiJ.

authority of the Nadu, assisted prOOablybythe principal Cao'i-yllt'chicarer of the several

villages; be still claims precedence in all assemblies cOJDposed of morc tban one caste. The

junction.of the Nattim:s of. a C6t~ with th, chief'proprietolJ of .heir respective Nadas

formed what was .. called ·the Maha-nad'u, Uhlla IJ"~, an assembly, of which the tra­

ditronnow onlyYemains(14): ,the· consideration of agtictiItura\ improvementll inthe COt.

tam, ofth~meaD6 of extending irrigation, &c. seemto have been principally the purposes for

which it met. W hetherit's1b.embers possessed dtliberative and administrati ve powcrsami

resembled ourancicllt ,\Vitteaa-getnotes,-I'posse'ssnotdata:for 'detclll'lining; . though the

phrase, Maniri Mab.\-Diitl~, uur~nJ~5"lJnC&,'iheJorincrterm signifying aMiniste~ of

State, being generally used to express-the· concurrence of the government and the people,

,wHld seem to indicate thatit actua11y"had such powers.

The date 6fthe" following memorial verse cannot be ascertained; but, from the causes

ai;signed ror the defalcation of the population of thc province, it is clearly inferable that

it must bdve been before the'Mobamedall invasion, as otberwise, their ravages would

b1lve been enumeratt-d among1bem~

9tr:d5n_'-Gf£af1%l'':-Ll:ler,-''uSJJ!3u.#t-('!!!!;~G~L.J't!iJ(l;)IIiJG_L-.'-lDaII~& /II (J I#(!!) GUl~U ~G~_ ufII'f!!J""'-fJ!JGU,I} .§DIrrr~ fH'.&6' cfPJ "&/6 /DJIIlIA LJ tloII GflfTfiI%r I-.: . .r:!J 5" IS fYrr 11l UfrJT f& q tr iltJ 11&_1-15'7 (J fJ,u L-~ (!;"$1 fa U

W '-~ILIIJ ~ &:Sf 51 6i' ei'?fllffill fSlI LJUJ-(!:per Q e;rrueu 1I,;i(])'!:Pu 5.8., & 6\)

G~I1G 5I1«l11',-ea~~Gi)&J.ILIGfiJtt~fillllI,g.a.C3 . .,.Q ~ .... G." ... ,-Q JI" Q~J1J JD .~rr !l1T'-UJ-~ f!> (jFU 15 ~'-L-GCI""~;JI1(} lllt--IIUJfI:I flit"" is ,-r....:..(}&JfI

tJ"rrG5"e:r'-I!U.G5"rn:r(BU~fIIt~,p;ILIIfUJ(Jflla·t:P.c!!JJu9&18t.T.5QF6i)~.!6J .8' ~ ,B p;. ~.(iJeI '7-(Ii;;; (/ILJ() 4J'-I,l}-§J $1(j) fIIflST cfPJ. ,ID./D ... ft., 60 a(iJ.lI'trBSTflST.(} ~

Accordingtoancienldocumenls.tke prosperous TOll:da.,.num'daJamis"aid to k.arx: COli­

tained t1l.'etli!J-jour C6t'tams; in which were st'Denty-nine N!J.d'us, and one thousalld llinc

Nalialils (tow nships), inhabited ~ .twelve tho.usand Gotrams (families).~In these

times there arc recl::olled six .. hundred end .eighty J.ow.Il-ships fI1.ld ike families are said to be

olll.!! two. thoU&a1ldi all tlrefamilies:inseribed intlle Pat'teiyam (register) oflhe prill­

('ipal people f)f the land (peru-nader) rollich is in Canj; in the lower of eleven stories, arc

tlf.Jt i10~ in tli!s countr!J :-wlzetlzer t!lose mentioned in former times have been destroyed by

s[lJrm~, oror:crwhelmed b!J the wav~of tI,e sea, o~ whether til ey .. be tkOUg/lt to ha .. 'e emigrated

(0 otltp' countries, their,names, as the well informed say, are engraved on stone at Canji. -------.----.---~----.:.---------(11) This institution, under the title of NfIt'lu-det'tam, t5 rr l..- (j))~en..,-,-UJ,. the. allembla

or fhe country, still exists in Travancore. What is now called the Malui.nad'u in Tondamandalam i~ mcrrJ r thc· assC'mbl y I1f the several tribes belonging to the Right_hand faction, under the direc­ti~n of the X a.du-Dcsam, and" its deliberation6 arc con fined entirely. to quc~ti~ns regarding .caste. . .

( AXil

rents upwards of twenty years ago; and notwithstanding the distribution of the country

intn f::ztatef reY::::::e an:l the of th::m to in:H '¥idu::l:: disti::ct fro'¥: tbe

sid:::~: whi'¥h took place a few years nrtrrwards· with tbeexception of some privileges

which haye been al:olishcd, some that l:::~~e been resu:::f::l, and other: &Jlat i:nve g:nwB

ohse:ktc, tbi::gs l::::e rehzmed needy tu t1:e sn:::'¥ state wbe" this district was ceded

to the Compnny. The varying rates of varam, as prcscn."c:E in Mr. Bann,:l's S:£:eey

arc ::i in ob:~l is:atclH in tl::: divisi:::: of t1::: nop: 1::·lIcn f:lkes tl::: " Zabitah­

waram" of the Board of Revenue being long since forgotten; the l\lutahdars, (~l) eitller

rre:-i:c the revenu:: in kind or eo:nmute by mutual accor:.iIng these r:~te6

for a mOHCY p:tyment; and, lastly, the right to property in the soil and the moat valua­

ble the ir;i;;i are ::till the eeltivetm, and have been n£.?A so

confirmed to him by various divisions of the Courts of Justice, as torendcr it impossibl~

he .?b.?uld i:.?f:rbe of while: our sAb.?ists.

Ix: this oh

my object has been to show, that suflicicnt rcconl has beeD kept of former times in tLi'

part Ind:::: to ::Ir:zrd if: tbe inr:Eirer from whicb he m:Eb deriee infom:::tioni ££ot

perhaps precisely accurate DOl" very extensive, butmore considerable than IS generally

sllpp:?:~ed exist: f:ml establ:sh thee:' rem:::m the me::::ns the

right of landed property and the pri\·ilrgrs appertaining to it, which are claimed, and

10 bH the Ct%llivntoi:Z of tll£':;oil that of the ::till the

possession of the Tamil aborigines, to a more remote antiquity than can justly be aUri-

but:?:! to tb~: bcncr::,lily of h:::ma:: mstit:::i:::ns sub: :~:tin;.

(30) The !dutahdars, persons holding estltit's or Mutahs, so caliI'd it would seem to distin;uisb.

the same tim!', are in the Regulations, in common with the lattrr, C'OlIsiUl'rf':i as proprietors of th~

laneL A" f,!r as Governmenti whose rights were tran~ferred to them:: were at the time of t~ Ir:'II,'i;_:' the of t1:: land:: far fh('.\ e:iso, no f: :-ther it is ei:viou"l ::hi1t Gon'rnrncnt could not transfer ri:;hts of which they thc:mselves 'l"He not in Fosse!sion. In fa('t~ th~ .Tng i:: :Jl ufn 1:£;_: i~ lta::£e neve~ h.?!'n m:::ee than ri~-n"an,~~ec renk~i of tI:e Govcrnn::£'nt r:'i1::£ue, e bich r('50Iv('s i(sf'lf into the right to receive the mel.varam, according to the l"ilra.clittam, from tbe ('xten: -if lanh ::nd('r and mak:: rhe f::~tl:er c££lh~rtionr a.uthorizl'd by them cowles, (ormieg what. raU(o£1 the" e::rests" whi :h fit:! ar~ :-5Sm(;nt ef their :~-statl::: crus fie1:h~

(3% Some the ntitnhd:i:rr I'II(h::ZH:nTcd first ronti::::e tbe' ~}~t(,nl which had bepn lire. lioUily ,-stabli:: :ed and to th:, ::-rHrasi:lr:r:: (0 their ; in this: they am! Olf,ir own inter~sts have since inuuct'd them to meet the incliuations of the people a.nd revert :0 th£: eecient e::age.

t ZOII }

., in the bright fortoight orthe month of Chitta, darilfg a fortunate c:onjunctionofthe

p1aDt~tiJIrtIIe lnar constuUatioa-HaIta, when ibe1llOQb-",II - enWring the sign Cumbha

~~), 1dte -fon.nate King Srimat Cbamada Rajah consecrated: the -.image ef

Gbalat.WIlWllll' .... -B"-!:UJa • . ,,- .) -.£1..':.' _ i J !: ' CA.JU.~. . ... In-.ft1,bftill.bana, C8l'NIpOIAlingwitb the year~B)lava, OIl thlGm of UlfImooo.

age of the-brigllt fortnigbt of tbe month Cartic8; the dommion ot'S,i ChiuauadaRa,uu ntmdetl oyer tk ",hole etlrth with iadilpuf.381e aUlborit.y: he was the fortunate k in~

of;kiDgit tlte lorct.oi kinljB,and the beautY-Ip'" in the forehead oCthe family delceaded

from til. k~. of .Andiya, who ure, the lerdaoi tho city of DwAranagara, .. abject to

the-snthem lIadhorA.

S"Urle_l., VB •• ~.

Them ,b.· III • mirror i)f the filce olthe prosperous coutry of Camita, the ero,", of

.... ,-c:itis,8d ·YUJy~ra, the _t of leamiag, filled with women and brave and

rirtaOas mal ~-W18 the'might~ king named. Sadasiva, whoae lotGl·like feet were

ac1oradt.,y.tbe _Ad the nont·eurl. of tli&pl'Oltnte wom. of the princett, bis enemies,

a~ia ~ by- aiiDe of bees. Th .. mighty king Sadaswa is renowned; he is the

detipt of ~e learned, and a liOrMunODg 'asaembled baads of elephants to' opposing

princes; he is resplendent- . as the ' God of love, his banner is tbe earth-supporting

bQar; he is the lord of the lUliverse, and his ineessant liberality laugbs to !icorn the

all bestowing Calpa-tree.


Wbile ·Sadasiv.t Rajah governed the whole earth, be:gave from charitable motives,

~his D,berma-sasanam, to De aga'nagraganyaru,our hereditary Miriister, the conqueror of

evil persons of various religious sects in the court of Himasitala Mahiwija. at Canchi­

puri, the priest of thew bole earth, the prince of poets and of the learned, and the life of the

king<>f ChOla, for tbe parpose of eredingll con vent to tbe God Srimad Acalanca Devaand

fo .. the service of food therein; the particulars of which , are as follows.-The village

of "Tellinamane subject to the province o£ Totta, on wbich,the fixed assessment (3)

(.)'~ boar-orrat!Jer; Viabn1l1lllderthatfcmlt;watlw inIIpia Gltbe V~!lt; l!e8.cetbe_ti,e oame Gl the coin CJ&Iledby.EaNpe&DsaPtJfHa,~iyeD to it in tllisdeed, Yar61fJ, RlQ. ia-SUlac:ritliini&el a boar,_the coin beiag..ori(iaaUy stamped with the fi~are of dlat animal.

'(3) The mclft-Sidd,blyam (coIIIIDom,aned Roy_lic,ba) t'Pom "e,ba ailine,_d !;iadtiitlim __ "d:ltJe'ottee, is·. named from the form in wbich the account of it was drawn ollt, wlaicbwas

10 arranged hiti5 Ttllage c:adattams, tbat the aaessment on eTery spot of' land was shown iii' a

teparateUne, orthisthe present deed famlabes a specimen. The Rer,ha.siadUy"""" est&. bUlhed, or, moreprobabty~eomplettd durlag tbereign of Cris1uia Rayer; it extende4ltoih&-w.bole .f tbe can.rese proyinces· of the Empire, bat does not appeltt' to hiTe been Introdnced intet the

TalDn teaatries, nor Into that part of T .. liogUl (tha-Ilorthern lire n):"iaIdl.wu,coaquered 4ariog. 1M Jelgo of thil PriDee.

·l . XXVlll }

CRee,ha-swd,hiyam) is 5S Pagodas, 11 Fanam!. The limits of this land are marked by

a boundary stone .(M uccoda-ea\), lying the low laud to the eut; by the high road

OR tbe .outb-; by tbe bye-road ~eading to Bacali on the wt"St; and the bye-roa,d to ~

from Miivina Ham on tbe north: Janardana Satyana Heg~ade, the cultivator oftbe

land (B,humi.vocalu) (") of which these -are tbefour limits, pays the aasessment of 53

Pagodas, 71 Fanam.. AlsoVencam B.hatt Gaada (headman) of AVad,halam pay' a

fixed usessment of 108 Pagodas 6i FAIlama-

The particulars of thelle lands are i

Pag •• Fan ••

'For -A vad.balam the assessment is .' . ,~ 0

For Bale-gadde (5) . 17 6! For Sodecodi 5 0

'For' H unise .. gadde 5 0

For G ulada-ghatige 18 71 ,-For Amba1ege-jedi • 8 'If ;For ,ChicW-Bea&nl ... ;8 ,0 --

Fixed use.llment pn these 7 1aD$Ia 108 ,61

,.bese are bounded by the low ground' of H indise on the east ~ ~y Hie balf stoae: Jiseel ia

front of Ambelage near the hill' Callugara on the south; by the 'low lauds of Guliad.

gbitige on the 'West; and by the boundary atone fixed in tbe low part of tbe wet ground

Danduncbi onthe,north.-Also ; th~ ,fixed assessment on the village Hi~dille being 48

Pagodas' ;tlie .boundaries of·this land, which belonged to 9anapa Dhatta are, o~ the

• ept ~ t,he 'Oow of water fro,m the tank ofTamariod kees 1M.' vina care) jon thelOuth by

,Chcf,bou,ndar'y stone pla~ed on the bank of Varagllli ; on th~ west by the'low lands of . .' . '~he Hyolse~g~de; and ~n the north by tbe boundarystone'plaCed in the midsfoftbe

field of SAstp Bbat~_A Iso,; the. villl}ge of J apda, for ~h icb the Gauda of N idagoda,

. Sadbiv~.rya,. pays tbe' fixed assessment ," Pagodas-the bOundaries of t~is are, on th~ east

18 far as the stone fixed on the side of the tank; on the south 18 far a. the high rOad J

--------~.~--~.--------.-------------------------------.----... (4) It is dilfieult to undentand the precise ,meaning or the hybrid compoaud 'here uaed I.

the original; bb6mr:hl'iansu'it mKnstbe earth genenlly, and ,.ocalu in Canart'Ie"'itl a £lIlti .. tllll lohab~tant, an, indil'id .. Lohny or theagricuUural castel; from the context, howetet, and thees­,reB_s ,ult'd "'('~p4'''ting, the other persoDs Itated ,to be in poBlfllli8n, of the laad. eauaaenrted, tJaie &erm seeml i.«-nded to delcribe the occupant rather thaa tbe' prop.let.r -of the,soil.

,(5)ThMe are the rOaDleI of 5('1'e,alloru,oI' 'and di.iD~8hwl.hy appropriate epithetl, _ n"n;se-,.dde, IM.f/J("t.lll"dpid oj tAt! TmnfJri"d"r;u, &:c.:thfl-practical application 01 malty fl them- not.being ,.r.ciael), known, a knowltodge (If their ut!riYaUfe meaDing baa Dol been"tlum;ht lufficient to.alltbMize t ... attf''Qlpt to tranllatt- them.

( ~X:

" Parameswara B.hattt'f, an inhabitant of., " :'Ifry, called S;rasi, pays. fixed

assessment of 80 Dhlmll'adi Pagodas for the fill m ,,;'.J IJlIlllvicattu and Sonnabali; Ga­

napa D.halter pays a (II) fixed assessment (SiddhiL:.n,) incluuing all additiOilal leviet

(pattupadi), taxes, on fent-frce lands (bedige). and aSst'l;seu rates, ot 72 Dba.avaidi Pa­

gildas, tht>8C two sums making a total of Pagodas 152 :-in the land whicla produces the

sumsabove stated, stOIll~S have beeJl phioed marking its boundaries on the four sides, and

in l!W desire of ohtnining increase of prosperity. final beatitude and temporal bappUana.,

1 h,lve granted it ill free-gift, witla water and gold, for tbe ¥ervice.ofthe daily oaeriDga

to Sri A'dbiparameswara Swami of Sud,hapuram."

Tbedeed tbell statt's the distribHtwn to be made of tbe amount tif tbe grant·toward.

defrayiag tbee~pense of various festin16 aR'd ceremonies, 'anl proceeds--

" 1, with the consent of my wife, son, relations,. par.ceners, neighbuurs, and ·tbe rest, do execute th is . .deed.s:>f gift, for the . purpo~ Df obtaining increase of . pr~peri!y, tinal

beatitud~, and temporal happiness, by oJFering with tbe fonnalities of water and. rid tbis

deed of .giftat t.he feel of Sri A'd,hiparallleswara Swami, with power to transfer b1

-ellcbange or ,sale, illd~pendently of a,ll family claims."

The witnessesaro.the.aame·aa &0 'b~lastdeed .. concllldes with the AIDe impre­

cato.ry versel.

'N? III.


'De prosperous! in ,the year n09 of the era .of S&liy"han&, eyer Yictorious, (A. D.

USi), on the 10th ,day. oflhe increase:of tbe,moOD, in the·month .'Aswijam, in the reign

of. (I) Vira-pratapa Vijaya Bucca Hayalu, the prOflperolls kin,; of kings, the lord of

--- ----------------(t I) From this itappears that bed .lIessmentsin mon!y elliste~-, at leut in tbil prorince, whie.

DOW forms part or Maisur, long ~fore the completion of the Raya-rac,ha; but wbether they were paid for dry.Jie"ld only,.ol' •. bothfor wet .. land alld ·'tiryJieldj lbil deecl'doel noUllrnish data to de­termine.

( I } Vija ya;Bneca R a 181 a,the routth 6t' the: Vijayanagara l.ingw~ commeneed his l1!ign tl" yeall .rtpr this date in S. S. 1'l31i, agreeing with A. D. l:n 4, an(tthe .A.ppaji.ayya here mentionf'd Willi tbe

. Milliit4'l' or ~ishna D4n,Raya, .who~·reign c08lmencedabout S. S. 143'l, A. D.'I500: this 'dis. trepanry.i8.fatal to till' antilfuity oCtbe original of ·thi_ deed; but it dMI not destroy its autbeati.

. citY'_ The ract would appear. to be tbat'the tillage was origiollll y foandt>d about the pe'riod marked bythedate,that·.ithad fall .. n to ~.Ite, that it was restored bY'Appaji and·conferred on the Nagara yerl'll.·Yelamu,alld that .t1le-copper-plate record, from a copy of which this tranllafioo has.been made, .all en~llY~ many years afterwards, when the foundation and I'f'storation of the place·were couCoullded in the mind, of .be iDbabitaRtt. The fact of tbes. Manjaml beiDI


as ( B.iriemlu;

Y erravabadu, as (13) Chccari.

The of the Maeyems hlE'dS"nted the~jf are To the office of Reddi-to the west, a 6eld of dry black soil, in which:3 tum of graiD

:~ay SOWk? to tYe north,? a drh field celled 2,raV2medS", idS" ,chich tlim 21f

may be sown; to the south, a piece of dry land, in which 3 tum. of grain may be sown ;

the II. oh ~et neae the ch2121nel, whkh half puttf mah

sown; tbe land of the flower Ya1am (engine for raising water), in whicb,,4 tam of yieJYirtng

~Ianyam to the office of Carnam :,-to the west, a field' of dry bIllek soil, in

'Which ttim of grain may be ,,,"Sen; the a c"U~h Dza~himie",

:3 may be SO,%,%1 ;. to th21 south j a drh field called Sunn22garaguj in which

3 fum of grain may be sown; to th~ east, a field of wet Jand watered hy the 22jj ..... IIII"'t

'f2¥hich balf yrain be 'fewn ;~the of the SEldda-Y~em, ~hi"h 4

tum may be sown.

(14) To Che21ua-Yfeava )hjfami~on t12" westj held dryhJ~'f"k in whkb

of grain may be sown; also, a field 01 wctland watered by the channel, in which:} tlim

Elf may SOElEl.

(15) To;J'swara-the dry field of the cross road on t'he south, in which 2 tum of grain

may SOWEl; ale,e, a fidh of land Elate~d by tbe C~;'f4mel; whkirt tum

, hrain nlny be EiElwn.

(16) To kacfipcrte hhinfaJa Rayndu-thz'dry held the- nmss roeh on tbn wesl,

,,11ich tum grai2? may 50W21 i alsn, field of wet land, In '",hish a [IU~~Jter of a

putti of grain may be sown.

(17) ToScl.22jiva Ib?iyadu~ tield bla'%.:ti soil the 'ihid? tUm nf

grain may be saWO' ; also, a field of wet land watered 'by the channel in wbich 3 Tum

iliay SOWn.

To the ollicc or PllrObita-to the westward a dry field of black soil, in which g tum of

yrnin mey bi Ei"wn e1so, watueed by cti'%.:Dncl. wbieti :1

of grain may be sown.

(12) This office is usually called Vetti ; he performs menial duties, carries messages, &ce.

(13) Or as COgY22konly ,:eBed, tibakili~h,e Skh1tuer, Te22ner amI t22·athe2'=tress:el the tie,h and skins of all nnirnn-Js, which nre k iHed or die within the limits of the village, are his, and from the lattpr hi' is bound to furnish the inhafJitants with leatltet for buckets, &c.

U) of Vai,,22Eiva ir, vil\:2,e or it':? dcini&irt ( 15) The dei ty of il. Sai va teaple. ( I

(17) A d~ity.

( !xiii )

tD pre-emption)· on the'subject, and, should he refuse, YOl1 may sen or mortgage the pte­

Ibiselio questibn tG ot)lt~n. Thus I have given this deed ohale to Tiyagappc:n.

(Signt>d) .:1 : • . P£RIYA'MuDELI




by consent ofwbom is witness Pcriya Muttiyappell. This deed of sale was drawn by

Ki&bnen, the Village J\ccountant.


Oftbe nitleheads deduced from tllC preceding document, all bllt the eighth, the attes·

tation of the notary to the integrity of tbe writing, are distinctly apparent: it must be

observed, however, that this translation is not so literal as the former, it was first made

without reference to the ase to which it is ntlW applied, and the original baving been

mislaid, it ~al;not be compared with it.-This deed differs from the former in being

executed by ~n·ly thr~eofthe Calilyatcliicars in' addition to the seller:; and in fact it differs

materially in its nat'urt>, also, for the riglJt of' pre.emption being expressly rf'served to , .'

Periya M ;ldeliand the other ~I Ilrcicars, his &ignature only would ha,oe been sufficient

~o dispo~e ~f his' own intcrl.'st, the names of the. others, though })roperly affix.ed as a

precaution against disputes, call add nothing to the validity of the writing.


In th~ year succeeding the 1650 (A. D. 1728) of the cycle of Salivoihana, the

happy, prosperous and victorious, ill the yearSaumiY8, on Sunday the 21st of Margazhi,

being the 13th day of tbe moon's age and under the lunar constellatioll R6hini, 011 this

day this writing was given, by all the Gramattius of 'fandeiyarpett, a village of the

Honorable Company, to Silamba Ramanu .Nayaker Servci(,, residing at Madras:

~V e grant you the land situated in Tande~yitrpett, to the west of T esi 's garden, to the

soufh of the channel and to the north of the tank of the Jonagen in Edciyen Patfadei;

for this "quare piece of land, lying to the east of the road on the (I) N attaugcal

a Derma !%sanam has been granted to YOIl to make a f10wcr garden fur the use of the

PiIlciyar Pagoda. You may plant (2) l\1avadci, and Maravadci in the saill laud and

---- ---------. (1) Small plots of Wl't land highly manur('d fn which rice.plants are raised. for tran~plantation.

(2) This is non~ense: the'terms lWi'Oadcl, ltIllravlldci, mean all kinds of game and wood.lands,

bllt being alwllys found to~ethf.'r in thl'sc det'ds, lind thp former t('rm bdng now ol>solete the mot/('rn

scribes frequently, as in tbis instance, transfer to it the meaning of the IIlUer, and consider it a kind of plantation. ;'

The rt7:fff? pnpc41' lZ(n:e uitlzuut 'ful'fNi01l fuom preaz :m:l7nbuu 41f

the sUUle I,illd, and as til!'..!! Itm:e no. conllt'.ril:1l ":~lhellch other, either'of place, person,

Of' z:flta (IT theiz: £?f rL'lzich liz£? £?ariic.'fU is

1728 and the lalest 1'793: tluse dads all n:lale to Uansfers of land in the l1illages of liu . ' ... homt:-jan?ZS: or tIle iig tlie ul1cd,:m·,

(J. II . I'


A deeu'ofsale of landed property (1) (S1dstyacrnya-patram) executed toCamu5.'\nipalle

Uag:J:ptiayr: d J\ • by Ih:rtJ:Kingr:m: tilt: Ven:t::ya orMadatJr:m­

bedLI: under datc the 5th of PIJII~uni of the year Kilcica (A. D. 1728\, I received the

three Y tis of h2.::U in viH::g-e of called [he

haro.mof Nagambiya-pura, from Nan(hh "blhya,.by a d('(~d callcd :)Ji T,lvana-crayam,

dated ghe' of of year flican 191 :tfiU I (,::Joyed samfi., nom,

ac('oulltof my necessities, } ha YC deJiverro YOII the ueccl of sale gi ven to mc by Mo.llad!l,

and'E::zce r:'ct:%\'ed fr:JI{) Y::l:cigl:! Pulie.:( inter:-::,t du:-, :-illec lir:-tih:d

period of2 years e,;pired c is two Pagodas: .total ten Pt\g;:tJlas, for whid, IUI1GH::t, I h,:-t:e

ex.e::"Xeu t·o yml this deed OIiUIOillc (Suddha-crayam) lor-the three fl rittis transferred

to·me by ~adur MHlIaya· tbereb)t:·, .yOH: pour :lC:IlS a:-d grand ::orIS entitI::d to eltiny

themt tlm~e with,their: Nivc~allams, land, treasure trove, ucposites, .trees, rocks-, all

privildgcs eri:-tiflg' whid& mayh:- conlh,tcd, :z;,Jlthc .a4&d to tr[sH:-fer thHIn·by £lift

(1' tSVIt artit; 8wa:;Yd:zm, r::M:zh Ms·m:Z:lis to dmrmiz;1l

this danscrH. word would mean propt'rty in general and be synonimous witb Seal;.;)am; the word

Cshetram is: however: undl'rstood, and it signifil's, therefores landed propertd. It is s::;:-d 'wh by Bra-hmtns a:::-[ is eqcl;·:;lent ·o:·PIIrasL

('2'1 Lit: liv.:lihooa, the Snnscrit word used to express the idea conTeyed hy the Tamll term

Car:S ?: It l\t£:·.~[i sh::£?··; ano P::rei E::'ing g::ct·rally :zz:nsiu:::-:zd as m:kdcient for ocz: pe:zz;cc or

Iami1 y_thl' pl"{'ceding term, Swastyam, is orten us('d in this sense.

(3: Ta¥anpi signi lies:l term: and Taun3_cra hn-p:lt:.r m is deed bd which l:m(l Itansr:ZT':-ed, linbk reu; :s:tt:'ln ,thin but the :rK::.clute of rraosf,·:-s-ee,

if not so reueemed' ~ the word is Tnmil' asare many of those relative to the tenure of laud used tn

simiE:zt dccut thougl: rrtittel:

( txxiii )

,weft bl tn1 ft~ consent • .;-Ponnf..,~etirilpu;'i:itlli-a;et and f en1>lcamV irliiltgavayer

. .-e _"ea, if .. wlloae PowW.,' tho' ... gritt fif Gil *fkmt i~ itWW by GlIedtm,,:, .... "lid, &beGlpaeoU,ef '7) 1\"...,.




Man of V,'aARA'GAUYE ...


This isa toleraiJl, correchpecilJlleRI of a OOmm8n morlpge bond fer land : the subStance

of it lBa, be diskibuted io~ the fbUowt .. bead$-the first ccmtains tlHi date, yeM aild

'peei-fieatioh of ~e deed and of 'be parties to it-seeond apeci6es tbe consideration gi yeo

and pr~y pledpl-tbird iuata tbe-mo.gee _tile prbperiy aDd declares fits obli­

ptiOns-tDartb.atatea lJIe condition. under which tb6 plecJ~ is to be· ttdeem'ed-fiftb

.lares tbe moi1pger responsible for all adverse cJai~btth contain. thelltlestati'"

,ftbt! integrit, en the deed ~ the NotarY ___ 1Ienth eoot«iri. (h'e littesiatlon of itS ei:eco a

.ilon ~ die witnesses.-D;Tt'e ancient Hind. La", landed ptoperty. cOllld onl,r be mort.

N"'~ and,. ~b as- ezplained in the anaw'rr to the' twelrtrt question, more m:eo' /. ur~~gi~ .other inttrpretatioa4e lbe texta which impoH tWa restrictfon, tlie sale of sue •

. ~y is lUll in Plany ~ inadmissible, where .• ortgage ia .. Uowed iii a Paaang­_rei ~,. for, example,. ttie Mii8ai Oft11, not the ..... i. MlftMe, but any M iiAaidv mal mortgage hill ...... ,: ...... ~,.OI'~IIl ....... blMt 614&e eiikivated'fands,.proTid.

_ the te_ does not extend' beyood the period'in whicll &he- existing dh-ision .of them

iI t& ezpire :-A..ia,..~noed J!laDy .... genera8y are aot· .. leable, but are aortgage.. IilJIe...-& mortgage·alia, req~feI._ the- consent· of parceners, tbe--prince, or otbet8, bet

.~, lte.,..Ie __ .... iIl-af ...... HtaalJjJlbl.po-.._onMilapnaeahfftllelaod,

u exelDpliiied b:Y tile ~aft(. Hpmenting lfti-mast« iii this instance, aad wiClaaut pubH.

cit, er formality,whereu the reNnie orlbi. j'S'n:qaife;d iO legalize a sale.

N? XXIII. I .. HM-ot'ttie'etliot~ana alid·.*o~ tatijllga; afterlheexpiratiOD.~h'"

35th yeu from P"rabtwa (the Ikst orlh~ cycle'ottbeat&tj),intbe year Subacr"tg'(A· .. D.

1781)ontbe BOth· oCthe month· Purn.i,. 0It' tfae4kbdaj' eftn Moon'i ap,..Oft Satar.

da,,.. under. the 'lanar consteHation'M u la, on th i.f ortunate da" from urgenlcirclllll8t8nceJ,

this crayMsaoam,ordeed' of sale,. was given to lleneatachaJa.c:heUi t~ctIOD·of Pai,~

(71) Thil cleed il DOt lipeel by ttie Mortgager. bat the exefttiOti. or it beiog ~j &tteif.ed,. thiS cm ....... ce cloel IIOt impeach its ulidity.

( !xxv )

ties and privileges (hereto ,arperta~ning. After having been offered for the fir!>t, the

second, nn,\ (he third time, the price was finally sCHled, and.I recei~ed the mOJley.""'7'"

'l'his deed of s:lle shall lie posscss~d by Jouc sons and grandsons lineally as long as the

sun all9 moon elluurt! ;-and dllring'such pO£6ession, there can be no adverse clajm,

if any slIch claim ue -ma:le, I will dt'fcnd the suit before competent authority, amI 'bring

i~ to a decision. Y 011 are cl,tillea to ,transfer this ~illilge .by gift, sale, or otherwise.­

Tbia decdof sale is gi'velA oy my fr~e ~onsenl ; in it all mif.takes in words, illterlillcnti·

ons, cr~('mel\ts and. breaks ;m: not to .be attended to. 1 haye thus consented and given

tjlis deed of sale. By the dt'~ire of T4n~aYaraJapillei, the Villng.c A·ccouniant, the

iptegrity of the writ ing ,of I h isde~ is attested OJ t~ signature of Gheudra SeCB.{Cn

the son nf·U gun.ei- M~cca pillei;


,-\ NU 1I\'n n".\ PPA 1\f un EL n':,' R

'V itll(,ss('s ~L4.'~ ,\':\1 P.\ III N "'G.\ PP r.~


UL·"G.\I'PE~ .

'A."Rti III UO.\:\1

-D.-y A'L "A n~"'DAIu.'DZ'CLUy,~'nv.

. UE:\I.l.RKS.

\ A !thongh compnrath~ely ef a roceut·date, tbis dl:cd ~ dra.wn "i.t~ stric~ attel)tion:t~

apcicutJonn, so much so iIlllcc~ that tl:.ough t:he,A-~~t~i was rcally ~p!~_br~!i ,·ate b~r_, gain, the dt"claratioll of its having been offered a:,Qr:;l, ~(,c9ud and. W~d ti.m~ wlli~b

.' . . ~ ~, . ... . _. .' . ,. .: -' . ., can only apply to a sale by auction, is retained; with the e~ceptioll of the ·technical

terms, hou-ever, the style of this uocllmcnt and of thc others of this series is entirely

modern; thc form being rctaineq, while the language ill which it was originally COD­

vrycd has become obsolete.


In tbe year Pramadicsha (A. D. ]793) on tbe 17th of Ma. i, we Telisinga Gram3ni,

Muttu~cu~arRpp~ GniIllani,.Vay~ri N ayiniyappa Grumini,Cozhendei Gnimani Tandava

Gramini, and ourpa!ccncrs, o{~h~ Gr .imanis of t 1) Tandeiynr'pett., execute this manei, v i· . ."

----------------'----- - -.-.--. - ... -- --.

. r(t.) ThQQgl1lM .. ~(j:beloflls .to Taodeiyarpett, yet not ila.jng·bePn ~!eD b,!the.satJl! ~s el p~ltle, the Vdwwef, who Iqat the.Mitasi-in 1794, aDd bt!ingof yery reee.o.t~l~,. -it: hi,s bef_.

pla~"n this ~&Fjf~ .. ' ~ ,

cray".cbiUu (bill4fsaleof gtoWld)bCbittamaalar Tan."P{Ja MlldeHjar, living., Mad ... ;

that is t. say,. twenty cani, g£ ltuld situatecl in the plain to.,he-leut" of tbe boundar; ef

SatlMlgidtlkp the opeir near tS$t water., wes" of ia

the- PattaSirtiut Ellei.,:4il 4be northtlkf 4btlk village to irf the- toirS

iog to CaUavacam, and ntOteofer, !()~inis lying we~onbc1Q8ds leaeling to.€attavacam,

soeth of the boundat, 0( S'taiJ~adu,.e .... of tbe-.n place near tbe baok water,. and norti to-tbe ymiPSirlands,.tobirl S~4Anls,&b$t of"wlii4,z;EB been $t460 PagirifbiPP irM»

ientmong'NrS therate$tS Jimirgod .. a· iSiQ Pagodiri have tmirY

gfounds,.withtbe tighisof l!) miTadei, MlU'a'Yadei, water, treature tJoW,.toct. aM art others appertaining 10 ~e18 and Reei.Yechlte- fall Taliie'. No claim etists contrar, to this,

if any. wilt it. deeidmL This of II

eMcuted $tgr free and'thiiP$t dnis

Eneivuipattadei .... 1011!J. at Ua.t sua aDd. __ cndut'e. W. hn received iafull tbe sum

meDtioniPSi:ir tbii deed't~ Th$t witnealeig$$i IdamaoiS~$tm$tspa Na,accannd'ChinnatMtbi

Grimani g whose of thi§§" S,

N ual~'eD, Callaccll of ,he· aaidi .Ulaget-b)t whom it was wri«ea.

Mark • T_lifn.G~ EVV.AlJLAg


MarkelM.u1IlYA-HIUf b,tt.oo_"t.otCUIIIIIJf"I.

Markof VSNCAoi'S'HN b,tbeoensent .fTA'Jt .... " ....

The-' g(ground' ead m$$illI$$i$$$$.l660 tbe·DObi(· .outltt teet auad: we01~ piece ot~ gr~U\1nl teet aut! Ig~tbt ucl1Bt1 reet OIl dui eaai and west.

n. this b that

'_of fol' tale ef



SA'T·AxGA'IUl SA' ... a.DDt

'AaUMlIO"'III,.CaDDaCm elSA'orA'NG.'»V

CHU.!(.l T.lMJlI,



'..., 8o")a$t~iP griP.

llpecl§§SS ibe

bill howe$t4::4::g

(" ~ tt ... s appear tt. be ned bete ill 1ft a\ost· mCidel'ti cleed"f W' It .,fitlbct Roblt. $tb&lieir :111 sucb 01 sale r~ts ri$tiPirslftp' am-- riiPP$;bu4:: rrm·~ BBB.,a41~ iPi$$$$i"l, k. iPfbiSarc Mirfr:! and eli£: Ite traDlfliBBBBBBS wttJl:tltiS..f~g:S

~ Ixxi1,.)

lOrd 'of the north, lOuth, eut and west,and of the senD seas, tbe hunter of elephant.

the prospetolll and glorious hero, tbe establisher of ShOzba mandalam, of Tondamanda­

tam, and of Paillti,ra mandaialD, conqlleror of· tbe country of I'zha, the king of kings

and lord ofkiogs, Sri.rira-pratapa-sri-vira-vencatapati RilyerDeva Maharayer;-dllr.

;ng<his reign oftr thearth,1ll the year roHowil1g' 1'511 of the (8) Saci.m beingthc year

iI~,ilambi (A. D. 1589,) on tbe 5th day of Arpisi, in the Tondamandalam,obtained by '"C8ftt}best in the cOO a"" .r Cql~p""zha"tata~Dadll, t.hePfldtel cott-am,in1be nadu 'of Ezhumb'ilr, in the viMageaf Tande.i.f~vidu, feriya.timmen a~d Shinna-timmen,

·tbe sunS of Cottadj Periyall, anil their parceners, bave thus settled the price of slaTes , ' ,

-and given this bill of sale; my sister V.dlate-hi, 'her daughter Periyal, ber daughter

'Slfuletclti, total~three persons, wbt.n tbey 'had first cried "are there any who "TIl

;urchasethcse a~ (4') coil'ad~mci ~"-....;these words were beard 'bi 'Oitiyapa l\1uu~t'iyar, ·the son of Vandataya Vlaganada Mudeliyar,orieof the Verralers residing in the vil • . ·l~e of Valhir in this mantlblam, this e6ttalD arid this' nadu, who crictl agnin, saying,

·":i''Witl purchase:~'-tbe 'first criers Periya-timmen, Sbinnatimmen anu' their parcencrs,

"and the l~ crier Oltiyapen;having'tlgteed among ourselves allu settled to their mutual . .'1 L "

satillfactipn.the p~ice'w31 fixed in'the presence' of the rnlers of tbelatid and the pre-

· p!i~to~s'6ftbe loil or T'irll M ~yillpnr at! Gefti Pagodas'Cor tbtse three Pareiya women.,

t~n~t~bi,. hc:r 6augbte~;'Pc'riyal ahd her da~gl,ter SliOletchi,' purchased 1lI a family of -'lav~s,..a1\d 'f~r 1his SU~ o'fiwo Pagodas, we lold ihese 'three personl'V tllatcbi, 'her 'Q~u,bter Periyal andher'daughter Sb6letchi; twice al1d thrice; this is' the deterniined

'pricl.'~ tliis,is the fixed sale-price: moreovt'r; 'no -question sb'all be made respecttn!; trHt · quhlity ol'thq coin, nor shall other writings'be required to De produced. ' No :'dis'pute

~~istsrcspeciing Vellatchi;herdaoghtertJeriyal,:and ber 'daughter 81t6!etchi, tf anY

, arise we will stand forth and have it'decfd~. 1811S we baTe consented'and sold V cHId­

~hit her daugbter:Periyiil, and ber daugbter'SttOh~tchi, tG Otti13pa 'M udeliy'ni' at tlie

price settled, 'PeriyatilIuoen, Sbinnatimmen, and' t"cir parcener.. Tbis il the roark ot 'PeriyaUmmen,'SbioostilDlDen, and ~ir pa:rcener ••


, , I. suoh of tb~ ,preeed,i~g dllCnmen~ as. relate to tile sale or ttl irai, the. participation

in 1~ of the :ulscripti glehm, the Villains inseparably attached to the 5011, arc, by

'tbe worels Paricher, and.Tider Pareiycr, transferred as one of \.he .rigbb included und~

{thal'ten3; tbillitate 6fViUanage,.exiati 'frhereTcriaridedMirisi is'known,and1Jowhere

~wbere it illlnknowo, and extend. to certain casta, wllich, though all the individuals aTe

---------------------------------.... --------- -, . t" (:i) "The wordSatim era, by lta(1f, sigDi&es alwa!. in this part or Indi','the rra or Salh'. · baoll.' '

(1) From Cottll'& bllllCh,- add 114" • .1 a .1.n-Jt sigui5e •• 'amn,. or sta~ sold at once.

( lxxxii )

tinue their prh-i1eg<'s, by solicilationQ,. presents of betel, and oHler gl'ntle mean!!,. induce

them to return. The ~laveson these occasions,.bowevcr well treated they may have bCCIl ~

complain of variolls grievunces real and imaginary, and tureatcfI a gencml desertion,

tb is threat, however, th<,y never carry into exec"t i()n; but after the usual time, e\'ery thing

huving been conducted according (0 .J1Jamu/, rctufIl quietly to ibeir labors.

N° XXVI .. , NOTE;-'rhe introductory eulogy, liei'ngnearly the same as in the prt'cedingaocur.cllt,

is omiUed. I n the reign of VeDcatapati Hiyer, ill the year fo}towing :1694 of tho Caliyt!­

gam(A. D. 1093)·being Vijaya, in the month of I)"; Cal\lIi~ on Sunday the 3,],day of the

increa~e of the )1oml under llle constelliltion Swa!>1 i ;"-011 this day \r. ayclur Kizhdr Sli -ya

Veva UlugallJucr nnd his p:lfceners, in the pro~perous Tondl\mandalam,.i~ the country

ofCuIlottungashuzhaYabna:lu, ill Puliyur cottam, in the Nliuu of l'6rur and in.the village

VirugalTlujcam,. has thus settled the price of· Pareiya ~Iawsand given this bi.N of sale;

my Parciyasla.n~s, namely, Sholeilchi.the daughter'of Culli, Pcriya ,\ndi,...hnson, his

brother Shiulla ':\.Ildi,. his brother Vellcittanen, his brother Pcriy,iil,.bis brother SlJinna

Periyan and his brother's sister VeUcittani. when I had fir&t cried-" \\' ill allY person

purcbase tlieloO sc,-cn persons.?' these wordswt!re heanl by • .\ leicII II() ~ ng-k izbar 2 S iru.

tambi, GanapatiY811pcn of this- mantlnlam, of tIle cottam of rcauu':llIU oCtbe village

~'cauu ; who cried again saying" I will purchase: "-the last crier and Ihe' first ·crier

Ulaganoidcr,.having agreed among ourselves and IIcttlcd to theirmutooh;atisfactilln, the

price was-lixed, in tbe preliencc of the rulers of ·the land and proprietors of soil uflbe l'il.

lage of Virugamuoicam, at 81 currcnt Yenc&tarilya pagodas.-Forthis sumof eight and a

Lalf pagIXl;ts,1 ha vc sold Slltlleiichi,. the daughter of Culli, her son P('riya A 'ndi; Sh inna

~'lIdi, V ell&:iUancn,. Periyan,._Shinna,.alld- Velleitt.ini, total 7 persolls, .for 'hem

til is is. t be price; moreover, noquelltiofl &hall bc made respecting the coillllor sball other

writings be required to be produced. No dispute cxists.rt>l'pecting these Pareiy.n slav~s;

if any. ariSt·,. 1,\ ill stano furth allu lIa vc it decidt!d. You are entitled to sell again·those

Parciya slaves,. to-morlgage them, bestow in gift, or every business per-

---------- --------------------(1) Th~ name of the ~gn, Cunni, Vil'go, is Il('re put for thp n"me of the month: it agrees with

the Tamil month' ,\vaul, which LJ(!! tbe sPcond w('ek of Septemb( r~

('1: Tilis word corn·sponds itt all rl'spect1 \I' t~h the Sanscrit tc'rm GOM-am, a trihr, or s.olldivi.

sian of a l~ast ,h-!I<.'('nd;n~ from tbe same remote 8nrp~tors by which it-ball in oth!'r plact!~ been

explain,.,!, I'lCl'pt that it is p'·culiar to tllp TondamanrlRlam V ""i'aler;~ !,pal) kizhdr from€1 !.OeI!I£A

pOSlusi01J, signi4(:s the P3SI'(MOr,.a.nd the ('pithct'by which ('ach' is'd, is. -:;~uAHy takl.'l1 from tIll' place ill which it was originally lstau:isht·u; some tHn(,s it is more- generaJ

a~ ttti~:f. n 17 Pu Kizhar, pos!.esser.s of fiJe ,anu G;''''6~1l :J:ltl7 Sheckizhar,posselisor.s of~ul\ock ••


~Q).....o~e.".)C,~~~Q)~ ~.~o 9\(5~~&'I:~~~0 -aX'~~~Q)..o-rwiiS~f)

Q) -1J ~ -rro~ fS'N"~~cStU~ 0 -aX£) ~~Q) --D "'Pw~~flQ) -,>~c6~~8

6 Q)~ n iJ~ oci,,J",,;S~4l5 -SX'ot§

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Q$~ ~Q) (')l{~o)( •• n5(\Yl!~~~O~b -SX'f)l3~ Q:)-D -rw~o.S.:~Q) -'>~~

~c5N"~ l;"\.;~ ~oC6.:>.)c6.:ltf·c(~~!§~ Q)-D -rw~c6.:lt) Q)-D ~-raci~CS 't!! ...-0 Q "tJ ~

wiGl;"l;"~6 Ql;"tf~if)Q~~o.vo cn.F"@; .s;;;;J;~Qi)

~ ~ciSJ-:w~"'7"D g)~J ;S~".vs~e>§ <?Q~~~~~~wX' -Dtf()41~~

""g~~ C§~~~~~ 0 i3'6~~t)~4' u-io 10 a,gero~~..-ciSJ~~i6.r>:Sil

~otfQ6.roC\?J~:S- ~~~·6~a:':17:4e)t.)o(j'e>~Q5.).)A6o:)-rru~Oi~~C$o?S1'~

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~~cSw..~o ~C)rol6l:P'~~rJ~6~t3 ~lf ciSJ-rwc6&\l~ ;S~e>'OofS v~ v- 1:.).

c6.:0 "Qi:C0~~,.-.~.::/!.5.::AJ,~6~;S e.S:lf~oo:~~"'~i~~~~~S~~r;S~o

($';'44'7 ~ "trV ru'";3 rc6o-r o.S~"~~~6':Q~)O ci()~~w=.~~~~;;;;J;'\ll

~l$;S~~"trVSi ~~ ~tf~~w.~o~w o'-'sg if) ~~;S,,"Q~1744iliiW ~~

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~~ ~ce r~ ru ~ a6J ~ 0a~w~~~xlS'w;S~o~~ ~tf.'»~f)~e

~~~O"~Q~ rJ~ w ~~Z:»X4l5 wlS' &~O~ i'\D-O:-d1>w~cWt.!-Se;,ciSJ

.~() (§d. th ii:r'if)~~..Jif)~\,;if) ,,-ro;s~JQ"I

0)Jif) ~Q44'" ~ 4l5&d:':~if)<S e;,~ oV:4l5oJY- .:~ifCl7()Q ~Ol;"e

~~.::l o~r:~n~h~;S~olS~~ ~~.l~l!:)~t)~ if) ilii;S~ ~~Or~.:~

~ct~ t:fa,..~~~.g~-r&er£r~<sst!.g;s~~~~~~ e ~~zr~o

~~e .g(S~;S;5eo.

( 9 )

G~~UU~~.~fLbft(}s7Ji§tI~iJJ ~JJtlIILbftIAU"l-rrU~~§IIn-~~~IAL.J."'''~'-(!;Ji

~.~,-=tr!J ",:5/ rQ)~ s7Ji§gij.b",.<gij5s7Ji§4SltW~gijQllD ~asrctf1<gij~IALJ~.~H9 $)U~I.srY.f ~G W.

6. ifi1.is7Ji§ •• (!!jCl..:5&£J"'II~~- s7Ji§~e3$<~ - gijJD }!)mlitl'6gijL.J~

UJ.-1i-JUt-- ~~3$<~'-9-s7Ji§,-Q)IIl~ULJ3$<~~.ftJs7Ji§~~;£s7Ji§gij.Lbft-~(!!JI1nuL.Jgij"~~eI1f

'.61~:sR Ii) uU('lIj 0.6fIllGa'-(l)IU\!:J,p~ G",GLbft~~QI:T" 'G %Jo~LbftJ6J~gJ1 ~C§

.. (....~eJ(]."JiiJ'Jt"3.a'-<l)&JfffAlaliiil;!J6L'uf~.ii!ii Q)c:J iP(!;;Ul - .... 4Js7Ji§(~ LbftBP",,;eC!!J

• .u WI..lIllt1 ~ tI lII:Iet &lcStr~ ai! Gl) ¢! .~ UJ.6' 15 fIJ' P u!il ~ tf: (t.T ~ 1.0 tAl rr«/!: air !l G till $1..£ "IF

~ UliP' pliNltl.ll(!j p~ P(!!J#U.§1t£JIIII.Ul ~D'-lolJm 6i)u1" tllI6iUl-~6fSJ,--u9 di fiV:.!Jna(IJ

~n_~.fJ!)JJn",f£~plA -lJ:l.8'uu~J~ tJj Ul-Jj)JlileljtilUi17 uf lI(fdfUl· G;;Z'!14i(!5I£ a IIBPUl­


p~s7Ji§tr p~G~_g JD,&/2 (lLbftIts7Ji§p pSl~~uIFA\U~5C5~~Q z3'UlGI.~\S!iJ ui)GI<el.a

It/fIIII!I"jtI§J.5:Jo,--G)a'utiJ JlP&~:JlJA.uc~~IEJs7Ji§r:;;IIGI g,MLbft&j,!Os7Ji§¥Ilfa;II(..I¥¥II" ~g6a P~q

.«3 alt.GI t1~ ~ &Jfl5f1 LJUl-l-lt ()6'Elj. (!!)u.J n.Q (!!j 5 '?1 UJ u!..J\!) (ff .IIGJ1JJ~ G. e a ~9I U> fJllIJI dPJIlilJT~trlP.UuUJ-(]1U .e~.&GIadP~Q (!!)Ul·£ tr",~~ L.js7Ji§filSJgII'o ~.~~

~(i).1iJ5tr fJu :O~~flii6A6lS1'er foVa.W ~ 67'iW~G~R':...C7!]; filhi) UJtriLJ fi1(}r.i::.j6tJ

JIlT erg Ull-l3ZT w5J(} GIJ1 f6' - WJ f5 j65 C!!! '"*-!! Jii fiIST UllU I:J G1iV II as1 ~5.!!J Ul ~".-.....

GaC!:igs7Ji§~s7Ji§Q UJ.~'.:::.~Ul If ~ea6f1 ~~fiI1J:JjJ!DJSI c!'JjGJiTdr>..lllOW'''''.':!JDjP

" £II ~ tIJ .,gij ~ t3Ql) 6' fj W" ZF " ~~ QJ'i'Im rsCJ 6'i) CIIItr J!) 6'~ L.ltillJl1d.

G. "A7¥ Zll£g~ i.i f1ff'6b(}~1J ~fi) .u fJP '6b !D IlIff tJG<f U LJ ~ G:C:?' /Ii ~ lj'6b 6l:D" ~ ~

.I9I~eIiJ ~Jf#i.G~5fI~l. GI5 L~e:", Q - fD~ r~ ~ GCIII ;s7Ji§Q#~.fiJ 'iil1Gf.~

(!!)"i:.IT\5s7Ji§!$]fi3i .&II(J:J<s7Ji§~.9L-L9-IIII~~ LwCt±:g.<:Q: ~ - ~15J1

UL.It..lJ-5(!5 u ~ IJ ~"l.JfiJj lI,fi:" Uflr; w: w /il.u f..lJIIUJ (I f5 };iiJ"" fi; !5p?r IR.IIi:~I/GIfll1'l'6b 5';;!!jill.dJil

.fIJluGbJ/JAie;j'." _61J/Ii.~rc!J<,1irafSlj 1Ll- fj!).1Jj!e(i!J9I6'rr~~.1T 1P~·fI.,c,9 ~r.& G /hQw

';,.gy s..8 fJlJ(!!juu/Tr,i)errq.".g"(§Jrf}1IJ t94iJiir'lrSfl9'"~oJJlTu.J fit ~;B eGen(J}tJjJIJI1SSTW,.

~ alID5 - {j)fiCClfi1.Bllp1uf' L-L-n;mfi;~ &}is pUl - ~L.JuU)-.JI)J p(JfAJlllA Utl6'lT&kQ

~w,DLbftt.iJUUg;r -Ul fiI:Z:?' etJiTdPJl.Dw 9d1JtlC?Zri1~" tJl_"JU}-~ (:1) rr 1511 ft f)~,;f]n(] paft aJ IiJ

~~:ll4IIf1!T ~f5 ,fg ~ £:'1] 1l7& ~GI Gs7Ji§.£Js7Ji§a~~IIg ~f)!,f]; 6'f5{tJi;tB Q)~e~G5

1l'6iJ5':1IGIt& 61) ££ 6lr ~3$<f/!Js7Ji§ii~ jjl.J~(i 3$<" f;p~w"Dr.ide£Q gs7Ji§,,{j)

~~aiU JSa~rr jJ!J.eill§i~aGGGugs7Ji§ ~ /iitlfiSls7Ji§1Ij .£ e ~.+7~u~tialls7Ji§t& ~G tI,1<Z' p()pwY'"

( 10 )

U;ljOi' 'Jrq B WI..: UJ-J.ll.r!)JC§t:iUlTW [;Jl.){ru:/?J ~ ,Ii)" P fJlriJ ~c5 C~tz;J5i1"-F.W'- ,-iT - lV<!!Irl:'

(J ....: fJiJ 0.~ wl-/ i~ tr :Jc W w '-'- r;; C!!, tli(:!; G CJ ,fi. IT IT Lelt t.J !....-L- rr ,2 ~ 6. 6'%7 '-W '- '- iT @ (;~ II'

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( H )

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I''i G <Pl.-U '-Gs: .,&iJ1lIJ LA G IJ.!JJJ" ,+"(!J ftI$J eLf('", ~ P L.{1'5fh. f1 ,,-G ~ ~"I..a

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~ ,-Gftl'ar ,-eEJ~,f1 (i161GfJfIIWL.Q u tr_(jJfilJ6lJc!>i ;!&(}iaJfIJI._ UJfT UlL.J1'4"f!!:P"_~.

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,-GG-~UUUJ-c81 ;O(}&ltrUl. (JtllltI) .rwl'lIW3 prJ /I" iJlGUG&J":t.~ c3~ aSAr ~ .. &y ~U~ i :fi~ fliT 5fPI ,r£!G ~fiIJ1!

( 12 )

N? VI.

fiT ~~G ff6r!T Ii' ..fI) f!:j,QS)ff e; ~JJ9 §.JD1 ~Q r$1T@.55§

LJ §.tf' ff ISJlE 6'IT rr .1!2l.

Ll60ClJ 9) cSL9- ter C!fJl~J6(1J1~~_lIltsT.i'!jm(JQ)u9".~t1~~~'-Lf­iJll ~ ClIl..I '-L-. Uf 1I,"uir JIJ"'II''' e9 .8JlUtU rr LID Gi '-'-" e.C!)~ ~u LAQ dPJua"'lQ

." ,-Qi}5~ u,§] /D ,Wi." 1Ilu."" fJlAlil' --JU I' fiJ~ e5~lO a r;; fJ'--UJ- r8J(HRr LI~

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lAeRlmGJ51.!;;e.g c-@J/.AoStstB fD LA~ (jj UJ u(Ju n j,j U '-'-.#lI.aI~tI~"I' •• e..p

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JDU II IS,/; G Q)utr Ji.~\>"'3:r L-". L9 ;JlJ(3fttl.J .~UI14.'" .BIJftplW"~~c;z .1IL5J

GuJ&:SI'fi JD&J~ ,-(J'-JII •• lSUrr.£_I6/f~u~,,~Ul /ll£J.aa(}J.JII.B1JJI.A".UL./ JD,r!)

~SJlL./&J~'p4IG_~"fI •• t-~t1 • ..,Ul r::SIfSJ'-i~.(!}uf L....1'~fiJ ~1J~uw.iiJ "gGh'i)u'~tJ~_:..-rr- IIlQ'WDt- UlIIf~.'- (#.8'.~(!;fJ-fDI-Jlj).IJL-.U)u. •

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( 16 )

eJ.UJUt- t....;418fjdflfIIUI' 11176'0UI......4.,-n-Q ... JIITcrI1L-t-ff ~5elD ~III'GGJ6f16',. ~

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'-If (3U) /I rod rr6l!l1rl..!}-Q~Ul m:1 '-I pQ ".~ ... 6t tlST filS( 6i - e: ... ~Q (!!) u:. d'-l P fill'." _1J~e)CYP.~(!!)LC~a..«1&11t-t-.":J)1I1l:rD5Gfi~fAI~LC~IJ,.ciflllbr~'~~(!j~U . , . ""

. £Ie c:!)jfil1ln 55176 Ul !::.Y'ller U'l t..l e:J'tdd G5f17lJ !!,~u m(fo" &J.:wG ;;'~SGi),~~(j)" "11l,Q •• '. \., • 1\', ,-,I

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If '-'9-G Q)IT e u /6./ \!!) ~& lUiS aa er:r ,...". m"i) ~ p iJ ~ fZ,tr m'rl (i)~.I!S!d/D eJaLQII'

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lilt JD iLl ~5(!5.!5U2~tiJ5e.G8i(}UJITe;Q/LJLO"'tlJULJ P.@~SJuG@p~(1_trlltl.~· • " ' ~ , " \ . • • .,'... 4

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,-,rr~"fJ' $)IWrr~fNUlu~fJf'lIl..J."(}rrDl'~~"f!Ul £~U~lI:;uCJ.~JIII- 1I".UtI,

~fiSdi)lUfI'U2J1}iJ(}CUl'rr'5G~GuJ~ ~~I1~erUlJ6rr ~.JPl;' j!).IA~" ~Grt:!JjJLJ"~' \ ,\ , -, ~ \, • ! .~" 1: .~.

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I.llJAlti1I' •• fiT(!;bl'.!lI ~f1Sl~'(!;PJ6Jn, ~~mSe.eL....~.~.~IIQ).(!/'''J15~~ £l).9·ee'-~" .8rfi.., .~~ Ll).LOUJUI..J'filST't&uu~ c!IJ ;DJ(). tiJr ~'e:18 PrJCJ.iin ; c§Jr.S iii C!:Pflptr §J IB '&ufle;liIITB'n~5G11.,G &JCl?~~~c.J UlG~£!.'-'-IJIlu)uJW" .,

IJ LJUJ-J1 !&GfaJ. Q JJJ UlIl/lfl.,rWSII ~G"g UUUJ-dlJ ./JJ(}e.J. (!;p I' #.~ualTD".~

.ur JSDJ9'"1"t- ,-".9l11" (JI Q. c!1f5"U2&rq:~(3.(!!j&7 ,tG 63 ~ "~~' .. GfAI.

G~,-.~CT II,@$; "lI~~ /IlfJrJ l5'-UJ-G #F~ut-L-"LJ"fS""'./D.toU~,-"a. .tIl '-L-tr G.~.f'l". (Sf' G., .s;s.TIl~aJ1 (5 er '9-~ ~""'fI!f(!/' II.#I_iii @)m.s"UiiIUiiBL;. . , ~'.eLl)€i1 .. erG'i·~Q'+.i'CZi~~I1(f5C4trll •• "fJCfI'JIi·Qe'A..,s .. ·_,-,-"

( )7 ,

~/6Q (!!;UlQ-/t Wi1't1 fJfJjf~LJI1ID~.(d5trflJ,.~U!i:GII~.,§1 rtiJJ!)fiIJ JD .1I.,fIt ala.

S (!!) Ul Ul6 fl!f'e:. ,. (J ;:aJ.9T;'i} .w p ~cS~cS G 111 aJcSG17 (!;/lfifST ~G ~ ~t1 fiI1I' UlU A'7 rxa.GiJl1

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Q D JD UJft,,.-t.:lU 61%1 U':J tJ Q 5" ~ IS ';:Cill :£l 'iN - G: iI' ~ SJ ~u '9--t:!/~J,1' 118'- - ,v -~ IJ

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(]j) P () "it LO ~ 11 "U U ~ (!) &J ImfT tile" ~ u. .5-Gl7 iT Cj) P IUr 16~5 '$ D ~ W EFll /Jf1I ;jl, IIlJ1a /J

u "9--~ !lITE. a G fIt1 U /D ,iJ tIJ gJutili).~;,u;JtJ G.r. 4if/ fiJI t!UJ!.._J ,76 "9itA~ c..fZ)J LJ JjJ"

eurJl-... IS ci' {!J15 I'wUIISJe:&j- /I.cSl1~~~ ~a4:IaD':"" L.Oq~,- Q(15~'-(jjJ~

-/i~. f.-. LO Ul!!-IJeJ/iiffJ)t1 [IJ-;tJ ",iii t:SI p>lir.('fil!1 ID B ir e p (J iN ~ ~~r& (/ ~'

~ G ifo.·"'~ ;.JfT~OiiIfIV ~~~ -=S.II u../U 6i.!b-p~1f ~ IAJ GlbelSf fS JD c!.tJ ~ (l.u" ..

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.. ",m_:!!> uD '-P ~ cD fJJ "fj'.J U 1SI~.n .aall.,jps(!!) LO W.~"" ~ .. tlI1.4lJ ~ •• ~

_ia."'~'--" .,g;J~l5pfT GO fI "-' 6> (]ufYeT ft;. dPJ e;lflifj'«P41r5 G'eIT0e5."''­

(1~II"" trttClljIJ:.\ ·1)1511..)uur.(!!)O:tJ)LO~.tIfI511(iJ5$1f1fffiiIiJ fA) ~~& ~.G.IICh> .. pQ

./DtJ.I~I1P""fJllf~~(I;f"..IP&fi1f111 Ul~fif1,.I1'~-e"I'f(!)ft-P ... f'Te:.'~"67U""

ill" -taf1.JJtJ.J;<rnG...JG~4J·~::- C..,;;5a:ra (!jc!l/UJtilJlDwuuer.$j pGQl- - ~" .p./P n e; ~ L.Q If :.r. rr..'iJoJ.J(ij 41 '-LlJ- - e"~~.C%l.(!!J G1 LJ 6l1U,§] fill ••


• ~r.fJ" l£llLJfiI~'" ~fiilSr" ... e!/.)5~~.';."'.(!)dlJUI.~u,-,_eIlGItI{!i""~

N~ Xli .

.§ fiIZT·Str) l-UJ ff ffU LJ L-Cd L-Qrr.£' ..!J) ~ @n-iA'<!5.f!)f) .t6 .i5J8i

, G:i $fT @ ~ .f5 u .flj § a /EJ6j fitT IT ...Ill1 •

L..'GGa'II"4'(SGY5ITet:rL-IS"(lKilalrL-"f:plp" u-u.u.&iJr'-_(9&J(i;.",aV8(j)f1I,fiJ!

LtIlllll'~~(7~ SDJD5" JD-.'-.~II"f}afilJl.Ii6!UJ'H.:r ':J'l"faI.ei,~'12'-GJUI.

( 19 )

.. jDwJ.',ti1 se--'--~ /D .,JJU&a.~QI.J;ru UI.....r4-•• rii; • .,..~. <!:p~.3 pIT _I.J 1I1]'!It

uSw~IJ~6rr $a "~"""'S~lAdj.Uali) •• ~J!#T"6"(J) eTfilSlUIm(!!)eJ·m jjI

~'~ JDA ~~IUIIGr'1J1I (!!J1S • .A'lU/ •• "&) .-p./IJ(l 1Sf1/D f1J uUUJ... fiJ RifT Q ...

:cj. ... aS_.8l"; ~.;#1fJ~a(jeJ-(JfllrsaBJtA -I'FJt:Ie,-fIJ ITrrUU t-'9--~e7-~-;&G 61JllflJl' .!PJ • ~~ fIi) '0- ,,; ·GtflI Iii~ -(} plTt.,J '"i -S aClJ -9 fCT ..!PJ' •

.• cii.lG!w cP "f1d~a ~1I.Jt.o- (i;~5!>(!Jo'-tiOl- -. ~ ,rEJ5<it...-fI1I:.Il-U /DtlQIP!iJ- P> . '

.. ,... JBw-~ir.Q f;P81J._L-.~ ID r&!tD. L.JG;..JR L.J U t-t- 6'.'~q,. ~ f& jn (!;;Ul csmCilh) j

T!fJ1:;:Bf....Q!N.jDQ.6J ... /DWUll.bfD J)JUlp. rsllUl ,.. £Iee;iJ0U>A. i jI JI"". L-.C'itlI''' a,¥

f~"'~~~~~LO~~4j1 (~.fDMJ""Ii.~ufilWc$JfI$~.'IT(!J,,(Jl'fJJT LO~uJcJ

~&~~4III;·f!!!y.onafllt ~lrfJU _~ (!!;Gi1cu~u ~~S"uJtrn:(!)~IIUfilSf c!Jf!D(i;­

Iilr.a; • .s-'-"-oi.;,..~ Ul- fjJtD -~ .. ';lJt/2lfJpllit IJIIST 16.615 051mRJ6$(!JJL JD LOfiTC!I fJc!PL.Jl~

~~.*5l.,:11f1 &.§J luBu.. (!J!.-L...(J)G,il-'- (/I)fll'(J~L.J &!fe4 r...c'i1 II" S (!5r:i1 15 r;" • ~ .fil(!:P jD}" tiJ~.Gft JP! GIfJI IT .'_1-1 ,tj) ID l"wdJ 1'" ."J.Ul ~UU'-9-il~~"~ ri1 !d~ !r~~ ~cilia ~il'~U:;llc.Yt~1U ".;~ a,,~ ~;; I!UlfiJ :JllIlIJ(!}I p,&J ~ n 3,/5 ~ ~U)uUr:y.II§/IJJ •

. ';::IrGJt..::it:JJtI,i~.®-& p§) lUll" ~&la.II7e=:.o LO;a cr9 ~ ~ (!J ~_I5&IUDlDS(!jJ5-=-"''­

'~, &un t:.J1;;....@ L6V aeCl'.~ t:luzr;] lifT. (!!JlDlrUfiflT Gu If .JPftllJ6S1e""G.u & p.lil. .

,... r ' •. ~3U .. (!!i ... tLlU'..J\?PP~1I.I n if(51.1l "UE3~U ~uufilYflJleG/JJC!:I P .... "f1.

\' ',' . \ Gill! ufl!.tU (glllliT(!T)1.Jl IIUfiISf i)J.JrreuufilSis:.>6Gu.J(!J}J~.

\: l!'!J -'-(!JIIfI~ ~~ If U,6ST ;a IIJII au u - DsG '!J i::i.f' ,c-. •

Q"_"'C%r(!/'.fj~;J.JII;(§1A "11_ ~ ~~ ~Itt..~tl-r& PAl.

G:..J fI rU (!f J5 ~JLJ LJJ:.I-BSI.-G IU :i .~r:fII'

(? u muJ (!:f II ~ •• G tJJ (!J IE .§II

G u 6 !fJ fA z!jJ &IIcSGtJJ '3 II tP •

e!!}f fD"· - tillI.G ILl r:f fI.!J! •

Q 6IIC fiJI p.ptDl) (!fl p Ii) IIJ II" i!J tIllIl]'(q ~ (J.J f 51-1 U IiiIIT fiC6Gu.J (!J f! ..9 .

• N? XIII.

us9r; ... t-11,,6t.J1lf.1]'''6f1S~ '!:P.~LJ.e fJ rr p J5~efp!;i"J .e~w&J ~'mf8

~Q(1~~ ~.&1 P(!j'~" ... uu,-JiJ~ ••

( ?O )


f~1]' C;;£c L!l c'2l, 1& ~ fTlf (J-W G-w jD fI) P filii ",ill :5 rr «T U a~!f!f ~ u.l. r;J ~'llJ IT c7 Q.;:~ til: fi) ~

lb LA j3rr.::::1' r;m '-w rr if ....J '-u;.. §J G ~ ~,~!A (i1 (!!) UJ !Iliff rr c!PJ ~ GlJ C!5 LC e w. w. P; JI.CJiil e\'ill'

t!'Ji LJ '-'-~ !I.S eet:? ~G 6';;fJj1~e.1T f!; fi) Q LDl-JurIO UH= C5W~.U&;;rae.C!l~"'.

Q (ttl Ul ff ,ffC ji Q3>L~ u.1tT if W L-.. ff4!L. C e (,( 1.0 (pC I' 'iI ((!I i,.1:..- "~ S ~I:!; P ~ /D ... "-~-i'T-", \,:J

50:;)1' ;()~ ~em'-~;fiNi_j'-i' GlliTBSr4~i~~£c.~.§~e Ti£-

'5 tD ~ 6IJ 9>lHr. f) rr u; ~ fT /!J j!J IEJ el iI;@J.p: 6> OS" 5 (!!) [;; Y",5(Y II) ~ ;9< £i ~Uo Ii fE.J (I,'!5-(1 fUl &9 TT

.. ra.r IJJ f1 ;; (jJ e.1f t£) .i)J <1J'~ 16 15 ~ j,;", GJr LA:;;' q.L!}-G~l- (j) a LJ IT '- (/}~ Cd e." e.z:;r G w,G ; G.

WlS jD ~ .t;JcTC:!!JJ!J pu:.~iP!lRSI Ul':>T C!:!: ,fi;5'.(JelT((j ~G piT /.ll~ $ !I.( ~ ,!I,(lC') /.ll"QJfiIl'L-~U , .

Ul-!U u".w.arC5UJ.e~e0 "'\s, f,_Ge,n (J;)PP!lJD~iTfTper &L ~UL.'L9=«(! \~ a erl5filST'fllJJUl$~~sr::;es:":r~Gec~wLQC. CJ.~/rfJT C!:i?'$1 [f;r .... ~:e~UJfT~aS ~,' G :::..;'Q1


;Y U W TT fl!T Z;5 Gs:.1 C!:f .~ "'~ -

CJl II ~ :J1 &J ~. (C) llJ i!;C IS.P '

G5;';aa(]'[tLAUCififlJ~5,?""ati!1 jD 0 ~n~foa

&J TTCC e ty. !I.(( IU n if .;me :(i; I.IJ Qii Jt • • ~.tfi1 G.~i[ u &I) c.,. ~ ((, IJ.) ,('" tJJ gt •

'Q iF ~ GI1" tE fjfJ1 fo .. 't 1EJe. 017 61 j .s "9- t,A-.:1 IR. ti. cSt (5).. J!eI:r ~ '-14l r: '/ W I.J '- (j) ~ G1 iT d!)I&';;

.;;fTGlP3iT~'U:_Jt- L- fIt%1' /lf3!:) etf~~ (!!;c~Ci1 c;£ OJ /D f1tfUo~U:.Lq;G(T,- u;..U.lI:U ~ n. ,;;,t;J ~ a ('T TifC5C517;:; C?J C.t }DB %~l.t£ eli ~ c[:) '-'- ~w .. U IRI IT ee-

'-L1Ti'....G0'!S((:G.Jfczr5P7 6!ZTaIlL 1$[[ G.;;IT/I!:J;;rG'i)'Jl5l ~ T77'- ,;;;

ir& !fo~l'IaB£c~G~,~) lE('5::JJL TT6W~;; ;;r;;;~ /!In @ffJf

U):..J3ID ~ UJ wG ?J.T C-.C-.~J:.'e0~'-~'Z::T fmC-. eQ7JS~.G~ Ifrcl'q.(j} ~ - Q)C1~a

.(!!l}l.b,CLG f2)$eG~fiI7w,-£-rE~~ JPj,-a;~ ~/J8SlitF2JuueJl

( )

.IDJ.e§'&iQ§'G4£&.~pap4£&~ ~4£&,,~Gi)~§'P~I"t!.,JirUtJIIP~ at-UJ-fl(JfaJ,fIo;_

r:;;.£F'fllllffl}:J*LT-GiliJ-(l}W4£fi!lC&;'.JJIj1 11'4£& ~4£&fiU§,IWUlUB!£&Jw£F' W ~ P §'UfiJl-Jii Wi7!f!I' \

IIlUfllf -S.(#. tr.,. (f) c!PJ .g:JU eli, ,. ~5(Qi.n ut>rr a ei-JP tr %HJ~ u.'ijJu LJ t..fJ- 4£&0 07J' a,?§ . .

t!Jff?tr.6h9 Q).(!C~.G!J."(j}JI(}JJtrUl DlJ" GW(!J;!iJ- l/ierDt.I)5~ ... GIl;._ 1', .\

~4£&,,".i&U.4ili!tlt15 "f3~-PfD~4ili!tl'PJRJ1lrL". t '. \ ' I!U JD ~u~tJJC!:e ,,:.151 ...

r ' .. ',~

G pIT UfDbJfl»a GYIIJ \!:e fI'./p ~

§ • 4£fi? esT"tII!t filSUifJ)$·-;-a /IJ (!:f JI';p.

Ie I: \ (# f!J,&.!@ f!' ~(§i) Lordill.6f1' 6T fil,. ~IG f1S) '-UJtr fi wu t- fa m:.,GIr (J' &J; asrr ~., I/I.JP tt .

? ~ ~ §' IT 7"" cu LE1lr1,'/¥i ". tJ uf' %~ II ~ § " ,fiJ n §' Ges a (l;; fj ,!!II

U !.J!-~ iiiiJ.~ &i (!!) lL P ~ 4£fi? CD iUf G cS07J'U U L- c....lbDI b... tIV bO 6iliii!'tJi, 4.J '-L9--6 0!!J .~, ' , - ' ~ .. -? AI rJ LI)~~ 6l~UJrr B cS II1Zr '9- '.ii cSlt ~ .el)''!~ <:; ~ ft' C!l;fD LO 6~ pe:; aNr Ln.J J pcti

G PE§ t-L.. til ~ p!D ,!5 ~(!!jI1'(1 IT If. LO U.,. WJ t£1 '- L-tIIlLJ ar lD - II' iiY:,ff) -.8PSJ-e'jcStI . . , .

, .

t..,..CUf!iZl' fiiU __ lrIl1 a:9 iU til • ~ {) -Co cV 7.f). (JjJ :6/ljD ':} P tr 1- '-(!JeW 4£& a9 'iJ.J &!n .S ~ E§ eQJ fj )it

(iJ ~'J.JfI :;; P ft G a'~ filrtaJ". I61T 01 Ul IJ.'EJ II 6ft C/HlJT' G'51GTSr cf!JJ flaJ.-.{) JIfIt-~(!;fu:.1I fii

Fat07J'e:;07J'0 /St.-W&'J07J'54£&tk-GOUJUlITa&jtll J1)LJWUJ-5(!'j$ft1D'-ILJ";WU'


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1'''' "111_ (J .... w ~ (}:f!1t ~.\S.9 /0 G r..nlaas,-(}aur I./llt 46fIJ Ul ~Jr fJUU '9-5~ {jjJ ~ tr

,,;;w 4ili!!LA 0 s& iiE§ fiTrLa Q i'iIIZ ~ U rr .?D~ hh 6 £F'1f 8 8.~" 8!rtfT@¥h~ UllPif Atr flJrt.JIf'U' IA I.J ~ IIJ UlIrtll ' JIll ~- j"""""" ". e~- r"""," -"" F

II" aJ5ct JJf JD1f-JJil fDJP fI,(iJtU ..,Q14£&5:-,,;} It' 5 t!7 ~ • 'ill; ~ P r J:i1s±# ~ ~ ~ '1 «IJ"

aSruu UII' III fl.!!'" ~"fIPJesr Llll.JfT PlIJ/U U51t(J rr e(J;QljI fl'jlU) tfJ~...J 6i) W uC} tII.IP •.

III!Y ~ &l.£¥'IIrs'-(J6I"4 lJ ~ "%%JIT s'-l§iill.J@¥h'; ,fi)""U.%¥hh fJ.§g,~tr~ UJ ~!O~., <!:1.riJertri ei'

.144:!) &";;4.~5~GUii .§iQlJ&JQ¥~ f!!JUlii@iiti(§~<h$LJYti6T&~J,G.~bf

.utir&" JJiI ~ rlJ'" J.J U 66 ~(!f p./Jj1fhsr., ...... fIf(!;i I'~ - fj; pp; r!J~f.iIi J.. " C!!J~JI1'/llLTWSJUu.J;: •

~#%&An sSUWJ54£&;JJ@¥hfliJE§ ..

( 13 )

~.~ ~~X'~~t'~~i5~ ~t)~;s)~,ifcn~~~G§I'~-;Se> ~~~ ~

~~~cH!~~.r ~ 8c.h~e:J"7r1' ~~a'lC>Q).)~e,~~~~~~&~<6Jo "'ll

~~;S:J~dSJ~e>~~XSOi\"O ~(:£,~~~cOo~ "K C>Qj1:~cOOO~~

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~<::'~v~l) i:~::it;;'~1C~:)~li:3:S~S ,~1C;::~'\~ 0 i'llk.~o8:3'~;;;;::Sill~~",,~6 -;;:''S101?

~1Clk.)rlf~(:$t~t'~ l5" ~j ~80~ji:S.'S!:~ c>;3.:Q;:; ~80~8~10t)r:r-~'ftO

X'8~(""'''-"@8\ ~joS~~} ~)~i5,o ~ ,"K,8~~~dS.'\(', .~7T" ... 1 ::J'\ ~ , ~ ---. '_ ~~~ i..~'" "-.J U .. f-/ -.J

e~ -()~~~~~::J"O"1'et'eW,

~,;r? XIX. ~.ilk.~:J" c... n GJd1"jiw"'jlict!i~t8n1t8 e5t8!lJ.~ii.ilk.LJ~<J.J; ii1Ct<ll.';iic.!3.,8}i1

e fII Ql6fl~"uJ -/I tB ~ .u U:.JG" ~'-9- fj (!!) ([l ~ ,.,~ ~ '1 '-G 67 <tt' !/ii."G; ~IT t8 ,ii ~ • .ilk. ur .er,§)Jt- c9J~qtT§ur 1'~r.U!AlT •• ~,/!~sSITe~u9 6i) lSTAfJ'unSIT~lLItT~6IILJn flItGu

~ ~5 06'8 S (l) c.b (!;P (!j lSiii'? fft.ilk. Zk ...... ':) ,s5 i~UJtr ii jjeJ i'?et QJi{ ~ is fil'1 G iF iU &1 UJ-tiJ

ClIiiii.6S - {ilJii ~'Al10I1._ &.,I ~ji~,;: III' l.lJ=i'?c:Jlt' i;,)'SIU'l ii~/,l jj!il

JI,'iiJ fi) "i{I6J.jig(JGJfil!IfT(/)lAwtB:~:]ii10iiJ $i'?8C1!ii{lil0l0 CO ii10l1Q1ji!.-i{li'I,i\,iiJl- )iitr '-'56


.... ,-sf? tFlrlJGJUl [iJ,)'I ~a 1) (!!) (OUl 9.~,'iiJ:1:,o :ft~d IA(J u tr .JP1 oat 'OUUJI7 (i}$Qi IfJ~ p,fiJ Qiili~iii~Ql)t~/b'8 ,-ee'. ~i'?iffGn.ilk.55l-G &Jii{~ •

• 8f.ilk. • f{ .s;J ci' a;)f) GI ~ II Gf1 fJ iT ILl P U.ilk. U}- I) 15 tr

o aJ1' ty.srr f8 B:JI' ~,WJ. W CilI" }J iT P II.i&6i~l:&tr ~ ~ sse ~ a &i ~ 5l) lD [i!:I5I'W LJ Lt;:ii.. 5 (!!Ji'? err

C!!)~.o G C1'\(!£ ~ s(i)51T@j!/li(!!) !J) ~ ~ ,66='1 L._([;' ~ ..ffi'~':!; ~q" ,-61 - GCI <!'J II Ul u2 ~

ULJ(!;f'I'{.i)/IJ.1r - LE75Cj" ($a.J n;r ~SlJ rrtlHinil'LlJUl p,r& r;i) CST CY: .'iiJerlf_ilJlI..A

~CCtii.i GIr I);; ~ 'li ~8''8 ptIl ji (J' ~iijger;; ji \!i ;'li AJ- tB i{I:3 UJ U iiI iCI 'S'~'i6. G.i'5 C!:f P.§!.

N? XX.

( 2.J )

Ltf-u.s u U flY(' -15 .&1 ~ c.u OJ:.J flJt -(!3 QI flU Ubi er -L1Q14LTig '-' '- £j}' 11 "'. (!!)l.tl5 ff ~51¥J" i:-G llbi

&Jrnr (I &1 e,f!) IJJ Ul til ~ fiJ (I G."(Jj) P /ILl l..J}--C WI1t(!!!j '-c!P{fAl4' 7 i ~i 11 ~UJUll1lJjt1l iiUeiill76tf!€.

«'J .ugz!..~ Q!JJI1F'1G uoe(}e:/iJ J!!IrJ(I!5IlGJS=c!'!~'i;J ~~~.@IJ.I.T_fII4"&JITI&i5_ Gi ....

ff:: W L1)-U ~ G,,;";P bJtr ff- Q;) ~.!§Jf54: IT gzt!6:il L ,Z:l ~ -~ :'5.C71 UlTbJ .• ~ ~ u~a Ii 1If!l!!1'(l;jS(!l

UJ&j @ 1'-~Qj,~ UJIT 6J t1:.w f1i.. u:: 61. 5~ &,OGli ~ bi $: fS.fi1 u .. PJ II' wClill'gz ~~.G bJ#' Sl:gz:a fi§AI'-tF.

Cit SlJ rr w rr u.~ LL (219' ~ .~ J51f Ul W (J Ul. ~ Iii all' ('!) ~il s: are. IT <§v c$ UJ-lir(!;p IJ r;) (} ,. jii~.

~:~~rrE¥~@#1" ~GupJi),yer$ffE~ d!lJ"PffE Q(!!)Ultfl~Ul.l.jtWUJ llll'&l-'- UJijG/fl1J'-o

o !J#' bi L.j .!P t{ ey #': tr ff:B bitLl ffE w(J bi ~ W W '=-C-6i t"ffE • ~ ,'I!i" /iJ (;J :U /.it#' "ff/ P Js' #' u'1 ~ 1Srrul1 !]'!JjWliJrJJUlI15~fS .9trlT !iijJfj;;OJiIi1ltrffE~ u.//J &:lffEG~i.i.i gpu ti.9'1!i~bJG5'1!i.~

e5t-,i:Ttr 1T.6Ij!.1l~,.g;~~ u.s n G fJlt~"rJ)$)Ju9~~,,~ ~fStIl!rrUJ(}fj" fDjDuuUf- .

~Yf5trti.l$Ge:&QP€'!JT iT!i1~ c:Wj(l:1~er Fi ;;:~&& G.ffTbJ55~G&'I1:t.otr5"YLO fi)uuu;-. )

bi Ul.GpffE /6 ""UU G ff ~ U)- i-L-:: (!!S iT~ bi~ 6';:: L9-1U U W 4FS' ~ iT rIJ ~ zUU

Ufi!T -~$116.TWUCill1-L~Qg '- '-"GUlIIJ <:!:£' fij5G5ff(fi FP?JdlJ:ar~ .~eEZJ /DbJU P ~£j}'14

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