Report on “Swachha Bharat Summer Internship” · Report on “Swachha Bharat Summer...

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Report on

“Swachha Bharat

Summer Internship”

25th June to 31st July 2018

Vidarbha Youth Welfare Society’s

Prof Ram Meghe College of

Engineering & Management Badnera – Amravati 444 701 (M.S)

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

executed in three Villages, namely

Rajura, Dahegaon & Anjangaon Bari

under the guidance by

Dr. M. S. Ali Hon’ble Principal, PRMCEAM

& Prof S. M. Dhawade

(NSS Programme Officer) PRMCEAM

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

“Swachha Bharat Summer Internship” (SBSI)

25th June to 31st July 2018


Sr. No. Activity/Particular

1 GoI Directives regarding SBSI

2 Introduction to SBSI

3 Declaration of Grampanchayat – Dahegaon, Rajura and

Anjangaon Bari

4 Institute Initiatives and MoM

5 Formal Inauguration of SBSI

6 Principal, Nodal Officer & Students Planning

7 List of Interns

8 List of Activities executed at 3 Villages

9 10.1 Door to Door Meeting

10 10.2 Street Play

10.3 Swachhata Melas

10.4 Painting

10.5 Village or School-level Rallies

10.6 Swachhata-related movie screenings

10.7 Organize Waste collection drives

10.8 Volunteer for segregation of solid waste

10.9 Organize cleaning of streets, drains and back alleys

through awareness drives

10.10 Dustbin preparation and installation

10.11 Water Testing

10.12 Tree Plantation at Dahegaon

Valuation of Work in Rs.

11 Activity Photographs

12 Media coverage to SBSI

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

1. GoI Directives regarding SBSI

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

2. Introduction to SBSI

Swachh Bharat Summer Internship 100 Hours of Swachhata Page 1 Following the Prime

Minister’s clarion call on 2nd October 2014 for each individual to devote at least 100 hours to

Swachhata through the year, the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation in association

with the Ministry of Human Resource Development and Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports

has launched the ‘Swachh Bharat Summer Internship – 100 Hours of Swachhata’.

The program aims to engage youth across the country, develop their skill and orientation for

sanitation related work and make Swachh Bharat Mission a janandolan.

1. Components of the internship

The 100 hour experiential internship program would require the candidate to visit one or more

villages and conduct activities of their choice to contribute to the cause of rural sanitation in

India. 1. Duration: At least 100 hours in the period of 1st May to 31st July 2018

2. Who can apply:

Youth enrolled in Colleges/ Universities/ NYKS may apply through an online application

form made available on the website

Candidates to indicate the location of internship (village/ district). In case of educational

institutions, the location of the internship may either be home state or the state of the parent

institution (education institution that the candidates are enrolled in). In case of NYKS youth,

the location of internship shall be villages where they are deployed.

Candidates may participate individually or in teams. Team size may be decided depending

on the nature and scope of their activity, and approved by the parent institution, subject to a

maximum limit of 10 members in a team.

3. Internship Process:

Candidates to devote at least 100 hours conducting Swachhata-related activities in villages

selected by them and approved by the parent institution/ District Youth Coordinator.

The parent institution/ NYKS to organize necessary logistics for the activities.

4. List of suggested activities:

As a part of the internship, the activities that participants may conduct have been categorized

into two clusters:

Information-Education-Communication activities: IEC activities are oriented towards

increasing the awareness of people about sanitation related issues and trigger a change in

sanitation related behaviour. IEC activities undertaken by the interns can target behaviour

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

around open defecation, hygiene practices; solid/ liquid waste management among other

behaviours. Under this, the interns may:

Organize awareness campaigns around better sanitation practices like using a toilet,

handwashing, health and hygiene awareness, etc.

Perform NukkadNataks /street plays, song and dance performances around swachhata

Organise Swachhata Melas

Conduct Door-to-door meetings to drive behaviour change with respect to sanitation


Conduct Village or School-level Rallies to generate awareness about sanitation

Make wall paintings in public places (more specially panchayat offices) on the theme of


Organise Swachhata-related movie screenings in public places. (Swachh Bharat movies may

be found on the YouTube channel and community screenings of these

films may be organized in public places in the villages to help spread the message of


Solid Waste Management related activities: SWM activities target generation of awareness

around waste collection, segregation, disposal and waste-free environment:

Organize Waste collection drives in households and common or shared spaces

Volunteer for segregation of solid waste into non-biodegradable and biodegradable waste

Mobilize community and panchayat to build compost pits, where organic matter

decomposes to form manure

Help Panchayats draw up plans for installation of biogas plants

Organize cleaning of streets, drains and back alleys through awareness drives Support in

toilet construction

Helping in pit digging for toilet construct

5. Training:

An orientation video for youth towards sanitation activities in the rural context has

been created and uploaded on the portal , Swachh Bharat

Mission (Gramin) YouTube channel (https://

6. Other important resources:

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

a. It is recommended to go through the YouTube channel of the Swachh Bharat

Mission (Gramin) at and use the other material

uploaded there (uploaded in multiple regional languages) to support their efforts on

the ground.

b. All IEC material of Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) may be freely downloaded

and widely used from the links and

c. Swachh Bharat updates are regularly shared on social media on the pages and d. Inspiring success stories

from the grassroots are available at the blog link

7. Reporting:

An Internship Report needs to be submitted by the candidate on the online portal in the

prescribed format through the Nodal Officer (Educational Institutes: appointed by the

institutes; NYKS: District Youth Coordinator) within 15 days of completion of


8. Rewards and Recognition:

All participants will be given a Swachh Bharat Internship Certificate on completion of their

internship and its approval by the parent institution (Nodal officer/ District Youth


In case of educational institutions affiliated with UGC, 2 curriculum credits will be given to

all interns whose internships are certified by the parent institutions as eligible for the credits

on the basis of higher parameters.

The Best interns will be recognized at college, university, state and national levels as


o Cash Awards in addition to certificates (Provided by MHRD/MDWS/ NYKS)

o For College/ University Students

College Level: Shields / cups given by parent institution

University Level :Rs 30,000, Rs 20,000, Rs 10,000

State Level: Rs 50,000, Rs 30,000, Rs 20,000

National Level: Rs 2 lakh, 1 lakh, Rs 50,000

The selection of awardees will be done by the competent authority appointed by the MHRD/

NYKS at each level. The decision of the competent authority will be final.

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

9. Role of the Parent Institution

Conduct college/ district level campaigns to mobilize participation

Appoint Nodal Officers for the internship at each

The Nodal Officers should register on the and facilitate application

process May provide necessary logistics for interns, such as travel to the village,

refreshments, etc.

To ensure that all interns submit their reports on the portal on time

(within 15 days of completion of fieldwork)

The top three awardees at each level should be forwarded to the next level for consideration

of awards at that level

Submit the details of the name of the awardees to the next level of authority (Educational

institution: University/State/MHRD; NYKS: District/State/NYKS)

Responsibility for safety and security of the interns during village visits lies with the parent

institution/ youth clubs, hence the location should be chosen appropriately and liaison done

with local administration wherever necessary Role of State Government and District


State Government/District Administration will provide necessary support to the parent

institutions/ youth clubs as and when requested to the extent possible Nodal Points/Helpline

for various purposes:

Educational Institutions

For registration: (Numbers to be provided)

During Internship : College Principal or Nodal Officer

References Point in MHRD for Parent Institutions: (to be provided by MHRD)

3. Declaration of Grampanchayat – Dahegaon, Rajura and Anjangaon


Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

4. Institute Initiatives

Meeting Notice:

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

Minutes of Meeting:

NSS Programme Officer, Mr. S. M. Dhawade welcomed Hon’ble Principal & all the

members. He requested Hon’ble Principal Dr. M. S. Ali to commence the business of

meeting. Hon’ble Principal Dr. M. S. Ali welcomed all the members & initiated the meeting

to order. Following items on the agenda were discussed & resolved by the members.

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

Item No. 1: The ‘Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation’ in association with the

‘Ministry of Human Resource Development’ and ‘Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports’ has

launched the ‘Swachha Bharat Summer Internship’ for the college students.

All the head of department, Cell member should mobilized and motivate the students

to actively participate in Swachha Bharat Summer Internship (SBSI).

For execution of SBSI, total 60 team (maximum 10 students in each team) to be

formed from the college.

The team should be registered with a group leader who shall be a NSS candidate.

03 villages are selected for SBSI, named, Dahegaon (Dhawade), Rajura (Bhiltek), and

Anjangaon (Bari).

Nodal Officers from NSS cell are selected for each mentioned village, viz, Mr. G M

Aware- Dahegaon (Dhawade), Mr R S Ingalkar – Rajura (Bhiltek), Mr A S Dahane –

Madhan, Miss R P Sonar – Bahilolpur and Mr A V Saywan – Anjangaon (Bari).

Each department shall submit the list of 120 no. of students from I Yr., II Yr and III Yr

on or before 12th May 2018 to NSS Programme Officer/Member.

The final registration of student/group shall be done on or before 14th May 2018.

Nodal officers should ask registered students to study and to give a thought to SBSI

program between 15th May 2018 to 25th May 2018.

Item No. 2: Any other point with the permission of chair.

Orientation Program for registered students to be organized between 18th June to 25th

June 2018 for understanding and executing SBSI activities in allotted villages by

Nodal Officer/s.

Actual execution of activities of SBSI in the villages to be carried out from 25th June

2018 to 31st July 2018, every Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the week. Students

attendance for that day shall be marked iff he/she participates in SBSI activities in

allotted village.

T- Shirts, Travelling facility, Breakfast, lunch & tea should be provided to all interns

during SBSI activity from college itself.

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

The concluding program of SBSI activities to be arranged in each village on 31st July


Felicitation and declaration of best intern/team at college level - 15th August 2018.

6. Formal Inauguration of SBSI

On the 4th of July 2018, the ‘Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018' was

inaugurated in Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera. The

President of this inauguration program, Dr. Nitinji Dhande, President, Vidarbha Youth

Welfare Society, Amravati, while 'Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018' was inaugurated

by the august hand of Dr. M. P. Poonia, the Vice Chairman of ‘All India Council of Technical

Education’ (AICTE), New Dehli as a chief guest and Dr. Amit Dutta, RO & Deputy Director,

West Region of AICTE as a guest of honor.

On the occasion of the inauguration of 'Swachha Bharat Abhiyan Internship 2018',

AICTE, New Delhi, specially took special remark for total 314interns enrolling for ‘Swachha

Bharat Summer Internship 2018' from institute. Dr. M. S. Ali, Principal said in his

introductory speech that all interns will campaign and conducting various activities in three

villages namely, Dahegaon, Rajura and Anjangaon Bari, on the theme of Clean India


On this occasion, Vice Chairman, AICTE, congratulated to college for their

excellent technical education with social responsibility. In this inauguration ceremony, Vice

President of Vidarbha Youth Welfare Society, Dr. Hemantji Deshmukh, Principal M. S. Ali,

Nodal Officer Prof. Sarang Dhawade, Sarpanch of Rajura village, Mr. Yogeshji Meshram,

Sarpanch of Dahgaon Shri Rajendra Gawai,Sarpancha Sau. Manda Kalambe and all the Head

of Department were present.

Program is initiated by Prof. Vishakha Shah and vote of thanks given by Prof Ashish

Saywan, Prof. Rameshwar Ingalkar, Prof. Atul Dahane, Prof Ashish Saywan, Prof. Rashmi

Sonar, Prof. Gargey Aware, Dr. Lobhas Ghedekar and college teachers were taken great effort

for the program.

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

SBSI Inaugurated by Dr Poonia, Hon’ble Vice Chairman, AICTE

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

5. List of Interns

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera - Amravati 444 701

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship (25 June to 31 July 2018) List of Interns

SN Team

SN Name of Students Branch Year

Name of Village

1 1 Mohammad Azhar Ali EXTC III


2 2 Anupama C Kataktalware EXTC III

3 3 Darshan V Mhasal CIVIL III B

4 4 Ekta U Bhute EXTC III

5 5 Harshal P Khadse EXTC III

6 6 Mayuri D Rajgure EXTC III

7 7 Prajwal D Nichat EE II A

8 8 Shubham R Channe EXTC III

9 9 Sneha P Kadu EXTC III

10 10 Trupti D Wagholkar EXTC III

11 1 Sujay Ashwin Alaspure EEE IV B


12 2 PraktanRaut EEE IV B

13 3 Nikhil Khandekar EEE IV B

14 4 SimranMeshram EEE IV B

15 5 Prasanna Kothari EEE IV B

16 6 Swapnil Dhekane EEE IV A

17 7 TejasviGhogare EEE IV A

18 8 SarojChaudhari EEE IV A

19 9 RohitDabhade EEE IV B

20 1 LokeshAshokraoDevghare EEE IV A


21 2 ShubhamBhande EEE IV A

22 3 VaishnaviNannavare EEE IV

23 4 Atul Ashok Dere EE II A

24 5 DarshanWankhade EEE IV A

25 6 DishaKatkhede EEE IV A

26 7 Saurabh Tasare EEE IV A

27 8 ShubhamDuryodhan EEE IV B

28 1 Pratik SudhirGondane EXTC III


29 2 AtishPawar CSE II B

30 3 JayeshTekade EXTC III

31 4 Nikita Ghode EXTC III

32 5 PrajktaUgale EXTC III

33 6 PrajwalTarar EXTC III

34 7 PrathmeshVirulkar EXTC III

35 8 PratikshaShinde EXTC III

36 9 VaishaviDaulatkar EXTC III

37 10 Vinayak Ingle CIVIL II A

38 1 Sandesh Narendra Dafaley EXTC II DAHIGAON DHAWADE

39 2 Omkar S Deshpande EE II B

40 3 Abhijeet V Deshmukh EXTC II

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

41 4 Shubham V Sambhekar EE II A

42 5 Nikhil R Gedam CIVIL II

43 6 Atul S Nikose CIVIL II

44 7 Anuja R Mahalaxme EE II A

45 8 Diksha V Sorte EE II A

46 9 Vidya N Sedmake EE II A

47 10 Rutuja V Bhagat EXTC II

48 1 Shantanu GajananAmbadekar CIVIL IV A


49 2 Yash C Malthane CIVIL IV A

50 3 Pratik S Deshmukh CIVIL IV B

51 4 Anand B Prajapati CIVIL IV B

52 5 Shreyash D Bonde CIVIL IV B

53 6 Raksha G Patil CIVIL IV A

54 7 Diksha D Ingole CIVIL IV A

55 8 Nishikant S Ramagade CIVIL IV B

56 9 Samiksha R Shende CIVIL IV A

57 10 Shubham S Pali CIVIL IV A

58 1 Gaurav NandraoDeshmukh CIVIL III B


59 2 DeoyaniGulhane CIVIL III B

60 3 Janhavi P Warkari CIVIL III A

61 4 KankeahwariChoudhari CIVIL II B

62 5 Anjali Ramteke CIVIL II A

63 6 NishantWasankar CIVIL II B

64 7 Mayurkatyarmal CIVIL II B

65 8 ShravaniGadhikar CSE II B

66 9 NimeshBhansali CIVIL II A

67 10 NiteshAlaspure CIVIL II A

68 1 Abhijeet S Kurhekar CIVIL III B


69 2 Prachali S Ahirkar CSE II A

70 3 Rohini V Gandhare CSE II B

71 4 Mayur S Sharma CIVIL II A

72 5 Vishal P shende CIVIL III B

73 6 Shubham s chavhan CIVIL III B

74 7 kash s verulkar CSE II B

75 8 Sarang Mundhada CIVIL II B

76 9 Prathameshsastakar CIVIL II A

77 10 LabheshArmal CIVIL II

78 1 MukulSukhadeoFande CIVIL III A


79 2 PrafulTayade EXTC II

80 3 Prafull S Gawai CIVIL II A

81 4 Akshay P Thakare CIVIL II

82 5 Gauri G Borkar CIVIL II

83 6 Shreyash S Bhalerao CIVIL II

84 7 Ajinkya B Bhandarkar CIVIL II

85 8 DiptiMandlik CIVIL II A

86 9 ishwarya A Dhamande CIVIL III B

87 10 GayatriDhurve CIVIL III A

88 1 Ranee R Manke EXTC III


89 2 Dipak Konghe EXTC III

90 3 Vaishavi D Nandurkar EE II B

91 4 Puja G Yawale CSE II B

92 5 Riya R Adwani CSE II A

93 6 Pranay T Katre EE II A

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

94 7 Rushikesh S Lavate CSE II B

95 8 ArpitShende EE II A

96 9 Rohini S Mate CSE II B

97 10 Aditya R Lewarkar CIVIL III

98 1 Amar DnyandeoSuradkar EXTC III


99 2 VaibhavRaut EXTC III

100 3 Dhananjay Gaikwad EXTC III

101 4 PratikshaNandane EXTC II

102 5 Monika Dharme EE II A

103 6 Vijay Barabde EE II B

104 7 SakshiPawar EXTC III

105 8 VedantBramhankar CSE II A

106 9 Shantanu wankhade CSE II B

107 10 ShubhamKhandare EXTC III

108 1 PrafullaArunraoNannaware EXTC III


109 2 DipaliJadhav CIVIL II B

110 3 PrachiRamteke EXTC II

111 4 Anamika Sant CIVIL III B

112 5 NirajDhurve CIVIL II A

113 6 PranayraoGade CIVIL II B

114 7 PrathameshChaudhari CIVIL II B

115 8 KaiwalyaDhawale CIVIL II B

116 9 Sanket More CIVIL II B

117 10 RohitBelsare CIVIL III B

118 1 Vrishabhpatil CIVIL III B


119 2 Manish munde CIVIL III A

120 3 Dimpalmohankar CIVIL II

121 4 Parikshittekade CIVIL II B

122 5 Piyushkadu CIVIL II A

123 6 Mahesh jadhao CIVIL II B

124 7 Shubhamsolanke CIVIL II A

125 8 ShubhamDakore CIVIL II A

126 9 Aachal kore CIVIL II

127 10 Hrushikeshbangde CIVIL II

128 1 AnkushPurushottamDhote CIVIL III


129 2 Shyam S dode CIVIL II A

130 3 Mangesh l Belekar CIVIL II B

131 4 karan S Bangar EXTC II

132 5 Sakshi G Ajare CIVIL II A

133 6 SamikshaJawanjal CIVIL II B

134 7 Vishal G Aswar CSE IV

135 8 Pradnya F Bansod CIVIL III

136 1 Smarnika P Mate CSE IV B


137 2 Amit r nakashe EXTC II

138 3 govind S kale EE II B

139 4 Rushikeshkhalokar CIVIL II A

140 5 ankit r thakare CIVIL II A

141 6 Sachit p Bansod CIVIL II

142 7 RutujaBhalerao CIVIL II

143 8 srushti r Bandabuche CIVIL II B

144 1 Shweta Govind Agrawal CSE III B DAHIGAON DHAWADE

145 2 RohitTejsingMohata CSE II B

146 3 RohitTryambakraoTayade CSE II B

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

147 4 Mahesh Suresh Dawale CSE II B

148 5 SagarKhemwani CIVIL II B

149 6 Roshan Vijay Tupsundare EXTC II

150 7 Neha Zakir Hussain EXTC II

151 8 Roshan SudhirDeshmukh EXTC II

152 9 DipaliGajananNistane CIVIL II

153 10 MayuriVinodraodatir EXTC II

154 1 Yash Ajay Bhatt CSE III B


155 2 Nikita S Ghate CSE III B

156 3 Monika H Pakal CSE III B

157 4 Prachi D Kanago CSE III B

158 5 Varsha R Meshram CSE III B

159 6 Minal B Sontakke EXTC II

160 7 Vaishavi A Awaghad EXTC II

161 8 Ashish K Chahan EEE III A

162 1 Ankush R Ikhar EXTC IV



163 2 Akhay J Nandurkar EXTC IV

164 3 Swarup B Sagane EXTC IV

165 4 Vaishavi K Chouhan EXTC IV

166 5 Pratiksha S Mhatre CSE IV B

167 6 Shravni R Indurkar CSE III B

168 7 Prajakta P Pahade CSE III A

169 8 Vaidehi A Tayade CIVIL IV B

170 9 NamitaKhajone CIVIL IV A

171 10 Shantanu P Wankhade EXTC II

172 1 Mayur Ramesh Wankhade EEE III A


173 2 PriyaKewlani EXTC III

174 3 aditi G Kalaskar CIVIL II

175 4 Neha P Murumkar CSE III

176 5 Kshitija R Gulhane CSE II

177 6 Akshay R Dalvi CIVIL II B

178 7 Ajinkya P Gadge CIVIL II A

179 8 Abhijeet P Khadse CIVIL II B

180 9 prafull M Wankhade EXTC II

181 10 Bitti B gohatre EXTC III

182 1 Gaurav DhanrajNakhale CSE IV A


183 2 AshutoshDeshmukh EXTC IV

184 3 Bharti Virulkar CIVIL II A

185 4 Bharat Bhange EXTC II

186 5 Vijay Barabde EE II B

187 6 Ashish Patil EXTC II

188 7 Pratik Hole EE II A

189 8 Divyani Gaikwad CIVIL II B

190 9 Chaitalikamdi CIVIL III

191 10 SanatKalani CSE IV A

192 1 Shubham G Khope CSE IV B


193 2 PayalDhoke CIVIL II A

194 3 KrutikaRamekar CSE IV A

195 4 DarshanKatore CSE III

196 5 Pawan Prakash Nemade CIVIL II

197 6 DarshanDilipSawarkar CSE II

198 7 Vaishavi Rajesh Wankhade EXTC II

199 8 SnehalMendhekar EEE IV

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

200 9 Mayur B Khandare EE II

201 10 Roshan P Bhalerav EE II

202 1 Sujeet Sunil Thorat EXTC IV


203 2 Pooja WamanraoPawar CSE II

204 3 Hemant D Jambhulkar EXTC III

205 4 ShaileshJanraoGharade EXTC IV

206 5 Neha GopalraoWankhade EXTC II

207 6 Maithili Sunil Shiralkar EXTC III

208 7 Aditya Rajendra Ingle CIVIL III B

209 8 RushikeshVitthalraoIngole EEE III A

210 9 RushikeshSambhajiBharkade EEE III A

211 10 Abhay Prashant Shende EE II A

212 1 Prathmesh R Lokhande CIVIL IIIB


213 2 Rushabh K Bobade CIVIL III(B)

214 3 Pakaj S Ingale CIVIL III(A)

215 4 ShubhamThool CIVIL III(B)

216 5 Sandeep Telmore CIVIL III(B)

217 6 Pranay S Khadse EE II(A)

218 7 Sudharshan W Wankhade EE II(A)

219 8 Niket J kene EXTC II(A)

220 9 Vedadnya R Ghime EE II(A)

221 10 Ishwar V Balinge EE II(A)

222 1 Chetan U Chavan EXTC IV


223 2 Vivek P Meshram EEE III

224 3 Prajwal Arvind Shekokar EE II

225 4 AniketPrabhakarKadu EE II

226 5 Gaurav Anil Kadu EE II

227 6 AkhileshPramipraoWankhade EE II

228 7 Grarav A Dadhe EE II

229 8 Sagar V Naik EEE III

230 9 Sahil S Bhagwat CSE II

231 1 Nikhil Sanjay Atkare EXTC IV B


232 2 Gajendra Vijay Kadu EXTC IV B

233 3 Bhagyashri Chaudhary EXTC IV B

234 4 MayurPatode EXTC IV B

235 5 dhanashriyeul EXTC IV B

236 6 nupurnaredravarma EXTC IV B

237 7 pranotichaganraosheraki EXTC IV B

238 8 poojaumakantjamdapure EXTC IV B

239 9 RushikeshTaywade CIVIL III A

240 10 SiddeshAtul Sonar CIVIL II A

241 1 Afrin Khan CIVIL III A DAHIGAON DHAWADE 242 2 Divya S Gupta CIVIL III A

243 1 Rushikesh Dinesh Chopade CIVIL III B


244 2 Ashutosh R Kharate CIVIL III A

245 3 Arpan A Malviya CIVIL III A

246 4 Rugved R Kale EXTC II

247 5 Amrapali S Tagade EE II

248 6 Megha R Jadhao CIVIL III A

249 7 Vaishnavi R Bahale CIVIL III A

250 8 Shrutika M Deshmukh CIVIL II B

251 9 Vaibhav K Ingle CIVIL II B

252 10 Kalyani S Sagne CIVIL III A

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

253 1 Anurag Mishra CIVIL III


254 2 Akash Alset CIVIL III

255 3 BhushanHadke CIVIL III B

256 4 SumitRandhe CIVIL III B

257 5 GunjanKhandare CIVIL III B

258 6 Ritesh Pradhan CIVIL III B

259 7 ShubhamNetanrao CIVIL III B

260 8 SiddheshTalhar CIVIL III

261 9 UddheshSahu CIVIL III A

262 1 Amit Subhash Fuse EXTC IV


263 2 Aishwarya R Shete CIVIL III A

264 3 Payal M Dhoke CIVIL III A

265 4 Suraj S Shelokar EXTC IV

266 5 Vaibhav V Deshmukh CIVIL IV A

267 6 Tanvi D Tayade CSE III

268 7 Shivani K Turwile EXTC II A

269 8 Komal S Bhatkar CIVIL III

270 9 Vaishnavi P Kutafale CIVIL IV

271 10 Ashwin R Khandelwal CSE IV

272 1 ManisiDilipAkotkar CIVIL II


273 2 RupaliKashinathShete CIVIL III

274 3 PratikshaRadhakishanTarole CIVIL II

275 4 Gayatri Narendra Dikholkar CSE III A

276 5 Mrunal Vijay Pande EXTC II A

277 6 Saloni Sharad Chavhan EXTC II A

278 7 Abhijeet J Burghate EEE III A

279 8 Radhika Ganesh Chuturkar CIVIL II B

280 9 Payal Shankar Awazade CIVIL II B

281 10 Pallavi Suresh Raut CIVIL III B

282 1 PallaviDuryodanDawale CIVIL III A


283 2 AishwaryaRajendraUike CIVIL III A

284 3 RushabhShridharKakade CIVIL III B

285 4 Chhakuli G Wanjari CIVIL III B

286 5 Pratiksha S Badukle EXTC II

287 6 SurabhiVinodraoSune EXTC III

288 7 Yogita Kale EXTC III

289 8 Swaraj VijaykumarAbruk CIVIL III A

290 9 Rahul Ganesh Waghmare CIVIL IV A

291 10 Shraddha Vijay Ghose CIVIL III A

292 1 Pravin Fuke EEE III A


293 2 Aboli D Gadekar EXTC III A

294 3 Pranay N Kaje EEE III A

295 4 Vishal R Tayade EEE III A

296 5 Shantanu D Sarad EEE III A

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

297 6 Sidhanth U Deshmukh EEE III A

298 7 Roshan P Range EEE III A

299 8 PratikshaGhate CIVIL III B

300 9 ShivaniAjbale CIVIL III B

301 10 Vikram Kale CIVIL II

302 1 UdayNandkishorKandalkar EEE II


303 2 Vaishavi D Sabale CSE II A

304 2 Sakshi D Chaware CSE II A

305 1 usharRajendraDhale EXTC II

306 2 Prajwal Vinod Umap EXTC II

307 3 Yashoratna Anil Lote CIVIL II

308 4 Vishesh Sanjay Agrawal CIVIL II

309 5 Atul G Pagrut EEE II

310 6 BhushanBerud EEE II

311 7 UjmaAnjum Hafiz Sheikh Munir EXTC II A

Branch Year Count Total


II 62


III 55

IV 15


II 31


III 13

IV 17


II 20


III 12

IV 8


II 29


III 31

IV 18

Total 311

Village Count/Team

Dahegaon 11

Rajura 8

Anjangaon 14

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

6. List of Activities executed at 3 Villages

9.1 Door to Door Meeting

9.2 Street Play

9.3 Swachhata Melas

9.4 Painting

9.5 Village or School-level Rallies

9.6 Swachhata-related movie screenings

9.7 Organize Waste collection drives

9.8 Volunteer for segregation of solid waste

9.9 Organize cleaning of streets, drains and back alleys through awareness drives

9.10 Dustbin preparation and installation

9.11 Water Testing

9.12 Tree Plantation at Dahegaon

9.1 Door to Door Meeting

In the Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 institute selected three

villages namely- Rajura (Bhiltek), Dahegaon (Dhawade)& Anjangaon (Bari), District

Amravati Maharashtra state. Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade) villagesare

around 25Km away from institute where Anjangaon (Bari) village is 4Km away from

the institute. From the institute 314 interns were participated in SBSI. One of the

activity executed in those villages is ‘Door to Door meeting’. In this activity interns

were visited every households of village. In household visit interns filled one google

form from head of family. The questionnaire of google form is regarding cleanliness

& village Swachhta. The google form link and sample form is as follows,


Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

Interns visited 1117 households & sanitized 5145 households in these three

villages collectively.

The detailed respective table is as below,

Name of Village No. of


No. of Members


As per population

village covered in %

Dahegaon (Dhawade) 63 325 62 %

Rajura (Bhiltek) 245 1066 56 %

Anjangaon (Bari) 809 3793 71 %

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

9.2 Street Play

In the Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 institute selected three

villages namely- Rajura (Bhiltek), Dahegaon (Dhawade) & Anjangaon (Bari), District

Amravati Maharashtra state. Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade) villages are

around 25 Km away from institute where Anjangaon (Bari) village is 4 Km away from

the institute. From the institute 314 interns were participated in SBSI. One of the

activity executed in those villages is “Street Play’. In this activity interns organized

total 24 street plays collectivelyas, 17 street plays at Rajura (Bhiltek), 4 street plays at

Dahegaon (Dhawade) &9 street plays at Anjangaon (Bari) on topics like, personal

cleanliness, Surrounding cleanliness, use of hand wash & various dieses due to

uncleaned surrounding.

While performing the street plays in village’s interns used to wear proper

costume& performed loudly by starting with Swachhta related slogans till the villagers

were gather. The script of street play was written by interns & it was really heart

touching that villagers appreciated to the interns for their efforts. Also promised that

they will keep their surrounding clean.

As an evidence same photographs of street play is attached in Annexure B.

9.3 Swachhata Melas

In the Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 institute selected three

villages namely- Rajura (Bhiltek), Dahegaon (Dhawade) & Anjangaon (Bari), District

Amravati Maharashtra state. Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade) villages are

around 25 Km away from institute where Anjangaon (Bari) village is 4 Km away from

the institute. From the institute 314 interns were participated in SBSI. One of the

activity executed in those villages is ‘Swachhata Mela’which is given by

governmentbecause janandolan, govt. accepts in this activity the village participation

in household & village cleanliness, for the same interns organizes Swachhata mela in

Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade).

In Swachhata melas interns placed homemade handwash shop, Swachhata

related guidance point, Doctor Hours& dustbin for home, the response from villagers

is remarkable

As an evidence same photographs of Swachhata Melas is attached in

Annexure B.

9.4 Painting

In the Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 institute selected three

villages namely- Rajura (Bhiltek), Dahegaon (Dhawade) & Anjangaon (Bari), District

Amravati Maharashtra state. Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade) villages are

around 25 Km away from institute where Anjangaon (Bari) village is 4 Km away from

the institute. From the institute 314 interns were participated in SBSI. In this activity

interns took a round of village in groups to get the unused walls, the places where

peoples are used to throw their household wastes, bus stops, village squares where

villagers are used to gather mostly, grampanchyat area, anganwadi area, etc. After

identifying such places interns first clean that selected are for painting through street

paly & gathering of village peoples for awareness. Interns painted the walls of

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

grampanchyat office, school walls, bus stops & some walls where peoples are used to

throw their household wastes by drawing Warli painting to spread the message of

clean India & Save girl.

As an evidence same photographs of Painting is attached in Annexure B.

9.5 Village or School Level Rallies

In the Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 institute selected three

villages namely- Rajura (Bhiltek), Dahegaon (Dhawade) & Anjangaon (Bari), District

Amravati Maharashtra state. Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade) villages are

around 25 Km away from institute where Anjangaon (Bari) village is 4 Km away from

the institute. From the institute 314 interns were participated in SBSI. In this activity

the interns first visited the school authority for permission to take the school students

for round off Rally across the village. In this rally the school students & SBSI interns

were involved. The slogan like Swachhata Bharat Swastha Bharat, Padhega India to

Badhega India, amhi Swachha gaon (village name) Swachha,

were used. Through this rally interns made villagers aware about Swachhata to stop

spreading the mosquitos, disease, infections, etc.

As an evidence same photographs of Village or School Level Rallies is

attached in Annexure B.

9.6 Swachha related movie screening

In the Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 institute selected three

villages namely- Rajura (Bhiltek), Dahegaon (Dhawade) & Anjangaon (Bari), District

Amravati Maharashtra state. Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade) villages are

around 25 Km away from institute where Anjangaon (Bari) village is 4 Km away from

the institute. From the institute 314 interns were participated in SBSI. In this activity

interns organized interactive sessions for villagers. Prior to this interns spread out this

message through “Dawandi” an announcement with the help of Grampanchyat among

all the wards & locality of village.

At evening 4pm all villagers gathered at announced place where the interns

interacts to them regarding personal cleanliness with the help of Swachhata related

movie or documentary.

As an evidence same photographs of Swachha related movie screening is

attached in Annexure B.

9.7 Organize Waste collection drives

In the Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 institute selected three

villages namely- Rajura (Bhiltek), Dahegaon (Dhawade) & Anjangaon (Bari), District

Amravati Maharashtra state. Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade) villages are

around 25 Km away from institute where Anjangaon (Bari) village is 4 Km away from

the institute. From the institute 314 interns were participated in SBSI. In this activity

interns were organized waste collection drive at these three villages.

9.8 Volunteer for segregation of solid waste.

In the Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 institute selected three

villages namely- Rajura (Bhiltek), Dahegaon (Dhawade) & Anjangaon (Bari), District

Amravati Maharashtra state. Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade) villages are

around 25 Km away from institute where Anjangaon (Bari) village is 4 Km away from

the institute. From the institute 314 interns were participated in SBSI. In this activity

interns aware the peoples of village by various activities like, street play, door to door

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

presentation on mobile, etc regarding the advantages of collecting plastic waste & bio

degradable waste (paper, tree leaves, food waste, etc).

SBSI Interns organized meeting withvillagers at selected places in each

villagewhere procedure of making compost using this bio degradable waste was


As an evidence same photographs of Swachha related movie screening is

attached in Annexure B.

9.9 Organize cleaning of street, drain & back alleys through awareness drives.

In the Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 institute selected three

villages namely- Rajura (Bhiltek), Dahegaon (Dhawade) & Anjangaon (Bari), District

Amravati Maharashtra state. Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade) villages are

around 25 Km away from institute where Anjangaon (Bari) village is 4 Km away from

the institute. From the institute 314 interns were participated in SBSI. In this activity

SBSI inters motivated the villagers regarding clean surrounding & by involving

villagers organize cleaning of street, drain & back alleys. Interns made them aware

regarding various dieses that spreads due to uncleaned surrounding of houses.

Proper arrangement for waste water disposallike, ‘Soakpeat’ & its method of

construction was explained to villagers by the interns. Villagers were also explained

how to keep cow shade clean to minimize the breeding of mosquitos using bleaching


As an evidence same photographs of organize cleaning of street, drain & back

alleys through awareness drives is attached in Annexure B.

9.10 Dustbin preparation & installation.

In the Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 institute selected three

villages namely- Rajura (Bhiltek), Dahegaon (Dhawade) & Anjangaon (Bari), District

Amravati Maharashtra state. Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade) villages are

around 25 Km away from institute where Anjangaon (Bari) village is 4 Km away from

the institute. From the institute 314 interns were participated in SBSI. In this

activityinterns done survey of village & identified various places where there is need

of dustbin like Kirana store, Pantapari, Street food spot, street canteens, etc in initial


In phase two the dustbin required per village & volume of each dustbin

considering its portability was designed & waste oil containers was finalized to be

used as a dustbin.

In phase three coloring of dustbin was done using yellow colour so that it will

get highlighted. During this activities interns observed that if dustbins are placed at 4

feet height rather placing it at ground level more waste is collected. Therefor most of

the dustbin were installed at particular height looking the comfort of people.

After installation people nearby like owner of shops or owner of house was

educated regarding the cleanliness are requested to clean & reinstall these dustbin


After few weeks of installation when we visited that places we found that

most of the dustbins were still in use by the villagers.

As an evidence same photographs of dustbin preparation & installation is

attached in Annexure B.

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

9.11 Water testing.

In the Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 institute selected three

villages namely- Rajura (Bhiltek), Dahegaon (Dhawade) & Anjangaon (Bari), District

Amravati Maharashtra state. Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade) villages are

around 25 Km away from institute where Anjangaon (Bari) village is 4 Km away from

the institute. From the institute 314 interns were participated in SBSI. In phase one a

survey was done by interns at each villages & identifies the various sources of

drinking water. It was found that mostly the ground water from well, hand pump, bore

well, etc is used for drinking.

In phase two water samples from each source of drinking water were collected

& tasted in college laboratories.

In phase three reports showing various physical parameters of water

(hardness, turbidity, etc) & their limits were submitted to respective grampanchyat for

further action.

As an evidence same photographs & report of water testing is attached in

Annexure B.

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 Other Activity: Water Testing

Water Testing Report Dahegaon (Dhawade) Anjangaon (Bari)

Sample number 1.


Date :- 13/7/2018

Time :-1pm

Parameters PH :- 8.66

Conductivity :- 9.77 mS

TDS :- 382

Temperature :- 25℃

Sample number 2.



Date :- 13/7/2018

Time :1:05 PM

Parameters PH :- 8.4

Conductivity :- OVER RANGE

TDS :- 380

Temperature :- 25°c

Sample number 3.

Location :- whale in front of dhawale uncle


Date :- 13/7/2018

Time :-1 :10 pm

Parameters PH :8.14

Sample number 1.

Location :- JantaMahavidyalaya

Date :- 12/7/2018

Time :- 10:53 am


PH :- 9.05

Conductivity :- 7.74 mS

TDS :- 366

Temperature :- 26.7°c

Sample number 2.

Location :- OPEN WHELL near Grampanchayat

Date :- 12/7/2018

Time :-11:00 am

Parameters PH :-8.69

Conductivity :-8.61 mS

TDS :- 374

Temperature :-27.2℃

Sample number 3.

Location :- TAP water near sahakhiladi

Date :- 12/7/2018

Time :- 11.04 am

Parameters PH :-8.66

Conductivity :- 8.02 mS

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

Conductivity :- 2.56 mS

TDS :-116

Temperature :- 26°c

Sample number 4.


Date :- 13/7/2018

Time :- 1:15pm

Parameters PH :-7.9

Conductivity :- 2.37 mS

TDS :-104

Temperature :- 25°c

TDS :- 362

Temperature :- 26.2°c

Sample number 1.

Location :- HAND PUMP vishwanagar area

Date :- 12/7/2018

Time :- 11.10 am

Parameters PH :-8.21

Conductivity :-24.6 mS

TDS :-127

Temperature :- 26.7°c

9.12 Tree plantation at Dahegaon (Dhawade).

In the Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018 institute selected three

villages namely- Rajura (Bhiltek), Dahegaon (Dhawade) & Anjangaon (Bari), District

Amravati Maharashtra state. Rajura (Bhiltek) & Dahegaon (Dhawade) villages are

around 25 Km away from institute where Anjangaon (Bari) village is 4 Km away from

the institute. From the institute 314 interns were participated in SBSI.A tree plantation

was organized by SBSI interns in Dahegaon (Dhawade) on Dated 13 July 2018 in

collaboration withZP Middle School, Dahegaon (Dhawade).

In this event 30 plants were planted in school campus along with Principal, School

Staff, 42 school students, SBSI interns & villagers. School students were motivated &

educated regarding tree plantation & its advantages & requested to water those trees

regularly. At the end of this event ‘Amhi Swachha Dahegaon Swachha’ oath was

taken by all.

10. Valuation of Work

Sr. No. Name of Activity Valuation (in Rs.)

1 Door to Door Meeting 22,500.00

2 Street Play 40,000.00

3 Swachhata Melas 45,000.00

4 Painting 1,60,000.00

5 Village or School-level Rallies 10,000.00

6 Swachhata-related movie screenings 15,000.00

7 Organize Waste collection drives 20,000.00

8 Volunteer for segregation of solid waste 20,000.00

9 Organize cleaning of streets, drains and back

alleys through awareness drives


10 Dustbin preparation and installation 50,000.00

11 Water Testing 60,000.00

12 Tree Plantation at Dahegaon 20,000.00

13 Lunch & Journey to Dahegaon, Rajura &

Anjangaon from college


In word: Six Lakh Seventy Seven Thousand Five Hundred



Activity 1: Door-to-Door Survey

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Activity 2: Street Play

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Activity 3: Swachhta Mela

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Activity 4: Painting

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Activity 5: Village & School Rally

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Activity 6: Movie Screening

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Activity 7: Waste Collection Drives

Activity 8: Segregation of Solid Waste

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Activity 9: Cleaning of Street, Drain and Back Alley

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Activity 10: Dustbin Preparation

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

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Activity 11: Water Testing

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

Activity 12: Tree Plantation

Swachha Bharat Summer Internship 2018

Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering & Management, Badnera – Amravati 444701

PRMCEAM’s SBSI in the News: