Report Pringsewu KOT001W

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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3G New Site Final Acceptance Report

Rollout Cluster: KOT001W PRINGSEWU


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Signatories – Acceptance & Approval




Company / Department:

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PT. Telekomunikasi Selular

Company / Department:

Approved By:


Date:3 Nov 2009

PT. Telekomunikasi Selular

Company / Department:

Ericsson 3G Tuning (on behalf of Willy Pardede)

Tulus BL SiahaanAccepted : Doddy Wijaya

Gunawan K Adhy

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Site Configuration – Cluster KOT001W PRINGSEWU

Site Name Site ID PhaseHeigh

t AzimuthMechanical

Tilt Electrical Tilt

S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3

PRINGSEWU KOT001W PO`09 37 0 80 260 2 2 2 2 2 2

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Clusters Sumbagsel – Palembang

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Best Aggr Ec (Scanner) – Cluster KOT001W PRINGSEWU

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Best Aggr Ec/Io (Scanner) – KOT001W PRINGSEWU

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Fill by Doddy Wijaya

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Drive Test KPI Results – Rollout Cluster KOT001W PRINGSEWU

Drive Test KPI Deliverables Target AchievementRemar


PS/R99 Short

Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR PS) 97.50% 100.00% PASS

Call Completion Rate (CCSR PS) 97.00% 100.00% PASS

CS64 Short

Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR CS 64/video) 97.50% 100.00% PASS

Call Completion Rate (CCSR CS 64/video) 97.00% 98.305% PASS

Voice Short

Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR CS AMR/voice) 97.50% 100.00% PASS

Call Completion Rate (CCSR CS AMR/voice) 97.00% 98.305% PASS

Soft Handover

Soft Handover Success Rate (SHO) 97.00% 100.00% PASS

Coverage and Quality : CPICH RSCP and EcIo ( Scanner )  

Percentage of CPICH RSCP ≥ RSCP Target 95.00% 95.309% PASS

Average of CPICH RSCP -92.0dBm -76.816 dBm PASS

Percentage of CPICH EcIo ≥ EcIo Target 95.0% 99.932% PASS

Average of CPICH EcIo -12.0dB -4.720 dB PASS

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TSEL RF Analysis: Pilot Coverage Class Distribution – Rollout Cluster KOT001W PRINGSEWU

Values above from TEMS Route Analyzer are set according to KPI requirements.

CPICH RSCP : – (DL) Dense Urban & Urban: 95% ≥ -92 dBm

CPICH Ec/No– (DL) 95% ≥ - 12 dB

From table above RSCP ≥ -92dBm is 98.81%, KPI requirements. From table above Ec/No ≥ 12dBm is 100.00%, KPI requirements. More importantly 100.00% of data is Ec/No ≥ 12dBm & RSCP ≥ -


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TSEL – Pilot Coverage Cluster KOT001W PRINGSEWU

Pilot Pollution Area

RSCP >= -92Ec/Io <-12

Poor Coverage

AreaRSCP <= -92

Ec/Io <-12

Good Coverage Area

RSCP >= -92Ec/Io >-12

OK Coverage Area

RSCP <= -92Ec/Io >-12

RF Analysis: Pilot Coverage, CPICH Ec/No vs. RSCP (all cells)(UARFCN = 10663)








RSCP (dBm)





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Statistic Report – UE1 Cluster KOT001W PRINGSEWU

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Remark Picture

No 1

Small Road

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