Req. for Welder Qualification Testing Center Rev7

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    Prepared by Committee onSWS CWQS Welder Qualification Testing Centres

    October 2007

    SINGAPORE WELDING SOCIETYNo 3 Science Park DriveSingapore Science Park 1The Franklin #02-12/25 Suite 20Singapore 118223Tel : 6779 7706 Fax : 6464 0186 Website :

  • 2SWS CWQS Committee on Welder Qualification Testing Centres

    SWS acknowledge the contributions from the following members in producing this document:

    1. June Contreras Chairman Setsco Services Pte Ltd

    2. Heng Keng Wah Member Singapore Welding Society

    3. Tan Beng Hock Member Ace Quality Testing & Inspection Svcs P L

    4. Chw Yai Lai Member UTC Testing Co. Pte Ltd

    5. Ravindra V Gadamsetti Member UTC Testing Co. Pte Ltd

    6. Lim Teck Mong Member SGS Testing & Control Svcs Spore P L

    7. Gan Ee Cheong Member Singapore Test Svcs P L

    8. Albert Kee Member Weldtech Inspection Svcs (S) P L

    9. Lie Hi Jam Member ITE Geylang Serai Vocational TrainingInstitute


    Due acknowledgement is given to the following sources of information where relevant references havebeen made:

    1. SINGLAS 001: The Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme Regulations, 1995

    2. SAC-SINGLAS 002: SAC-SINGLAS Requirements for the Applications of ISO/IEC 17025,2001

    3. ISO/IEC 17025 (First Edition, 1999-12-15) General Requirements for the Competence ofTesting and Calibration Laboratories

    4. IIW Document IAB-041-2001/EWF-450, Revision 1, April 2004: Minimum Requirements forthe Education and Training of International Welding Inspection Personnel

    5. AWS QC4-89: Standard for Accreditation of Test Facilities for AWS Certified WelderProgram

    6. ASME Section V: Non-destructive Examination

    7. ASME Section IX: Qualification Standard for Welding and Brazing procedures, Welders,Braziers, and Welding and Brazing Operators.

    8. AWS D1.1: Structural Welding CodeSteel

  • 39. ISO/IEC 17011: Conformity assessment General Requirements for accreditation bodiesaccrediting conformity assessment bodies

    10. SWS Common Welder Qualification Scheme Document, 2006:Part I: Administrative Procedure for SWS CWQSPart II: Requirements of Welder Qualification Test for SWS CWQSPart III: Requirements of Welder Training Centres for SWS CWQSPart IV: Requirement for Welder Qualification Testing Centres (WQTC) for SWS CWQSPart V: Requirements of Recruitment Centres for SWS CWQS

    (This set of documents is Revision 2 of the original set published in 1994.)


    Page No.SWS CWQS Committee on Welder Qualification Testing Centres 2References 2 - 3Table of content 41. Scope 52. Definitions 5 - 63. Organisation and Management 64. Assessment of Welder Testing Centres for Certification as WelderQualification Test Centres

    4.1 Application for Certification4.2 Documentation4.3 The Audit Team4.4 Documentation Review4.5 The Audit Visit4.6 Assessment Checklist4.7 Reporting of Assessment4.8 Grant of Certification as a Welder Qualification Test Centre4.9 Surveillance & Spot Checks4.10 Non-Conformity & Suspension4.11 Re-assessment4.12 Appeals Procedure


    5. Scope of Approval5.1 Scope of Approved Testing5.2 Amendment of Scope between Surveillance Audits

    9 - 10

    6. Premises and Facilities6.1 General6.2 Environment of Testing Establishment6.3 Equipment6.4 Welding Inspection Tools and Equipment6.5 Records of Equipment6.6 Calibration of Equipment

    10 - 12

    7. Working Procedures and other Operations7.1 Test methods and procedures7.2 Conduct of Welder Qualification Test7.3 Quality system7.4 Records7.5 Subcontracting7.6 Cooperation with SWS

    12 - 15

    8. Handling of Test Samples and Storage 159. Safety 1510. Personnel 1511. Testing Materials 1612. Fees 16Appendix 1: The Control ManualAppendix 2: Application Form for SWS Scheme for the Certification of

    Welder Testing CentresAppendix 3: SWS Scheme for the Certification of Welder Testing Centres

    Self Audit Requirement and RecordsAppendix 4: Requirements for Test Personnel

    1819 - 23

    24 - 25

    26 - 29

  • 51. SCOPE

    1.1 This document establishes the minimum requirements for welder testing organizations andestablishments, their personnel and equipment for certification to be Welder QualificationTesting Centres (WQTC) in the Common Welder Qualification Scheme (CWQS) of theSingapore Welding Society (SWS). The WQTC must be a SAC SINGLAS Accredited TestingLaboratory or Equivalent SAC SINGLAS Accredited Testing Laboratory and show that it canmeet the requirements of this document.

    1.2 The certification programme is open only to SWS Corporate Members. It may be extended tomembers of the Asian Welding Federation (AWF) to promote harmonisation in weldingtechnology in Asia.

    Note: In due course, continued approval of a WQTC will depend on its meeting the InternationalInstitute of Welding (IIW) requirements for the testing of International Welders.


    Approved Signatory: A person who should be a senior staff (such as technical manager or qualitymanager) and authorised test personnel of the WQTC and recognised under the CWQS to sign SWSwelder qualification test certificate in compliance with the SWS CWQS requirements.

    Assessment Criteria: CWQS requirements, expressed in terms, which address organisation, humanand material resources, operating procedures and practices, calibration and quality assurance practicesof a WQTC. Such requirements for a WQTC are specified in this document.

    Audit of WQTC: Detailed and full technical assessment of a welder testing establishment to verifyand evaluate its compliance with the SWS CWQS requirements by two independent auditorsappointed by SWS at the application stage, during periodic re-assessment and on the re-instatement asan approved WQTC following a suspension for serious non-conformities.

    SAC SINGLAS-Accredited Testing Laboratory: A testing laboratory to which SAC-SINGLASaccreditation has been granted under the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) SingaporeLaboratory Accreditation Scheme (SINGLAS).

    Equivalent SAC-SINGLAS Accredited Testing Laboratory: An overseas-based foreign testinglaboratory having mutual recognition with SAC-SINGLAS under the Asia Pacific LaboratoryAccreditation Cooperation (APLAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) scheme orInternational Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation for Testing and Calibration (ILAC) scheme andabiding by the requirements in ISO/IEC 17011.

    Scope of Approval: The location of the approved testing establishment, organisation, list of weldertest/weld testing personnel and quality system and testing capabilities for which the testingestablishment is granted approval.

    Surveillance of WQTC: Routine technical assessment of a welder qualification testing establishmentto verify its continued compliance with SWS CWQS requirements by one/two independent auditorappointed by SWS provided its SAC SINGLAS or Equivalent SAC-SINGLAS accreditation remainsvalid.

  • 6Spot Check of WQTC: Random, unsolicited visits, as and when decided by SWS secretariat, to aWQTC by an independent auditor appointed by SWS to verify continued compliance of the WQTCwith SWS CWQS requirements specifically on the conduct of the welder qualification test.

    Authorised Test Personnel: Certified welding inspectors (known as welder test personnel) or non-destructive testing or destructive testing personnel (known as weld testing personnel) of theappropriate levels who have met the requirements specified in SWS: CWQS: Part IV: Appendix 4.

    Test Welder: A welder undergoing test(s) at a WQTC specified in accordance to SWS: CWQS: PartIV9, whose test specimen is evaluated by the WQTC and who shall submit authenticated documentaryevidence of having undergone a structured and formal training either at a SWS-certified WTC or otherequivalent training establishment approved by SWS.

    Verification: The process of reviewing, inspecting, testing, checking, auditing or otherwisedetermining and documenting whether items, processes, services and documents conform to SWSCWQS requirements.

    Welder: One who performs a manual or semiautomatic welding operation.

    Welder Qualification: The demonstration of a welders ability to produce welds meeting prescribedstandards or codes.

    Welder Qualification Test: A practical examination on the skill of a welder conducted by the WQTCadhering strictly to the prescribed requirements on the conduct of the test.

    Welder Qualification Test Centre (WQTC): A certificated organisation, which is authorised bySWS to conduct the welder qualification and other tests indicated in the SWS CWQS Document9.


    3.1 A WQTC shall be a registered company.

    3.2 It shall be a SAC SINGLAS-accredited laboratory1, 2 & 3 at the time of application and duringevery renewal as a WQTC. An overseas-based foreign laboratory in any AWF country havingmutual recognition with SAC-SINGLAS under the APLAC MRA or ILAC scheme may beconsidered as a WQTC.

    3.3 It shall provide a list of authorised Test Personnel in the Organisation Chart, meeting therequirements specified in SWS: CWQS: Part IV: Appendix 4: Requirements for TestPersonnel.

    3.4 It shall be organised such that test personnel not be subjected to any influence or inducementthat might adversely affect their judgement or the result of their work.

    3.5 Its organisation shall include a technical manager with overall responsibility for technicaloperation and for ensuring that the SWS CWQS requirements are met.

    3.6 It shall specify and document the responsibility, authority and interrelation of all personnelwho manage, perform or verify work affecting the quality of tests in this scheme.

  • 73.7 All test reports/certificates shall be verified and signed by the authorised Test Personnel whohave witnessed the welder tests or who have conducted or supervised the welding tests.


    Initial assessment of WQTC for certification as SWS welder qualification test centres (WQTC) shallcomprise both a review of the application documentation and an on-site audit of testing establishmentscarried out normally by two independent auditors appointed by SWS.

    The WQTC shall be subjected to periodic surveillance visits once every three years, and a re-assessment once every six years and on its re-instatement as an approved WQTC following asuspension for serious non-conformities.

    Approval of WQTC shall be granted for specific scope as defined in Clause 5 below. Where a WQTChas more than one testing establishment, assessment shall be made and approval granted on anestablishment by establishment basis.

    4.1 Application for Certification

    Testing organisations wishing to gain SWS WQTC certification shall apply to the SWS Secretariat bycompleting the standard application form (see Appendix 2) and the self audit form (see Appendix 3),and returning these two completed forms in duplicates together with the application fee (detailed inClause 12) to the SWS Secretariat located at the following address:

    Singapore Welding SocietyNo 3 Science Park DriveSingapore Science Park 1The Franklin #02-12/25 Suite 20Singapore 118223

    4.2 Documentation

    The completed application forms mentioned in Clause 4.1 shall be accompanied by two sets of thefollowing supporting documentation:

    (a) Organisation structure; general description of the functions, management of the testingorganisation.

    (b) Test personnel CVs including authenticated diplomas and certificates.(c) The Control Manual and supporting documentation. (see Appendix 1)(d) Track records of performance as a welder testing organisation.

    4.3 The Audit Team

    The audit team shall consist of two independent auditors appointed by SWS, one of whom shall be thelead auditor. Auditors shall be proficient not only in quality system auditing but also weldinginspection. If proficient only in one area, then supplementary assistance should be sought.

  • 84.4 Documentation Review

    The application and self audit forms, and the supporting documentation shall be reviewed by the twoauditors. The lead auditor will draw the applicants attention to any major non compliance. The application will not be processed until these non-compliances have been resolved.

    4.5 The Audit Visit

    The audit based on an on-site visit normally shall be conducted by both auditors while the testing isbeing conducted to check compliance with the requirements. The applicant shall make all relevantfacilities available to the auditors, and provide access to a technical manager responsible for the testingoperations when requested by the auditors. All non compliances shall be disclosed to the applicant onconclusion of the audit, and a time scale for their correction agreed upon. Auditors may provide advicein response to questions or on the basis of observations to provide help to improve the applicants potential of being in compliance.


    Auditors are given assessment guide and checklist to follow in performing an assessment. Thesedocuments are intended to ensure that assessments are conducted as uniformly and completely aspossible among the auditors for different applicants and testing establishments.

    The assessment generally involves:(i) An entry briefing with the management of the applicant organization(ii) Review of quality assurance system manual(iii) Interviews with the staff(iv) Review of test methods and procedures(v) Observation of conducting of test(vi) Examination of equipment and calibration records(vii) An exit briefing of auditor findings


    At the conclusion of an assessment in an initial audit/re-audit/surveillance visit, the lead auditor willprepare a report of findings, identifying observations and non-compliances which, in the opinion of theauditor(s), the applicant must correct in order to be certified. After the exit briefing with the topmanagement of the testing organization, the applicant representative is required to sign the report toattest that he has reviewed the report with the lead auditor.

    The lead auditor shall produce a report for consideration by SWS within three weeks of the audit. Adecision on approval of the WQTC or otherwise will be made by SWS, on the recommendation of theauditors. The final report will be submitted to the applicants within 6 weeks of the audit.


    If the testing establishment is approved, SWS shall issue a SWS WQTC certification of approvalwhich is normally valid for three (3) years and indicate the scope of approved testing, subject tocontinuing satisfactory performance of the welder performance testing centre assessed by periodicsurveillances at intervals of three (3) years, periodic full audits at intervals of six (6) years, randomspot checks and full payment of the fees involved. No compensation shall be granted to the WQTC for

  • 9its loss of time as an approved test centre as a result of its suspension for serious non-conformities ornon-payment of fees.


    4.9.1 The WQTC shall be subjected to periodic surveillance audit visits at three-yearly intervals bySWS to ensure that the welder performance test standard is being maintained. Eachsurveillance audit may be conducted by one/two auditor(s). Annually, changes in equipmentor key personnel shall be monitored through a questionnaire by the auditor during asurveillance visit.The WQTC shall inform SWS immediately whenever there are changes in location,ownership, management and supervisory staff, corporate representative, or major facilities ofthe testing organization.

    4.9.2 Random spot checks not requiring any pre-arrangement with a WQTC may from time to timebe conducted on the WQTC by an auditor assigned by the SWS secretariat during any of thewelding performance qualification tests. Such checks shall focus specifically on compliancewith the requirements of the conduct of welder performance qualification test, as detailed inClause 7.2. Depending on a case by case basis, the number of spot checks, subject to amaximum of three (3) per year, shall be at the discretion of SWS. The WQTC shall allow suchunsolicited spot checks unconditionally. As in a usual audit or surveillance, each random spotcheck shall be completed in the manner as detailed in Clause 4.7.


    4.10.1 All instances of non-conformity with the CWQS requirements observed during full audit,surveillance audit or random spot check are to be reported by the auditor to SWS, togetherwith intended corrective actions or recommendation for suspension of the WQTC by theauditor.

    4.10.2 In the case of serious non-conformities such as falsifications and alterations of reports and testresults, unethical actions of welding inspectors and NDT personnel, failure of weldinginspectors to verify the essential variables during the test, etc. and on the recommendation ofthe auditor concerned, the grant of the test centre as a SWS WQTC shall be suspendedimmediately. The duration of suspension of the WQTC from the CWQS system shall be at thediscretion of the SWS.


    The WQTC shall be subjected to a full audit once every six years. Full audit shall also be conductedon a WQTC on its re-instatement as an authorised welder qualification test centre in the CWQSsystem following a suspension for serious non-conformities. Assessment shall also be conducted whenevaluation and submissions from the applicant or its clients indicate that significant technical changesin the capability of the establishment have occurred.


    In a full audit, the lead auditor shall advice the applicant of its right of appeal to SWS in case ofadverse assessment decisions. In the case of surveillance audit or spot check, the single auditor shallperform this function. The decision of SWS shall be final after the appeal.

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    5.1 Scope of Approved Testing

    Following successful assessment, the WQTC shall be certified for a specific scope of testingdefined by:(a) Location of approved testing establishment and those of its approved test sites outside

    the establishment(b) The range of testing and inspection such as:

    - Non-destructive testing- Destructive testing- Welding inspection/welder qualification test

    (c) The list of SAC-SINGLAS or equivalent SAC SINGLAS authorised test personnel(i.e. certified welding inspectors, non-destructive testing and destructive testingpersonnel) and approved signatory. All tests shall be carried out by authorised testpersonnel and all test reports signed by an approved signatory.


    A WQTC wishing to amend its scope of testing between surveillance audits shall proceed, asfollows:

    (a) Apply to SWS in writing(b) The changes will be recorded and reviewed by SWS, which will then give a

    provisional approval to the WQTC

    6. PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT(Applicable for test conducted at test centres with permanent facilities and any other test sites)

    6.1 General

    6.1.1 The WQTC shall be furnished with or have access to all items of equipment required forcorrect performance of the welder/welding test, examinations and measurements within thescope of approval.

    6.1.2 The test equipment shall be capable of providing the full range of parameters specified in thewelding procedure specifications (WPS) detailed in SWS: CWQS: Part II: Requirements ofwelder qualification test.

    6.1.3 In exceptional cases, when test equipment outside the WQTC is required, the WQTC shallensure that the equipment is in good condition and has been maintained as detailed in Clause6.3 below.

    6.1.4 Welding equipment to be used for qualification of welders shall be located at the accreditedWQTC or any external test site, which shall be equipped with the necessary facilities andapproved by the assigned welding inspector.

    6.2 Environment of Testing Establishment

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    6.2.1 The environment in which the tests are undertaken shall not invalidate the test results oradversely affect the required accuracy of measurement. This applies in particular to sites otherthan the permanent WQTC premises.

    6.2.2 Adequate measures shall be taken to ensure good housekeeping in the WQTC.

    6.3 Equipment

    6.3.1 All equipments shall be properly maintained. Details of maintenance procedures shall beavailable.

    6.3.2 Any item of the equipment, which has been subjected to overloading or mishandling or whichgives suspect results or has been shown by calibration or otherwise to be defective, shall betaken out of service until it has been repaired and then shown by test or calibration to beperforming its function satisfactorily.

    6.3.3 Measuring and testing equipment used in the WQTC shall be calibrated, where appropriate,before being put into service and thereafter according to an established programme.

    6.3.4 Equipment shall be calibrated to acceptable standards such as ASME Section V. Whereapplicable, the WQTC should provide satisfactory evidence of correlation of results, forexample, by participating in a suitable programme of inter-test centre comparisons orproficiency testing.

    6.3.5 Where relevant, testing equipment shall be subjected to in-service checks between regular re-calibrations.

    6.3.6 A label or tag indicating the date of the last calibration and the due date of the next calibrationshould be attached to equipment requiring calibration.

    6.4. Welding Inspection Tools and Equipment

    Authorised welding inspectors performing a welder test either at the WQTC or any approvedexternal test site shall equip themselves with the necessary welding inspection tools andequipment including at least the following items:

    (i) Welding gauges for bevel angle, root gap, high-low / misalignment, weldreinforcement, weld concavity and convexity, fillet weld leg length and undercutdepth

    (ii) Current & voltage meter(iii) Temperature sticks(iv) Stop watch(v) Steel rule

    6.5 Records of Equipment

    Records shall be maintained of each major item of test and measurement equipment. Eachrecord shall include:

    a) The name of the item of equipment

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    b) The manufacturers name andtype identification and serial numberc) Date of last calibration and calibration recordsd) Current locatione) Details of maintenancef) Manufacturers operating manuals

    7. Working Procedures

    7.1 Test Methods and Procedures

    7.1.1 The WQTC shall have adequate documented instructions on the use and operation of allrelevant equipment, on the handling and preparation of test items (where applicable) and onstandard testing techniques.

    7.1.2 All instructions, standards and codes6, 7 & 8, testing equipment manuals, the SWS CWQSreference9 document, SAC-SINGLAS or equivalent SAC SINGLAS document and referencedata relevant to the work of testing laboratory shall be maintained up-to-date and be readilyavailable to the Test Personnel.

    7.2 Conduct of Welder Qualification Test

    The WQTC shall conduct each welder qualification test (WQQT) in accordance to the followingrequirements:

    7.2.1 Each welder wishing to undertake the welder qualification test (WQT) shall be registered withthe SWS secretariat which shall issue an identification number for a particular test and assignan approved WQTC establishment to the welder. Approval to undertake the test shall beallowed only to welders who can produce documentary evidence of having received sufficienttraining in welding from welder training institutions recognized by SWS.

    7.2.2 Each WQTC shall inform the SWS secretariat in writing by fax or email at least three (3)calendar days in advance the date and time of the day when a WQT is to be conducted at itsapproved establishment. Failure to comply with this clause shall render the test if conductednull and void.

    7.2.3 Test welders shall be tested together in batches within an approved WQTC establishment inthe presence of a certified welding inspector who shall be an approved Test Personnel. Eachtest welder shall be provided with a separate welding booth which shall be fully equipped withall the facilities for the test as detailed in Clause 6.

    7.2.4 Each welding inspector shall be adequately equipped with the necessary inspection tools andequipment listed in Clause 6.4.

    7.2.5 All test welders shall wear the full personnel protective equipment (PPE) for welders. Eachtest welder shall display the given identification number prominently on his body throughoutthe test and make available personal identification documents such as NRIC or passports forthe welding inspector to verify. Test welders without appropriate PPE, NRIC or passport andSWS secretariat identification number shall not be accepted for the test.

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    7.2.6 The number of test welders in a batch to be tested shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10) toallow for effective observation of all the welders by the welding inspector during the test. Thenumber of batches shall not exceed two (2) in a normal working day.

    7.2.7 Each test welder shall be provided with two (2) sets of pipe samples for the welder to stampthe allocated identification number on the samples and prepare the weld joint, e.g. weldalignment, tack welding, cleaning, etc.

    7.2.8 Each test welder shall align the test sample according to the 6G welding position under testand immobilise by tack welds the welding position of the test sample on the sample holder.The welding position, once set, shall not be changed or tampered with during welding. At anystage of the test, the pipe joint shall not be removed from its immobilised position forgrinding, etc. Failure to comply with this clause shall constitute a failure of the weldingperformance of the test welder.

    7.2.9 The immobilisation of each weld sample, welding position set at 45 to the horizontal on thesample holder, joint details and other essential variables, test welder identification andcomplete covering of both pipe ends shall be verified by the welding inspector before the startof the test. (Hold Point)

    7.2.10 The welding test shall start only after compliance with Clauses 7.2.7, 7.2.8 and 7.2.9 has beenestablished by the welding inspector and end within a specified time (e.g. 2 hours for SMAWof pipe or as advised) for the whole batch of welders under test. The time for starting andending the test and all unauthorised actions by the welders shall be prominently displayed atthe test site. Failure to meet the specified time limit by any welder shall constitute a failure ofthe welding performance of the test welder.

    7.2.11 During the period of the test, no test welder undergoing the test shall be allowed to leave therespective allocated welding booth and also no unauthorised person is allowed to be in thevicinity of the test area for whatever reason.

    7.2.12 Each test welder shall perform the welding according to an approved welding procedurespecifications (WPS) which shall be submitted to the welding inspector for verification.

    7.2.13 The direction of progression of welding and other essential welding variables in the WPS shallbe verified by the welding inspector on each welder during the test. Absence of verification ofthese essential variables during the test shall constitute a serious non-conformity with theCWQS requirements and a basis for debarring the welding inspector as a Test Personnel.Failure to maintain the welding position, direction of progression of welding and otheressential welding variables shall constitute a failure of the welding performance of the testwelder.

    7.2.14 Any test welder attempting to weld a second test sample within the specified time limit shalladhere to the conditions stipulated in the above-mentioned clauses.

    7.2.15 At the end of welding at or before the specified time, each test welder shall select and submitonly one (1) welded test sample to the welding inspector and leave the test area. The weldinginspector shall, in the absence of all the test welders, visually evaluate all the welded testsamples and thereafter hand them over, together with a list of the welded test sampleidentification numbers, to an authorised NDT personnel for radiography.

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    7.2.16 The WQTC shall use testing or inspection methods and procedures6, 7 & 8 required by the SWSCWQS programme for all testing or inspection performed and issue all test or inspectionreports bearing the logo of accreditation body, e.g. SAC SINGLAS logo in Singapore,alongside with the internationally recognised APLAC or ILAC mark, if required.

    7.2.17 All weld testing involving non-destructive and destructive tests if required shall be conductedor administered with supervision by an approved Test Personnel who shall possess theappropriate valid NDT qualification and certification. The original identification numberstamped on each welded test sample shall be visible on the radiograph.

    7.2.18 On completion of the radiographic test, each test weld sample and its radiograph shall behanded over by the authorised NDT Test Personnel to a second certified welding inspector fora second visual evaluation of the welded sample and an interpretation of the radiograph inaccordance to the required Codes or Standards. The second certified welding inspector shallalso be an approved Test Personnel, who shall be responsible for preparing the final weldertest report which shall bear the name and identification number of each test welder in thebatch, the results of the two visual assessments of each weld sample and its radiographicinterpretation, and finally for logging in the overall WQT results of each test welder in theCWQS MOS system.

    7.2.19 All WQT reports including visual inspection and radiographic interpretations shall be verifiedand signed by authorised Test Personnel as specified in SWS:CWQS: Part IV: Appendix 4:Requirements for Test Personnel.

    7.2.20 Failure to comply with any of the above-mentioned clauses shall render the test conducted nulland void and the WQTC establishment liable for the penalties as mentioned in Clauses 4.10 &4.11.

    7.3 Quality System

    7.3.1 The WQTC shall have a documented system to control the quality of work

    7.3.2 As a minimum, the documented system shall contain the following:

    (a) The organisation chart(s) of the WQTC(b) Operational and functional activities pertaining to quality, so that each person

    concerned will know the extent and limits of his responsibility.(c) General quality assurance procedures(d) Satisfactory arrangements for feedback and corrective action whenever testing

    discrepancies are detected.(e) Procedure for dealing with complaints

    7.3.3 The documented system shall be periodically reviewed by its management to ensure thecontinued effectiveness of the arrangements.

    7.4 Records

    7.4.1 The WQTC shall maintain a record system and shall have adequate documented instructionson qualified welding procedures, use and operation of all equipment, handling and preparationof work pieces, as well as relevant weld test methods. Such documents shall be maintained up-to-date and be readily available to the staff.

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    7.4.2 All records shall contain observations, calculations and derived data, calibration records andthe final test report. These shall be kept for a period of five years.

    7.4.3 All records and test reports shall be safely stored and held secured and in confidence to theclient, unless otherwise required by SWS.

    7.5 Subcontracting

    All subcontracting of welder tests and weld testing shall be placed with another SWSapproved WQTC.

    7.6 Cooperation with SWS

    The WQTC shall afford SWS and its representatives such reasonable cooperation as isnecessary, to monitor compliance with these requirements and other criteria.


    8.1 The WQTC shall maintain a system for identifying the samples to be tested.

    8.2 There shall be clear rules for the receipt, retention and disposal of test samples.

    8.3 Test samples shall be retained for a period of at least three months.

    9. SAFETY

    9.1 The testing area, all equipment and facilities therein and working practices shall conform toindustrial safety recommendations and requirements of the Ministry of Manpower, Singaporeor its equivalent body outside Singapore following the ILO guidelines.

    9.2 All welders must receive instruction in safe working practice before starting work in theworkshop area.

    9.3 All welders shall use appropriate PPE in the workshop area and the WQTC or testingestablishment.

    9.4 For those tests conducted at the WQTC or approved sites, WQTC shall ensure that the abovesafety measures are in place.

    9.5 For those tests conducted at any other sites, the employer of the welder shall be responsible forall safety measures.


    10.1 The WQTC technical manager and Test Personnel shall have the necessary education,training, technical knowledge and experience for their functions, refer to Appendix 4:Requirements for Test personnel.

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    10.2 Only appropriately qualified and certified personnel who are listed in the SAC SINGLAS1 & 2

    Accredited Testing Laboratory or Equivalent SAC SINGLAS Accredited Testing Laboratoryrecord of approved test personnel of the WQTC and equipped with the necessary tools andequipment shall be allowed to conduct any welder test or weld testing.


    11.1 All base metals used for qualification under the SWS CWQS shall be obtained and maintainedwith rigid control. Certified mill test reports shall be obtained and kept on file representing alltest specimen base metals. Base metals and test samples shall be permanently marked withidentification that will allow traceability to the mill test report.

    11.2 Base metal for qualification test samples and specimens from the test samples shall beprepared in accordance with all requirements of the Welder Qualification Test detailed inSWS: CWQS: Part II, and test requirements specified in the reference codes and standards6 & 7.Upon completion of all testing, the test specimens shall be stored in such a way that thespecimens will be free of contamination.

    11.3 Manufacturers certification in accordance with AWS A5.018, Class F, shall apply to allwelding filler materials to be used in the welder performance test. Drying and storage ovensshall be used for those materials affected by moisture. Electrodes and flux that have becomewet shall not be used for welding.

    12. FEES

    The fee structure for certification as a CWQS WQTC, fixed from time to time by SWS, is to cover thecosts for the following items:

    (i) Application and review of self audit S$ 300.00(ii) Initial assessment/re-assessment audit - 1st visit S$2,000.00

    Each subsequent visit S$ 800.00(iii) Annual certification S$ 300.00(iv) 3-yearly periodic surveillance visit S$1,500.00(v) Spot check S$ 500.00

    The fees will be imposed progressively in stages and under normal circumstances (i.e. when approvalmay be granted after one audit visit) they are:

    Stage 1: S$300.00 for Item (i) on receipt of application forms and self-audit reportStage 2: S$2,000.00 for Item (ii) after a satisfactory review of the self-audit report and

    before the initial assessment audit visitStage 3: S$300.00 for Item (iii) after a satisfactory 1st audit visit but before the issue of

    certificate of competency as an authorized CWQS WQTCStage 4: S$1,500.00 before each 3-yearly periodic surveillance visit

    In this fee structure, a welder testing centre will initially have to pay S$2,600.00 on being certifiedafter one audit visit. However, subsequently after being certified, it will have to pay S$300.00 for theannual renewal of the certificate of competency and S$500.00 for each spot check if conducted.

  • 17

    For overseas-based welder performance test centres which may not be SWS Corporate Members, theywill have to pay, in addition to the fees stated above, the cost of travel, board & lodging, internaltransport, etc.

    The fee for a welder qualification test according to a welding procedure for a welder to become anapproved welder under the CWQS system shall be fixed at S$200.00 per welder, subject to changesfrom time to time.

  • 18

    Appendix 1


    The Control Manual shall cover the following items:

    1. A quality policy statement; certificate of quality assurance system in accordance to ISO 2002,if available.

    2. General description of the facilities, location, organisation and management of the testingorganisation; legal status.

    3. Names, qualifications and experience of staff, recruitment policy, staff structure, access tosource of welding technology.

    4. Job functions and job specifications of staff.

    5. Sub-contractors; control procedures.

    6. Safety policy; implementation; safety officer; first aid facilities; emergency procedures.

    7. Administration; procedures, testing records; confidentiality; facilities, systems.

    8 Internal audit procedure.

    9. Complaints procedure.

    10. Testing facilities; nature of construction; cleaning, maintenance, safety, illumination,ventilation; access control. [Applicable only for test centre(s) that have testing facilities]

    11. Welding booths; construction, size, access, maintenance, fume extraction, facilities, safety.[Applicable only for test conducted at test centre(s) that have testing facilities]

    12. Welding procedures for testing; preparation, validation, approval, control, change procedure.

    13. Approval testing; location, work-piece preparation, identification, issue, control, weldingprocedures, instruction to candidates, supervision, witnessing, documentation; weldingequipment, calibration, maintenance, certification.

    14. Testing; equipment calibration, maintenance, witnessing, assessment of results, sub-contractprocedures, issue of certificates.

    15. Testing programmes; preparation, validation, change control, interfacing with customer needs.

    16. Visual aids; preparation, sourcing, validation, change control.

  • 19

    Appendix 2

    Singapore Welding SocietyCommon Welder Qualification Scheme


    1. SCOPE OF APPROVAL[please tick one or more]

    Non-Destructive testing

    Destructive Testing

    Welding Inspection/Welder Qualification Test




    Tel No:

    Fax No:

    E-mail add:

    Site LabAddress(es)





  • 20


    Please provide the list of equipment used to perform the tests and the calibration status of theseequipment(Use extra sheets if necessary)

    Calibration StatusEquipment(Name, Made, Capacity, etc) Calibration

    OrganizationFrequency ofCalibration

    Date of LastCalibration

  • 21


    Please provide the list of test personnel with their particulars, authentic certificate(s) and scope of teststo be covered for each personnel.(Use extra sheets if necessary)

    Name1 :

    Designation :

    Qualification :

    ProfessionalMemberships :

    Experience :

    Scope of test :

    Name2 :

    Designation :

    Qualification :

    ProfessionalMemberships :

    Experience :

    Scope of test :

  • 22


    Please provide the organization chart showing the line of authority within the laboratory, and ifrelevant, the laboratorys position in the overall structureof the parent organizations.


    Please provide a sketch of laboratory layout and a brief description of laboratory accommodation,including number of rooms, approximate size, special features, etc


    A. Date of Establishment: ______________

    B. Other Accreditation

    Name of Scheme Terms of AccreditationCertificate No. Etc

    Period of accreditation

    D. Number of Supporting Staff in the Laboratory

    Professional :Technical :Administrative :

  • 23


    I hereby submit this application for approval as a SWS welder testing centre and agree to comply withthe terms and conditions for the participation in the CWQS. I declare that the information given in thisapplication is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief

    Authorised Signature :

    Name :

    Designation :

    Company Stamp :

    Date :

  • 24

    Appendix 3

    Singapore Welding SocietyCommon Welder Qualification Scheme


    The criteria in this document are the specific requirement for self-audit. The results of the audit shouldindicate the ability of a testing organization to meet the requirements of the SWS Common WelderQualification Scheme. The self-audit is not intended to replace the formal assessment by the Schemeaudit team.

    Item Acceptable/Not acceptable


    1. Quality policy statement

    2. General description of the facilities, location,organization and management of the testingorganization

    3. Names, qualifications and experience ofstaff; recruitment policy, staff structure, accessto source of welding technology

    4. Job functions and job specifications of staff;student/staff ratio

    5. Sub-contractors; control procedures

    6. Safety policy;Implementation; safety officer; first aidfacilities; emergency procedures

    7. Administration;Procedures, testing records, confidentiality;facilities, systems

    8. Procedures for management of siteoperations

    9.Internal audit procedure

    10. Complaints procedure

  • 25

    11. Testing facilities:Nature of construction; cleaning, maintenance,safety, illumination, ventilation, temperaturecontrol, access control

    12. Welding booths:Construction, size, access, maintenance, fumeextraction, facilities, safety

    13. Welding procedures for testing;preparation, validation, approval, control,change procedure

    14. Approval testing;Location, work piece preparation,identification, issue, control, weldingprocedures, instruction to candidates,Supervision, witnessing, Documentation,welding equipment, calibration, maintenance,Certification

    15. Testing: equipment calibration,maintenance, witnessing, assessment of results,sub-contract procedures, issue of certificate

    16. Testing programmes:preparation, validation, change control,interfacing with customer needs

    17. Visual aids: preparation, sourcingvalidation, change control

    18. Reference books & relevant standards:Reference library of key material

  • 26

    Appendix 4



    1. SCOPE

    This document has been drawn up with the objective of ensuring a common standard for TestPersonnel, which is acceptable to the requirements of the Industry.


    The respective Test Personnel are responsible for the following testing/inspection activities ofthe Industry.

    2.1 Welding Inspector

    a) Conducting the welder qualification test (WQT)b) Visual inspection during and after weldingc) Interpretation of NDT/mechanical test results

    2.2 NDT Personnel

    a) Conducting non-destructive testing (NDT)b) Interpretation of NDT results

    2.3 Mechanical Testing Personnel

    a) Performing mechanical testingb) Interpretation of mechanical test results


    3.1 Test Personnel shall be employed by SWS-approved WQTC or SWS-approved participatingcompanies.

    3.2 Test Personnel with employment other than that stated in Para. 3.1, but with qualifications andexperience that satisfy Para. 4, and registered with SWS, shall also be allowed to perform thefunctions stated in Para. 2.

    3.3 All approved test centres WQTC shall make available a list of Test Personnel to SWS.

  • 27


    4.1 Welding Inspector

    4.1.1 Acceptable qualification bases are:

    a) American Welding Society Certified Welding Inspector (AWS-CWI) in accordance with theprovisions of AWS QCI, (Standard and Guide for Qualification and Certification of WeldingInspectors), or

    b) CSWIP Welding Inspector (CSWIP-WI, 3.1 or 3.2) in accordance with the CSWIPrequirements described in document CSWIP-WI-6-92.

    c) American Society of Mechanical Engineers Authorized Inspector or Authorized NuclearInspector (ASME-AI or ANI) and regularly employed by an insurance company authorized towrite boiler and pressure vessel insurance.

    d) PCN Welding Inspector, International Institute of Welding (IIW) International WeldingInspector (IWI) certification

    4.1.2 Inspectors without these qualifications stated in accordance with Para. 4.1.1 but having thefollowing academic qualifications and required years of welding inspection experience arealso acceptable. The required years of welding inspection experience should be directly relatedto inspection of welds, which is done in accordance to national or international standards. Itshould be supported by documentary proof.

    a) A relevant degree or diploma in Engineering or Science with three years of weldinginspection experience, or

    b) A trade certificate or a minimum of G.C.E. O level (Cambridge General Certificate of Education) with eight years of welding inspection experience.

    4.2 NDT Personnel

    4.2.1 The personnel shall be certified in accordance to the requirements of SNT-TC-1A (Therecommended Practice for Training and Certification of Personnel in NDT), PCN, ASNTCentral Certification Programme (ACCP) or equivalent.

    4.2.2 Personnel performing radiographic interpretation shall be required to pass the weldradiographic interpretation course conducted by SWS-approved organizations such asClassification Societies, ASNT (Level 2), CSWIP, Welding Institute and UK (PCN Level 2).

    4.2.3 Personnel performing NDT of test coupons shall be qualified to at least ASNT Level 2 orequivalent.

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    4.3 Mechanical Testing Personnel

    4.3.1 Personnel performing mechanical tests shall either attain a relevant diploma in Engineering orwith three years of mechanical testing experience.

    4.3.2 Personnel must be conversant with the test requirements of the relevant codes / standards.

    4.3.3 Personnel must also be trained in the operation of the various mechanical testing equipments.


    5.1 Welding Inspector (WI)

    5.1.1 WI shall perform the WQT in a conscientious and impartial manner.

    5.1.2 WI shall perform visual inspection of the work during and after welding.

    5.1.3 WI shall prepare clear and concise reports, review of test certificates (WPS, PQR, WQT, NDTand DT) to ensure that the records have been prepared in accordance with the relevant sectionsof the CWQS.

    5.1.4 WI shall input the welding performance data into the CWQS computerized administrationsystem. Alternatively, he can delegate this function to an approved Test Personnel.

    5.2 NDT Personnel

    5.2.1 NDT Personnel shall perform the required non-destructive testing (NDT) in accordance withthe relevant codes / standards and the relevant sections of the CWQS.

    5.2.2 NDT Personnel shall be responsible for any work done ensuring that proper safety andworking procedures are strictly followed, results obtained are accurate, neat and dutifullyrecorded and report prepared on time.

    5.2.3 NDT Personnel shall also be responsible for carrying out the in-house equipment maintenance,verification and calibration.

    5.3 Mechanical Testing Personnel (MP)

    5.3.1 MP shall perform the required mechanical testing in accordance with the relevant codes /standards and the relevant sections of the CWQS.

    5.3.2 MP shall record and report actual test details and results accurately.

    5.3.3 MP shall ensure safety first are being practice in the laboratory at all times, for example PPEare being worn during the testing.

    5.3.4 MP shall be responsible for the maintenance and the calibration of equipment.

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    6.1 Test Personnel performing welding inspection and NDT shall have passed an eye examinationwith or without corrective lenses to prove:-

    a) Near vision acuity on Snellen English or Equivalent, at 305mm (12 inches).b) Far vision acuity of 20/40 or better.c) A colour perception test for red/green and blue/yellow differentiation.

    6.2 Eye examination is required every one year or less if necessary to demonstrate adequacy inaccordance with Para. 6.1.

    6.3 Eye examinations shall be administered by an optometrist, medical doctor, registered nurse orcertified physician assistant.


    All welding inspectors and Test Personnel who interpret radiographs shall be registered withSWS through approved Test Centres or participating Companies.


    Test Personnel who is no longer employed by SWS-approved Test centre or participatingCompany shall be de-registered as an approved Test personnel of the CWQS.


    All Test Personnel shall afford SWS and its representatives reasonable co-operation in order tomonitor compliance with the requirements of this document.