REQUEST FOR INFORMATION - New Hampshire DOL 2018-133.pdfREQUEST FOR INFORMATION . Introduction . The...

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February 20, 2018

State of New Hampshire Department of Labor

Request for Information RFI DOL 2018-133

NHDOL Electronic Document Management

and Workflow System (EDMS)

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REQUEST FOR INFORMATION To Whom It May Concern: The State of New Hampshire, Department of Labor, is requesting information from vendors with expertise in electronic document management and workflow software and associated solutions. This information will assist us with the subsequent preparation of a request for proposals (RFP) and budgeting to upgrade/replace our current system. In an attempt to identify all possible solutions available on the market and gain information on these solutions, we are issuing this REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI). If you are interested in responding to this RFI, please provide information—including cost estimates—on the software, hardware, associated products, implementation time, and support you can provide and how these solutions will meet our requirements. It is not necessary to meet all of the requirements in order to be considered; neither is it mandatory that all functionality be included in a single solution. Your proposed solutions may address specific areas that had not been considered. We have provided a set of existing features and functions available in Labor’s current EDMS to provide vendors an understanding of our requirements. We seek as much information on electronic document management and workflow solutions as possible. Our goal is to obtain a comprehensive understanding of our available options, leading to an RFP that will result in a cost effective strategy for the purchase and ongoing maintenance of a solution that meet our requirements. Please address any questions to Joseph Nadeau at 603-271-6872 / After responses have been received, we will begin the process of setting up presentations and further discussion. Please reply no later than 4:00 PM on March 30, 2018. Vendor presentations and further discussions, if required, will be scheduled during the week of April 16 through April 20, 2018. Sincerely, Joseph Nadeau IT Lead- NH Department of Labor

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Introduction The State of New Hampshire, Department of Labor (NHDOL), is requesting information from vendors with expertise in electronic document management and workflow software and associated solutions. This information will assist us with the subsequent preparation of a request for proposals (RFP) and budgeting to upgrade or replace our current system. In an attempt to identify all possible solutions available on the market and gain information on these solutions, we are issuing this REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI). Submittal Information Respondents to this RFI are requested to submit statements, including at least the information organized in the order shown below under Submittal Details. NH Department of Labor should receive responses to this RFI no later than 4:00 PM on Friday, March 30, 2018. Submittal Requirements: One (1) electronic copy emailed to Joseph Nadeau Contact Person and any inquiries to: Joseph Nadeau 603-271-6872 / This RFI is being posted to New Hampshire’s “Current Bidding Opportunities” web page under Bid# 2018-133. All inquiry answers will be posted as addendums to this site. Submittal Deadline: no later than 4:00 PM on March 30, 2018 Submit by email to: Joseph Nadeau Subject line: RFI DOL 2018-133 Please send follow-up email with no attachments with subject line: RFI DOL 2018-133 Follow-Up An acknowledgement email will be provided by Joseph Nadeau upon receipt Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations Term Description Archive Library A long-term storage area for documents no longer in an active

workflow process. Documents in the Archive Library are accessible as read-only and searchable by indexing attribute values assigned during Indexing workflow process.

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Document Name The database indexing attribute targeted for the label or description given to a document or form that is recognizable to a business user to identify and differentiate documents.

Document Separator

8 ½ by 11 sheets containing bar codes which get inserted into a stack of to-be-scanned documents. When scanned and read these bar codes indicate to the Scan Manager software the start of a new document.

EDMS Electronic Document Management System. The NHDOL EDMS also includes a workflow component.

FIFO First In First Out. A designated order for which Work Packets are listed in a Work List Queue.

Folder Separator 8 ½ by 11 sheets containing bar codes which get inserted into a stack of to-be-scanned documents. When scanned and read these bar codes indicate to the Scan Manager software the start of a new folder or Work Packet.

Forwarding Options A list of Work Functions under a given Process as possible options for sending a Work Packet when all processing under the current Work Function has been completed.

Indexing Type A database property identifying a list of attributes used for searching and finding Work Packets from the Workflow or Documents from the Archive Library.

Legacy System A series of Cobol applications driving all major business process for the NHDOL on an IBM iSeries (AS400) with a DB2 relational database.

Matching Criteria The combination of one or more indexing attributes of a Work Packet combined together to form a unique value throughout the entire workflow. This value is used to determine whether a new incoming document entering the workflow is associated with an already existing Work Packet and should thus be match together or merged.

Matching Task A Process Agent task using the Matching Criteria to check all Work Packets entering the workflow to determine whether a matching existing Work Packet already exists. When a match exists the task merges the incoming Work Packet with the existing one.

Memos A note pad area attached to a Work Packet for documenting events beyond the scope of the core software such as phone calls, meetings, etc.

NHDOL New Hampshire Department of Labor Process The term given to an instance having a unique workflow through

which Work Packets move through. A single Index Type may have more than one Process associated with it.

Process Agent A server or desktop with NHDOL EDMS software install. These Process Agents are responsible for running a variety of scheduled tasks against the NHDOL EDMS. The Process Agents are sometimes assigned a NHDOL EDMS queue which they are responsible for processing any incoming Work Packets.

Work Function The term given a step in a workflow Process with values such as Review, Research or Schedule.

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Work List Queue A sub set of Work Packets within a Process designated by a Work Function. NHDOL staff are specifically assigned these Work List Queues and are responsible for performing the tasks associated within the Work Function.

Work Packet A workflow component used to describe what could be considered an electronic file folder used to contain all associated documents within an item such as a hearing case. These work packets maintain the documents in unity as they move through the workflow.

TIFF Tag Image File Format. Multi-Page TIFF is the standard format for image storage in the NHDOL EDMS.

Submittal Details: Please provide the following vendor information by the stated deadline.

1. Company Profile A) Company name, address, telephone number, web address B) Key contact: Name, title, address, phone numbers, e-mail address C) Brief history and description of business including years established,

services offered, how your service(s) or products(s) differentiate your company in the marketplace or in relationship to your competitors

D) Any future plans, goals and development efforts of the company E) Other relevant information not covered in the previous items

delineated above that would aid in the understanding of your company 2. Clients & References

A) Number of clients currently served, the industry type of the client, and physical locations (city and state)

B) Sample list of clients C) Provide at least three client references or short testimonials including

company name, contact, title, address, phone number, email address and type of client relationship. Include type of services provided to the client

Please provide solution information on the following Electronic Document Management and workflow requirements by the stated deadline

3. Overview of Electronic Document Management and Workflow Solution(s)

A) The upgrade/replacement of NHDOL’s electronic document management and workflow system must include the migration of all existing documents and data from the current system into the new system. The new system must have the ability to function seamlessly with both migrated and new documents and data

B) User and administrator training must be available C) Ongoing technical support must be available D) Solution(s) must include both electronic document management and

workflow 4. Hardware Requirements

A) Provide details on hardware requirements for your solution.

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a. Servers b. Storage c. Workstations d. Scanners e. Etc.

5. Software and Licensing Requirements A) Provide details on software requirements for your solution.

a. Electronic Document Management software b. Workflow software c. Database software d. Workstation software e. Scanner Software f. NHDOL Legacy System Interface

6. Migration of Existing Data and Images A) Existing workflow Processes migrated and maintained. B) Existing Work Packets migrated and maintained with existing

documents, folder and document memos along with folder and document data attributes.

C) Existing Archived library documents migrated and maintained along with related database entries for search and retrieval.

D) Existing workflow queues and Work Packet forwarding options shall be migrated.

E) Existing Work Packet history tracking records migrated and maintained reflecting the history of its travels through the work flow.

F) Workflow matching functionality migrated and maintained allowing for future incoming documents to match with existing migrated Work Packets.

G) Existing markup stamps, such as “Rejected by DOL”, “Accepted by DOL” and “Already on File”.

7. Front End Application A) The existing system uses a customized front-end application

providing NHDOL staff a more user friendly functionality. B) This front-end application is written in VB6 so if we were to

continue with the Process360 software this would require a redevelopment effort.

C) Let me know if a demo of this application via a WebEx conference would be of interest. I have tentatively schedule a date and time of Tuesday February 27th 2018 at 9am for a demo if desired.

8. Document Scanning A) Each scanned document is tagged with a scanning batch

number and document number allowing for tracing back to the hard copy.

B) Scanning operator ability to print a scanner batch cover sheet identifying batch number, scan date, batch class, scan station, document count, page count, Work Function and scan operator for storage with hard copy scanned documents.

C) An option for scanning a stack of single-sided one page documents resulting in each page generating its own Work Packet for individual indexing.

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D) An option for scanning a stack of two page/single sided documents resulting in every two pages generating their own Work Packet for indexing.

E) An option available for scanning a stack of one page/duplex documents resulting in each sheet generating its own two-page Work Packet to be indexed.

F) An option to scan a stack of documents made up of both single sided and duplex documents with designated Document Separator and Folder Separator sheets identifying the start of a new document or folder. Images not meeting the required content threshold shall be discarded automatically. These designated Document Separator and Folder Separator sheets shall be read, processed and discarded. The scanning of this type of batch should result in individual Work Packets for each Folder Separator sheet and individual documents within the Work Packet for each Document Separator sheet.

G) Scanning operators ability to prepare a batch of paper documents at their desks with inserts (separator sheets) identifying to the scanner where a one document or folder ends and the next begins.

H) Scanning operator ability to select an Indexing Queue Bucket to forward a batch or batches of scanned documents for indexing.

I) NHDOL Admin User ability to manage scanning options. 9. ImportWord Module

A) A critical module for generating, printing and importing numerous documents.

B) The module uses the WdApp.ini file, MS Word documents and Legacy System tables.

C) The Wdapp.ini file has multiple rows each containing a Legacy System table name, an MS Word document name and the workflow Process, Work Function and Indexing Type.

D) Each Legacy System table record contains indexing data required for the unique Indexing Type, data fields for merging with bookmarks and standard data fields for processing options such as number of copies to print, on/off indicator for tiff conversion, etc.

E) All MS Word documents are stored in a specific location on the network.

F) Module is scheduled to execute at time intervals based on a value set by a NHDOL Admin (currently every two minutes).

G) Module walks through the Wdapp.ini file one row at a time and searches the corresponding Legacy System data table for unprocessed records.

H) To process a table record it invokes MS Word, opens the appropriate MS Word document, merges data from the table into the bookmarks, creates a new Work Packet in the EDMS and imports the MS Word document into it, applies indexing data, prints copies when applicable and forwards the Work Packet into the workflow based on the Process and Work Function from the Wdapp.ini file row.

I) Module provides the flexibility to allow NHDOL developers to create new database tables and MS Word documents for processing without requiring any modifications to the module itself.

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J) NHDOL Admin maintains the Wdapp.ini file and the execution interval value.

10. Desktop Imports A) A standard feature provided with the existing NHDOL EDMS software.

This feature allows business users to store incoming documents from emails on the network for automatic importing into the NHDOL EDMS.

B) This feature executes at time intervals based on a value set by a NHDOL Admin (currently every five minutes).

C) The NHDOL Admin is able to create as many instances of this feature as needed.

a. Each instance is configured to monitor its own unique designated folder on the network.

b. Each instance has a targeted Indexing Queue Bucket where it imports the document to.

c. The feature allows for applying attribute values to the Work Packet and documents.

11. Indexing of Work Packets A) This feature provides the functionality for the user to apply required

indexing values and property values to Work Packets prior to being forwarded into the workflow.

B) Work Packets enter this process from multiple sources, such as the scanning process, ImportWord module, Desktop Imports feature and from the workflow when re-indexing is applicable.

C) Work Packets may enter this process with zero or multiple indexing attribute values already applied. These attributes always remain open for the applying of different values.

D) The first step for the user is to select a workflow Process. E) The next step for the user is to select a document Name which is

filtered based on the workflow Process. F) The third step for the user is to apply indexing value. This process

interfaces with the NHDOL Legacy System database which contains the majority of all data values required for indexing. This interface allows the user to enter in one or two key data values for execution of sequel statements which extract the remaining data values from the NHDOL Legacy System database.

G) The final step for the user when all required indexing values have been applied to the Work Packet is to forward it into the workflow. These forwarding options are managed through an INI file based on workflow Process.

H) NHDOL Admin maintains the INI files used to manage the workflow Process selection, document identification selection and forwarding options.

12. Matching Task A) This task maintains a unique value based on Matching Criteria for

every Work Packet in the workflow and also maintains its location. B) Each Work Packet entering the workflow unless specifically excluded

goes through the Matching Task. C) The Matching Task creates the unique value for the incoming Work

Packet and then determines whether a matching Work Packet already exists.

D) When an existing matching Work Packet exists all documents within the new Work Packet are merged into the existing Work Packet.

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E) When a match takes place the existing Work Packet is modified to reflect the matching along with a history record inserted to log the event.

13. Work List Queues and Functions A) Work Lists are defined by the workflow Process and Work Functions. B) Within each workflow Process there are three physical queues which

are the IN-Queue, HOLD-Queue and PEND-Queue. C) Within each of the physical queues there are multiple functions which

are defined by values stored in the data attribute Work Function on the Work Packet.

D) Work Packets reside in a queue and get forwarded through the work flow by altering the value in the Work Packet attribute Work Function.

E) Work Function values must be in synch with Forwarding Options. F) Each workflow Process has its own unique Work Function values. G) Business work groups are normally assigned to a specific workflow

Process, such as staff responsible for managing and working on Workers Compensation case disputes are assigned to the Workers Comp Hearing workflow Process.

H) Staff within a Business work group are responsible for one or more Work Functions within the work group’s workflow Process.

I) NHDOL business staff in performing their daily functions must access the Work Packets in their respective workflow Process and Work Function. To gain access to a list of Work Packets they first select their workflow Process from a drop down list followed by selecting their Work Function from a filtered drop down list.

J) A Work List is able to be filtered and sorted by any Work Packet attribute listed.

K) A Work List is able to work in two modes, Select Mode and Next Mode.

a. Select Mode presents the user a Work List of Work Packets and allows for selecting a single one.

b. Next Mode presents no listing but instead automatically opens and presents the user the next Work Packet from the Work List based on a FIFO basis.

L) NHDOL Admins maintain profiles which define permissions and access authority rights to these workflow Processes and Work Functions.

M) Work Packets are able to move between the three physical queues much like a hard copy case folder would move between the In-basket, Hold-basket and Pending-Action-basket of someone’s desk.

N) The PEND-Queue is also referred to as the Time Queue because Work Packets reside in these queues for a set amount of time. The event of this time period expiring causes the Work Packet to automatically get forwarded back to the IN-Queue.

O) When a Work Packet residing in either the PEND-Queue or HOLD-Queue has an incoming Work Packet match into it, it causes the Work Packet to automatically be forwarded to the IN-Queue.

P) When an event causes a Work Packet to automatically get forwarded to the IN-Queue from the PEND-Queue or HOLD-Queue the existing Work Packet is modified to reflect the Time-Out or Match action along with a history record being inserted to log the event.

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Q) NHDOL Admins create Users and Profiles and links each User within a Profile providing the business user access and authority to their Work List and Archive Library catalog access permissions.

14. Archive Library A) The Archive Library is a long-term storage repository for documents in

the NHDOL EDMS. B) No Work Packets, only documents are stored in the Archive Library. C) When a Work Packet completes its work flow, such as when a case

dispute is completed and closed, the final forwarding option is Archive which initiates the Archive Process of moving all the case documents to the Archive Library.

D) In the Archive Process all the documents within the Work Packet are individually removed and stored in the Archive Queue along with their individual document attributes. The empty Work Packet and all its affiliated database table entries are then discarded.

E) Documents remaining in their native format such as MS Word or PDF get converted to TIFF prior to being stored in the Archive-Queue.

F) The Archive Task is scheduled to execute at time intervals based on a value set by a NHDOL Admin (currently every 12 hours, 4:30am & pm).

G) The Archive Task walks through all documents within the Archive Queue and stores the document image to the available Magnetic System Storage (MMS) medium located on a server. Affiliated database table entries allowing for future search and retrieval are then inserted. The Archive-Queue document and all remnants are then discarded.

H) Only document images and their affiliated indexing attributes for search and retrieval are stored in the Library

15. Global Search Function A) This feature allows users to search the entire EDMS both in the

Workflow and Library for Work Packets and documents filtered by one or more indexing attributes.

B) The search feature provides for full browsing of workflow Work Packets and Library documents.

C) The search feature works in conjunction with the Opened Work Packet function (see Opened Work Packet Function).

D) The search feature interfaces with the Export to Email/Network function (see Export to Email/Network Function).

16. Opened Work Packet Function A) When a Work Packet is opened from the work list it is place in such a

state preventing other users and functions from accessing it for editing.

B) The default order of documents within a Work Packet is FIFO. C) Feature allowing for manual rearranging of documents within Work

Packet. D) Multi-Page TIFF is the standard format for documents within a Work

Packet (multi-page not preferred) E) Some documents may remain in their native format while residing in

the Work Packet, such as MS Word, PDF, etc. F) Option to flag a document for conversion to Tiff (see Convert-To-Tiff


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G) When a Work Packet is opened from the Work List the default view presents the image of the first page of the first document along with the document’s indexing attribute values.

H) Ability to scroll through all pages of a document and all documents within a Work Packet.

I) When scrolling through pages and documents within a Work Packet the images appear without hesitation except for documents in their native format (MS Word, PDF, Etc).

J) Work Packets opened and saved back to the same Work List shall be treated as new arrivals. Work Packets opened and closed out without a save maintain their order in the Work List.

K) Based on a user’s level of permissions select document and folder attribute values are available for updating.

L) Folder and Document level Memos are available for adding and maintaining on an opened Work Packet.

M) Option available for Rejecting a Work Packet back to an Indexing-Queue Bucket for re-indexing.

N) Option available for Deleting a Work Packet sending it to the Recycle Queue for either re-indexing or permanent deletion.

O) Feature available for invoking the Global Search Feature triggering an option for importing documents from the EDMS library into the Work Packet.

P) Feature available to import documents from the network. Q) Feature available for forwarding the Work Packet to a PEND-Queue

with options for selecting the time period. R) Feature available for forwarding the Work Packet to a HOLD-Queue. S) Feature available to allow for merging of two or more documents into

one. T) Feature available to allow splitting a single document into two. U) Feature available to delete a single document from the Work Packet

sending it to the Recycle-Queue for either re-indexing or permanent deletion.

V) Feature to Archive a single document out of the Work Packet. W) Feature to send a copy of the active document to a specified Indexing

Queue Bucket for processing within a separate workflow Process. This feature is used when an incoming document requires processing by two distinct workflow processes.

X) Feature to print the active document to a network or local printer. Y) Standard viewing features such as zoom in and zoom out, rotating left

and right, image quality controls and image size on screen controls. Z) Standard markup features such as highlighting, text and post it notes.

Ability to move, delete and alter markups, set colors, fonts and font sizes.

AA) Feature to view the historical flow of the Work Packet through the workflow process, reflecting the date/time of arrival and departure to and from a Work Function and also all Work Packet data attribute values.

17. Event Logging A) Not a standard feature of the core software. B) This is a custom feature that allows staff to document phone call

conversations, meetings and other events on a single freeform Work Packet note pad referred to as a Memo.

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C) These Memos are discarded during the Archive process and are not move to the Library.

D) These Memos must be copied and pasted to an MS Word document and imported in to the Work Packet before archiving if they are to become a permanent part of the file.

18. Export Documents as Email Attachment or to Local Drive A) Not a standard feature of the core software B) Feature on an opened Work Packet to invoke a module for exporting

selected documents within the Work Packet to either a local/network drive or as attachments to an email.

C) Feature within the Global Search Function to invoke a module for exporting documents from the library to either a local/network drive or as attachments to an email.

D) Feature converts documents to PDF prior to placement on a local/network drive or as email attachments.

E) Markups and overlays associated with tiff images are embedded in the resulting PDF. Accurate positioning of markups/overlays within the PDF is critical.

F) Invoking this process within an opened Work Packet defaults to listing all documents within the Work Packet by document name and with all documents selected for export. Options available: clear selections, select all, or select individual documents.

G) Invoking this process on selected library documents shall default to listing all documents by document name and with all documents selected for export. Options available: clear selections, select all, or select individual documents.

H) Feature provides an option to either export as an email attachment or to a local/network drive.

I) Feature provides a browse network option for the user to search their environment for a location to store the exported documents when applicable. The most recent location selected shall be stored as a default for future instances.

19. Print Folder Function A) Not a standard feature of the core software B) Print module only available via an Opened Work Packet function. C) Module for printing multiple documents within a Work Packet. D) Invoking this module within an opened Work Packet shall default to

listing all its documents by document name and with all documents selected for printing. Options available: clear selections, select all, or select individual documents.

E) Module provides dropdown list of all available network printers for the user to select from for printing to. The printer selected from the drop down list is stored on C-drive and maintained as workstation’s default printer for this module.

F) Creates new temporary Work Packet with all selected documents. Work Packet is offloaded to a process agent for printing and then discarded.

20. Convert-To-Tiff Function A) A VB.Net module running as standalone task on a Process Agent

used to convert documents in native format to TIFF. B) Identifies documents in a Work Packet flagged for conversion to Tiff.

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C) Extracts the native format document and performs a conversion operation using Neevia DocCreator software and reinserts the TIFF version back into the same location in the Work Packet.

D) This module is also used in the Archive Process on Work Packets containing native format documents NOT flag for tiff conversion while in Work Flow. NHDOL prefers all Archive Library documents be in TIFF format.

21. Custom Tracking A) Not a standard feature of the core software B) This feature inserts history tracking records whenever a Work Packet

moves from Work Function to Work Function. C) History tracking records reflect when a Work Packet arrives and exits

a Work Function. D) History tracking records reflect events such as a Match, Time Out,

Reject or Archive. 22. NHDOL Admin Functions

A) As mentioned in the sections above State resources are currently able to create and maintain certain aspects of existing functions.

B) Provide the skill sets and level of these skill sets needed to continue using State resources for creating and maintaining aspects of your solution.

C) Discuss training opportunities for providing State resources the skill sets for creating and maintaining aspects of your solution.

D) Provide details on an estimated effort required of a resource or resources to maintain and support your solution.

23. Security A) Provide security details related to the database aspects of your

solution. B) Provide security details related to the access to documents and

images residing in the workflow and library portions of your solution. C) Provide security details related to State authorized users sharing

documents and images containing sensitive data with external business partners.

D) Provide security details related to other functions of your solution not covered above.

24. Estimated Cost A) The NHDOL expects funding for this project to be a capital budget

item and is required to submit a preliminary budget figure by April 6th, 2018.

B) Please provide cost estimates for your all-inclusive solution. C) Please describe options where the NHDOL may be able reduce costs

and provide the cost reductions. D) More than one solution may be provided.

Proposed Scope of Project

A) Provide NHDOL with a secure, up-to-date and fully supported electronic document management and workflow solution.

B) Migration of existing NHDOL electronic document management and workflow system documents and data to new solution.

Background and Additional Information

A) See NHDOL EDMS Design Document

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Goals and Objectives The overall goals and objectives of the NHDOL Electronic Document Management & Workflow Upgrade project include the desire to:

• Provide NHDOL with a secure, up-to-date and fully supported electronic document management and workflow solution.

• Provide security against potential outside and inside vulnerabilities. • Provide increased efficiency and effectiveness relative to logging and

documenting workflow events. • Provide an overall increase in efficiency and effectiveness of NHDOL EDMS

where applicable. • Leverage the NHDOL existing system’s components and software wherever

possible. • Leverage existing state network infrastructure wherever possible. • Leverage existing state resources wherever possible. • Leverage current state initiative with existing capital funding regarding a

Statewide Enterprise document management solution.

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Appendix A – NHDOL EDMS Library Document Inventory

Count of documents in the NHDOL EDMS Library

Index Description Document Count

BE_INSPIDX Boiler & Elevator 664,975 CORR_IDX Correspondence 77,488 COVER_IDX Coverage 3,190,453 LIC_IDX Licensing 54,010 SAFETY_IDX Safety 125,042 WAGE_IDX Wage Claims 186,747 WH_INSPIDX Wage & Hour Inspection 144,807 WCOMP_IDX Workers Comp 3,756,768

============= Total: 8,200,290

Appendix B – NHDOL EDMS Workflow Queue Inventory Count of Work Packets in NHDOL EDMS Workflow queues

Process IN Queue

Hold Queue

Pend Queue


B&E 152 26 325 503 Correspondence 847 1 0 848 Coverage 722 6 1,400 2,135 Licensing 108 0 6 114 Safety 305 93 101 499 W&H Insp 76 415 42 533 Wage 160 2 25 187 Wcomp Claims 598 721 88 1,407 Wcomp Hearing 697 135 9 841

======= Total: 7,067

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Appendix C – NHDOL EDMS NHDOL.INI File Sample version

Manages the Drop Down lists of:

1) Process options 2) Indexing Buckets 3) Work Function options within a Process

[Processes] Indexing= B & E Inspection= Safety= Workers Comp Claims= [IndexProcesses] B & E Inspection= Safety= Workers Comp Claims= [B & E Inspection] Work=B&E App Node,NONE Supervisor=B&E App Node,NONE Management=B&E App Node,NONE [Safety] Work=Safety App Node,NONE Supervisor =Safety App Node,NONE Management =Safety App Node,NONE [Workers Comp Claims] Review =Workers Comp Claims Node,NONE Research=Workers Comp Claims Node,NONE Supervisor=Workers Comp Claims Node,NONE Management =Workers Comp Claims Node,NONE

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Appendix D – NHDOL EDMS NHDOLForward.INI File Sample version

Manages the drop down lists of Forwarding options out of a particular Work Function within a Process ;;Bracket Sections identify the workflow Process ;;Row format starts with the name of the Work Function the Work Packet is currently in, ;; followed by an "=" sign, ;; followed by a series of Work Function values which provide the Forwarding options out of the current Work Function [B & E Inspection] Index=Archive,Work,Supervisor,Management Work= Archive,Supervisor,Management Supervisor= Archive,Work, Management Management= Archive,Work,Supervisor [Safety] Index=Archive,Work,Supervisor,Management Work= Archive,Supervisor,Management Supervisor= Archive,Work,Management Management= Archive,Work,Supervisor [Workers Comp Claims] Index= Archive,Review,Pend Review,Research,Supervisor,Management, Research=Archive,Review,Pend Review,Supervisor,Management, Review= Archive,Research,Supervisor,Management, Supervisor= Archive,Review,Pend Review,Research,Management Management= Archive,Review,Pend Review,Research,Supervisor

RFI DOL 2018-133 - NHDOL EDMS Upgrade Page 18 of 18

Appendix E – NHDOL EDMS NHDOLForms.INI File Sample version

Manages the drop down lists of Forms options for a Process ;;Bracket is section by Process ;;Row format starts with the code number of the "NHDOL Form", ;; followed by an "=" sign, ;; followed by the NHDOL Form Name" ;; followed by Indexing Property Type ;; followed by the security code for the document (standard user security clearance is 5 and below) [B & E Inspection] BI-000001=INSPECTION REPORT,BE_INSPTY,3 BI-000002=INVOICE PAYMENT,BE_INSPTY,3 BI-000004=SIGN OFF SHEET,BE_INSPTY,3 BI-000005=NEW OWNER,BE_INSPTY,3 BI-000006=EXTENSION REQUEST,BE_INSPTY,3 [Safety] SI-000001=CP INVOICE,SAFETY_TY,3 SI-000002=CP LETTER,SAFETY_TY,3 SI-000004=DISCLAIMER,SAFETY_TY,3 SI-000005=EXEMPTION REQUEST,SAFETY_TY,3 SI-000008=EXTENSION REQUESTS,SAFETY_TY,3 SI-000011=GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE,SAFETY_TY,3 SI-000012=HEARING REQUEST,SAFETY_TY,3 [Workers Comp Claims] ; the template should be WCOMP_TY CH-000003=HR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LETTER,WCOMP_TY,3 CH-000004=HR ACKNOWLEDGE TO PRO SE,WCOMP_TY,3 CH-000007=LETTER OF REPRESENTATION/CARRIER,WCOMP_TY,3 CH-000008=LETTER OF REPRESENTATION/CLAIMANT,WCOMP_TY,3 CH-000009=WITHDRAWAL OF REPRESENTATION,WCOMP_TY,3 CH-000010=DOL HEARING NOTICE,WCOMP_TY,3 CH-000011=LSS HEARING NOTICE,WCOMP_TY,3 CH-000012=ADD ISSUES/PARTIES REQUEST,WCOMP_TY,3 CH-000013=HEARING CONTINUANCE/CANCELLATION REQUEST,WCOMP_TY,3 CH-000014=TELEPHONIC/VIDEO REQUEST,WCOMP_TY,3