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Issued on:

December 1, 2015

Proposal Submittal Due Date:

January 12, 2016


Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1

A. General Information ................................................................................................ 1

B. Organizational Overview ......................................................................................... 1

C. Original RFP Document .......................................................................................... 3

D. Coverage & Participation ........................................................................................ 3

E. Term of Engagement ............................................................................................ 3

F. Subcontracting ........................................................................................................ 3

II. BACKGROUND AND GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................. 3

A. Customer Care Overview ...................................................................................... 3

B. Information Technology (IT) Department Overview ............................................. 4

C. Finance Department Overview ............................................................................. 5

D. CIS System Overview ........................................................................................... 5

E. Financial System Overview .................................................................................. 6

III. SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................... 6

IV. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................... 7

A. Proposal Preparation Instructions ........................................................................... 7

B. Good Faith Statement ............................................................................................. 8

C. Minority, Women & Disadvantaged Business (MBE/WBE/DBE) Participation ........ 8

D. Communication ....................................................................................................... 8

E. Method of Award ..................................................................................................... 9

F. Selection and Notification ....................................................................................... 9

G. Scope of Work, Specifications, and Requirements ................................................. 9

H. Proposal Calendar ................................................................................................ 10

I. Pre-Proposal Conference ..................................................................................... 10

J. Submission Requirements .................................................................................... 11

K. Proposal Format, Length, and Content Requirements .......................................... 11


V. EVALUATION PROCEDURES ....................................................................... 28

A. Selection Committee ............................................................................................. 28

B. Review of Proposals ............................................................................................. 28

C. Evaluation Criteria ................................................................................................ 28

D. Validation Web Conference .................................................................................. 29

E. Reference Checks and Site Visits ......................................................................... 29

F. Interviews/Demonstrations .................................................................................... 29

G. Contract Award ..................................................................................................... 29

H. Proposal Rejection, Confidentiality, and Exceptions ............................................. 30

VI. APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 30

APPENDIX A: ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ....................................................................... 31

APPENDIX B: RATES ........................................................................................................ 32


APPENDIX D: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................. 38

APPENDIX E: INTERFACES.............................................................................................. 39

APPENDIX F: ACCESS DATABASE STRUCTURES ....................................................... 59

APPENDIX H: REPORTS ................................................................................................... 69

APPENDIX I: PRICING SCHEDULES................................................................................ 70

APPENDIX J: RESPONDENT CERTIFICATION ............................................................... 71



A. General Information

The Macon Water Authority (MWA) is requesting proposals from qualified Respondents to provide and

install a state-of-the-art Customer Information System (CIS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

system to replace its legacy systems. The project is being undertaken to replace the legacy systems

that support the full operations of the MWA, which encompasses the customer service and utility billing

of water, wastewater, stormwater; financials; forecasting; planning; budgeting; supply chain; and

purchasing functions.

A CIS is an application that provides an integrated environment that supports the operations and

management needs of the utility. This includes, but is not limited to enrolling new customers,

generating billing, managing payments, administrating credit and collections, tracking water

consumption, managing meters, handling customer inquiries and complaints, and generating service

orders. The proposed CIS must support multiple billing and rate structures, multiple bill cycles and

enable access to a variety of customer account information.

An ERP system is a suite of integrated business management software applications that allows an

organization to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities related to

accounting, finance and supply chain discipline areas.

Respondents are required to offer a solution that either includes the CIS and ERP as a single

integrated software system or partner with another qualified software vendor to propose both

the CIS and ERP solutions within a general/subcontractor relationship. The MWA will contract

with only one software vendor for the CIS & ERP solution. Proposals and invoices should be

submitted exclusively by the primary Respondent.

Proposals submitted will be evaluated by a Selection Committee and chosen by the MWA. Proposals

with the highest evaluations will be requested to make oral presentations/demonstrations as part of

the evaluation process.

B. Organizational Overview

The MWA is a stand-alone Authority created to secure for Macon-Bibb County, Georgia (the

"County") a satisfactory and reliable potable water and sanitary sewer system at the most

reasonable cost possible; and to make such a system and the services available to the public

and private consumers in the County and its environs. The Macon Water Authority Board has

seven members. One member is elected from each of the five electoral districts for a term of four

years, and two members are appointed from the governing authority of Macon-Bibb County

consolidated government. However, these two members serve at the pleasure of their appointing

authority. The daily operations of the MWA are supervised by the Executive Director/President

who is appointed by the MWA Board.


The MWA is responsible for the production, distribution, collection, and treatment of both potable

water and wastewater services primarily for Macon-Bibb County residents and businesses. In

addition, the MWA provides wholesale services to other communities within the Middle Georgia

area. Over the past decade, the MWA has planned and successfully executed capital

reinvestment strategies that have both upgraded and rehabilitated the infrastructure within our

system to ensure that future generations of Macon-Bibb County residents are provided with a

worry-free source of water delivery and sewer reclamation services. The MWA has consistently

taken a pro-active approach in identifying aging parts of their system, planning for appropriate

financing sources, and repairing and replacing the system infrastructure in a timely and cost-

efficient manner. The MWA utilizes the accrual basis of accounting and operates under an annual

Board-approved budget of approximately $51,000,000 for fiscal year 2016.

The MWA maintains a water treatment facility, located on the east bank of the Ocmulgee River

in Jones County, Georgia; two wastewater reclamation facilities; customer service facilities; and

a centralized maintenance group that supports infrastructure maintenance. The MWA serves

approximately 55,000 potable water accounts and 40,000 wastewater accounts within a

population of approximately 155,000 residents countywide. In addition, the MWA provides potable

water and sewer services to customers that reside outside of the Macon-Bibb County area.

The MWA operates a water distribution system that has approximately 1,664 miles of water mains

and water distribution lines, and maintains 17 large volume water storage tanks and 7 major pump

stations throughout the system. In addition, the MWA operates a sewer conveyance system that

includes approximately 220 miles of interceptor sewer lines and approximately 740 miles of

sanitary sewer lines. The sewer conveyance system is supported by 7 major pumping stations

and many smaller pot stations located within the system.

The MWA also operates Macon Soils, Inc. (MSI), a subsidiary of the Authority that is responsible

for the recycling of biosolids. Biosolids are a byproduct of the wastewater treatment process

performed at the MWA's wastewater reclamation facilities. These biosolids are land-applied to

area farms for agricultural benefit. MSI also contracts with other water utilities to provide biosolid

pickup and transport to area farms.

Long-range planning is essential to the MWA management philosophy. The MWA maintains a

rolling five-year capital plan, rolling five-year rate plans, twelve to eighteen month forecasts and

annual operational budgeting.

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver the vital water and sewer services that are required to promote the growth

and prosperity of the communities we serve with professionalism, courtesy, and diligence in

protecting the environment.


Our Vision

"We will be an environmentally conscious organization that continually strives to provide quality

products and reliable service in a professional and courteous manner to our customers, and be

recognized by our peers as one of the most respected utilities in the Southeastern United States."

C. Original RFP Document

The MWA shall retain the RFP, and all related terms and conditions, exhibits, and other attachments,

in its original form as an archival copy. Any modification of these, in the Respondent’s submission

shall be grounds for immediate disqualification.

D. Coverage & Participation

The intended coverage of this RFP, and any agreement resulting from this solicitation, shall be for the

use of all departments at the MWA. The MWA reserves the right to add and/or delete elements, or to

change any element of the coverage and participation at any time without prior notification and without

any liability or obligation of any kind or amount.

E. Term of Engagement

The MWA expects the CIS and ERP implementation to have an approximate eighteen to twenty-

one month duration period commencing April 1, 2016 with completion on or before October 1,


F. Subcontracting

All proposed subcontracting must be detailed in the Respondent’s submittal. No

subcontracting will be allowed without the express prior written consent of the MWA.


A. Customer Care Overview

Customer Care is the first contact between the MWA and the community. The MWA’s Customer

Care Representatives are normally the first to be contacted for information regarding service,

development activity involving utilities, spills, and breaks. Customer Care Representatives are

educated and trained to help customers navigate the policies and procedures of the MWA, as

well as, reach appropriate MWA department personnel for assistance with specific questions,

concerns, or needs.

The Customer Care Department handles on average, 600 new applications for service each

month. The department is also responsible for nearly 100 transfer applications, as well as, the

issuance of permits for septic and grease disposal, hydrant meters, and truck mounted meters.


Customer Care acts as the voice of the MWA, handling approximately 300 calls per day, which

accounts to 6,000 – 10,000 calls per month.

As always, the MWA is available for any additional questions or concerns regarding customer accounts

24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the MWA website at, the MWA

automated phone line service and our customer service line at (478) 464-5600. If customers need

consumption, billing, or payment history, they can quickly sign up via the Billing Inquiry page on

the website, by using their account number and a valid email address. After enrolling on the

MWA’s site, a confirmation email will be sent to customers for verification. At this time, they are

able to review their account history for the past year.

Customer Care is also responsible for customer billing. The MWA employees traverse

throughout Macon-Bibb County reading meters at businesses and homes. Those readings are

then transferred to customer accounts prior to bills being mailed. The MWA is currently a manual

meter read system with the exception of accounts that have 2” or larger meters installed , which

have walk-by AMR Registers.

Bills are processed monthly and once bills are mailed to customers, the Customer Care

Department is charged with collecting payments. Presently, all bills are printed and sorted in-

house. The MWA employs five full-time cashiers to handle over 20,000 customer transactions

per month. The MWA also offers automatic bank draft and online payment options, as well as,

walk-up and drive-thru service at the main Customer Care facility located within the Albert

Billingslea Administration Building at 790 2nd Street, Macon, GA 31202-0108

Customer Care helps coordinate much of the MWA’s public relations and communications

activities. The MWA customer newsletter “Currents” is inserted into bills every other month, while

additional public relations information, such as brochures or pamphlets, are disseminated via

billing inserts throughout the year.

The Customer Care Department also assists with the maintenance and regular updating of the

MWA Website.

B. Information Technology (IT) Department Overview

The IT Department provides IT support for all functional areas of the MWA. The IT Department is

comprised of four members: the Director of Information Technology, a Network Analyst, a Systems

Analyst, and an End-User Support Specialist.

The Department implements and supports enterprise applications, desktop applications and end-users

as well as supports disaster recovery business plans.

There are approximately eight major enterprise applications including: CIS and ERP, network, phone

system, call center applications, Cityworks, and an IVR operating on 35 servers. The IT department

has recently upgraded much of the server platform to a virtual server environment (VMware) while

maintaining VLANs (virtual network) within a Cisco network environment.


The department provides application administration and security services. End-user support assists

approximately 170 desktops and laptops used by end-users.

C. Finance Department Overview

The Finance Department provides support services to both the internal and external customers of the

MWA with a staff of six full-time employees including the Vice-President of Business Operations/CFO,

an Accounting/Purchasing Manager, a Buyer, an AP Coordinator, an AP Clerk, Warehouse

Coordinator, Warehouse Staff Personnel and a Financial Analyst.

The Finance Department’s focuses primarily on the daily financial functions of the MWA by receiving

payments from banks, checks, and credit cards. The department also performs forecasting, budgeting,

procurement, reporting and financial analysis. The department is responsible for the accuracy,

integrity, and quality of the MWA, MSI and official financial statements.

D. CIS System Overview

The MWA has a homegrown CIS system hosted on an AS/400 Mainframe. It is known internally

as BosaNova. Neptune handheld devices are predominantly utilized by the Meter Readers to

enter readings manually and also accept radio read data for about 1500 meters. The preliminary

long range financial plan for the MWA is to implement an AMR or a hybrid AMR/AMI Network

between the years of 2020 and 2024. However, this long range plan is not approved at this time

and is subject to change. The CIS system integrates with Neptune N_SIGHT, Cityworks, the

General Ledger, third party payment providers, and Aperta check processing.

The MWA currently has a customer-facing web application that provides customers with online

access to their account information and online payment functions via a third party vendor, First

Billing. Additionally, the MWA provides customers with account information and pay by phone via

an Interactive Voice Response system through First Billing.

The MWA utilizes an ESRI based application as their GIS system. The MWA requires that the

selected replacement CIS integrate with the current GIS system.

Service Orders are initiated and completed in BosaNova. Presently, service orders that require

field work are integrated into the Cityworks application. Upon field work completion, information

is delivered back to BosaNova for Service Order completion in CIS. The MWA requires that the

selected replacement CIS must integrate with Cityworks. All field work will be completed through

Cityworks whether initiated in CIS or Cityworks. All Service Orders initiated in CIS will be closed

out in CIS.

The MWA maintains a Microsoft Access database for the management of both the Backflow

Prevention and Fats, Oils & Grease Management (FOG) programs. The MWA requires the

replacement CIS to manage both Backflow Prevention and FOG.


E. Financial System Overview

The MWA’s financial system is also hosted on the AS/400 Mainframe and is known internally as

BosaNova. The Financial system consists of the following functions:

General Ledger


Accounts Payable

Budgeting and Forecasting (data is “dumped” and managed via spreadsheet)

Projects (data is “dumped” and managed via spreadsheet)

Fixed Assets

Supply Chain Functions


The following specifications define the minimum activities to be included for the CIS and ERP

implementation including, but not limited to:

Project Management

Project Initiation and Planning

Preparation of Documentation


Integration of a CIS and ERP Solution(s)

Discovery and System Configuration

Interface Development

Data Conversion

Installation and Deployment

Development of Reports

Training of the MWA Personnel

Interface Development


Overall testing

Maintenance and technical support

Post Go-Live Stabilization

Discovery and configuration documentation is to be maintained throughout the duration of the

implementation and the “As-built” documentation is a deliverable of this implementation. The “As-

built” documentation is defined as the documentation of the system configuration, interface

configuration and development specifications.

Training classes and documentation are to be tailored to the MWA business processes and

configuration using the MWA customer data.

Detailed Functional and Technical requirements are located in Appendices C and D of this RFP.


Specific requirements that must be addressed are:

1. General Ledger Chart of Accounts Standardization

The Chart of Accounts will require restructuring and standardization to facilitate

budgeting and financial reporting. The General Ledger contains both summary and

transactional data. Examples of transactional data that will need to be converted into

sub-ledgers are inventory, assets and accumulated depreciation.

2. Stormwater Billing

The MWA currently does not bill for Stormwater, but a Stormwater Billing business

process needs to be well-defined, developed and tested to accommodate future

Stormwater billing operations of the MWA. The Stormwater billing procedures will

greatly differ from the present procedures utilized for potable water and sanitary sewer

customers, therefore the MWA requires that the business processes be clearly


The Respondent, either singularly or with partners, shall propose a combined CIS and ERP

solution, that is able to be accomplished with a single combined product or with two products that

can work together to provide the scope and requirements documented in the RFP. The proposal

should be structured in a combined way, separating CIS and ERP in each section where

appropriate, rather than providing multiple proposals for each solution.

The Respondent shall deliver and install the software solution(s), integrate and implement the

functionality described in this document and attached appendices.

The MWA will provide network connectivity, end-user work stations, servers, and printers. The

Respondent shall be responsible for the implementation of the proposed solution(s), including the

“CIS and ERP side” of all interfaces. The MWA will provide server hardware and any necessary

end-user and network upgrades based on specifications that will be provided as part of the final

Respondent selection. The MWA will provide “other side” interface capability to legacy systems.

The Respondent will be responsible for end-to-end testing of interfaces. The Respondent will be

responsible for providing a training environment for employee training.


A. Proposal Preparation Instructions

In responding to this RFP, the Respondent fully accepts the responsibility to understand the RFP in

its entirety, and in detail, including making any inquiries to the MWA as necessary to gain such

understanding. The MWA reserves the right to disqualify any Respondent who demonstrates less than

such understanding. Further, the MWA reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether

the Respondent has demonstrated such understanding. That right extends to cancellation of award if


award has been made. Such disqualification and/or cancellation shall be at no fault, cost, or liability

whatsoever to the MWA.

B. Good Faith Statement

All information provided by the MWA in this RFP is offered in good faith. Individual items are subject

to change at any time. The MWA makes no certification that any item is without error. The MWA is not

responsible or liable for any use of the information or for any claims asserted.

C. Minority, Women & Disadvantaged Business (MBE/WBE/DBE)


The MWA is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and, as such, is committed to the inclusion

of qualified Minority Business Enterprise/Woman Business Enterprise/Disadvantaged Business

Enterprise (MBE/WBE/DBE) participation in projects to the extent possible depending on work that

may be subcontracted by the consultant. A Good Faith Effort is required to be exhibited in identifying

and hiring MBE, WBE and DBE firms in the event of such subcontracting.

D. Communication

Verbal communication shall not be effective unless formally confirmed in writing by the specified

procurement official in charge of managing this RFP process. In no case, shall verbal communication

govern over written communication.

Respondents’ inquiries, questions, and requests for clarification related to this RFP are to be directed

in writing to:

Macon Water Authority

Attn: Lisa Golphin

CIS and ERP Internal Team Project Manager

790 2nd Street – P.O. Box 108

Macon, GA 31202-0108

Phone: (478) 464-5623

Fax: (478) 750-2007


Applicable terms and conditions herein shall govern communications and inquiries between the MWA

and Respondents as they relate to this RFP.


Formal Communications shall include, but are not limited to:

Questions concerning this RFP: All questions must be submitted in writing to the party named

above and must be received prior to December 15, 2015 @ 5:00PM EST.

The MWA will not respond to any questions/requests for clarification that require addenda, if

received by the MWA after December 15, 2015 @ 5:00PM EST. Questions received after this

deadline will not be accepted as a delay for granting extensions to the proposal submittal


Errors and omissions in this RFP: Respondents shall bring to the MWA any discrepancies,

errors, or omissions that may exist within this RFP. These must be submitted in writing and be

received prior to December 15, 2015 @ 5:00PM EST.

E. Method of Award

The evaluation of each response to this RFP will be qualification based on its demonstrated

competence, compliance, format, and enterprise. The purpose of this RFP is to identify those

Respondents that have the interest, capability, experience, and financial strength to provide and

implement the MWA's new CIS and ERP software beneficial to the MWA and our customers and other

items identified in the Scope of Work. The MWA will review the submitted RFP's and invite qualified

Respondents to provide onsite presentations and demonstrations.

F. Selection and Notification

The content of the RFP response and presentation will be used by MWA to select a preferred

Respondent. MWA will negotiate the contract terms and price with the preferred Respondent. If

negotiations are successful, the preferred Respondent will be awarded the contract for the system

replacement. If the negotiations are unsuccessful, the next highest ranked Respondent will be invited

to negotiate a contract. Notwithstanding the above description of the selection process, MWA reserves

the right to terminate or modify the process and schedule at any time, and to reject any or all submittals.

G. Scope of Work, Specifications, and Requirements

The MWA requests the Respondents be qualified to provide software and installation services for

replacing the MWA’s finance, utility billing, and customer service software. Respondents to this request

will propose CIS and ERP replacement recommendations that meet the MWA's requirements. The

winning bidder will convert data, install the solution, integrate with other business systems and

solutions, and comprehensively test at each stage. Our goal is to successfully migrate to the new

system, without interruption to routine business operations or degradation of service to our customers.

The MWA requires the functionality be provided in a tightly integrated, robust system. The MWA highly

values a solution where all required functions come from the Respondents’ standard packages. During

the project, the MWA will look to the successful bidder to implement the commercial off the shelf

(COTS) solution with minimal modifications.


Respondents must show that they have experience implementing CIS and ERP systems and

integrating software solutions. Additionally, the MWA is looking for the Respondents to have

experience in the water, wastewater, and stormwater utility industry and must be knowledgeable of

the industry's business practices.

H. Proposal Calendar

Table 1- Proposal Calendar

Activity Planned Date

RFP Issued December 1, 2015

Pre-Proposal Conference December 8, 2015 @ 2:00EST

Closing Date for Receipt of Questions/Comments December 15, 2015 @ 5:00EST

The MWA Response to Respondent’s Questions December 18, 2015 @ 5:00EST

Proposal Due Date January 12, 2016 @ 2:00EST

Communicate with the short-listed Respondents January 29, 2016

Validation Web Conference (if desired by the MWA) February 1 – 12, 2016

Presentation/demonstration Period for Top Respondents February 15 - 29, 2016

Contract Negotiation Period March 2016

Finance Committee Recommendation March 17, 2016

Board Approval April 7, 2016

Notice to Proceed April 8, 2016

Tentative Start Date April 11, 2016

Required Go Live October 1, 2017

Note: All dates are subject to change and noticed as appropriate via RFP


I. Pre-Proposal Conference

A Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference Call will be held on December 8, 2015 @ 2:00 PM EST.

Vendors interested in participating in the conference call meeting should email Lisa Golphin at no later than Monday, December 7, 2015 by 4:00PM EST. The email

must include the participant’s name, company, phone number and vendor contact email address.

The MWA will respond with call-in instructions.

To the degree possible, informal responses to questions will be provided during the meeting.

However, participants may not rely on informal responses and any question asked is to be

submitted by email ahead of the meeting, and must be submitted December 4, 2015 by 5:00PM

EST. A written response to all attendees will be emailed to all participants by December 18,

2015 @ 5:00 PM EST.

Registration to the pre-proposal conference is required to receive conference question

responses and/or addendums.


J. Submission Requirements

One signed paper original marked “Master”, five paper copies, and one electronic copy of the proposal

and any attachments shall be provided on a USB thumb drive. Completed Excel documents must

remain in Excel format. Each paper copy must be individually bound. Please separate the Pricing

Schedules from the remainder of the submittal, sealing the paper Pricing Schedules in a separate

envelope and providing a separate electronic file of the Pricing Schedules. Note-Some of the

attachments require responses be submitted via the Excel spreadsheets provided.

Questions about the formatting and functioning of the RFP documents should be directed to Mrs. Lisa

Golphin via email at or via telephone at (478) 464-5623.

Proposals must be delivered to:

Macon Water Authority

Attn: Lisa Golphin

CIS and ERP Internal Team Project Manager

790 2nd Street – P.O. Box 108

Macon, GA 31202-0108

Phone: (478) 464-5623

Fax: (478) 750-2007


There is no expressed or implied obligation for the MWA to reimburse responding firms for any

expenses incurred in preparing their proposals in response to this RFP.

The contents of the RFP, all appendices, and the response from the Respondent will form the

basis of a contractual obligation. Failure of the successful Respondent to accept these obligations

in a contractual agreement may result in cancellation of award.

K. Proposal Format, Length, and Content Requirements

The submitted proposal shall meet the requirements outlined in this section. All of the items must

be clearly, directly, and concisely addressed in the proposal. Proposal length shall be no more

than 70 typed pages (exclusive of attachments). A “page” is a single side of a typewritten sheet

in a font size no smaller than 10 pt. Arial. The MWA reserves the right to reject any proposal

failing to meet these parameters.


Respondents are required to offer a solution(s) that either includes the CIS and ERP as a single

integrated software system or partner with another qualified software vendor to propose both the CIS

and ERP solutions within a general/subcontractor relationship. The MWA will contract with ONLY

one software vendor for the CIS and ERP solution. Many sections of the RFP request responses

for a combined system. Respond with a combined response if a combined CIS and ERP system

is being proposed. If two integrated systems are being proposed, respond for each system in the

same section.

Note: This RFP has appendixes. A Respondent’s response to this RFP has attachments. The

distinction is made only to help avoid confusion.

Title Page:

There shall be a title page showing:

RFP’s subject

Firm's name

Contact name

Contact address

Contact telephone number

Contact email address

Date of the proposal

The RFP’s subject that should appear on the title page and on the exterior of the submittal

container is “Response to Request for Proposal for CIS and ERP Replacement Systems”.

Table of Contents:

Include a table of contents of your response.

Transmittal Letter:

A signed letter of transmittal briefly stating the Respondent’s understanding of the work to be

done, the commitment to perform the work within the offered time period, a statement why the

firm believes it is best qualified to perform the engagement, and a statement that the proposal is

a firm and irrevocable offer for 180 days. The transmittal letter must also provide full contact

information (USPS, email, telephone) for the individual(s) who are responsible for interaction with

the MWA.


1. Description of Functionality and Characteristics of the Proposed CIS and ERP software solution.

This section is in response to Appendix C. In the proposal document there shall be a:

A. Description of the software


B. Description of all modules and components

The Appendix C and D spreadsheets must be submitted electronically in native Excel format

as an attachment to the proposal.

2. Respondent Information – An Overview of the Company and Its Direction

This section must contain the following information in the order presented below:

A. Respondent’s Qualifications – Describe the Respondent’s qualifications to perform the

scope of services presented in this RFP and its appendices. The response should

include information about both the Respondent and the subcontractors, if any,

involved in the project.

B. Provide information about the relationship between the Respondent and

subcontractors, if any, focusing on the length of the partnership and the projects they

have mutually worked on.

C. Key Facts About Respondent

1. Current number of CIS and ERP software installations categorized by version

number to two digits (e.g., version 4.3).

2. Number of those installations accomplished by the implementer(s).

3. State of Georgia presence & licensing number (that is, offices or company facilities,

not customers).

4. Management structure and any recent changes in management.

5. Business focus (e.g., CIS, ERP, government only, water/wastewater only, large

utilities primarily).

6. Number of employees, in categories, in the company unit which is offering the

software (“categories” are Development, Sales/Marketing, Installed Customer

Support, Implementation, etc.).

7. Special resources available (e.g., business partners or unique expertise).

8. Over each of the last three years, percentage and dollar amount of the research and

development budget dedicated to the proposed CIS and ERP software of the

company unit which is offering the software.

9. List of all current North American water utility CIS and ERP installations giving the

name of the organization and city/state in which located.

10. List of all implementations of the proposed CIS and ERP software currently in

progress and their planned completion dates.

11. List all implementations of the proposed CIS and ERP software contracted but not

yet underway for calendar years 2013, 2014 and 2015.


D. Respondent’s Key Financial Data

1. Annual revenue growth rate for 2007 through present of the company unit which

is offering the software.

2. Profitability for 2007 through present of the company unit which is offering the


3. Last three years of audited financial statements or a Dunn and Bradstreet Credit

Report in lieu of audited financial statements.

E. Ownership Changes – State any ownership changes of the company unit which is

offering the software:

1. In the past five years with the reason for change(s).

2. Any pending ownership change.

F. Pending Legal Issues – Identify any pending legal issues related to the company unit

which is offering the software.

3. Respondent’s References and Comparables

A. Utilities on Current Version – Identify three utilities on the most current version

both CIS and ERP (or version immediately previous to most current version) of a size

similar to the MWA that this Respondent implemented. For each utility:

1. Identify the headquarters address of the utility.

2. State the type of utility it is in terms of the services for which it bills (water,

electric, gas, etc.).

3. State the number of connections of each type of service for which it bills.

4. State the type of utility it is in terms of its manner of organization (private

company, public special district, department of some level of government).

5. State the month and year of your software’s Go Live.

6. State the version implemented.

7. State the database platform being used.

8. Provide the name, telephone number, and email address of an employee of the

utility for verification.

B. Other Implementations – As a table attachment, provide a list of current North American water utility customers on any version of the proposed product providing the:

1. Database platform.

2. Financial system to which interfaced (if any).

3. Work Asset Management system to which interfaced (specifically Cityworks).

4. GIS to which interfaced (if any).


5. Permit system to which interfaced (if any).

4. Upgrades and Additional Capabilities Available

A. History

1. Provide an overview of the proposed CIS and ERP product’s evolution, by major

release, from the first release of the product to present. If the solution is unified,


2. Describe the expected future frequency of keeping the proposed solution current

and patched under a standard maintenance contract.

3. Over the past 36 months, what is the high, low, and mean amount billed for

professional services assistance with installing a new system upgrade?

B. Vision and Planned Enhancements

1. Describe the vision and strategy for the future of the proposed CIS and ERP

solution including a description of the product enhancements that are in the

planning or design stage. Provide an estimated release schedule for these product


2. Discuss specifically your direction toward Software as a Service (SaaS) with

related planned milestones and associated dates.

C. Upgrade Pricing

1. Describe how future releases and enhancements of the proposed CIS and ERP

solution are priced.

2. State that the Respondent’s software will not require relicensing, and a relicensing

fee, during the five years following initiation of maintenance under this project.

D. Optional Elements with Pricing – Provide line item pricing for optional, add-on items

that are not included in the Pricing Schedules of Appendix I to this RFP (please provide

a list price for software and annual maintenance costs). These may be items either

described in Respondent’s response to this RFP (but not proposed as part of the

solution) or capabilities not identified in the response but which the MWA may find of

interest. An example might be a document management solution not proposed but

mentioned as available.

E. Optional Elements Discussed but Not Priced – Please provide in separate

attachments, information on the two items presented below.

1. Hosting. In an attachment labeled Hosting, please indicate:

a. Your experience implementing the proposed CIS software (or earlier versions) in

a hosted environment.

b. The utilities at which the proposed CIS software (or earlier versions) are being

operated as a hosted solution (name them).

c. The expected impact on implementation schedule of a hosted solution.


d. The expected impact on implementation cost of a hosted solution.

e. The expected impact hosting would have on cost of implementation and annually

(not in dollars, but in estimated percentages (use of ranges would be


2. Disaster recovery. In an attachment labeled Disaster Recovery, please present the

options you currently provide, if any, for off-site replication of the proposed software

in the MWA’s configuration, with connectivity, for purposes of disaster recovery

5. Technical Environment

Based on 55,000 accounts and 115 maximum users assuming a 2% growth over the 5 year cost of

ownership period. Please describe the technical and hardware environment that will be needed to

support proposed production, training and testing environments. Describe the hardware and

software required to support the proposed system:

A. Servers:

1. Describe the servers required (e.g. application, database, reporting, etc.)

2. Describe the proposed system effective operation within both a physical and virtual

(VMware) environment.

3. Describe the Operating System requirement for each server.

4. Describe the CPU and clock speed requirements for each server.

B. Describe the data storage requirements.

C. Describe the proposed systems operation within a virtual network (VLAN) network.

D. Describe the communication protocol that supports your proposed system.

E. Other considerations.

In addition to server and database what client workstation specifications will be needed?

A. Operating System.

B. What kind of CPU’s? Clock speeds?

C. Memory needed.

D. Hard disk storage needed.

E. Is CD/DVD ROM needed?

F. Describe any additional Software required.

G. Other client workstation considerations.

Please provide a hardware/Infrastructure Diagram for each environment needed to support the



6. Data Conversion

This section shall describe the Respondent’s services related to data conversion and data cleanup.

A. Working closely with the MWA staff, the Respondent’s professional services will be

required to convert our historical data to the format required by the proposed system,

validate it to confirm the conversion was done correctly, and load the data into the new

database. It is expected that this will be an iterative process and will require close work

between the Respondent’s project staff and the MWA staff. Each iteration should be

documented with summary information showing conversion goals, conversion degree

of success and a plan to remediate unsuccessfully converted data. The converted

data must be validated against reports in the current production system.

B. With regard to data conversion, describe your methodology for converting incumbent

data and all tools that you apply to convert and/or load incumbent data. Include the

number of iterations that are expected to be produced during this conversion process.

C. Present Respondent’s responsibilities and the MWA’s responsibilities related to data

conversion and data mapping as a table within this section. Use this format:

Table 2 – Data Conversion

Task MWA Responsibility Respondent Responsibility

D. With regard to data cleanup, describe your methodology and tools that will assist the

MWA in identifying data errors and duplications for correction, including, but not

limited to name, address, vendor, and asset variants.

E. Describe your methodology for quality assurance of converted and cleaned up data.

F. During the project, the Respondent will set up a separate conversion environment

that will be used to validate the converted data. Prior to cut over to the live system,

the Respondent will provide documentation to confirm that the data was converted

properly and the new system carries the balances of the MWA’s existing legacy


G. For purposes of the Pricing Schedule, assume that five years reading, billing,

payment, and comment data will be converted. Make recommendations with respect

to the age and type of data that should be converted. Describe which data should or

should not be converted and give reasons for the time range.

H. For purposes of the Pricing Schedule, assume that meter information will need to be

converted from the legacy system.


I. For purposes of the Pricing Schedule, assume that cross-connection/backflow

prevention information will need to be converted from Access files. (Refer to

Appendix F for database information.)

J. For purposes of the Pricing Schedule, assume that FOG information will need to be

converted from Access files. (Refer to Appendix F for database information.)

K. For purposes of the Pricing Schedule, assume that vendor, inventory and Asset data

will be converted from the legacy system.

7. Discovery and Configuration

This section shall describe the:

A. Respondent’s methodology related to discovery and configuration.

B. Manner in which Respondent will use discovery information in configuring the CIS

and ERP solution. Describe specifically the manner of ensuring that all items,

requirements and business processes identified during discovery are documented

and accounted for in the configuration.

C. The MWA requires that the discovery configuration documentation be updated

throughout the life of the project ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the Go-

Live configuration. “As-built” discovery and configuration documentation is a

deliverable of this implementation.

D. Present Respondent’s responsibilities and the MWA’s responsibilities related to

discovery and configuration as a table within this section. Use the following format:

Table 3 – Discovery and Configuration

Task MWA Responsibility Respondent Responsibility

8. Training

In this section, the Respondent shall present its training plan including schedule related to the

testing cycle that ensures that each employee is prepared to execute their role utilizing the

new system and addressing the need to train four types of users:

A. The Core Team.

B. Intense users – those whose primary work is supported through interaction with the

CIS and ERP solution.


C. Occasional users – those who periodically go to the CIS and ERP solution to extract

information from it or are incidental users of its functionality.

D. Technical support – the information technology staff, staff that will most directly

support the CIS and ERP solution and the reporting needs of its end-users. Include

course names and descriptions of the courses and functions that the Respondent will

provide to each type of user as part of end-user training. Also describe:

E. The training instance that must include converted the MWA data.

F. The training must address the specific Quality Assurance (QA) checkpoints that

MWA personnel will utilize to ensure that system functions and processes are

running appropriately. These QA checkpoints, may include reports or other methods

to allow MWA to ensure completeness and accuracy. e.g. – QA to ensure that

active accounts are billing appropriately or GL entries flow through to reports


G. Report writer training that the Respondent will provide.

H. The methodology for ongoing training as the MWA’s use of the CIS and ERP matures

following Go Live.

I. Present Respondent’s responsibilities and the MWA’s responsibilities related training

as a table within this section. Use this format:

Table 4 – Training

Task The MWA’s Responsibility Respondent Responsibility

Appendix G lists the titles and functions of users of the CIS and ERP solution for use in

developing an estimate of training costs. The Respondent shall base training costs on a co-

training model in which the Respondent will be responsible for all training and the MWA staff

will serve as co-trainers with the Respondent’s staff for all training classes.

Training should be in a timely manner as it relates to go-live. End users should be trained at a

time so that they can recall the training as they start using the new system in the production

environment. The documentation needed to support training should be in the manner that supports

the MWA business processes and configuration of the system. Deficiencies should be

documented as part of the mock conversions so that those areas can be addressed as part of the

training. The Core Project Team should be trained as relates to the needs of the project. This

training would need to be at the latest completed prior to User Acceptance Testing.


9. Interfaces

This section shall be a description of the methodology for interface development that the

Respondent will apply.

Note: The Respondent’s development cost of each interface is to be included in the Pricing

Schedule, Appendix I.

See Appendix E for information about the required interfaces with the proposed CIS and ERP


A. List experience with each interface in a separate table.

B. Present Respondent’s responsibilities and the MWA’s responsibilities related to

interfaces as a table within this section. Use this format:

Table 5 – Interfaces

Task MWA’s Responsibility Respondent Responsibility

10. Reports

This section shall be:

A. A listing of the CIS and ERP software’s current report library.

B. Identification of which reports in Appendix H that will:

a. Require configuration.

b. Require development.

c. Will not be needed in the proposed CIS and ERP solution and why.

The Respondent shall address each of the reports in Appendix H. Respondents accomplish

addressing this listing by filling out the two columns on the right end of the Appendix H



C. Present Respondent’s responsibilities and the MWA’s responsibilities related to

reports as a table within this section. Use this format:

Table 6 – Reports

Task MWA’s Responsibility Respondent Responsibility

11. Testing

In this section, Respondent shall describe the approach to testing in detail. The Respondent

will be responsible for and provide pricing for conversion, unit, functional, integration,

performance, parallel and user acceptance testing of the CIS and ERP system and for end-

to-end testing of business processes.

Describe the:

A. Tools that will be used to verify that converted data is accurate and properly migrated

to the testing environments.

B. Testing/issues tracking tool and process that will be used to manage the testing


C. Describe the process for performance testing and possible areas of automation


D. Stages of testing after data conversion and the goals to be achieved at each stage.

E. Describe the testing strategy and methodology including testing, entrance, exit, and

acceptance criteria for each phase of testing.

F. Reporting of testing after each data conversion and remediation recommendations.

G. Reporting of testing after each testing phase and remediation recommendations.

H. Methodologies and tools on which the Respondent will train the MWA personnel who

will carry out testing.

I. Metrics that the Respondent will apply to verify that testing is achieving its goals.

J. Test scripts provided or the process used to generate test scripts needed to support



Present Respondent’s responsibilities and the MWA’s responsibilities related to testing as a

table within this section. Use the following format:

Table 7 – Testing

Task MWA’s Responsibility Respondent Responsibility

12. Go-Live System Acceptance

Respondent must describe the approach related to Go-Live:

A. As it relates to identifying and documenting cut-over tasks

B. Go and No Go Decisions

C. Checklists, tools or documents used

D. Identify tasks to complete prior to go live

E. Processes to complete in Legacy CIS prior to go live.

F. Manual processes typically done after system in brought up after go-live before system is

given to staff for daily processing

G. Metrics for conversion length and what acceptable conversion window is for cut-over.

H. Points of no return

I. Back-up and Roll Back Procedures.

J. Present Respondent’s responsibilities and the MWA’s responsibilities related to

testing as a table within this section. Use the following format:

Table 8 – Go-Live

Task MWA’s Responsibility Respondent Responsibility


13. Documentation

In this section, Respondents shall describe the type of documentation that Respondents will

provide for:

A. Core Team’s use during testing.

B. End-User training. The Pricing Schedule must include Respondent’s modification of

standard documentation to reflect the MWA’s specific requirements for the CIS and

ERP solution.

C. At Mock Go-Live for reference for users. State whether the Pricing Schedule includes

Respondent’s modification of standard documentation to reflect the MWA’s

implementation of the CIS and ERP solution.

D. As-built documentation. The Pricing Schedule must include documentation of the

MWA’s configuration of the CIS and ERP solution.

E. Create a sample post-conversion checklist of data that will need to be converted and

validated. In-flight transactions and payment plans are two key pieces of data.

F. At System Acceptance as final documentation state whether the Pricing Schedule

includes Respondent’s modification of standard documentation to reflect the MWA’s

implementation of the CIS/ERP solution.

G. Present Respondent’s responsibilities and the MWA’s responsibilities related to

documentation and document development as a table within this section. Use the following


Table 9 – Documentation

Task MWA’s Responsibility Respondent Responsibility

14. Warranty and Maintenance Information

This section includes:

A. All warranty information in Respondent’s standard format (as an attachment).

1. The time period of coverage of the warranty. The MWA expects that the Maintenance

Agreement will go into effect upon System Acceptance following a successful Go

Live and that the MWA will make its first annual maintenance payment at that point.

2. State the annual cost to the MWA of each maintenance plan options available, along

with a description of coverage hours, methods of support available to the MWA staff,

problem resolution times, etc.


3. Both in the Pricing Schedules, and at this point in the proposal, identify which level of

maintenance support is being priced for that five year period as part of the not-to-

exceed offering.

Note: Support services as identified in a Maintenance Agreement must be

provided for the proposed CIS and ERP software by the Respondent for at least

five (5) years following start of maintenance.

Note: The MWA will not accept a proposal for which annual CIS and ERP

maintenance/support cost exceeds 20% of the CIS and ERP license fee; any such

proposal will be rejected upon initial review and not further considered.

Note: The MWA will not accept a proposal for which annual CIS and ERP

maintenance/support increases at a rate greater than the Consumer Price Index

(CPI); any such proposal will be rejected upon initial review and not further


4. The MWA requires that the Respondent has sole responsibility for providing

necessary corrections to software performance and/or functionality under terms

of warranty and maintenance agreements.

5. State that all modifications to the application and database agreed-to between

the MWA and the Respondent shall be incorporated in base code and that you

shall bring forward these modifications in new releases without additional charge

to the MWA.

B. Specific warranty and maintenance points, in addition to the above, to which

Respondent shall respond:

1. Indicate which components of support you outsource.

2. Indicate how you inform customers of any known system problems or bugs.

3. Describe your mechanism for informing customers of upgrades.

4. Describe how you access the MWA’s installation for maintenance assistance and

how the MWA acquires upgrades and patches.

5. Describe available training and support related to version changes.

6. Indicate whether you maintain an electronic ‘knowledge base’ of known problems

that the MWA may access on-line.

7. Describe your escalation process in the event the MWA is not satisfied with the

quality or timeliness of responses to problems.

8. Describe whether you are willing to provide the MWA with professional post-

implementation services for application development, configuration, and interface

development; describe the resources available and costs.


9. The MWA requires access to escrowed source code. Describe source code

escrow access procedures, conditions under which escrowed source code is

released, and typical annual escrow costs (include escrow costs in the Pricing


10. Describe any User Forum, User Groups, or Development Community that you

host. Describe the type and frequency of organized meetings or communications.

11. Indicate whether you publish to customers a customer contact list to facilitate

discussions among customers, e.g. user groups.

15. Project Approach, Staffing Requirements, and Project Management

In this section, the Respondent shall describe the overall project approach and methodology

for successfully implementing the CIS and ERP and its interfaces. The Respondent shall set

out the proposed project schedule as an attachment to the proposal.

The MWA expects the CIS and ERP implementation to have an approximate eighteen to

twenty-one month duration period commencing April 1, 2016 with completion on or before

October 1, 2017. The MWA is interested in Respondents recommended implementation

approach that will ensure the system is live by October 1, 2017. Pricing should reflect the

Respondents’ recommended implementation approach.

Address each of the points below in the order listed. Failure to respond to an item will indicate

no solution.

A. Schedule and Methodology

1. Provide as an attachment to the proposal a proposed implementation schedule with

resource titles and resource hours identified to tasks. The schedule should include

timing for data conversion iterations, development of test instances and a training


2. Provide the number of successful implementations in the North American water utility

industry using your methodology for the proposed CIS and ERP (both the vendor

and the software company, if there is an identified vendor).

3. Describe your general implementation methodology and whether it involves a third-

party vendor separate from the software vendor and, if so, who that vendor will be.

4. Describe your methodology for Project Management.

5. Describe your methodology for software development, configuration, and/or

customization in response to MWA’s needs for specialized functionality in your CIS and

ERP solution.

6. Describe your methodology for quality assurance.

7. Describe your contract change order methodology.

8. Describe your methodology for assisting with business process improvement in

connection with and supported by software implementation.


9. Describe your approach to organizational change in support of the CIS and ERP

solution implementation.

B. Proposed Project Team

1. Describe the project team, both your members to the MWA membership (in terms of

function and percent of time dedicated to this project).

2. Indicate in a table the number and the types of your resources to be provided along with

the percentage of time each resource would be dedicated to this project and the

percentage of time those resources will be on-site.

3. Indicate if the proposed resources are employees or subcontractors, and if

subcontractors are proposed, include their resumes and references.

4. Identify the proposed Project Manager, lead technical and lead functional resources

and provide a resume of the individuals as an attachment.

Note: The MWA will require confirmation of the Respondent’s Project Manager and

lead personnel at time of contract signing, as well as a face-to-face interview with the

proposed Project Manager. The MWA also expects the proposed implementation staff

to have experience with the proposed version of software so that their experience is

applicable to this engagement.

5. State that, within the Respondent’s ability to control employment, the identified

Project Manager and the to-be-selected key lead technical personnel will be

assigned to the MWA’s implementation through Go Live.

C. The MWA Roles and Responsibilities

1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the MWA personnel in the

implementation. Indicate the number and the types of resources required along

with the estimated percentage of time each resource would need to spend on this


2. State the expected experience and skill levels of the MWA information technology

resources that will be needed to support this implementation.

16. Summary and Conclusion

The Respondent may end the proposal with a brief summary of the proposal and a concise recap

of why the proposed CIS and ERP solution is the most cost-effective choice for the MWA.


17. Attachments to the Proposal

Attachments required with the proposal:

A. Listing of Functionality and Characteristics spreadsheet: In this attachment (Appendix C), the

Respondent presents the Excel spreadsheet with responses provided.

B. Listing of Technical Characteristics spreadsheet: In this attachment (Appendix D), the

Respondent presents the Excel spreadsheet with responses provided

C. Reports Information to Support a Proposed Cost of Reports Development and Modification:

In this attachment Respondent presents the reports spreadsheet with Respondent’s

information added to the two columns at the far right side of the spreadsheet. The reports

spreadsheet is Appendix H to this RFP.

D. Table of current North American water utility customers on any version of the proposed

product: In this attachment, provide a table listing the customers and associated information:

a) database platform; b) computerized maintenance management system to which interfaced

(if any); and c) GIS to which interfaced (if any).

E. Optional Elements with Pricing: Provide line item pricing for optional, add-on items that are

not included in the Pricing Schedules of Appendix I to this RFP.

F. Optional Elements Discussed but Not Priced

G. Warranty Information

H. Resume of proposed Project Manager, lead technical and lead functional resource

I. MS Project showing tasks and dates to which Respondent can commit

J. Project Pricing Schedules: In this attachment, the Respondent presents as a document

separate from the body of the proposal its not-to-exceed costs in the completed Pricing

Schedules provided in Appendix I to this RFP.

K. Supplemental Information: Any additional information that the Respondent may wish to

include may be presented in this attachment.



A. Selection Committee

Proposals submitted will be evaluated by a Selection Committee chosen by the MWA. The MWA

may include an external consultant in the selection process.

B. Review of Proposals

The Selection Committee will use a point formula during the review process to score proposals.

The MWA reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and use any idea in a proposal

regardless of whether that proposal is selected.

C. Evaluation Criteria

The following represent the selection criteria that will be considered during the evaluation


Expertise and Experience – 15%

1. The firm's past experience, references, and performance as related to implementation of

the proposed CIS and ERP solution with similarly-sized water and wastewater utilities.

2. The quality and experience of the firm's project manager and professional personnel to be

assigned to the implementation.

3. The firm's adherence to the instructions in this RFP.

Project Approach and Professional Services – 25%

1. Completeness of response to the scope of work for professional services (data conversion,

discovery and configuration, interfaces, reports, testing, training, documentation, ongoing


2. Overall approach and project management, planning and sequencing of the proposed

work, and adequacy of proposed staffing plan for various segments of the implementation.

Functionality and Architecture of the Proposed Solution – 30%

1. Functional completeness of the proposed software solution.

2. Technical aspects of the proposed software solution.

Price – 30%

1. Total cost of the implementation, including professional services, licensing fees and five

years’ annual maintenance cost.

2. Annual maintenance as a percentage (%) of the total license cost.


D. Validation Web Conference

After the MWA has determined the top Respondents, the MWA may conduct validations of the

top Respondents’ submitted Attachment (Appendix C of this RFP) information. If the MWA elects

to conduct validations, the MWA will schedule a two to three-hour WebEx during which the

Respondent will demonstrate selected functionality asserted to be in the proposed product. The

MWA will advise the Respondent in advance as to what is to be demonstrated. Validation WebEx

demonstrations will be conducted during early February 2016.

Inability to demonstrate functionality asserted to be available may result in Respondent


The MWA personnel may observe the Validation Web Conference.

E. Reference Checks and Site Visits

As part of the evaluation process the Selection Committee may determine to conduct reference

checks or site visits, or both.

The MWA reserves the right to schedule visits to sites where the proposed software product has

been installed for purposes of verifying functionality and usability, and to understand the

implementation process.

The MWA reserves the right to contact utilities that have installed the proposed product as

references for both the proposed product and for the implementation.

F. Interviews/Demonstrations

During the evaluation process, the Selection Committee will request firms scoring highest to

demonstrate their software and answer questions. Such presentations will provide Respondents

with an opportunity to explain their approach and qualifications as well as to demonstrate

functionality. Invited firms shall demonstrate their software, their experience with similar

engagements and the outcomes of those projects, their work plan approach, and answer any

questions the Selection Committee may have regarding the firm's proposal.

The demonstrations, which the MWA will script and which invited Respondents are to follow

strictly, are expected to be held during February 2016.

G. Contract Award

The Board will award the agreement based upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee,

subject to the satisfactory negotiation of terms (including a price acceptable to both the MWA and

the selected firm). The agreement will consist of the MWA’s standard terms and conditions, a

master service agreement, a software license agreement, a professional services agreement and

a software maintenance agreement. No oral agreements or conditions will apply unless stated in


writing and included in the agreement. These agreements will be governed by the laws of the

State of Georgia.

Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the firm of the conditions contained in this


H. Proposal Rejection, Confidentiality, and Exceptions

The MWA reserves the right without prejudice to reject any or all proposals, and not to provide

any feedback or comments at its discretion.

If any Respondent is providing what is considered to be trade secret information, we cannot and

do not guarantee the confidentiality of any information submitted in a proposal, trade secret or

not. A Respondent includes trade secret information at their own risk and must provide defense

of same at their expense if they include the trade secret information and identify it accordingly.

The MWA is not permitting Respondents to take exception to any terms and conditions presented

in the RFP.


These appendices to this RFP are as follows:

Appendix A: Organizational Chart

Appendix B: Rates

Appendix C: Listing of Functionality and Characteristics

Appendix D: Technical Requirements

Appendix E: Interface Descriptions

Appendix F: Access Database Structures

Appendix G: End Users

Appendix H: Reports

Appendix I: Pricing Schedules

Appendix J: Respondent Certification





[ ] denotes the number of employees allocated to each department

Macon-Bibb Voters

Macon Water


Board of

Directors [7]

Virgil Adams


Tony Rojas

Executive Director



Executive Vice President

Field & Plant Operations

Ray Shell




Larry Reynolds




Kirk Nylund

Executive Vice President

Business Operations

Guy Boyle



Kellie Giles



























Buildings &


[8]HR Admin




Water Plant



Gary McCoy







Harold Blevins



Env Comp/



Mark Wyzalek

Executive Asst

LaToria Porter



Paul Cumbess




Michel Wanna



Finance &



Arleen Samuels

Sr. Ex. Asst.



Lisa Golphin

Financial Analyst

Pauline Forbes








Maintenance Manager

Mark Cloutier [23]

Macon Soils


Blaine Harrell




To view the MWA’s Rates, Fees and Charges for 2014-2016, click the following link:

Macon Water Authority Water and Sewer Rate Schedule for


Calendar Years

2014 – 2016

Macon-Bibb County Georgia

Residential Consumption (volumetric) Rates

Water 2014 2015 2016

0-3 CCF $1.90/per CCF $2.00/per CCF $2.10/per CCF

>3 CCF $2.00/per CCF $2.10/per CCF $2.20/per CCF

Sewer 2014 2015 2016

0-3 CCF $2.16/per CCF $2.26/per CCF $2.36/per CCF

>3 CCF $2.26/per CCF $2.36/per CCF $2.46/per CCF

Residential Monthly Base Rates (based on meter size)


2014 2015 2016

5/8” $8.00 $8.50 $9.00

1” $10.50 $11.00 $11.50

1 ½ ” $22.50 $23.63 $24.81

2” $45.00 $47.25 $49.61

3” $67.50 $70.88 $74.42




2014 2015 2016

5/8” $8.00 $8.50 $9.00

1” $9.67 $10.17 $10.67

1 ½ ” $15.00 $15.75 $16.54

2” $30.00 $31.50 $33.08

3” $45.00 $47.25 $49.61



Current Fees for establishing New Customer Accounts

These Fees may be updated from time to time.

Application Fee: $25.00

Same Day Service Fee: $35.00

Meter Fee to replace a stolen or abandoned 5/8” Residential Meter: $75.00

Meter Fee to replace a stolen or abandoned 1” Residential Meter: $116.00

Deposits and documentation necessary for new customers to establish services are determined based

on the credit score of the applicant and the payment history for the service location of the account.

Service/Billing Initiated

Service will begin at the time meter is installed or when a reading is first taken, approximately 30 days

after meter installation for a new account. Monthly base rates will apply even without volumetric


Sewer service for single family residential and owner occupied, master metered residential customers,

with only a residential water account, will have monthly sewer charges calculated and billed based on

80% of the water usage registered on their residential water meter. Sewer consumption charges for

customers without a separate irrigation meter will be capped at 30 CCF.

Sewer service for single family residential and owner occupied, master metered residential customers,

with a residential account and an irrigation account, will have monthly sewer charges calculated and

billed based on 95% of the water usage measured on their residential water meter. There is no cap on

sewer service charges for customers with separate irrigation meters.



Macon Water Authority Water & Sewer Rate Schedule for


Calendar Years

2014 – 2016 Macon-Bibb County Georgia

Non - Residential Consumption (volumetric) Rates

Water 2014 2015 2016

>0 CCF $2.00/per CCF $2.10/per CCF $2.20/per CCF

Sewer 2014 2015 2016

>0 CCF $2.26/per CCF $2.36/per CCF $2.46/per CCF

Residential Monthly Base Rates (based on meter size)


2014 2015 2016 5/8” $8.00 $8.50 $9.00

1” $10.50 $11.00 $11.50

1 ½” $22.50 $23.63 $24.81

2” $45.00 $47.25 $49.61

3” $67.50 $70.88 $74.42

4” $112.50 $118.13 $124.03

6” $187.50 $196.88 $206.72

8” $300.00 $315.00 $330.75

10” $375.00 $393.75 $413.44


2014 2015 2016

5/8” $8.00 $8.50 $9.00

1” $9.67 $10.17 $10.67

1 ½” $15.00 $15.75 $16.54

2” $30.00 $31.50 $33.08

3” $45.00 $47.25 $49.61

4” $75.00 $78.75 $82.69

6” $125.00 $131.25 $137.81

8” $200.00 $210.00 $220.50

10” $250.00 $262.50 $275.63


Current Fees for establishing New Customer Accounts

These Fees may be updated from time to time.

Application Fee: $25.00

Same Day Service Fee: $35.00

Meter Fee to replace a stolen or abandoned 5/8” Residential Meter: $75.00

Meter Fee to replace meters larger than 5/8” are billed at cost plus labor (installation) charges

Deposits and documentation necessary for new customers to establish services are determined based

on the credit score of the applicant and the payment history for the service location of the account.

Service/Billing Initiated

Service will begin at the time meter is installed or when a reading is first taken, approximately 30 days

after meter installation for a new account. Monthly base rates will apply even without volumetric




This appendix requires that Respondent provide a response using the Excel spreadsheet as

the response form.

This appendix, provided as an Excel spreadsheet, identifies functional requirements.

Respondents shall respond as provided for in the spreadsheet and submit it in electronic form

with the proposal. Respondents invited to demonstrate software should be prepared to

demonstrate any items included in this list.

Note: The CIS worksheet tab is navy and the ERP worksheet tabs are yellow.

Bidder Name:

Software Proposed:

1. Enter your company name in the space provided above.

Note: You must use one of the four choices (either CB, WTM-NC, WTM-MWA, NWTM)

Abbreviation Meaning

CB Current Base

WTM-NC Willing to Modify at No Cost

WTM-MWAWilling to Modify at

Macon's Cost

NTWM Not Willing to Modify

The described function is not available the currently-deployed base code of the CIS product, but will be willing to modify base

code to include full functionality required at no cost to Macon Water Authority.

The described function is not available in the currently-deployed base code of the CIS/ERP product, but will be willing to

modify base code to include full functionality required with additional cost to Macon Water Authority.

The described function is not available the currently-deployed base code of the CIS product and will not be willing to modify

base code.

The described function is in the currently-deployed base code of the CIS product in a manner available to all customers

Macon Water Authority CIS/ERP Replacement


2. Click on the each of the Tabs and choose your rating from the drop down menu (see chart below)

for each function in the "Bidder Response" column.


Instructions for completing the functionality and characteristics worksheets:

3. After completing all worksheets, choose file, save, and save it to DVD - read only, for inclusion with

your completed proposal.


CB = Current Base

WTM-NC = Willing to Modify at No Cost

WTM-MWA = Willing to Modify at MWA Cost

NWTM = Not Willing to Modify

REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments


1 Minimal clicks navigation with no screen more than three clicks from the initial account screen.

Variety of Powerful Search Options.

2 Search on any field in the database using both alpha and numeric character wildcards.

3 Search on any field in the database using both alpha and numeric characters type-ahead.

4 Search on any field in the database using "sounds like."

Flexible, Easy-to-Use Report Creation.

5 Report preparation based on readily understandable data element names.

6 Report preparation whereby readily-understandable data element names are click-picked as report elements.

7 Report preparation using a GUI-based reporting tool that does various subtotaling of columns.

8 Report preparation using a GUI-based reporting tool that provides Word-like control over format.

9 Report preparation using a GUI-based reporting tool that provides Word-like control over text and headers.

10 Report preparation using a GUI-based reporting tool that provides Word-like control over graphics.

11 Ability to report on consumption by account classification by calendar month.

Query Functionality Design.

12 Query functionality is separate from report-writing functionality.

13 Flexible query functionality allows end users to create their own custom queries.

14 Query results can be exported to Microsoft Excel.

15 Query results can be exported to Microsoft Access.

16 Query results can be exported to Microsoft Word.

17 As queries are built they can be reused, combined, or added to and subtracted from.

18 Query functionality accesses any field in the database.

19 Query is assembled from database field picks.

20 Database field picks available to the user are logically organized to make finding them easy.

Rich CSR Support (Scripts, Field-Sensitive Help).

21 Customer service representatives have access to help at various levels.

22 Customer service representatives have access to scripts.

23 CIS help function that has a context-driven search capability.

24 As the CSR is opening a customer's account information the CIS has the ability to link to GIS and open in background a map of the location of that

customer for the CSR's viewing from the CIS, if desired.

25 Provide tutorial-based CSR and biller training from within the CIS.

26 The ability to track interaction reason or wrap-up code through a drop down menu

27 The ability to integrate with a walk-in queuing system like Q-flow.

Account Statuses and Classes.

28 Provide account classes of Residential, Multi-Unit Residential, Commercial, Government, Medical, Schools, Industrial and Sub Categories i.e. Retail,

Salon, etc.

29 Provide the ability for special account management for specific identified accounts.

30 Provide the ability to have more than one jurisdiction across counties.

CIS must provide a strong audit trail for all financial transactions:

31 Date/time stamp.

32 Who entered or changed transaction.

33 Previous value/subsequent value.

34 Security controlled access for turning on/off audit trail fields.

35 Easy query of audit trail transactions.

36 Available report of audit trail transactions.

Ability to Track and Record Water Quality Complaints

37 Classification of complaint as an odor complaint.

38 Classification of complaint as an taste complaint.

39 Classification of complaint as an illness complaint.

40 Classification of a complaint as an appearance complaint.

41 Classification of complain as a miscellaneous complaint.

42 Multiple classifications of complaint.

43 Reporting on water quality complaints by classification and sub classification.

Account Management.

Account Statuses Achieved Automatically in System:

44 Pending (new customer, 1st bill has not been generated).

45 Open (active customer, status achieved after 1st bill generated).

46 Closing (customer is moving out, CSR manually changes status).

47 Finaled (status achieved after Final Bill is generated).

48 Write off (status achieved when account is turned over to collection agency).


Customer Information System Project




REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

49 Bankrupt (status is achieved when bankruptcy notice is received).

50 A fully qualified field for building designation displayed on service address screen for use in identifying meter locations on corporate , academic or similar


Customer Data Fields:

Provide fields for:

51 Spouse/significant other name.

52 Other leasee(s)/owners

53 Designation if additional persons on account will be financially responsible

54 Driver License Number for each leasee/owner and spouse/significant other.

55 Social Security Number for each leasee/owner and spouse/significant other.

56 Phone number - cell for each spouse/significant other and leasee/owner.

57 Phone number - work for each spouse/significant other and leasee/owner.

58 Phone number - other for each spouse/significant other and leasee/owner.

59 Phone number - for purpose of texting customer for each spouse/significant other and leasee/owner.

60 Email address for each spouse/significant other and leasee/owner.

61 Place of employment for each spouse/significant other and leasee/owner.

62 Fax number for each spouse/significant other and leasee/owner.

63 Other Demographics as needed (Ad-Hoc)

64 The ability to flag customers who should not be shut off, i.e. government customers

65 Rental agent name and phone number, if a tenant.

66 The ability for a contact to communicate and receive correspondence, but not bear financial responsibility

67 The ability for a role to dictate if certain correspondence will be sent via email or print letter.

68 The ability for an agent to make and change, and see what the prior entry was after the change is made.

69 The ability of the system to mask credit card and social security numbers, only 4 digits are viewable.

70 The ability to manage landlord/tenant relationships

71 The ability to identify a landlord without having an agreement in place.

72 The ability set up a landlord agreement with timeframes of the agreement.

73 The ability to revert to landlord upon termination of service from the tenant.

74 Provide the ability to identify how communications will be sent to customers i.e. Which phone number to send Robocalls, which email to send

correspondence etc.

75 The ability to capture a password, pin code or challenge question for account.

Customer Discount:

76 Identify individual customers for discount "low income".

77 Apply low income discount to identified customers. i.e. Senior Citizen

North America Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes:

78 Associate with a premises to NAICS codes in separate fields.

Document management

79 The ability to scan application data and attach to customer (DL, lease, application, etc.)

80 Documents associated with location, customer or account are stored in the CIS system at the appropriate level

81 Documents associated with location, customer or account are available via hyperlink to a utility file server.

82 The ability to interface with third party for bill image outside of enterprise.

Credit Management

83 Credit risk class based on internal customer behavior data (e.g., broken agreements).

84 The ability to track and manage internal credit score based on predefined criteria.

Deposit Calculation and Management

85 Deposit Calculation based on external credit score criteria.

86 The ability to evaluate credit score and increase deposit amount, limit to certain customer classes, like commercial-only.

87 The ability to send a deposit increase recommendation through workflow for approval.

88 Deposit Interest Calculation is configurable

89 The ability to refund or apply to account a deposit after X months of payments based on criteria of a good customer

90 The ability to charge a commercial account three times the average monthly consumption as a deposit.

91 The ability to override the deposit calculation and have appropriate security on changing amount

92 The ability to have Surety Bond information in the system and prompt for renewal.

93 The ability to report on expired surety bonds.

Configurable Contact Management Framework

94 System provides categories of contacts from which a CSR may select to categorize a particular contact.

95 More than one category may be assigned to a single contact.

96 Additional data may be added to a previously-recorded contact.

97 Selection of a contact category may trigger a script for the CSR to follow with the customer.

98 Contact entry is recorded on the person.

99 Contact information stays with the person.

100 A script may incorporate action triggered by its completion:

101 Generate a letter to the customer.




REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

102 Create a service order.

103 Create a task.

104 Create an outbound call.

105 Create a text message

106 A script may be configured to be a dynamic script that changes based on answers provided.

New Service Support – fully qualified fields for these items:

107 District number.

108 Office number.

109 Address (number, direction, street name, suffix, apartment number).

110 City.

111 ZIP code +4.

112 Subdivision.

113 Lot number.

114 Route number.

115 Classification code.

116 Category code. (may be replaced by NAICS codes)

117 Services (water, fire service, irrigation, sewer, storm).

118 The ability to provide USPS address verification real-time for new accounts upon creation

119 the ability to integrate credit check functionality.

120 Customer name.

121 Leasee/Owner last name.

122 Leasee/Owner first name.

123 Service initiation date.

124 Rental agent if renting.

125 Rental agent telephone number.

126 Business phone number.

127 Home phone number.

128 Mobile phone number.

129 E-mail address.

130 The ability test the email through a instant email to the customer.

131 Mailing address line 1.

132 Mailing address line 2.

133 Mailing address line 3.

134 Mailing ZIP + 4 code.

135 Contact method.

136 Service scheduled date.

137 Name of caller.

138 Explanation of work requested.

139 Premises number (tap number).

140 Tap size.

141 Service material.

142 Remarks.

143 Type of service.

144 Valve type.

145 Account number (if updating an existing account).

146 X, y, and z coordinates

147 Sewer stub out

148 Water stub out+C106

149 Social security number - customer and masked

150 Social security number - Leasee/Owner and masked

151 Customer place of employment

152 Lease date

153 Purchase date

154 The ability to offer a standard new service process including startup fees, application fees, same-day service fee, service restoral fee, based on conditions

at the premise or earlier account status, collect a deposit and apply.

155 Format all billing and third party addresses to USPS standard.

156 For new service, the ability to charge for basin fees, capacity fees

Meter Reading.

Hand-held or AMR Codes Trigger:

157 Service orders.

158 Code and description brought forward on Pre-bill Exception Report/screen.

159 Code and description brought forward on service order.

160 System will automatically generate pre-bill exceptions based on utility determined maximum consumption parameters.

161 System provides pull-down of reasons to assign to estimates on the Pre-bill Exception Report/screen.

162 The ability for all reads and adjustments including comments, date/time to be visible in the customer account.

163 The ability to report on exceptions. i.e. high consumption, low consumption, no consumption, negative consumption.

Sub metering




REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

164 Assign sub meters to a master meter.

165 Sum sub meter consumption for any master meter.

166 Deduct summed sub meter consumption from master meter consumption for separate billing of master meter consumption.

167 Bill each sub meter.

168 Deduct Metering

169 System will need the ability to setup and bill for deductive metering.

170 Compound Metering

171 System will need the ability to setup and bill for compound metering.


172 Average daily usage by account - for user-specified dates for the selected account.

173 The detail bill screen will provide calculations of rates for the bill.

174 Adjustment and miscellaneous charges transactions are recorded on the account for later presentation on the regular bill.

175 As part of the move-out process, allow option to require balance to be zero or roll balance to next bill at new service address on an account-by-account


176 Flexible bill formatting by account type - industrial surcharge customer bill and commercial customer bill different from residential customer bill.

177 Consolidated billing for multiple premises - single amount due with details of all locations.

178 Flexible choice of customer due day - customer selects day of month (e.g., 3rd Friday on which bill is rendered.

179 Flexible choice of customer due date - customer selects date of month (e.g., 22nd) on which bill is rendered.

180 Customer's choice of day of month or date of month that is late in the bill cycle can be accompanied by exemption from charges normally triggered late in

the bill cycle.

181 The ability to bill a group of meters for a single customer on one account.

182 The ability to bill a group of accounts on a consolidated account.

183 On-demand bill calculation and presentation.

184 When there is a meter change, the invoice needs to show the old meter reading, billing date range, and the new meter reading including meter serial

number and the new meter billing date range.

185 Fees and charges calculate automatically by meter size based on the system knowing the installed meter size.

186 CASS and ZIP+4 support pre-integrated.

187 Storm water billing based on equivalent residential units (ERUs).

188 Designate the initiation and termination date for each individual service and prorate accordingly.

189 Ability to have a fully automated bill process that prorates fees accordingly.

190 The ability to bill for multiple meters on a single invoice.

191 The ability to recognize the sales of 10-visit books as revenue for sewer dumps.

192 Easily produced duplicate bill.

193 The ability to reprint or resend e-bills.

194 Bill presented on screen exactly as sent.

195 Bill print view is constructed from historic data at each request.

196 Bill print view is a stored static image.

197 System will present consumption to CSR on screen in both gallons and CCF.

198 System presents to customers billed consumption in Both CCF and Gallons.

199 The ability to update rate tables in a standard way through configuration.

Automated Cancel/Rebill.

200 No manual calculation required.

201 Calculation may be from any past date.

202 Calculation from any past date uses rate in effect for the rate periods covered by the cancel/rebill.

203 The ability to cancel and rebill up to 48 months. Example: Customer connected to city sewer but not charged.

204 the ability to recalculate the month after a negative meter read

205 The ability to mass cancel/rebill.

Services and Categories Billed.

206 Water.

207 Sewer.

208 Irrigation.

209 Storm water.

210 Private fire protection service.

211 Waste Companies

212 Hydrant Meter.

213 Availability Fee.

214 Miscellaneous billing.

215 Bill some services at a location to a tenant and other services at the same location to the landlord.

Service Order Work and Scheduling.

216 Service Orders must be configurable for "same day" scheduling with configurable deadline

217 Fees associated with cut-on service order will be determined automatically by time of day scheduled.

218 As part of New Construction process bill for CCCT TV Developer, Subdivision, based linear feet, misc. fees

219 The ability to manage the new construction process and associated fees

220 The ability to follow a work flow for new construction that instructs the users the proper steps in the processes

221 The ability to group customers into geographic areas, so field work like cutoffs and startups can be scheduled closer together.

222 The ability to integrate with Cityworks on meter change-outs, serial number, size, read




REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

223 There is available a free-form alphanumeric field for keying in special instructions on service order.

224 An order is schedulable to user-configurable time period (e.g., one-hour period).

225 The utility may set duration parameters for each service order type according to the type of work assigned (complex jobs are afforded longer completion

parameters than simple jobs).

226 Work may be scheduled to an individual or to a configured work group.

227 Work scheduled for a work group is constrained by the system based on a utility-entered listing of personnel available on the scheduled day.

228 Work may be scheduled to workers or work groups designated as primary (fully qualified to do the work) or non-primary (basic qualifications to do the


229 The system recognizes workload among individuals and work groups and work scheduling may spill over to non-primary workers or to non-primary work

groups that have available time.

230 The system arranges work for worker or workgroup in a geographically logical order according to proximity to other work.

231 The ability for a picture in Cityworks to be visible in the CIS system (Cityworks integration)

232 System notification of aged service orders.

233 The ability to automatically create a service order x months of no use on active account.

Charges Supported, Including Non-premises Based Services.

Hydrant Meter, Property Damage

234 The ability to normalize hydrant meter billing.

235 The ability to track property damage workflow in CIS-go to Risk Manager.

236 Provision of fields in the CIS in which to record property damage items with the items and amounts to appear on the bill.

237 Customer Applications will be processed electronically via the CIS Customer Self Service web interface.

238 Fire hydrant meter accounts are billed monthly consumption.

239 Fire hydrant meter requires a deposit.

240 Fire hydrant meters are charged a set up fee.

241 Fire hydrant meter relocations are charged a fee.

242 Truck mounted meters so that customer can fill up at hydrants, billed quarterly and assessed annual fee.

Budget Billing.

243 Automatically calculate monthly budget amount when selected by customer service representative.

244 Automatically adjust Budget Bill amount based on increases of bill outside of configurable limits.

245 Automatically calculate "even up settlement" as needed.

Flexible Sewer Adjustment.

246 Sewer rate based on percentage of consumed water.

247 Fully-qualified field for % water lost with entry used to calculate sewer charge automatically.

Seasonal Ons-Offs.

248 Seasonal off will generate service order.

249 Service charge for on-off is generated when service is turned on.

Flexible Bill Print Options

250 The ability for new invoices to include a bar code that can be scanned to pop the customer's invoice and account on the POS.

251 Bill items displayed are determined at the individual account level, not as a system setting.

252 System handles multiple-page, duplex bill automatically in the event bill detail requires more than one page to present.


Flexible and Tailored Bill Messages.

254 Message(s) on bill are automatically presented based on account characteristics (e.g., "Backflow device test due next month").

255 Unique message to a single account.

256 Messages to groups of customers based on account type.

257 Messages to groups of customers based geography.

258 Messages to groups of customers based on those with similar circumstances.

Automatic Late Fees On Balance Due.

259 Applied on balance past due number of days as determined by the utility.

260 The ability reverse the late fee one off and in mass.

261 The ability to delay the occurrence of a late fee as needed due to an emergency.

Adjustments, Fee and other Charges

262 The ability to handle misc. fees and fines included in the data request for (AR650) adjustments. Flat, noncalculated fees, i.e. lab fees.

263 The ability to pick from a list of adjustments with pre-set charges.

264 The ability to reverse fees, adjustments based on role.

265 The ability to view and audit all charges and who is responsible for making the adjustments, with a time stamp.

266 Workflow capability based on dollar amount of adjustment. (e.g., if adjustment is above $x, create workflow routing for approval.)

267 The ability to charge transportation fees for Monroe and Jones counties.

268 The ability to charge feeder extension fees, based on payer calculations.

269 The ability to calculate a leak adjustment according to the business process.




REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

270 The ability handle all adjustments and charges in appendix attachment

Sewer Calculation - Calculate Sewer Usage Based On:

271 Water consumption.

272 Sewer flow meter readings.

273 If a deduct meter is linked to a domestic consumption meter, deduct meter consumption is automatically deducted from domestic meter consumption for

sewer charge calculations.

274 Residential sewer usage capped by utility determined cap amount.

Minimum Monthly Water and Minimum Monthly Sewer Fee - Base Charge Before Usage.

275 Base charge for sewer is a separate base charge from water base charge.

276 Base charge for sewer is a separate bill item.

277 For new service and final bills, ability to prorate minimum charge based on number of days .


278 Configuration setting for allowable number of estimated bills.

279 Exceeding allowable number of estimates automatically generates an investigation service order.

280 Exceeding allowable number of estimates automatically generates a follow up task for designated utility staff.

281 The ability to invoice based on last read information if there is no estimate.


Record and Display a Variety of Payment Methods:

282 Cash

283 Check

284 eCheck

285 Debit Card

286 Credit Card

287 Voucher

288 Money Order/Cashiers Check

289 Scheduled bank draft (EFT)

290 The payment detail screen will display customer check number and routing number

291 The ability to scan and create the check image

292 The ability to scan checks for front office and remittance payments

293 Utility may suspend multiple consecutive EFT payment based on a date range (not suspend just one draw at a time).

294 Auto draft on credit cards.

295 Future draft credit cards for a single payment.

296 Future draft EFT for a single payment.

297 Cashiering functionality applies partial payments according to utility-determined priority rules.

298 Cashiering functionality applies single payment to multiple accounts, applying amounts automatically once affected accounts are identified.

299 Cashiering functionality applies multiple payment methods to a bill.

300 Utility can easily configure/reconfigure receipt printers.

301 Receipts may be printed with high definition graphics, such as utility logo and/or seal.

302 The ability for the system to detect and alert on duplicate payments.

303 The ability to alert multiple payments on an account that occur on the same day.

304 The ability for the system to count money in the POS and alert that the register needs to be counted down.

305 The ability for registers to count bill denominations, change and checks for audit and balance purposes. Audits must be able to display a screen for each


306 The ability for the POS to scan a check, front and back, and display it in a single document, or on a single screen. The agent should not be able to print

the check scan document.

307 Ability for the solution to interface with First Billing.

308 The ability to automatically reverse payments on account and apply NSF charges.


Payment Application by Fund Hierarchy - Apply Payments in a Hierarchy Order:

310 Configurable hierarchy order. Proposed hierarchy order is:

1) Deposit.

2) Miscellaneous fees.

3) Delinquent fee.

4) Payment plan.

6) Storm.

7) Sewer.

8) Water.


311 Any payment reversal will automatically apply applicable fees.

312 any fee should be aged as of the date of the payment that was reversed.




REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

313 Show on the account main screen an "alert" that the account holder is one from whom checks are not accepted. CASH ONLY alert

314 System automatically sets - without user intervention - a customer as "cash only" after 2 NSF events in a 12 month period.

315 "Cash only" is automatically relieved after utility-determined number of non-NSF months.

316 The ability for the system to show collections activities on a customer's account. Billing, emails, calls, mailings and status or result (successful call, failed

email, etc. )

317 The ability to restrict customers from using credit cards and debit cards and alerting the account.

Automated Delinquency Processing.

318 Non-payment automatically generates notice without utility interaction. (Robocalls, text, email)

319 Notice may be a "friendly", different from a warning, depending upon customer's payment history. (Robocalls, text, email)

320 Non-payment automatically generates late fee without utility interaction. (Robocalls, text, email)

321 Non-payment automatically generates shut off service order without utility interaction and administrative fee is applied.

322 Payment automatically cancels turn off (non-complete) and generates turn on service order without utility interaction.

323 Payment automatically generates turn on service order without utility interaction and may be configured to automatically apply turn on charges.

324 Alternative collection paths are configurable based on account characteristics; e.g., an account with tenants can be configured to have a collection path

requiring a placarding step prior to the step that generates a service order for turn-off.

325 In the event of a disputed bill, there is a method for protecting from collection the disputed amount (describe).

326 There is a method for designating accounts as exempt from one or more steps in the collection process.

327 Lien management capability - there is a method to identify accounts that meet lien filing criteria and to collect them for lien processing.

328 Lien management capability - the method to identify accounts that meet lien filing criteria and to collect them for lien processing can be configured to be

fully automated.

329 Lien management capability - Need the ability to file appropriate papers and store the documents at the account level

330 Lien management capability - Need ability to identify liens that have been satisfied in order to report releases to the taxing authority.

331 Lien management capability - Need the ability to apply fees associated to lien processing

332 Easy write-off process - there is a method to automatically collect finaled credit/debit amounts below a utility-defined threshold and process them to

special account.

333 Cashiering requires a check digit for verification of account number.

334 System will automatically issue a Returned Payment letter, email, text, Robocalls based on configurable parameters. (first returned payment)

335 Previous broken payment arrangements are shown on the account transactions record.

336 Broken Payment Arrangement Alert exists on account and visible to the CSR.

337 Previous broken payment arrangements are tallied in the system by date.

338 The ability to manage and report on payment history of payment plan customers.

339 The utility may configure a maximum number of previous broken payment arrangements in a utility-determined period of time.

340 Once the maximum number of previous broken payment arrangements is reached in the utility-determined period of time, the system may be configured

to not permit a payment arrangement on that account. (warning that can be over ridden)

341 There is a configuration setting that indicates the % of the payment arrangement installment amount due that will be considered a full installment

payment. e.g., set to 95% means a payment installment of $100 requires at least $95 to be considered paid.

342 There is a configuration option to have a broken payment arrangement generate a task for office staff versus a service order cutoff.

343 The ability to notify the customer via text, email or Robocalls that a payment is due in x number of days for your payment plan or arrangement.

344 There are already-defined fields for frequency of payments, number of payments, and down payment.

345 In setting up a payment arrangement, the CSR may fill in the down payment and set the frequency of payment to calculate the arrangement.

346 If there is a payment arrangement, the system applies the payment amount to the amount due in the arrangement, then the rest to the current charges.

Once the current arrangement amount and current charges are paid, then any remaining amount is applied to the next arrangement amount due.

347 The ability to offer loans for special situations and calculate principal, interest, number of payments and immortalization schedule.

348 The ability to recall an account from collections agency automatically after specified time or manually as needed. (In mass or one off)

349 The ability to track cutoff activity. I.e. Cutoff, lock meter, detect usage after cutoff, etc.

Apply one or More of the Following Delinquency Step Exceptions to any Account:

350 Life-support customers.

351 Indicator that the account is to be reviewed.

352 Large Industrial accounts and restaurants.

353 Beauty salons.

354 Dialysis centers.

355 Hospitals.

356 Multi-unit dwelling(5 or more units)

357 Laundromats with boilers.

358 Utility staff may add to the list of exceptions that are applied to an individual account, or remove exceptions from that list.

Accounts that are Eligible for Cut-off for Non-payment, Data Displayed about Them Must Include at Least:

359 Customer name.

360 Customer account number.

361 Customer Class.

362 Phone Number.

363 Service location.

364 Meter size.

365 Meter configuration

366 Serial number

367 Meter location

368 MIU (ecoder device number) if applicable




REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

369 Number of Dials

370 Previous read information.

371 Location notes.

372 Ability to determine based on previous behavior if the customer can be notified on site prior to cutting of service

373 Amount due to restore service, current and total amount due

374 CSR-entered notes.

Automated Extension of Due Date.

375 There is a payment status indicator that, if activated (e.g., checked) suspends collection action for a utility-determined number of business days.

376 The utility may configure the extension to exempt late fees or not, at its choice.

377 There is a payment status indicator that, if activated (e.g., checked), triggers the system to offer the CSR a field in which to indicate the number of days

that collection action is suspended.

378 The ability to shift payment due dates due to office conditions, snowstorm, rain, etc.

Payment Against an Account with an Open Order for Disconnect.

379 Payment applies immediately and cancels a non-payment shut off order.

380 Minimum amount to cut is configurable by customer class.

Payment Vouchers and Charitable Options.

381 The utility may configure in the CIS a payment type "voucher pending" and configure the collection stream for accounts with payment type voucher

pending to generate a task for office staff instead of a turn off service order.

382 A CSR may attach to customer account an email statement from the social agency that indicates that it will provide payment on the account.

383 The ability to provide a social agency portal. DFACS, Salvation Army, social agency voucher proposal.

384 Support management of either a check-off function or a round-up function that allows customers to donate to a relief fund.

385 The ability to flag customers on Social Services.

386 The ability to shelter customers on Social Services from the collection stream.

387 The ability to manage the Round-Up program. Produce a letter for customers that donated with an annual amount donated-tax benefit.

Customer Bankruptcy: System Must be Configurable for Ch. 7, 11 and 13

388 Bankruptcy process management: an “In Bankruptcy” notation can be configured to display in the account information summary.

389 Fields to store date of bankruptcy court filing and date of bankruptcy court determination.

390 Auto write off of bankruptcy balances a utility-defined number of days after the bankruptcy filing date.

391 The method for protecting bankruptcy amount from delinquency steps during bankruptcy is to close the account and open a new one for regular charges.

392 The method for protecting bankruptcy amount from delinquency steps during bankruptcy is to mark the protected amount as of the court notice date

without closing the account.

393 There is a field with drop-downs: Chapter 7, Chapter 11, Chapter 13.

394 Chapter 11 or 13 dismissal outstanding debt is reinstated on account and debt is aged for collections.

395 The ability to recall debt from collection agency based on amount is included in a bankruptcy and reason included in request

If Account is Inactive and Customer has Bad Debt, fields for:

396 Court date.

397 Case number.

398 Chapter designator (7, 11, 13) from a drop-down.

399 Date notice received.

If Account is Active:

400 Prorate meter reading to bankruptcy filing date.

401 System to automatically generate deposit requirement letter.

402 Capture all Bankruptcy documentation electronically system.



403 May be set on account, person, or location.

404 Are readily visible to the CSR when an account, location, or person is accessed.

405 Are set automatically (without user intervention) when a triggering condition is met.

406 Vendor to list in column E the alerts in the system and their triggering conditions.

407 Alerts expire automatically (without user intervention) when the condition that set them is resolved.

408 If given an expiration date, an alert disappears automatically (without user intervention) as of the expiration date.

Easy to Set Reminders (to selected staff or group):

409 That disappear automatically (without user intervention) as of the expiration date.

410 That can be set to remind a selected staff person or group on a specific date.

411 That can be set to remind a selected staff person or group in a specific number of calendar days.

412 The utility may configure condition-driven reminders and actions - e.g., auto-generate a letter to customer after 2 successive estimates of consumption.

413 The utility may configure condition-driven reminders and actions - e.g., auto-generate a notification to a utility staff member.

Completed Service Orders Affect Account or Location.

414 A service order may be completed with a utility-selected completion code configured to create an action.

415 A service order may be completed with a utility-selected completion code configured to create more than one action.

416 Completion actions are captured in contact history, location history, or account history.

417 Service order completion can put fees and charges on the account.

418 Completion of a service order that results in adding a fee to an account may be configured to trigger a workflow review for approval of the fee.

419 Service order completion can put notes and/or comments on the either the premises or customer record.




REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

420 Service order completion can generate another service order.

421 Service order completion can generate a letter.

422 Service order completion can generate an outbound call or text.

423 Service order completion can generate a task for a identified staff person.

424 The system provides edits to prevent service orders from being scheduled for an irrational future date.

425 The system provides edits to prevent service orders from being schedule prior to today's date.

426 The system prevents scheduling service orders for holidays.

427 The ability to manage skip codes to trigger additional actions or work orders

Tasks That Can Be Managed.

428 A supervisor may set a due date for task completion.

429 The CIS may be configured to notify a supervisor of a missed task due date.

430 A supervisor may view all tasks showing aging by assigned staff person.

431 The CIS may be configured to apply approval parameters that require another identified staff person or group to approve the task.

432 A supervisor may reassign a task.

433 Completing a task shows a completion date and who completed the task.

434 Canceling a task shows a cancellation date and who cancelled the task.

Credit Refunds

435 The ability to see the check number of a refund, status of check (date issued, date cleared) account number.

436 The service address that the check was issued for must be identifiable.

437 The ability to issue one check for a refund or credit balance.

For Refund Checks, CIS Has Fields to:

438 Store refund check number.

439 Check issued to:(name)

440 Reason not issued to account owner

441 Store refund check date.

442 Store refund check amount.

443 Store date of voided or returned refund check.

444 Store indicator of whether the refund was returned or voided.

445 Service address

446 Mailing Address

447 Escheatment sent to state


448 Can bring in data from any field - letter templates can be configured to pull data from any field in the database.

449 Appropriate transaction records available to a CSR contain fields to note that letter was sent via certified mail and the certified number.

Customer Self-Service via IVR & Internet or Other Channels

450 Apply for service online.

451 View current water consumption.

452 View meter reads.

453 View historical water consumption.

454 View current bill & payments.

455 View historical bills and payments.

456 Ability to schedule, for utility-selected reasons, an on-site appointment online.

457 Frequently asked questions.

458 Chat function with customer.

459 The ability to store chat session on the customer account

460 Make immediate payments by card or echeck.

461 Make payments on a future date by card or echeck.

462 Sign up for EFT through Automated Clearing House functionality.

463 Terminate EFT functionality based on date of draw.

464 EFT change bank functionality - new routing number.

465 EFT change account number.

466 View current balance - real time interface to payment status to present current balance due not just what was due on last bill.

467 View current minimum due, and date by which due, to avoid shut off.

468 Account profile updates.

469 Online service initiation or termination.

470 Customer feedback via survey built by the utility in the customer self-service tool(online) or IVR

471 The ability to randomly send customer feedback surveys to customers via email.

472 Major event notifications – main breaks and other maintenance.

473 The ability to Robocalls customers in areas affected by emergency field service work.

474 The ability to integrate with GIS View, Robocalls notify impacted customers of main break.

475 View payment arrangement amount remaining and payment schedule, including dates due.

476 The ability to set up a payment arrangement for an account.

477 The ability to set up notifications for the customer via text or email online. Examples due date in 5 days, amount due today etc.

478 Seasonal off request.

479 Ability to make payments - check and credit.

480 Alert customer that payment is past due.




REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

481 Customer election of due date extension by utility-configured number of days.

482 The ability for customer to chose how correspondence is communicated (paperless green option)

483 Sign up for budget billing.

484 Customer resets his/her own password when they forget.

485 When the customer fills out a "revert to landlord" form electronically via the self service portal a "revert to landlord" flag is placed on the accounts that the

customer has selected.

486 Cancellation of "revert to landlord" agreement.

Support for Meter Life-cycle Program.

487 Meters may be loaded into inventory en masse from a file or disc provided by the meter vendor.

488 Tracks meter purchase date.

489 Tracks meter purchase cost.

490 Tracks meter initial installation date.

491 Ability to handle compound meters, with multiple MIUs.

492 Ability to calculate consumption automatically based on low side and high side reads of compound meters.

493 In meter set or change-out, system automatically compares meter serial number or MIU serial number to verify correct device number.

494 System notifies user of duplicate meter serial number or MIU number when discovered.

495 Cumulates consumption on each individual meter since last test date.

496 Provides for setting meter testing by consumption since last test date.

497 Provides fields for meter test results from testing station - low flow, medium flow, high flow, date, tester, test notes.

498 Provides for setting meter test or retirement by initial installation date.

499 Provides automatic (no user intervention) notice of meters meeting date retirement parameters.

500 Provides automatic (no user intervention) notice of meters meeting consumption retirement parameters.

501 Provides automatic (no user intervention) notice of meters meeting date testing parameters.

502 Provides automatic (no user intervention) notice of meters meeting consumption testing parameters.

Support for Managing Other Devices.

503 Tracks battery purchase date.

504 Tracks battery installation date.

505 Provides for automatic (no user intervention) notice of batteries meeting date retirement parameters.

506 Provides fully-qualified fields for date of installation:

507 ERTs/MIUs.

508 Related meter devices.

509 Backflow devices

Cross-connection/Backflow prevention; inspection functions.

510 Independent certified device testers may enter tests remotely via Web.

511 Web access for independent certified device testers is linked to their State of Georgia certification number.

512 The ability to manage contacts for Backflow customers.

513 The ability to create Backflow work orders from CIS to Cityworks and report status back to CIS automatically for out of compliance backflow devices and

adhoc orders as needed.

514 Ability to alert CSR that backflow device is out of compliance

515 The ability to robocall, text, email or one time bill message customers who are about to go out of compliance.

516 The ability to be in compliance with Georgia EPD Backflow program. (ordinance 391-3-5-.13)

Provide Fully-Qualified Fields for Backflow Device Data

517 The ability to track backflow testing and apply fines for non-compliance and lock meter.

Grease Trap

518 The ability to track inventory, manage and inspect grease trap devices. Schedule of grease trap should be in system and alert needed when the customer

is out of compliance. Initial approval is needed for size of grease trap

519 The ability to alert when FOG customers have not pumped their grease trap within a certain time period.

520 The ability to bill for fines for FOG customers who are out of compliance.

521 The ability to create FOG (grease program) work orders from CIS to Cityworks and report status back to CIS.

522 Alert that customer has a grease trap.

523 The ability to attach documents for grease traps.

524 The ability to charge re-inspection fee automatically upon service order completion.




CB = Current Base

WTM-NC = Willing to Modify at No Cost

WTM-MWA = Willing to Modify at MWA Cost

NWTM = Not Willing to Modify

REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments


1 Ability to fully integrate the General Ledger module with, at a minimum, the following modules and systems with on-line real-time processing:

2 Accounts Payable

3 CIS/Accounts Receivable

4 Ad Hoc Report Writer

5 Bank/Check Reconciliation

6 Budgeting (to include Payroll Budgeting)

7 Fixed Assets

8 Human Resources (to include personnel and position control (of same system)) ADP

9 Payroll (to include attendance accrual and tracking) ADP

10 Able to provide a framework or model for budgeting that allows for updating by entering variances only.

11 Purchasing (to include requisitions and purchase orders/ encumbrances)

12 Work Orders (CitiWorks)

13 Able to produce Income Statements at a user defined interval (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually) in summary or detail and can

be subtotaled at multiple levels.

14 The system provides a report writer to allow end users to create user-defined financial statements and statistical reports without users needing

to know the table structure.

15 Able to automate the escheatment process16 Able to automatically roll forward balances for balance sheet accounts at year end close.

17 Able to store at least 10 years of transactional data with the ability for MWA to determine when data will be archived based on the number of


18 Able to allow archived data to be accessed.

19 Able to restrict GL posting (i.e. live or batch) by account number.

20 Able to flag an account as inactive.

21 Able to record a journal entry type (Document Type) in the general ledger for reconciliation purposes.

22 Able to restrict one-sided journal entries from being entered.

23 Able to drill down to see all account activities, to include the related accounts of the source journal.

24 Able to allow users to retrieve GL related information that is more than one year old.

25 Able to perform basic validation routines before data can be entered (e.g., data type checking, account validation, project numbers).

26 Able to produce GASB 42, GASB 45, and other compliance reports.

27 Able to print a trial balance prior to close.

28 Able to allow the produced compliance reports to be editable by a user for formatting and final edits.

29 The system provides fund accounting capability that complies with GAAP and GASB standards.

30 Able to display user defined reasons for rejecting general ledger transactions.

31 Able to provide at least 14 periods, including one for entering annual closing entries which acts as a closing period and one for audit adjustments

(per 14).

32 Able to move a division or project from one department to another and carry-over all associated history.

33 Able to allow selected accounts to be flagged in order to disallow any postings to occur to those accounts.

34 Able to flag by account number to require a work order, project number, or grant number to be associated with the posting transaction.

35 Able to attach documentation to an account based on account access permissions.

36 Able to enter comments on the account.

37 Able to add user date and time comments per GL account, and employee entering the comment.

38 Able to add user date and time comments per GL account transaction, and employee entering the comment.

39 Able to capture comments added for audit trail purposes.

40 Able to provide attachment functionality to GL accounts in the Financial System.

41 Able to link attachments from a document retrieval system to GL accounts in the Financial System.

34 Accommodate the structural requirement of fund accounting such as maintaining multiple fund general ledgers,

appropriation/expenditure/revenue ledgers

35 Ability to maintain separate funds, each of which is a self-balancing set of accounts, with all funds recorded being processed simultaneously by

the common system

ERP Information System Project


General Requirements

Fund Accounting

REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

36 Prevent funds from being out of balance and allow fully automated interfund balancing

37 Ability to generate all "due to" and "due from" journal entries when posting a transaction to one fund which will affect other funds

38 Support cash, accrual, modified accrual, or combinations thereof

39 Allow the user to determine the basis for accounting for each fund separately in cash, accrual, or a modified accrual basis

40 The system supports multi-year funds.

41 Able to provide a single chart of accounts file that is referenced by all other system modules.

42 Able to either automatically generate or copy chart of account records when creating new funds, departments, and any other reorganizations.

43 Able to inactivate parts of an account so no posting activity can take place against the account.

44 Able to provide chart of account number "short cuts" for reducing the number of key strokes when entering or looking up chart of account


45 Able to provide "short-cuts" that are alphanumeric.

46 Able to activate new accounts or specific accounts based on dates or date ranges.

47 Able to inactivate new accounts or specific accounts based on dates or date ranges.

48 Able to support a Chart of Accounts with at least 200 segments and up to 20 alphanumeric characters.

49 Able to change the name of any segment of the account number while leaving the historic description the same.

50 Able to provide security at a MWA-determined level in the chart accounts.

51 Able to provide a flexible user defined chart of accounts which can be modified as needed by a system administrator with appropriate security

permissions (e.g., segmented for fund, sub fund, department, org cost acct, or other segments).

52 Able to support alpha-numeric fields in the chart of accounts at any segment.

53 Able to setup a fund as non-interest bearing.

54 Able to track daily fund balances for distribution of interest.

55 Able to support the following fields in the chart of accounts: Fund, Dept, Activity, Cost Center, other

56 Able to not allow duplicate fund numbers.

57 Able to support at least a 256-character description field for each of the above fields.

58 Able to import journal entry transactions from other vendor-developed and in-house developed systems (i.e., journal import functionality).

59 Able to edit journal entry data that was imported prior to posting to the GL with appropriate security and audit trail information.

60 Able to post statistical or non-financial data.

61 Able to use workflow technology to automatically route journal entries with attachments to approvers prior to posting.

62 Able to provide standard, recurring, accrual and reversing journal entry capabilities.

63 Able to maintain at least 10 years of detailed journal entry transactions and budget information and provides the ability to maintain greater than

20 years if desired.

64 Able to automatically populate fiscal year and period based on transaction type.

65 Able to automatically transfer activity from one account to another account with the ability to limit the setup of automatic transfers based on

security permissions.

66 Able to disallow further posting to an account that is closed or inactive.

67 Able to disallow further posting to an account that is in the processes of being closed or inactivated.

68 Able to disallow posting to a closed period.

69 The system will not allow the ability to post a journal entry to a control account.

70 The system will not allow the ability to edit a sub-system batch prior to posting to the GL.

71 Able to generate date-specific reversing entries.

72 Able to accommodate free form text or attachments associated with a journal entry based on security permissions.

73 Able to automatically assign sequential numbers to all journal entry transactions for audit trail purposes.

56 Ability to create and define accounting periods, including future periods as follows:

57 Calendar Year

58 Fiscal Year

59 User Defined Period

60 Support a General Ledger monthly close process

61 Ability to post period end adjustments to General Ledger

62 Close subledgers prior to closing General Ledger at end of accounting period

63 Allows for month end closings to occur in a new fiscal year without having to close the previous fiscal year, including producing all month end

financial statements.

64 Able to perform "soft closes" on periods so that a period may be opened again with proper permissions for the purposes of posting activity to that


65 Able to perform a year end soft close, locking Balance Sheet accounts and closeing out revenues and expenditures. Then zeroing Revenue and

expense accounts for the start of the new year.

66 Able to produce balance sheets and other financial reports from a prior closed year and period with an option to include inactive accounts with

activity or a balance.

Journal Entries

Accounting Periods and Closing

Chart of Accounts

REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

67 Review unposted transactions prior to month end close

68 Print a trial balance prior to a month end close

69 Prepare financial statements upon closing of accounting period

70 Display warning message when user attempts to post transactions outside of current period


Ability to post audit adjusting entries to prior year's data after the initial year-end close has been processed; automatically post all adjusted

balance sheet amounts to the current year's General Ledger and reflect prior year audit adjusting entries in the individual account historical data

72 Validate that all year-end system generated closing entries have been posted before closing the fiscal year

73 Support an automated year-end closing, including the automated closing of revenue and expenditure accounts to the individual fund equity

account and posting the asset, liability and equity balances to the subsequent year's General Ledger

74 Able to provide linkage between reportable sections of the CAFR (i.e., Exhibits, Management Discussion and Analysis, Notes to the Financial

Statements and Statistics).

75 Able to query on all data fields in the general ledger module in order to provide a user defined query screen.

76 Able to provide user defined ad hoc query capabilities.

77 Able to provide an ad hoc report writing tool.

78 Able to export to various formats to create a custom designed CAFR document.

79 Able to generate a report across any segment or group of segments in the chart of accounts.

80 Able to schedule and to distribute reports via electronic workflow.

81 Able to warn the user they are about to print a large report (displays number of pages) with option to proceed.


83 Able to schedule reports to be run during non business hours on a user defined schedule.

84 Able to preview all reports to the screen with a user-defined option for printing..

85 Able to provide comparison reports (e.g., between different periods, as user-defined).

86 Able to print financial reports on closed periods.

87 Able to select active and/or inactive accounts by year for reporting purposes for multiple user defined years.

88 Able to view a General Ledger Audit Report based on permissions.

89 Able to produce monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements. (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Budget Comparisons by Department,


90 Able to produce monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements (Cash Flow).

91 Able to produce monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements at MWA-defined levels.

92 Able to print graphs and charts for presentation style reports.


CB = Current Base

WTM-NC = Willing to Modify at No Cost

WTM-MWA = Willing to Modify at MWA Cost

NWTM = Not Willing to Modify


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments


1 The purchasing module is integrated with all other system modules including fixed assets, budgeting, A/P, and CityWorks.

2 Able to allow an nine character amount for a purchase order (i.e. $999 million).

3 The system will not require users or requisitioners to know commodity codes or sub-commodity codes.

4 Able to drill-down to supporting documents or transactions..

5 Able to see all documentation associated with a transaction (i.e. PO, invoices, checks, bids, etc.).

6 Able to generate a list of BPO's available to departments that would allow the users to click on a vendor or commodity to see the associated contract and

7 Able to use an online catalog, which would allow the user to place a purchase against the BPO within the same application.

8 Able to give all system users visibility into the status of the procurement and where it is in the workflow and procurement stage at any point in the


9 The system provides authorized personnel the ability to bypass the requisition process and get a purchase order number in emergency situations with

appropriate audit controls.

10 Able to provide a framework or model for budgeting that allows for updating by entering variances only.

11 Able to verify funding availability at the line item, category or group, department, and fund level from a department's budget at the time of a requisition,

purchase order, or modification.

12 Able to provide electronic notification of completed approval actions.

13 Able to route requisitions and purchase orders using workflow based on account number.

14 Able to route requisitions and purchase orders using workflow based on a range of account numbers.

15 Able to route requisitions and purchase orders using workflow based on dollar amount.

16 Able to route requisitions and purchase orders using workflow based on commodity code.

17 Able to route requisitions and purchase orders using workflow based on other MWA-defined fields or rules.

18 Able to require electronic signatures through workflow for approval of purchase orders.

19 Able to require electronic approvals through workflow for approval of requisitions.

20 Able to upload transaction detail from P-Card vendors' applications with detail applied to the general ledger appropriately. (Currently BOA)

21 Able to print purchase orders in a configurable print-image format, not dependent on screen layouts.

22 Able to support a "queue" in which multiple buyers can process from, with the ability to configure routing based on buyers' responsible areas.

23 Able to track expenditures against P-Cards issued to employees.

24 Able to support the use of commodity codes

25 System must support multiple reordering points (min/max)26 Able to store and account for lead-times for item procurement from vendors27 Able to allow purchase requistions to be entered without a commodity code.

28 Able to allow users to view commodity codes and their respective descriptions via drop-down menus.

29 Able to flag requisitions as a user defined types. (i.e. sole source or emergency purchases.)

30 Able to provide user defined purchase order types.

31 Able to accommodate recurring requisitions.

32 Able to attach scanned documents to an electronic requisition, for viewing.

33 Able to allow the maintenance of attached documents with appropriate security permissions and audit log (i.e., deleting items that are mistakes, etc.).

34 Able to include the date, time and user that attached a document to an electronic requisition.

35 Able to support an alpha numeric requisition number.

36 Able to support at least a 15 character requisition number.

37 Able to tag requisition numbers based on department and program.

38 Able to check available budget by line item and flag for warning if the requisition is over total appropriation with the ability to override or stop the user.

39 Able to check available budget by project and flag the requisition if over total appropriation.(flag for warning, override, or stop)

40 Able to check available budget by department and flag the requisition if over total appropriation.(flag for warning, override, or stop)

41 Able to copy an existing requisition to create a new one.

42 Able to auto-populate fields based on inventory item selected.

43 Able to auto-populate fields based on commodity code selected.

44 Able to apply effective dates to requisitions (i.e., for planned requisitions close to year end to occur in the following year).

45 Able to partially reject a requisition (i.e., reject some but not all line items).

ERP Information System Project


General Requirements



#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

46 Able to perform certain MWA-defined checks before a requisition can be generated (e.g., a budget check).

47 Able to allow the user to record all quotes or bids received as data elements in the requisition with appropriate attachments.

48 Able to allow requisition approval process rules to vary depending on the type of item being requisitioned.

49 Able to indicate if the requisition is for an inventory item.

50 Able to automatically assign requisition number sequentially by fiscal year at time of entry.

51 Able to allow the automatic assignment of fiscal year to requisitions to be overridden with appropriate security permissions.

52 Able to provide a decentralized purchase requisition process that allows requisitions to be entered on-line by all departments.

53 Able to provide a paperless requisition approval process using workflow with notifications for user-defined levels of approval and routing capabilities, to

include routing to multiple departments.

54 Able to indicate the status of a requisition, receipt status, purchase orders, and invoice/payable status at any time.

55 Able to pre-encumber requisitions for the next fiscal year.

56 Able to place a requisition on hold.

57 Able to choose multiple Vendors for a Requisition

58 Origin of request (department);

59 Requestor;

60 Date of request;

61 Scheduled delivery date;

62 Shipping address;

63 Delivery instructions;

64 Delivery contact person (MWA employee);

65 Delivery contact information;

66 Information for multiple vendors:

67 Vendor name;

68 Vendor number;

69 Vendor contact person;

70 Comment;

71 Freight/shipping charges; and

72 Quote Numbers

73 Quantity requested;

74 Unit of measure;

75 Unit price;

76 Auto calculate extended price;

77 Description;

Flag for sole source vendor

78 Multiple MWA G/L account numbers;

79 Project Number;

80 Asset Number

81 Grant Number;

82 Fund Number

83 Work Order Number;

84 Contract Number;

85 Bid Number;

86 Other, user-defined fields.

87 Able to convert requisitions to a purchase order.

88 Able for all attached documentation to carry forward when a requisition is converted to a purchase order, with the ability to turn this feature on or off.

89 Able to carry comments made on the requisition forward to the purchase order.

90 Able to set up recurring purchase orders.

91 Able to require a vendor be entered for a purchase order.

92 Able to automatically assign a unique purchase number sequentially based on the fiscal year.

93 Able to print purchase orders on a laser printer.

94 Able to print purchase orders to a PDF.

95 Able to print attachments with a purchase order and assemble as a PDF, with the ability to ask before doing so.

96 Able to electronically send purchase orders via email.

97 Able to e-mail attachments with a purchase order, with the ability to prompt before doing so.

98 Able to change the account (GL) number that is assigned to a purchase, with appropriate security permissions.

99 Able to notify the creator of a purchase when the account number has been changed.

100 Able to check for or flag recurring purchase orders.

101 Able to regenerate duplicate Purchase Orders.

Able to maintain the following data points in the requisition process:

Purchase Orders


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

102 Able to allow multiple GL numbers on one purchase order and/or on individual line items by percentage or dollar value.

103 Able to allow multiple project numbers, work order numbers, contract numbers, bid numbers, fund numbers and grant numbers on one purchase order

and/or on individual line items.

104 Able to allow each item on a purchase order to have multiple funding sources.

105 Able to match accounts payable invoices to purchase orders.

106 Able to accommodate blanket purchase orders.

107 Able to accommodate blanket purchase orders that either do or do not encumber funds (i.e., inventory and department blanket orders).

108 Able to allow a workflow process to create a blanket order from an existing purchase order.

109 Able to create BPO's for purchases that are split between different departmental accounts and establish the start and expiration date of the contract plus

a maximum contract amount. (with ability to change contract amount)

110 Able to provide a full audit trail including dates, user names/IDs, and activity for purchase orders.

111 Able for authorized users to modify the purchase order without having to void the purchase order.

112 Able to modify a purchase order with the option to reprint or re-e-mail.

113 Able to provide a check box on the purchase order to indicate change order or modification and track the version number of the change.

114 Able to automatically accommodate change orders or modifications to purchase orders and track the version number and changes with the date of


115 Able for users to see purchase order detail.

116 Able to add or change commodity codes on purchase orders.

117 Able to add or change commodity codes on purchase orders with the option to retain historical description or specifications.

118 Able to email purchase orders to vendors with attachments. (user initiated)

119 Able to automatically email purchase orders to vendors with attachments.

Able to track the successful delivery of email.

120 Able to close purchase orders with a user-defined dollar amount or percent remaining available, with ability to override that closing.

121 Able to copy recurring purchase orders from a previous fiscal year without re-keying all the detail.

122 Able to store electronically received or scanned documents with every Purchase Order.

123 Able to store electronically received or scanned documents with every Purchase Order in file types specified in Technical Requirements.

124 Able to allow users to select multiple "ship to" addresses for different facilities.

125 Able to void or cancel purchase orders, with appropriate security permissions.

126 Able to allow an unlimited description on purchase order.

127 Able to handle description overflow on a purchase order.

128 Able to change the vendor associated with a purchase order with appropriate security permissions.

129 Able to place a purchase order on hold.

130 Able to automatically combine multiple requisitions into one purchase order if items are requested from different departments from the same vendor;

system provides for overrides to keep separate purchase orders as necessary.

131 Able to split code a purchase order by percentage or dollar value to multiple departments and accounts

132 Able to directly interface purchase orders to inventory items for purchasing of stock item.


134 Receiving staff;

135 Shipping carrier with tracking number;

136 Date and time received;

137 Complete or partial flag; and

138 Comments/notes.

139 Able to allow delivery information to be entered by requisitioners and shown on the purchase order.

140 Able to require the commodity code on the purchase requistion and the receiving file to be the same.

141 Able to allow MWA staff to enter and access delivery validation information.

142 Able to provide a web-based receiving process for all items received at decentralized receiving areas.

143 Able to "receive all" goods/services with a single key stroke.

144 Able to "receive all" goods/services with a single key stroke and undo a single line item.

145 Able to "receive all" goods/services with a single key stroke and prompt with a dialogue box to verify the action (i.e., "are you sure?").

146 Able to allow items to be marked as damaged or incorrect at the time of receiving.

147 Able to provide workflow functionality related to processing damaged goods or incorrect received.

148 Able to automatically send email notifications upon items receiving being marked damaged or incorrect.

149 Able to electronically scan and attach packing slips and associated documentation to purchase orders.

150 Able to automatically process Returns to Vendor (RTV)

151 Able to accrue expense at the receipt of an item

152 Maintain standard RFP and RFQ templates by contract type (design, construction, IT, etc.)

153 Maintain a library of RFP and RFQ documents

154 Provide a checklist and workflow for the bid selection process which will capture information during the process, such as comments/notes during bid

review, creation of short list and final awarding of contract

Able to record the following receiving information:

Contract Management



#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

155 Provide a workflow process for the approval of a contract/agreement including legal approval (including change orders and amendments)

156 Create and track change orders and amendments for contracts and amendments and link them to the original contract/agreement record, with approvals.

157 Provide the ability to maintain a library of contracts and agreements with search capabilities

158 Ability to create/enter a contract/agreement record which will include, at a minimum, the following fields:

159 Contract number

160 Vendor name

161 Vendor number

162 Contract description

163 Contract status

164 Authority Contact

165 Project number

166 Project title

167 Contract beginning effective date

168 Contract closing date

169 Contract budgeted amount

170 General Ledger Account coding

171 Retainage Percentage

172 Retainage total to-date

173 Payment total to-date

174 Remaining Contract budgeted amount

175 E-Verify number

176 State of Georgia registration

177 Insurance Expiration Date

178 Renewal information (dates, etc)

179 Able to notify MWA of auto-renewal of contract.

180 Able to assign docuemnts to a contract (I,.e. Insurance certificates, )

Able to identift liens against contractor

181 Maintain a single contractor/vendor database with unique identifiers

Perform analysis of contract price changes or escalation based on indexes.

182 Provide for the referencing of the contract number and description on the requisition record

183 Provide for the referencing of the contract number and description on the purchase order record

184 Provide for the referencing of the contract number on the invoice payment

185 Update the payment to-date field and the remaining contract budgeted amount on the contract record when an invoice which references the contract has

been approved for payment

186 Send an email notification to MWA when the remaining contract budgeted amount is zero


188 Ability to report when contracts are nearing expiration date, per user defined parameters

150 Able to allow ad hoc reporting on any field within the purchasing module.

151 Able to generate a report of all activity with a vendor.

152 Able to provide reporting capability of all purchase order codes.

153 Able to generate a report of all vendors by status, active or inactive, certification, commodity code, etc.

154 Able to generate a report of all open purchase orders.

155 Able to generate purchasing activity reports.

156 Able to generate all reports by user-defined date ranges that may occur over prior fiscal years.

157 Able to track and report minority vendors (e.g. WBE/DBE/MBE) to satisfy federal compliance requirements.

158 Able to produce PO Open Commitment Report, including received, paid, received not paid.

159 Able to produce e-verify report

160 Able to generate an encumberance report

161 Able to report on expenditures by Vendor state and county location


CB = Current Base

WTM-NC = Willing to Modify at No Cost

WTM-MWA = Willing to Modify at MWA Cost

NWTM = Not Willing to Modify


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments


1 Able to integrate the accounts payable module with the projects, Asset management, CIS and 3rd party systems (CityWorks & document management &

BOA P-Card Works)

2 Able to view approval status of purchase orders and requisitions.

3 Able to produce a full audit trail on all transactions that include every field.

4 Able to print 1099 forms on a laser printer.

5 Able to transmit 1099 forms electronically, per federal government regulations.

6 Able to accommodate 3-way matching of purchase order, receiving documents, and invoice.

7 Able to set a tolerance at invoice level by department, which can limit the amount of override allowed on an invoice.

8 Able to attach digital copies of receipts and other supporting documentation to invoice records.

9 Able to automatically notify end users of pending approval actions.

10 Able to provide a framework or model for budgeting that allows for updating by entering variances only.

11 Able to support electronic workflow for approvals by dollar amount.

12 Able to support electronic workflow for approvals by general ledger account number.

13 Able to support electronic workflow for invoice approval, payment, and creation of voucher packets.

14 Able to "add back" percentages or amount discounts previously taken (i.e., returned items).

15 Able to import P-Card transaction detail.

16 Able to support "positive pay." Able to send an electronic file of all checks, including system-driven manual checks, to the MWA's bank for comparison

with checks being cashed in order to help reduce opportunities for fraud.

17 Able to pay vendors via wire transfer

18 Able to notify requistioner and approver that an invoice has been paid

19 Able to notify specified users when a payment is made based upon a project, fund or grant number.

20 Able to accept an import file from external organizations for payment.

21 Able to accomodate interdepartmental transfers.

22 Able to distribute journal entries from accounts payable to general ledger immediately (real-time) or in batch.

23 Able to split an invoice into a payment schedule with at least twelve different due dates and due amounts.

24 Able to support batch, multiple, or individual invoice entry.

25 Able to support at least a 35 character invoice number field.

26 Able to accommodate partial payments.

27 Able to support at least a 256 character invoice description field.

28 Able to support alpha numeric invoice numbers.

29 Able to accept a dollar amount entry for payment against a contract.

30 Able to accept a percentage amount entry for payment against a contract.

31 Able to have an applied date in a fiscal year based on the invoice date (i.e., when receiving an invoice in a new fiscal year dated for a previous fiscal


32 Able to support multiple status modes for invoices including but not limited to the following:

33 Pending;

34 Approved;

35 Held;

36 Reject;

37 Delete; and

38 Other, user-defined.

39 Able to accumulate multiple invoices into one vendor check with the ability to turn this function on and off.

40 Able to electronically attach scanned invoices to the payable entry.

41 Able to flag invoices as reimbursable expenses through the grant process.

42 Able to allow for an invoice to be distributed to (at least) 99 different general ledger accounts.

43 Able to allow for an invoice to be distributed across Departments with appropriate workflow routines for approval.

44 Able to automatically split invoices to different accounts based on user-defined rules.

45 Able to enter invoices upon receipt and select future payment date.

46 Able to support recurring invoices.

47 Able to hold credit invoices and apply them to future invoices.

ERP Information System Project


General Requirements

Invoice Entry


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

48 Able to calculate interest for late payments.

49 Able to close out a PO if it is known that it is the final payment being made against a PO and release the encumbered balance.


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

50 Able to interface with laser micr check printers.

51 Able to update the general ledger to account for voided and re-issued checks.

52 Able to prohibit duplicate check numbers within the same checkbook.


54 Able to generate manual or off-cycle checks.

55 Able to print checks in numerical order.

56 Able to void a check and close the invoice completely.

57 Able to pay a large number of invoices to one vendor with one check and have stub information printed on an overflow statement.

58 Able to print the entire invoice number on the check.

59 Able to print unlimited invoices per check.

60 Able to produce digitized electronic signatures as part of the check printing process. (2 signature lines)

61 Able to print a check register at pre-determined intervals and on demand.

62 Able to print checks on blank stock

63 Able to process ACH payments.

64 Able to support the wire transfer process.

65 Able to remit to both a checking and savings account.

66 Able to receive Customer refund information from CIS and return remmitance information back to CIS.

67 Able to store multiple email addresses for vendors with designation for a primary.

68 Able to lock the ACH file between processing and transmittal.

69 Able to assign dates to ensure that the date is not a holiday or a weekend or other user-defined dates.

70 Able to print year end check register which indicates cleared and/or outstanding checks.

71 Able to generate a refund check for revenue funds through a voucher process with approval path.

72 The system provides the ability to drill back to the source module that created the original transaction (i.e. requisition, purchase order, contract and any

other supporting documentation.)

73 Able to generate a report of anticipated cash requirement for disbursements.

74 Able to generate a report of actual versus billed costs.

75 Able to generate a report of scheduled checks to be written.

76 Able to generate a summary payment report by vendor.

77 Able to generate a report of 1099 vendors by tax category.

78 Able to generate an Expenditure Approval List.

79 Able to generate a report or allow on-screen inquiry of a variety of vendor information (outstanding checks, volume of checks, etc.):

79 Payee;

80 Check number;

81 Date or date range;

82 Address;

83 Invoice;

84 Project number

85 Contract number

86 Key word search

87 Amount; and

88 Other, user-defined (based on any element in the vendor file).

89 Able to generate a report of checks paid by department.

90 Able to generate a report of checks paid by fund.

91 Able to generate a report of invoices outstanding by department.

92 Able to generate a report of invoices outstanding by project.

93 Able to generate a report of invoices outstanding by grant.

94 Able to generate a report of invoices outstanding by contract.

95 Able to generate a monthly expenditure report by fund.

96 Able to generate an aging report by fund.

97 Able to provide ad-hoc reporting capabilities.

98 Able to provide a hyperlink to the image of the check that was issued.

99 Able to provide ad-hoc query capabilities by invoice number with the ability to display individual line items on the invoice.

100 Able to produce a Account Transaction Detail History report

101 Able to produce a Accounts Payable Disbursements Report

102 Able to produce a Accounts Payable EFT/Check Register

103 Able to produce a Department Payment Report

104 Able to produce a History Check Register

105 Able to produce a Open Invoice Listing

106 Able to produce a Open Item Report


Check Processing, Printing and Reconciliation


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

107 Able to produce a Voucher Detail Report

CB = Current Base

WTM-NC = Willing to Modify at No Cost

WTM-MWA = Willing to Modify at MWA Cost

NWTM = Not Willing to Modify


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments


1 Able to provide a vendor file that supports the following fields:

2 A vendor number that is not the vendor's EIN or SS;3 At least 9 characters for vendor numbers;4 Vendor number used in the legacy system;5 A minimum of 100 characters for vendor remit addresses; 6 A minimum of 100 characters for the vendor name;

7 Misc vendor indicator;

8 One time vendor

9 Employee vendor

10 Type of vendor (i.e., corporation 1099, individual);

11 Able to provide a framework or model for budgeting that allows for updating by entering variances only.

12 User-defined vendor fields (minimum of 5);

13 Fields for multiple addresses;

14 Fields for multiple email addresses (minimum of 5);

15 Designated point of contact;

16 Primary contact information (i.e. email address, phone, fax, etc. )

17 Secondary contact information (i.e. email address, phone, fax, etc. )

18 Primary sales contact information (i.e. email address, phone, fax, etc. )

19 Secondary sales contact information (i.e. email address, phone, fax, etc. )

20 Comment or memo field;

21 Record of vendor performance (performed through user defined drop down menu when receiving is done for vendor performance);

22 Commodity code;

23 Active or non active vendor, vendor under contract;

24 Vendor certifications

25 Flag vendors that are not in compliance with the ability to configure multiple fields for recording compliance information (e.g., City taxes, expired

insurance, debarred);

26 User-defined special condition codes for vendor flags;

Indicator for international vendors; and

27 Enter foreign addresses;

28 User defined Vendor witholding for taxes;

29 Vendor retainage based on purchase order;

30 ACH, routing, and bank information;

31 Indicator for which 1099 form the vendor should receive;

32 Discount terms.

33 MBE/WBE/DBE designation;

34 Able to utilize the same vendor file for the purchasing and CityWorks application/module with the ability to update the vendor file based upon the users

security permissions.

35 The system must be able to provide field level security in the vendor file.

36 Able to provide "wild-card" search capability for a word or portion of a word in any field in the vendor file.

37 Able to allow a search query for a single word that may exist in multiple fields within the vendor file (i.e., a search for a particular word in a vendor name

but also in a vendor contact name or d/b/a).

38 Able to prompt whether inactive vendors should be included when searching for any field in the vendor file.

39 Able to assign a classification to a vendor by user-defined drop down table.

40 Able to provide multiple vendor address fields.

41 Able to allow inquiry-only access to the vendor file.

42 Able to identify vendors in order to note whether the vendor is a sole source of a commodity, and ability to note what the commodity is.

43 Able to flag a vendor that is not to be used or is inactive.

44 Able to maintain one vendor file that is shared between requisitions, purchase orders, inventory, contracts, and accounts payable.

45 Able to compare vendors that are owed money with vendors that owe the Authority money and warn the user when this condition exists.

46 Able to merge vendor records with proper security permissions and an audit trail.

47 Able to attach files to the vendor file for audit purposes (e.g., W9, etc.).

48 Able to allow searching the vendor file by any data field.

ERP Information System Project


General Requirements


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

49 Able to automatically assign a unique identification number to a vendor sequentially.

50 Able to merge duplicate vendors.

51 Able to maintain comments or notes associated with each vendor.

52 Able to allow "one-time" vendors to be established with limited required data entry.

53 Able to allow a system administrator to configure "required" fields in the vendor file.

54 Able to maintain a complete listing of historical vendors (i.e., including those no longer active).

55 Able to allow a user to query the vendor file by date range to view vendors with no recent activity.

56 Able to automatically notify MWA staff when there is no activity (i.e. no purchase orders, invoices, checks, etc.)with a vendor after a user specified period

of time.

57 Able to notify vendor(s) when there has not been any activity and that further action is needed to keep file active.

58 Able to allow vendors to maintain Authority defined information through a vendor self-service web portal.

59 Able to require all vendor changes to their file to be approved by a designated MWA user before taking effect.

60 Able to attach documents to the vendor file.

61 Able to maintain an audit log of all changes to the vendor file.

62 Able to allow a user to view all of the vendor transactions.

63 Able to report on purchase order and purchase card transactions separately.

64 Able to identify the vendor as a Minority, Women or Disabled Business Partner

65 Able to support multiple payment types to a vendor.

66 Able to notify a user that a vendor already exists when setting up a new vendor based on the following fields:

67 Name;

68 Doing-Business-As Name;

69 Address;

70 Tax ID;

71 Email address;

72 Phone number; and

73 Point of contact.

74 Able to allow for the electronic submission of invoice from vendors (e.g., e-bills, etc.).

75 Able to automatically assign payment terms for vendors and provides the ability to override the payment terms at the vendor and/or invoice level.

76 Able to produce 1099 Forms per federal standards.

77 Able to correct errors made in 1099 boxes and recalculate at year end so the information on the final 1099 form is correct.

78 Able to calculate percentage and amount discounts (i.e., early payment).

79 Able to flag invoices (or groups of invoices) so that more than one check may be written to a vendor in any given check run for those transactions or

vendors requiring separate checks.

80 Able to calculate and track retainage for contractor or subcontractor invoices.

81Able to flag a vendor as being subject to backup withholding at appropriate rates as established by IRS and provides the ability to calculate and report

backup withholdings.

82 Able to flag a vendor as being a check vendor, an ACH vendor, wire transfer vendor.

83 Able to override a flag on a vendor to change the payment type.

84 Able to track date of last activity for vendors.

85 Able to track calendar fiscal year-to-date payment totals.

86 Able to provide notification of duplicate invoice number entry of same vendor and provides for authorized user override.

87 Able to show amount retained on each vendor/subcontractor check.

88Able to view and search using wildcard capabilities through vendor list on-line (alphabetically by vendor name and vendor number) and be able to select

vendor from that screen for invoice entry.

89 Able to change vendor remit-to address.

90 Able to record with an audit trail when the remit-to address is changed.

91 Able to attach files to document the change of address in a vendor file.

92 Able to generate a vendor master listing report.

93 Able to produce a Vendor List

94 Able to produce a Vendor Payment History

Vendor Processing

Vendor Reporting

CB = Current Base

WTM-NC = Willing to Modify at No Cost

WTM-MWA = Willing to Modify at MWA Cost

NWTM = Not Willing to Modify


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments


1 System must sync with CitiWorks inventory daily

2 System must suport multiple warehouses, both physical and virtual

3 All materials must to go through the warehouse; even one time procurements

4 System must support multiple inventory valuations (FIFO, LIFO WA)

5 Ability to model future accounting changes for inventory valuation from FIFO to LIFO or Weighted Average.

6 System must re-value inventory automatically when changing inventory valuation methods.

7 System must produce JE’s and associated reports for inventory re-valuations

8 System must support robust Physical inventory process.

9 System must support robust Cycle Count process

10 Able to to prohibit the duplication of meter numbers by meter type in the active meter inventory.

11 Able to to allow the duplication of meter numbers for different meter types in the active meter inventory.

12 Able to to track all previous service locations (history) for a meter.

13 Able to to track the dates associated with the historical locations.

14 Able to to track the historical (with associated dates) of status changes for a meter.

15 Able to to track and maintain the following information for each meter:

16 Manufacturer name;

17 Meter model;

18 Manufacturer's serial number;

19 Purchase order number;

20 Meter purchase price;

21 Meter install cost;

22 Date purchased;

23 Meter number (internal inventory number);

24 Meter size;

25 Meter type;

26 Tolerance specifications;

27 Current location Installation date;

28 First installed date (date first placed in service);

29 Current status;

30 Last test date;

31 Last test/proof results;

32 Dial configuration;

33 Transponder ID;

34 Reading Method (e.g. Manual, AMR);

35 Meter location (free form);

36 Meter location (Geographical (GPS) coordinates); and

37 Other user defined fields.


39 Transponder/ERT/MTU/Modem number;

40 Battery Change Date;

41 MXU (Transceiver/telemeter Interface);

42 Manufacturer name;

43 MTU Model;

44 Manufacturer's serial number;

45 Purchase order number;

46 Purchase price;

47 Install cost;

48 Date purchased;

49 ERT type;

50 All historical installation dates;

ERP Information System Project


Meter Inventory

Able to to track the following attributes for AMR/AMI devices:

General Requirements


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

51 Current status;

52 Configuration;

53 IP Address; and

54 Other user defined fields.


56 In stock;

57 Recycled (items added back to inventory that now have a zero value, i.e. item has depreciated to zero) These items do not impact method of


58 In stock location (e.g., truck, warehouse, etc.);

59 In shop (e.g., for testing and unavailable);

60 Installed and active;

61 Installed and inactive;

62 Customer owned;

63 On hold (do not issue);

64 Scrapped / Retired;

65 Lost or stolen;

66 Damaged or destroyed;

67 Removed;

68 Defective; and

69 Other user defined fields.

70 Able to to add new meters to the meter inventory via an electronic file (provided by the manufacturer) upload.

71 Able to to create a new set of meter inventory records using a mass add capability.

72 Able to to track the total consumption history of a meter.

73 Able to to capture and store the test results from all meter tests and indicate associated ANSI standards.

74 Able to to track multiple sets of test results for the same meter (define any limitations).

75 Able to to accommodate at least 999,999 inventory item types.

76 Able to to accommodate at least 9,999,999 inventory items.


78 Establish new items;

79 Maintain information related to existing item;

80 Adjust inventory counts;

81 Remove item types from active inventory; and

82 Remove item types permanently from inventory and maintain history.

83 Able to to provide a listing of materials allocated to a specific work order(s), can enter a work order or item and see all items that will be used by work

84 Able to to convert purchasing units into inventory units.

85 Able to to limit which inventory item types will update to the general ledger.

86 Able to to accommodate at least 999 locations for inventory stores.

87 Able to to support bar coding of inventory items.


89 Inventory ID;

90 Item name;

91 Item description (short);

92 Item description (long);

93 Non-stock item indicator;

94 Primary department;

95 Location (i.e., warehouse, isle, shelf, bin etc.);

96 Unit of measure for inventory;

97 Unit of measure for purchasing (i.e., case, etc.);

98 Unit cost;

99 Actual price;

100 Last purchased price;

101 Bulk cost;

102 Vendor number;

103 Primary vendor;

104 Minimum inventory points;

105 Maximum inventory points;

106 Quantity on hand;

107 Quantity on order;

108 Quantity received on order;

109 Quantity on back-order;

For each inventory item, the system has the ability to track the following statuses:


The system will perform the following functions to the inventory listing in real time, with appropriate permissions:

Able to to maintain the following data points for all inventory items:


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

110 Quantity ordered year-to-date;

111 Commodity code;

112 Shelf life or expiration date;

113 Warranty item;

114 Component items list;

115 Text/comment field;

116 Latest Quantity Received;

117 Received By;

118 Received Date;

119 Warehouse Identifier;

120 Bin Number/Shelf number;

121 Date Item Entered Inventory;

122 Date Item Ordered;

123 Date Item was put into service;

124 Multiple Vendor Numbers and Manufacturer Number;

125 Most Recent Purchase Order Number;

126 Economic Order Quantity;

127 Reorder Point (maximum/minimum) and Replenishment Quantity;

128 Date Issued;

129 Issued To;

130 Issued By ;

131 Associated inventory account number/fund; and

132 Other, user-defined.

133 Able to to merge multiple inventory items to a new or existing inventory item and maintain history.

134 Able to to automatically generate notifications of reorder points.

135 Able to to automatically generate notifications of upcoming warranty expirations.

136 Able to to electronically attach multiple images of inventory items.

137 Able to to track the length of material on a specific roll (i.e., length of wire on a per reel basis).


139 Actual cost;

140 Moving average;

141 Last in first out (LIFO);

142 First in first out (FIFO);

143 Replacement; and

144 Other, user-defined.

145 Able to to flag items to be "issued first" i.e. for recycled items.

146 Able to to accommodate automatic reorder processes for particular items based on any inventory data field (e.g., warranty or minimum quantity).

147 Able to to accommodate workflow processes for periodic inventory counts.

148 Able to to accommodate workflow processes for periodic inventory counts by location (i.e., bin).

149 Able to to support shiftly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual inventory counts by producing inventory worksheets of current inventory levels.

150 Able to to automatically generate the invoice or transactional charges to departments for warehouse purchases.

151 Able to to support the development of a catalogue of inventory available to customers/departments.

152 Able to to remove materials or parts from inventory based on work order requirements. System is updated automatically when completed work orders

are entered on-line.

153 Able to to accommodate non-stock inventory items, for linking to an asset.

154 Able to to automatically reduce inventory counts at the time an inventory item is assigned to a work order.

155 Able to to accommodate multiple inventory locations and prioritize them for stock picking purposes.

156 Able to to adjust allocation dates from inventory.

157 Able to to generate a master inventory report.

158 Able to to generate a report of inventory by user-selected items or groups.

159 Able to to generate a report on a range of part numbers.

160 Able to to generate a report of inventory turnover.

161 Able to to generate inventory usage reports by date range.

162 Able to to generate inventory usage reports by department.

163 Able to to generate all reports by user-defined date ranges that may occur over prior fiscal years.

164 Able to to support adhoc reporting capabilities.

Able to to accommodate the following methods of inventory costing:


CB = Current Base

WTM-NC = Willing to Modify at No Cost

WTM-MWA = Willing to Modify at MWA Cost

NWTM = Not Willing to Modify

REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments


1 Able to integrate with GL, PO, AP, FA, Budget, Inventory, Payroll, GIS and CityWorks

2 Able to support multi-year parent projects, at least 15 years in length.

3 Able to support parent/child relationships for projects and sub-projects.

4 Able to allow multiple user defined project status codes (e.g., proposed, active, etc.).

5 Able to accommodate user defined project types.

6 Able to accommodate at least 200 user defined different project types.

7 Able to accommodate user defined project types that both integrate with the general ledger or not.

8 Able to allow a user to establish project templates (i.e., "simple" templates to "complex" templates and for specific project types).

9 Able to provide a framework or model for budgeting that allows for updating by entering variances only.

10 Able to accommodate projects occurring across multiple departments, down to a specific GL number.

11 Able to associate different account numbers to different components of a project.

12 Able to accommodate projects occurring across a minimum of ten funding sources that include grants and debt.

13 Able to provide project forecasting capabilities, for a minimum of ten years (i.e., current, plus nine years).

14 Able to provide free text forms for project descriptions.

15 Able to provide a workflow routine to assist in the annual process of determining fiscal year expenses for each project.

16 Able to have user-defined cost allocation codes.

17 Able to integrate with third-party industry tool sets (e.g., MS Project).

18 Able to link projects to grants.

19 Able to link projects to State and Federal requirements.

20 Able to track activity against projects/tasks by general ledger account

21 Able to track expenses, revenues, encumbrances, reimbursements (including Interlocal Reimbursements), and contracts for the project through the GL

account segment coding

22 Post a detail transaction to the Project files when items are posted to the project through the Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable,

General Ledger and Payroll modules

23 Transfer funds between projects

24 Capitalize a portion of the project costs when a phase, task, or asset is substantially complete and keep the project open. Also track and report the amount

of the cost that has been capitalized and the remaining costs/value that needs to be capitalized.

25 Able to record cost to to a project phase that has previously been capitalized (Task has been closed).

26 Calculate capitalized interest and allocate it over applicable projects

27 Track and label change orders and contract amendments for the project and link them to the project

28 Link scanned and electronic documents, such as contracts, drawings, photos, etc. to the project

29 Provide integration on the project record to project documents stored in the document management system, such as contract, permits, drawings, etc.

30 Provide detailed cost accounting of materials and labor for both indirect or overhead costs

31 Captures material, equipment, labor, and other costs related to the project

32 Track and link land acquisition and easement documentation to the project

33 Track and report retainage percentage and retainage to-date by contract for a project

34 Interface with GIS system with link and query on GIS information by project


36 MWA Project Manager(s);

37 External Project Manager/Engineer

38 Project Name

39 Project Description

40 Project Priority (emergency, etc)

41 Project Type (repair, replacement, etc)

42 Funding Source (capital, bonds, grant, etc.)

43 Water/Wastewater/Stormwater flag

44 Percentage Complete (Percent of Budget Spent)

45 Capitalization Value (Total value of asset(s) created by project)

ERP Information System Project


General Requirements

Project Tracking and Closing

Able to store general project information including:

REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

46 Original budgets;

47 Multiple funding sources i.e. bonds, or grants;

48 Current/amended budgets;

49 Project file number or CIP number;

50 Contract number (multiple);

51 Department;

52 Division;

53 Cost Center;

54 MWA staff performing work effort towards project (i.e., list of names);

55 Time spent by MWA staff person towards project in hours and cost (salaries and benefits cost);

56 Pre-encumbrances;

57 Location code;

58 Encumbrances;

59 Expenditures;

60 Receivables;

61 Revenues;

62 Penalties;

63 Funding deadlines for bond proceeds;

64 Expenditure and cash flow schedule based on funding deadlines for bond proceeds;

65 Retainage based on a user defined critieria;

66 Scope changes;

67 Purchase orders including all open and closed PO's and whether they have a balance;

68 Vendor/Contractor;

69 Amendments/change orders;

70 Appropriations by fiscal year;

71 Other user-defined information.

72 Able to control project budgets by project receivables and revenues from a project.


74 Planned start date;

75 Actual start date;

76 Phase;

77 Milestone(s);

78 Current vs. planned percentage of completion (at any point);

79 Current vs. expiration of bond funding deadlines;

80 Planned completion date;

81 Actual completion date; and

82 Other user-defined information.

83 Able to track hours and cost (benefits and salary) spent by employees towards a project.

84 Able to track and change funding sources.

85 Able to track expenditures based on the year the debt was issued.

86 Able to flag capital vs non capital projects and all associated expenditures.

87 Able to track funding sources for projects and by bond issue.

88 Able to track multiple funding sources when bonds are issued in multiple years for a project.

89 Able to transfer funding sources from one project to another project if the project is complete and under budget.

90 Able to apply overhead to projects.

91 Able to track the funding sources for each project, the amount of expenditures that have been charged to the project that are to be paid by debt, and any

budget transfers that have moved the debt funding from one project to another.

92 Able to carry forward information at year-end for multi-year projects.

93 Able to allow "default" values to be established for setting up new projects.

94 Able to accommodate change orders to open contracts.

95 Able to allow configurable change order forms to be established to capture specific data elements related to the change.

96 Able to provide workflow functionality to support the change order process.

97 Able to provide full audit trail functionality for any change in contract.

98 Able to maintain information prior to a change.

99 Able to retain historical information for all projects for at least 25 years after the project close.

100 Able to close projects either partially or completely.

101 Able to allow the closing of multiple projects at the same time (i.e., related projects).

102 Able to allow the closing of a "child" project without having to close the "parent" project, and vice versa.

103 Able to re-open a closed project, with appropriate security permissions.

Able to track project dates including:


REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

104 Able to produce reports to satisfy Local, State and Federal requirements.


106 Project number and name;

107 Work order number;

108 Type;

109 Departments;

110 Division;

111 Funding source expiration dates;

112 Expenditure milestones;

113 Year or user-defined date range;

114 Bond authorization by year;

115 Bond issue by year;

116 Funding source

117 User defined account numbers or account range;

118 Other user-defined information.


120 Funding source;

121 Project number and name;

122 Department;

123 Division;

124 Cost Center;

125 Project Task and Activity

126 Any account segment (or set of accounts) in the MWA's COA;

127 Journal Entry reference number

128 Location;

129 Assigned employees;

130 Inventory (including bulk);

131 Type;

132 Vendor;

133 Purchase order number;

134 Invoice number;

135 Check number; and

136 Other user-defined information.

137 Able to generate expenditure reports on all of the above criteria by date ranges.

138 Able to generate revenue reports on all of the above criteria by date ranges.

139 Able to generate balance sheet account reports on all of the above criteria by date ranges.


141 Project original budget;

142 Project number and name;

143 Contract number (multiple);

144 Project Tasks and Activity

145 Project current/amended budget;

146 Location;

147 Pre-encumbrances;

148 Encumbrances;

149 Expenditures;

150 Retainage

151 Available funds;

152 Revenues;

153 Vendor;

154 Purchase order number;

155 Change orders

156 Year or other user-defined date range; and

157 Other user-defined information.

158 Able to report on resource time towards projects.

159 Able to report by Fiscal year, by month

160 Able to allow modification to the detail level of report parameters, with appropriate security permissions.

161 Able to produce ad hoc reports.

162 Able to produce a reprot of all open and closed projects

Able to query on all data fields in the project accounting module in order to provide a user defined query screen including but not limited to:

Able to generate reports from specific date ranges for information including:

Able to generate reports that list expenditures by:

CB = Current Base

WTM-NC = Willing to Modify at No Cost

WTM-MWA = Willing to Modify at MWA Cost

NWTM = Not Willing to Modify

REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments


1 The fixed assets module must be able to integrate with GL, PO, AP, Projects and CityWorks

2 Able to track capitalized assets.

3 Able to track non-capitalized assets.

4 Able to record total cost of ownership of an asset.5 Able to record total cost of combined assets.6 Able to track capitalized assets that were purchased through debt financing.

7 Able to modify valuation due to improvements or replacements to the asset. Any modifications are tracked through an audit trail (as defined in Technical


8 Able to automatically create a pending asset record for fixed assets at the time of purchasing or requisition based on account number selected.

9 Able to allow decentralized asset entry by Departments for non-capitalized assets.

10 Able to provide a framework or model for budgeting that allows for updating by entering variances only.

11 Able to notify (through workflow) a user or group of users for fixed assets at the time of purchasing or requisition based on account number selected.

12 Able to set a user-defined criteria for a purchase to be considered a fixed asset. Pending asset records are created and a user or group of users are

notified of the pending asset record. The user notified is dependent on the type of asset record being created and is defined by the MWA (i.e., capital

asset notifications are sent to different staff as non capital assets).

13 Able to set a user-defined criteria for a purchase to be considered a capital fixed asset. Pending asset records are created and a user or group of users

are notified of the pending asset record. The user notified is dependent on the type of asset record being created and is defined by MWA (i.e., capital

asset notifications are sent to different staff as non capital assets).

14 Able to track infrastructure as a capital asset, regardless of dollar thres.

15 Able to transfer data , inluding notes and comments from the requisition/purchase order to the pending fixed asset record.

16 Able to capitalize and depreciate assets according to user-defined rules.

17 Able to automatically depreciate assets according to user-defined rules.

18 Able to record, recognize, and capitalize assets that are subsidized by third-party entities for the MWA, such as the federal or state government.

19 Able to record, recognize, and capitalize partial dollars on assets that are co-owned by the MWA and another entity.

20 Able to calculate valuation for fixed assets based on user-defined rules.

21 Able to record cost at acquisition.

22 Able to determine and maintain salvage values for fixed assets.

23 Able to calculate replacement costs of the fixed assets based on user defined criteria.

24 Able to receive replacement costs of the fleet fixed assets based on integration between Asset management and CityWorks.

25 Able to track asset usage by department in order to determine equipment replacement fund allocation for asset replacement.

26 Able to calculate gain or loss on disposal of an asset.

27 Able to allow configurable business rules for allocating the net gain or net loss on the disposal of an asset (i.e., when an asset is sold for more than its

depreciated value, the net gain would go to a certain account).

28 Able to calculate gain or loss on disposal and make the entry to the general ledger.

29 Able to modify assets by user-defined criteria, with proper security permissions and audit trail.

30 Able to automatically update GL at user-defined periods with appropriate review and approval.

31 Able to automatically creating a pending asset record (improvement, upgrade etc) from AP entry with appropriate review and approval.

32 Able to flag a fixed asset when it is entered under the wrong account (i.e., for correction at a later time).

33 Able to allow authorized users read-only access to fixed asset information via a decentralized, online interface.

34 Able to drill-down into linked POs, checks, invoices, vendor file information.

35 Able to allow for at least 9,999,999 different assets.

36 Able to be in full compliance with GASB compliance requirements.

37 Able to support electronic identification of equipment (e.g., RFID).

38 Able to provide controls for maintaining unique MWA generated fixed asset tag numbers.

39 Able to do periodic inventories via barcode reading and barcode scanning.

40 Able to generate automatic reminders to update asset records based on activity initiated by accounts receivable, accounts payable, or some other non-

standard transaction.

41 Able to indicate an asset as "disposed."

42 Able to identify a portion of an asset that needs to be disposed.

ERP Information System Project


General Requirements

REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

43 Able to automatically prompt for disposal of an asset at the time of cash receipt entry for the sale of that asset.

Ablity to notify when an asset that requires a verification of proper disposal based on user defined criteria. (i.e. hard drive distruction, cell phone


44 Able to accommodate the following asset disposal processes, with the ability to customize workflow routines for each process:

45 Public Auction;

46 Sealed Bid;

47 Online sale;

48 Salvage process;

49 Transfer process;

50 Parts tear-down;

51 Trade-in and;

52 other MWA defined types

53 Able to record MWA-defined information at the time of asset disposal related to the asset (e.g., condition of asset, mileage, etc.)

54 Able to track lease information for both business and governmental leases;

55 Able to record and account for leased items, (copy machine)

56 Able to provide fixed asset lease obligation and payment reporting to the general ledger to include reducing liability.

57 Able to accommodate user-defined lease schedules/scenarios.

58 Able to report operating lease payments.

59 Prevent the depreciating of an asset below zero

60 Maintain accumulated depreciation for the asset with the drill-down to depreciation history and details of the calculation

61 Have online inquiry for each asset with the ability to look up assets based on asset description, asset ID, department, and serial number

62 Provide reports of fixed assets and accumulated depreciation, totals of additions and retirements for current month and year to date

63 Provide all required GASB reports

64 Provide a list of assets by location, category, department, and value (detailed and summary)

65 Fixed asset activity report for period (additions, retirements, depreciation, adjustments, transfers, etc.)

66 Provide a depreciation report which shows depreciation account transactions (depreciation expense, accumulated depreciation, and book value with

beginning and ending balances) for a specified period by fixed asset category

67 Provide a disposal report which shows all related disposal transactions (fixed asset, accumulated depreciation, sale proceeds, gain/loss) for a specified

period by fixed asset category

68 Able to automatically assign unique asset numbers.

69 Able to provide notification to users once assets are changed from pending to approved status.

70 Able to copy an existing asset record as a starting point for the entry of a new asset.

71 Able to set department, division, fund, type and user defined classifications for each asset (i.e., governmental, proprietary, etc.).

72 Able to establish approval levels for asset entries at the department level that will require approval by designated users.

73 Able to establish asset groups.

74 Able to establish the following categories and classes of assets:

75 Buildings and improvements;

76 Improvements other than buildings;

77 Furniture and fixtures;

78 Machinery and equipment;

79 Land;

80 Infrastructure;

81 Vehicles;

82 Intangibles;

83 Stormwater infrastructure

84 Construction in progress; and

85 Other, user-defined.

86 Able to track an asset acquired through a donation.

87 Able to accommodate user-defined classes within each asset category.

88 Able to accommodate at least 99 different asset classes within each category.

89 Able to allow an administrator to configure additional asset categories and classes that allow the same functionality of other asset categories and


90 Able to maintain the following asset information:

91 Asset number;

92 Property tag number;

93 Chart of accounts distribution;

94 State service code;

95 Department;

Asset Entry

REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

96 Acquisition date;

97 In-service date;

98 Condition;

99 Multiple condition dates with associated history;

100 Status (e.g., inactive);

101 Security access to asset (e.g., keys to vehicle, code to device);

102 Service manual (i.e., electronically scanned and attached);

103 Unit cost/value;

104 Value basis;

105 Trade-in credit;

106 Vendor number;

107 Vendor name;

108 Manufacturer name;

109 Model year;

110 Model;

111 Serial number;

112 Insurance;

113 Multiple Locations with the ability to track history;

114 Employee name (i.e., for asset assignment);

115 Employee number (i.e., for asset assignment);

116 Warranty/maintenance agreement;

117 Disposal information;

118 Primary asset information (i.e., "parent" in parent-child);

119 Source of funds, multiple (e.g., grant for half of purchase);

120 Estimated useful life;

121 Estimated replacement cost;

122 Depreciation schedule;

123 Depreciation convention; and

124 VIN#

125 Unit#

126 Criticality

126 Fleet equipment number

127 Project number (multiple);

128 Grant number (multiple);

129 Other, user-defined.

130 Able to link assets in parent-child relationships.

131 Able to allow all assets involved in linked parent-child relationships to maintain their own unique financial life.

132 Able to mass transfer assets from one organization/department code to another.

133 Able to transfer asset options including fully or partially, current period or retroactively, and mass transfer.

134 Able to allow the transfer of an asset from one department or fund to another and maintain history.

135 Able to maintain asset service records.

136 Able to capture depreciation balance at the date of transfer or disposal.

137 Able to project current year's depreciation by department as well as add multiple years expense, and then project the future years depreciation by


138 Able to project current year's depreciation by the type of asset as well as add multiple years expense, and then project the future years depreciation by

the type of asset.

139 Able to report depreciation, sortable by existing fields such as by asset, type, general ledger account code or any other field in the asset record.

140 Able to support the following types of depreciation:

141 Straight line

142 SYD

143 DDB

144 Other, user-defined.

145 Able to allow the reversal of changes made based on depreciation, with appropriate security permissions.

146 Able to allow a user to configure the date of depreciation calculation (i.e., half year in the year of acquisition/disposal, etc.)

147 Able to set standard and user-controlled depreciation methods.

148 Able to calculate "back" depreciation to original acquisition date.

149 Able to update or change depreciation information for a group of assets.

150 Able to store depreciation expense account.


REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

151 Able to provide depreciation calculation results for user defined periods of time.

152 Able to provide an automatic calculation of depreciation changes at period end.

153 Able to automatically flag an asset when it is time to retire it from the system.

154 Able to automatically archive retired and/or sold assets on a scheduled or user-defined basis.

155 Able to track assets by the following:

156 Number;

157 Description;

158 Type;

159 State activity code;

160 Unique tag number;

161 Site;

162 Building;

163 Location;

164 Purchase order (at least one);

165 Invoice (at least one);

166 Bar code;

167 Lease;

168 Fund;

169 GL account code (multiple funds, funding sources);

170 Commodity code;

171 Cost;

172 Acquisition date;

173 In-service date;

174 Vendor (multiple);

175 Transfer Dates;

176 Replacement value;

177 Expected replacement year;

178 Other User-defined dates;

179 Insurance Value;

180 Retainage;

181 Make, manufacturer and model;

182 Serial number;

183 Property ID number (for land);

184 Vehicle ID;

185 Project number (multiple);

186 Grant number (multiple);

187 Responsible person;

188 Responsible department;

189 Responsible program; and

190 Other, user-defined.

191 Able to integrate with the MWA's GIS database for the purpose of tracking the geographical location of assets.

192 Able to attach any document to an asset record.

193 Able to attach a picture to an asset record.

194 Able to track asset warranty information, including date of purchase, terms and condition of warranty, and contact information.

195Able to track capital work orders that will eventually create an asset as work in progress and report on the accounting activity at user defined intervals.

196 Able to integrate with CityWorks to capture work order asset information from completed work orders.

197 Able to query on all data fields in the fixed assets module in order to provide a user defined query screen.

198 Able to export data to excel without the need to re-format the data.

199 Able to query information or generate reports on fixed assets by user-defined criteria such as by general ledger account code, location, activity, and

asset class.

200 Able to maintain and track non-depreciated assets (e.g., land and other non-capital).

201 Able to report fixed asset expenditures against a capital budget.

202 Able to generate monthly or user-defined frequency reconciliation reports to the GL.

203 Able to monitor, or report on assets based on department, category code, or other descriptions such as serial number or replacement year.

204 Able to report a disposal date and value.

205 Able to output listings of assets by any system-defined field, such as location, category, department, and value.


Asset Tracking

REQ # Functionality or CharacteristicBidder

ResponseBidder Comments

206 Able to report on assets based on funding source.

207 Able to report transactions: period additions, transfers, disposals, and depreciation by asset, type, and general ledger account code.

208 Able to create depreciation reports and other types, both canned and ad-hoc.

209 Able to provide GASB compliance reports.

210 Able to report construction-in-progress.

211 Able to generate valuation report on all of MWA's fixed assets.

212 Able to recreate a report from any previous period.

CB = Current Base

WTM-NC = Willing to Modify at No Cost

WTM-MWA = Willing to Modify at MWA Cost

NWTM = Not Willing to Modify


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments


1 The Budget module must be able to integrate with GL, PO, AP, Projects, Fixed Assets and Payroll (ADP)

2 The system must include budgeting for headcount

3 The system must allow for updating the forecast in multiple iterations and compare original budget to forecast.

4 The system must produce a headcount report (over a period of time, including department salary summary)

5 Able to budget at the department level.

6 Able to budget at any level in the MWA's chart of accounts.

7 The Budgeting module must use the same chart of accounts as the rest of the system.

8 Able to create all budgets by period.(month, year, 5 years)

9 Able to allow departments to further drill down to at least one level below the MWA's lowest level of chart of accounts for detailed tracking purposes.

10 Able to provide a framework or model for budgeting that allows for updating by entering variances only.

11 The system is integrated with the MWA's payroll application and HR (position control), enabling the inclusion of payroll and personnel information into the

budget in real-time.

12 The system is integrated with the MWA's payroll application, enabling the inclusion of payroll and personnel information into the budget based on a

snapshot of payroll and personnel information (i.e. as-of date projection).

13 Able to provide payroll and benefit information by position, for budgeting purposes.

14 Able to provide payroll and benefit information by employee, for budgeting purposes.

15 Able to store a minimum of 10 years budget-to-actual at any account level.

16 Able to provide online budgeting capabilities for individual departments with appropriate security permissions.

17 Able to provide a memo field of a minimum of 500 characters to store notes for each budgeted account with the ability to roll over to the general ledger.

18 Able to calculate a total for multiple sub-entries for each budgeted account line to identify the budget line detail.

19 Able to display budget-to-actual with percentages of available budget for an account or group of accounts at any time.

20 Able to provide budgetary control at the department level to control spending based on user-defined criteria.

21 Able to "roll" the budget through at least five process levels (e.g., budget entry, Administration review, etc.).

22 Able to provide a user defined budget dashboard view of key indicators including but not limited to:

23 Budget to actual;

24 Project completion;

25 Fund type;

26 Fund;

27 Project;

28 Department;

29 Grant;

30 Vendor; and

31 Current year-to-date compared to previous year-to-date;

32 Current year-to-date compared to previous year-to-date with the ability to select by period (i.e. do not want to only show YTD total amounts);

33 Current year-to-date compared to multiple previous year-to-dates with the ability to select by year and period;

34 Other, user-defined.

35 Able to allow budget dashboards to be configured and saved for individual users (either by user, super-user or system administrator).

36 Able to add attachments at the detail level of the budget such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and PDF documents.

37 Able to support roll-up codes for grouping accounts together for budgeting.

38 The budget preparation system should at a minimum, contain at least five previous fiscal years, current fiscal year, and at least ten future fiscal years.

39 Ability to maintain budgets for operating expenditures, revenues and Capital

40 Ability to maintain budgets at the organization, fund, and department level

41 Ability to download prior year actuals from the General Ledger to the budget module

42 Ability to download current year-to-date actuals from the General Ledger to the budget module during budget process to update data

43 Provide on-line status of budget accounts

44 Total amounts expended and encumbered for each month of the fiscal year should be displayed

45 Ability to work with Payroll budget process independently and then incorporate into overall budget

46 Ability to utilize Position Control as a budget preparation tool

47 Generate position budgets at the following levels:

ERP Information System Project


General Requirements


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

48 Position

49 Job type

50 Department

51 Ability to import employee data from the Payroll module to be used as the base for salary projections

52 Ability to keep employee, position, and benefit data static in the Budget module until the next upload

53 Ability to import vacancy data to be used as the base for salary projections

54 Allow salary and benefits projections based on user defined parameters (fixed costs, percentage, etc.)

55 Ability to calculate fringe benefits based on current employee data and salary scales

56 Ability to create, maintain, and compare multiple versions of salary and fringe benefit calculations

57 Able to produce a unified, MWA-wide budget and revenue estimate that are automatically consolidated from electronic inputs of different departments

(i.e. debt service funds, CIP funds, all budget components such as statistical information.)

58 Able to support at least 99 versions of a budget with versioning for each.

59 Able to store reasons (notes/comments) for each budget version.

60 Able to identify budget details that are one time and/or recurring.

61 Able to name budget versions.

62 Able to prepare budgets that accommodate the following:

63 Department budget;

64 Division budget;

65 Cost center budget;

66 Fund budget;


68 Project (non-capital) budget;

69 Grant budget;

70 Capital project budget; and

71 Other, user-defined.

72 Able to budget by physical location.

73 Able to load budget amounts based on one or more of the following ranges or subset of ranges:

74 Zero balances in all accounts;

75 Current year's original budget;

76 Current year's amended budget for the six-month mark along with original budget;

77 Previous year's budget;

78 Previous year's actual (with the ability to select which year and period);

79 A combination of prior complete years and "current" partial year with a normalized 12-month total (i.e., to predict the remaining months in the current


80 Any previous year budget or actual with percentage increase;

81 Any previous year budget or actual with percentage decrease;

82 User-defined growth percentages to department level of above baselines; and

83 User-defined growth percentages to the account level of above baselines.

84 For all requirements above, ability to distribute and budget by period (i.e. seasonal budget.)

85 Able to load budget information from third party software (e.g., Excel).

86 Able to create fixed cost budgets based on prior year actual activity, anticipated rate increases, and anticipated capital asset additions (i.e. utility

charges, equipment replacement, fleet maintenance, and fuel).

87 Able to create replacement and maintenance budgets based on an items useful life, annual maintenance, and annual replacement contributions.

88 Able to allow administrators to pre-populate fields, allowing individual departments to fill in budget information, with an option by period, easily in a

template format.

89 Able to allow new budgets to be created from historical financial information or past budgets.

90 Able to create monthly budgets based on historical monthly financial information or other user defined criteria.

91 Able to identify and provide last fiscal year's outstanding encumbrances as adjustments to new fiscal year's adopted budget, and is able to be

incorporated into the general ledger based on user-defined criteria.

92 Able to identify and provide last fiscal year's outstanding project budget balances as adjustments to new fiscal year's adopted budget, and is able to be

incorporated into the general ledger based on user-defined criteria (e.g., by account number/project number).

93 Able to carry all general ledger accounts forward for budgeting purposes to eliminate the need to manually key these accounts into the system.

94 Able to support the submission of a detailed budget, one that includes revenue sources, detailed expenditures, multi-funding sources, multi-year budget,

and matching funds.

Able to identify accounts that need to be tagged across all departments and reported to the budget administrator (i.e. PCs purchased for licencing


95 Able to view user defined budget detail through the entire process, utilizing multiple filtering capabilities (i.e. use of user defined queries).

96 Able to support the workflow of the MWA's budget process, with different phases and approval processes.

97 Able to support electronic workflow of notifications for reviewing the budget.

98 Able to provide user defined on-line budget review capabilities for individual departments.

Budget Preparation


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

99 Able to prevent users from making changes to a proposed departmental budget without appropriate approval.

100 Able to track budget amounts and associated detail created during budget preparation at any level in the chart of accounts.

101 Able to track the original budget, amendments made during the year, and distinguish between the two.

102 Able to provide a department user interface to maintain, modify, monitor, and manage detailed department level budgets with appropriate security


103 Able to allow the budget to be amended during the year by authorized personnel and provides an audit trail of those amendments.

104 Able to store the following information when a budget adjustment/amendment is made:

105 Type of change;

106 Reason for change;

107 Original requestor of change;

108 Approvers of change;

109 tracking of all historical changes;

110 User making change;

111 Date and time of change;

112 Comments/notes;

113 Scanned and attached documentation; and

114 Other, user-defined.

115 Able to allow user defined interfund or intrafund budget transfers of funding, through workflow, with appropriate permissions and approvals.

116 Able to lockout changes to the budget after user-defined dates and criteria.

117 Able to provide internal controls for making budget adjustments.

118 Able to reference and/or document MWA record information related to budget adjustments/amendments.

119 Able to accommodate multi-year projects for budget purposes by year with appropriate detail, to include life-to-date appropriations, adopted budget new

appropriations, and be fully integrated with the financial system and other modules.

120 Able to view the budget for a multi-year project excluding encumbrances and carry-forward amounts of budget balances.

121 Able to budget for capital projects beyond one year.

122 Able to budget for revenue sources in the capital budget.

123 Able to allow for multiple funding sources for multi-year funds.

124 Able to track budget, expenditures, and funding sources for grants, bonds and multi-year funds.

125 Able to export CIP and other project data to a project management tool (e.g., MS Project).

126 Accommodate multi-year (inception-to-date) budget controls

127 Ability to maintain capital budgets at the project level

128 Ability to maintain multiple lines of detail for projects (internal labor, contract labor, material, other)

129 Able to provide a budget model or framework for forecasting purposes.

130 The system must have the ability to perform rate/volume analysis131 Able to provide budget trending and forecasting capabilities including:

132 Straight line projection;

133 Trend analysis;

134 Percentage based on last year actual;

135 Percentage based on last year budgeted;

136 Monthly budget based on prior year actual trend data for a particular month;

137 Last year actual for the remainder of the current fiscal year; and

138 Other, user defined.

139 Able to provide salary and benefit forecasting capabilities based on the import from the payroll application including:

140 Number of positions;

141 Position name

142 Employee Name

143 Multiple types of pay;

144 Current salary ranges;

145 Bonuses and overtime;

146 Longevity;

147 Holiday pay days;

148 Shift differential;

149 Lead pay;

150 Fringe benefit changes;

151 Type of position;

152 On-Call

153 Overtime expenses; and

154 Other, user defined.


Budget Maintenance

Multi-Year and Capital Improvement Budgeting


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

155 Able to allow the Budget Administrator to work Payroll budget at the employee level and roll up that data to the department level (user security)

156 Able to drill down to salary and benefit budget and actual details by person/position based on permissions.

157 Able to accommodate automated expenditure analysis of multiple budget elements including:

158 Expenditures and revenues to date;

159 Pre-encumbrances;

160 Encumbrances;

161 Outstanding invoices;

162 Outstanding payments;

163 Balance available to spend;

164 Estimate of expenditures to year end;

165 Expected total expenditures for the year;

166 Estimate of revenues to year end;

167 Estimated total revenues for the year;

168 Collected revenue; and

169 Other, user defined.

170 Able to create budget projections based on current actual - with or without multipliers or seaonality.

171 Able to allow multiple users to build and save budget forecasting scenarios.

172 Able to allow at least 999 budget forecasting models to be saved.

173 Able to enter and store notes and comments and/or attach supporting documentation to each budget forecast model.

174 Able to allow budget forecasts/models to be named.

175 Able to provide forecasting capabilities that use real-time data and information. (fuel pricing)

176 Able to provide long-term forecasting capabilities for a minimum of five years in the future.

177 Able to provide "what if" scenario projections for the budget.

178 Able to query on all data fields in the budgeting module in order to provide a user defined query screen.

179 Able to provide an ad hoc report writing tool.

180 Able to export budget data to Microsoft Excel.

181 Able to integrate with common desktop publishing applications for producing the final or "presentation" budget document. (i.e. PDF)

182 Able to track and report on adjustments made to the budget during the year.

183 Able to report on budgets at any level of the chart of account structure.

184 Able to allow analysis of current year budget by providing reports that indicate budget-to-actual including PO's, invoices, encumbrances

185 Able to allow analysis of current year budget by providing reports that indicate budget-to-actual available balance.

186 Able to display budget-to-actual with percentages and actual dollars of available budget for an account or group of accounts at any time.

187 Able to display budget-to-actual with percentages and actual dollars for an account or group of accounts at any time including future time periods (e.g.,

projected months).

188 Able to query for specific words in budget line items.

189 Able to allow "wildcard" searches for a portion of a word.

190 Able to allow "drill-down" from any line item in a system generated report.

191 Able to report year to date budget-to-actual report that includes: Current month variance; year to date variance; current month to same month last year.

(see report)

192 Able to project and report on end of year accruals (e.g., payroll).

193 Able to allow analysis of the current year budget by providing reports that indicate all or any combination of budget-to-actual revisions, invoices,

encumbrances, PO's and available balance.

194 Able to generate the following budget reports:

195 Pay Plans by fund, department/division, activity/cost center, element, or object;

196 Project budget detail by fund, department/division, activity/cost center, element, or object;

197 Balance sheet budget by fund, department/division, activity/cost center, element, or object;

198 Monthly revenue budget by fund, department/division, activity/cost center, element, or object; and

199 A variety of salary reports.

200 Able to generate a report to serve as the MWA's "Budget Book."

201 Able to provide real-time reporting on current balances on specified line item accounts and line item account activity.

202 Able to print original budget plus any changes/amendments to reach the final budget from prior years (i.e., the full life-cycle of a prior year budget).

203 The system must produce a headcount report (over a period of time, including department salary summary)


CB = Current Base

WTM-NC = Willing to Modify at No Cost

WTM-MWA = Willing to Modify at MWA Cost

NWTM = Not Willing to Modify


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments


1 The Bank Reconciliation process shall interface with:

2 Accounts Payable

3 Document Management

4 General Ledger

5 Worker Comp Administration (3rd Party, currently excel upload)

6 Aperta remittance processing machine

7 3rd Party Banks

8 Payroll

9 Ability to import cleared check information from bank

10 Able to provide a framework or model for budgeting that allows for updating by entering variances only.

11 Supports an automated monthly bank reconciliation process for multiple bank accounts and General Ledger cash accounts

12 Full electronic reconciliation of financial transactions with the financial institutions such as banks, lock boxes, as well as credit card merchants

13 Tracks beginning date for next reconciliation along with beginning balance

14 Bank Reconciliation process recognizes postings through the General Ledger for items such as bank charges, interest income, returned checks, returned

credit card, etc.

15 Allows user to record transactions in the bank statement to the General Ledger for items such as wire transfers, ACH deposits, or auto draft payments

16 Bank Reconciliation process recognizes cash account transactions in other integrated modules (CIS, Accounts Receivable, etc.)

17 Support the electronic reconciliation of Wire Transfers and Direct Debit systems

18 Import or download electronic bank statements and transaction details monthly

19 Reconciliation process by bank account and by period

20 Ability to interface with bank check images

21 Ability to attach documents to the reconcilliation

22 The system must interface with MWA's banks and financial brokers/agencies.

23 The system must automatically pull in balances from bank accounts on a user defined schedule

24 System must interface with other modules and 3rd party systems to forecast cash outflows (i.e. AP, Payroll)

25 System must interface with other modules and 3rd party systems to forecast cash inflows (i.e. CIS, Accounts Receivable)

26 System must forecast cash balances for multiple time periods that are user defined. (i.e. Daily, weekly, monthly)

27 System must allow user over-rides of forecasts.

28 Able to perform what-if analysis for user defined scenarios

29 Able to initiate account sweeps based on user defined criteria.

30 Able to track pooled investments.

31 Able to support debt management schedules.

32 Able to provide attachment functionality.

33 Able to provide notifications for investments that will be maturing.

34 Able to perform interest projections for multiple specifications.

35 Able to provide detailed projection yield and maturity analysis tools based on 'current' and 'what-if' scenarios.

36 Able to track:

37 Certificates of Deposit

38 Corporate Bonds

39 Bankers Acceptance

40 Deposit notes

41 Municipal Bonds

42 Treasury notes

43 Agencies and secrurities

44 Other user defined

ERP Information System Project


Bank Reconciliation

Daily Cash Forecasting

General/Cash Management


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

45 Able to maintain the following information for each investment:

46 Par value

47 Security type

48 Purchased Interest

49 Premium/Discount

50 Purchase date

51 Settlement date

52 Issue date

53 Purchase price

54 Sale price

55 Custodian/holder

56 Broker/dealer

57 Book value

58 Market value

59 Interest rate including step investments

60 Date of step(s)

61 Yield at cost annual and semi-annual

62 Yield at market annual and semi-annual

63 Short/long first/last coupon

64 Next interest payment date

65 Last interest payment date

66 Call date(s)

67 Call price

68 Net gain/loss

69 Number of days

70 Bond type

71 CUSIP number

72 Limit category

73 Fund

74 Liquidity

75 Rating

76 Comment field (i.e. for comments on purhase)

77 Entry audit log

78 Other user defined

79 Able to assign and track an investment that is associated with one or more funds.

80 Able to allocate investment earnings to another fund.

81 Able to allocate unrealized gains/losses resulting from fair valuation of pooled investments based on average balances calculated from user defined

to/from dates.

82 Able to track interest receivable by fund/organization.

83 Able to track historical cash flow activity.

84 Able to auto-post interest distribution to the General Ledger.

85 Able to create a journal entry for interest distribution to the General Ledger.

86 Able to reconcile the estimated versus actual interest income for pooled investments and automatically generate and record the appropriate journal into

the General Ledger.

87 Able to determine and track interest income that considers situations in which portions of a pooled investment have been drawn down or added to the

pool during the investment period such that the original deposits and withdrawls activity may be tracked separately.

88 Able to calculate the investment income and create the appropiate "pending" journal entry, for approval

89 Able to track changes to investments such as the rollover of matured investments or the receipt of cash for investments that mature and are not rolled


90 Able to record investment purchases.

91 Able to record investment complete sales.

92 Able to record investment partial sales.

93 Able to record investment interest earned by individual investment.

94 Able to record investment gain/loss.

95 Able to record investment interest receivable.

96 Able to record rate changes.

97 Able to adjust investments to market.

98 Able to manage multiple portfolios.

99 Able to create user-defined portfolios.

100 Able to calculate amortization utilizing a user defined method.

101 Able to project interest payment dates, maturities and calls.


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

102 Able to calculate multiple yields.

103 Able to perform and print investment compliance review based on user-defined parameters.

104 Able to track each fund's share of the investment portfolio.

105 Able to produce an investment ledger which contains a history of the investment.

106 Able to comment on yields.

107 Able to track debt including:

108 Bonds (debentures); bonds authorized, issued

109 Notes

110 Lease purchase agreements

111 Capital lease agreements

112 Covenant terms per agreement (bond, debt)

113 Covenant tickler

114 Operating lease agreements

115 Other user-defined debt sources

116 Able to track debt information including:

117 Type of debt

118 Source of pledge

119 Source of payment

120 Description

121 Broker/Institution

122 Multiple Date of issuance

123 Multiple Date of authorization

124 Balance of debt remained on issuance

125 Date of maturity

126 Term

127 Rating, and to specify the source

128 Amount

129 Bond cost

130 Interest rate

131 Step interest rates

132 Interest paid based on debt schedules (principle and interest)

133 Incurred interest expense

134 Refunded bond original data

135 Premium/Discount amount

136 Principal and Interest payment dates

137 Call premiums

138 Call dates

139 by-law number

140 Other user-defined information

141 Able to receive information from financial agencies as to the value of investments and changes to the value of investments held as security.

142 Able to track MWA debt to ensure all debt issued by the MWA is used for the appropriate purpose and that the debt does not become subject to

arbitrage provisions.

143 Able to forecast annual debt repayments broken down by P&I for all future years, by year and by funding source.

144 Able to calculate pre-payment penalty options based on user defined guidelines.

145 Able to record approved financing available versus draws.

146 Able to record whether the ability to prepay, refund or defease debt outstanding.

147 Able to split debt service schedules across funds.

148 Able to link debt to the budget, project, fixed assets, etc.

149 Able to attach files or documents to specific instances of debt (i.e. bond transcript).

150 Able to query on all data fields in the treasury module in order to provide a user defined query screen.

151 Able to provide an ad hoc report writing tool.

152 Able to provide a cash flow report for upcoming maturing investments (i.e. the Ladder Strategy).

153 Able to export data to excel without the need to re-format the data.

154 Able to provide a detailed expenditure report for arbitrage reporting.

155 Able to produce a trend report to illustrate patterns and trends about investment information recorded over a user-defined period of time.

156 Able to produce a report to give weighted average days to maturity.

157 Able to record and report on the weighted yield to maturity.

158 Able to record and report on the rate of return of an investment.

159 Able to record and report on the true market rate of return of an investment.


Debt Administration


#Functionality or Characteristic


ResponseBidder Comments

160 Able to record and report on accrued interest expense for current and future periods.

161 Able to create an interest apportionment report based on user-defined dates.

162 Able to graph portfolio statistics (investment allocation, historical yields, etc.).

163 Able to provide cash flow and cash requirements forecasting.

164 Able to provide summarized reporting by department, total P&I payments identified each year.

165 Able to generate a monthly investment report that includes the following data:

166 Individual investments within a particular portfolio including book value, market value, and maturity date

167 Listing of investments by fund type

168 Listing of investments by broker/dealer

169 Comparison of current quarter, previous quarter and current quarters previous year's rate comparing to the overall investment portfolio rate

170 Comparison of portfolio size with increase/decrease amount as compared to the same month in the previous year

171 Interest income for the current month, year-to-date and prior year month

172 Able to provide graphing for debt and investments by month, by quarter, by year.

173 Able to provide the following reporting criteria:

174 Investment position of the MWA on the date of the report

175 Summary statement of each pooled fund group that states the beginning market value for the reporting period

176 State the book value and the market value of each seperately invested asset at the end of the reporting period by the type of asset and fund type


177 State the maturity date of each seperately invested asset that has a maturity date

178 State the fund for which each individual investment was acquired

179 State all accrued interest payable

180 State the compliance of the investment portfolio as it relates to MWA's Policy.

181 Able to generate the following reports by fund:

182 Bond calls report

183 Investment inventory by security type

184 Investment inventory by maturity date

185 Purchases report

186 Investment by GL fund

187 Portfolio duration

188 Investment by broker

189 Investment by cusip

190 Investment by rating

191 Investment by limit

192 Investment by liquidity

193 Investment activity

194 Bond type

195 Interest earnings paid to date

196 Average yield

197 Anticipated interest to be received

198 Category type

199 Sales report

200 Able to perform a maturity analysis for the following scenarios:

201 To stated maturity

202 To first call date

203 To final call date

204 Able to generate a monthly check reconciliation report of manual/off-cycle checks.

205 Able to produce a Cash Requirements Report



This appendix requires that Respondent provide a response using the Excel spreadsheet as

the response form.

This appendix, provided as an Excel spreadsheet, identifies technical requirements. Respondents

shall respond as provided for in the spreadsheet and submit it in electronic form with the proposal.

Respondents invited to demonstrate software should be prepared to demonstrate any items

included in this list.


#Functionality or Characteristic


Response CIS


Response ERP


Describe the CIS/ERP architecture from three perspectives:

1 From a database design perspective, show diagrammatically and describe the relationships among person, location, service and account.

2 From a components perspective, show diagrammatically and describe the relationship among the components of the system.

From an interfaces perspective, describe:

3 The points at which external systems can interact with the CIS/ERP.

4 What interactions are supported at those points.

5 What methodologies of interaction are supported.

6 Provide the system's Entity Relationship Diagram.

7 What operating system(s) does the CIS/ERP run on for both server and clients?

8 List database options, specifically addressing use of MS SQL Server without an intermediary database management system.

9 Identify explicitly and describe in full any modules (e.g., a financial accounting module) required per MWA requirements in addition to the

CIS/ERP in order for the CIS/ERP solution to operate.Describe how the application can be implemented in a modular fashion.

10 Describe any limitations on the number of user defined fully qualified fields.

11 Describe of how to add additional fully qualified fields to the database.

How would utility technical staff provide for:

12 Adding custom edits for data fields.

13 Pop-up alerts based on events or data criteria.

14 Launching a URL from within the CIS/ERP (by a user).


15 Describe the scalability of the solution in terms of accounts and users. Indicate what limits the utility might experience and under what

conditions. Specifically identify the largest:

16 System you have implemented for a water/wastewater utility in terms of number of water/stormwater accounts.

17 Installation currently operational.

18 Number of bills the solution is producing daily.

19 Describe the key capacity points, that is, the points at which additional hardware or software licenses are required to scale up the system.

Describe any VPN limitations of the software via remote connection.


20 Describe the manner in which the system's reliability is enhanced (e.g., RAID, mirroring, database redundancy or duplication options,

fault tolerance) and indicate if the reliability enhancements are standard or optional.21 Describe process audit and notification functionality. For example, is there a mechanism to inform the utility technical staff if the system

is experiencing database or process issues (e.g., job termination)?Describe the notification process and how you interact with other sytems to provide real time notices.

Describe the software’s audit trail function. Does the software have the ability to track at the field level:

22 Prior value.

23 New value.

24 Date/time of change.

25 User ID making the change.

26 Describe any built-in functionality to support annual external financial audits.

27 Describe the disaster recovery options available.

Batch Processing

28 Describe the technical tools used for scheduling and managing batch processing.

29 What is the notification process for batch job abnormal termination?

30 Based on the utility customer account base and projected solution user base, indicate the typical time window required for nightly

processing (bill calculation, service production, payment posting).31 If batch processing is scheduled during normal business hours, what is the impact of batch job production on other daily activities?

32 List the batch “jobs” that are part of standard nightly, weekly, monthly, and yearly processing.

33 Indicate how much time it typically takes to process 12,000 bills at 5 cycles.

34 Describe the circumstances under which it would be prudent to archive data (move it off the system) and what the process is to do that.

35 State whether increasing amounts of history on the system affect user response time.

36 Describe the typical backup practice, its schedule and duration for execution.

37 Describe how the utility would insert an ad-hoc batch job into the day's job run.


38 Describe how you would guarantee sub-second response time for all common customer account services.

39 Describe how you would guarantee no impact on line staff's experienced response time when they are carrying out daily operations while

the system is also running reports, processing bills, or other scheduled processes.

40 Identify the Windows desktop and server OS versions supported.

41 Identify the road map for supporting current and future Microsoft operating systems.

42 Identify any desktop added programs required at the desktop (J2EE, Adobe, Flash, etc.).


43 Describe any downtime or periodic maintenance activity time when the system would not be available for use (e.g., synchronization,

reformatting, backup).44 Indicate how long it typically takes to install a bug fix or patch.

45 Describe a best practice patch application process, including installation and testing, and provide actual level of effort estimates for a

comparably-sized utility.

46 Indicate how long it typically takes to install a new point release of the software.

47 Describe the manner in which the utility's modifications (non-base) to screens and database are preserved so as to be brought forward in

a version change.48 Describe the manner in which reports from the system library that have been modified by the utility, and reports developed by the utility,

and interfaces developed by the utility, are preserved so as to be brought forward in a version change.

49 Identify the report writer in which the system's reports have been created by the vendor.

50 Verify that reports may be created in the Crystal report writer and used by the system.

Development and Administrative Tools

51 Describe the development environment for the proposed solution (e.g., programming languages, tools provided, interface options

available). Include any third party tools that are required.

52 Describe the manner in which utility technical staff would provide for users to exit the CIS/ERP, run an external application, and bring

values from the external application to the CIS/ERP, all the while appearing as though the action takes place within the CIS/ERP. An

approximate but relevant example is a CSR accessing an account, the CSR scanning a document to link to the account (e.g., a signed

application for service), the CSR clicking a "Keys" button in the CIS/ERP, a window opening with a template of the keys fields (Customer

Name, Customer Number, Account Number, Service Address, Document Type), and the external application scraping the necessary

fields on the CIS/ERP screen to populate the keys template for the scanned document as well as permitting the CSR to select the

appropriate Document Type from a drop-down. The Document Type and Date/Time stamp would be stored in the CIS/ERP Customer

C53 Describe the duties appropriate to IT resources (either internal or through professional services) in supporting the system. Describe the

duties appropriate to lead personnel (superusers) in supporting the system. Estimate the number of each MWA would likely need.

54 Describe the tools provided to perform administrative tasks, such as database backups, system health monitors, upgrades, data integrity

and other maintenance or administration functions. Indicate the programming language the administrator must be familiar with.

55 Indicate in which virtual machine environments the solution is supported by the vendor.

56 Describe the typical administrative duties and the amount of time the utility can expect to devote to them.

57 Describe for what needs the utility would expect to budget funds annually for vendor professional assistance.

58 Describe the amount the utility would expect to budget annually for vendor professional assistance.

Support Staff

Macon Water Authority CIS/ERP Replacement

Respondent is to provide answers to the questions presented below, or comments to statements, as requested. We expect the

Respondent to provide details on the system architecture, design, interface methodology, etc. by filling in each item in the table

below (failure to respond to an item will indicate that the responder has no solution).






#Functionality or Characteristic


Response CIS


Response ERP

59 Given 55,000 accounts, estimate the number of application program support personnel necessary for years 1-5 after implementation

(programmers, report writers, DBAs, configuration specialists, etc.). Security

60 Describe your approach to sign-on authorization. Describe specifically the CIS/ERP’s support for user single sign-on (e.g., Active

Directory).61 Describe how you handle social security and bankcard number masking, and lack of masking where appropriate.

62 State whether the solution encrypts selected fields (e.g., social security number, EIN).

63 Describe your levels of security and how they are set up.

64 The system has the ability to utilize Lightweight Directory Application Protocal (LDAP) to query Active Directory for user validation and

authentication.65 The system has the ability to store and transmit passwords in encrypted form.

66 Department;

67 Division;

68 Role or group;

69 User ID;

70 Screen;

71 Menu;

72 Report;

73 Database table;

74 Object;

75 Record;

76 Field;

77 Job function;

78 Element in chart of accounts; and

79 Transaction type.

80 user defined fields

81 The system has the ability to allow the Authority to determine which fields are visible to users.

82 The system has the ability to provide role-based security.

83 The system has the ability to provide document-based security.

84 Date;

85 Time;

86 User;

87 Information prior to change;

88 IP address;

89 MAC address;

90 Machine name;

91 Changed information (before and after) ; and

92 Other administer-configurable information.

93 The system has the ability to update all security roles automatically when a change in the "master" role is made.

94 The system has the ability to provide functional security to control what processes can be performed by certain users.

95 The system has the ability to provide access to audit trails for only the users with proper security based upon the user’s security profile.

96 The system has the ability to allow system hardware to integrate security and file system permissions within an LDAP (Active Directory)

environment.97 The system has the ability to allow the System Administrator to add and change permissions for system access.

98 The system has the ability to allow a System Module Administrator to add and change permissions for module access.

99 The system has the ability to log users off the system after an administrator-defined period of inactivity, based on user-defined roles.

100 The system has the ability to allow a System Administrator to log out users.

101 The system has the ability to allow a System Administrator to log out users by module (i.e inquiry only access).

102 The system has the ability to provide customizable audit reports.

103 The system has the ability to provide configurable exception reports.

104 The system has the ability for users to view only change history in a user-friendly readable format.

105 The system has the ability to allow authorized users to have access to a log of security activity to determine users that have signed on

and off the system, as well as unsuccessful attempts to sign on to the system.106 The system has the ability to allow the audit trail to have a date/time stamp to the nearest second.

107 Tax numbers/ID;

108 Date of Birth;

109 Passwords;

110 Credit card numbers;

111 Checking and banking account numbers;

112 Social Security numbers;

113 Drivers License numbers;

114 Email addresses;

115 Pay rates; and

116 Other, user-defined fields.

117 The system has the ability to be operational on a 24 x 7 scheduled basis.

118 The system has the ability to support both tape and tapeless backups.

119 The system has the ability to ensure that all modules are Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCIDSS) compliant.

120 The system is PADSS (Payment Application Data Security Standards) compliant.

121 The system has the ability to support multiple business continuity environments, with replicated system data.

122 The system has the ability to provide roll-back capability in the database in order to rebuild data files, if necessary.

User Interface

123 The system has the ability to provide drop down boxes and "pick lists" for data selection.

124 The system has the ability to provide configurable quick keys (i.e., function keys).

125 The system has the ability to comply with accessibility standards pronounced in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

126 The system has the ability to provide functionality or integrate with third-party products to enlarge the print on computer screens (i.e.,

screen magnification).127 The system has the ability to provide functionality or integrate with third-party products to provide text-to-audio capabilities (i.e., screen

reading software).128 The system has the ability to provide functional online help documentation for system end users.

129 The system has the ability to provide technical online help documentation for system administrators.

130 The system has the ability to provide integration with the Microsoft clipboard, with appropriate security permissions.

131 The system has the ability to provide error messages that appear in a consistent format across all system modules.

132 The system has the ability to provide error messages that are integrated with online help functionality.

133 The system has the ability to create error logs with detail associated with the error.

134 The system has the ability to allow users to send error reports to the Authority IT Department.

135 The system has the ability to provide administrator configurable error messages.

136 The system has the ability to provide user-defined fields with appropriate security permissions.

137 The system has the ability to allow the Authority to determine which fields are required.

138 The system has the ability to provide an administrative messaging system (e.g., a message to alert users of system maintenance

activity).139 The system has the ability to provide customizable screens based on roles and permissions.

140 The system has the ability to provide customizable screens including moving rows and columns, locking fields, and freeze columns based

on roles and security permissions.141 The system has the ability to provide contextual help with the ability to turn this feature off (i.e., field descriptions that are displayed based

on the location of the mouse or cursor).142 The system has the ability to provide customizable help.

143 The system has the ability to provide data validation on entry.

144 The system has the ability to attach files to records in the system.

System has the ability to track audit changes throughout the system that creates a log of all records maintained and includes:

The system has the ability to mask fields by user role including but not limited to:

The system has the ability to provide security at the following levels:





#Functionality or Characteristic


Response CIS


Response ERP

145 The system has the ability to add a new value to a drop down table without having to navigate from the table, with appropriate security

permissions.146 The system has the ability to accommodate Authority-defined limitations on the size of file attachments.

147 The system has the ability to provide drill down capability on all screens with appropriate security.

148 The system has the ability to provide drill down capability to see attachments to records based on security permissions.

149 The system has the ability to allow a user screen to have an option for the number of records that will be displayed (i.e., 25, 50, 100

search results with the option to choose how many).150 The system has the ability to provide the user with standard field editing capabilities including but not limited to: navigation forward and

backward to complete data entry.151 The system has the ability to spell check on any field with the ability to turn this feature on and off.

152 The system has the ability to allow an administrator to configure the dictionary within the system that drives the spell check functionality.

153 The system has the ability to accommodate word-wrap in a data field without having to hit "return."

154 The system has the ability to provide predictive text capability.

155 The system has the ability to search by wild cards, based on security permissions.

156 The system has the ability to support pre-filled fields in appropriately pre-formatted screens eliminating redundant data entry.

157 The system has the ability to provide links to associated modules from any display screen to minimize backing out of one screen to

access another, with appropriate security. 158 The system has the ability to support access from mobile devices outside the Authority network using web interface (e.g., for Authority-

defined approvals and Executive Information System) with appropriate security permissions.159 The system has the ability for multiple windows to be open at the same time without having to login into the system multiple times.

160 The system administrator has the ability to set the number of multiple windows to be open at the same time without having to login into

the system multiple times.161 The system has the ability to warn a user that they are about to execute a process and ask if they want to proceed (i.e., to warn before

posting a batch of changes, etc.).162 The system has the ability to allow a user to configure which business process are prompted with a warning to proceed, with appropriate

security permissions.163 The system has the ability to allow split screen views on dual monitors.

164 The system has the ability to allow the configuration of processes using either the keyboard only, the mouse only, or a combination of the

two, depending on a user's preference.165 The system has the ability to support touch screen as a selection method.

166 The system has the ability to provide the user with integrated application modules that offer a consistent user interface to minimize user

training and administration of the system. Content Management

167 The system has the ability to provide integrated content management functionality across all system modules.

Which Document Vendors have you integrated with?

168 The system has the ability to fully integrate with the Authority's Document Management System.

169 The system has the ability for established system security to apply to documents stored in the content manager (i.e., some documents

will not be viewable to all users).

170 .doc(x);

171 .xls(x);

172 .ppt(x);

173 Other MS office formats;

174 PDFs that are text based and searchable;

175 .gif;

176 .tiff;

177 .jpg;



178 Other image formats; and

179 Other formats.

180 The system has the ability to link documents stored in the content manager to individual transactions throughout the system.

181 The system has the ability to allow configuration for the automatic production of content manager documents (e.g., an electronic image of

all checks printed is generated and stored).182 The system has the ability for the content manager to store audit trail information of events associated with documents stored (i.e., user,

date, time, etc.).183 The system has the ability to provide content management functionality that allows user-friendly searching of all documents stored.

184 The system has the ability to support the entering of documents into the content manager via barcode scanning (i.e., printing a bar code

that is later scanned to link the scanned file to a record in the content manager).185 The system has the ability to allow access to all documents stored in the content manager when a user is remotely using the system

through a web interface with proper security.186 The system has the ability to archive documents stored in the content manager based on user-defined conditions with appropriate

permissions. Support and Documentation

187 The system has the ability to allow properly authorized users to configure and maintain all system settings from any workstation on the

local/wide area network.188 The system has the ability to allow centralized deployment of system updates and system maintenance.

189 The system has the ability to allow remote deployment of system updates and system maintenance.

190 The system has the ability to accommodate deployment of system updates and maintenance to all affected modules according to user-

defined effective dates (e.g., calendar and fiscal year parameter changes).191 The vendor must proactively notify the System Administrator regarding which releases of third-party software (JAVA virtual machine,

Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari, etc.) are known to create problems with the current version of the vendor software. 192

193 Severity Level 1, system is down. Attention required immediately, maximum of 30 minute response time.

194 Severity Level 2, major functionality of the system is impacted or parts of the system are down. Maximum of 1 hour response time.

195 Severity Level 3, non-mission critical processes are impacted. Maximum of 8 hour response time.

196 The system has the ability to allow for outage times to be based on a 24x7 basis instead of working hours.

197 The system has the ability to allow for severity levels for support as defined by the Authority.

198 The vendor will provide web-based support, with a searchable database of common problems, to assist end users in researching error

messages.199 The system has the ability to adhere to the Authority's security policy, which requires vendors to request for access to the application for

trouble shooting.200 The system has the ability to provide online software documentation for all software application modules.

201 The system has the ability to provide an online tutorial to assist users learning the software.

202 The system must have the "built-in" capability to provide support through remote access to the application in accordance with Authority

procedures. 203 The vendor offers software application support during planned upgrades, after typical operating hours.

204 The vendor offers access to an online user group community.

205 The vendor offers a suite of online training modules.

206 The vendor offers periodic live webinar training sessions at no cost.

207 The vendor offers recorded training sessions to be viewed at no cost.

208 The vendor offers an implementation project management website, that includes FTP process for file sharing between the vendor and

client. Reporting and Dashboarding

209 The system has the ability to query on all data fields in the system in order to provide a user defined query screen.

210 The system has the ability to provide an Executive Information System (EIS) (i.e., a performance dashboard).

211 The system has the ability to provide an Executive Information System by module (EIS) (i.e., a performance dashboard).

212 The system has the ability to customize the information presented on the Executive Information System by user.

213 The system has the ability to customize the information presented on the Executive Information System by group of users.

214 The system has the ability to display information on the Executive Information System in real-time.

215 The system has the ability to configure the refresh rate of the Executive Information System.

216 The system has the ability to allow a user to manually refresh the Executive Information System.

217 The system has the ability to provide an integrated report writer.

218 The system has the ability to provide an integrated report writer that has a consistent look and feel across all system modules.

The system has the ability for the content manager to store files in the following formats:

The vendor, at a minimum must adhere to the following standards for issue resolution:





#Functionality or Characteristic


Response CIS


Response ERP

219 The system has the ability to provide an integrated report writer that supports building calculations based on data values selected (i.e.,

percentages of existing values).220 The system has the ability to provide an integrated report writer that allows the creation of reports comprised of any discrete data field

throughout the system with proper security.221 The system has the ability to allow generated reports to be saved in an integrated content manager.

222 The system has the ability to allow generated reports to be viewed on screen prior to printing.

223 The system has the ability to allow reports to be generated that are searchable.

224 The system has the ability to schedule reports to run in the future.

225 The system has the ability to schedule reports to be run on a recurring basis.

226 The system has the ability to configure automatic distribution paths for generated reports (i.e., automatically send a report to a particular

user).227 The system has the ability to display when a report is being run, or in process, so that a user does not run the report again.

228 The system has the ability to configure the page breaks for any printed report.

229 The system has the ability to define the maximum number of pages to print for notification purposes.

230 The system has the ability to notify users when a specific number of pages in report will be printed.

231 The system has the ability to allow users to cancel the printing of the report.

232 The system has the ability to allow reports to be generated that have "drill-down" capabilities.

233 The system has the ability to support the creation of reports using Crystal Reports.

234 The system has the ability to support the creation of reports using SQL Reporting Services.


235 Describe the manner in which your system supports virtual (electronic) signatures by customers or staff when required on electronic

documents. Describe how this is stored and encrypted.236 Describe how your system would capture on the location in CIS/ERP a photo taken with an Apple or Android device being used as a

service order mobile platform. Describe how this is stored and encrypted. The system has the ability to import and export data from (or to) standard file formats including but not limited to:

237 HTML;

238 XML;

239 PDFs that are text based and searchable;

240 ASCII;

241 CSV;

242 MS Excel;

243 MS Access; and

244 Other Authority-defined desktop productivity applications.

245 The system has the ability to import and export data with web services formats.

246 The system has the ability to post data in a real-time fashion.

247 The system has the ability to provide a library of standard reports (i.e., "canned" reports).

248 The system has the ability to provide an ad hoc reporting environment that is OLE-DB and SQL native compliant, and ODBC.

249 The system has the ability to allow a user to modify existing reports, with appropriate security permissions.

250 The system has the ability to allow a user to copy and modify existing reports, with appropriate security permissions.

251 The system has the ability to access data files at the same time without collision or file/record/field locking problems.

252 The system has the ability to support foreign zip codes.

253 The system has the ability to provide a centralized data dictionary, that fully describes table structure (and relationships) and appropriate

levels of metadata.254 The system has the ability to allow sub-second screen response time for all applications.

255 The system can generate all standard reports in less than five minutes. Reports that will require more than this amount of time should be

listed in "Comments" (column E) with a description of the reason so much time is required for each individual report.256 The system has the ability to support the Authority's preferred browsers (Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari).







This appendix lists the interfaces that the Respondent shall develop (the CIS and ERP

side of each interface) and the timing of them. It is intended to provide information to

support Respondent pricing of interfaces development.







Table of Contents

1. Neptune N_SIGHT.......................................................................................................... 42

2. Cityworks........................................................................................................................ 43

3. Finance Systems (GL/AP/PO Fixed Assets) ............................................................... 45

4. Curbstone/ Paymentech for Phone, and Counter Credit Card Payments ............... 46

5. Automated Clearing House (ACH) Transactions ....................................................... 46

6. Aperta-check processing ............................................................................................. 47

7. Per-Zip Mail addressing software ................................................................................ 47

8. iPay/ MARS-3rd Party ..................................................................................................... 48

9. Outbound dialer-Robo calling ...................................................................................... 48

10. IVR Payments- First Billing 3rd Party..................................................................... 49

11. GIS ............................................................................................................................ 49

12. Stormwater/ Macon-Bibb, Tax base ...................................................................... 49

13. 3rd party collections agency ................................................................................. 50

14. Equifax-Credit Bureau ............................................................................................ 50

16. ADP Payroll .............................................................................................................. 50

17. Capital City-ACH Uploads ...................................................................................... 51

18. Capital City-Positive Pay ........................................................................................ 51

19. DFACS ...................................................................................................................... 51

20. Surety Bond ............................................................................................................. 52

21. E-commerce-Purchasing, payment processing, account reconciliation ......... 52

22. Allen, Mooney and Barnes ..................................................................................... 52

23. CTI Screen Pop ........................................................................................................ 52




FOG: Abbreviation for fats, oils, grease.


The descriptions below of interfaces include both those that are to be included in the CIS vendor’s

Statement of Work and some interface development that is in the implementation phase and to be

included in the vendor’s bid response.

Interface Status

Number of






Package Comments

1. Neptune


Current Both ~55,000



daily, but


account is

read only


Yes Opportunity to

review the

current interface.

AMR reads for

1,500- rest are


Current functionality: a) Client-server application

b) Neptune N_SIGHT provides meter readings

c) Manual processes move interface files between systems per reading book (records for book to be read are downloaded and imported into N_SIGHT – finished books are exported then uploaded to the system). Detailed reading records are per meter (for compound a record for each meter at the location).

d) Meter data for AMR is housed in the CIS system. ~1500 AMR

Functionality to be

delivered at


a) AMR read routes downloaded from CIS to Neptune N_SIGHT meter reading system.

b) AMR meter reads uploaded from Neptune N_SIGHT meter reading system to CIS.

c) AMR special reads (check reads and finals, with final reads indicated as such) downloaded from CIS to Neptune N_SIGHT meter reading system.

d) AMR special meter reads uploaded from Neptune N_SIGHT meter reading system to CIS.

Technical Specs: CIS interface: text files are transferred between handhelds and CIS. Would

like to move to newer information transfer technology.



Interface Status

Number of






Package Comments

2. Cityworks Current Both ~70,000 Periodic



some real-



Current functionality: a) CIS work orders are keyed into the CIS system. Work order type translates into Cityworks problem codes. There is a table showing the relationship of work order type to problem code. There are tables that contain the response codes and the problem codes.

b) After service requests are created, open CIS work orders are used to query service request. If completed, the work order is completed with uploaded comments from Cityworks to CIS. Response codes can be entered which result in meter status updates, new work orders, or charges added to the account. (See list). Response codes can be specific to work orders.

c) Service Requests/Work Orders are sent from CIS to Cityworks, after Service Request/Work Orders completed in Cityworks

d) Work orders have a warehouse material or inventory item associated to them in Cityworks, currently a custom field in CIS. Future-meter information should be synchronized with CIS.

e) Action in CIS taken on response code – i.e. tampering fee; charge is automatically applied when the Service Request completes.

f) Where there is follow-up work, new work orders are created in CIS, depending on the code the Service request was closed with.

g) Meter Base ID is the Common key or identifying number. GPS coordinates are an attribute of the Meter Base ID.

Functionality to be

delivered at


All current functionality plus: a) Ability to upload status changes to CIS– open, dispatch, truck rolling,

on-site, close, etc. in real-time. b) Ability to upload available appointment time blocks from Cityworks,

the CSR to request an appointment time for some service request times.

c) Allow a service request initiated in Cityworks to be linked to a customer in CIS using the meter ID as a logical key, which is a field which should be present in GIS, CIS and Cityworks.



Interface Status

Number of






Package Comments

d) Transactional triggers need to occur in real time to keep certain data in sync among all three systems.

e) Meter inventory should be synchronized with Cityworks; location list includes remote locations, on the truck, and installed.

f) CIS comment fields that are synced with Cityworks must match the corresponding Cityworks field size.

g) Future-Meter inventory changes in Cityworks need to be updated in ERP/CIS inventory records.

h) Warehouse supply chain will integrate with ERP including inventory. i. The majority of Inventory is housed in Cityworks where

movement of all inventory between warehouses is tracked.

ii. Inventory values and counts are synchronized “real-time” with the

ERP system for GL balances, Requisitions, Purchase Orders,

Accounts Payable, Projects and Fixed Assets.

Technical Specs: Interfaces to/from CIS/ERP and Cityworks.



Interface Status

Number of






Package Comments

3. Finance



Fixed Assets)

Current Both ~110,000 monthly

Nightly No

Functionality to be

delivered at


a) The CIS and GL are currently homegrown solutions. MWA requires a

seamless integration between the proposed CIS and ERP solution.

b) CIS integration to the ERP for daily upload of posting file and on-

demand updates for:

i. Revenue by type

ii. Cash

iii. Accounts Receivable

iv. Deposits

v. Refunds

c) A Customer refund check will created in Accounts Payable. Accounts

Payable must be able to create a one-time vendor for Customers.

Accounts Payable must return check information to CIS for:

i. Customer name

ii. Check number

iii. Check date

iv. Check amount

d) If a refund check is returned or voided, Accounts Payable must pass

to CIS:

i. Customer name

ii. Check number

iii. Check status “voided” or “returned”

iv. Date of status change

There is a table that contains the transaction list.

Technical Specs: Interfaces between ERP, CIS, Cityworks and other 3rd party financial vendors

(i.e. banks)



Interface Status

Number of






Package Comments

4. Curbstone/

Paymentech for

Phone, and

Counter Credit

Card Payments

Current Both ~300 daily Real-time



Yes Payment

provider will need

to be selected

and contracted.

Current Functionality: a) Curbstone is the middleware, Paymentech is the processor.

b) CSR interface for credit card entry of counter payments needs to be integrated within the CIS.

c) Transactions appear within 15 minutes, requirement for real-time or near real-time for web, IVR and call center transactions.

Functionality to be

delivered at


All current functionality plus:

a) Near real time data transfer.

b) MWA requires the import process to be automated with error checking and validation for possible duplicate payments at the account level.

c) First Billing will possibly take control of payments on the website, call center and counter prior to the start of the CIS/ERP project.

d) Provide the ability for customers to set up alerts on their accounts on the website for payment due dates, high water usage, past due invoice, payment received and new invoice available.

Technical Specs: Interface to CIS

5. Automated

Clearing House



Current Both 8,200 per


3 files per


Functionality to be

delivered at


a) Current upload/download process is manual.

b) When they receive a file via email, the file is uploaded to the Capital City website for processing.

c) The file is available 3 days prior to the due date.

d) This includes website, call center, and pay by check.

Functionality to be

delivered at


All current functionality plus: a) Near real time data transfer. b) Automation of file upload. c) Provide payment verification to CIS Customer accounts. d) Provide daily EFT reconciliation report.

Technical Specs: Interface with CIS Change from manual import to integration, if possible.



Interface Status

Number of






Package Comments

6. Aperta-check


Current From


to CIS

15,000 per



daily batch


Current Functionality: a) Customer payments-An A/R file is created by Aperta. The system

allows the operator to confirm amounts.

b) There is an Aperta server that sends check information to Capital City.

c) Aperta accepts payments above the invoice amount as donations, a

functionality which will need to be maintained.

Functionality to be

delivered at


All current functionality plus: a) Display the check information in CIS (Account number, check number,


b) Check image should be available via a link to the Aperta system.

Technical Specs: Interface to CIS

7. Per-Zip Mail



Current both 11,000 Each


Current Functionality: a) Addresses are uploaded into the system

b) The system standardizes the addresses and provides a bar code

c) Produces CASS and permit reports

d) The address information comes from CIS, is standardized and

imported back into CIS after the billing process has completed.

Functionality to be

delivered at


All current functionality plus:

a) Future-Real-time address standardization when addresses are being


Technical Specs: Interface with CIS



Interface Status

Number of






Package Comments

8. iPay/ MARS-3rd


Current One

way to


2,000 per




import file

Current Functionality: a) 3rd party billpayer for customers of certain banks who use Billpay

services. iPay Solutions Direct Deposit Program, also known as

MARS - the Merchant Account Retrieval System, was designed to

provide a method to receive consumers' payments, by providing

Direct Deposit of bill payments rather than paper checks.

b) Service allows customers to pay by check through their banks. Online

Billpay option.

c) Imports into CIS.

d) Manual process, needs to be automated.

e) SunTrust is a local bank which does not work with MARS. They use a

different provider. .

Functionality to be

delivered at


All current functionality plus: a) Automation of manual processes.

b) MWA requires the import process to be automated with error checking

and validation for possible duplicate payments at the account level

Technical Specs: Interface with CIS

9. Outbound



Manual Two


6,000 per



Current functionality: a) A CIS report is generated. The file is moved into a monitored folder.

b) Customer phone numbers are uploaded to the MWA Cisco outbound

dialer and associated with an appropriate recorded announcement.

Functionality to be

delivered at


All current functionality plus: a) Integration with the outbound dialer to automate the manual


b) Upload of the dialer results into the CIS noting the outcome of the

call. i.e. – call was successful to a live person, call resulted in a voice

mail, call was not successful, and other outcomes.

Technical Specs: Interface with CIS



Interface Status

Number of






Package Comments

10. IVR Payments-

First Billing 3rd


Current Both 2,000 per



Functionality to be

delivered at


a) First Billing is the third-party payment processor.

b) First Billing processes IVR payments.

All current functionality plus

a) MWA is interested in using First Billing for processing web, call center

and counter credit card payments.

Technical Specs: Interface with CIS

11. GIS Current Both 55,000






Current functionality: a) Integration to CIS used to keep Meter ID and Global X and Y co-

ordinates in sync. GIS does not currently have Z coordinates.

b) GIS is the system of record for all address information and this

information is needed to be in sync with CIS.

c) GIS will originate the Meter ID number and associate it with the

service address and GPS coordinates.

Functionality to be

delivered at


All current functionality plus

a) The map location should show on demand within CIS and Cityworks.

Technical Specs: Interface with CIS, Cityworks

12. Stormwater/


Tax base

New One-


Unknown TBD

Functionality to be

delivered at


a) An interface between CIS and GIS that would update stormwater

information in the CIS with owner’s information including those

accounts that may not have a water service associated.

b) GIS has an interface to the assessor’s database which includes basic

parcel information.

c) Prompt creation of new accounts for stormwater billing where there is

no current account

d) Add stormwater billing to existing water or sewer service billing

Technical Specs: Interface between CIS and GIS



Interface Status

Number of






Package Comments

13. 3rd party



New Two-


Varies Monthly

Functionality to be

delivered at


a) Current-reports are sent between MWA and the agency

b) Integration with the 3rd party collections agency to send accounts that

meet certain criteria. Also allow the ability to recall accounts back from

the collections agency.

c) The 3rd party collections agency has the ability to send results of

collections activities and indicate amounts collected by account

Technical Specs: Interface with CIS

14. Equifax-Credit


New Two-


Varies Daily

Functionality to be

delivered at


a) Credit bureau functionality should be integrated into the new customer

process to help determine what a deposit amount should be.

b) Current vendor, requires integration.

Technical Specs: Interface with CIS

15. ACS interface

with postal


New One-


Varies Daily

Functionality to be

delivered at


USPS standardization process receives a bar code with forwarding


Technical Specs: Interface with CIS

16. ADP Payroll Current Both Approx. 225




Current Functionality: a) HR manages payroll from the ADP website.

b) Time clock files are uploaded to ADP daily in a manual process.

c) Payroll files are downloaded weekly and imported into the GL.

d) ADP Benefit expenses into ERP-transaction file

Functionality to be

delivered at


All current functionality plus

a) Automated integration between ERP and ADP

Technical Specs: Interface with ERP



Interface Status

Number of






Package Comments

17. Capital City-

ACH Uploads

Current Two-


Varies Daily

Current Functionality: a) MWA checks are written from Capital City Bank.

b) Manual process today, receives ACH uploads-bank deposits

c) File back from Capital City for bank reconciliation

Functionality to be

delivered at


All current functionality plus

a) Automated integration between ERP and ADP

Technical Specs: Interface with ERP

18. Capital City-

Positive Pay

Current Both Varies Daily

Current Functionality: a) MWA checks are written from Capital City Bank.

b) Positive Pay interface-manual Capital City

c) AP Check run (list of checks, check amounts)

d) File back from Capital City for bank reconciliation

Functionality to be

delivered at


All current functionality plus

a) Automated integration between ERP and Capital City

Technical Specs: Interface with ERP

19. DFACS Current Both Varies Daily

Current functionality: a) Water Assistance Program (WAP). Through Aperta, the extra money

is posted to a GL Account. The paid amount is sent to Capital City


b) DFACS disburses money to customers related to the Water

Assistance Program. An AP check is sent to DFACS every month to

fund the WAP (Water Assistance Program). DFACS will send a check

to MWA to be applied to the customer’s account. Create a process or

interface with DFACS to avoid writing checks between MWA and


Functionality to be

delivered at


All current functionality plus

a) The map location should show on demand within CIS and Cityworks.

Technical Specs: Interface with CIS and 3rd party



Interface Status

Number of






Package Comments

20. Surety Bond New Two-


Varies TBD

Functionality to be

delivered at


a) Integration between CIS and a surety bond website to report on bond


Technical Specs: Interface with CIS

21. E-commerce-






New Both Varies Daily

Functionality to be

delivered at


a) An interface between the GL system and a system that would allow

the submittal of POs electronically.

b) Receive a confirmation of receipt.

c) Receive a catalog file.

d) An interface that would allow electronic payments for items or

services procured through the ERP system as part of an electronic

procurement cycle that would include PO creation, ordering, billing

and payment authorization.

e) The process must allow for separation of duties via roles and

responsibilities administered in the ERP system.

f) The process would be paperless.

Technical Specs: Interface to 3rd party vendors

22. Allen, Mooney

and Barnes

New Both

Functionality to be

delivered at


a) MWA to interface Pension fund data between Allen, Mooney and

Barnes (AMB) and ERP.

Technical Specs: Interface with ERP.

23. CTI Screen Pop New Both Varies Daily

a) Integration between CIS and Cisco phone system to provide

automatic customer lookups on the Customer Service agent’s CIS


Technical Specs: Interface with CIS




This appendix shows the stand-alone access database structures for these two databases

which are expected to be converted to CIS functionality.

FOG-21 data fields, 1,100 records

Backflow-40 data fields, 8,000 records




This appendix lists end users by category. It is intended to provide Respondents information on which to base the pricing of training appropriate the MWA

personnel. Respondents to the Invitation to Bid should use this appendix in support of costing training. It should also be used in costing licenses if the CIS/ERP

is licensed on the basis of either Named User or Concurrent User.

Last Name First Name Title Org Unit

Type of User

(line, supervisor,

manager, IT)

Today or New





Frequency of


1. K S Admin Assistant Customer Care Admin Current User Both Daily

2. H P Billing Clerk Customer Care Cashier Current User CIS Daily

3. S J Billing Clerk Customer Care Billing Current User Both Daily

4. K P Business Office Supervisor Customer Care Supervisor Current User Both Daily

5. G B CST III Customer Care Applications Current User CIS Daily

6. G M CST III Customer Care Cash Office Current User Both Daily

7. B L CST III Customer Care Billing Current User Both Daily



Last Name First Name Title Org Unit

Type of User

(line, supervisor,

manager, IT)

Today or New





Frequency of


8. P F CST III Customer Care Cashier Trainer Current User Both Daily

9. S L CST Customer Care Call Center Current User CIS Daily

10. O A CST Customer Care Call Center Current User CIS Daily

11. C J CST Customer Care Call Center Current User CIS Daily

12. J Q CST Customer Care Call Center Current User CIS Daily

13. G L CST Customer Care Cashier Current User CIS Daily

14. T A CST Customer Care Cashier Current User CIS Daily

15. S H CST Customer Care Cashier Current User CIS Daily

16. S T CST II Customer Care Mailroom Current User CIS Daily

17. D D CST II Customer Care Applications Current User CIS Daily

18. H C CST II Customer Care Call Center Current User CIS Daily

19. N K Customer Care Director Customer Care Director Current User Both Daily

20. H S Billing Supervisor Customer Care Supervisor Current User Both Daily

21. O A Call Center Supervisor Customer Care Supervisor Current User CIS Daily



Last Name First Name Title Org Unit

Type of User

(line, supervisor,

manager, IT)

Today or New





Frequency of


22. S D Accountant Finance Accounting Current User Both Daily

23. S R Accounts Payable Finance Accounting Current User Both Daily

24. S A Accounting & Finance Manager Finance Manager Current User Both Daily

25. B M Buyer Finance Purchasing Current User Both Daily

26. F P Financial Analyst Finance Budget/Forecasting Current User ERP Daily

27. B G Chief Financial Officer Finance Vice President Current User Both Daily

28. C P Warehouse Coordinator Finance Manager Current User Both Daily

29. B R Warehouse Clerk Finance Supply Chain Current User Both Daily

30. H D Warehouse Clerk Finance Supply Chain Current User Both Daily

31. G L Sr. Exec. Asst. of Strategic Planning Executive Admin Admin Current User Both Daily

32. P L Executive Admin. Asst. Executive Admin Admin Current User Both Daily

33. R T Executive Director Executive Admin President Current User Both Daily

34. W W Field Service Rep. Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

35. L G Field Service Rep. Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily



Last Name First Name Title Org Unit

Type of User

(line, supervisor,

manager, IT)

Today or New





Frequency of


36. P G Field Service Rep. Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

37. S P Field Service Rep. Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

38. M L Field Service Rep. Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

39. H J Field Service Rep. Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

40. J B Field Service Rep. Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

41. P K Field Service Meter Reading Supv. Customer Care Supervisor Current User CIS Daily

42. M D Field Service Meter Reading Supv. Customer Care Supervisor Current User CIS Daily

43. P G Meter Reader Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

44. M D Meter Reader Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

45. S J Meter Reader Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

46. W C Meter Reader Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

47. B E Meter Reader Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

48. M M Meter Reader Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

49. E E Meter Reader Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily



Last Name First Name Title Org Unit

Type of User

(line, supervisor,

manager, IT)

Today or New





Frequency of


50. M K Meter Reader Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

51. J N Meter Reader Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

52. W O Meter Reader Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

53. H D Meter Reader Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

54. S K Meter Reader Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

55. Q Q Meter Repairer Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

56. R T Meter Repairer Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

57. F L Meter Repairer Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

58. W H Meter Repairer Supervisor Customer Care Supervisor Current User CIS Daily

59. P R Field Service Rep. Customer Care Meters Current User CIS Daily

60. G K Human Resources Director Human Resources Director Current User CIS Daily

61. F T Risk Management Coord. Human Resources Safety Current User CIS Daily

62. L O Training Officer Human Resources Training Current User CIS Daily

63. B H IT Director Information & Technology Director Current User Both Daily



Last Name First Name Title Org Unit

Type of User

(line, supervisor,

manager, IT)

Today or New





Frequency of


64. L W Network Analyst Information & Technology Analyst Current User Both Daily

65. P M Systems Analyst Information & Tecnology Analyst Current User Both Daily

66. S E User Support Specialist Information & Technology Specialist Current User Both Daily

67. R J Administrative. Asst. Engineering Admin. Current User Both Daily

68. S J Vice President of Field Operations Executive Admin. Vice President New User Both Monthly

69. H J Chief Inspector Engineering Inspector New User CIS Monthly

70. W M Director of Field Operations Engineering Director New User ERP Daily

71. W A Engineer 1 Engineering Supervisor New User Both Daily

72. S B Engineer Technician 2 Engineering Technician New User Both Daily

73. I F GIS Technician Engineering Technician New User Both Daily

74. C L GIS Technician Engineering Technician New User Both Daily

75. M S Grease Management Inspector Engineering Inspector New User CIS Daily

76. J M

Backflow Prevention / Grease

Management Coordinator Engineering Coordinator Current User

CIS Daily

77. M J Inspector I Engineering Inspector New User CIS Daily



Last Name First Name Title Org Unit

Type of User

(line, supervisor,

manager, IT)

Today or New





Frequency of


78. L R Inspector II Engineering Inspector New User CIS Daily

79. N T Plan Reviewer Engineering Technician Current User CIS Monthly

80. T M Project Manager Engineering Manager New User Both Daily

81. C W GIS Coordinator Engineering Supervisor Current User Both Daily

82. S W Water Dist. Asst. Manager Water Distribution Manager Current User CIS Daily

83. C R Water Dist. Linear Planner Water Distribution Planner Current User CIS Daily

84. A B Supervisor Water Distribution Supervisor Current User CIS Daily

85. W R Supervisor Water Distribution Supervisor Current User CIS Daily

86. M D Supervisor Water Distribution Supervisor Current User CIS Daily

87. S D Supervisor Water Distribution Supervisor Current User CIS Daily

88. W E Supervisor Water Distribution Supervisor Current User CIS Daily

89. M M Utility Locator Water Distribution Locator Current User CIS Daily

90. S J Utility Locator Water Distribution Locator Current User CIS Daily

91. B F Support Services Admin. Asst.

Water Distribution

Sewer Conveyance Admin Current User

Both Daily



Last Name First Name Title Org Unit

Type of User

(line, supervisor,

manager, IT)

Today or New





Frequency of


92. B M Sewer Conveyance Asst. Manager Sewer Conveyance Manager Current User CIS Daily

93. V H CMOM Sewer Conveyance Coordinator Current User CIS Daily

94. J C Sewer Conveyance Linear Planner Sewer Conveyance Planner Current User CIS Daily

95. M D

Water Distribution &

Sewer Conveyance Manager

Water Distribution

Sewer Conveyance Manager Current User

Both Daily

96. S R Supervisor Sewer Conveyance Supervisor Current User CIS Daily

97. S T Supervisor Sewer Conveyance Supervisor Current User CIS Daily

98. E F Assistant Manager Centralized Maintenance Manager Current User Both Daily

99. T A Assistant Manager Centralized Maintenance Manager Current User Both Daily

100. C D Assistant Manager Centralized Maintenance Manager Current User Both Daily

101. Z J Cityworks/GIS Maintenance Coord. Centralized Maintenance Coordinator Current User Both Daily

102. T S Dynamics Planner Centralized Maintenance Planner Current User Both Daily

103. C J Dynamics Planner Centralized Maintenance Planner Current User Both Daily

104. H J Asst. Manager Water Operations Water Treatment Plant Manager Current User Both Daily

105. M G Director of Water Operations Water Treatment Plant Director Current User Both Daily



Last Name First Name Title Org Unit

Type of User

(line, supervisor,

manager, IT)

Today or New





Frequency of


106. C M Maintenance Manager Centralized Maintenance Manager Current User Both Daily

107. W J Plant Administrative Assistant Plants Admin Current User Both Daily

108. R L Director of Wastewater Operations Wastewater Plant Director Current User Both Daily

109. K K Asst. Mgr of Wastewater Operations Wastewater Plant Manager Current User Both Daily

110. J D Asst. Mgr of Wastewater Operations Wastewater Plant Manager Current User Both Daily

111. J D Buildings & Grounds Supervisor Water Treatment Plant Supervisor Current User ERP Daily

112. W M Director of Environmental Lab Environmental Lab Director Current User Both Daily

113. H A Supervisor of Environmental Lab Environmental Lab Supervisor Current User Both Daily

114. H B Macon Soils Manager Macon Soils Manager Current User ERP Daily

115. H B Asst. Mgr of Macon Soils Macon Soils Manager Current User ERP Daily



This appendix lists the CIS and ERP reports that the Respondent shall configure or develop. It is

intended to provide information to support Respondent pricing of reports development.

This appendix requires that Respondent provide a response in the two right-most columns

using the Excel spreadsheet as the response form.

E Exists without requiring changeN Not need in proposed solution

Business Value Codes: D DevelopmentH = Must have. M = Nice to have but could live without it. C Configuration

Item# Department Report/Letter Name Report /Letter Title Description of Report/Letter Frequency Business

Value MWA Comments BiddersResponse Bidder's Comments

1 Engineering 1st Backflow Retest Letter 1st Backflow Retest Letter Declare requirement for backflow prevention On Demand H Backflow Coordinator

2 Engineering 2nd Backflow Retest Letter 2nd Backflow Retest Letter Time limit request response On Demand H Backflow Coordinator

3 Engineering 3rd Backflow Retest Letter 3rd Backflow Retest Letter Time limit request response On Demand H Backflow Coordinator

4 Customer Care Access Letter Access issue Meter reader was unable to obtain a reading due to a customer correctable issue. On Demand H Access to the meter was blocked in some way.

5 Finance Account Analysis Account Analysis

Allow users to view trends, average, totals and request reclass incorrect cost to the project -Capital spend details (by project name) report which can be exported into excel allowing the users to view month by month activities and trend, PO which are encumbered for the projects needs to be identified in this report as well to enable the users to view total cost to date. (users should be able to put several months and years activity in their query)

Monthly H Capital O & M & Capital Reserve

6 Finance Account Analysis Account Analysis Allow users to view trends, average, and totals -Revenue detail which provides the users with trends, average and total

Monthly H Revenue

7 Customer Care Account Change Letter Notification account number has been changed On Demand H


On Demand report for all transactions against a selected account On Demand H created per request

9 Customer CareAccount with No consumption for 1 month

Used to produce work orders Weekly H

10 Customer Care AD800C Audit listing changes by staff Report of changes by user ID made by staff Daily H Report to insure changes are made appropriately. Reviewed by supervisors

11 AWTP After Hours AFTER HOURS Connect Service and Paid On Service Requests due to be completed on specified date On Demand H used by after hours staff to quickly find a list of Paid

On/CONNECT SERVICE SRs that are due on the specified date

12 CS/AWTP After_Hours_SR Service Requests Created After Hours daily emailed report showing after hours requests Daily H any OPEN requests from after hours staff; emailed to Call Center

personnel for follow-up

13 Accounts Payable AP002 Vendor Maintenance Audit Report Changes made to the vendor file On Demand H For both companies-MWA &MSI

14 Accounts Payable AP003 Vendor Add Report Set up of new vendors On Demand H For both companies-MWA &MSI

15 Accounts Payable AP121 Purchase order Receiving Rep[ort

All receiving of P{POs as materials or services have been complete Daily H For both companies-MWA &MSI

16 Accounts Payable AP123 Purchase Order Audit Report Update on receiving Daily H For both companies-MWA &MSI

17 Accounts Payable AP131.1 Invoice Entry Audit Report List of invoices keyed for payment Weekly H For both companies-MWA &MSI

18 Accounts Payable AP131.2 Materials Unit Price Variance Update on changes in prices on PO On Demand H For both companies-MWA &MSI

19 Accounts Payable AP191 Purchase Order Update Audit Report Update on any changes to PO Daily H For both companies-MWA &MSI

20 Accounts Payable AP422 Unpaid Voucher Register Invoices have been keyed and holding for disbursement to be processed Weekly H For both companies-MWA &MSI

21 Accounts Payable AP430 Cash Requirements Recap Recap of check run Weekly H For both companies-MWA &MSI22 Accounts Payable AP441.2 Disbursement Journal Checks processed Weekly H For both companies-MWA &MSI

23 Accounts Payable AP441.3 Discounts taken/Loss Report Any discounts taken or loss Weekly H For both companies-MWA &MSI

24 Accounting AP450 Checks outstanding On Demand H25 Accounting AP460 Checks cashed On Demand H26 Accounts Payable AP490 Payments to Vendor Individual vendors-List of payments On Demand H For both companies-MWA &MSI

27 Customer Care AR017C Update addresses with 4 digit Zip On Demand H

28 Accounting AR206 Reverse Billtrust Credit Card On Demand H

29 Accounting AR306 Type IV Reverse Billtrust ACH On Demand H

30 Customer Care AR323B POS Transaction Report- per cashier Point of Sale Report Daily H




E Exists without requiring changeN Not need in proposed solution

Business Value Codes: D DevelopmentH = Must have. M = Nice to have but could live without it. C Configuration

Item# Department Report/Letter Name Report /Letter Title Description of Report/Letter Frequency Business

Value MWA Comments BiddersResponse Bidder's Comments


31 Customer Care AR324B POS Transaction Report, Point of Sale Report Daily HAll of the point of sale reports listed here should be the vendor's way of reconciling payments at the end of day or pulling them on a monthly or annual basis.

32 Customer Care AR325B POS Transaction Report- per cashier with date range Point of Sale Report On Demand H

33 Customer Care AR350BPOS Transaction Report- Totals per cashier and Adjustments

Point of Sale Report On Demand H

34 Accounting AR601 Past due sorted by date of last payment On Demand H

35 Accounting AR620 Users of more than 399 hundred cubic feet On Demand H

36 Customer Care AR650Payment Type Listing (Current Transactions, transaction codes)

On Demand H

37 Accounting AR694 Accounts receivable balances On Demand H

38 Customer Care AR700 Set up and/or delete bank drafts On Demand H39 Customer Care AR710 Hold draft payments On Demand H40 Customer Care AR720 Pulls inactive bank draft customers On Demand H41 Customer Care AR750 Pulls all bank draft customers On Demand H42 Customer Care Back Bill Stop meter The back bill letters would inform the customers On Demand H43 Customer Care Back Bill Under reported usage of charges that will be debited to their account On Demand H44 Customer Care Back Bill Wrong meter size based on our findings On Demand H45 Customer Care Back Bill Non Billed Sewer 48 months of incorrect billing or non-billing On Demand H46 Customer Care Back Bill FSF Letter On Demand H

47 Customer Care Back Billing Letter Back Bill of Charges Customer Not Billed correctly for some period of time On Demand H

Customer was not billed for a charge that all other customers in the same class would have been billed for. These charges must be billed as an equity issue for all other customers in the same class.

48 Customer CareBackbill Letter_wrong account type

On Demand H

49 Customer Care Backflow Prevention Notice On Demand H

50 Engineering Backflow Tester Report On Demand H

51 Customer Care Bankruptcy Bankruptcy on hold Report Used to verify balances in the hold file that may need to be written off or released Weekly H

52 Customer Care Bankruptcy Bankruptcy letter Will need to create On Demand H53 Accounting BD Bank draft reversal On Demand H

54 Customer Care BEMARSC Correct Mars Payment accounts and reprocess

System allows to update/correct information for payment to post. On Demand H To correct/post third party payments that come with incorrect

water account number.

55 Customer Care Billing Record Count A breakdown of the total invoices generated through hyper-sort Weekly H

56 Customer Care Billing Register Edit The edits allow the technician to make any final changes to the reading / consumption before billing. Weekly H

57 Customer Care CAMPCL2 Camp Call Zone 2 Campaign Dialing to customers in Zone 2 Monthly H this is to alert customers that they are late and will be scheduled for disconnection in 5 days.

58 Customer Care CAMPCL3 Camp Call Zone 3 Campaign Dialing to customers in Zone 3 Monthly H this is to alert customers that they are late and will be scheduled for disconnection in 5 days.

59 Customer Care CAMPCL4 Camp Call Zone 4 Campaign Dialing to customers in Zone 4 Monthly H this is to alert customers that they are late and will be scheduled for disconnection in 5 days.

60 Customer Care CAMPCL5 Camp Call Zone 5 Campaign Dialing to customers in Zone 5 Monthly H this is to alert customers that they are late and will be scheduled for disconnection in 5 days.

61 Customer Care CAMPCL6 Camp Call Zone 6 Campaign Dialing to customers in Zone 6 Monthly H this is to alert customers that they are late and will be scheduled for disconnection in 5 days.

62 CS CANNOT WORK CANNOT WORK SRs closed with response code = "CANNOT WORK" in a date range set by use On Demand H used to track SR's whose response code = "CANNOTWORK"

63 Finance Capital O & M, CR Capital O & M , CR

This report will enable to users to view the total cost spend on projects, as well as the budget dollars remaining-Capital spent report with budget amounts YTD cost and remaining budget amount

Monthly H Capital O & M & Capital Reserve



E Exists without requiring changeN Not need in proposed solution

Business Value Codes: D DevelopmentH = Must have. M = Nice to have but could live without it. C Configuration

Item# Department Report/Letter Name Report /Letter Title Description of Report/Letter Frequency Business

Value MWA Comments BiddersResponse Bidder's Comments


64 Finance Capital O & M, CR i.e. Administration (Incr/Decr) CIP FY16

Allows EVP, CFO, and Managers to view any changes(PROJECT NAMES, AMOUNTS AND MOVEMENT) made, as well as total amount impacted YOY by departments-This report shows the current year CIP, 4 yrs. Board approved budget; the 5th yr. added (un-approved) and increase and decrease to O& M and CR 4 yrs. CIP

On Demand H CIP O & M , CR

65 Finance Capital O & M, CR Consolidated Bridge Report (Incr/Decr) Fiscal Year

Allows EVP, CFO, and Managers to view any changes(PROJECT NAMES, AMOUNTS AND MOVEMENT) made, as well as total amount impacted YOY Consolidated-This report shows the current year CIP, 4 yrs. Board approved budget; the 5th yr. added (un-approved) and increase and decrease to O& M and CR 4 yrs. CIP

On Demand H CIP O & M , CR

66 Finance Capital O & M, CR Department (Administration) CIP FY16

CIP Budget Report for each department -Summary Capital Improvement Plan Report On Demand H CIP O & M , CR

67 Finance Capital O & M, CR Consolidated CIP Report CIP Budget report consolidated-Consolidated summary CIP report at a drill down level showing the project names and amounts requested

On Demand H CIP O & M , CR

68 Finance Capital O & M, CR Consolidated CIP Five Year Plan

CIP report presented to the Authority Board -This report should be displayed at a drill down level. The report shows each department O & M, CR for the current CIP approved budget year, 4 year Board approved plan with changes the 5th year added and the totals. The report should also summarize prior year submission, current year submission, 5 yr. plan YOY change and 5 yr. plan YOY % change

On Demand H CIP O & M , CR

69 Maintenance Centralized Maintenance Report On Demand H

70 Customer Care CHGEMAIL Change or Delete Customer email address System allows to update new information. On Demand H To update customer's email address.

71 Customer Care Collection Letter Outstanding Balance before reporting to outside agency

This letter is sent as a final notice to any customer leaving a bad debt . Weekly H

72 Customer Care Collections L Status On Demand H73 Customer Care Collections Y Status On Demand H

74 Customer Care CONSUMB Consumption List with budget break out On Demand H

75 Customer Care CONSUMT Water & Sewer audit consumption avg per day

Monthly Consumption totals broken down by zones and customer type Monthly H

Used in Water Audit to verify Billed consumption vs. water produced. This a lagging report and does not have true consumption numbers for most recent months due to the "merge" necessary to update consumption. Consumption should be updated when billed, but is not in the current system.

76 Customer Care Correction in Lab Billing On Demand H

77 Credit Refunds CR513.3

Credit Refund Disbursement Journal/Comes to A/P through Customer Care Processing

Disbursements for credit refunds from water customer accounts. On Demand H MWA Only

78 WH/PURCHASING created materials Monthly Created Materials List tracking newly added materials Monthly H automatically emailed at the beginning of each month, showing

last month's created materials and who created them

79 Maintenance Credit card expenses On Demand H

80 Engineering Customer/Vendor Detail Report

Customer/Vendor Detail Report

Breakdown of projects and asset management in terms of $ resource x $ budget x $ expenditure x $ progress On Demand H Project Manager

81 Customer Care Demo Letter Demolition Letter This letter explains the requirements of MWA for demolition of a property. On Demand H

After the demo letter is issued the inspectors will inform us the requirements are met and we can then issue a demo permit that the customer can take to the Building Inspector at Macon-Bibb and get their demo permit.

82 Engineering Demolition Letter Building Demolition Letter Report of demolition of ss tap On Demand H Chief Inspector

83 MAINT Dep35 Labor Hours Department 35 Labor Hours tracking labor hours added by MAINT personnel Daily H daily report containing a 7 day running total of hours submitted by MAINT staff

84 Customer Care DEPINACTRC Deposit List with Account Analysis

A spread sheet is generated listing all deposits for every customer that has a deposit on file. Weekly H To view and balance the deposits taken against the account


85 Customer Care DEPINCURRC Deposit info last 31 days A spread sheet is generated listing all deposits taken for the past 31 days. Monthly H To balance deposits taken daily by teller number.

86 Customer Care Deposit Report Deposit Report Used to verify voided and re-issued checks against the account analysis On Demand H



E Exists without requiring changeN Not need in proposed solution

Business Value Codes: D DevelopmentH = Must have. M = Nice to have but could live without it. C Configuration

Item# Department Report/Letter Name Report /Letter Title Description of Report/Letter Frequency Business

Value MWA Comments BiddersResponse Bidder's Comments


87 Customer Care Deposits All Deposits All 12 month report listing all deposits taken Annual H New report


shows transactions and materials issued to Job Codes (accounts) associated with Dept. 10 (CS). User selects from a list of job codes and sets date range

On Demand H report is run on demand and exported to .xls to be sorted manually

89 Customer Care Disbursements Journal On Demand H

90 Deposit Refunds DP210Deposit Refund Edit List/Comes to A/P through Customer Care Processing

Review for possible deposit refunds On Demand H MWA Only

91 Deposit Refunds DP214.1

Deposit Refunds-Disbursement Journal/Comes to A/P through Customer Care Processing

Disbursements for deposit refunds from water customer accounts On Demand H MWA Only

92 Customer Care DP237 On Demand H93 Accounting DP450 Deposit checks outstanding On Demand H94 Accounting DP460 Deposit checks cashed On Demand H

95 Accounting Duplicate payment audit account

Multiple payments the same day Report on multiple payments the same day On Demand H

96 Accounting Duplicate payment audit account

Duplicate payments of the same amount on the same day.

Report on duplicate payments of the same amount on the same day. On Demand H

97 Customer Care Dye Test Positive Letter A positive result will either continue billing as is or back billing for 48 months of unbilled service On Demand H

98 Customer Care Dye Test Negative Letter A negative test would result in a refund for charges billed incorrectly up to 48 months On Demand H

99 Billing E-Bill E-Bill Confirmation Confirmation letter for signing up for e-bill svc Daily H100 Customer Care email bill On Demand H

101 Customer Care Enclosure Letter Notification additional information is needed to process service requested On Demand H

102 Maintenance Encumbrance On Demand H103 Engineering Engineering Tasks Engineering Tasks Monthly report on all completed engineering tasks Monthly H

104 Customer Care ESTWORKC Estimate report

This displays those accounts estimated in the most recent month and then reports the number of estimate in the past 48 months, then the maximum number of consecutive estimates in that timeframe.

Weekly HReviewed on a weekly basis to identify issues that prevent obtaining an accurate reading. Issues can include stopped meters, access issues, and necessary meter repairs.

105 Engineering Final Backflow Letter Final Backflow Letter Declare scheduled turn off & lock of meter On Demand H Backflow Coordinator

106 Customer Care Fire Suppression Accounts On Demand H

107 Engineering First Final Backflow Letter First Final Backflow Letter Time limit request response On Demand H Backflow Coordinator

108 Accounting FR421 On Demand H109 Accounts Payable FR421 Account Analyses Shows how the A/P affects the GL On Demand H For both companies-MWA &MSI

110 CS - Field Services FS - AVERAGE AGE BY TYPE - CLOSED

Average Age of Closed Requests Between [date] and [date]

shows all requests closed within a date range and stats on the number and age of each set On Demand H also distinguishes between Cut List and other requests

111 CS - Field Services FS - CLOSED DAILY Requests Closed Per Employee on [date] SR closed by FS staff on a given date On Demand H standard KPI for daily work activity


This report looks at all CLOSED SR's initiated by MWACIS for the CUT LIST. Age is calculated as: the difference between DATETIMECLOSED and DATETIMEINITIATED in DAYS

On Demand H Click on Employee Name to view details


Stats for Field Service Requests Closed in this Date Range. Stats: Number closed pre employee, average age of closed SR, average # closed in a specified number of days

On Demand H Click on Employee Name to view details

114 CS FS_ISSUED MATERIALS Dept. 10 WH Materials Materials Issued to Dept. 10 Weekly H weekly emailed list of materials issued to Dept. 10 (either to staff

byname or to an account)

115 Customer Care FSFLISTC FSF Listlisting of all accounts that have a Fire Suppression fee assessed. This could be handled by customer listing by rate code or a ad hoc report.

On Demand Hperiodically used to check those being billed should be billed. Could be accomplished by end user with adhoc reporting or a report that reports on revenue types.

116 Customer Care gisThis report goes to Finance (customer banking info attached)

The report generates an email that produces an email to be transmitted to the bank three days prior to billing Weekly H

117 Customer Care Historic Report On Demand H



E Exists without requiring changeN Not need in proposed solution

Business Value Codes: D DevelopmentH = Must have. M = Nice to have but could live without it. C Configuration

Item# Department Report/Letter Name Report /Letter Title Description of Report/Letter Frequency Business

Value MWA Comments BiddersResponse Bidder's Comments


118 Customer Care Hydrant Meter Hydrant Meter Letter Requesting customer to apply for permanent tap On Demand H

119 Customer Care Hydrant Meter Hydrant Follow up letterFollow up letter informs the customer that the hydrant meter will be removed by a specific date if no arrangements have been made for a permanent tap.

On Demand H

120 Customer Care Hydrant Meter Hydrant Requirement regarding quarterly reading

This letter is used when the customer refuses to bring in their hydrant meter for their quarterly reading for two quarter in a row.

On Demand H

121 Customer Care Hydrant Meter Permit Letter for yearly decal This letter is mailed with the new yearly decal after payment has been received for the annual permit fee. Annual H

122 Customer Care Illegal Usage Letter with Afffidavit On Demand H

123 Customer Care Inactive account listing Report

Inactive report use (collection)

Used to check for new accounts to transfer balances, apply and refund deposits or credits Weekly H

124 Customer Care INHOUSE Report transaction details for in house account Lists transactions in a miscellaneous account On Demand H

This is needed because we cannot post deposits directly to a new customer account if it has not been finalized. Or if we need to post other miscellaneous charges in a hold account, because of system limitations.

125 Customer Care INHOUSE Report transaction details for in house account

A spreadsheet is generated listing all various transactions performed by each customer care representative.

On Demand H This report helps identify the cashier or charge done by each representative to the house account.



shows warehouse inventory: MATERIALSID, Part #, Description, Stock on Hand, Unit Cost On Demand H user selects specific Warehouse storeroom

127 Customer Care IVR--Blocked Accounts On Demand H

128 Customer Care J Status J Status Letter

This letter is used to assist customer with allowing the meter to remain at location without paying the full amount of base charges but a meter fee should he/she need access to the service

On Demand H

129 Customer Care L Status Report is viewed to determine if account is ready to be sent over to collection Weekly H

130 Customer Care LabBilling On Demand H

131 Customer Care Leak LetterSent to customers when field personnel identify possible leak

Letter to customer of suspected leak On Demand H Service Request from Cityworks indicates unexplained water flow at time of inspection.

132 Customer Care Letter of Payoff Amount to Payoff water, sewer or deed balance letter

This is used mostly for attorney offices or a customer is trying to refinance their property. On Demand H

133 Customer Care Letter of Svc/ No Service Letter Proof of service request On Demand H

134 Customer Care Lien Lien to place (Deed to Secure Debt)

Placed against property for a balance due to the MWA for water/sewer extension fees. On Demand H

135 Customer Care Lien Lien to remove When Paid in full On Demand H

136 Customer Care Lien Notice of Intent to Lien When a large balance is due by the owner and refusal to pay or make arrangements On Demand H

137 Customer Care LISTEC List All accounts with email addresses

Spreadsheet is generated that list accounts and associated email addresses. On Demand H

When we receive an email to indicated an invalid email address was used to notify a customer of a pending action or ebill, we need a way to identify the account that was used, so we can follow up with that customer.

138 Customer Care LISTEXC List Accounts Exempt from Fees and cut

This list those accounts permanently flagged to not received disconnect for non-payment or fees On Demand H

periodically checked to insure only Federal, State, and Local governments are exempted from late fees and enforcement for non-payment. This report was generated to insure only qualified accounts were exempt.

139 Customer Care LISTNOC List accounts not in GIS-Cityworks

Reports on accounts in CIS not found in GIS and Cityworks On Demand H

This list all accounts not in GIS and Cityworks and is needed to insure that accounts required to be in GIS and Cityworks have the proper links.

140 Customer Care LISTTRANC List Current Transaction types (AR650)

A spread sheet is generated listing all various transactions and GL numbers that customer care must use.

Daily H This report provides all the different codes customer care works with in a daily basis.

141 Customer Care MACBIBBS Macon-Bibb Account details On Demand H142 Customer Care Manual Bill On Demand H



Materials Issued to a WO as ACTUAL on [date] tracking incorrectly issued materials Daily H checking for materials issued directly from the WO rather than

through Storeroom - email is sent only if populated.

144 Customer Care Meter Audit LetterAudit used for apartment complexes without a master meter

This letter is used to notify the property manager / owner an audit of the meters at that location will need to be completed.

Annual H

145 Engineering Meter Type Report Meter Type Report New account additions/deletions/changes for backflow target letters Monthly H Backflow Coordinator



E Exists without requiring changeN Not need in proposed solution

Business Value Codes: D DevelopmentH = Must have. M = Nice to have but could live without it. C Configuration

Item# Department Report/Letter Name Report /Letter Title Description of Report/Letter Frequency Business

Value MWA Comments BiddersResponse Bidder's Comments


146 Customer Care METERDUPS List of Meter Serial numbers at multiple locations List duplicate meter serial numbers On Demand H

Currently we should not have the same meter serial number at multiple locations unless meter size is different. If there were a meter file that alerted us to this or a meter inventory it would not be an issue.

147 CS MetRepClosedSR SR closed by Meter Repairs Service Requests closed by Meter Repairs staff in the last full month Monthly H previous month's closed requests for Dept. 10 Meter Repairs


148 Customer Care Misc. Charges Audit Report Misc. Audit Report List of all the accounts with back charges total amt,

charge to date and current balance Weekly H

149 Customer Care Monthly Cash Receipts Is used in finance. Audit purposes. Weekly H

150 CS monthly closed by field services

Requests Closed by Field Services Monthly Report for [date], [year]

Service Requests closed by Field Services representatives in the last full month Monthly H monthly email of previous month's FS closed SR's

151 CS - Meter Repairs MR CLOSEDRequests Closed By Meter Repairs Staff between [date] and [date]

total SR closed by each employee and a total for the department; grouped by employee and by SR Type On Demand H click on SR type to view details for that type of work

152 Customer Care MTRRADS Meter Radio Read recap List the number of accounts that have Radio Read and Direct Read meters. On Demand H I would hope this would be an ad hoc report if not a selectable

report of meter type and or size.

153 Customer Care MTRSIZ Meter Size Report

This report shows the information regarding each meter in the system. A spreadsheet is generated with account number, service location, customer contact information, mailing information, and meter information.

On Demand H

It is necessary to develop meter testing list, develop other reports based on meter size. Because the information is presented in a spreadsheet, the data can be sorted in different ways. It would be possible to also present it in a pivot table.

154 Customer Care MULTDWELLC Multi-Dwelling report List all multi-unit dwelling accounts. On Demand Hused to review multi-dwelling accounts . In the past we have used this report to help determine the effect of rates on major players and selected other customers in this rate class.

155 Engineering Multiple-Unit Report Multiple-Unit Report New account additions/deletions/changes for backflow target letters Monthly H Backflow Coordinator

156 Finance MWA Financial Quarterly Report

MWA Financial Quarterly Report

Allow users to view YTD encumbered to forecast and full years budget. It should also display the remaining budgeted amount for the fiscal year as well as compares average monthly spend per quarter to average monthly budgeted amount per quarter. This report will provide visibility to the managers on how well they are spending to their budgeted amounts quarterly.-Quarterly departmental report which displays the YTD encumbered, forecast, full year budget, budget amount remaining, etc. (see report submitted for example)

Monthly H Operating Expense ONLY

157 FinanceMWA Flash FOP(Financial Operating Plan)


This report is used to compare YTD financial results to YTD budget. The report also looks prior month (PM) YTD results compare to current YTD as well as view the prior YTD, YOY% and fiscal year full budget. This report will be used to provide full details for company monthly financial performance.-The report compares the current month YTD encumbered to YTD budget with variance. The % of budget, PM (prior month) encumbered, variance, PY (prior year) YTD encumbered, YOY% and Full Yr. budget is also displayed

Monthly H Revenues, Operating Expenses, Non- Operating Expenses, & Non-Operating Income

158 Finance MWA FY Operating Expenses Budget Review

MWA FY Operating Expenses Budget Review

Review fiscal year budget dollars requested to ensure the budget amounts are in line with expected cost-Prior two years actuals bench against current YTD actuals, total year budget and requested budget amount

On Demand H Operating Expense ONLY

159 Finance MWA Operating Expense Details

MWA Operating Expense Details

This report is used to compare YTD actuals to YTD budget . The report also looks prior month (PM) YTD results compare to current YTD as well as view the prior YTD, YOY% and fiscal year full budget. This report will be used to provide variance analysis explanation -This report should be displayed at a drill down level. The report compares the current month YTD encumbered to YTD budget with variance. The % of budget, PM (prior month) encumbered, variance, PY (prior year) YTD encumbered, YOY% and Full Yr. budget is also displayed

Monthly H Operating Expenses

160 Customer Care MWALISTS Report showing MWA accounts and emails Spreadsheet that shows emails and accounts On Demand H Should not be needed as long as the email address is displayed

on the account inquiry.



E Exists without requiring changeN Not need in proposed solution

Business Value Codes: D DevelopmentH = Must have. M = Nice to have but could live without it. C Configuration

Item# Department Report/Letter Name Report /Letter Title Description of Report/Letter Frequency Business

Value MWA Comments BiddersResponse Bidder's Comments


161 Customer Care Negative Consumption Report used as a verification process to correct before billing. Weekly H

162 Customer Care No Leak Notification of no leak On Demand H

163 Customer Care No usage on active account No usage on active account On Demand H

164 Customer Care NOCONS No Consumption Reports No consumption report shows active accounts with no consumption for more than 3 months. On Demand H

Used to identify active accounts not using water. Typically used to investigate stopped meters or check for tampering at locations that were terminated or shut of and should not be occupied. If field investigation shows property occupied further investigation may be required.

165 Customer Care NONRESC List Non Residential accounts On Demand H

166 Engineering Non-residential accounts Non-residential accounts New account additions/deletions/changes for backflow

target letters Monthly H Backflow Coordinator

167 Customer Care OCCUPANTC List Occupant accounts

List active accounts that do not have a customer assigned. This is reviewed periodically to see if it is necessary to terminate accounts no longer used and remove from the system.

On Demand HUsed to clean up accounts no longer needed. Active accounts must be inspected each month for tampering until terminated and taken out of the system.


Average Age of Open Requests (Days)

Status: OPEN; Category: User Defined; grouped by PROBLEMCODE; Age is calculated as Current DATETIME - DATE CREATED (CIS); shows total Open, Average Age, Min & Max Age

On Demand H click on Request type to drill down to individual records

169 Finance Operating Expense MWA Fiscal Year Opex Budget - Departmental

Budgeting for OPEX-This report should be displayed at a drill down level. The report compares the prior year actuals, current fiscal year budget, current YTD encumbered and fiscal year budget requested. The report should also show % of budget and YOY % budget changes for each department

On Demand H Operating Expense and Non Operating Expense

170 Finance Operating Expense MWA Fiscal YOY Opex Variance

Variance analysis for each department-This report should be displayed at a drill down level. The report compares the, current fiscal year budget, and fiscal year budget requested for each department

On Demand H Operating Expense and Non Operating Expense

171 Finance Operating Expense MWA Fiscal YOY Opex Variance

Consolidated variance analysis to show the impact to YOY budget -This report should be displayed at a drill down level. The report compares the, current fiscal year budget, and fiscal year budget requested for each department

On Demand H Operating Expense

172 CS PAID ON REPORT [still in development] report on PAID ON requests showing Date Created & Date Closed; grouped by CLOSEDBY name On Demand H still in development

173 Customer Care Payment Plan Report On Demand H

174 Customer Care payoff Illegal usage letter

A letter is sent to the owner of property where usage has occurred requiring he/she to provide who was there using the service with a sign affidavit or take ownership of the charges.

Weekly H

175 Accounting PCR Phone check return On Demand H

176 Customer CarePick Up Book entries for "Inactive accounts

This is used to verify and correct any charges that will be billed on an inactive account Weekly H

177 Customer Care POS Report Daily H

178 Customer Care pos20151019FIRSTBILL FIRST BILL (IVR payments) Daily H

179 Customer Care pos20151022MARS MARS (Third party payments) Daily H

180 Accounting PPC Payment plan charge Daily H181 Accounting PPL Payment plan transfer Daily H

182 Customer Care PPLLIST Work List For PPL-PPC transactions List Payment Plans On Demand H

This is needed to be sure that those not in compliance get balances added back to the account. Would be less needed if automated.


Project Inventory Audit list of materials issued to a selected Account in a date range On Demand H user selects Acct Num from a list and supplies Acct Number to

see all materials Issued to the account

184 Customer Care Promissory Note On Demand H

185 Grease Trap Quarterly inspection pass/fail report

Quarterly inspection pass/fail report Quarterly H New report



E Exists without requiring changeN Not need in proposed solution

Business Value Codes: D DevelopmentH = Must have. M = Nice to have but could live without it. C Configuration

Item# Department Report/Letter Name Report /Letter Title Description of Report/Letter Frequency Business

Value MWA Comments BiddersResponse Bidder's Comments


186 Customer Care RADIOLST List Locations with Radio Reads Lists accounts with radio read accounts On Demand H

Should be available with Ad Hoc reporting and is one way we find out if an account has a radio read. If we have a true meter file attached to the account this will not be as critical.

187 Finance Rate Volume MWA Employee Rate Volume Report

Variance analysis explanation for salaries -This report compare total actual salaries to budgeted salaries,. The total actual FTEs to budgeted FTEs and proved results whether the variance is volume driven vs rate driven

Monthly H Operating Expense

188 Accounting RC Returned check charge back On Demand H

189 Customer Care Report for Jones City Accts On Demand H

190 Customer Care Report for Monroe City Accts On Demand H

191 Customer Care Report for Sewer Only Acct On Demand H

192 Customer Care Report for the Bank draft Updates

The update applies a credit to the account and produces a list of account to be remove from the bank draft. Weekly H

193 Customer Care Report for Water & Sewer Acct only On Demand H

194 Customer Care Report for Water Only Acct

These reports will allow Finance / AWTP to identify the outage

These reports will list the total number accounts based on the criteria for the request but should allow the consumption with a timeframe being attached

On Demand H

195 Customer CareReport for Work orders Past Due 7 days or more

Is used to follow up and close any open work orders before billing pertaining to that zone being billed Weekly H

196 Customer Care Reports from Billing Register On Demand H

197 Maintenance ReqSubQryMaster On Demand H

198 Customer Care Required Maintenance Report

used to perform maintenance on listed accounts that are 120 days past due Weekly H

199 WH REQUISITION REPORT Requisition Report Print View of WH Requisitions On Demand H user selects a requisition by Req # to print and submit to


200 Customer Care Return Check LetterThis letter is used to notify customer that their water account has been blocked for check payment due to two or more returned payments.

On Demand H

201 Customer Care Returned Check Letter On Demand H

202 Finance Revenue Revenue

This report is used to compare YTD financial results to YTD budget. The report also looks prior month (PM) YTD results compare to current YTD as well as view the prior YTD, YOY% and fiscal year full budget. This report will be used to provide variance analysis explanation -The report compares the current month YTD encumbered to YTD budget with variance. The % of budget, PM (prior month) encumbered, variance, PY (prior year) YTD encumbered, YOY% and Full Yr. budget is also displayed

Monthly H Revenues ONLY

203 Finance Revenue Revenue

Budgeting for revenue-This report should be displayed at a drill down level. The report compares the prior year actuals, current fiscal year budget, current YTD encumbered and fiscal year budget requested. The report should also show % of budget and YOY % budget changes.

On Demand H This report needs to be generated for Revenue and Non revenue

204 Customer Care ROUTEJ Create route specific Spreadsheet

Generates a spreadsheet that lists account and meter information. On Demand H this is used to identify and plan meter change out programs base

on age or hazards.


Requests Closed Between [date] and [date] requests not closed by the employee in DISPATCH TO On Demand H tracking who closed a request

206 Customer Care STATUSIBAL Inactive accounts with balance On Demand H

207 Customer Care STSQ0B List Accounts by Status Listing of accounts by Status of account On Demand H Is used to do various manual processes to work around system limitations

208 Customer Care STSQBB List Accounts by Status with Balance

Listing of accounts by Status of account with balance owing on the account. On Demand H Is used to do various manual processes to work around system




E Exists without requiring changeN Not need in proposed solution

Business Value Codes: D DevelopmentH = Must have. M = Nice to have but could live without it. C Configuration

Item# Department Report/Letter Name Report /Letter Title Description of Report/Letter Frequency Business

Value MWA Comments BiddersResponse Bidder's Comments


209 WH/MAINT/ENG SUPPLIERS MWA Suppliers no parameters; just a list of all Suppliers listed in Storeroom On Demand H list of suppliers name and address

210 Accounting Surety Bond Report Surety Bond Report List all accounts with Surety Bonds and expiration dates On Demand H

211 Accounting Surety Bond Report Surety Bond Report-30 day Expiration

List all accounts with Surety Bonds with expiration dates within 30 days On Demand H

212 Accounting Surety Bond ReportSurety Bond Report-30 day Expiration with poor payment history

List all accounts with Surety Bonds with expiration dates within 30 days On Demand H

213 Customer Care Swrcnsumtype On Demand H214 Engineering Tap Ticket Tap Ticket Receipt form for payment of ss tap to main On Demand H Chief Inspector

215 Customer Care TC / TD Letter Transferring Debt A letter to notify customer that a balance was left owing from an old location, that will be transferred to their new location.

Weekly H

216 Customer Care Transaction Codes_Listtran On Demand H

217 Customer Care Truck Mounted Decal Letter On Demand H

218 Customer Care Truck Mounted Meter Letter On Demand H

219 Customer Care USPS Address Reports Used to make correction to mailing address Monthly H

220 Customer Care USPS Postal Reports Postage Statement Report The hypersort program is used to obtain this report and are used for the mailing. Weekly H

221 Customer Care USPS Postal Reports Qualification Report Daily H

222 Customer Care USPS Postal Reports Tray labels Daily H

223 Customer Care USPS Postal Reports Daily H

224 Maintenance Vendor Info On Demand H225 Customer Care W Account Listing On Demand H226 Maintenance Warehouse On Demand H

227 WH/MAINT warehouse_est_materials


The attached file contains a list of all OPEN work orders with ESTIMATED MATERIALS. On Demand H daily email containing WO's with est. materials.

228 Maintenance Warehouse_Individual_Expenses On Demand H

229 Customer Care Water Audit Report On Demand H230 Accounting WCR Web check return On Demand H



This report displays work orders whose status is HOLD - PARTS and which have Estimated Materials. The data are current as of 10/13/2015. NOTE: If Account (below) is Blank, no account was assigned when the part was requested.

On Demand H WH report to quickly view WO's with materials pending

232 WH WH MATERIAL USE Materials Issued Between [date] and [date]

tracking number and cost of a particular material used in a date range On Demand H WH report on use of a particular material in a date range


MWA Storeroom Materials Report

This report displays all MWA Storeroom materials grouped by Storeroom. Use the Search Tool to find a particular material.

On Demand H also distinguishes out of stock items


This report displays items whose STOCK ON HAND is below MIN QUANTITY On Demand H dedicated out of stock report

235 Customer Care Y Status Report is accounts where no further contact is made ready to be sent to outside agency Weekly H

236 Customer Care Zone Control Totals List all the books read, consumption and total number of accounts per book Weekly H






This appendix is the Excel workbook that includes pricing schedules and a summary tab.

Respondents shall complete all pricing schedules, conforming to the format and requirements of

the schedules. As noted in the Submittal Requirements please separate the Pricing Schedules

from the remainder of the submittal, sealing the paper Pricing Schedules in a separate envelope

and providing a separate electronic file of the Pricing Schedules.

This appendix requires that Respondent provide a response using the Excel spreadsheet as

the response form. It appears in the RFP as a reference.



Vendor Name

Software Name

Price Categories Fixed Price

Software License Fees (Schedule 2) -$

Services (Schedules 3 through 5): -$

Professional Services (Schedule 3) -$

Interfaces (Schedule 4) -$

Reports (Schedule 5) -$

Travel & Other Expenses (Schedule 6) -$

Other professional services not listed above1



Total Price During Implementation Period -$


Fixed Price for



Fixed Price for


Maintenance Comments

Year 1 (Implementation year) -$ -$

Year 2 -$ -$ Assumes estimated CPI of 3%

Year 3 -$ -$ Assumes estimated CPI of 3%

Year 4 -$ -$ Assumes estimated CPI of 3%

Year 5 -$ -$ Assumes estimated CPI of 3%

Total Software Maintenance Price During Priced Period -$ -$

Standard Enhanced

Total Price (Services plus Maintenance) -$ -$

Additional Comments (Maintenance)

Ongoing SOFTWARE Maintenance and Support


Additional Comments (License Approach Implementation Prices)

(1Provide full explanation here if needed. However, no need to bring forward explanations or comments from schedules that follow.)

Explanation (if necessary)1



PRICING SCHEDULE Tab 1 Summary - 1


Vendor Name

Software Name


One-Time Fixed

Price Quantity Unit Price







Fee as a % of


Explanation (including basis for price of software

license (i.e., per named user, per concurrent user,

site license etc.))1







Fee as a % of


Explanation (including basis for price of software

license (i.e., per named user, per concurrent user,

site license, etc.))1

Required CIS/ERP Software License Fees

(list separately-priced modules individually)

Core CIS/ERP $ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - #DIV/0!

$ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - #DIV/0!

$ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - #DIV/0!

$ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - #DIV/0!

Source code escrow $ - 1 $ -

Subtotal $ - $ - $ -

Required Third-Party Software (list third party items and

license fees individually; include price for additional DBMS


One-Time Fixed

Price Quantity Unit Price






Fee as a % of







Fee as a % of


$ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - #DIV/0!

$ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - #DIV/0!

$ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - #DIV/0!

$ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - #DIV/0!

$ - $ - $ - #DIV/0! $ - #DIV/0!

Subtotal $ - $ - $ -

Total Software License Fees List Price $ - $ - $ -

List all other comments here.Don't forget to check your formulas!

1Additional Comments - use space below as needed



PRICING SCHEDULE Tab 2 Licenses - 1


Vendor Name

Software Name

Task (please list tasks) Hours

Fixed Hourly

Rate Price

a) Installation 0 $ -

$ - $ -

$ - $ -

b) Discovery and Configuration 0 $ -

Discovery $ - $ -

Configuration $ - $ -

c) Data Conversions (based on a planned conversion of 5 years CIS & 3 years ERP data) 0 $ -

$ - $ -

$ - $ -

d) Testing 0 $ -

$ - $ -

$ - $ -

e) Training 0 $ -

$ - $ -

$ - $ -

f) Reports 0 $ -

$ - $ -

$ - $ -

g) Modifications to Standard Software (please list below): 0 $ -

$ - $ -

$ - $ -

h) Interfaces 0 $ -

$ - $ -

$ - $ -

i) Mock Go-lives and Cutover 0 $ -

$ - $ -

$ - $ -

j) Post Go-live Support 0 $ -

$ - $ -

$ - $ -

k) Project Management 0 $ - $ - $ -

Total 0 $ -



PRICING SCHEDULE Tab 3 Professional Services - 1

Additional Comments - use space below as needed

List all other comments here.Don't forget to check your formulas!



PRICING SCHEDULE Tab 3 Professional Services - 2


Item # Name of Interface Task

Go-live or

Future Hours

Fixed Hourly

























0 $ -

1 Please use the specific rate for each title assigned to Integration. Add rows as needed, ensuring accurate cell calculations.

Additional Comments - use space below as needed

List all other comments here.

Vendor Name

Software Name



PRICING SCHEDULE Tab 4 Interfaces - 1

Item # Name of Interface Task

Go-live or

Future Hours

Fixed Hourly



Vendor Name

Software Name

Don't forget to check your formulas!



PRICING SCHEDULE Tab 4 Interfaces - 2


Item # Report/Letter Title from the Reports/Letter Appendix1

Report ID

1 $ -

2 $ -

3 $ -

4 $ -

5 $ -

6 $ -

7 $ -

Total $ -

List all other comments here.Don't forget to check your formulas!

Software Name

Add rows as needed, ensuring that cells are calculating accurately

Additional Comments - use space below as needed

Vendor: Choose One From

Drop Down List: Standard

Lib Rept, Create, Library

Mod, Not Needed Vendor's Explanation Price

Vendor Name



PRICING SCHEDULE Tab 5 Reports - 1



Category Quantity Unit Cost Cost

All trips

Airfare 0 $ - $ -

Lodging 0 $ - $ -

Meals 0 $ - $ -

Car Rental & Cabs 0 $ - $ -

Parking 0 $ - $ -

Total $ -

Vendor Name

List all other comments here. Don't forget to check your formulas!

Additional Comments - use space below as needed

Software Name



PRICING SCHEDULE Tab 6 Travel & Other - 1




This certification attests to the Respondent’s awareness and agreement to the content of this RFP and

all accompanying calendar schedules and provision contained herein.

The Respondent must ensure that the following certificate is duly completed and correctly executed

by an authorized officer of its company. This Proposal is submitted in response to: Request for

Proposal for Customer Information and Enterprise Resource Planning Replacement Systems.


(Respondent Company Name)

Agrees to be bound by the content of this Proposal and agrees to comply with the terms, conditions,

and provision of the referenced RFP and any addenda thereto in the event of an award. The

Proposal shall remain in effect for a period of 180 calendar days as of the Due Date of the RFP:

The undersigned further certify that their firm (check one):



Currently debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by any federal entity. The

undersigned agree to notify the MWA of any change in this status, should one occur, until such

time as an award has been made under this procurement action. Person(s) authorized to

negotiate on behalf of this firm for the purposes of this RFP are:

Name: ______________________________ Title: ______________________________

Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________

Name: ______________________________ Title: ______________________________

Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________

Signature of Authorizing Officer:

Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________