Request for Proposal - CABI... KNOWLEDGE FOR LIFE Request for Proposal Direct2Farm Enterprise...

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Request for Proposal Direct2Farm Enterprise System, Development &


Sunita Bhatia, IT Business Analyst Nitesh Maan, Head of IT – Mobile Platforms

Oct 2014




CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................................................. 2

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 5

1.1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 5

1.2. Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... 5

1.3. Process Timelines .................................................................................................................. 7

1.4. Submission of Proposals ........................................................................................................ 7

1.5. Acceptance of Proposal.......................................................................................................... 7

2. ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................... 7

2.1. CABI’s Existing D2F System ................................................................................................ 8

3. GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ..................................................................... 8

4. AVAILABILITY TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES AND INTEGRATION ............................................................... 10

5. SCOPE OF WORK ........................................................................................................................................ 10

6. TESTING ...................................................................................................................................................... 10

7. TESTING SUPPORT ...................................................................................................................................... 10

8. QUALITY SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................................... 10

9. IMPLEMENTATION OF NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................... 10

10. SOFTWARE RELEASE PHILOSOPHY ........................................................................................................... 11

11. USER INTERFACE ........................................................................................................................................ 11

12. SECURITY .................................................................................................................................................... 11

13. CONTEXT SENSITIVE HELP ........................................................................................................................ 11

14. DATABASE ................................................................................................................................................... 11

15. SOFTWARE AND USER DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................. 11

16. SUPPLY OF SOURCE CODE ......................................................................................................................... 11

17. DELIVERABLES ........................................................................................................................................... 12

18. WARRANTY AND SYSTEM MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................. 12

19. TIMELINES .................................................................................................................................................. 12

20. TECHNICAL BID DETAILS .......................................................................................................................... 12

21. STUDY OF DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 12

22. PROJECT TEAM COMPOSITION .................................................................................................................. 13

23. EFFORT ESTIMATE AND MANPOWER LOADING ........................................................................................ 13

24. LOGISTICS AND EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................................................... 13

25. MODE OF SELECTION ................................................................................................................................. 13

26. VENDOR ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ............................................................................................................... 13

27. FINANCIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 14



27.1. Payment Details ................................................................................................................... 14

27.2. TDS ...................................................................................................................................... 15

27.3. Cause of Penalty .................................................................................................................. 15

27.4. Bonus ................................................................................................................................... 16

28. VENUE FOR DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................................................................... 16

29. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (IPR) ................................................................................................ 16

30. CONTRACT TERMS ..................................................................................................................................... 17

31. CONTRACT REVIEW, AUDIT AND TERMINATION ...................................................................................... 17

32. SOFTWARE LICENSES ................................................................................................................................. 17

33. ARBITRATION ............................................................................................................................................. 17

34. FORCE MAJEURE ........................................................................................................................................ 17

APPENDIX-A (SCOPE OF WORK) ...................................................................................................................... 18

APPENDIX-B (NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS) ........................................................................................ 27

APPENDIX-C (DELIVERABLES) ........................................................................................................................ 28

APPENDIX-D (TECHNICAL BID DOCUMENTS) ................................................................................................. 28



Nitesh Maan

Head of IT – Mobile Platforms CABI India 6th Floor, Prakash Deep Building 7, Tolstoy Marg, Connaught Place New Delhi – 110001 India E:



1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose

Under this development contract, it is required that the existing application software (Direct2Farm)

developed in CABI, be taken for extension and enhancements as per additionally perceived user

requirements. This software development will be carried out as per the Terms and Conditions spelt

out in subsequent paragraphs. A Techno-Commercial software development proposal is invited

through this RFP. For facilitating the development process, the system requirements have been

detailed in the subsequent paragraphs.

The contents of this RFP are strictly meant for generating a development proposal to CABI

against the tender enquiry and they are to be treated in confidence and are NOT to be revealed

directly or indirectly to the press, public or any entity not concerned with generation of the

development proposal. This RFP will be executed in an Agile manner in conjunction with

requirement sharing, development and price estimation.

1.2. Abbreviations

ATP Acceptance Testing Procedure

BSD Berkeley Software Distribution

CBT Computer Based Tutorial

CE Content Editor

CM Content Manager

CMS Content Management System

CP Crop Production

CSS Cascading Style Sheets

CSV Comma Separated Values

D2F Direct2Farm

DP Development Partner

FS Factsheet

GMT Greenwich Mean Time

GUI Graphical User Interface

HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language

IE Internet Explorer



IPR Intellectual Property Rights

IT Information Technology

LGPL Lesser General Public License

MIS Management Information System

MNO Mobile Network Operator

MS SQL Microsoft Structured Query Language

NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement

OS Operating System

PDF Portable Document Format

PP Plant Protection

QA Quality Assurance

RFP Request for Proposal

SA Super Admin

SLA Service Level Agreement

SME Subject Matter Expert

SMS Short Message Service

SOW Scope of Work

TE Technical Editor

TFS Team Foundation Server

UAT User Acceptance Test

UI User Interface

VAS Value Added Services

W3C World Wide Web Consortium

WP Work Package

XML Extensible Mark-up Language



1.3. Process Timelines

Completed Proposals should be submitted to CABI by 21st November 2014. Key dates relating to

the procurement are as follows:

Activity Date

Issue RFP document 29th Oct 2014

Proposal submission end date (for both

Technical and Priced Bids)

21st Nov 2014

Evaluate and agree partner selection 01st Dec 2014

1.4. Submission of Proposals

Please complete all documents as specified then submit your Proposal to and


CABI will not accept any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of this or any future


If you have any queries about the RFP process, or require further information, please email Nitesh

Maan on the address: who should also be contacted if you do not receive

acknowledgment of receipt of your tender within 10 working days.

1.5. Acceptance of Proposal

The contract shall be awarded on the basis of the proposal which is the most economically

advantageous having regard to both the price and capacity to meet CABI's service requirements in

full. Incomplete Proposals may not be considered.

CABI shall not be bound to accept the lowest or any Proposal but reserves the right to accept a

portion of any Proposal, unless the Vendor expressly stipulates otherwise.

CABI reserves the right as part of its evaluation of Proposal to question any Vendor further on

aspects of its ability to provide the services required or to reject any and/or all Proposals.

The fact that you have been invited to respond to the RFP is not of itself an approval by CABI.

2. Organization Background

CAB International (CABI) is a not-for-profit international organisation that improves people’s lives

by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the

environment. CABI works with farmers, mobile operators, content providers, extension services

and industry bodies to provide mobile services across the whole agricultural supply chain. The

growth of mobile in developing countries, and rural regions in particular, presents an opportunity to

deliver critical, information-based agricultural services directly to rural smallholder farmers.



Access to the right information, absorbed and applied correctly, can increase productivity and

improve livelihoods in many of these farming households. Across the developing world, around

40% of people now actively subscribe to mobile services, with 130 million new subscribers every

year, and mobile (2G) coverage is around 95% by population. In addition, the number of mobile-

broadband subscriptions in developing countries surpassed those in developed countries in 2013,

reaching a total of 1.1 billion.

2.1. CABI’s Existing D2F System

CABI’s Direct2Farm (D2F) mobile-enabled agriculture information service is being used to

underpin multiple agro-advisory services across India and Africa. A key feature of these mobile

services is the ability to reach large groups of remote users such as rural farmers. They are

therefore being used to complement existing field-based extension services operated by

Governments and private industry. Targeted information is being “pushed” out to farmers by text

and voice message and farmers are able to contact agricultural experts via mobile helplines.

Existing D2F system is being used to create and manage agricultural content that is provided to

Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and Value Added Service (VAS) Providers. MNOs and VAS

Providers send the content in the form of SMS and voice messages to farmers’ mobile phones and

it is used to support call centres operating farmer helplines.

The system is built on a content platform that comprises a relational database containing

factsheets and advisory messages; content management system supporting workflows; and web

based user interface. A network of remote subject matter experts in universities and research

institutions create content that is then validated by central experts and editors prior to publication.

The database system is hosted on AWS cloud platform. The web application system can be seen

on Guest access to this system can be provided on request to the Head of IT

– Mobile Services

3. General Guidelines for Design and Implementation

UI Design will be proposed by the DP.

Visually Appealing: The application must have an attractive mix of text and graphics

Common Theme: Each section of the application should have a common look and feel.

Consistent Design: As mentioned above, each section of the site should have a consistent look and feel. The use of CSS, photographs, fonts and layouts should be consistent throughout the application.

Provide necessary software and licenses to maintain site internally or externally, as decided by CABI.

Application should perform the complete functionality on tablets with iOS or Android OS.

The application should not impact the existing data of the live site.

All the current pages (UI and Control Flow) should be enhanced with enterprise grade. No loss of application data or functionality should occur as a result.

The site should be usable with all its functionalities during entire s/w development.

The go-live should not wait into the end of the full development cycle comprising all the requirements

The DP will recommend and adopt the effective QA and UAT Plan.

Any bugs or issues identified during milestones releases will be addressed on priority.



Reliability: The system will be providing content to VAS providers and End Users across Africa and India during 2014/15. Hours of operation will therefore run from 06.00 GMT to 02.00 GMT as a minimum. The system needs to be fully supported during hours of operation. Any system updates should be scheduled for out of operational hours. The system should have an availability of 99.9% (max 9 hours downtime over a year). Maximum period of downtime for a single incident shall be no more than 30 minutes. Any automated tasks interrupted by system failures should be recovered and carried out as soon as the system becomes operational once more. Once the development has been completed and accepted by the CABI, the application design and all of its contents, software and architecture become property of the CABI.

a) Site Specifications:

Browser Compatibility: Site must be compatible with IE version 6.0+, Chrome and Mozilla.

Web site/Application must not require plug-in as a result.

Application must be built in accordance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 or above, provided by the W3C and should also be easily accessible to the novice as well as the experienced Internet user.

Fast Loading Pages: The application must be designed with a balanced of text and graphics such that each page loads in 5 seconds or less on the average computer (using a 56K modem)

b) Integration Build Philosophy:

A Build is an operational version of a system or part of a system that demonstrates a subset of the capabilities provided in the final product. Builds are integral parts of the iterative life cycle and will be driven by test cases. Each build provides early review points to uncover integration problems. The project will follow an agile development workflow. The build cycle periods can be decided with the development team. The functionality of the system will be shared by the CABI technical team which can be implemented with an alternative more effective approach suggested by the DP. The alternative functional definition to be realized in each successive build has to be identified as part of the sprint planning. The DP shall give support for testing of the system to be carried out at CABI in addition to the testing carried out by QA team of DP.

c) Multi-user Environment:

The application should support multiple users with least performance reduction under n-tier architecture.

d) Delivery:

At the end of each sprint after QA and UAT has been completed for that sprint, the functionality should be made available to the live site.

e) Tracking:

Feature to understand and measure web visitor behaviour and improve web site performance and availability. Feature should cater to the following details: Web Traffic Analysis, Path Analysis, Visitor Trends, Page Views, Entry Pages, Exit Pages, Top Pages, Page-length of stay, technical analysis: browsers and platforms



4. Availability Technology Resources and Integration

Source Code of the existing Direct2Farm web application will be shared by CABI with the DP for

continuous improvement and enhancements. DP should specify the timeframe required to

understand the existing database and source code.

Existing Direct2Farm application suffice following technologies:

IDE: MS Visual studio 2010

Platform: .Net 4.0

DB: MS SQL Server 2008 R2

5. Scope of Work

Please refer APPENDIX-A

6. Testing

Testing of site on all applicable platforms to ensure website works as promised must be carried out

by the DP. Explain testing plan through development process.

7. Testing Support

Verification of the entire software functionality will be carried out by CABI. Support of the

development engineers/professionals of the DP should be made available during the testing. All

shortcomings and bugs noticed during testing will have to be rectified by the DP.

8. Quality System

The software must be developed under quality system using Agile procedure. All steps towards

Quality Assurance and Quality Testing will have to be taken from the beginning of the contract. No

delivery should be made without proper testing and related test artefacts, test evaluation, summary

and test results must be made available with each delivery. Testing must cover Unit, Regression,

Black Box and Load testing along with relevant test cases comprising testing results identified by

the DP. The system must be designed for usability, functionality, robustness, scalability,

configurability, portability, reliability, maintainability and supportability. Quality must be built into the

system from the beginning by means of internal processes and checks.

In addition, DP is also required to carry out Load/Stress testing of the system and advice

CABI as to how many concurrent users can be supported by D2F.

9. Implementation of Non-Functional Requirements

There are certain non-functional system requirements to be implemented and realized for proper

functioning of the system as a whole. These non-functional requirements are to be specifically

analysed and addressed by the DP under this contract. Some of the non-functional requirements

are listed in APPENDIX-B. This list is not exhaustive and additional requirements may be added as

necessitated during testing and evaluation of the developed software.



10. Software Release Philosophy

A release is an operational version of a system or part of a system that demonstrates a subset of

the capabilities provided in the final product. The software will follow the agile development cycle.

The release cycles and tasks achieved in each release should be described by the DP in the

proposal to this RFP.

11. User Interface

The software must have a simple and easy to understand interface for the users. There should be

ample facilities to support, assist and navigate or guide the users through the entire system. The

software should provide extensive on-live help facilities for each screen, function, field and context.

There should be a mechanism to simplify and support data entry including proposed default values

and prompts for posting of recurring entries. There should be extensive search facilities. All

modules of the system must have flexible and powerful facilities for queries and reports. The user

should be able to carry out both standardized and user defined queries/reports.

12. Security

The developer should identify extremely sensitive data in consultation with CABI and chalk out a

strategy for storing the same in a high security environment in consultation with CABI. The design

should allow substitution of encryption and decryption mechanisms by newer, customized

solutions that might be developed by CABI in-house and could be both hardware and software


13. Context Sensitive Help

Extensive context sensitive help has to be provided. The context sensitive help will be both screen

and field based. Every field of the GUI screen should have context sensitive help. In addition,

extensive online help for system configuration and usage should be provided with a view to

minimize reference to hard copy user manuals.

14. Database

The existing database designed in MS SQL will be shared by CABI with the DP. The backend

database design in terms of improvements and extension with MS SQL will form part of the


15. Software and User Documentation

The DP must supply a set of all software and user documentation in CABI’s version control

system such as TFS. All the software artefacts must be regularly maintained to highlight

revisions and the causes of revisions. The firms will ensure that the documents are kept current as

per the changes/modifications in the software.

16. Supply of Source Code

The source code for the application must be provided with proper documentation explaining the

functions of each module/routine. The final version of the complete source code will have to be



compiled in front of the CABI technical team and submitted along with all the necessary

documentation. All source code will become a proprietary item of CABI. It must be understood that

the software will be developed for CABI as a dedicated and a classified project. Entire software

and other details will be made available to CABI and it cannot be utilized for any other purpose

without specific clearance from CABI.

17. Deliverables

List of technical documents to be generated and supplied is given in APPENDIX-C. All final

software deliverables will be both in soft copy media and one hard copy forms (Wherever


18. Warranty and System Maintenance

The DP will give reliability guarantee for the complete system. A methodology will also be worked

out by the DP by whom the system (software application) will be under warranty for a period of six

months after implementation, integration, testing and completion of the application. The DP will

provide bug fixes of the software along with upgrade releases. The DP will provide warranty

support for a period of six months from the date of final accepted version of the software. The

broad support which will be provided by the DP during the warranty period will include:

Provision for support engineers with the user for hardware and networking (if applicable)

Analysis and bug fixing for application software when notified

System training as per the scope and syllabus

Provision for patches/updates/bug-fixing for open-source software

Free replacement of all hardware, networking components and other equipment supplied

by the DP (if applicable)

19. Timelines

DP must be capable enough to achieve the complete scope of work, defined in APPENDIX- A

within the committed timelines from the date of award of contract. Timelines for

completion of each functionality should be estimated by the DP. As such, agreed delivery

schedules (including sprints release) are of paramount importance and should be strictly adhered


20. Technical Bid Details

Broad overview and scope of work as understood by the company must be presented in the

technical-bid. The documents to be submitted along with the technical bid are listed in APPENDIX-


21. Study of Documents

In order to enable proper assessment of effort estimate for these activities during the development

and then offer a Techno-Commercial bid against enquiry, the existing Direct2Farm application

developed in-house will be made available online at the CABI’s development environment for

suitable study. The scheduled details for the same will be given during the pre-bid workshop.



22. Project Team Composition

DP must clearly bring out the team size to be inducted and positioned at CABI’s

development site (Delhi office) and their skill sets. The role of each individual in the team

must be identified at the beginning of the development activity. The skills of the team members

must be commensurate/in-tune with the technologies being pursued in the project.

All team members/team lead to be inducted for this project will be screened by CABI for technical

suitability and competence. All the team members must be on the confirmed employment/payroll of

the DP Company. Any team member not performing up to the mark and not meeting project

requirements in terms of allotted task completion within the framework laid out will be withdrawn by

the DP and suitable replacements will be provided without any time gap. The DP will not rotate

the manpower among their various on-going projects, if any.

23. Effort Estimate and Manpower Loading

Effort estimation and manpower loading per task will be separately indicated in the technical bid.

DP must strictly follow the minimum team size as reflected in the final agreed


24. Logistics and Equipment

Laptops/desktops, data connection and any other equipment required to perform the job must be provided by the DP company. Cost of arranging logistics must be borne by the DP only.

25. Mode of Selection

The competitive techno-commercial bids submitted by various companies will be evaluated by duly

constituted Evaluation Committee (s) for this purpose and the companies technically suitable and

acceptable to undertake the work under this tender enquiry will be short listed.

26. Vendor Eligibility Criteria

Bidders who fulfil all of the following eligibility criteria would be considered for evaluation:

The Bidder should be registered in India and have been in existence for the last five years.

The Bidder should be registered for Service Tax and Income Tax in India.

The Bidder should have executed at least one software development project implementing

requirements of comparable complexity and scale.

The Bidder must be willing to deploy the same size and the members of the team as

agreed in the final contract, for our project. The team must not change without consent of


The Bidder must be willing to deploy the entire team for the complete life cycle of the

project at CABI’s premises including go-live.

The Bidder must be willing to make available necessary logistics and equipment for

executing the development activities at CABI’s premises.



The Bidder must be willing to work in Agile framework comprising Time (Fixed as

promised in the final contract) and Material (can be increased) mode-subject to

approval from CABI.

The Bidder must be willing to bear all costs (e.g. accommodation, travel (if not requested

by CABI to perform the job) and meals) other than the fixed price development fee,

incurred on its staff for executing the development work.

The Bidder must be willing to deploy one dedicated PM (100% working on our project), who

must be responsible to manage the team as well as the development work, good

presentation skills, should act as a SPOC from the DP and delivering project on time.

The Bidder must be willing to follow version controlling system such as TFS to carry out

daily development.

The Bidder must be willing to provide weekly development status update [must include

demo to show progress of work] to the CABI team.

The Bidder must be willing to undergo regular review of the contractual terms (mentioned in

the eligibility criteria) including but not limited to team size, code quality, testing and QA of

the functionality developed, development progress, promised timelines and parallel

deliverables etc.

The Bidder should have experience in creating Intellectual Property (IP) in-house in terms

of frameworks, tools, products etc.

(Preferred) The Bidder should be CMMI Level-3 or above certified.

The Bidder should have worked with Agile process and should demonstrate Agile


The Bidder must accept the penalty clause specified by CABI.

Bullet number 1, 2, 3 and 14 given above must be substantiated through suitable documentary

proof in support. Bidders may note that Consortium or outsourcing of work is not allowed.

27. Financials

[FIXED PRICE AGREEMENT-“Development Fee” and (Service Tax equal to “Development Fee” @12.36%)] Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, and on the condition that the DP comply with all the obligations hereunder and are not in breach or default hereof, Customer shall pay the DP (the "Fixed Compensation") for all services to be rendered by the DP hereunder and for the results and proceeds thereof.

27.1. Payment Details

Payment of the contracted work will be made as given below:

Payment Description Payment (%)

Advance Payment 20%

Payment after the final delivery (release go-





Constraints applied (release on time i.e. on

agreed date including complete functionality

with thorough testing+ reported bug fixes+

stable fully functional platform making

accessible to the users entire functionality

as indicated in SOW on Live platform)

subject to the penalty clause or bonus, if


All applicable levies and taxes shall be included in the prices to be indicated against each item, by the DP.

Please Note: If at any time during the project more resources may be necessary to finish on time with quality, CABI will be willing to consider request for additional resources. CABI realises that there may be a minor revision to the price quoted initially [subject to consent from CABI]. However denial of any increase in resources cannot be treated as the cause of any delays to the final delivery as the initial estimates are assumed to have been prepared with detailed analysis of the stated requirements.

27.2. TDS

Income Tax at applicable rate will be deducted at source on every payment to be made under this

proposed development contract.

27.3. Cause of Penalty

If any of the below conditions are violated at any time during the life cycle of the project, then the same will result in a financial penalty (complete final payment i.e., 80% software development fee will be forfeited) to the bidder:

1. The DP must deliver on time the items as mentioned in the agreed project plans during the project life cycle *'Delivery' will be defined as code that meets customer's requirements released to live after going through all testing process at the DP's end and gaining sign-off from the customer of its adherence to quality, stability and meeting requirements*

2. The DP must deploy the same size and the members of the team as agreed in the final

contract, for our project. The team must not change without consent of CABI.

3. The DP must deploy the entire team for the complete life cycle of the project at CABI’s

premises including go-live.

4. The DP must make available necessary logistics and equipment for executing the

development activities at CABI’s premises.

5. The DP must deploy one dedicated Project Manager (100% working on our project), who

must be responsible to manage the team as well as the development work and delivering

project on time. The resource being deployed as Project Manager must be experienced to

perform role as SPOC from the DP and the team, responsible to receive and discuss

functionality/requirement along with suggesting the best implementation approach and

managing the team in an effective manner, good presentation skills and responsible to

deliver the verified tasks of the team.



6. The DP must follow version controlling system such as TFS to carry out daily development.

7. The DP must provide weekly development status update [must include demo to show

progress of work] to the CABI team.

8. The DP must undergo regular review of the contractual terms (mentioned in the eligibility

criteria) including but not limited to team size, code quality, testing and QA of the

functionality developed, development progress, promised timelines and parallel

deliverables etc.

9. The DP must deliver all the items (as mentioned in the list of Deliverables: APPENDIX-D)

27.4. Bonus

The DP may be rewarded with a financial bonus of upto 10% of the balance 80% (final payment) amount along with an opportunity to work on future CABI projects considering long term business relationships. Criteria for availing bonus:

1. Timely delivery of the agreed scope of work maintaining quality of the deliverables on the committed timelines in each release.

2. Showing sense of responsibility, interest, commitment and willingness to build long term business association with CABI

3. Successfully completing all the conditions, whose violation causes penalty to the DP. The fulfilment of above criteria does not automatically lead to the award of bonus. The decision for the successful fulfilment and the award of bonus shall be at the sole discretion of CABI.

28. Venue for Development

The development of software must be carried out on the premises of CABI, Delhi office. The DP

will have to confirm the timings and working days of its project development team during the

contract period. The cost of all resources-PC Systems, Laptops/desktops/tabs, mobile handsets

and travel to CABI premises and accommodation etc. required for development will not be

included in the quote,

29. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

The entire software development including the source code under this contract shall be the

property item of the CABI and it will not under any circumstances be commercially

distributed or exploited by the DP in direct or modified forms. The DP shall have to execute

a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) when signing the contract. System developed using

open source software/libraries will be IPR of CABI and should remain confidential.

Complete source code of the product developed needs to be delivered.

The DP will be required to give an undertaking that the proposed solution would in no

manner be a violation of IPR of any commercial organization and the CABI would not be

responsible towards any legal fallout at a later stage.



30. Contract Terms

The development of software must be carried out as per a contract agreement to be entered into.

Specimen of contract terms will be made available for perusal, on request, before signing the final


31. Contract Review, Audit and Termination

In this software development, at the end of each software release, Technical Review/Audits will be

conducted by a Project Review Committee, specifically to determine whether the software work

carried out under that task is satisfactory, meeting the overall project and user requirements of

timely completion and delivery of Quality software packages. In case the progress is not

satisfactory in terms of timelines, Quality and completeness and if it fails to meet the Terms and

Conditions of the DP will not be allowed to take up and proceed with the succeeding builds and the

DP will forfeit the final payment.

32. Software Licenses

Any software (open source/proprietary or otherwise) used for the development should be under

LGPL, BSD or some such suitable license. The DP will be required to give an undertaking that the

proposed solution would in no manner be a violation of licenses of any of the software used and

that the source code developed will not be needed to be exposed /uploaded to the open source

community anytime in future. The CABI would not be responsible towards any legal fallout at a

later stage.

33. Arbitration

Any question of difference arising under the Contract (except as to any other matter, the decision

of which is specially provided for) shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the CABI or the officer

appointed by him/her. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties.

The arbitrator shall be entitled to the time of award by consent of the parties from time to time.

34. Force Majeure

If any delay in completion of development work arises from Force Majeure Circumstances defined

here after or any other cause, which CABI may deem to be reasonable, such additional time as

may be considered necessary by CABI under the circumstances of the case may be allowed by

him, provided that the DP shall be responsible for keeping the CABI informed of the circumstances

which may lead to delay in completion of work immediately after such circumstances comes to the

notice of the contractor and also immediately which such circumstances comes to an end.

Force Majeure is defined as:

Natural phenomenon including but not limited to weather conditions, flood, earthquake and


Action of any Govt. authorities, domestic and foreign

Accidents or disruptions including but not limited to fire, explosions and breakdown of

essential or equipment or power shortage.

Strikes, slowdowns, lock ups and sabotages.



APPENDIX-A (Scope of Work)

The Scope of phase-2 IT development work comprises following requirements falling into two

categories: Enhancement/Improvement in existing Functions and New Functions

Enhancement/Improvement in existing Functions-

1. User Registration

Language proficiency selection must be given to the user while completing profile. User can select

multiple languages (of the same country or foreign country-regional as well as official languages)

as proficiency (from the master list defined by SA).

Subject Expertise selection must be given to the user while completing profile. User can select

multiple expertises from the master list defined by SA/Admin).

2. Approve Registration and Assign Role to the user

The languages as mentioned in the user profile must be shown to the Administrator of that country

and organization or Super Admin while approving registration request [need to discuss in more

detail during the implementation].

Administrator/SA must be able to add proficiency languages and Subject Expertise in Edit Profile

of the user.

3. Master: Subject Expertise

Define subject expertise Husbandry wise.

4. Exporting Messages in Excel format

A provision to export messages at country and organization level must be given

A provision to select message type i.e. text/voice/combination of text and voice messages should

be given while exporting messages.

Template of the excel needs to modify.

5. Content Search

1. User can search factsheets, messages and documents of the respective country and organization using Google type free text search.

2. User should be able to search factsheets, messages and documents of the respective country and organization comprising specific superscript and sub-scripts.

3. The text/string being used for searching data must be highlighted in the belonging records (factsheets/messages/documents) which are the results of that search criteria.

4. User can search factsheets/messages/documents of the respective country and organization using advance search option comprising following filters:

Search In: Factsheets





Factsheets and Messages

Messages and Documents

Factsheets and Documents


Search by: Information Domain wise

a. Crop Name wise b. Livestock Name wise c. Crop Name wise and Livestock Name wise

Information Domain and Husbandry wise

Crop-Crop Production/Plant Protection/CP and PP

The Filters in the Plant Protection husbandry are:

a. Cause b. Causative c. Causative name d. Topics (Both Description and management)

Meta-data wise

In case of Crop as ID:

Crop preferred scientific name wise

Crop Local Name wise

Casual Organism Common Name wise

Casual Organism Scientific Name wise

Pest Category wise (in case of PP only)

Affected Plant Part wise (in case of PP only)

State, District and AEZ wise (need to analyse and verify technical feasibility)

Favorable Temperature Range wise (Max 0C and Min0C)

Favorable Relative Humidity Range wise (Max % and Min %)

Favorable Precipitation Range wise (Max mm and Min mm)



Activity Gender Tag wise (Common/Female/Male)

Stages wise (in case of PP only)

Photo Period (in case of CP only)

In case of livestock ID:

Animal preferred scientific name wise

Animal Local Name wise

State wise (need to analyse and verify technical feasibility)

Livestock Zone wise

Activity Gender Tag wise (Common/Female/Male)

Note: Existing system facilitates Information domain wise search and free text search of the

content data under factsheets, messages and documents.

But it doesn’t provide search on sub-scripts and super scripts (for e.g.H2O, O2). Sufficient filters

should be provided to the users to search factsheets/messages/uploaded documents (text, excel


New Functions-



1. Message creation:

Originally in D2F, publisher is not supposed to approve anything, so provision to edit message

is not given. In the scale up system, provision to edit message will be available to the user

(having permissions to publish) as per assigned permissions.

Common requirements for Message creation (for Text, Voice and combination of Text-Voice


1. New system must facilitate the user to create message in multi-lingual (other than English also-primarily India and Kenya regional languages) at country and organization level.

2. Multiple messages in different languages for one State corresponding to the combination of selected criteria w.r.t Information domain and Husbandry, at country and organization level must be created. [Varieties in farmer’s database are not mandatory. In existing system we are creating messages State wise, not the variety wise]

3. Version history of the messages is not required to maintain.



4. Highlighting changes performed by approvers at different levels. 5. An option to create message against any published FS w.r.t. the selected criteria must be

given [in other words, give reference of published FS with messages. If that linked FS has been deleted that message should not be available to publish (should be displayed to CM for re-assignment) and published message should have a separate flag and move to a separate quarantine category, visible to CM only].

6. There must be a provision to link following references in a message [link all published messages (text and voice both) w.r.t. the selected criteria while creating a new message (text and voice both)].

a. Published FS b. Published Messages c. Approved Doc from DMS(Not part of Phase 2) d. External reference (in text/hyperlink) e. Other CABI digital resources(Not part of Phase 2)

7. Out of this above 5, a, b, c, e would be dynamic and if the reference doc gets void the referred message also gets void.

8. There must be a provision to add multiple text areas in one message for script writing. Each text should be a complete message in itself.

9. While viewing a saved message, if reference comprises hyperlink (in option d above, External reference) of any document/video/picture, snapshot of that document should be displayed to the user (like gmail/facebook shows the uploaded files). So that user can directly open and view that content. System should be capable enough to display message like file not found, in case source file location has changed. Specific requirements for Voice and Combination of Text-Voice Message creation

10. Voice Message Completed= Voice Script + Audio File 11. In case of voice message, user must be able to record audio with provision to store audio

file in following formats: MP3, WAV. 12. Audio files must have the naming convention same as message ID. 13. User can record audio outside the system and must be able to upload audio file (individual

for each message or in bulk for multiple messages) corresponding to the voice message script. Specific requirements for Combination of Text-Voice message

14. Combination of voice script and text message must have a provision to add multiple text areas for text message in one combination message. Adding multiple text areas of voice script writing in one message is not required. [One can create multiple text messages against single voice message script. NB: This is independent of creating multiple translations of a voice message script]



2. Message Translation in multiple languages:

(For Text, Voice and combination of Text-Voice messages)

1. Only when messages are published in one language, it will be available for translation in other languages at country and organization level.

3. Defining Editorial Flow:

A provision at administrator level must be given to define editorial flows each for text message,

voice message & combination of voice-text message, and translation in other language for the

respective country and organization.

4. WP Creation and Assignment:

1. A provision must be given to assign WP each for text message, voice message, combination of voice-text message and their translation in other languages; to the Content Manager of that country and organization.

2. In one WP, CM can assign message creation/approver in one language for one state to any user (author, approver).

3. The users/approvers at all the levels of Editorial Flow (including translation of message) must have proficiency in that language. Depending on the selected language of message creation in Author’s WP, Approver’s at the sub-sequent levels must be enlisted.

4. If there is no approver comprising that language skill/subject expertise in his/her profile, system will respond with an alert message to the CM to contact the administrator of the respective country and organization for adding the required skill/subject expertise.



[Language selection and subject expertise will be mandatory to specify by the user while submitting registration details.] The user should be linked with the subject expertise

CM must be able to select languages (from the list of allowed languages by Admin) and

associated subject expertise (from the list of mapped subject expertise by Admin) while

assigning work package to that user.

5. Exporting Messages in XML, PDF and CSV formats

Super Admin will have the provision to export country-organization specific as well as all


There should be a provision to export published messages w.r.t. the country and organization

(depending on the selected filters-Information Domain/Husbandry/Cause/Causative/Topic/Date

Range/language/ Message Type-text/video/combination of text-video) in XML, PDF and CSV

formats (pre-define templates).

6. Farmer’s profile creation

There should be a provision to create/store farmer’s profile manually or uploading and storing

profile details in a pre-define template (received from 3rd Party).

Process should support both Single upload and Bulk upload functionality.

Data Fields to be stored w.r.t farmer’s profile are enclosed in the annexed document:

Farmer Registration Form_KS_CABI.docx

7. Providing Feedback on Published Factsheets



Enterprise version of D2F will facilitate the end system users having permissions (of the country

and the organization as per assigned role), to submit their feedback on Published Factsheets.

8. Reports

A report showing status of the assigned tasks to expert w.r.t different selection criteria

Suitable template design needs to be proposed by DP.

The report will comprise details as given in the below sample template:

Workassignment status.xlsx

9. API integration for message delivery (SMS/OBD)

1. API integration could be via 3rd party aggregators or directly with the operators 2. Platform should support both the B2B & B2C model for message dissemination to the end

users 3. User/expert must be able to select Date from the calendar corresponding to which s (he)

wants to send messages to the farmer’s mobile number. An API must facilitate the user to send bulk messages (specific to the selected date) to one or multiple farmers.

4. An API must have a provision to access farmer’s profile (stored in D2F) for accessing Farmer’s details (name, mobile number).

5. There should be a provision in D2F to store messages in a pre-define format received from 3rd party.



10. Logs/Analytics

1. System must be able to produce following analytics reports (on the basis of given filters/search criteria) with the details mentioned in the enclosed document along with a provision to export/save them in PDF/Excel/Word formats.

a. Demographic details of farmers b. Socio-Economic Profiles of Farmers c. Agri Profiles of Farmers d. Report on Service uptake (Channels: Text/Voice-OBD) e. Service usage analytics (Channels: Text/Voice-OBD) f. Operational analytics (Channels: Text/Voice-OBD) g. Service Uptake mapped to Demography h. Service uptake mapped to socio-economic profile i. Service uptake mapped to agri-profile

2. System should be able to allow users to create on screen graphs, tables and reports by customer, organization, system user.

11. Track changes in Factsheets

Highlighting changes in the submitted factsheets after being reviewed or edited by different level of

users/approvers in the editorial flow (as a part of Phase-1 scope of work- carry forward in Phase-2)

12. Deletion of Factsheets

A provision to Content Manager needs to be given to delete submitted factsheets (latest version).

In that case the complete set of that factsheet (at all associated descending levels in the chain) will

get remove and the belonging parameters will be loose to again create & assign in the new work


N.B: DBAdmin + administrator would no longer be able to perform the above activity

13. Business rule for Masters

Scale-up system should provide a mechanism to manage country specific masters and their

mapping with the globally applicable masters (wherever applicable) through a user friendly


The access to manage country specific masters will be given to only one user having the

associated permission.

Once it is assigned to one user it should not be available for assignment to any other user of that


Similarly all the country specific masters plus the global masters can be managed by only one role

defined in the D2F system.

Refer the list of masters identified for country level filter (there could be few of the masters

removed or added in the list):



Masters list.xlsx

Note: Existing system has UI for updating master details (Globally) in relational database

management available on the url:

Access to update these masters is given to the dbadmin role only.

Existing system doesn’t have any provision for specify country specific maters through a user


APPENDIX-B (Non-Functional Requirements)

1. User Interface Screens: Data entry in all fields will be validated for correctness. Once sufficient number of valid data is keyed into any fields, the cursor should automatically move to the next data entry field. Provision will exists to skip non-mandatory fields by Tab Key.

2. Login Statistics: Number of logins from each client machine and client ID with time period/stamping must be logged in. This detail should not be editable.

3. Reliability: Recommend and implement the hardware architecture that ensures the SLA

stated in the Reliability (section3: General Guidelines for Design and Implementation)

4. All entries into system will be through user input screen provided as part of application software.

5. Only authorized abbreviations (given by CABI) will be used in all documents/artefacts and screen layouts.

6. Screen formats/layouts will be uniform in terms of colour scheme, fonts, navigability etc. across the entire application.

7. Any deletion of database entry should be done after reconfirming the same from the client e.g. “Do you want to delete this item?” In case of critical data, proper warning about the consequences should be provided.

8. System Performance: The system performance in terms of response time should not be degraded even when all clients are using system and accessing database. Response to any database access should be less than 5 seconds, worst case, even at peak traffic and database access. (This is purely a tentative figure and could be fine-tuned after a few rounds of integrated testing.)

9. Error detection and recovery: System should be able to detect errors and be able to recover from such errors with minimum loss of data. Incorrect input by the user must be detected and must not cause the program or system to crash relates to programming faults.

10. Software should lend itself to easy and effective maintenance. Adaptive, enhancive and corrective maintenance should be possible with least amount of effort.

11. Portability: Application software must be easily portable across later versions of same family of Hardware systems, Operating systems and Middleware servers.



12. Security aspects: Multi-level database security measures. Dissemination of information on a need to know basis, based on role-profile and the corresponding permission tuple. Transmission of data in encrypted form.

APPENDIX-C (Deliverables)

S. No. Documents (using IEEE standards)

1. Software Wireframes (subject to discussion with CABI Technical Team)

2. Software Architecture and Design Document (subject to discussion with CABI Technical


3. Docs generated from code

4. Test Plans

5. Detailed Test Cases for each type of testing i.e. for Black Box, Regression, Unit and Load

testing (with pre-filled test results identified by DP during various phases of testing)

6. Test Reports

7. Latest version of the Source Code (*'Delivery' will be defined as code that meets

customer's requirements released to live after going through all testing process at the

DP's end and gaining sign-off from the customer of its adherence to quality, stability and

meeting requirements)

If any of the above deliverable is not provided along with the completed

functionality, then the same will result in a financial penalty as per the details

mentioned in the “Payment Details” section.

APPENDIX-D (Technical Bid Documents)

List of Documents which will also be submitted along with the

Technical Bid

1. Suitable documentary proof (wherever applicable) in support of the Vendor Eligibility




2. Detailed technical write-up highlighting the features of the system offered and understood

Scope of Work.

3. Information on the upgrade path for the system offered and forthcoming project plan.

4. Details of the release cycles and tasks achieved in each release w.r.t. the mentioned

Scope of Work.

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