Research and planning trailer reseach

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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The genre of my movie trailer will be action/comedy.I have chosen this type of genre because I am most interested in this genre, from the feedback given from peers, I believe this is the appropriate genre, also I have watched many movies related to this genre and I am confident that I am able to create my own

While researching trailers, I looked at variety of genres, romantic comedy was one of them, by looking at a wide variety of genres I was able to understand what to include and the things which should be avoided in terms of convention

Audio- The conventions of this trailer follows a typical romantic comedy based on its audio, when speaking to each other and show a lot of emotions, it is evident that in the trailer that the two characters meet up in New York city and fall in love, the sounds and music used in the trailer are related to the genre, they provide love songs to illustrate the love between the two characters

Shot types- The shots used within the trailer are predominantly closes up or extreme close ups, this is show the love and passion for each other, in other words the emotions for each other, another shot which is used a mid shots, this is to show the body expression.

Advertising technique- Tv, Magazine, Internet, Cinema, these are the most common ways of advertisement

Target audience- The predominant target audience of this genre would be females, the age range would be 15+, it would mainly appeal to a female because the plot of the story would interest the female more than males as it includes scenes where they both fall in love, however some male viewers may watch it with their partners or wife.

Impact on audience- the main impact is to attract attention from viewers, the trailer itself gives away a lot of the storyline, but this is with most romantic comedies. This is done because it wants the viewer to get interested instantly and they want to know how the film will end.

Within this trailer they have used the applicable convention which is of a romantic/comedy genre, however based on the convention I am unable use any of the aspects as it is not related to my chosen genre. On a whole by analysing a romantic comedy I am able to understand the conventions used, and the importance of including the accurate conventions for my own trailer.

Audio- The conventions of this trailer follows a typical action/sci-fi genre, it includes all the marvel character, in the trailer we see director fury telling his team about the attacks they are facing, and how they can become and defeat the counterpart. As the scenes progress, we hear more screaming which is to show the anger. In some part its constant action, this again grips the audience and leaves them on the edge of the seats and then it will pause suddenly and a voice over will take place

Shot type-The shots used in this trailer include a birds eye view of the sky scrapers, this is shown because they want to show the devastation caused by asgard, they also use wide shots when the public are running away for safety after the attacks, they also use pans shots to show each character this is show the body and facial expression of each character. Most of the shots are fast paced and move from one to another

Advertising technique- Tv, poster, cinema and magazine Symbolic codes- in this trailer, each character have their

own dress code, for e.g. iron man, red metal plated body armour

Target audience- The predominant target audience would be male, this is because a lot of fast paced action is involved and may not interest a female viewer, however the movie consists of female character, this may interest female viewers, the age range would be 13+, this is because they are action heroes and at this age they may take inspiration from them.

Impact on audience- the trailer has a big impact on the audience, the trailer shows some of the action scenes which gives the audience something to think about, they do not give away too much of the storyline because it would not give the viewer anything to think about when it comes to watching the full film.

Audio- The conventions of this trailer follow the typical horror genre, the character speak clearly this is because, It is presented in the style of “found footage”, from cameras set up by the couple in an attempt to photograph what is haunting them. As the trailer progresses,the character use low tone or whisper to each other, this is because they have seen or heard something, also more screaming is involved to make the viewer jump out the seat, alongside this more silence is involved this again is used to shock the viewer

Shot type- a close up shot is used to show the emotions of the two characters, at times when she wakes up suddenly the camera is close up,this is used so the viewer is can almost like there with the. Also some of the shot are slow paced. This again is used to catch the viewers attention

Advertising technique- Tv, poster, billboard and cinema Symbolic codes- the symbolic codes used in this trailer

include; ghost or demon is present in their home, the sudden movement of the characters, this is to show the horror. A blurry effect is used on the camera to show secrecy, so when something sudden happens it scares or shocks the viewer, the lightning used in the trailer is again dark as it is in the bedroom and the lights are off, darkness suggest mystery and fear, these effects are important as they create anxiety.

Target audience- As it is a horror, the age rating would be 16+, this is primarily due to the content used as well a some of the language, this would not suit a younger audience as some scenes are disturbing.

Impact on audience- The trailer has a big impact on the audience, it advertises films which will be exhibited in the future at the cinema, knowing the trailer will be short, its gets the reader thinking ands adds more interest

I chose this trailer as it shows a good representation of an action/comedy trailer, for e.g. Some scenes will include action and others comedy. This makes the film more interesting as it is a combination and the viewers will see two sides to this movie, in the trailer it provides a hint of what to expect, I will take inspiration from this, the trailer shows the two detectives, working out why the triads have kidnapped the generals daughter, I will use the same theme in my trailer, as with most action/comedy movies, they follow the same storyline where something goes wrong and it ends in happiness,

Audio-The conventions of this trailer follow a typical action/comedy genre

Shot list-shots are close together at a fast pace to show a lot of action all in one which makes the audience jump out the seats in excitement, this is something which needs to included in a action/comedy genre. The shot types that are included in the trailer include a wide shot where it shows the surrounding and the characters movement, other shots include profile shots where the camera focuses on the face, this shot takes place while they are driving. The camera shots that could be used with this type of film would be track cameras, these could potentially follow the cars when on pursuit of a criminal for example, this will also help the viewers feel the speed of the car, low angles would be used to help enemies/criminals look more daunting and lastly

Symbolic codes-within on the trailer the common symbolic codes include struggle, injuries between the characters and how they overcome them challenges, the lighting is very clear, high key lighting would be used as it’s a comedy and upbeat. However in some scenes where the enemy can be scene, they have used dark lighting, this is to show the comparison between who is good and who is bad.

Structure- the scenes are all fast paced, in the first scene it shows the police team stacking money while the triad is on the phone,then a first cut appears, the two characters are introduced and a brief background into their roles and what the viewers will expect, the scenes are chosen at random and put together to make it more effective.

Target audience- the target audience of this movie would be 13+, this is based on sequences of action/violence and shootings, and for language,some scenes can be disturbing for younger viewers.