Research Article Efficient Degradation of Feather by...

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Hindawi Publishing CorporationInternational Journal of MicrobiologyVolume 2013, Article ID 608321, 7 pages

Research ArticleEfficient Degradation of Feather by Keratinase ProducingBacillus sp.

P. Jeevana Lakshmi, Ch. M. Kumari Chitturi, and V. V. Lakshmi

Department of Applied Microbiology, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati 517502, Andhra Pradesh, India

Correspondence should be addressed to V. V. Lakshmi; vedula

Received 25 July 2013; Accepted 18 September 2013

Academic Editor: Todd R. Callaway

Copyright © 2013 P. Jeevana Lakshmi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

Keratinase producing microorganisms are being increasingly utilized for degradation and recycling of poultry feather waste. Twonative strains BF11 (Bacillus subtilis) and BF21 (Bacillus cereus) degrading keratin completely were characterized. The native strainsproduced more than 10KU/mL of enzyme. Strain improvement resulted in isolation of MBF11 and MBF21 from BF11 and BF21isolates, respectively. Optimization of nutritional and physical parameters of these MBF isolates at laboratory scale increased theoverall keratinase activity by 50-fold resulting in a yield of 518–520KU/mL. Fermentation media designed with starch as carbonsource and soya bean meal as nitrogen source supported high levels of enzyme production. The optimum conditions for enzymeproduction were determined to be pH 8.5 and temperatures of 45–55∘C forMBF11 and 37∘C forMBF21, respectively. Culture filtrateshowed a significant increase in the amounts of cysteine, cystine, methionine, and total free amino acids during the fermentationperiod. The ratio of organic sulphur concentration was also considerably higher than that of the inorganic sulphate in the culturefiltrate suggesting the hydrolysis of disulphide by the isolates.

1. Introduction

Feather is generated in bulk quantities as a by-product inthe poultry industry globally. It is a very rich source ofprotein with 𝛽-keratin constituting 91% of feather protein.The presence of keratin makes feather recalcitrant to mostcommon proteases like trypsin, pepsin, papain, and so forth,thus slowing down its degradation process in nature [1].Typically, each bird has up to 125 gm of feather and withmore than 400 million chickens being processed everyweek worldwide, the daily accumulation of feather wastereaches five million tons [2]. The bulk of feather waste ispoorly recycled in nature and has limited utility due to thechemically unreactive nature of keratin. Conventionally, thiswaste has been converted into feed supplement, resulting infeed of poor quality which is nonviable economically [3].Thus, recycling of this by-product is neither profitable norenvironmentally friendly.Thedisposal of this waste is a globalenvironmental issue leading to pollution of both air andunderground water resources [4].

In recent years, feather treated with microbial kerati-nase is attracting wide attention with several applications.

Keratinase-treated feather is increasingly considered as aviable source of dietary protein in food and feed supple-ments, as the enzyme-treated end product retained highnutritive value. Keratinases are projected to generate a poten-tial worldwide market similar to other proteases. Diversegroups ofmicroorganisms are reported to produce keratinaselike fungi (Doratomyces microsporus, Alternaria radicina,Trichurus spiralis,Aspergillus sp., Rhizomucor sp., Absidia sp.,Stachybotrys alba, etc.), actinomycetes (Streptomyces pactum,S. alvs, S. thermoviolaceus, S. fradiae,Thermoactinomyces can-didus etc.), and several bacterial species (Fervidobacteriumislandicum, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Microbacterium sp.,and many species of Bacillus including Bacillus licheniformisand 𝐵. pumilus) earlier [2, 5–8]. Among bacteria, Bacillusspp. appear to be promising for keratinase production oncommercial scale [4, 5, 9–11]. However, the full commercialpotential of keratinases is yet to be realized. Application ofrDNA technology to increase the yield of keratinase hadlimited success. Ker A gene from Bacillus licheniformis PWD-1 responsible for keratinase production though cloned andexpressed in Bacillus subtilis, E. coli, and Pichia pastorishas the issues of solubility of the expressed product and/or

2 International Journal of Microbiology

stability of the cloned genes which are yet to be resolved [12].At present, themajor focus in this field still rests in identifyingnovel isolates with high keratinase activity and improving theyield using conventional and r-DNA approaches, in additionto optimizing the physical and nutritional parameters tomaximize keratinase yield. The present study reports the useof these approaches to characterize and improve keratinaseproduction by two Bacillus sp. isolates obtained from poultryfarms and feather dumps in and around Tirupati, India.

2. Materials and Methods

Samples were collected from the feather dumps, poultrymanure, and fresh poultry litter from local poultry farms inand around Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. For enrichedisolation of sporulating bacteria, the samples were heattreated at 80∘C for 20 minutes. Keratinase producing organ-isms were isolated by feather baiting technique on nutrientagar plates [13]. Potential keratinolytic isolates were reisolatedas pure cultures and confirmed for keratinase production inbasal medium and complete media [14]. Keratinase enzymewas assayed by azokeratin assay adopting the method of Linet al. [4]. Azokeratin substrate was prepared by adopting themethod of Riffel et al. [15].

2.1. Identification of Bacterial Isolates. Identification of thekeratinolytic bacterial isolates was carried out by determiningmorphological, cultural, biochemical, and genetic characters.The colony morphology, pigment production, and diffusibil-ity were tested on the nutrient agar. Microscopic morphologyof the isolates was studied by Gram staining using bright field[16, 17] and by negative staining with 1% phosphotungsticacid for electronmicroscopic examination [18].The optimumcultural characterization of the two isolates was determinedby testing range of growth temperature (from 4∘C to 65∘C),pH (5.5 to 8.5), salinity (1–10%), oxygen requirement, and soforth. Further biochemical characterization was carried outadopting standard tests as described in Collee et al. [19].

16S ribosomal typing was carried out for characterizationof the isolates to the species level and phylogenetic analysis.The genomic DNAwas extracted by using bead beater (Omnimodel 8) using 2mL polypropylene Beadbeater vial with0.5 g each of 0.1mm and 3.0mm silica-zirconium beadsat 4m/s for 40 seconds [20]. 16S rDNA amplification wascarried out using PB36 as forward primer (AGR GTT TGATCM TGG CTC AG (R=G/M=A/C K=T/G A)) and PB38as reverse primer (GKT ACC TTG TTA CGA CTT) [21].The primer pair, dNTP, Taq polymerase, and other bufferswere purchased from Invitrogen. DNA sample was purifiedfrom gel slices using PCR-DNA purification kit (Qualigens)followed by sequencing of the PCR product in a 313OXLcapillary DNA sequencer (Applied Biosystems). The genesequence obtained was BLAST searched to fish out homol-ogous sequences. The CLUSTAL W aligned sequences wereanalyzed using neighbor-joining method [22] and phyloge-netic analysis was carried out using Treecon package version1.3b for Windows. The sequences are deposited in GenBank

with accession numbers EU360724.1 (BF11) and EU360725.1(BF21).

2.2. Maximizing the Production of Keratinase. The twoselected native isolates were subjected to treatment with acombination of physical (UV light) and chemical (hydrox-ylamine hydrochloride (HA) and ethyl methyl sulphonate(EMS)),mutagens adopting themethod of Eisentadt [23].Theorganisms were exposed to sublethal doses of the mutagenfor different time intervals. The screening for mutants withhigher protease activity was carried out on milk agarosemedium and isolates showing significant increase in zone ofclearing were selected to quantify keratinase [4]. Subjectingisolates to stepwise mutagenesis with physical and chemicalmutagenic agents resulted in isolation of MBF11 and MBF21from BF11 and BF21 isolates, respectively. These isolates wereused for optimization of keratinase production.

2.3. Optimization of Nutritional and Physical Parameters. Foroptimization of nutritional parameters, basal medium wassupplementedwith nine different carbon sources individuallyat concentration range from 0.2% to 1% and five nitrogensources in concentration range between 0.2 and 1.5 percent.Fermentation was carried out for seven days and the kerati-nase production was assayed at 24 hr. intervals.The optimumcarbon and nitrogen source and concentration thus identifiedwere used to design the optimum fermentation media. Theeffect of substrate concentration on production of keratinasefor improved MBF isolates was studied using optimizedmedia with concentration between 0.25% and 1.5%. Thephysical parameters like temperature (in the range of 25–55∘C), pH (in the range of 5.5–9.5), and agitation were opti-mized for maximum yield of keratinase production for theimproved isolates. Degradative products profile of keratinasefermentation like sulphur rich compounds cysteine, cystine[24], and methionine [25], total inorganic sulphur released[26], and amount of free amino acids [27]was estimated usingthe methods specified, respectively.

3. Results and Discussion

A total of 80 samples were analysed for potential keratinaseproducing organisms. 400 keratinophilic microorganismswere isolated, out of which 120 isolates exhibited keratinolyticactivities. Among these, 55 isolates showed significant (>50%)degradation of feather substrate, while 27 isolates exhibitedmoderate activity (with 25–50% degradation). 38 isolatesdegraded the feather poorly with less than 25% degradation.The isolates showing moderate to high keratinolytic activitywere tested for the production of keratinase enzyme in basalmedia. Two isolates BF11 and BF21 exhibiting maximumkeratinase were selected and the keratinase production wascompared in three liquid media. Both the isolates showedlower keratinase production in Luria broth and nutrientbroth tested (with maximum of 10.2 KU/mL) as comparedto basal media where the activity reached 12.8–14.7 KU/mL.There was no significant variation in biomass production inthree media. Thus, the results suggested that basal medium

International Journal of Microbiology 3

supported better yield of keratinase. Characterization of thetwo isolates was carried out by determining morphological,cultural, and biochemical characters. BF11 and BF21 isolateswere aerobic, motile, and sporulating rods which were unableto grow below 10∘C.The organisms were moderately thermo-tolerant (with growth up to 55∘C) and halotolerant (toleratingup to 7% salt concentration). The BF isolates showed goodgrowth between pH ranges of 5.5 to 9.5, with optimum at8.5. In biochemical characters, both organisms were catalasepositive and produced H

2S. BF11 did not utilize lactose,

glycerol, and galactose where arabinose, lactose, xylose, andgalactose were not utilized by BF21 (Table 1). Based on thebiochemical characters, the two isolates were grouped underthe genus Bacillus. In the 16S rDNA typing and phylogeneticanalysis (Figure 1), BF11was designated asBacillus subtilis andBF21 as Bacillus cereus.

Optimization of parameters of fermentation was carriedout using basal media for MBF11 andMBF21 strains obtainedfrom BF11 and BF21, respectively, by stepwise mutagenesis.The maximum keratinase yield of the improved strainsreached 75–90KU/mL (Figures 2(a) and 2(b)). Influenceof the nine different carbon sources on the fermentativeproduction of keratinase for the two MBF isolates wascompared and the results are shown in Figure 3(a). Starchand galactose (228–240KU/mL) supported the highest pro-duction of keratinase followed by fructose, maltose, andsucrose (187–210KU/mL) for BF11. Glycerol and starch (365–299KU/mL) were the best among the nine carbon sourcestested forMBF21 followed by glucose, galactose, maltose, andsucrose, with the yields ranging between 245 and 280KU/mL.Supplementation of carbon source in basal media resultedin significantly enhanced keratinase production as comparedwith control basal media for both the isolates. There was a1.5- to 2-fold increase in keratinase activity by increase instarch concentration between 0.5 and 1%. Further increase instarch concentration up to 2.5% did not yield any significantenhancement in keratinase production. Our results identifiedstarch, galactose, and glycerol as good carbon sources inthe order mentioned. Starch was not observed to be anideal carbon source for keratinase production [1] though ithas been reported to be good source for alkaline proteaseproduction by B. licheniformis and B. polymyxa [9]. Glucosealso supported a higher level of keratinase compared to thecontrol basal media though it was lower than starch. Glucosewas observed to repress keratinase production in severalbacteria such as Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus sp. FK 46, andpartly Thermoactinomyces candidus [11, 12, 28]. Glucose hadno effect on keratin degradation with Bacillus sp. FK46 [10].However, presence of glucose as carbon source was foundto stimulate the keratinase production in Streptomyces sp.Stenotrophomonas sp., Microbacterium sp., and so forth, aswell as in fungi [8, 29]. Thus, starch being the cheapest andmost viable carbon source emerged is suitable for design ofmedia for the test organisms.

The results of effect of nitrogen source on keratinaseproduction are shown in Figure 3(b). Among the nitrogensources tested, soybean meal was found to be the best nitro-gen source for MBF11 (212 KU/mL), whereas the maximumyield for MBF21 (207KU/mL) was obtained with groundnut

Table 1: Morphological and biochemical characterization of BFisolates.

Character Test IsolatesBF11 BF21

Growth at (∘C)

4 − −

10 − −

27 + +37 + +45 + +55 + +65 − −

4 − −

Growth at different pH

4.5 − −

5.5 + +6.5 + +7.5 + +8.5 + +9.5 + +10.5 − −

Biochemical tests

Indole − −

MR − −

VP + +Citrate + +

Oxygen requirement A ASpore staining + +

Motility + +

Sugar utilization

Arabinose − −

Glucose + +Sucrose + +Lactose − −

Fructose + +Maltose + +Mannitol + +Xylose − −

Glycerol + +Galactose − −

Starch + +

Enzymatic activity

Oxidase − −

Catalase + +Urease − −

Nitrate reduction + +Gelatinase + +Caseinase + +Amylase + +𝛽-Galactosidase − −

Salt Tolerance (%)

2 + +5 + +7 + +10 − −

cake supplementation. The enzyme production increasedup to 2-fold with the increase in concentration of organicnitrogen sources from 0.2 to 1%, after which a plateau was

4 International Journal of Microbiology


Uncultured.bacterium.7150D1B91B.velezensis.A1-1 Bacillus.sp.A9-2 B.subtilis.TM5

Bacterium.Te40R B.velezensis


B.cereus. EU131364B.cereus.2S

B.thuringiensis.BGSC.4B1B.thuringiensis.NK2S.agalactiae.15-92 B.cereus.C10-1




















Figure 1: Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequence of BF isolates.









BF11, MBF11 BF21, MBF21



e act





Native isolateImproved isolate


Figure 2: (a) Screening of improved isolates on milk agar plates. (b) Comparison of keratinase activity between native and improved isolates.

observed for both the isolates. Yeast extracts were the othernitrogen sources supporting enzyme production. Inorganicnitrogen source in the formofNH

4Cl hadno significant effect

on the production of keratinase for the MBF isolates, withthe yield being either lower than or comparable to controls.Supplementation of soyabean meal was observed to enhancethe production of the alkaline protease as well as keratinasein Bacillus sp. [12]. However, it was not found to supportgood keratinase yield with B. licheniformis [4]. Optimisationof C/N ratio resulted in designing fermentation media wherebasal mediumwas supplemented with 1% concentration eachof relatively inexpensive rawmaterials, starch and SBM/GNC.This medium supported optimum production of keratinase

and is also suitable for bringing down the overall cost whilescaling up the production.

Keratinase production was observed only in the pres-ence of the feather substrate, indicating that it was mainlyinducible. Increase in substrate concentration up to 10mg/mLwas found to enhance keratinase production with both theMBF isolates. Further increase in substrate concentrationupto 20mg/mL did not exhibit any significant effect onkeratinase yield. The production of keratinase occurredin late exponential phase or in the stationary phase ofmicrobial growth with corresponding degradation of feathersubstrate in the period. A 3-4-fold difference in enzymeyield was observed between the agitated condition (380 and

International Journal of Microbiology 5






e act

















e act




Nitrogen source

ControlAmmonium chloridePeptone

Yeast extractSoybean mealGroundnut cake









25 37 45 55



e act





Temperature (∘C)




5.5 6.5 7 7.5 8.5 9.5



e act







Figure 3: Optimization of nutritional and physical parameters for keratinase production by MBF11 and MBF21. Effect of (a) carbon sources,(b) nitrogen sources, (c) temperature, and (d) pH on keratinase production.

464KU/mL) and static conditions (120 and 124KU/mL).In general, production of keratinase requires high aerationand submerged conditions with the exception of kerati-nase reported from thermophilic anaerobic bacteria whereenzyme production was favored by static anaerobic condi-tions [7, 30]. The optimum temperature for MBF11 was 45–55∘C indicating the thermotolerant nature of the enzymewhereas that for MBF21 was 37∘C (Figure 3(c)). The resultsof pH effect on production of keratinase in the range of 5.5–9.5 (Figure 3(d)) indicated that an increase in pH from 5.5to 8.5 resulted in a gradual increase in keratinase yield withboth strains’ optimum being 8.5. In terms of growth, theorganisms showed less growth at pH 4.5 and above 8.5 but thegrowth was comparable between pH 5.5 and 8.5 indicatingthat the influence seen was not due to differences in thetotal biomass. Alkaline pH has been observed to enhance theproduction of keratinase enzyme in earlier reports too [12].The yield of enzyme with use of designed media and underoptimized conditions increased to 518–524KU/mL units

for MBF organisms, thus resulting in 50-fold enhancementcompared to the native isolates. This yield was significantlyhigher than several of the keratinase producing bacterialspecies reported earlier but was comparable with Bacilluslicheniformis PWD1 [12, 31].

Degradation of feather substrate was found to be asso-ciated with significant increase in pH of the medium toalkalinity, thus serving as an indicator for the efficiencyof degradation. A good correlation was observed betweenincreases in the concentration of degradative products andthe levels of degradation of the substrate. The tendencyof the medium to turn alkaline has been attributed todeamination reactions leading to production of ammoniafrom protein, peptides, and amino acids during keratindegradation. Increase in alkalinity has also been observedto favor further rapid enzymatic attack of keratin resultingin higher levels of keratinolysis [15]. The pattern of featherdegradation was observed at various stages of degradationthem under microscopes (Figure 4). Degradation of feather

6 International Journal of Microbiology

Control Day 3 Day 5 Day 6

Figure 4: Stages of feather degradation (magnified 40 times).



Cysteine Cystine Methionine Total freeamino acids


Amino acidsMBF11MBF21



Figure 5: Comparison of analysis of culture filtrate of MBF11 andMBF21.

shaft was achieved by the fifth day and the substrate wascompletely degraded into white powderymass by the seventhday.The degradation started with the adhesion of the bacteriato the feather. The organisms were found to penetrate thequill region of feather first with the separation of barb whichwas broken down into powdery gelatinous mass. This wasfollowed by spread to shaft region leading to its rupture anddisintegration of the shaft to needle like structures by the sixthday leading to complete degradation of feather (Figure 4).

The analysis of culture filtrate showed a significantincrease in the amounts of cysteine, cystine, methionine,and total free amino acids during the fermentation period(Figure 5). There was a gradual increase in the concentrationof cysteine from 2.5 𝜇g/mL on the first day to 12.5–14 𝜇g/mLby the fifth day for MBF11 and MBF21. The cystine levelsreached peak by 5-6 days with 18.1 𝜇g/mL for MBF21 iso-lates and 12.8 𝜇g/mL for MBF11, after which a decline wasobserved. The levels of soluble amino acids like cysteine andcystine released by the BF isolates were higher than earlierreports where 5 𝜇g to 16 𝜇g/mL was observed in differentstudies [6, 8]. Though 35 𝜇g/mL cystine was reported to bereleased on degradation of hair by Microsporum gypseumby Malviya et al. [32], the period of incubation was 50days. The ratio of inorganic sulphur, peptides/amino acids,or other sulfhydryl compounds liberated from degradationis considered as index of degree of keratinolytic activity ofan organism [33]. The ratio of sulphur compounds released

by MBF isolates showed that the inorganic sulphate con-centration was significantly lower than the organic sulphurin the culture filtrate for the isolates. The presence of theproducts of sulphitolysis such as peptides, cysteine, cysteine,and sulphate in the culture filtrate of MBF isolates confirmedthe disulphide breakdown.

4. Conclusions

The thermotolerant nature of keratinase with optimum activ-ity at alkaline pH has a definite advantage thereby increasingthe versatility and the application potential. 70% of the totalorganic degradation products released between 96 and 120hours constituted sulphur containing amino acids, suggestinga good potential application of these organisms as well ascheapermeans for production of commercially important by-products. Thus, the present study is a step forward in theprocess of production of indigenous keratinase enzyme.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the Department ofBiotechnology, Government of India, for the financial assis-tance and the support of DST-CURIE sponsored by theCentral Instrumentation Facility of SPMVV.


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