Research for campaigns rosie

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Community= A community is a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality. They may share a government, and often have a common culture. The word community is usually associated with the people who live in the same place. For example, a town, a county or country etc.

Campaigns= Campaigns are companies or groups trying to raise awareness to get the audience on their side. They are used to promote a product, publicise and educate the audience.

Conventions of campaigns…They have included an image of a young child looking upset and thoughtful to make the audience feel guilty. The young boy doesn’t look like what most young children do, running around, laughing and having fun. This child looks thoughtful and emotional as though he has a lot on his mind and this image makes the audience want to help and make him happy.

They have included their slogan on the poster because it is catchy and it will stay in people’s minds so that they are thinking of it even after

What is regeneration and why is it so important to get people involved with the community?

Regeneration involves developing or redeveloping our environment. This can vary from housing, public spaces and transport networks, to business and jobs, as well as shopping and entertainment facilities. It is important to get the community involved in things such as charity events and markets to help raise money for the community so that towns can have community spaces. Without the money that is raised towns wouldn’t be able to support themselves with police stations, doctors, shops, parks etc. Without these places many people would decide to move out of the town because they don’t want to live there anymore.

They have included their slogan on the poster because it is catchy and it will stay in people’s minds so that they are thinking of it even after

They have used an image of someone lying dead on the road to scare people and make them realise what could happen if they are not careful.

They have use the road setting because it is appropriate for a road safety campaign.

They have included the quote ‘Look for cars when wearing headphones’ to give a clear message to the audience about what the risk is and how they can prevent what happened to the boy in the picture happening to them.

They have included the logo of the campaign so that the audience know what the campaign is and know that they are a trusted campaign and so the audience are more likely to listen to them.

They have included the Ipod because it is the main cause of the accident

They have positioned the headphones around the body as though it is a forensics site. It was a good idea to position them like this because the headphones/music was the main cause of the accident and they are now part of the accident.

They have used a teenager/young adult because most teenagers around that age are the people that would be listening to their headphones while walking down

They have included the Ipod because it is the main cause of the accident

They have used a teenager/young adult because most teenagers around that age are the people that would be listening to their headphones while walking down

The main campaign image showed a man that has smoked Marijuana. It shows him on his own and looking lonely. He doesn’t look happy at all like he does in the other image of the past. The audience can see that the man has lost what he used to have and he is left on his own. The room is messy and it looks like he hasn’t tidied up in a while. This shows that Marijuana makes you dirty and sloppy and most people wouldn’t want to be like that.

They have included logos and campaign names so that the audience can know that the campaign can be trusted. They also allow the people that have smoked know where they can get help from.

They have included some text about what Marijuana can do to you so that the audience can learn a little about the effects of Marijuana and why it is so bad for you. This text is trying to persuade people not to use Marijuana by explaining the effects of it to try and warn them.

The word ‘waste’ is mentioned a lot on the poster. This makes people not want to smoke Marijuana because they do not want to turn into a waste themselves or have any of the things that mean a lot to them (relationships) to go to waste.

They have included the well know ‘NHS’ logo so that the audience can understand that it is a serious health issue.

They have used an adult’s hand ‘the parent’ to show that it is the parent that is causing the health issues of the child. Most parents wouldn’t do this to their children and so the thought of reality that it is actually happening would shock them and hopefully make them realise that they are harming their children. The adults hand is made up of smoke to show that is it the smoke causing the child to be ‘suffocated’ by it.

The campaign has used an image of a scared little child looking right at the audience to make them feel sorry for her. She is looking out to them as though she is looking for help. This makes the parents looking at the poster to realise that they need to help their own but by not smoking about them so they don’t get treated like this girl is. The little girl is cute and so this will make the audience feel sorry for her and want to do something about it even more.

The background is very dull so that the audience can realise it’s not a happy place for a child to be.

They have included some text about how smoking harms your children so that the readers can understand more of the facts.

The campaign has showed the audience what the man featured one had before he smoked Marijuana in the reflection of the table. In this image everyone is happy and smiling and showing loving relationships. From this image we can assume the before the man had a girlfriend and a best friend and he was very happy.

Existing community campaigns…This campaign was for transforming the Lister hospital in Stevenage to the more modern one that we have today. This helped the community all round Hertfordshire.

This is a campaign to help raise money for The British Heart Foundation in Letchworth. This was to help the people with health issues and their family and loved ones.

This campaign is to help make St Albans a safer place to live and be. This has helped the community of St Albans.

This campaign is trying to stop domestic violence. They have posters and a website to promote their campaign.

Before; almost 170 cases of domestic violence occurred in the eastern area of Hertfordshire , during August.Now; they have been tackling domestic violence for about six years.They now receive 7,000 callers each year, including from many who use violence and think they are somehow beyond help.

This campaign is for stopping and reducing the acts of domestic violence in Hertfordshire.

The target audience of the campaign are victims of domestic violence but also people who commit domestic violence. The campaign is mainly targeted at younger people.

This campaign is very successful at helping people to get help if they are a victim but also get help if they are causing it and want to stop.

They use persuasive techniques like making the audience feel sorry for the victims. On this poster, for example they have included the word ‘respect’ to make you feel as though if you commit domestic violence you have no respect.

The campaign has included images of people ringing the campaign help line. These people are younger adults with is the main target audience.

This campaign makes posters and TV commercials to promote themselves.

Before; only 20% of parents would talk to their children about alcohol before something bad happened. This meant that more children were curious about alcohol and watched to try it at a young age. After; More parents have realised that it is a good idea to talk to their children about alcohol when they ask so that they don’t feel such a need to try it out for themselves at a young age.

This campaign aims to encourage more parents to talk to their children about alcohol when they start to ask questions and become curious.

This campaign is targeted at parents of younger children.

This campaign was successful because it made parents realise that is it important to talk to your children about things like alcohol.

This poster for the campaign uses facts and figures to prove a point to the audience. It also uses bright colours and cartoon images to make the poster more eye-catching.

The campaign has targeted its audience by using bright colour and cartoon images because although the campaign is targeted at parents it is about children and that is what the parents should be thinking about while reading this poster.

This campaign has used a catchy slogan that is quick and easy. They have put it into a road sign triangle because it is also like a warning to drivers just like real road signs are and people are more likely to take notice of the poster because they know that the red triangle means a warning. This image targets the audience because drivers take notice of road signs and drivers are the main target audience. They have also included and image of what the quote means.

This campaign is to get people to take more care on rural roads because of farmers, tractors and animals etc.

The target audience of the campaign is adults and people who drive on rural roads.

This campaign makes people be more careful on rural roads and has reduced the deaths on them.

‘Saving lives on rural roads’ makes the audience think that they are directly saving peoples lives by being more careful when driving on rural roads when they are actually just preventing them.

Photos of community areas in Baldock

The campaign has made posters to target its main audience.

This campaign is to make people realise the consequences of drinking too much and the trouble that you could get yourself into. It is trying to get people to drink sensibly when they go out.

The target audience is young adults that like to go out and drink at night and get really drunk.

This campaign has helped people to realise the consequences of their actions before it is too late.

The campaign has used a big image and bold colours to that the poster is very eye catching. The have put the text onto police tape to show the audience that it is very serious and that the police will be getting involved if they go out of line while drinking. They have included an image of a alcohol bottle to show what the campaign is about and the bottle is behind the police tape which shows that the alcohol is the cause of the trouble. They have written ‘You’ll not only ruin everyone’s evening’ to make the audience feel sorry for their friends that are with them if they cause trouble. It makes them think more because they wouldn’t want to ruin their friend’s night. They have shown the audience what the consequences are of drinking too much which makes them more realise they could get in serious trouble.

Photos of areas around the school that have been regenerated