Research. How to Get More Sustainable

Post on 07-Aug-2018

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  • 8/21/2019 Research. How to Get More Sustainable


    Comenius 2015

    For the Comenius project the research question was: “How do you

    think citizens can get more sustainable?” As a problem solver at

    heart, I quickly wanted to find the root of the problem. And seeing as

    Comenius is an international project, I thought I’d take it to an

    international level. I asked my fellow alumni from Camp Rising Sun, (a

    summer camp I attended two years ago) my research questions. The

    fact that these people experience their own bit of durability in their

    country makes for very interesting results. The people in question all

    have different countries of residence, from Japan to America, and

    from Peru to Bulgaria.

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  • 8/21/2019 Research. How to Get More Sustainable


  • 8/21/2019 Research. How to Get More Sustainable


    Next to this, I managed to secure an interview with Nick

    Goedeking, an energy efficiency legislator who is currently in

    India, where he went to a conference with Al Gore to discuss

    how to build political pressure for the UN climate change

    conference in December in Paris.

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    Having met Nick twice in the past, in Hungary and in Germany

    at CRS reunions, I knew he was the perfect person to

    interview for this project. After obtaining his Skype, I started

    the interview.

    What would you say the greatest issue concerning a

    sustainable environment is?

    “There are various aspects connected to a sustainable

    environment, some say a sustainable development is too

    expensive. Anyway, the most important aspects of 

    development are:

    food security including water security (everyone needs these

    resources to simply survive)

    then access to health care and education to allow people to

    take control over their lives

    electricity plays into these fields as food and water security

    can often only be assured once one has the corresponding

    infrastructure (which often uses energy)” Nick says,

    “Water and food are also very important politically, people

    will reject a government if there isn’t enough food. Look at

    Amartya Sen’s theory on famine: ‘people don’t starve

    because there isn’t enough food, but simply because they

    don’t have access to the food which is available.’ In other

    words, there isn’t enough food, but the poorest don’t get

    any. The Governing class and the military on the other hand,never starve.” Nick States with a face full of confidence.

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    What are recent some developments that strengthen


    “That’s a difficult question” are the first words that flop out

    of Nick’s mouth.

    “I'd say the biggest potential for sustainability are the energy

    and agriculture sectors, because it is actually very straight

    forward to improve. In fact, every hour the sun projects

    enough energy on to the earth to supply earth’s energy

    demand for an entire year that's a lot of energy!

    the great thing is: sustainable energy would also drastically

    improve the life quality of billions, the city where I’mcurrently residing New Delhi, for example, is the world's most

    polluted city. The air quality is terrible!

    But if one starts using more sustainable energy resources,

    then the air becomes better which is not only good for the

    planet, but also for the people. Better air will reduce

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    healthcare costs and free resources for investments into

    infrastructure or education.

    And this is the recent trend: financial investment into

    renewable energy resources is at an all time high at the

    moment. So as a conclusion, there are a lot of improvements,

    but also a lot of challenges.”

    After this we wished each other the best for the future and as

    I was still in the process of thanking him, he already hung up.

    I almost forgot, he is a busy man.

    (Nick in India->)

    Taking all of this into account, it is obvious

    that this is a worldly issue, and mostdefinitely not a local one. We need the

    efforts of all the countries in the world to

    make a change happen. Countless treaties have been accepted, and

    there’s still struggle around the world.

    In my opinion, we need to capitalize on the efforts already made

    now, for example, according to my research, a lot of people recycle,

    which is a good thing. Taking that into account we need to use that as

    our building blocks, because people are more likely to continue doing

    something, or to pick something up if all their peers are doing it.

    Change comes gradually, and we need to accept it, but we shouldn’t

    take it for granted, because if we do, we will lose all our

    development. The problem needs to be solved from the bottom to

    the top, meaning we have to solve the small issues first, and then the

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    large issues will be easier to solve. How do we do this? We have

    everyone start at a local level, for example, in Emmen, Wildlands, the

    new zoo, is in the process of being built. And we all know the new

    tunnel dug in Emmen, the clay harvested from the operation is now

    used for the construction of Wildlands. Apart from that, Wildlands

    has bought the Floriade bridge, normally it would be destroyed, but

    Wildlands has decided to re-use it. That’s durability.

    So to summarize, we need to start acting fast, we need everyone’s

    coorporation and we will succeed. And the most important medium

    is us. And that is what this project is all about.

    Now, as for my execution of the project and the way I have drawn

    attention to it, I had a farily simple strategy. My first idea was to

    make a post in the Facebook group of alumni, but as I checked it, I

    saw the community was inactive. (This was confirmed by the fact that

    after I made my post, it got three total replies and one like over the

    next day). So I resulted to a different approach. The direct one. I saw

    who was available and I sent them a message, I explained the context

    and asked them my research questions. After getting what I needed, I

    asked the person to reflect on their habits of durability. (Reflecting is

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    a common thing in the CRS mentality.) This is one of the main

    reasons I asked my second question. It’s good to know what people

    are doing well, but better to know what people are doing wrong. To

    quote one of my favorite artists: “Criticism is worth more than


    After one ‘interview’ I got lucky, one of my German friends referred

    me to Nick, which you have read about previously, and he really

    helped me bring my whole project together. He even wanted to

    know my opinions and said he was going to impliment more of the

    opinions of younger people!

    “Because young people are

    the future, who am I to ignore

    the future?” As Nick said.

    Overall I am very proud to say

    that I have impacted the

    habits of my peers, and I hope

    they will keep up the durable

    lifestyle. Here are some of 

    those conversations:

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