Research Integrity in International Collaborations · Research Integrity in International...

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Research Integrity in International Collaborations


Bronwyn Greene,Director UNSW Integrity

Dr Ted Rohr,Director Research Ethics & Compliance Support

UNSW Australia,

International Context for UNSW:% research outputs produced as a result of international collaborations:

85% of citations from papers with international authors (source: Scopus)

2011 2012 2013 2014 201540% 41% 42% 46% 48%

International Institutions Co-authored PublicationsAfrica 109 305Asia-Pacific 837 3722Europe 1294 6925Middle East 162 717North America 702 5074South America 133 430

How well are research integrity and the responsible conduct of research covered in international collaborations…

How do we, as research administrators, support international research collaborations to ensure the responsible conduct of research?

Hypotheses…1. International collaborations don’t generally cover research

integrity2. International collaborations are hard3. Research administrators obstruct international


International Codes and Legislation:

Survey Participants:

Are you a senior researcher at an Australian university or research institute?

Do you have a minimum of ten years experience in leading international research collaborations?

Medical & health related (n=17)

Science, technology & engineering (n=25)

Business & law (n=4)

Humanities, education, arts & social sciences (n=3) Survey data as at 31 August 2016

(UNSW Human Research Ethics reference HC16580)

True: Researchers recognise the

importance of data management plans to protect themselves

International collaborations have better email trails

If someone stuffs up, collaborators will withdraw

Not true: Significant differences

among disciplines Expectation that everybody

defaults to the same, responsible behaviour

Research may be inappropriate through lack of local understanding

Personal Interviews (n=4):

(UNSW Human Research Ethics reference HC15491)

Australian Code:• Retain research

data and primary materials

• Provide secure data storage and record-keeping facilities

• Identify ownership• Ensure security and


Research Data & Primary Materials:

True:• Similar codes make it easier• Open access benefits

moving data and materials across borders

• Set ground rules up front• Represents the foundation of

research integrity

Not true:• Understanding of international

requirements sometimes unclear

• Some collaborators’ countries don’t meet minimum Australian requirements

• Data validation sometimes difficult across boarders

Research Data & Primary Materials (cont.):

Australian Code:• Agree on authorship• Include all authors• Do not allow

unacceptable inclusions of authorship

• Acknowledge other contributions fairly

• Maintain signed acknowledgements

Managing & Determining Authorship:

Managing & Determining Authorship (cont.):

True:• Easy if authorship

discussed and agreed to early on in project

• Criteria and order accepted in some disciplines internationally and therefore easy

Not true:• Often based on political

decisions and not on intellectual contribution

• Defining “intellectual contribution” often subjective

• Power imbalance of senior researchers over junior researchers amplified across borders and disciplines

Australian Code:• Respect research

participants/animals used in research

• Respect the environment

• Ensure a safe research environment

Ethics Approvals & Other Permits:

Ethics Approvals & Other Permits (cont.):

True:• Easy if collaborators are

clear on local responsibilities and these are discussed and agreed upfront

Not true:• Different regulatory

requirements of different countries

• Some international collaborations are avoided because of ethics and regulatory compliance requirements and institutional bureaucracy in their countries

Australian Code:• Disclose conflicts of

interest• Withdraw where

appropriate• Maintain a record of

each conflict of interest and how it is managed

Conflicts of Interest:

Conflicts of Interest (cont.):

True:• Easy to manage as long as

there is transparency• Most did not consider this

as an issue

Not true:• Some found it challenging

regardless of international collaborations

• Differing standards for managing CoIs between countries

• Failure to manage CoIsacross borders can lead to significant financial losses

Australian Code:• Research

assessed for quality, safety, privacy, risk management, financial management and ethical acceptability

• Report research responsibly

Research Integrity:

Research Integrity (cont.):

True:• Not an issue in

international clinical trials • Open source platforms or

cloud computing critical

Not true:• Checking for data validity is

difficult across borders and relies on trust

• Raw data not verified because of geography

• Differing internationally research integrity standards sometimes at conflict with the Australian requirements

Australian Code:• Research Integrity

Advisors• Designated

Person• CEO or delegated

officer• Enterprise

bargaining agreements

Allegations of Research Misconduct:

Allegations of Research Misconduct (cont.):

True:• Acknowledged that they

have never been the subject of, involved in, or managed an allegation of research misconduct

Not true:• Managing allegations

across borders too hard and a disincentive to manage allegations

• International standards of research integrity makes managing allegations impossible

Singapore Statement:

Singapore Statement (cont.):

True:• Effective in

outlining best practice

Don’t know:• Never heard of it

Not true:• Functional terms

used vary across borders

Key Messages:

• Many research integrity principles generally covered but discipline differences need to be explored

• Research administrators generally perceived as supporting researchers

• Little discussion around handling allegations of research misconduct

• Uptake of Singapore Statement seems low

Q: Implications for the current review of the Australian Code?

What can we do?




• Annual Conferences within the ARMS geographic space

• Local Events

• Meet your counterparts overseas

• Learn about international rules

• Promote• Talk to Researchers• Ask the hard questions

Questions?Acknowledgements:Daniel Owens, Warwick Dawson, Aleks Alimpijevic UNSWUNSW Human Research Ethics Team

Bronwyn Greene, Director UNSW

Dr Ted Rohr, Director Research Ethics & Compliance
