Research – magazine covers

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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• The colour scheme used is black, red, white and blue.

• The use of white and black is to contrast against the other colours strongly. The palette suggests that the magazine is stylish and trendy.

• The colour palette focuses on Lily Allen’s outfit – white and black.

• The colour of the font is red, black, white and blue. These colours denote class and sophistication.

• The use of red on the masthead is to attract the reader.

• The cover uses more than ten different fonts. They are all bold and eye catching which would attract the reader. However this is usually an amount used here and does make the cover look a bit crowded.

• The importance stories is related to the font size, as the more important stories would be in a larger font so the reader can easily see them.

• The text has not been edited with any effects such as drop shadow or underline. However this is because the text is clearly visible behind the main image, as the colours contrast with the background.


• The largest piece of text says ‘Lily Allen’ which is the most important piece on the cover. The bottom text on the cover is also important as it is a content of what is inside. This is needed because if the reader is uninterested in the main story the magazine must keep the attention of the reader.

• Text does not overlap the image, other than ‘Lily Allen’ which crosses over her back. The panthers denote aggression and as if they are defending the woman on the font cover.

• The layout of the text is composed around the central image which is reasonably symmetrical and it quite conventional.

• The masthead is slightly behind the main image of the woman which gives the image depth.

• The magazine only has one promotion on the cover; ’25 greatest rock movies’ is relevant as Q magazine is aimed at the more an older audience and this demographic would not be interested or feel more inclined to buy if the magazine had free gifts.

• The price and the bar code are set on the lower section of the right hand side of the cover. The size of the barcode and price are small and out of the way, this may be because the magazine is aimed for an older audience in the NRS Social Grade of A2, B1 and B2, people who wouldn’t be put off by a higher price.

• There is only one image on the cover; this gives it a sophisticated and modern affect.

• The image of ‘Lily Allen’ posing in

a sensual and glamorous with a panther either side of her. Everything on the image is either black or a neutral colour , this also gives it a sophisticated feel. The image is quite large as it fills most of the page.

• The image has purposely been photographed so that the colour scheme is black & white. These colours are known as being used to describe things such as:

• Expensive/classy/expensive• Sophisticated• Modern• Old fashioned•  • I believe who ever made the magazine

was targeting for a modern and glamorous effect. Lily Allen is not wearing any top half, however, her tattoos contrast with the colour of her skin. The shorts she is wearing combined with the pair of very high heels that lengthen and accentuate her legs highlighting her figure .

• There are no thumbnails use but there is a text box at the bottom of the cover use to show other articles within.

• A plus section is a conventional method to show other main stories, Q magazine does not call it a plus section but use the same format to show the main features.

• The cover layout is not strictly conventional. The cover looks reasonably symmetrical and therefore makes this a very effective cover as it is easy to read and the image draws you in, making you want to pick up the magazine and read it.

• There is little blank space as it has used the space in a very sophisticated way as the white space is mainly used behind darker objects, giving them depth so the eye is drawn to them.

• The music magazine Q is a magazine published by Bauer which showcases older bands and original musicians but is targeted at a mature audience rather than adolescents interested in ‘popular’ music.

• Q’s cover features AC/DC’s lead guitarists Angus Young who is a figure easily recognisable in the music scene. This cover would attract potential buyers as they would be interested in reading about this Angus Young; also because his band is older, interviews with it’s members are sparse so it would attract fans.

• The image is a long shot; Angus is not making eye contact with the audience. This shot is unconventional for a magazine as eye contact is used to help connect the figure with the reader.

• The central image of Angus stands in front of the article title. This effect makes the potential consumer pay more attention to the front cover as they have to take a look closer to read the text.

• The pattern of at the bottom of the cover is featured on many covers of Q magazine and is therefore part of their brand image.

• Sometimes there is one large cross which means ‘plus’ to draw attention to the other articles featured. In this case there are many crosses to show that there is a lot more features than just Angus Young but this means attention is still focused on their main feature.

• The ‘Q’ masthead is a bright, bold red which greatly contrasts with the grey background. The use of red is to draw attention to the name of the magazine but also makes the magazine look sophisticated.

• The limited use if colour suggest that the target audience is an older one as bright colours will not necessarily make them want to buy the magazine.

• The use of a tagline ‘A different take on music’ underneath the masthead tells the buyer that the magazine offers something different or a more alternative view on music than other magazines, which would encourage them to buy.

• This particular edition of Q relies on how iconic and famous Angus Young is instead of using other cover lines.

• 'All new look issue' makes the magazine seem an exclusive edition of the magazine; this makes buying the magazine more like an event in itself.