Research on Rabbinical Judaism and its correlation to ... Roots Rab…  · Web viewResearch on...

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Research on Rabbi Akiba’s Rabbinic Judaism, it’s Luciferic roots, and its close similarities to the Church system: From Daniel Gruber’s Rabbi Akiba’s Messiah, from Nehemia Gordon’s research and presentation in “Raiders of the Lost Book” and his book The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus, and from my own up-front observations in Israel for ten years

I John 2:21b-22: “…no falsehood is of the truth. Who is the liar—the one denying that Yahushua is the Messiah. This is the anti-messiah, the one denying the Father and the Son.”

I John 4:1-3: “Beloved ones, do not believe every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of Elohim, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of Elohim. Every spirit that confesses that Yahushu Messiah has come in the flesh is of Elohim, and every spirit that does not confess that Yahushua Messiah has come in the flesh is not of Elohim. But, this is the spirit of anti-messiah, which you heard is coming, and now is already in the world”.

John 8:42-44, speaking to the Pharisees and Scribes who came to judge Him by their traditions: “Yahushua said to them, `If Elohim were your Father you would love Me, for I came forth from Elohim and am here. For I have not come of myself but He sent me. Why do you not know what I say? – Because you are unable to hear My Word. You are of your father the Devil and the desire of your father you will to do. He was a murderer from the beginning and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks lies, he speaks on his own. He is a liar and the father of lies”.

Excerpts from Matthew 23 (verses1-6, 13, 24-28): “Then Yahushua spoke to the crowds and to His taught ones saying `The Scribes and Pharisees sit on the seat of Moses. Therefore, whatever Moses says for you to guard, guard and do. But do not according to their works (the works of the Scribes and Pharisees) for they say and do not. For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders but with their finger they do not wish to move them. And they do all their works to be seen by men…and they

love the best places at feasts and the greetings in the market places and to be called by men “Rabbi, Rabbi”. But you, do not be called “Rabbi” for One is your teacher, the Messiah, and you are all brothers…Neither be called “leaders” for One is

Page 1your leader, the Messiah. But, woe to you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you shut up the Kingdom of heaven before men and you do not go in, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in…Blind guides—straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel! Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! Because you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly indeed look well but inside are filled with dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. So you too outwardly appear righteous to men but inside you are filled with hypocrisy and Torahlessness’ ”. (Italics above mine)

Mark 7:1-9: “And the Pharisees and some of the scribes assembled to Him, having come from Yerushalayim. And seeing some of the taught ones eat bread with defiled, that is, with unwashed hands, they found fault. For the Pharisees and all the Yedhudim do not eat unless they wash their hand thoroughly, holding fast the tradition of the elders, and coming from the marketplace they do not eat unless they wash. And there are many other traditions that they have received and hold fast – the washing of cups and utensils and copper vessels and couches. Then the Pharisees asked Him, `Why do Your taught ones not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands’? And He answered and said to them, `Well did Yeshayahu prophesy concerning you hypocrites, as it has been written “This people respect Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain do they worship Me—teaching as teachings the commands of men. Forsaking the command of Elohim you hold fast the tradition of men”. And He said to them, `Well do you set aside the commandment of Elohim in order to guard your tradition’ ”.

Matthew 15:2-3, 7-9: The Pharisees said: “`Why do Your taught ones transgress the tradition of the elders, for they do not wash their hands when they eat bread’. And He answering them, said to them `Why do you also transgress the command of Elohim because of your traditions?’ … `Hypocrites! Isaiah rightly prophesied about you saying “This people draw near to Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. But in vain do

they worship Me—teaching as doctrines the commands of men.” ’ ”

Excerpts from II Corinthians 6:14-7:1: “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? And what fellowship has light with darkness. What agreement has Messiah with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? … Therefore, `Come out from among them and be separate’, says Yahuweh, `and do not touch what is unclean, and I shall receive you. And I shall be a Father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to Me’, says Yahuweh the Almighty. Having, then, these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of the flesh and spirit, perfecting set-apartness in the fear of Elohim”.

Page 2Exodus 23:2: “You shall not go after the majority to do evil…”

Deuteronomy 4:2: “Do not add to the Word which I command you, and do not take away from it so that you guard the commands of Yahuweh you Elohim, which I am commanding you”.

Deuteronomy 12:32: “All the words I am commanding you—guard to do them—do not add to it nor take away from it”. Proverbs 30:5-6: “Every word of Eloah is tried. He is a shield to those taking refuge in Him. Do not add to His words, lest He reprove you and you be found a liar”.

As you will see from the exposing of truth in this article/study, the traditions of the modern day direct descendants of the ancient Pharisees—the Orthodox Jews—have added and subtracted both from His Word, and have dictated traditions that are not only bondage, but lead their captors away from Yahuweh and His Truth. The “traditions of the elders”—things like the washing of hands rabbinic style and the lighting of Shabbat candles, and all the other additions to the Torah, made commandments by the rabbis--are an abomination to Yahuweh and to Yahuweh—Elohim of Israel! He did not command those things or the hundreds of other departures from the Torah that are commands, common to Judaism. Run as fast as you can from man’s religious bondages! Traditions of man add to the Torah! It is easy for religious Christians and Messianic people to be enamored with Judaism and thus even deny Messiah to join with them. It is like jumping from the frying pan into the fire – the eternal fire of the lake of fire!

This should spur us on more to pray for the remnant of the House of Judah and the House of Israel who are coming out of religious bondage into the Light of His Word, which sets man free!

Nehemia Gordon was raised in a Pharisee rabbinic family with a lineage of Pharisee rabbis that go back for generations. He said that the traditions controlled life from the moment one woke up until one went to sleep. For one example: In getting dressed in the morning, he had to put on the traditional rabbinic pants, shirt, coat and kippah. If he went out, he had to add the traditional hat on top of his kippah (skull cap). In tying his shoes, by tradition of the rabbis, he had to put on the right shoe first and not tie it. Then he had to put on his left shoe and tie it, and then go back and tie the right shoe. The pattern was the same if you didn’t have shoelaces—right, then left. Because of his questions about the Torah that could not be answered by his father or the other Pharisee (Orthodox Jew) rabbis, he decided to only go by the Scriptures.“Kara” is the ancient name for the Hebrew Scriptures. A “karaite” is one that only goes by the Scriptures, not by man’s traditions or opinions. If you

Page 3go by His Word as He teaches it to you, as He has clearly written it for you to obey, you are a “karaite”. The word “Tenach” or “Tenak” is an acronym for Torah, Prophets and Writings. But, the use of this word only goes back just a few hundred years. The true name for the Tenach is “Kara”. Those that go by rabbinic tradition are called “Talmudists”… for they go by the Oral Law and the commands of the Rabbis over the Word of Yahuweh.

“Takanot” (Tack-an-oat): These are the traditions (takanot) of the rabbis that supercede the commands of the Torah. They are called “the commandments of the rabbis”. Basically they are: “Reforms that change Scriptural law”. The rabbis twist and change the Word of Yahuweh. There are literally hundreds of these. They “teach for doctrines the commandments of men”. The Orthodox Jews put their Oral Law, the Talmuds, and the Mishna, as well as other traditions of man, above the Torah of Yahuweh. They twist the Torah of Yahuweh to match the theology of the rabbis. Does this sound familiar to you? Isn’t this exactly the history of the Babylonian sun god religion, “Christianity”?

“Ma’asim” (mah-ah-seem): “Acts or deeds that serve as precedents or laws of standard behavior”—like the wearing of the sun disc hat (kippah) and lighting of Shabbat candles with the prayer that says: “Blessed are you, King of the universe, who has commanded us to light

the Shabbat candles”. Come on now folks, did Yahuweh command us to light candles on Friday night? -- NO! Did He teach us to have a special type water container filled with water, and then pour the water over the right hand, then the left hand, repeating that two or three times, in order to please Him? NO!

Nehemia gives the five principles of Pharisaic Judaism…later codified into the religion of “Rabbinic Judaism”:

1) There are two Torahs—the written one and the Oral Law—the Oral Law, defined by the Rabbis, defines the written Torah and supercedes obedience to the written Torah.

2) The Absolute Authority of the RabbisFrom the Midrash: “Even if they instruct you that right is left and left is right, you must obey them”.

3) Midrashic Interpretation – rabbis can interpret the Torah as they will

This form of interpretation ignores the language, the context—the textual context, the historical context and the cultural context

4) Sanctified Tradition: “Minhag” – “A custom of Israel is Law” (Torah).

Like not using the elevator on Shabbat, not turning on or off lights on Shabbat, not using the phone on Shabbat, and etc. In Israel if you are an Orthodox Jew the law says you must not use the phone on Shabbat and they check your phone records to make sure you are obeying!

5) The Commandments of Rabbis: “By observing the rabbis’ commands, you are obeying God”.

Page 4From the Midrash Pesikta Rabbi: “A person must not say `I will not keep the commandments of the elders because they are not from the Torah’. The Almighty says to such a person, `No my son! Rather, all that they decree upon you observe! As it is written: “According to the instructions which they teach you” (Deuteronomy 17:11). `Even I (Yahuweh) must obey their decree as it is written `you will decree and I (Yahuweh) will fulfill it’”. Do you see why Yahushua was so brutal to the Pharisaical leaders of His time?Do you want to defy Yahushua and put yourself under this bondage? The word “wicked” comes from the old English word for “wick”—candlewick, which is twisted together, covered in wax, to cause the fire to burn. II Peter 3:16, speaking of how the Greek sun-god worshipping Gnostic “Christians” and Pharisee Jews twisted the Scripture to make the Apostle Paul look non-Torah observant: “…also in all his letters,

speaking in them concerning these matters, in which some are hard to understand, which those who are untaught and unstable TWIST to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures”. Twisting of the Scriptures to make them say what they want is typical of both Judaism and Christianity. Get out of all the vestiges of the great whore, for she will be burned with fire. (Revelation 17)Please go over the 39 things in the Appendix that show the direct connection of Judaism with Rome, and especially the Roman Catholic Church!Just two examples: In order for the Orthodox rabbis to be legitimate in the eyes of the people, they have to be ordained by a rabbi whose lineage goes back to the original Pharisees in the Second Temple Period. – Here you have the same thing as “Apostolic Succession” in the Roman Catholic Church.The wearing of the kippah by Jewish men is another example. It comes from Roman Catholicism. It is the sun disc—the “halo” you see over the pictures of saints or Jesus or Mary. This tradition was “sanctified” by the Jewish rabbis about 800 years ago. The “ma’asim” leading to the “takanot”: “It is forbidden to pray with uncovered head” and “One may not walk four cubits with an uncovered head”. That’s about four paces… a cubit is the distance from a man’s elbow to the tip of his middle finger—20 to 22 inches approximately. The Rabbinic Hallel calendar is “takanot!” In 359 CE the Romans were shutting down the Sanhedrin. So there was an emergency meeting of the Sanhedrin under Rabbi Hallel to do something to unite all Jews in the Diaspora. They created a calendar system so that all Jews worldwide could keep it…though it was “Takanot”—not Father’s calendar. The scattering of His people was punishment/judgment—not being sent on a vacation to another country! Psalm 137:1-6 should be our attitude if we live in captivity, outside His Land. But, like the Jews, Messianic people have adapted to their cushy environment in captivity and made His festivals their vacation time. There is no weeping because they are in captivity! Hellel and the Sanhedrin said the calendar would be used until the Jews came back into the land. The Jews started coming back in the late 1800s, and

Page 5flooded in after 1948. But, the rabbis refuse to return to the keeping of Father’s calendar by sighting of the new moon over Jerusalem, and the aviv stage of the barley to determine Aviv 1 (Exodus 12:2) for the Festival calendar year. They now say that Messiah will straighten us out. But, the Karaites said: “No--now that we are back in the land, we must go back to the Torah as He commands us”!

I’ve gotten flack from some religious people who have criticized me for keeping the Hallel calendar—the Pharisee/Orthodox Jewish calendar and not going by the moon. Yet, I ask them, where are they at festival times—in Jerusalem, or having fun in captivity? In defense of my actions: I was instructed by Father personally to be at the Wall (Ha Kotel) in Jerusalem for every festival eve, from 1999-2008,to intercede for the remnant of Judah and Levi to come out of the bondages of rabbinic Judaism, on the eve of their rabbinic festival dates. I did as He instructed me. But, as of February 2009, He has relieved me of that assignment, and instructed me to now “lead by example”—so that I now must go to the Wall and intercede for the remnant of Judah and Levi according to His calendar, which He has restored, and which He will use in the Kingdom that is fast approaching! He never led me into rabbinic Judaism—just to do as He said. He will NEVER EVER lead us into man-made bondages!!!!!! I knew about the calendar of Yahuweh—at least from the time I went to Aqaba—1999. But, I challenge the religious prideful, who wrap cloaks of self-righteousness around them because of their knowledge of their own congregation’s view of Torah, that if you want to obey the Torah as He commands us—get off your duff and get over to Israel for the festivals—He will provide the way! I live by faith—and He always meets my faith with positive action on His part to get me where I am supposed to be to do His will!

The Roman Catholic Church has decreed (2008) that the Name of Yahuweh/Yahweh is not to be used in their churches. Please refer to my article “Hated For My Name’s Sake”. The Jews refuse to use His Name except on the eve of Yom Kippur at the Wall, when the rabbis say it is OK to use it. He commands us to honor and esteem Him by using His Name. But, Messianic people go along with the rabbis, and Christians don’t know anything but the pagan sun god names. Please refer to a study I did that was led by our Father more than any study I’ve ever done: “The Hebrew Names and Titles…”

Everything Messiah said and did was in defiance of the dictates of the Pharisees! He delighted in breaking their takanot and ma’asim! He had to obey His Father, and in doing so, had to disobey the religious leaders. Take note!

Rabbi Akiva (2nd century CE) is the father of Rabbinic Judaism. In order create Rabbinic Judaism he had to change the very nature of Yahuweh Himself and totally distort the Torah of Yahuweh as He gave it to us, as well as take the

Page 6sword after the followers of Yahushua Messiah. Therefore, according to the Scriptures above, who is Akiva’s father? – And, who is the father of

those that submit to his religion? It is anti-messiah… they do not follow the Torah of Yahuweh, just as Christians do not follow the Torah of either Yahuweh or Yahushua. These are religions of man that use the Scriptures to their own advantage, but do not obey them. Our Father Yahuweh and His Messiah Yahushua are calling us out of all dependency—control and slavery--to all the systems of man—government/political, economic, and religious. The great whore, Mystery Babylon, of Revelation 17 is symbolic of all religion. She rides the political systems of the earth to use them for her own advancement. And the political systems allow her to ride them also for control over the people. This symbiotic relationship is the root of all the beast/whore relationships of the world. Yahuweh and Yahushua, Elohim of Israel, Elohim of Abraham, Yitzhak, and Ya’cob, are not in any religious system. They started no religions and they approve of no religions. To find the real Father and Son—to know Them personally and walk with them in obedience and set-apart fear--one must come out of all religious systems and learn from Them through Their Word AS TAUGHT BY YAHUWEH’S SPIRIT personally, and by submitting in obedience to His Kingdom Torah -– teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven – through faith in Messiah Yahushua—Redeemer of Israel. He is calling us out of all the systems of man to walk with Him in faith and dependency on Him alone! Faith, obedience to Yahuweh out of fear of Him, and fear of man, faith and dependency on man: These opposites cannot coexist. You have to choose one or the other. Indeed, Rabbinical Judaism looks like a Torah-guarding religion. But, as you read the quotes in this article you will see what Rabbinical Judaism did to the Torah and to Yahuweh, which provided for the ultimate power of the Rabbis over the children of Elohim—especially over the tribes of Judah and Levi.Again, I repeat: All religion has its roots in Lucifer and Nimrod’s sun god worship. Yahuweh has NOTHING to do with man’s religion, and is in fact bringing His wrath down on them all, so as to extinguish their memory from the earth! YAHUWEH IS NOT A RELIGION! YAHUSHUA IS NOT A RELIGION!The word “religion” has its origin in the expression “the regions of Rhea”. Rhea was said to be the mother of Zeus. All organized religion has NOW come together under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic Vatican. Leaders of Islam, Rabbinical Judaism, as well as Evangelical and Charismatic leaders have all joined under the power of Rome for “profit”.

The ancient Emperor worship of Rome never died, nor did the worship of its gods, it just hid in the composite Roman Catholic Church of Constantine’s creation – a composite of pagan religions of Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia. The Vatican has been, since its religious inception in 325CE, a revival of the

Page 7Roman Empire, which proceeded to take over the whole earth, and now has. Rabbinic Judaism is well represented under this umbrella. “The woman rides the beast”. The beast is the composite of all the seven great nations and their religions that has stood against Yahuweh and His Torah. Akiva made a deal with Rome for protection. As long as the Rabbis who controlled Rabbinic Judaism were loyal to Rome, Rome protected them. Rome did not require them to practice Emperor worship, nor to sacrifice to Roman gods. They were exempt as long as they did what Rome told them to do, and as long as they controlled the people. Rabbinic Judaism is all about controlling the people under them for Rome! As long as Judaism rode the beast well, the beast did not complain. In 133 CE when Akiva and his Rabbis excommunicated the Talmidei Yeshua (Akiva’s mocking expression – “the taught ones of salvation”) from the synagogues, Rome took notice. Here was a new religion, spreading like wildfire, out from under the umbrella of the Rabbis. They were looked upon by Rome as a threat. Rome demanded that these disciples of the Messiah Yahushua practice Emperor worship and sacrifice to the gods. They couldn’t and wouldn’t do that—so they were killed in the arenas of Rome. It was part of Akiva’s war to stamp out all belief in the Messiah Yahushua. As we saw above in I John 2:21-22 and 4:1-3, anti-messiah is one who rejects that Messiah Yahushua came in the flesh--rejecting the Father and Son relationship. This makes the religion of Rabbinic Judaism anti-messiah at the core. Constantine also created an anti-messiah religion by placing Mithra as the god of Sol Invictus, in his creation of the Roman Catholic Church. Constantine replaced the Jewish Messiah with a pagan savior. The Greeks who called themselves “Christians” declared themselves to be Gnostics (a Greek philosophical system, in league with Luciferic practice). They were no threat to Rome. Acts 24:5, 14: The Torah-observant followers of Yahushua Messiah, at that time they were almost all Jewish, called themselves the “followers of the Nazarene” or the “followers of The Way”. They DID NOT referred to themselves as Christians. The name “Christian” came from the worshippers of the Egyptian god Serapis in Alexandria, Egypt.

But, after Akiva made these followers of The Way to be criminals in the eyes of Rome, the Romans, and later Constantine’s Church leadership, went after them to destroy them from the earth. But, it didn’t work, did it? HALLELUYAH! The Torah was never given as a means of eternal salvation, but was given as the Kingdom instructions and teachings that allows Him to be able to fellowship with the people He has set-apart by blood covenant. Torah is a schoolmaster to bring His people—the people bought by the blood of the Lamb--into obedient alignment with His Kingdom teachings and instructions, so that those saved and delivered by the blood of the Lamb, will be delivered from His wrath on the unrighteous, and perfected into His image and likeness. Without blood sacrifice bringing His salvation, no one could ever or can guard the Torah to please Him.

Page 8By removing Messiah from the people, Judaism has removed the blood sacrifice from Messiah’s brethren, thus alienating them from the Presence of Yahuweh! Hebrews 9:22: “And according to the Torah, almost all is cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is NO forgiveness.”Leviticus 17:11: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your soul, for it the blood that makes atonement for the soul”. Yet Rabbinic Judaism says that good works make atonement, and if you read about the sacrifices in Leviticus, it is a good as if you offered sacrifices. John 1:29: “Behold the Lamb of Elohim who takes away the sin of the world”.Without this Lamb, there is no salvation! Rabbinic Judaism is basically a legal system, created by man, to control the Jewish people. It circumvents the need for a blood sacrifice, and brings His people into heavy bondage under the control of man by using their own twisted version of the Torah to circumvents Yahuweh’s directives as it pleases them. It is a system of cruel bondage that keeps His people from knowing Yahuweh and His Messiah. Islam is also a legal system by which to control their people. Christianity--under Constantine as the first pope, and his successors--is also basically a legal system by which to control their members. All religions, being man-created, are Luciferic based. They are all created so that man can take control over the minds and heart of others for their own selfish ambitions. To control the minds of man by religion is to control the empire, whether a nation, or the world, or the church, or the synagogue. This is why religion rides the political beast—for protection, for power, for

money, for freedom to rule over the mind, emotions, and will of mankind. IT IS THROUGH RELIGION’S CONTROL OVER THE MIND AND EMOTIONS OF MANKIND THAT LUCIFER/SATAN CONTOLS YAHUWEH’S HIGHEST CREATION, AND CAUSES HIS CREATION TO SUBMIT TO HIS AMITIONS. Oftentimes political agendas are a religion, as in the Communist Revolution, or Chinese Revolution. RELIGION IS THE CONTROL OF THE SOUL (MIND, WILL, EMOTIONS, REASON) BY SUPERNATURAL SPIRITUAL FORCES THAT ARE NOT OF YAHUWEH! Ultimately religion controls the spirit of man, and the eternal destiny of man. I’ve heard Muslims say how much they love their god. How can they love something that doesn’t exist? Or does it? – Yes it exists—but it is a demonic force, not a supreme god. Most people emotionally love an ambiguous “God” in their mind, whose image is constructed from the teaching concepts of others—but a god that does not exist except in illusion. The control of the mind has caused New Age people to receive demonic spirits as “spirit guides”—thinking they are good. Many in the Charismatic movement of Christianity are receiving “other spirits” that are not the Spirit of Yahuweh, running here and there to see signs and wonders, but seeing signs and wonders from demonic sources. For years I was an ordained minister in the charismatic

Page 9movement, and from the inside I saw the mixture of the working of the Spirit of Yahuweh to answer the faith of His people, as well as seeing the spirits of the demonic realm, which were taken as the acts of the “Holy Spirit”. The gift of the “discernment of spirits” is so that we might know the difference between the spirits of man, the spirits of demons, and the Spirit of Yahuweh. (I John 4:1) It is only outside of religion that we find the real Elohim of Israel! Let me ask a question: When does Father ever tell His people to work within the religious system of man, or the political system, in order to advance His cause or the cause of His people? Never! He didn’t tell Moses to go and join Pharaoh’s church in order to save the Egyptians. Nor does He tell us to join Rabbinic Judaism to lead Jews to Messiah. No, he and the children of Yahuweh were separated out into Goshen, where Father dealt with them differently than He did the Egyptians.I had a dream once in answer to my question: Should I stay in the church system in order to help people within the system? In the

dream, I saw a little wooden church in the country, painted white with steeple and all. I stood at the bottom of the steps as the Sunday service was ending. As the people were shaking the pastor’s hand as they left the church, one here, one there, came over to me saying: “There is something wrong with the church system. Can you show me the way of truth?” Most went their way without even noticing me. But, the ones who came to inquire of the truth were led to do so by the Spirit of Yahuweh. (John 6:44-45) He calls us out of the systems of man, and leads us to help others who are coming out. The bringing out is the work of the Spirit of Yahuweh. He is the one who draws men unto Himself through Messiah. We are to align with Him as He is bringing them out--leading them on into the teachings of the Word. He is calling us out of the end-time system of Babylon, the nation of end-time Babylon, and the religious systems of the great whore. He is calling us out to freedom, so that we might lead others to freedom.I write this to expose the Luciferic roots of Rabbinical Judaism, so that those thinking of converting to Rabbinic Judaism will think again! I am calling to those bound in religion under the control of man: “Let Messiah set you free to serve Yahuweh!” That call includes freedom from our sin and self! Some have come out of the Babylonian political system of America and the whore system of pagan Christianity, come to Israel, and out of fear of man, or the false belief that they can use the system to stay in Israel, have submitted to the system, which is controlled by Rabbis and by America. A friend of mine recently came to Israel to try to “make aliyah”—become an Israeli citizen. She was on her way to go to the Ministry of the Interior, which is controlled by the Rabbis, to begin the process for aliyah. Father spoke this to her: “I brought you out of the Babylonian system of America. You must not get involved in the Babylonian system of Israel”. She did not go. She is very happy she didn’t go—she’s free to obey Yahuweh. These ones who do not know

Page 10the nature and ways of the Elohim of the Scriptures do not realize that they have submitted to the whore of Babylon all over again.


Proverbs 29:25: “The fear of man brings a snare: but whoever puts his trust in Yahuweh shall be safe”. “Snare”, in Hebrew, means: “to have a noose around your neck, a hook in your jaw, to be trapped”--to be like an organ grinder’s

monkey, with a rope around your neck, held by your controllers: Do as you’re told or they’ll jerk the rope!”

There are Ephramites—those of the other tribes of Jacob besides Judah and Levi—who want to make aliyah. The number is growing of those who are playing their own game to stay in the country. If you think that you have to deceive, lie, manipulate, control, submit, obey, and do as you are told by those who reject your Messiah, in order to stay in Israel—You are a FOOL! There are schemes of men being contrived to get Ephramites into the country, but they contain traps. (Refer to the article: “Beware Danger”) Some are pretending to be Jews. If you are staying in America waiting for some signal that a Moses will hold your hand and lead you out, you are a double fool. America is NOT Egypt… It says in Revelation 11:8 that Jerusalem is called “Sodom and Egypt”. But, people are depending on man. And there lies the greatest stupidity of all—when the Word commands us to “FEAR NOT!” AND TO TRUST ONLY ELOHIM. It is plain insanity to say you trust in Someone you do not know well enough to even keep yourself in peace. Some are applying to the Ministry of the Interior in Israel, hoping to get in to stay. But, they do not realize that they are submitting to the rabbinic system also. The rabbis control a great portion of the Israeli government, as well as America controlling it all for the Illuminati/Vatican. By pretending to be a Jew, getting involved in the system, going to the synagogue, some tell me that they hope to “win Jews to faith in Messiah”. Oh what blind nonsense! Once inside the system, what will they tell their new Jewish friends? “Haha! I fooled you! I am really a Messianic believer and I am here to tell you about Yeshua.” Uhhhhhh …. Once inside the system the submitted ones are watched by spies for the rest of their lives unless…Unless they REPENT and come clean and get out of the system! Whether it is leaving the church system, the rabbinic system—no matter what religious system—to find the truth of Yahuweh and Yahushua, there must be repentance! You don’t just walk away from the kingdom of darkness and embrace the Kingdom of light without repentance!

Page 11No! By submitting to an anti-messiah system they have already been ashamed of Him and His words and denied Him, out of fear of man. Their great plan and goals of helping Jews are useless. Once inside the system, the system watches like a hawk… turn on or turn off a light on Shabbat night, and they’ll nail you as a heretic. Use the elevator on Shabbat, use your telephone (and yes, it is forbidden for Orthodox Jews to use the telephone and the elevator on Shabbat),

use your computer, and they can get you. In fact, I recently learned that some 20,000 conversions to Judaism were revoked because one woman was caught using the elevator on Shabbat. My friends—this is hard labor in a maximum-security prison!

In Matthew 11:28-30, Yahushua speaks through the centuries to those bound in the religious systems of men: “COME TO ME, YOU WHO LABOR AND ARE HEAVILY BURDENED AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST…FOR MY YOKE IS GENTLE AND MY BURDEN IS LIGHT”. (Please refer to the article: “Yoked for Freedom”—this truth will bless you greatly!)

THE END DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE MEANS! In Father’s Kingdom righteous goals cannot be achieved by crooked means!

You cannot submit to the Rabbis of Rabbinic Judaism and at the same time say you belong to the Messiah Yahushua (Yahshua)—the One of Isaiah 53—the One who paid for your salvation with His own blood. For Rabbinic Judaism says that anyone who believes in Yahushua is an idolater! And anyone who speaks the Name of the Father is a blasphemer. Messiah was sent to His death by the edict of the Sanhedrin (ruling council) and the High Priest for blasphemy. He used His Father’s Name (Matthew 26:64-44). Please, seriously read my pleading article “Warning, Warning, Warning”, and the instruction in “Regarding Modern Judaism and the Kabala”. For all believers in Messiah please read “Beware of the Noahide Laws”. Hidden things can definitely hurt you. And the article “Ashamed—When Fear Dead Ends into Damnation”) This article encapsulates the warnings in all of them. The compilation of information here is mainly Daniel Gruber’s Rabbi Akiba’s Messiah. It should let anyone know to stay away from this man-made atrocity, rooted in man’s control over man using manipulation and down right wickedness and evil. By His love and mercy, Father’s Spirit is calling out a remnant from among the Jews steeped in rabbinic Judaism, and they are finding their Messiah! HALLELUYAH! Rabbinic Judaism does not worship the Scripture’s Yahuweh, and stands in direct opposition to Yahushua’s death and resurrection, thus according to I

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John 2:22: “Who is a liar, except the one denying that Yahushua is the Messiah? This is anti-messiah, the one denying the Father and the Son”.

This also includes Islam and other religions, all uniting together now under the Vatican—creators and controllers of the Illuminati. As you read the pleading of the Prophets of the Scriptures, you will notice that what is today known as Rabbinic Judaism, and Christianity, are prophesied against as bringing the cause of Yahuweh’s anger and wrath. Get out of the systems that are in the path of His wrath. “Come out of her My people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues”. (Revelation 18:4)

Because there is a demonic side to rabbinic Judaism, those who submit to it, out of fear of man, or selfish ambition to stay in Israel, I’ve watched their lives spiral downward. They leave off the study of the Word for the study of Talmud, or the prayer book, or worse—the Kabala. Many are turning to Kabala in the belief that it is rooted in Messianic teaching, even though their channeling of the four letters of Father’s Name opens the gateway for the demonic realm to take them over. Most don’t realize that rabbinic Judaism teaches reincarnation, astrology, and other occult things. I have been pleading with people through my articles to wake up and to get out of what He is about to destroy! But, I am also pleading with the House of Israel to return to obedience to the Scriptural Torah of Yahuweh. Many Christians do not know they are of the House of Israel—so want to be Jews to identify with the Jewish Messiah. He said He only came to bring restorative redemption basically to one people-group—the House of Israel—the northern scattered ten tribes. (Refer to the articles: “Who Are the Ten?” and “Are You a Gentile?”) But, in His death and resurrection, He spiritually began gathering the whole House of Jacob (all the tribes) together in Redemption. “Redemption” means “to buy back what was lost”. He is our Kinsman Redeemer! There are many precious Orthodox Jews, including Rabbis, who are seeking to know the real Messiah that has come—the one of Daniel 9:24-26a. They are obtaining, in secret, the Messianic writings (Brit Chadasha). They are meeting in secret to study the Prophets, and many are finding Yahushua Messiah, the one of Isaiah 53, to be the Messiah that died for them. In this article you will see why they do these things in secret, even as Nicodemus came to Yahushua at night. (John 3:1ff) We are seeing the small beginnings of restoration to the time of the first century, when most of the believers in Messiah were Jews. (Acts 21:20) The full restoration of the remnant is described at Messiah’s coming—Zechariah 12:10-13:1. I have a passion to pray and to do intercession for those Jews who are seeking Him with all their heart, who are meeting in secret to study the

Prophets, who are learning about Messiah and will find Him, either now or at His Second Coming. Out my window, up the hill, is a large casket set under a small pavilion, with a dark green cloth draped over it. Near it is a little room where people can go to pray. There are prayer books there, and a few seats. A

Page 13security guard is stationed there also. I was there. I saw men coming to kiss the casket of the one buried there. It is the tomb of Rabbi Akiva. Like Eliyahu in I Kings 19:10, the honor and esteem of the Elohim of Israel burns in my spirit—for that one man for 1800 years has led the brethren of Messiah to not only despise Yahushua and His disciples, but the Jews as a whole to be totally estranged from Yahuweh and His Torah, as He gave it to us. The power of that one man, like the power of Constantine, has its source in none other than the Devil himself. The Word of Torah (teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven) were given to all the tribes of Jacob by Yahuweh—all thirteen tribes, Joseph’s sons making two tribes. The whole of the Word is focused on one land and one city—Judea/Samaria and Jerusalem. Many are returning to their Hebrew roots, but do not realize that they live in captivity. They treat Sukkot, for example, like a vacation, rather than as those who were sent into captivity because of their sin against Yahuweh. Psalm 137:1-6 should be the attitude of those in captivity--weeping. There is coming now a longing in many to return to their Homeland. How Father arranges that is up to Him. But, let Him do it His way! Christianity feathered a nice nest for the Israelites from the northern kingdom to feel secure and comfortable in captivity. Now, despite Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism, Yahuweh Himself is restoring a remnant to their Hebrew roots. No one in Messiah is a gentile! He did not make a covenant with gentiles. He says in the last days He will destroy all gentiles. The Hebrew wording of Jeremiah 31:31, and the Greek wording of Matthew 26:28, makes it plain that He came to restore and renew the Covenant of Yahuweh with all of the tribes—especially the House of Israel—by restoring them to Yahuweh’s favor through His own blood sacrifice. (Matthew 15:24; Matthew 10:5-6) Ezekiel 37:15-28 tells us that His ultimate goal, which He has begun to fulfill, is to restore all the tribes of Jacob back to the Land and to their inheritance. But, in doing this, He has not called His people into a religion called “Rabbinical Judaism”. He has called His people into freedom from the control of man, so that we might be the servants of Yahushua!

Religion gives no rest that is genuine and long lasting. Some of the most miserable people in the world are religious. He does give us all a free will. Only problem with that is if the free will is used to go against Yahuweh, then the result will be “Depart from Me, I do not know you”. I am grieved that many so-called Messianic believers guard the Torah religiously, but do not know Him personally. Their religious spirit—religious pride—is humungous! Religious spirited people are adamant in their obedience to their human teachers. They do not know Father, nor can they know Him. To really honestly know Them we must be taught by Yahuweh’s Spirit to us personally! (John 16:13; I John 2:28) Obedience to Him, His way, is the lifestyle of those truly born of His Spirit. For the most part, the Messianic

Page 14religion is just a halfway house religion bridging Christianity and Judaism--also controlled by rabbis. It is like all religion, controlled by rabbis and elders, laws and traditions of man. It has its own form of being “rabbinical”, as does Christianity. Let us be pure, set-apart, and have one Master and one only—the Elohim of Israel, who is very capable of teaching us Himself, and confirming by others whom He has taught.Jeroboam was an anti-messiah to the House of Israel—leading them into his religion that violated Yahuweh’s truth. He told the people of the ten northern tribes that they didn’t have to go to Jerusalem for the Festivals—they would have their own festivals. Constantine was an anti-messiah to the gentiles, the Hellenised Jews, the Greek Gnostic Christians and to anyone in general—creating a religion in which his brand of hierarchy rules to this day. Jeroboam, Akiva and Constantine—each in their own way were anti-messiah to their people for the sake of power, authority, and control over the hearts and minds of men. In the Kingdom of Messiah, we will return to the purity of Yahuweh’s Torah, under a Righteous King and High Priest.

Deuteronomy 12:2-5, 8: “Completely destroy all the places where the nations, which you are disposing, served their mighty ones…and you shall break down their altars and smash their pillars, and burn their asherim with fire. And you shall cut down their carved images of the mighty ones and shall destroy their name out of that place. Do not do so to Yahuweh your Elohim, but seek the place which Yahuweh your Elohim chooses, out of all your tribes, to put His Name there, for His Dwelling Place, and

there you shall enter. Do not do as we are doing here today—each one doing whatever is right in his own eyes”.

Psalm 132:13-14: “For Yahuweh has chosen Zion. He has desired it for His dwelling. `This is my rest forever. Here I dwell, for I have desired it’ ”.

Ezekiel 43:7: “And He said to me `Son of man, this is the place of My throne and the place of the soles of My feet, which I dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever, and the house of Israel shall no longer defile my set-apart Name, they nor their sovereigns…” Today Jerusalem is trodden down by rabbinic Jews who deny speaking His Name, deny His Messiah, deny His right to rule over them, deny His Torah, and basically deny Him as He is, as well as pagan Christianity, Islam, homosexuals, eastern mystics and crazies of all types, as well as seculars with no belief in an Elohim at all. Jerusalem is called “Sodom and Egypt”. (Revelation 11:8)Father spoke clearly to me in 2003: “All of My people outside My land are in captivity”. Most of His people have no desire to leave captivity, and so feather their nest, appease their guilt, and make excuses why they won’t obey Yahuweh’s simple commands. We are to lead by example. If we teach others, we are to live the teaching.

Page 15NOTES from Daniel Gruber’s book Rabbi Akiba’s Messiah: Page 63: “The Scriptures themselves denied to the rabbis any legitimate authority or role. The Scriptures themselves were therefore the greatest barrier standing in the way of Rabbi Akiba and his desire to create a system of rabbinic authority. From the onset Rabbi Akiba faced many adversaries in his struggles, but the Scriptures themselves were the greatest of all. If he could somehow neutralize the opposition of the Scriptures or even turn them into his ally, then he would have both. Akiba’s method of attacking the Scriptures was contained in his unique system of interpretation…the rules were not fixed but changed to fit the need at the moment”. My note: A similar method of interpretation was used in the second century and onwards by the Alexandrian school of biblical interpretation—allegorical—as well as he fit the Scriptures to make them say anything he wanted them to say. Therefore, Akiva was like Constantine, and the other popes, priests and most pastors, evangelists, and teachers of the Scriptures—all use the Scriptures to

prove what they say is true, but they do not obey His commands, nor regard Him as having any say in the matter. Thus over 5,000 denominations and organizations within the pagan system of Christianity, and over 2 billion members, all having their own individual belief systems based on what they think or on whose words they choose to follow—usually a favorite religious leader in their church, synagogue, congregation, on TV or Internet. It is amazing in how many ways Akiva was like Constantine.Page 63 continued: “Akiba had an agenda which he read into the Scriptures…To accomplish his agenda—to change the law and its authorized interpreters and enforcers—he had to tie his agenda to the Scriptures…The highest accepted authority in Israel was the Scriptures. Akiba therefore sought to use the form of Scripture, without regard to its content, as a means of deriving a new law and religion. Akiba tied his own rulings to any peculiarity or verbal similarity in the Bible text to attach the authority of the Scriptures to his views…For Akiba, the Scriptures themselves could be `antagonistic to the spirit of Judaism’ ”.“Obviously, the Scriptures were not antagonistic to Judaism, which they themselves created. They were, however, quite hostile to the spirit of Judaism that Akiba was trying to create. To overcome this antagonism of the Scriptures, Akiba read his meaning into the text, rather than reading the plain meaning out of the text. The plain meaning of the text was of no use to him. It presented an insurmountable barrier to what he hoped to accomplish”.“Akiba’s method made no sense (Page 64) grammatically or logically but there was an attractive utility to it. It was the only way to legitimize rabbinic authority.”“The only logic that governed Akiba was whatever would further his purpose. That was his overarching rule of interpretation. There was no other rule of interpretation, which he consistently followed...

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The purpose was to bring Israel out from under the authority of the Scriptures and place her firmly under the authority of the Rabbis.” “The other rabbis were also said to have created ingenious interpretations of their own. Thus R. Ishmael directs the following critical words against R. Eliezer ben Hyrkanos: `You say to the Scripture: Silence, while I interpret!’ ”.

Page 65: “Akiba created his own Midrash (commentary), by means of which he was able to discover things that were even unknown to Moses…Akiba made the accumulated treasure of the oral law…”Rabbi Akiba kept the written Torah central, but made it irrelevant. He alleged obedience to the Torah, but transformed it into a powerful royal figurehead. Torah said whatever he wanted it to say”. Page 65: “The words of the Rabbis became the law that Israel had to obey…Since the words of the sages were the only means by which Israel could understand the words of the Torah, the words of the sages because the ultimate authority.”Page 66: “R. Joshua was in a predicament. He could obey the Scriptures or he could obey R. Gamliel. He could not obey both. To obey Gamliel would mean being cut off by God. To obey Scripture would mean being excommunicated by Gamliel...Rabbi Akiba, with his unique manner of interpretation, convinced R. Joshua to obey Rabban Gamlel.” How did Akiba make R. Joshua comfortable in choosing to obey Gamliel? “To begin with he changed the Biblical text…Then having discarded the original text, Akiba assigned the meaning he wanted to the text he had created”.Page 67-68: “Often the Rabbis, following Akiba’s example, disregarded the actual text, and pretended that it said something else. Then they would argue as to how to interpret their creation as though it were actually the text itself. Oftentimes the Rabbis have changed the text to support their ruling, the actual text is no longer relevant.”“Akiba was the one who definitely fixed the canon of the Old Testament books…By fixing the canon, R. Akiba made a final determination of what books would be included in the `Holy Scriptures’, and what books would be excluded”. Page 69: “Akiba…as we have seen, was considered another Moses, another lawgiver greater than the first.”Pages 70-71: “Akiba authorized a new Greek translation to replace the Septuagint.” Akiba gave the Greek-speaking Jews a rabbinical Bible.“An additional factor to consider is that the Talmidei Yeshua often cited the Septuagint in their proclamation of Yeshua as the Messiah…he struggled intently and intensely to overcome the alternative they presented to rabbinic authority”. “The Septuagint was probably the text used by more Jews than any other”.

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RABBI AKIVA IS THE FATHER OF RABBINIC JUDAISM. HE ALSO CODIFIED AND WROTE DOWN THE ORAL LAW. HE AUTHORIZED A NEW ARAMAIC TARGUM OF THE SCRIPTURES. HE CREATED HIS OWN MISHNA. HE ORDERED A NEW GREEK TEXT TO OVERRIDE THE SEPTUAGINT. HE ESTABLISHED HIS OWN HALAKHIC RULINGS THAT OVERRODE THE SCRIPTURES. Page 72: “In whatever language a Jew read or heard the Scriptures, he would be hearing from Akiba”.Page 73: “Fixing the canon, standardizing the text, and authorizing new translations for both those in the land and those in Diaspora provided mechanical ways of affecting what Israel read in the Tenach…The problem was immense. The Rabbis, their disciples, and their authority were not found in the text of the Tenach. They did not exist during the times when Tenach was written. To establish and authorize Rabbis as rulers in Israel, it was necessary to revise the way that Israel understood the text. It was necessary to read rabbinic authority back into Tenach…Akiba’s method of interpretation provided the key. Talmudic revisionism did the rest. Revisionism does not change the text, it changes the way the text is perceived.***It is like placing an optical lens between the reader and the text. The lens refracts and/or colors the textual image that reaches the mind and heart. Once the lens is implanted, EVERYTHING must pass through it. The one who looks through the lens thinks that everything he sees is in the text. He does not know that the lens is there. In fact, if the lens were to be taken away, he would think that the true image he is seeing is a gross distortion”. “Through this rabbinic lens, everyone in Tenach is always thinking about the Rabbis and their ordinances. They are read into every situation.”Page 74-75: “All of God’s works from Creation on is said to have reached its glory in Akiba…Moses and the prophets were continually created anew in the image of the rabbis…When Messiah came, he would come in their image and likeness”. Page 77: “As Talmudically revised, God Himself studies the teachings of the Rabbis, for sometimes they are wiser than He…God is only one rabbi among many. In matters of halakha, He must follow the majority. He submits to them, and learns from them. Each day he learns something new about the Law He has given. In this revision, God Himself is no longer the standard of holiness. There is an external standard to which He must submit…the rabbinic teaching becomes a tradition, which is granted equal authority with the Torah. Even more, whereas Torah is limited to what the Rabbis say it says, their teaching has no limits. Talmudic revisionism is the means by which the Rabbis attain the legitimacy and authority that Scripture denies them…”

Pages 78-79: Because of the cessation of sacrifices, where would Israel find atonement? “The Rabbis presented numerous alternative means of atonement. Among them were circumcision, exile, death, burial, and giving to the Rabbis. Even hospitality was said to bring atonement…The most prominent substitutes were study and prayer. R. Huna said, `If you study the laws about sacrifice,

Page 18that is to me as if you had offered them’. `Whoever occupies himself with the study of Torah needs no burnt offering nor sin offering, no meal offering or guilt offering’. Reading Scriptures on sacrifices was equivalent to offering the sacrifices.” “The Tefillahs were instituted to replace the daily sacrifices”.“Other times of rabbinically prescribed prayer were also substitutes for the Temple sacrifices. R. Hisda said…`He who prays on the eve of the Shabbat and recites … the two ministering angels who accompany man place their hands on his head and say to him `and thine iniquity is taken away and they sin purged’ ”.Pages 80-81: “Sometimes the Rabbis were unable to reach their teachings into the Scriptures by any means. So they simply annulled the decrees of Torah”.“What matters here is the rabbinic claim of authority to annul the Law…Annulling or uprooting a Biblical Law is an essential component of the rabbinical system…“The Talmud also admits that halakha uprooted some Biblical laws…” “There are numerous other cases recorded and discussed in the Talmud where this rabbinic authority to uproot and overthrow the Torah is asserted…because rabbinic law conflicted with that of Torah, the Rabbis simply annulled the Torah”. (Matthew 23)Pages 82-83: “When they deemed it necessary the Rabbis altered, suspended, or overruled the Torah.” “The Rabbis are the source of their own authority to annul the Torah. They gave this power to themselves. They gave to their own laws the same binding power as the laws of the Torah. Actually, they ascribed greater authority to their own laws than to the laws of Torah, for they claimed that their laws took precedence over what is written in the Torah…The Rabbis could establish conditions and practices that contradicted and even nullified the Torah…According to the Rabbis, God Himself would obey whatever they decided…`Heaven itself yields to the authority of the earthly count of justice as to the fixing of the calendar and the festival days. Setting the dates of the calendar, which regulated personal and national life, was of major importance”.

“The system of festivals in Judaism involves all adherents of the faith…Control of it was essential…In every area of life, one had to be more careful to obey rabbinic law than to obey the Torah…In truth, it is Rabbinical, but the sages made their law even stricter than Scripture…There is a greater stringency in respect to the teachings of the scribes than in respect to the Torah…The Rabbis claimed the sanction of Torah for whatever they decreed, even if it was the uprooting of the Torah”.“The Torah governs every aspect of the life of Israel. By governing the Torah, the Rabbis would govern Israel”.“The objective was to bring Israel under the rule of the Rabbis”.Page 84: “If the Scriptures stood in the way, the Scriptures had to be uprooted…R. Jannai was being threatened with excommunication. He was being told, `If you and your Scriptures are unwilling to submit to the decision of the Rabbis, then take them and be cut off from Israel”.

Page 19Page 86: “Studying the Bible was said to be of no importance. Studying the rabbinic writings brought great reward. Israel was told to trust the Rabbis”.In the system he erected, no one else had the right to interpret Torah…Not even God.” My Note: The Pope removed the Scriptures from the people, replacing them with Catholic doctrine and tradition, rules and regulations. Those not adhering to the pope’s decrees face excommunication. The people had to obey him over the Word of Yahuweh. He did all he could to get rid of anything Hebrew—so He paganized the doctrine. The pope demanded obedience and honor, as the Caesars did—even worship. Lucifer drove Akiva, and Rabbinic Judaism reflects Nimrod on down. The spirit of Jezebel rules the realm of religion—trickery and manipulation for control (witchcraft) is the spirit of religious leadership—the lust for power over the people. (Revelation 2:6, 15) Fear is usually a tool for control. The rabbis, priest, pope, pastor, are all considered more “spiritual” than the laity, therefore to oppose them may mean out of sorts with God Himself—this is the reasoning of religion.Akiba was a major agent of Satan, and his rabbinical disciples are also with that same spirit. Lucifer rules via religion.Excerpts from pages 88-100—The Rabbis replaced the priests…”Torah Judaism is a priestly religion…Jeremiah grieved that `From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit’. `The

prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and My people love it this way…’“A priesthood and temple that had only `religious’ meaning did not threaten Roman domination…The high priestly families joined with the Roman rulers in intrigue and murder, sometimes even in the Temple itself…The Pharisees, the predecessors of the Rabbis, were major opponents of the priestly Sadducees…The High Priests had position, with a covering of Biblical legitimacy despite their appointment by the Romans. They had power and wealth, and no scruples about using what they had to get what they wanted. They were the natural ruling aristocracy in Israel”.“The Rabbis rejected all Sadducean views, and the priests were primarily Sadducees. If the Temple were ever rebuilt, the priests would have to operate under Rabbinic law. A truly Jewish kingdom had to focus on the Temple. A rebuilt Temple would mean an active priesthood. The Rabbis needed a way to keep an active priesthood from reasserting its natural Biblical Authority…The Rabbis laid down the law for the priests…The daily synagogue service, which had originated quite independently of the Temple, probably without the consent of the priesthood, had been transformed into substitutes for the abolished services. Whatever need there had been before for priests was now met within a rabbinic context”. There is a false security in putting oneself under the control of a domineering but nice man – a rabbi, a pastor, a priest, or a king. But, if the man is removed, or exposed as a fake, then the security is removed and confusion and

Page 20delusion sets in. Usually people turn against God if their leader fails them, or their theology is found to be a lie. In the Kingdom we are told in Ezekiel 40-46, the Zadok priesthood will be re-established. In the Kingdom of Messiah according to Scripture, there will be no Rabbis over the people. Messiah said: “Do not be called `Rabbi’: for one is your Master, even Messiah, and all you are brethren”. (Matthew 23:8) In John 1:38, we see that “Rabbi” was interpreted “Master”. “Akiba put the Rabbis in the place of the priests…His decisions, however, effectively appropriated the priestly authority and nullified the law of the tithe which provided for their support…Abolishing the whole system of tithes effectually eliminated the livelihood of the priests, which effectually eliminated priestly Judaism as a competitor for authority…Akiba went beyond the earlier Hillelites in order to strip the priests of a distinction which helped them to live…In this way,

Akiba was able to firmly establish his own Judaism over that of the priests to make the Torah what `it should have been’ ”.Page 105: “Akiba …stressed his exegesis as more important than tradition. The written law was not enough by itself. The oral law was the Law to be obeyed, and it was aimed at bringing all life under the aegis of that Law.”Pages 106-107: Rabbi Akiva even changed the traditions that had been previously observed. “As we have seen these new and ingenious rules of interpretation were so remarkable and flexible that Akiba was able to use them for whatever his particular purpose happened to be at the moment. They enabled him to effectively use the Scriptures to support whatever view he had. He controlled the debate by controlling the language”. “The written Talmud records the traditional admonition: `My son, take heed of the words of the Scribes more than the words of the Torah”. “Akiba was not creating an impartial history, he was pursuing a radical agenda. He abolished the foundation of the oral tradition. Akiba recorded the traditions with which he agreed and discarded the others. Akiba was the editor who determined what was written and what was thrown out”.Pages 111-112: “The Rabbis do not accept the miraculous in determing the correctness of a position. The Rabbis pay no attention to a Heavenly Voice after Sinai. The authority to determine what is acceptable and what is not does not rest with God, but rather with the majority of the leading Rabbis. God laughs when men outwit Him. The Rabbis will excommunicate anyone who will not submit to their decisions. Each is a part of Akiba’s quest for rabbinic power”. Page 118-119: “The Torah reads quite differently. In the Torah it is difficult to find a place where the majority was not in opposition to the will of God…Moses stood alone against the majority of the people and the majority of the leaders.” In the story of the Korah rebellion R. Rashi says that in Korah’s rebellion, Korah “drew the heads of the Sanhedrin among them…He arose and assembled two hundred and fifty-the heads of the Sanhedrin. Had the authority of the majority of the sages been established at that time, Moses would have

Page 21been excommunicated or executed”. “In the Talmudic story, God good-naturedly accedes to the interpretation and

authority of the Rabbis when they point out how He had unwittingly contradicted Himself. This picture of God is significantly different from the Biblical one”. “There are very few occasions in Tenack when God laughs. Whenever we do read of Him laughing it is never because He has been outwitted by man. In Tenach, that is not possible. On the contrary, when God laughs it is always in derision of those men who think they have outwitted Him”. (Psalm 2)“The jovial, submissive God of the Tanoor Akhnai incident does not appear in the passages of the Tenach. To craft a radically different relationship between God and Israel, one where the Rabbis had a central role, it was necessary to change the nature and character of God”. “R. Nissim b Gerondi stated the fundamental claim of Rabbinic authority quite clearly: `What they (the majority of the sages) decide is what God has commanded’. There can be no dissent from this foundational principle. Without it there is no rabbinic authority”. “Such a claim is clearly a radical departure from every prior form of Judaism”.Excerpts from pages 120-125: “R. Akiba came and taught: Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God—that is to include the scholars. It is Akiba who put the Rabbis in the place of `the Lord thy God’ ”. “It was a system that would not allow a challenge to its authority…Even the voice of God from heaven had to be silenced, so did the voice of God on earth—the prophets”. “The rabbinic contention was not that prophecy had ceased, but rather that they alone could prophesy. Under the rabbis, prophecy itself underwent radical changes…Often the prophet was sent by God to rebuke religious leaders. He came without credentials or genealogy or learning, wealth or position. He operated independently of, and un-submitted to, any human authority. Usually an outsider, the prophet came alone and unarmed to a fortified, walled city, and commanded it to surrender…Josephus also speaks of a `false prophet’ who was believed because he said what the leaders wanted to hear”. “What the Rabbis actually maintained is that the Holy Spirit had departed from all Israel except themselves. No one but they could prophesy”. “Then there are three major types of prophetic utterances or signs recognized in the Talmud. These are important because, in one way or the other, they each demonstrate the radical nature of the new religion which Akiba was creating”. The first is the bath kol”. (`bath kol’ is the voice from heaven).The second is the foretelling of specific future events, usually judgments. The third is the interpretation of dreams”.

“For the rabbinic interpretation of dreams, God was not needed”.“God must bow to the will of the Rabbis. This is a radical departure from the Tenach”. “Assigning the prophetic rule to the Rabbis was important in

Page 22establishing their supremacy. Consequently, it was not only the voice of present and future unauthorized prophets that needed to be silenced, but also, the voice of past prophets…The passage referred to in the Writings which foretells the date of the Messiah (Daniel 9:24-25)” (There was a bath kol that went forth, evidently that was frightening to the Rabbis, in which the prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27 was given—and R. Uzziel said to the voice from heaven: “Enough! What was the reason? – Because the date of the Messiah is foretold in it”.) “…those who calculate the time of Messiah’s coming from Daniel’s prophecy might say `Messiah must have already come’. That was too dangerous to permit”. My note: Daniel 9:24-25 was put into the Writings and not the Prophets by Akiba because it does tell the date of the Messiah’s arrival. The Rabbis have expressly forbidden their people to read Daniel. Akiva almost didn’t put it in the canon of the Tenack. It is in the Writings because, Akiva said, Daniel is an intercessor—not a prophet. Yea…. Sure….A few excerpts from the chapter on the Sanhedrin—chapter 19. We know that in 2005 the Sanhedrin was re-created. It is 70 men who are Kabalists…mystics, occultists, who are now seemingly benign of power. Yet, when the Vatican brings the one world religion to the Temple Mount they will be the governing body that will handle cases of “blasphemy” and “idolatry” under the Noahide Laws, and be able to put to death the true servants of Yahuweh who believe in Messiah Yahushua. “Torah was not given or understood to be `religious’ law. It was national law. Inasmuch as the Rabbis presented their rulings as having equal or greater authority than Torah, rabbinic law was also never intended to be `religious’ law. It too was presented as national law. Under Akiba’s leadership, the Rabbis were asserting their right to determine the law and destiny of all Israel”. That’s why they rule today--quietly and discretely, but they rule all aspects of Israeli government, military, religious, and the department of the Ministry of Interior--having power over who becomes a citizen and who doesn’t. They demand submission to themselves, and have adequate representation in the Knesset.

“As such, they had to devise a means for consolidating heir newly gained power and insuring national compliance with their rulings. The Sanhedrin was the means to that end. The Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem had become the repository of all the national authority that Rome allowed…The Sanhedrin made the law. The Sanhedrin, or Beth Din, which they controlled, became the means of enforcing it”. “Only the leading rabbis could qualify to serve on the Sanhedrin. R. Johanan said, `None are to be appointed members of the Sanhedrin, but men of stature, wisdom, good appearance, mature age, with a knowledge of sorcery, and who are conversant with all the seventy languages of mankind, in order that the court should have no need of an interpreter…None is to be given a seat on the Sanhedrin unless he is able to prove the cleanness of a reptile from

Page 23Biblical texts.’ To qualify for the Sanhedrin, a rabbi had to be, literally, a `master of sorcery’. In other words, he had to be a master of what the Torah expressly forbids”.“To qualify for the Sanhedrin, a rabbi also had to be able to prove from the Bible that reptiles—which the Bible expressly declares to be unclean—are clean. In other words, he had to be able to use the Scriptures to prove the exact opposite of what they actually teach. The entire rabbinic system was based upon the authority of the Rabbis to declare that `right is left, and left is right’ ”. “…in sum, the Great Sanhedrin was assigned unqualified authority, by majority vote, to decide questions affecting the oral law and matters of legal definition. The Rabbis invested the Bet Din, i.e. House of Judgment, with absolute authority in every aspect of life. There was no appeal of its decisions”. “When Akiba did become a member of the Sanhedrin, his position changed. He did not shy away from pronouncing the harshest death sentence for any offender…Akiba taught that the Sages were in the place of God.”In some Scriptures the word “God” was “sometimes interpreted by the Rabbis to mean `judges’ ”.“The Rabbis took over from God the role of brining judgment on men for certain offenses…Akiba’s method of interpretation endowed the Sanhedrin with great powers of punishment…In the eyes of the Rabbis, the minim, by influencing others to believe as they did, were committing a sin greater than murder…The Rabbis were building a fence around the Torah, and the minim were breaking through the fence. They had to be stopped.”

My note: The “minim” were the followers of Yahushua – the “heretics”. To stop the followers of Yahushua who guarded the Torah—not the fakes who didn’t guard the Torah—the Greek “Christians” – pagan Gnostics. Akiva planned some horrible tricks to get the Talmidei Yeshua (the taught ones of salvation) into a corner so that they could be “justly” convicted of crime and ordered killed via the Sanhedrin. One of the tricks was to strongly back the Bar Kochba rebellion, and proclaim Bar Kochba the Messiah. By the Akiba proclaiming Bar Kochba as the Messiah—the Star of Numbers 23—and encouraging all Israel going out to war with him against the Romans, that left one group who could not go out against the Romans—those who believed in another Messiah—the real One. For them to go fight with Bar Kochba would be agreeing that he was the Messiah and the war was “holy”.

From page 135: “…Even amongst the Jews who were not pronounced minim (heretics) and hence outside the obvious orbit of rabbinical influence, the authority of the rabbis had to be asserted—it could not be automatically assumed”. From pages 131-134, the story of the rebellious elder: “The rebellious elder is one who deliberately rejects the teachings of the Rabbis”. “And elder could teach the people to transgress the Torah without becoming

Page 24guilty, but if he taught the people to transgress the words of the rabbis, he was brought before the Sanhedrin”.“A Mesith is one who seduces an individual or a town to turn away from the Lord and worship other gods. For such a person the Torah commands death by stoning. The Rabbis authorized the Sanhedrin to convict people of this crime…In the Gospels, the accusation of the Sanhedrin brought to Pilate against Yeshua was that he was a Mesith. `We have found this man to be deceiving the people’ ”. My note: In Matthew 26:64-66, He is accused of blasphemy because He used Father’s Name. Blasphemy is also worthy of death…that’s the excuse they had for sending him to Pilate”. Page 138: “…the Jewish disciples of J., the Talmidei Yeshua, were among those considered minim, perhaps the primary group so designated”.“The am ha’aretz (people of the land) were believing in Yeshua. Because of the Messianic expectations surrounding him, that threatened the governmental role, which the Romans had given to the Sanhedrin. In response, the Sanhedrin

gathered to decide what to do. The Council of Caiaphas was that Yeshua should be put to death for the good of the people”. Page 148: “The rabbinic designation for Yeshua became `Yeshu’ (Hebrew)—Jeshu (English). This name was used in the early centuries, retained throughout the Middle Ages, and is still used today. It is a parody of `Yeshua’. The three consonants yod, shin, vav, with which the name Jeshu was written, are explained as being the first letters of the three words `Jimmach sh’mo w‘zikhro’ -- `May his name and his memory be blotted out!’ In the eyes of the Rabbis, that was necessary for the preservation of Israel”. My note: Because Haman was hung on a tree and so was Yahushua, the Rabbis said He was another Haman. The letter “J” is only 500 years old in the English language—so this “name” begins with a “y” not a “j”. But, it is amazing how some I’ve heard call Him “Jeshu”—or “Jeshua”… they refuse to use the “Y”. Excerpts from pages 152-158: “In order to protect Israel from the minim, the sages erected a fence against them. The Rabbinic law was the fence. Obedience to the words of the Rabbis led to life. Breaking through that fence led to death. To listen to the teachings of the minim were said to defile the soul, it was better for a man to die than to receive such teachings”.It was even said that Yahushua was “crucified” in Lud—in Akiva’s city. “At a time when rabbinic Judaism was in its nascent form, Akiba made great efforts to eliminate every challenge to his rabbinic authority, including the message of the Talmidei Yeshua. Akiba’s opposition to the Talmidei Yeshua led him to sponsor a rabbinical Greek Bible and a rabbinical colloquial Targum. It also led him to alter Pharisaic tradition. In his efforts to bring Jewish life under rabbinic authority, Akiba was consistent and relentless. Sometimes Akiba intentionally held to certain doctrines just to contradict the beliefs of the Tlmidei Yeshua…Other Jews were hearing, reading, and believing the message of the Talmidei Yeshua. To further isolate them, Akiba forbade the reading of such books.”

Page 25“The major role that Akiba played in the struggle against the miim and their beliefs is perhaps best captured in the way each side treats Isaiah 53:12…The Talmidei Yeshua applied this verse and the entire chapter to Yeshua. The rabbis applied it to Akiva…The Rabbis presented Akiba as the savior of the Jews.”“Yeshua is elsewhere rabbinically identified with Haman…The Rabbis formulated a specific curse, called the `Birkat’…It was to be recited daily in every synagogue. The purpose was two-fold: 1) To weed out unknown Minim and their sympathizers, through the unwillingness to

recite and curse, and 2) To inculcate a popular hatred of them…The Birkat ha Minim reads like this:`May the apostates have no hope unless they return to Thy Torah and may the Nazarenes and the Minim disappear in a moment. May they be erased from the Book of Life and not be inscribed with the righteous…In Heaven the angels convinced God to withdraw His mercy and exclude the Talmidei Yeshua from His kingdom in Israel. On earth, the rabbis enforce that decision”.

My Note: Here we see two groups—the Scriptural believers who guard Torah—the Nazarenes or followers of the Way—and the Minim who apparently from the curse do not follow the Torah. There are two distinct groups in the first and second century and onward—the “Christians” who do not follow Torah and preach the counterfeit Messiah Iesous in opposition to the Apostles, and the Nazarenes, of which Paul was accused of being the leader, who kept Torah. (Acts 24:5, 14) It appears that Akiva grouped these two separately—yet together because the message of the Messiah already coming was the central issue to be eliminated.“The Talmidei Yeshua were to be hated and treated as defiling outcasts who had no place in the world, and no share in the world to come. Their books were to be burned. Their businesses were to be boycotted. They were to be publicly ostracized…The Minim were considered idolaters, blasphemers, and wizards who should be put to death”.My Note: There are seven Noahide “laws” but there are hundreds of laws under each category. The top two by which the Sanhedrin of today want to nail the Noahides on is 1) blasphemy and 2) Idolatry. To the Rabbis, to blaspheme is to use the Father’s Name and the Son’s Name in relationship to the Father’s Name, and to be in idolatry means to believe in Messiah Yahushua, Yeshua, or even “Jesus”, believing that the One in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is the true Messiah who takes away sin. Page 161: “With the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, the synagogue became the center of Jewish worship and religious identity. The Romans empowered Yohanan ben Zakkai and the rabbinic academy…From that point on, being kicked out of the synagogue carried the danger of being considered no longer a Jews. The Romans were not interested in theological disputes. They were interested in control. Rome related to those it had placed in power. Now so long as Christianity was regarded by the Romans as a mere sect of Judaism,

Page 26

it shared the hatred and contempt [of the Romans towards the Jews], indeed, but also the legal protection bestowed on that ancient national religion…So soon as it was understood to be a new religion, and as, in fact, claiming universal validity and acceptance, it was set down as unlawful and treasonable…and it was the constant reproach of Christians: `You have no right to exist’ ”. “When the Talmidei Yeshua were kicked out of the synagogue by the Rabbis, they could no longer legally establish before the Romans the Jewishness of their religion. That put them on trial for their lives. Any Judaeo-Christian who was expelled from the Jewish community was by law bound to sacrifice to the emperor and to take part in idolatrous practices. If he refused, he was punishable as an `atheist’ ”.Pages 166: “Akiba redefined the Messianic Age. He separated it from the world to come. In so doing, he eliminated the supernatural and the exceptional from the Messianic Age, and from the role of Messiah. It was no longer necessary for God to demonstrate through signs and wonders who His Anointed was”. This was how he could call Bar Kochba the messiah, as well as set himself up as messiah-like.Page 171: “What did Akiba see in Simon ben Kosiba?…He saw an arrogant strongman with some religious inclinations, a man who was prone to violence and brutality when his orders were not obeyed. Such a man would be quick to get rid of those who would not obey his orders or the orders of the religious authority that appointed and supported him…The unwarranted Messianic declaration insured Bar Kochba’s support of Akiba. Akiba proclaimed Bar Kochba the Messiah for the same reason that he did everything else: To establish ultimate rabbinic authority over the life of Israel.”My note: Akiva did not think that Bar Kochba was the messiah. He used his pride and arrogance and his loyalty to Akiva to gain support for rabbinical Judaism and at the same time to eliminate all who would not bow to him, and his messiah—mainly the Talmidei Yeshua.Page 173: “Simon ben Kosiba was a brutal man. To prove his loyalty of his troops, he cut off one finger from each man. He confiscated the property and crops of those who did not support him. He put fetters on the feet of those who did not fulfill his commands…How would he treat those who refuse to fight?…Once Akiba had declared ben Kosiba the messiah, the Talmidei Yeshua had to withdraw from the battle. For them, it would have been apostasy to fight under the banner of a false messiah…Without Akiba’s declaration, the Sanhedrin could still have put the Talmidei Yeshua to death for not obeying the Rabbis, but the majority of the people, the am ha’aretz, were also guilty of not obeying the Rabbis. To put the Talmidei Yeshua to death under that change

would have raised popular outcry and resentment. Even those supporting the struggle against Rome would have blamed the Rabis for weakening the fighting forces. But if the Talmide Yeshua themselves, from their own convictions, chose not to fight would make the guilty unto death before the Beth Din, the rabbinical court which was set up at Bethar.”

Page 27“There were four practical consequences of Akiba’s Messianic proclamation: 1) It made the war a commanded war, 2) It made it impossible for the Talmidei Yeshua to fight in the commanded war, 3) It made the Talmidei Yeshua guilty of a capitol crime. 4) It fully empowered the Sanhedrin to put them to death without public opposition.”Page 177: “The Talmidei Yeshua were the only group in Judea who refused to fight in Bar Kochba’s and Akiba’s Messianic war of redemption. That was rebellion. As Maimonides affirmed: `The King has a right to execute anyone who rebels against him’ ”.Page 179: “Because they did not accept rabbinic authority, the Talmidei Yeshua would have had no legal rights before the Sanhedrin. `We do not accept the testimony from them’. Their faith in Yeshua was hersy and blasphemy to the Rabbis, punishable by death”. “The Messianic kingdom of Bar Kochba required that Akiba’s principle--`No mercy in judgment!’ be put into practice”.From the chapter “The Final Split”, pages 184-186: “Perhaps the most devastating long-term consequence of the revolt was the final split between the church and the synagogue…Rabbi Akiba’s proclamation of Bar Kochba as the Messiah precipitated the final split. That was his intention. He wanted the Tamidei Yeshua removed from the community of Israel. Unfortunately, this final split has brought with it more destruction than the revolt itself….The Talmidei Yeshua could not fight under Bar Kochba’s Messianic banner…Up until that time, there had been a large number of Talmidei Yeshua in Jerusalem, with a Jewish Bishop… With the end of the revolt, any surviving Talmidei Yeshua, along with their fellow Jews, were exiled from the land. Eusebius records that following the revolt `In Jerusalem, the first bishop was appointed among the gentiles, since bishops ceased to be appointed from among the Jews. The destruction of the Talmidei Yeshua in Judea put an end to Jewish authority in the Church.”“The Talmidei Yeshua had been persecuted by the Rabbis because they did not accept rabbinic authority, and were therefore a threat to it. They were later reviled by others for refusing to fight. Though it had been primarily a case of one sect of Jews persecuting another it had been

sect of Jews, later gentile Christians did not draw such fine distinctions. They saw it as Jews persecuting Christians.”“The nature of the church began to change radically after it was cut off from its Jewish roots. Jewish input became unwelcome. Church decrees were issued against the Jewish practices, which Yeshua and his disciples followed. The Jewish believers were compelled to assimilate to the practices and theology of the Church of the Empire. At first these decrees were enforced by excommunication. Eventually they were enforced by execution. A new theology taught that the Church had become `Israel’. That put a sword in the hand of the Church. It taught that the Jews were forever cursed and rejected. That designated an enemy, an object for the sword”. “The Church-state alliance,

Page 28fueled by a theology which taught that the Church had replaced Israel as the Chosen of God, left a trail of blood across continents and centuries”.(Refer to Messianic Rabbi Michael Brown’s book: Our Hands are Stained With Blood)“Luther took his followers beyond writing off the Jews to eliminating them completely. `A Christian has, next to the devil, no more venomous, bitter enemy, than the Jew’ ”.

My Note: In my mini-book The Foundation of Deception, which traces to the core of Christianity—and the core is pagan totally—I show the difference between the Hellenistic Jews/Greeks who created a counterfeit religion to oppose the Apostles’ teachings, which they named “Christianity”, and the Torah guarding followers of the Apostles’ teachings, who never called themselves “Christians” but referred to themselves as followers of the Nazarene or followers of The Way. (Acts 24:5,14-15) It appears that the Rabbis considered both to be dangerous to them—especially the ones who kept the Torah according to the Scriptures. The Roman Church, created by Constantine in 325CE at the Council of Nicea, went after the Torah-observant believers with the sword, and the Inquisition was part of getting rid of them, too. The Greek Gnostic Christians were incorporated into Constantine’s Church system—thus the Roman Church refers to themselves as “Christian”. REFER TO MY RECENT ARTICLE: “ASHAMED—WHEN FEAR DEAD ENDS INTO DAMNATION”—February 2009.

In Acts 4 and 5 the Apostles stood in opposition to the Sanhedrin, and counting it a privilege to suffer for Yahushua, endure imprisonment, torture and death. The early believers died in horrible ways at the hands of the Romans and the Sanhedrin. The rule of both is returning and combining as the Sanhedrin of today, re-established in 2005, has petitioned Rome—Vatican—to make Jerusalem the religious center of the world, with the Sanhedrin as the judgment seat for all offenders to the Noahide Laws. Thus, again, we have the combination of Rome and Rabbinical Judaism coming together in cooperation against one group of people—the Talmidei Yahushua (Yahshua/Yeshua). If you are ashamed of Messiah and His Words before these ruling groups of anti-messiah, you will be damned to the lake of fire. The time of choosing before men is coming at an alarming rate of speed!Rabbi Akiva died a horrible death of martyrdom under the hands of the Romans. But, like Catholicism teaches, suffering is “expiation” for sin. In suffering one has his sins forgiven. As the flesh was being torn from his body by iron hooks, he quoted the Sha’ma Israel (Deuteronomy 6:4-5). Excerpts from pages 187-190: “Rabbi Akiba was not immediately put to death at the end of the revolt. Initially, perhaps because of his age, he was not even imprisoned. But, the Romans, to further eradicate the causes of the rebellion,

Page 29imposed laws forbidding rabbinic teaching and practice. Rabbi Akiba did not obey Hadrian’s decrees.”“Even in his death Akiba laid out the pattern for rabbinic Judaism; the pattern of `kiddush ha-Shem’, sanctification of the Divine Name. His sufferings and death, with the She’ma on his lips, became the model for all alter Jewish sufferings.” Akiba perpetuated the lie that one must not speak the Name of the Father. To do so was “blasphemy”, and it was because Yahushua spoke His Name that He was considered worthy of death. To this day, the absurdity of not speaking His Name except on the eve of Yom Kippur at the Wall in Jerusalem—thus bringing it to nothingness in violation of the third commandment—is law among rabbinical Jews.Akiba had his own theology regarding suffering as atonement for sin. “One aspect of his theology of suffering is its presentation of many different ways of atonement other than the prescribed sacrifices. This made the Temple and the

priests all but unnecessary. For Akiba, one’s own death also brings atonement…Akiba’s many ways of atonement also stood in direct opposition to the message of the gospel. The crux of the gospel is that there is only one means of atonement—the death of Yeshua. Akiba made that unnecessary…He saw his personal suffering and that of Israel as a means of showing love for God. Also, it was acceptable payment for `the few wrongs’, which he and Israel had committed.” “By definition, those who follow the Rabbis are righteous. R. Akiba observed `Suffering is precious’, because it makes atonement for the sufferer. R. Akiba said: `Moreover man should rejoice at chastisements more than at prosperity, for chastisements bring forgiveness of his trespasses’ ”. “The doctrine of `Zacuth Aboth’, the merits of the Fathers, teaches that the good deeds of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob help persuade God to forgive Israel. The doctrine was extended to include Akiba. It is remarkable, for instance, that later generations of Rabbis found in Akiba’s death the fulfillment of Isaiah 53:12.”From Daniel Gruber’s closing remarks, pages 191-193, a summary: It is not easy to overestimate the significance of the Bar Kochba Revolt. Because of its long term consequences, it may well be considered the greatest tragedy in Jewish history. It is the most defining”. “From the beginning R. Akiba knew that Simeon ben Kosiba would not deliver Israel from the Romans…Even today, he is considered the greatest of Jewish spiritual heroes. Why didn’t a mistake of such major significance cast doubt on the direction Akiba had chosen? Judea was decimated. Multitudes were dead from the sword, from famine, and from the Sanhedrin. Israel was destroyed as a nation. Akiba had supported, if not initiated, a rebellion against Rome. He had declared that the leader of that rebellion was God’s Anointed. R. Akiba commanded all Israel to fight under a false Messiah in a war that he knew would end in disaster. But no blame was cast at him…There are four major reasons why this has been so. 1) Akiba had laid out the principle that an error by an expert carried no personal consequences. Akiba was `an expert for the

Page 30Bet Din’. 2) Akiba taught that the Law was not in heaven but entrusted to the Rabbis. Even if God contradicted from heaven, Akiba maintained that God was in error. The Rabbis had the authority to decide hat was right and what was wrong, what was true and what was false…By the same reasoning, if the Rabbis declare someone to be the Messiah, then he IS the Messiah. Even if their declaration is factually wrong, it is still right. As with the calendar, the decision of the Rabbis overrules physical reality. No external criterion or

correction is acceptable, not even God Himself speaking from heaven. Nothing and no one can contradict them. 3) The Law and the Prophets spoke of exile and a terrible judgment. Akiba spoke of it as a means of atonement. 4) Akiba’s teaching was still sought because there was no other Judaism left in Israel. He had defeated them all. By various means, he had overcome the Priesthood, the Traditional Rabbis, the Scriptures, Divine Revelation, and the Talmidei Yeshua. Rabbinic literature was all written by his disciples, and the Rabbis exerted control over the synagogues.” “Why did Akiba ben Joseph, the father of rabbinic Judaism, champion Bar Kochba’s cause?…There was a common denominator to Akiba’s Judaism and Bar Kochba’s battle plan…Their declarations are one and the same: `We will do this without You’”. [Man will reign as god without Yahuweh]“Simeon ben Kosiba was very instrumental in the establishment of rabbinical authority. He was also very instrumental in leading Israel into one of the greatet, if not THE greatest disaster of all Jewish history…Bar Kochba was Rabbi Akiba’s Messiah!”The time for Yahuweh’s judgment on all religion has come. He will destroy it totally, as He will all the systems of man, who follow the dictates of “the god of this world”. Lucifer’s lies from the Garden of Eden have not changed. But, why would they? The same old promises, the same lies, the same deceptions and tricks work on everyone born into this world. By this method he has trapped the majority of Yahuweh’s highest creation. Will you join him, or break free! APPENDIX A: List as how rabbinical Judaism is like Roman Catholic/Christianity:

1. The rabbis assume absolute authority like popes—they demand to be obeyed or judgment falls

2. The rabbis must have their ordination from someone whose lineage goes back to the Second Temple Period Pharisees to be valid rabbis. This is the same as “Apostolic Succession” of Popes in the Roman Church.

3. The rabbis consider themselves infallible and anyone who disagrees with them is worthy of death—as with the infallibility of the Pope

4. Dead rabbis are treated like saints, prayed to, and worshipped5. Dead Rabbi Menachan Mendel Schneerson is considered the

messiah by Lubavitch rabbis, and his worshippers believe he will rise from the dead,

Page 31

because, they say, Messiah will be an exalted man6. Rocks thrown on the tombs of dead people for honoring 7. The use of candles in mystic ritual, like on Shabbat eve. No

where in Scripture are we told to light candles at sunset on Shabbat eve.

8. Man created order of service; Man created daily, and special prayers, to unify the people world over designated readings from the Torah and Prophets of the rabbis choosing, to unify all Jews world over

9. Mystical and man created traditions that supercede the Scriptures

The creation of theology by the rabbis that contradicts the whole of Scripture10. The demoting of Yahuweh to just another rabbi, so that His

opinion is often invalidated in favor of the rabbi’s opinion. The rabbis setting themselves up often above Yahuweh and greatly above His Torah.

11. Control over the people to the extent that the rabbis control the people’s lives, not even allowing them to read certain books of the Scriptures, tradition supercedes Scripture as written

12. Ranks, orders, and hierarchs—an inner circle group of controllers

13. The requiring of men and women to dress as their rabbi demands

14. The wearing of the kipot by Jewish men—the “skull cap” is worn by the Pope and his cardinals—it represents the sun disc—seen around the heads of saints and Jesus – directly associated with sun god worship

15. Rabbi Rashi and his followers have said that when one dies they go into Hades (hell) for a few years before going to heaven, in order to purge their sins—this is the Catholic doctrine of “Purgatory”. An IDF soldier reported to me that some of his fellow soldiers told him this.

16. Occult, mystical, esoteric, pagan roots of many beliefs, like reincarnation, astrology (zodiac), channeling of demons (Kabala), and the signs of the evil eye, etc.

17. Rabbinic ways of penance without blood sacrifice--like good works. The teaching that to read about the sacrifices on Yom Kippur is equal to doing them. Good deeds equal righteousness.

18. No assurance of eternal life--just hope that they are good enough to have their names written in the Book of Life on Rosh ha Shanah

19. Anti-messiah spirit—The rabbis are considered messiah-like, just as the

pope is… the rabbis deny that Messiah (Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, etc.) – the Suffering Servant – has come in the flesh. They deny the Father and the Son. The pope who dubbed King Henry the VIII as defender of the faith, Is quoted as saying: “It has served us well, this myth of Christ”. The Catholic hierarchy knows that Jesus and Christ are “Mithra”…not the real Yahushua. 20. Submission to the Vatican/Rome by Chief Rabbi leaders of

Israel21. The adherence to monotheism, though Jews know that

“echad” is a family word of two in unity and union. The refusal to recognize that Elohim is plural, and that “Us” in Genesis 1:26 and other places is a

Page 32 plural expression. In other words, their theology is above His Word. Roman Catholic teaching is monotheistic/based on Sol Invictus.

The true Zadok Aaronic priesthood was viciously cut out so that the Rabbis could have ultimate authority over the people.

22. The rabbis can set times and seasons against the authority of the Word, therefore they change the Law of Elohim to fit their own desires—a characteristic of anti-messiah/beast (Daniel 7:25/page 82 of book) They give the time of the new moon by their own standards that are unscriptural, therefore rearranging the festival times to their own advantage, just as Constantine made Christmas, Easter and Sunday worship mandatory.

23. The rabbis won’t allow their people to use His Name or the Son’s Name. As of 2008, the Vatican has decreed that no one is to use “Yahweh” in their churches.

24. The rabbis changed the very nature of Yahuweh into one of frivolity, like a silly buffoon. Yahuweh, they say, agrees with the rabbis, and laughs off the disagreements. Yahuweh is not taken seriously by Catholicism or Protestantism either, but considered other than He is.

25. The rabbis, like the pope and Islamic muftis, use their power to wield a political agenda.

26. What they decide to decree they say is what God has decreed and commanded, just like Constantine said -- the will of God was established by the majority of the Sages

27. They took the sword after the Talmudei Yeshua (the taught ones of Yahushua/Salvation) to kill them for not bowing to their rule.

28. The rabbis replace everyone, even Yahuweh and His Prophets—they themselves claiming to be the only valid voice of God.

29. Their take over and creation of a new religion became the umbrella for all Jews to run under. Thus all Jews all over the world are brought under the umbrella of this demonic religion, just as all Christians, no matter what denomination they are in, are under the umbrella of Rome.

30) Rabbis forbade certain books of the Scriptures to be read, like the Prophets, because only the rabbis had the right to interpret and Teach. By forbidding the people to read the Word themselves, the people were dependent on the teachings of the rabbis. For hundreds of years the Church did the same thing. 31) Akiba created a New Greek text to replace the Septuagint. Emperor Constantine ordered a re-write of the New Testament. The Catholic Church Gnostic, Jerome, to create a new Latin text, in which he added Latin words that did away with truth, truth that the Greek words brought through from the Hebrew. The new age Gnostics of today have created a new Greek text to get rid of words that are offensive to their sins—eg. the chief editor of the NIV is a lesbian. One thousand words were changed using their new Greek text to get rid of what they found

Page 33 offensive—like the blood of Messiah and references to overcoming Satan. 32) Akiba made himself absolute authority as a pope or Caesar—he manipulated people’s lives the way he wanted to insure his authority remained without question.

33) He manipulated the Word to make it say whatever he wanted it to say

34) The standard of holiness was/is set by the rabbis for their followers. One does not have to obey the Scriptures, just the rabbis—they Determine what is righteous and what is not. 35) Angels can pronounce a person’s sin taken away – page 7836) Total lies are presented as truths--made up stories, myths. The pope who dubbed Henry the Eighth as “Defender of the Faith” is quoted as saying: “It has served us well, this myth of Christ”. 37) If the Scriptures crossed the opinions of the rabbis, the Scriptures were either thrown out or made to say something they didn’t say—as out of context, for example (pages 80ff).38) Page 166: Like the Popes and Hitler, Akiva redefined the messianic age to include his rule over the people, eliminating the need for another messiah 39) Like the Vatican is in with the Illuminati, the Masons, and Satanic ritual, so the hierarch of Orthodox Judaism, as stated above, must be “masters of the occult”—many are in with the Jesuit Vatican, thus the Illuminati, many are top Masons—in fact most of the leaders are—and by occult practice are into Satanic ritual.

Like 39 stripes on the back of Messiah, the lashes of the evil ones have torn Him in spirit. But, horrible to say, this list could go on… Do your own homework! It is fascinating that because Rabbinical Judaism is so close to Catholicism and its Protestant daughters, and Catholic Church-created Islam, that these three great religions of the earth have joined together as one under the Vatican umbrella, and are controlled by the Vatican Illuminati hierarchy. Jerusalem is called the city of “the three great monotheistic religions”. Islam, Catholicism, and Rabbinic Judaism are monotheistic religions. Those who follow Yahushua know that there are two—making “Us” in Genesis and Isaiah 6—two, “echad”—a family word. There are two thrones—one for the Father and one for His Son. The true faith worships Yahuweh (Yahweh) and Yahushua Yahuweh (Yahshua

Yahweh). “Yahuweh” is the family name. Messiah came in His Father’s Name—just as you come in your father’s name, until you get married ladies and take on your husband’s name.This is why the new Sanhedrin of today is asking the Vatican to make Jerusalem the center of world religion, with them as the governing body over all religions. All other religions are also compatible to Catholicism—even pantheistic religions like Hinduism. After all, the god “Jesus”—Iesous—

Page 34is considered by all religions, except Judaism, as either a great prophet, a healer, or an ascended master in the pantheon of gods.Beware of the schemes of men!

Proverbs 29:25: “The fear of man brings a snare”. “Snare” here, in Hebrew, means “a noose around the neck, a hook in the jaw, a trap”.

From Jeremiah 17:5-9: Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart turns away from (departs from/apostasy) Yahuweh. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, and not see when good comes, and shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, a salt land that is not inhabited. Blessed is the man who trusts in Yahuweh, and whose trust is Yahuweh…”

I Corinthians 7:23: “You were bought with a price, do not become slaves of men”.

You have two choices only—submit to man out of fear or false duty, or submit to Yahuweh and Yahushua out of correct fear and obedience. Few know what it means to walk by faith. Most walk by fear, so grab a human being to be their support. But, this brings a curse from Yahuweh.


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