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  • Vecchiola et al. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2013, 11:76

    RESEARCH Open Access

    Different effects of progesterone and estradiol onchimeric and wild type aldosterone synthasein vitroAndrea Vecchiola1, Carlos F Lagos1,2, Cristóbal A Fuentes1, Fidel Allende3, Carmen Campino1,7, Carolina Valdivia1,Alejandra Tapia-Castillo1, Tadashi Ogishima4, Kuniaki Mukai5, Gareth Owen6, Sandra Solari3,Cristian A Carvajal1,7 and Carlos E Fardella1,7*


    Background: Familial hyperaldosteronism type I (FH-I) is caused by the unequal recombination between the11beta-hydroxylase (CYP11B1) and aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) genes, resulting in the generation of a CYP11B1/B2 chimeric gene and abnormal adrenal aldosterone production. Affected patients usually show severehypertension and an elevated frequency of stroke at a young age. Aldosterone levels rise during pregnancy, yet inpregnant women with FH-1, their hypertensive condition either remains unchanged or may even improve. Thepurpose of this study was to investigate in vitro whether female sex steroids modulate the activity of chimeric(ASCE) or wild type (ASWT) aldosterone synthase enzymes.

    Methods: We designed an in vitro assay using HEK-293 cell line transiently transfected with vectors containing thefull ASCE or ASWT cDNAs. Progesterone or estradiol effects on AS enzyme activities were evaluated in transfectedcells incubated with deoxycorticosterone (DOC) alone or DOC plus increasing doses of these steroids.

    Results: In our in vitro model, both enzymes showed similar apparent kinetic parameters (Km = 1.191 microM andVmax = 27.08 microM/24 h for ASCE and Km = 1.163 microM and Vmax = 36.98 microM/24 h for ASWT; p = ns,Mann–Whitney test). Progesterone inhibited aldosterone production by ASCE- and ASWT-transfected cells, whileestradiol demonstrated no effect. Progesterone acted as a competitive inhibitor for both enzymes. Molecularmodelling studies and binding affinity estimations indicate that progesterone might bind to the substrate site inboth ASCE and ASWT, supporting the idea that this steroid could regulate these enzymatic activities and contributeto the decay of aldosterone synthase activity in chimeric gene-positive patients.

    Conclusions: Our results show an inhibitory action of progesterone in the aldosterone synthesis by chimeric orwild type aldosterone synthase enzymes. This is a novel regulatory mechanism of progesterone action, which couldbe involved in protecting pregnant women with FH-1 against hypertension. In vitro, both enzymes showedcomparable kinetic parameters, but ASWT was more strongly inhibited than ASCE. This study implicates a new rolefor progesterone in the regulation of aldosterone levels that could contribute, along with other factors, to themaintenance of an adequate aldosterone-progesterone balance in pregnancy.

    Keywords: Familial hyperaldosteronism type I, Aldosterone synthase, Chimeric CYP11B1/B2 gene, In vitro assay,Molecular modelling

    * Correspondence: cfardella@med.puc.cl1Molecular Endocrinology Laboratory, Department of Endocrinology, Schoolof Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Lira 85, 5th Floor,Santiago, Chile7Millennium Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, Santiago, ChileFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

    © 2013 Vecchiola et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


  • Vecchiola et al. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2013, 11:76 Page 2 of 11

    BackgroundPrimary aldosteronism is the most common form ofsecondary hypertension, with an estimated prevalenceof 10% in referred patients and 4% in primary care [1,2]but as high as 20% in patients with resistant hyperten-sion [3,4]. Primary aldosteronism is characterised byhypertension with low plasma renin activity and elevatedaldosterone levels that are often observed with hypo-kalemia and abnormal adrenal steroid production [5].Familial hyperaldosteronism type I (FH-I) occurs by an

    unequal crossing-over of the genes encoding steroid11β-hydroxylase (CYP11B1) and aldosterone synthase(CYP11B2), resulting in a chimeric CYP11B1/B2 genethat produces an enzyme with aldosterone synthaseactivity with ectopic expression in the zona fasciculata,which is regulated by plasma adrenocorticotrophic hor-mone (ACTH) levels instead of by angiotensin II [6-8]. Asa consequence, aldosterone, 18-hydroxycortisol (18OHF),and 18-oxocortisol (18oxoF) are produced. Different FH-Ipedigrees exhibit different crossover points between in-tron 2 and exon 4, suggesting that the mutations ariseindependently in each pedigree [9-11]. Exons 5 and 6 ofCYP11B2 are required for aldosterone, 18OHF, and18oxoF production [12,13].There is limited information about pregnancy in FH-1

    women. It is a known fact that normal pregnancy ischaracterised by an increase in maternal plasma volumewhich is mediated, at least in part, by the activation ofthe maternal renin-angiotensin system with increasedlevels of renin activity, angiotensin II and aldosterone.Furthermore, Gennari-Moser et al. recently demon-strated that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)stimulates aldosterone synthesis in H295R adrenal cellsas assessed by the conversion of 3H-deoxycorticosterone(DOC) to 3H-aldosterone. This novel mechanism mayalso be operating during gestation [14]. During the firsttrimester of pregnancy, aldosterone has a proliferativeeffect on trophoblast in addition to causing a volumeexpansion to allow the foetus to develop [15]. On theother hand, progesterone has pleiotropic actions; forinstance, it can increase the synthesis of aldosteronebecause is a substrate for 21-hydroxylase [16] and alsoincrease the mRNA levels of CYP11B2 in rats [17].Progesterone also has an antagonist effect because itcompetes with aldosterone by binding to the mineralo-corticoid receptor (MR) [18]. Some authors have spec-ulated that MR activation by DOC may be preventedby a pre-receptor protective mechanism under normalcircumstances, although its nature is unclear [14,19].Our findings suggest that there may be a close relation-ship between the levels of these steroids, which mustbe carefully regulated throughout pregnancy to preventhypertension, and reaching a successful delivery and ahealthy newborn.

    Because aldosterone, progesterone and estradiol in-creased several fold during gestation but FH-1 pregnantwomen did not experience a worsened hypertensivecondition, we hypothesised that sexual steroids mightmodulate the activity of the chimeric and wild typealdosterone synthase enzymes. Accordingly, we investi-gated this hypothesis using an in vitro system.The aims of this study were: a) to carry out an in vitro

    assay to evaluate the activity of these enzymes usingHEK-293 cells line transfected with chimeric and wild typealdosterone synthase enzymes, b) to investigate whetherprogesterone and estradiol inhibits chimeric and wild typealdosterone synthase enzymes in our in vitro assay, and c)to examine the putative binding mode of these steroids tochimeric and wild type aldosterone synthase enzymes bymolecular modelling studies.

    MethodsSynthesis of the chimeric CYP11B1/B2 geneRecently, we reported the unequal crossover break pointin the CYP11B1/B2 gene [20]. The 50-bp crossover re-gion contains segments of intron 3 of CYP11B1 (c.2937-40) and exon 4 of CYP11B2 (c.2937 + 10). Using thePCMV-CYP11B1 and PCMV-CYP11B2 vectors andbased on restriction enzyme analysis, we selected acrossover point to create the fusion vector containingexons 1 to 3 of CYP11B1 (1-573 bp) and exon 4 to 9 ofCYP11B2 (574-1512 bp). Exons 5 and 6 of CYP11B2were maintained in the chimeric enzyme. PCMV-CYP11B1 and PCMV-CYP11B2 vectors were kindly pro-vided by Dr. Walter L. Miller (University of California,San Francisco). Mutagenex Inc. (Hillsborough, NJ, USA)[21] performed the chimeragenesis of the CYP11B1/B2gene. Restriction endonuclease digestion and Sanger se-quencing confirmed the integrity of the plasmid con-structs, and the amplification products were verified bysequencing at Macrogen (Rockvill, MD, USA) [22].

    Cell culture and transient transfectionsThe human embryonic kidney cell line, HEK-293, wasgrown in high-glucose Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium(DMEM HG, Life Technologies, Sao Paulo, Brazil) sup-plemented with 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS, Life Tech-nologies, Sao Paulo, Brazil), 100 IU/mL penicillin and100 μg/mL streptomycin. For the enzyme activity studies,DMEM HG-FBS medium was treated with activated char-coal to eliminate steroid contaminants. For the transfectionexperiments, HEK-293 cells were plated at 6×105 cells perwell in 6-well plates and then transfected using Turbofect™in vitro transfection reagent (Fermentas, Thermo Scientific,Rockford, IL, USA), in accordance with the manufacturer'sprotocol. Briefly, 2 μg of pCMV4, pCMV4-CYP11B1,pCMV4-CYP11B2, or pCMV4-CYP11B1/B2 plasmid wereadded in DMEM. pZsGreen1-n1 (0.3 μg, Clontech,

  • Vecchiola et al. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2013, 11:76 Page 3 of 11

    California, USA) was added as a marker of transfection ef-ficiency. The transfected cells were visualised using aPanasonic–DMC-LC40 LUMIX and the Pro-QV7software.The efficiency of transfection was evaluated using anOlympus CKX41 inverted microscope coupled to anOlympus U-RFL-T. For this purpose, we took six photo-graphs (40×) of plates containing HEK-293 cells (in eachcondition) under bright field and again with the same fieldof view under fluorescent light using a Micropublisher3.3RTV camera and the Pro-QV7software. Then, the totalnumber of cells was counted under both conditions usingthe Image J v1.46 program [18] in three independent trials.

    Sodium dodecylsulfate–polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blottingThe whole-cell extracts of untransfected HEK-293,PCMV-CYP11B1, PCMV-CYP11B1/B2 or PCMV-CYP11B2-transfected cells were obtained using 100 μL oflysis buffer containing protease inhibitors. The proteinconcentration was estimated using the BCA protein col-orimetric assay kit (Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL,USA) on an Infinite® 200 PRO NanoQuantmultimodereader (Tecan, Männedorf, Switzerland). The denaturedprotein samples (50 μg per well) were separated by 12%SDS-PAGE and were immobilised onto 0.45-μm-porenitrocellulose membranes (Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL,USA). The membranes were probed with a rabbit anti-human CYP11B2 antibody (aa 80–90 (RYNLGGPRMVC ofCYP11B2) followed by a goat anti-rabbit peroxidase-conjugated antibody (Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL,USA), as previously described [23]. The CYP11B2 proteinwas visualised using the enhanced chemiluminescenceSuper Signal Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate kit (ThermoScientific, Rockford, IL, USA) and Agfa X-ray film (Agfa-Gevaert, N.V, Mortsel, Belgium). Protein extracts from asample of human adrenal gland tissue were used as positivecontrol. The loading control was β-actin. The CYP11B1/B2has an amino acid sequence of 1–191 from the N-terminusof the CYP11B1 enzyme and was thus not detected bythis antibody.

    Expression of CYP11B1/B2 and CYP11B2Expression of CYP11B2 and CYP11B1/B2 in transfectedHEK-293 cells were evaluated by qRT-PCR. Total RNAwas extracted from transfected HEK-293 cells treated ornot with progesterone by TRIZOL® (Life Technologies,California, USA) then reverse transcribed using RevertAidH Minus Reverse Transcriptase (Thermo Scientific,California, USA) following the manufacture’s instruc-tion. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reactionwas performed using Maxima SYBR (Thermo Scientific,California, USA). Primers were CYP11B2 forward: 5`-gga act tcc acc acg tgc cct tt-3` and CYP11B2 reverse:5`- att gag gcc tgg cac gtc cc-3. GAPDH forward: 5-gaa

    cat cat ccc tgc ctc tac t −3`, and GAPDH reverse: 5 –cctgct tca cc acct tct tg −3. The mRNA expression wasquantified by ΔΔCt method relative to that of GAPDH[24]. CYP11B2 primers are located in exons eight andnine.

    Aldosterone synthase activity assayTo determine the kinetic constants under our assay con-ditions, the PCMV-CYP11B1, PCMV-CYP11B1/B2, andPCMV-CYP11B2 HEK-293 transfected cells at 18 hpost-transfection were incubated for 24 h with increas-ing concentrations (ranging from 0.18 to 30 μmol/L) ofdeoxycorticosterone as substrate (DOC, Steraloids Inc.,Andover, MA, USA). Resultant aldosterone productionwas quantified using HPLC-MS/MS (Agilent 1200, ABISciex API4000 Qtrap). The apparent kinetics parametersKm and Vmax were determined by plotting the aldoster-one production versus the corresponding substrate con-centrations and applying Michaelis–Menten kinetics usingthe Prism v5.03 program (GraphPad Software, Inc.).

    Aldosterone synthase inhibitory assayAll chemicals were purchased from Sigma (Sigma-AldrichQuimica Ltda, Santiago, Chile). To determine any inhib-ition by sex steroid hormones, at 18 h post-transfectionthe cells were washed with PBS and 1.5 μmol/L DOC-DMEM steroid hormone-depleted FBS and exposed to24 hours of increasing concentrations of progesterone orestradiol (0.625-10.0 μM). Ketoconazole (ranging from0.625 to 5 μM) was used as an inhibitor control. Thesupernatant (1.0 mL) was collected, and aldosterone levelswere measured by HPLC-MS/MS in four independent tri-als. The IC50 was determined by plotting the aldosteroneproduction versus the corresponding log inhibitor concen-trations and applying a dose–response inhibition analysis.

    Effect of progesterone on chimeric and wild typealdosterone synthase activityTo determine the effect of progesterone on apparentkinetic constants under our assay conditions, the PCMV-CYP11B1/B2, and PCMV-CYP11B2 HEK-293 transfectedcells, after 18 h post-transfection, were incubated for 24 hwith increasing concentrations (ranging from 0.18 to30 μM) of DOC (Steraloids Inc., Andover, MA, USA) andprogesterone at the IC50 concentrations for each enzyme.The resultant aldosterone production in the supernatantwas quantified using HPLC-MS/MS (Agilent 1200, ABISciex API4000 Qtrap). The apparent kinetics parametersKm and Vmax were determined by plotting the aldoster-one production versus the corresponding substrate con-centrations and applying Michaelis–Menten kinetics usingthe Prism v5.03 program (GraphPad Software, Inc.).

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    Cell viability assayThe CellTiter 96 AQueous One Solution Cell ProliferationAssay (Promega) kit containing the tetrazolium compoundMTS ([3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, inner salt]) was used tomonitor cell viability according to the manufacturer’s pro-tocols. Briefly, human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) cellsmaintained in DMEM with 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS)under standard cell culture conditions (37°C, humidified,5% CO2) were plated at a density of 1.5×104 cells/well in a96-well plate and incubated in growth media for 18 hours.Cells were treated with 0.8 to-50 μM of progesterone,estradiol or DOC in DMEM containing 10% FBS for24 hours. After the indicated time of incubation with theappropriate medium, a 20 μL MTS/PMS (1:0.05) mixturewas added per well, and cells were incubated for an add-itional hour. MTS is reduced by viable cells to formazan,which was monitored at 490 nm by an ELX-800 universalplate reader (BioTek, Winooski, VT). Formazan produc-tion is time dependent and proportional to the number ofviable cells. Cells not incubated in DMEM were used ascontrol condition. The percentage of cell death was calcu-lated by the ratio of the optical density obtained in eachtreatment to that obtained for the controls. A cytotoxicconcentration was noted when the optical density in eachcondition was less than the average of the control minustwo standard deviations.

    Molecular modelling of CYP11B1 and CYP11B1/B2chimeric proteins and steroids dockingThe amino acid sequence of the human CYP11B1 wasretrieved from the Uniprot database (entry code P15538),and the chimeric CYP11B1/B2 sequence was obtained byperforming DNA sequencing [25]. The comparative mod-elling was performed using the MODELLER programimplemented in the Build Homology Models protocol inDiscovery Studio v2.1 (Accelrys Inc., San Diego, USA)[26] using the recently reported crystal structure of hu-man CYP11B2 in complex with DOC, which was identi-fied as a suitable template for the modelling of bothproteins (PDB id 4DVQ, resolution 2.49 Å) [27]. For mod-elling purposes, the first 33 residues of each protein werenot included. The coordinates for DOC and the HEMEgroup were modelled using the copy ligand parameterfrom the template structure, from which the Chain Awas used. One hundred models for each protein weregenerated, and the top ranked by the MODELLERinternal DOPE score energy minimized using the con-jugate gradient algorithm until a RMS gradient of0.001 kcal/mol Å was reached. The CHARMM22 forcefield with a dielectric constant of 4 and a distance-dependent dielectric implicit solvent model was used tomimic the membrane environment [28]. Model qualitywas assessed by Ramachandran plot analysis, PROSA

    and Verify3D structure validation [29-31]. The electro-static potential energy profiles were calculated usingAPBS [32]. Conformers of each docked compound wereobtained with OMEGA v2.4.6 using default parameters[33,34]. Docking calculations were performed usingFRED v3.0 (OpenEye Scientific Software, Santa Fe, NewMexico) [35], and the solutions ranked according to theChemgauss4 scoring function [36].

    Data analysisData are expressed as the mean +/- SEM. The kineticparameters Vmax and Km were obtained by Prism v5.03.Differences between the means were analysed by repeatedmeasures of an ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc test. Differ-ences of area under curve analyses were performed by theMann Whitney test. Statistical analysis was performedusing Prism v5.03 (GraphPad Software, Inc.). Differenceswere considered significant at p < 0.05.

    ResultsDesign of vectors and chimeragenesisAs described in the methods section, the crossover pointwas used in the chimeragenesis to create the fusionvector CYP11B1 (1-573 bp)/CYP11B2 (574-1512 bp). Aschematic representation of the FH-I crossover and theresultant ASCE product that was synthesised for assaystudies is shown in Figure 1A.

    In vitro expressed ASCE displayed similar aldosteroneproduction to ASWTA representative image of HEK-293 transfected withwild type or chimeric expression vectors are shown inFigure 1B. Morphological changes were not observedbetween the HEK-293 cells transfected with the constructscontaining the CYP11B enzymes and the cells transfectedwith the PCMV vector or the non-transfected cells (NT).Comparable transfection efficiencies were observed bycounting cells that express the green fluorescent protein,which correlated with the total number of cells for eachassay condition (Figure 1C). The expression of the aldos-terone synthase in HEK-293 cells transfected with theconstructs containing the CYP11B2 was examined byWestern blotting (Figure 1D). A human adenoma sam-ple from the adrenal cortex was used as positive control(line 1), and the following were observed: no transfectedHEK-293 (line 2); PCMV-CYP11B1 (line 3); PCMV-CYP11B1/B2 (line 4) and PCMV-CYP11B2 (line 5). Anintense immunoreactive band with an apparent molecu-lar weight of approximately 50 kDa was present in thehuman adenoma sample and in the HEK-293 cellstransfected with PCMV-CYP11B2. Western blotting usinga CYP11B1 antibody was performed for the same samples.Unfortunately, the immunoreactivity band was too weak.To probe the CYP11B1 activity of PCMV-CYP11B1

  • Figure 1 Expression of aldosterone production by ASCE and ASWT in vitro. A) Schematic representation of the CYP11B1/B2 chimeric gene,showing the crossover region between intron 3 of CYP11B1 and exon 4 of CYP11B2. B) A representative image of the transfection efficiency.Green fluorescence (upper panel) and the same bright field (lower panel) of transfected or non-transfected HEK-293 (NT). C) An averagetransfection efficiency of 50 percent was observed from three independent experiments for each construct. D) A representative Western blot ofCYP11B2. Line 1, human adrenocortical adenoma; line 2, NT-HEK-293; line3, PCMV-CYP11B1 transfected HEK-293; line 4, PCMV-CYP11B1/B2; andline 5, PCMV-CYP11B2 transfected HEK-293. Actin was used as a loading control.

    Vecchiola et al. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2013, 11:76 Page 5 of 11

    construction, we incubated PCMV-CYP11B1 transfectedHEK-293 cells with increasing concentrations of cortico-sterone (0.6-1.5 μM), and we obtained the expected in-creasing levels of cortisol (data not shown).

    ASCE and ASWT displayed similar calculated kineticsenzymatic parameters in vitroThe transfected HEK-293 cells supported CYP11B2- andCYP11B1/B2-dependent steroid conversion without theadditional heterologous expression of the correspondingelectron donor system, similar to previous experimentsreported by Denner et al. [37]. Figure 2A shows a doseresponse curve performed for five independent HEK-293transfections of PCMV-CYP11B1/B2, PCMV-CYP11B2or PCMV-CYP11B1 (11β-hydroxylase gene, 11BH), in-cubated with increasing concentrations of DOC (0.18-30 μM) for 24 hours. The aldosterone production versussubstrate concentration was plotted for ASCE (opencircles), ASWT (closed circles) and 11BH (grey circles).

    11β-hydroxylase did not produce aldosterone in any ofthe DOC concentrations that were probed. The apparentkinetic enzyme parameters obtained were Km= 1.191 μMand Vmax = 27.08 μM/24 h for ASCE and Km= 1.163 μMand Vmax = 36.98. The comparison of the area under thecurve for aldosterone production by ASCE and ASWT didnot show any significant differences (p = 0.3095 Mann–Whitney test). This finding suggests that both enzymesexhibited analogous affinity for the substrate and showedthe same efficiency to produce aldosterone. DOC didnot exhibit a toxic effect at any concentration probed(Figure 2B). Non-transfected HEK-293 cells incubatedwith DOC (1.5 μM) did not produce aldosterone (datanot shown).

    Aldosterone production by ASCE and ASWT was inhibitedby progesterone but not by estradiolThe average aldosterone production by ASCE was13.6 μM/24 h and by ASWT was 15 μM/24 h when the

  • Figure 2 Enzyme kinetics of aldosterone production by ASCEand ASWT in vitro. A) Dose response curves of aldosteroneproduction catalysed by ASCE (open circles), ASWT (closed circles) and11β-hydroxylase (grey circles) incubated with 11-deoxycorticosterone(DOC 0.18-30 μM) for 24 h. Data are expressed as the mean +/− S.E.M.of 5 independent trials. The apparent kinetic enzyme parametersobtained were Km= 1.191 μM and Vmax = 27.08 μM/24 h for ASCE andKm= 1.163 μM and Vmax = 36.98 μM/24 h for ASWT, and the area undercurve for each of the enzyme activities (ANOVA and Mann–Whitney test,p = 0.3095) is shown within the graph. B) Cell viability of HEK-293incubated with increasing doses of DOC (0.8-50 μM).

    Vecchiola et al. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2013, 11:76 Page 6 of 11

    enzymes were incubated with 1.5 μM of DOC. In thepresence of DOC as substrate, progesterone inhibitedthe aldosterone production by both ASCE and ASWT ina dose-dependent manner with similar efficacies. Statisti-cally significant inhibition of ASCE was achieved at5 μM of progesterone (Figure 3A, white bars), and statis-tically significant inhibition of ASWT was achieved at2.5 μM of progesterone (Figure 3A, black bars). ForASCE, the calculated IC50 value for progesterone was3.907 μM, and for ASWT, it was 2.240 μM (Figure 3B).These inhibition values were not due to an inhibition inplasmid transcription efficiency (See Additional file 1:Figure S1). Estradiol did not affect ASCE or ASWT aldos-terone synthase activity in the range of concentrationsassayed (Figure 3C) or coincubated with progesterone(See Additional file 2: Figure S2). As expected, the knownaldosterone synthase inhibitor ketoconazole inhibited bothenzyme activities by 90% at all concentrations probed(Figure 3D). None of the steroids assayed nor ketocona-zole demonstrated cytotoxic effects in HEK-293 cells inany of the concentrations that were probed (Figure 3E).As a control, non-transfected HEK-293 cells were treated

    with the same increasing concentrations of progesteroneor estradiol. No aldosterone production was detectedunder these conditions (data not shown). The vectorsPCMV-CYP11B2 or PCMV-CYP11B1/B2 used in thetransfection experiments with HEK-293 cells have thesame viral promoter. For that reason, the expression levelsof chimeric or wild type aldosterone synthase should be af-fected by the same effectors. Data in Figure 3 are expressedas the mean +/− S.E.M. of four independent trials.

    Molecular modelling of CYP11B1 and ASCE proteinsWe developed 3D models of both proteins by compara-tive modelling using the human CYP11B2 (ASWT) crys-tal structure. In the final alignment used to model theproteins, the percentage of sequence identity was 93.6%and 97.7% for the modelled region, and 96.4% and 98.9%homologies were observed between the template struc-ture and CYP11B1 and ASCE, respectively. For ASCE,the grey bar indicates the corresponding CYP11B1 por-tion, and the green bar represents the CYP11B2 limits forASCE (See Additional file 3: Figure S3). A Ramachandranplot analysis indicated that the modelled proteins havemore than 95% of the residues in the allowed region. ThePROSA Z-scores and Verify3D profile scores also supportthe quality of the obtained models for further studies(Table 1). The obtained models exhibit a root-mean squaredeviation (RMSD) of alpha carbons of less than 0.4 Åwhen superimposed on the template structure. Figure 4depicts the secondary structure of the modelled proteinscompared to ASWT. The ASCE model (Figure 4B) iscomposed of the first 38% of the 11BH (residues 34 to191), which contains the substrate (steroid) entry region ofCYP11B1, and the last 62% of the ASWT (residues 192–503). All models have the common folding pattern ofCYP450 enzymes, and according to the identified cross-over, the shift will occur at the end of helix G. Electrostaticpotential surface profiles of the proteins indicate that thesurface potential of ASCE is more similar to that ofASWT, with the steroid binding site access channel inASCE being more electronegative and more extendedthan that of ASWT, as determined by the size of the asso-ciated cavities, which are 471.87 and 553.62 Å3 for ASCEand ASWT, respectively (Table 2).

    Type of inhibition and docking of steroids to CYP11B1,ASCE and ASWT proteinsTo gain insight into the inhibition profile of progesterone,we performed kinetic experiments in the presence of thecorresponding IC50 concentrations of progesterone foreach enzyme (Figures 5A and 5D). In progesterone pres-ence, ASCE Km was very variable and lightly increase,Vmax was no statistically different (p = 0.0667). ASWTKm significantly increase (p = 0.0095) but Vmax was nostatistically different (p = 0.1048). The new calculated

  • Figure 3 Dose response effect of steroids on DOC-incubated release of aldosterone by PCMV-CYP11B2- or chimeric PCMV-CYP11B1/B2-transfected HEK-293 cells. The mean aldosterone production by ASCE was 13.6 μM/24 h and by ASWT was 15 μM/24 h, when incubated with1.5 μM of DOC. A) Inhibition of ASCE by progesterone was statistically significant from 5 μM and for ASWT from 2.5 μM (+ and *, p > 0.01).B) Dose response curve for aldosterone production by ASCE and ASWT (μM/24 h) versus the logarithm of the progesterone concentration. Acalculated IC50 value of 3.907 μM for ASCE and 2.240 μM for ASWT was obtained. C) Estradiol shows no inhibitory activity on the ASCE or ASWTenzymes in the range of concentrations probed. D) Ketoconazole inhibited both enzymes by 90% at all concentrations probed (p < 0.001). E) Cellviability of HEK-293 incubated with increasing doses of progesterone and estradiol (progesterone and estradiol or ketoconazole) (0.8-50 μM). Dataare expressed as the mean +/− S.E.M. of 4 independent trials.

    Table 1 Protein modelling validation summary

    Protein DOPEscore


    Ramachandranstatistics (% of residues)

    Verify 3D PROSAZ-Score

    Cavityvolume (Å3)

    Favoured Allowed Outlier Verify score Max verify score Min verify score

    CYP11B2 NA 0.00 99.6 0.2 0.2 204.69 214.638 96.58 −9.50 471.87

    CYP11B1 −58932.24 0.24 96.6 0.2 0.2 196.41 214.178 96.38 −9.97 515.12

    CYP11B1/B2 −58732.37 0.32 97.2 1.5 1.3 195.07 214.178 96.38 −10.13 553.62a: RMSD (root-mean square deviation) from Template CYP11B2 (PDB id 4DVQ, Chain A).

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  • Figure 4 Molecular modelling of CYP11B1 and ASCE proteins. Schematic representation of the secondary structures and electrostaticpotential profiles of CYP11B1 (11BH, Panel A), CYP11B1/B2 (ASCE, Panel B) and CYP11B2 (ASWT, Panel C). The ASCE secondary structure is coloredaccording to crossover occurring at helix G, where grey represents the CYP11B1 portion and green represents the CYP11B2 portion of thechimeric enzyme. The solvent accessible surface colored according to the calculated electrostatic potential shows that the steroid binding site inASCE is more electronegative and more extended than that of the ASWT (553.62 v/s 471.87 Å3).

    Vecchiola et al. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2013, 11:76 Page 8 of 11

    kinetic enzyme parameters obtained in presence of pro-gesterone were Km = 2.451 μM and Vmax = 37.91 μM/24 h for ASCE, and Km = 10.78 μM and Vmax =51.61 μM/24 h for ASWT. Progesterone inhibits the al-dosterone synthase wilde type in a competitive fashion.To explore the putative binding mode of the steroid

    compounds in CYP11B1, ASCE and ASWT, we performeddocking simulations within the binding site of all proteins.Figure 5B and C show the most favourable predicted bind-ing mode obtained for DOC and progesterone within theASCE, where progesterone binds with its 3-carboxy groupfacing the inner part of the binding pocket that is com-posed of the side chains of Arg120 and Glu310. The com-position of this binding pocket is similar to that of DOC inASCE and ASWT (Figure 5B and E, respectively), but pro-gesterone penetrates deeper into the pocket with stabilisa-tion via a hydrogen bond interaction with Arg120. The

    Table 2 Summarised docking results

    Ligand CYP11B2

    ChemGauss4 Score ΔGbind (kcal/

    DOC −16.58 −7.09

    Ketoconazole −17.66 −8.92

    Progesterone −15.78 −6.52

    Estradiol −14.06 −6.26

    ΔGbind: Calculated as Ludi2 Score /-73.33 (kcal/mol).

    methyl groups at positions 18 and 19 face the HEMEgroup and are surrounded by the side chains of Ala313and Thr318. The beta side of the steroid scaffold faces thetop of the aromatic cluster pocket composed by Trp116,Trp260, Phe231 and Phe487. Figure 5F represents the mostfavourable predicted binding mode obtained for progester-one with ASWT.DOC and progesterone have a similar binding mode in

    CYP11B1 as that predicted for ASCE (See Additional file 4:Figure S4A and Figure S4B) and as the experimentallydetermined binding mode of DOC to ASWT (Figure 5B).Estradiol binds with its aromatic portion positionedinside the pocket and interacts with the pocket via itsaromatic portion with the side chains of Phe130, Trp116and Trp260 but fails to establish any H-bond interac-tions with the binding site (See Additional file 4: FigureS4C). Finally, ketoconazole binds with its imidazole


    mol) ChemGauss4 Score ΔGbind (kcal/mol)

    −18.70 −7.32

    −19.65 −9.63

    −17.98 −6.90

    −16.12 −5.44

  • Figure 5 Type of inhibition and docking of steroids to ASCE and ASWT proteins. The new calculated kinetic enzyme parameters obtainedin the presence of the corresponding IC50 concentration of progesterone for each enzyme were Km = 2.451 μM and Vmax = 37.91 μM/24 h forASCE, and Km = 10.78 μM and Vmax = 51.61 μM/24 h for ASWT. Progesterone inhibits the aldosterone synthase wild type in a competitivefashion. (A and D). Docking experiments show that DOC binds in a similar mode to ASCE compared to ASWT (B and E). Progesterone also has asimilar binding mode to ASCE and ASWT, but penetrates deeper into the ASCE pocket (C and F).

    Vecchiola et al. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2013, 11:76 Page 9 of 11

    moiety making direct contact with the iron atom in theHEME group, with its dichlorophenyl group makingaromatic interactions with Phe130 and Trp116, and withits terminal amide in making H-bond interactions withAsn404 (See Additional file 4: Figure S4D). The bindingenergies displayed in Table 2 suggest that sex steroidscan bind to both proteins, ASCE and ASWT, but withlower affinity than ketoconazole or DOC to ASWT,according to the ChemGauss4 scoring and Ludi2 scoringfunction-derived binding energies.

    DiscussionIn this work, we demonstrated for the first time thatprogesterone inhibits ASCE and ASWT but that estra-diol had no effect in our system. To probe this, we suc-cessfully generated an in vitro system expressing ASCEand ASWT in transfected HEK-293 cells. Moreover, inour in vitro model, we assumed that both enzymes wereexpressed in similar amounts because the percent ofcells transfected was similar when using different vec-tors. In vitro aldosterone production following increasingDOC concentration was reproducible and comparable inindependent trials for both enzymes, with similar Vmaxand Km. Progesterone inhibited the ASCE with lowerpotency than but similar efficacy as ASWT. This is anovel result because previous reports have demonstratedthat progesterone reduces the blood pressure via anantagonising effect on mineralocorticoid receptors andperipheral vasorelaxation [38-40].

    We found that progesterone inhibited both ASCE andASWT, which is in agreement with studies from theMarquet group that showed that progesterone deriva-tives inhibit ASWT activity [41,42]. However, these find-ings are in contrast to published studies on animalmodels, where progesterone increased aldosterone pro-duction by ASWT [17] and increased mRNA CYP11B2production [17]. In our system, estradiol showed no ef-fect on both ASCE and ASWT activities in contrast tothe results reported by Kau, where an increase in theproduction of aldosterone by estradiol replacement inovariectomised rat was shown [43].Modelling studies support the competitive inhibitory

    effect of progesterone observed in vitro, which showsthat DOC, the natural substrate, and progesterone havea similar binding mode within the active site of both en-zymes. DOC and progesterone interact with the sameamino acids of the active site on ASCE and ASWT,which is in agreement with the aldosterone productionobtained by both enzymes in vitro. However, the model-ling analysis showed that the steroid entrance loop inASCE corresponds to CYP11B1, which is different fromASWT. Interestingly, a feature of ASCE is that it containsall of the substitutions reported to convert CYP11B1 intoan aldosterone synthase enzyme, such as S288G, V320Aand N335D [12,44]. The docking simulations also supportthat non-aromatic sex steroids, such as progesterone,possessing a structure similar to the endogenous substrate,bind to the steroid binding pocket with higher affinity

  • Vecchiola et al. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2013, 11:76 Page 10 of 11

    than aromatic sex steroids, such as estradiol. Conform-ational flexibility is an important feature for substrate spe-cificity and for the positioning of substrates within thebinding pocket for further enzymatic processing; there-fore, the planar aromatic ring of estradiol will reduce itsconformational flexibility and binding to the steroid cavityin ASCE and ASWT.According to our in vitro and in silico results, we

    would expect that the plasma aldosterone concentrationshould decrease as progesterone levels increase along-side gestation. On the contrary, it is generally acceptedthat, in pregnancy, plasma aldosterone and progesteroneconcentrations increase. How does one solve this discrep-ancy? Some authors have speculated that the mineralocor-ticoid receptor (MR), under normal circumstances, maybe protected from activation by DOC via a pre-receptorprotective mechanism, although the nature of which is un-clear. We believe that during gestation there is a close re-lationship between aldosterone and progesterone levels,which must be carefully regulated alongside pregnancy toprevent the onset of hypertension and to have a successfuldelivery and a healthy newborn. We postulated that pro-gesterone may have a multifactorial role on aldosteroneproduction: on one hand, it would favour aldosterone syn-thesis by acting as a substrate for adrenal 21-hydroxylase[16] or by increasing the expression of CYP11B2 mRNAlevels [17], and on the other hand, it would inhibit aldos-terone synthase activity, thereby protecting the mothernot only from the systemic effects of aldosterone produc-tion but also from the devastating local effects of aldoster-one production.

    ConclusionsIn summary, we have determined the kinetic parametersfor ASCE and ASWT in our in vitro model, and we havedemonstrated that progesterone but not estradiol inhibitedthe aldosterone synthase activity of ASCE and ASWTin vitro. This finding suggests a novel pre-receptor mech-anism of control for aldosterone levels by progesterone,differing from the previously described mechanisms, suchas binding to the mineralocorticoid receptor. This mech-anism may operate as a buffering system in pregnantwomen where high levels of progesterone are produced bythe placenta, suggesting that this mechanism could be im-portant in preventing the deleterious effects of aldosteroneon vasculature.

    Additional files

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Quantitive RT-PCR of No transfected (NT)or CYP11B2 or CYP11B1/B2 transfected HEK-293 cell and incubated withdifferent progesterone concentration (0.625 to 5 μM). There were nodifferences in mRNA expression by progesterone respect to each controlcondition (without progesterone).

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. CYP11B2 or CYP11B1/B2 transfected HEK-293 cell were incubated with different combination of estradiol/progesterone concentration. Different dose response for aldosteroneproduction by ASCE (A) and ASWT (B) (μM/24 h). Estradiol had noadditional inhibitory effect on wild type or chimeric aldosterone synthaseactivity when was co-incubated with progesterone.

    Additional file 3: Figure S3. Sequence alignment used to modelproteins CYP11B1/B2 (ASCE) and CYP11B1 using human CYP11B2 (ASWT)as template. The percentage of sequence identity was 93.6% and 97.7%for the modelled region, and 96.4% and 98.9% homologies wereobserved between the template structure and CYP11B1 and ASCE,respectively. For ASCE, the grey bar indicates the corresponding CYP11B1portion, and the green bar represents the CYP11B2 limits for ASCE.

    Additional file 4: Figure S4. The 11OH-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) andprogesterone predicted binding mode to CYP11B1 (A and B,respectively). Estradiol binding mode to ASCE (C) and ketoconazolebinding to ASWT binding pocket (D).

    AbbreviationsASCE: Chimeric aldosterone synthase enzyme; ASWT: Wild type aldosteronesynthase enzyme; CYP11B1: 11β-hydroxylase gene, 11BH, 11β-hydroxylaseprotein; CYP11B1/B2: Chimeric gene; CYP11B2: Aldosterone synthase gene;DOC: 11OH-Deoxicorticosterone; FH-I: Familial hyperaldosteronism type I;HEK-293: Human embryonic kidney cells; HPLC-MS/MS: high performanceliquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry;PCMV: Cytomegalovirus promoter.

    Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

    Authors’ contributionsAV, CFL, CAF, FA, CC, SS, CAC and CEF made substantial contributions to theconception and design of the experiments. AV, CFL, CAF and FA madesubstantial contributions to the acquisition of data. AV and CAF performedthe chimeric design, plasmid amplification, transfection and cellularmanipulation. FA, SS, CV and AT participated in the measuring ofaldosterone content by HPLC-MS/MS. KM and TO participated in theWestern blot result. CFL performed the molecular modelling and analysedthe data. AV, CFL, CC, GO, CAC and CEF made substantial contributions tothe analysis and interpretation of data. AV, CFL, CC and CEF were involved indrafting the manuscript, and AV, CFL, CC, CEF, GO and CAC were involved incritically revising the manuscript for important intellectual content. Allauthors read and approved the final manuscript.

    AcknowledgmentsChilean grants Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico(FONDECYT) Nº1100356 and 1130427, FONDEF IDeA Nº CA12i10150,Millenium Nucleus of Immunology and Immunotherapy (NMII) P07/088-F(ICM), and Millennium Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy (MIII)P09/016-F (ICM) supported this work. CAC and CFL are fellows of theComisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica de ChileCONICYT. The authors acknowledge Dr. Walter L. Miller from USCF, whogenerously donated the PCMV-CYP11B1 and PCMV-CYP11B2 vectors. CFLacknowledges OpenEye Scientific Software for its academic software license.

    Author details1Molecular Endocrinology Laboratory, Department of Endocrinology, Schoolof Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Lira 85, 5th Floor,Santiago, Chile. 2Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Chemistry, PontificiaUniversidad Catolica de Chile, Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago,Chile. 3Department of Clinical Laboratories, School of Medicine, PontificiaUniversidad Catolica de Chile, Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago,Chile. 4Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University,6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan. 5Department ofBiochemistry, School of Medicine, Keio University, 35 Shinanomachi,Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan. 6Department of Physiology, Faculty ofBiological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Portugal 45,Santiago, Chile. 7Millennium Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy,Santiago, Chile.

  • Vecchiola et al. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2013, 11:76 Page 11 of 11

    Received: 6 March 2013 Accepted: 8 August 2013Published: 13 August 2013

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    doi:10.1186/1477-7827-11-76Cite this article as: Vecchiola et al.: Different effects of progesterone andestradiol on chimeric and wild type aldosterone synthase in vitro.Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2013 11:76.


    BackgroundMethodsSynthesis of the chimeric CYP11B1/B2 geneCell culture and transient transfectionsSodium dodecylsulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blottingExpression of CYP11B1/B2 and CYP11B2Aldosterone synthase activity assayAldosterone synthase inhibitory assayEffect of progesterone on chimeric and wild type aldosterone synthase activityCell viability assayMolecular modelling of CYP11B1 and CYP11B1/B2 chimeric proteins and steroids dockingData analysis

    ResultsDesign of vectors and chimeragenesisIn vitro expressed ASCE displayed similar aldosterone production to ASWTASCE and ASWT displayed similar calculated kinetics enzymatic parameters invitroAldosterone production by ASCE and ASWT was inhibited by progesterone but not by estradiolMolecular modelling of CYP11B1 and ASCE proteinsType of inhibition and docking of steroids to CYP11B1, ASCE and ASWT proteins

    DiscussionConclusionsAdditional filesAbbreviationsCompeting interestsAuthors’ contributionsAcknowledgmentsAuthor detailsReferences