Research- Trailer

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Trailer: a series of extracts from a film or broadcast, used for advance publicity.

• Trailers are seen as a powerful weapon in the marketing campaign as they are important in capturing initial interest of the audience and holding it for a short space of time. Trailers create a mood or atmosphere and heighten our anticipation of what is to come within the upcoming film through the use of sound and image therefore allowing the audience to experience the film.

• The marketing campaign is seen to play a vital role in informing potential audiences about the film with the purpose of encouraging audiences to view the particular film at the cinema. Distributors, which are companies which own the film however loan it to the cinema for a period of time, are keen for the film to become a success therefore create a marketing campaign in order to raise awareness and arouse interest amongst the target audience. This is in order for these companies to gain profit from the success of the film which is created.

• Shorter versions of a trailer is known as “teaser trailers” which are released early on in the marketing campaign in order to give people a slight idea of the content on the film. This overall generates a “buzz” or an excitement around the film amongst the audience which therefore interests them to want to watch it. The marketing campaign also focuses on global audiences therefore they release different versions of a certain trailer in different languages in order to attract a wider audience therefore enabling them to more profit. For example, the trailer of the thriller “Don’t Breathe” was released in English, Tamil and Spanish.


The dramatic structure can be also known as Freytag's pyramid which is the structure of a dramatic work such as a play or film however can also be applied to the general 3 Act structure which trailers tend to follow.

1. Act 1 lays out the context of the story. 2. Act 2 establishes the problem and ends with a dramatic

climax. 3. Act 3 often features visual montage of key moments of the

film and may have cast name screens if there are stars that sell the movie.

FADE:This is a transition where the editor shades either the scene or picture within the shot gradually, either onto the next scene, a slide featuring text or a black screen. This commonly used in order to indicate a change in time or place however also can be used within an end of a trailer. This is common in order to build suspense and tension in order to keep the audience wondering what is to come next.

CROSS FADE:A cross fade is a transition where two scenes collide together, whilst one scene is still currently running whilst another one emerges and begins. It is common that as the first scene starts to come to an end, the second scene gradually cross fades in, making it more noticeable. This transition is commonly used within in films in order to change the speed of a scene, making it go at a faster pace. Therefore, cross fade is normally used within trailers, especially ones which are on the action or thriller genre as the fast pace builds up tension and adds suspense.


PAN AND ZOOM:This is where the camera moves slowly in different directions and then zooms to focus on either a person or an object within a scene. This effect is commonly used in order to portray calm events taking place within a certain scene however also can be used as a good effect when building up a dramatic scene.

WIPE:Wipe is a transition that clears the screen and then gradually moves onto the next scene or object. This effect is gradual between the scenes which makes the audience think about the previous scene and analyse what has happened within the scene. This is a good effect if the previous scene is one which contains an emotional or dramatic theme as it makes the audience reflect on what has happened, adding more emphasis to the previous image.

STRAIGHT-CUT:These are very short cuts and clippings from videos which are shot straight from a camera. This is raw footage which has not been edited in any shape or form however is instead taken then directly added onto a social network site such as Facebook or Youtube.


• Establishment/ long shot: Long shots are conventionally used by a director at the beginning of the trailer in order for the audience to view the landscape or environment and to more importantly, establish the location of the film to the audience.

• Close up- A close up shot allows the audience to invade the character’s personal space as it magnifies an object or character in order to draw dramatic attention to them. This therefore allows the audience to observe specific details and expressions, enabling them to empathize and understand the emotions the character could be feeling.

• A point of view shot is a subjective shot which is used to get an insight of the character’s perspective. The camera is able to adopt the perspective of the character in order for the viewers to identify and relate to the character. This type of shot is mainly used in order to add drama in scenes for example in a chasing scene.



Diegetic sound:Diegetic sound is when the source of the sound is visible on the screen or when the source of the sound is implied to be present by the action which is taking place in the film. Diegetic sounds can be referred to " actual sounds" this is as they are not edited in however, have taken place in the scene. Examples of diegetic sounds are; voices of characters, music which is produced out of the instruments in the story and sounds which are produced by the objects in the story. Diegetic sound can either be present on screen or off screen.

Non-diegetic sound:Non diegetic sound are sounds which have been edited into the film such as a narrator’s commentary, sound effects and music in order to imply the mood. Non-diegetic sounds are used to create moments which the audience can sense that a dramatic scene is going to take place.

Dialogue: The words and conversation spoken by characters. 

Ambient sound: Background music that adds atmosphere.

Soundtrack: Sounds present in the background of a scene.

Incidental music: Music used in a film or a TV Drama.

Voice over: Sound that is spoken by someone off screen. It could be used to narrate a story.