Resolve Today to Start Using Reconciliation Tool · The Reconciliation Tool was added in version...

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In a perfect world, therewould be no need to reconcile. In reality, however,

there are always errors, and werely on many variables to main-tain our data integrity, includingpeople, hardware, software, andelectrical supply. A monthlyroutine of balancing your sub-ledgers to the general ledgerensures accurate financialreporting for your company. And,verifying that the balances onyour month-end reports arecorrect is an essential part ofyour month-end procedures. Tohave faith in your system, youmust ensure that its output isalways correct.

The Reconciliation Tool wasadded in version 9.2.1 to helpstreamline the reconciliationprocess. The Reconciliation Toolprovides a dashboard display ofyour prefixes with drill-downcapabilities to individual ac-counts. In addition, the toolcontains step-by-step instruc-tions on how to reconcile as wellas addresses common causes forout-of-balance situations.

You can access the Recon-ciliation Tool from the SageTimberline Desktop underAdditional Tools. All of the

reconciliation reports are alsoavailable from the Reports menuof the appropriate application.

The Key Features

The Reconciliation Toolprovides the following features:

Dashboard – This is thequick overview of your accountreconciliation status for GeneralLedger, Cash Management, andAccounts Payable. The Recon-ciliation Dashboard provides asummary look at your GLprefixes and payables accountsand gives you a comparison ofcash balances from both GL andCM. Discrepancies are displayedin red so you know where tofocus.

Account Reconciliation –Each application has a pagededicated to the reconciliation ofthat specific sub-ledger to theGeneral Ledger. The Summaryreports provide a quick look atthe sub-ledger balance comparedto the General Ledger balance,and it shows differences thatmight exist.

Batch Reconciliation –Each application page contains abatch report that lists transaction

Resolve Today to StartUsing Reconciliation Tool

by: Valerie ArnesonSage Software, Inc.

detail in addition to the batchtotals.

Common Out-of-BalanceCauses – Each application pageprovides this section whichincludes reports that will helpidentify the most commoncauses for out-of-balance situa-tions.

Common Period-EndReports – You can run commonperiod-end reports.

Data Validation – Thisfeature allows you to validate theintegrity of your data.

Continued on page 6

News & Information for Users of Sage Timberline Office Software for October 2007

IN THIS ISSUEResolve Today to Start Using

Reconciliation Tool ............... 1Using Multiple Prices and

Productivities inEstimating ............................ 2

Financial StatementDesigner 101: ....................... 4

Tips & Tricks ................................ 5Askthe estimating guru ................ 7Customizing the Look of

Your EstimatingSpreadsheet - Part 3 ............. 8

It’s Easy to Automate TransmittalAttachments ......................... 10

TUG Online Training Schedule ..... 11

- 2 -

Have you ever wanted tostore more than oneprice for an item, maybe

a bid price and a change orderprice? Or, did you want to storedifferent productivities forsummer work and winter work?You can do both by using theMultiple Prices andProductivities (MPP) feature inEstimating Extended.

There are three parts tousing Multiple Prices andProductivities:

1. Setup in Estimating.

2. Assigning prices andproductivities throughDatabase Editor.

3. Using MPP in the estimate.

Multiple Prices andProductivities must be enabledbefore you can start setting themup. To enable MPP, go to Data-base, Database Settings, Miscel-laneous tab.

Check the Use MultipleLabor Productivities checkbox in

Using Multiple Prices andProductivities in Estimating

by: Gary SimpsonSenior Business Analyst, Sage Software

the Multiple Labor Productivitiesarea, as well as the Use MultiplePrices checkbox in the MultiplePrices area. You must also decidehow to handle situations where avalue doesn’t exist in the MPPtable for that item. It is recom-mended that you choose to usethe price or productivity on thedatabase in this situation.

When you click OK afterchecking the checkboxes and re-enter the Database Settingsdialog, you will find the softwarehas created a new tab calledProductivities/Prices. This iswhere you will name the priceand productivity tables.

At Name and Description,enter the appropriate informationfor the productivity or pricetable. Then enter a Source namewhich will display as the columnheading in Database Editor. Youcan set up to 10 productivitytables and 20 price tables. Ac-cept the change by clicking OK,and then close Estimating.

Start Database Editor (Start,All Programs,Sage Soft-ware, SageTimberlineOffice, Esti-mating,DatabaseEditor) andopen yourdatabase.Scroll acrossand find thecolumn with

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the TUG PulsePublished by the

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- 3 -November 2007

the source name youcreated in Estimat-ing.

TIP: It may beeasiest to hide all thecolumns except theones you will beworking with. Tohide a column, clickin the column name,then right click andselect hide column.

Each productiv-ity table you namedin Estimating willhave a separatecolumn inDatabaseEditor. Entertheproductivities inthe correctproductivitycolumn.

For eachpricing tableyou named inEstimating, you willhave two columns inDatabase Editor: onefor entering a per-centage and one forentering a value. Ifyou would like aprice to be a percent-age of the databaseitem price, enter thepercentage (eitherpositive or negative) in the OrderPercent column. Database Editorwill then calculate the value andplace it in the Order Price col-umn. Database Editor willdesignate these calculated valueswith a blue *. If you want to usea value, simply enter it directlyinto the Order Price column.

Once the item prices andproductivities are entered, youare ready to use them in an

estimate. When you create anestimate, you will need to desig-nate which productivity or pricetable you want to be used as thedefault for this estimate. Selectthe table from the list on thecover page. Leaving the fieldblank defaults the price orproductivity to the database itemvalues. As you do takeoff, all of

the items will bepriced by the defaultMPP table.

If you want to usemultiple tables withinan estimate, turn onthe Labor ProductivityTable Column and thePrice Table Columnwhich will display thenames of the tablesbeing used.

TIP: Thesecolumns are at thevery end of the col-

umn list whichmeans they willdisplay at the farright of theestimatingspreadsheet.Move theproductivitytable columnnext to theproductivitycolumn and the

price table next to thematerial price columnto make them easierto use.

Clicking in thetable name willproduce a list icon.Clicking on the iconwill give you a list ofthe available tables, aswell as the prices or

productivities in each. Multipleprices and productivities canhelp with a number of difficultestimating situations. Winter–summer work, ground level–aerial work, bid–negotiated–change order pricing, and whole-sale–retail pricing, are just a fewexamples where MPP functional-ity can help produce tighter,more accurate estimates.

- 4 -

Financial Statement Designer 101:These Basics are Easy to Learn

by: Julie Brown • Martin Horn, Inc.

Continued on page12

Financial statements arelike snowflakes: no twoare alike. The look and

presentation of balance sheets,income statements, cash flowstatements, and even varioussupplementary schedulescan differ dramaticallyfrom one company toanother. Fortunately, as aSage Timberline Officeuser, you have FinancialStatement Designer to helpyou create these uniquestatements.

Let’s begin with thebasic anatomy of a state-ment design. Each designis made up of aheader, a bodyand a footer.Within thesesections, adesign is made up of aseries of instructions. Eachinstruction dictates whatinformation will be dis-played.

Generally, headersand footers use text fieldsand/or blank instructions,such as the companyname, the statement titleand the statement date.The system maintainsmany text fields (such ascompany name, and periodend date). These can befound and added to your designby selecting Design, Text Fieldfrom the menu options or byclicking the icon on thetoolbar.

In the body of your design,instructions can be made up ofblanks, columns, amounts,images, page breaks, or totals.The first line of your design isgenerally your column instruc-

tion. Column instructions con-tain the fields or calculationsthat should be used for eachcolumn of your report. Forexample, your income statementdesign may have the followingcolumns:

To insert your columninstruction line, select Design,Insert, Column from the menu orclick the icon on your toolbarand select the fields you wish toinclude from the various field

types (Balance, Budget,Cash Flow, or Monthlyfields). Then click Done.

Once you have yourcolumns defined, you’reready to add an amountinstruction. This can bedone by selecting Design,Insert, Amount from themenu or by selecting the icon from the toolbar. Theamount instruction will

display adialog boxwhere youcan enter therange of

accounts to display. Forexample, if your revenueaccounts are numbers 4000to 4999, you will enter thisin the From Account/ToAccount. You may entermultiple ranges if theaccounts you wish toinclude do not all fallwithin the same range. Inthe Amount Options dialogbox, you can also select tosee the range of accountsitemized or summarized. Ifyou choose to summarize

the accounts, be sure to enter adescription (what you want thestatement to print) in the Titlefield. Additionally, you may havea line conditionally print. The

- 5 -November 2007

Need a reportthat lists all thework orders for aunit or a loca-tion? It is just amouse clickaway.

1. Justselect a Locationor a Unit.

2. Doubleclick and openthe Work Orderhistory.

3. Rightmouse click andselect PreviewList.

4. ServiceManagement willgenerate a reportlisting the WorkOrder#, Problem/Call Type/Status,Date Entered/Amount, Com-ment, and more.

Tips & TricksTips & Tricks

Service Management

Did you know that you can addan image, such as your com-pany logo, to your financialstatements? A variety of fileformats may be inserted intoyour design. However, BMPand JPG file formats are mostcommonly used.

To add an image, go tothe menu item Design, Insert,Image and browse to find thefile copy of the image you wishto add to your statement. Afteryou have added the image toyour design, you can select thejustification and the size of theimage. Easy.

—Julie BrownMartin Horn, Inc.

Make sure you know andunderstand the database. Youcan access the Data Dictionarythrough Report Designer. Go toTools, Available Fields, andselect the record you want tosee. You can see the record onthe screen in Print Preview or, ifyou need to use the recordfrequently, you can print a hardcopy.

—Dawn NaisbittR & O Construction

Financial StatementDesigner

Inquiry Designer

—Alan E. CussonThe Hamilton Company





- 6 -

Continued from page 1

Reconciliation Tool

Multi-User –This tool can be usedby several users, suchas controllers andthose who specializein a particular appli-cation.

How to GetStarted

It’s easy to getstarted. The Reconciliation Toolcurrently has step-by-step in-structions for Accounts Payable,Accounts Receivable, CashManagement, General Ledger,and Job Cost. A future releasewill include Property Manage-ment and Payroll. Follow the

instructions, and you’ll be onyour way.

Put the Reconciliation Toolto Use Now

Now you can forget aboutspending hours trying to recon-cile AP to GL—only to findyou have an unposted batch.Now you can fix that and manyother problems in just a fewminutes. Having one place forall your reconciliation tasks willmean improved productivity andefficiency for your company.The Reconciliation Tool is atool you won’t want to workwithout.

Drill downfrom theprefix to

the aaccount


Focus on howto correctcommonerrorsand producemonthlyreports.

- 7 -November 2007

Ask The Estimating GuruTO: O Great and Noble Guru

I come to you once moreand beseech you to grant me thebenefits of your great wisdom. Ineed a way to make my variablesshow up in a logical order in myassemblies. Right now they showup like Length, Need Forms? #Runs Rebar, Width…. What Iwould like is Length, Width,Depth, Need Forms?…. Is thereany way to order the variablesinto a logical order?

Mad with Confusion

TO: Mad“Beseech me…” “grant

benefits of my great wisdom…”I LOVE this job.

I can also answer yourquestion.

Estimating displays thevariables in an assembly in theorder it finds them in the assem-bly. So the trick is to make sureestimating finds them in theorder you want to see them. Todo this, create a formula that hasall the variables that are in theassembly, inserting them in theorder you want to see them.Multiply these variables togetherand then,—this is the secret—multiply them by zero so youhave a formula that looks some-thing like (Length * Width *Depth * Concrete Strength * 0).Insert this formula at the begin-ning of the Assembly Calcula-tion field in Edit Assemblies.That way it is the first formulafound when the assembly beginsprocessing.

Multiplying the variables byzero doesn’t affect any assemblycalculation you may be using togenerate assembly unit costs. A

good practice for naming theseformulas is to use a z to indicateit is a formula that doesn’tgenerate a quantity, then followthat with the assembly number <z830 >.

My Entire Resume is TwoWords: THE Guru

TO: O Great and Mighty GuruFrom the top of Kilimanjaro

to the depths of Death Valley, Ihave searched this great land foran answer to my problem. Weneed to be able to look at adrawing to see how an assemblywill calculate. How, O Wise One,do you attach a graphic diagramor a drawing to an assembly.

Graphically Challenged

TO: ChallengedNot only are you graphically

challenged, you areGEOgraphically challenged.Kilimanjaro is in Africa, for goshsakes.

Your estimating problemdoes have an easy solution,however. You can easily attach abitmap file (.bmp) or jpeg (.jpg)to an assembly by clicking theAttach Help button in EditAssembly. Click the Graphic FileName radio button and thenbrowse out and select the draw-ing file. When in AssemblyTakeoff, click the Attachmentbutton to see the drawing file.

The Guru WhoseIntellect is as High as


TO: Guru MasterIn the time crunch of doing

a takeoff, my users sometimesdon’t pay as much attention to

the variables in an assembly andjust accept the defaults. This canobviously cause some problems.This is really only an issue forthe first pass, as most of the specvariables don’t change often. Isthere any way to require othersto stop and look at the importantvariables?

Busy with Too Busy People

TO: Busy, BusyAhhh, they think they can

get away with that old “too busyto pay attention” ploy. Fortu-nately, there is a cure and it’ssimplicity itself.

You just need to set a mini-mum on the variable to begreater than the default. Forinstance, if the default is blank(or 0), set the minimum to 0.5.When the estimator gets to thatvariable, he/she will not be ableto continue unless entering avalue greater than .5 (this as-sumes that the variable is alwaysmore than .5). If the variable canbe left blank or 0, set the defaultfor the variable to -1 and theminimum to 0. Change thedefault and minimum values inEdit Variable. The easiest placeto do that is to go to the assem-bly with variables you want tocontrol, click on the variable,then right click and select EditVariable.

The Busiest Guruon the Planet

- 8 -

In Parts 1 and 2 of thisseries, you learnedhow to set up spread-

sheet layouts, sort se-quences, and various otherformatting options todisplay the data in exactlythe format you want. Inthis, the final article in theseries, we look at thereporting options for thespreadsheet report. Dis-playing the data in thespreadsheet is half thebattle, but in most casesyou still need to handsomeone a document withthe data presented cor-rectly. That means youneed to print the informa-tion in a report. Fortu-nately, the spreadsheetreport displays the workyou have already done andallows even more controlover what the finishedproduct will look like.

Report Options

Report Options giveyou additional control overhow the report prints. Goto Reports, Spreadsheet,Report Options to openthe Report Options win-dow.

Many of the controlshere operate similarly tothe controls discussed inthe previous articles, sowe’ll skip those and focuson the other controls thataffect the report presenta-tion. (If you want informa-

Part 3

Customizing the Look of YourEstimating Spreadsheetby: Gary Simpson, Senior Business Analyst

Sage Software, Inc.

tion on fields not coveredhere, click on the fieldand press F1 for context-sensitive Help.)

While allocatingaddons technically doesn’tchange the look of thereport, it will change thenumbers. If an addon onthe totals page is allocat-able, and you select theAllocate addonscheckbox, the amount ofthe addon is proportion-ally spread across thecategories of the items theaddon was calculatedfrom.

When you print aspreadsheet report, thedefault spreadsheet reportwill print unless you makechanges. The Prefill fromSpreadsheet button over-rides the defaults and usesthe columns, layout, sort,and summary from thespreadsheet. If you haveset up your spreadsheet todisplay exactly what youwant, you must click thisbutton in order to print it.This is especially useful ifyou want to print a par-tially-collapsed estimatewhere you show detail insome areas and summa-rized information inothers.

Select the Print coverpage checkbox to print thecover page informationFont/Layout tab

Sort tab

Report Options tab

- 9 -November 2007

that you entered when youcreated the estimate. If you wantto modify the appearance of thecover page, click the Setupbutton next to Print cover page.This brings up a window thatallows you to select which fieldsprint, as well as to set the fontand color.

Select the Print signatureblock checkbox to print a signa-ture block on the Totals page ofthe estimate. This is especiallyuseful for change orders andsmall estimates where you needjust a signature to start work. Youcan configure the signatureblock by clicking the Edit Hdr/Ftr button. (Headers and footerswill be covered later in thisarticle.)

Printing notes for all levelscan significantly change the lookof your spreadsheet. If you haveused notes to document yourestimate, checking this box willprint them. The notes will wrapwithin the Notes column andmay lengthen your report.

Sort and Range Tabs

The Sort tab allows you toset up sort sequences for yourreport exactly as you would setthem up for your estimate on theestimate cover page. Settingthem here allows you to reporton sort sequences that differfrom the estimate sorts. TheSummary Level field lets youspecify to what level you wantyour report summarized and, ineffect, serves the same functionas Collapse does on the spread-sheet.

The Range tab (not shown)allows you to print a portion orportions of the report. Theranges are based on the top sortspecified on the Sort tab. Forinstance, in the sort above, you

could select a range of GroupPhases.

Font/Layout Tab

This tab allows you to set upfonts and layouts for a report, aswell as to select design elementsfrom existing spreadsheet lay-outs. The Font button allows youto specify the fonts for the sortlevels. Select the Layout buttonto specify which columns todisplay on the report, similar tothe Modify Spreadsheet Layoutwindow on the spreadsheet.

The Prefill from the Layoutdrop down list is very important.In most cases, you will have setup spreadsheet layouts you useand want to print. Click the dropdown arrow to select one of yourexisting spreadsheet layouts. Youcan make adjustments to how thelayout will print by choosing thelayout option and making adjust-ments as necessary.

Edit Hdr/Ftr Button

The Edit Hdr/Ftr buttonopens a window that allows youto customize how the title area(header) and the bottom area(footer) of the report appear.This button also allows you tocustomize the signature block.Editing the header and footerwill allow you to do extras suchas inserting your company’s logoon the report, changing thereport name, adding page num-bers, and inserting the contentsof estimate fields, etc. You canalso specify on which pages theheader should print (i.e., firstpage only).

Export Button

With the Export button, youcan export your report data into atext file (*.txt), a comma-sepa-rated value file (*.csv), a tab-separated value file (*.tsv) or a

Portable Document Format(*.pdf) file.

Exporting the files to *.csvand *.tsv files results in files thatcan be easily imported intoMicrosoft® Excel. All columnsare exported in the order they’refound, but only the columnsvisible on the spreadsheet willcontain data. This can result in aspreadsheet in Excel with a lotof blank columns. To remedythis, create a new layout andmove all the visible columns tothe beginning of the spreadsheet.Use this layout when you export.

Exporting to a *.pdf filefacilitates sharing your reportelectronically. The *.pdf formatis read by Adobe® AcrobatReader, free software that comespreinstalled on most computers.You can find it on your Estimat-ing CD and at *.pdf file maintains theformat of your estimate so youcan export your report and sendthe file by e-mail. The recipientcan then view (but not change)the estimate on the monitorusing the Acrobat Reader or byprinting the estimate.

In this series we havecovered many of the tools andfeatures you can use to custom-ize the estimating spreadsheet.Customizing the presentation ofthe data can aid in the analysisof the estimate, as well as helpyou land jobs.

Remember, as you aredeveloping the spreadsheets tohelp your business, all thefunctionality discussed in thesearticles and more is covered inHelp. Open Estimating Help(Help, Help Topics) and click onthe Index tab. Enter any of thefollowing keywords for moreinformation: spreadsheet, layoutor reports.

- 10 -

One of the biggesttimesavers and coolestfeatures of Project

Management is its capacity to“automatically” send projectdocuments along with a trans-mittal cover sheet via e-mailthrough Microsoft® Outlook orvia fax through a fax server—with just a few mouse clicks. (Tolearn more about what is re-quired to set up e-mail, fax orprint capability in Project Man-agement, see TimberlineKnowledgebase article#KB52828.)

To take advantage of thisfeature, first make sure yourProject Management settings areset to enable “automatic” send-ing of attachments. Go to themenu bar and choose File, PJSettings. Make sure that SendAttachments is checked.

Of course, you also need tohave your contacts properly setup in the Address Book module.At any time, you can verify orupdate the e-mail address or faxnumber for a contact as follows:• Go to the menu bar and

from the Setup menu,choose Person.

• The Person setup windowwill open.

• Click [Find]. (Choose No ifasked to save changes to theblank contact, in case youaccidentally made anychanges to it before youclicked Find.)

• Type in the name of thecontact you are looking for.

• Enter the contact’s faxnumber and/or e-mailaddress.

• Click [Save] and close thePerson setup window.

It’s Easy to Automate Transmittal Attachmentsby: Tom Moore • Gray - I.C.E. Builders, Inc.

Next, you need to check thatyou are using the right type offiles. Project Management is ableto print, e-mail or fax only alimited number of file types.Project Management documents(RFIs, submittals, change orders,and commitments, etc.) willwork, of course. The other filetypes you can use are Adobe®

PDF, Microsoft® Word docu-ments, Microsoft® Excel work-books and Microsoft® ProjectSchedule files. Other file typeswill not be “automatically” sent.

Open a Transmittal andattach the files you want to send.Clicking the Transmittal buttonfrom one of the other ProjectManagement document screens(for example, from the RFIscreen) is a great shortcut tocreating a pre-filled Transmittalcover sheet, complete withattachments.

Otherwise:• Go to the menu bar and,

from the Documents menu,choose Transmittal.

• The Transmittal windowwill open.

• In the Contents grid, clickon the binoculars icon.

• Select the type of documentyou want to attach. (NOTE:To pick a file you have savedon disk, select the type =Attachment.) Depending onthe type of document youselected, you will get anappropriate browser windowto select a specific docu-ment.

• After selecting the docu-ment, make sure that thecheckbox in the column withthe printer icon (the PrintFile column) is checked. If

you can’t see this column,you may need to scroll theContents grid to the right. Ifthis box is not checked, thefile won’t be sent.

• Remember: You can addmore than one item to atransmittal. Just click on thebinoculars icon in the next(blank) line of the grid toadd another.Now here comes the fun

part! Since you already haveyour Project Managementdefaults set up, and you haveyour contact’s e-mail or faxnumber entered in AB, all youneed to do this:• Click [Send] to open the

Transmittal Send screen.• Verify your recipient or

recipients and the SendMethod (print, e-mail orfax) for each. (And ifprinting, select which printeryou want Timberline to printto for each recipient.)

• Check your Subject line,then type in the message.

• Click [Send], and whetherit’s print, e-mail or fax,you’ll be automaticallysending one or multiplefiles, including an attachedcover sheet.So, to review: First you need

to ensure that your ProjectManagement settings allowattachments. Then, you need tomake sure you have the neces-sary information entered foreach contact in Address Book.Then, as long as you are usingone of the supported file for-mats, your message and attach-ments will be automaticallytransmitted, along with theTransmittal cover sheet.

- 11 -November 2007

November 3-5, 2007

Sage Summit

Chicago, Illinois

November 8, 2007

Harrisburg, PA Local Meeting

December 12, 2007

Tampa/St. Pete Local Meeting

January 24, 2008

Harrisburg, PA Local Meeting

March 20, 2008

Harrisburg, PA Local Meeting

April 30 - May 2, 20082008 TUG National

Workshops & ConferenceNashville, Tennessee

May 15, 2008

Harrisburg, PA Local Meeting

May 13 - 15, 20092009 TUG National

Workshops & ConferenceGrapevine, Texas

May 19 - 21, 20102010 TUG National

Workshops & ConferenceOrlando, Florida


All training sessions take place at 1:00 EST and lastapproximately one hour. To register, email Carolyn atTUGAdm@ Just let her know which class(es)you would like to participate in. We’ll get you registered andemail a confirmation along with connection information.These classes are free of charge and open to members only -one more benefit of belonging to the Timberline Users Group!

We are adding more sessions every day. Check theTraining Calendar at for an updated list. Ifyou have any suggestions on sessions you would like to see,please email Tom Moore at orCarolyn at


November 9, 2007 (12:00 EST) Estimating Tips & Tricks – Part 1

November 16, 2007 (12:00 EST) Estimating Tips & Tricks – Part 2

November 19, 2007 Real Estate: Custom Fields to DetailProperties, Units and Leases

November 20, 2007 Advanced ODBC

December 4, 2007 PJ Document Transmittals

December 7, 2007 Estimating: Modifying ExistingAssemblies

December 11, 2007 PJ Meeting Minutes

December 12, 2007 Estimating: Item Creation & WBSCodes

December 14, 2007 (12:00 EST) Estimating: Add On’s & Totals Page

January 8, 2008 PJ Change Requests

January 9, 2008 Estimating Explorer

January 11, 2008 Estimating Database Wizard

January 15, 2008 PJ Owner Change Orders

January 22, 2008 PJ Commitment Change Orders

January 25, 2008 Estimating: Item Takeoff & Quick Takeoff

Power to the User!

Continued from page 4

Financial StatementDesigner 101

Print test field defaults to Alwaysprint. However, other options areavailable such as Do Not PrintWhen Zero, or Only Print WhenCredit.

Finally, after youhave entered yourcolumn and amountinstructions, you maywant to total a fewlines. This is when youwould add a totalinstruction by selecting Design,Insert, Total or by clicking the icon on the toolbar.

An Assign to Entire Totaltoolbar will appear and yourcursor become a plus sign. Besure you have the correct opera-tor selected ( +, - or %) beforestarting your selections. In the

example pictured below, Incomeis set to itemize (the greenIncome line) and the Incometotal is calculated with a totalinstruction (the blue Incomeline). To do this, be sure yourcursor is just below your Incomeamount instruction (the greenIncome line) and the + is se-

lected once you have se-lected to insert a total viamenu or the toolbar. Nowyou may click on yourIncome amount instructionline (green line); note theline will change to all pluses.Once complete, click Closeon the Assign to Entire Total

toolbar to exit theAssign Total function.

There you haveit: the basics of theFinancial StatementDesigner. Althoughyou may not be ready

to create a statement with com-plex ratio calculations or toprepare rolling financial fore-casting reports, you now havethe fundamental knowledge toget started with a simple balancesheet or income statement.