Resource Management Portal · Nisha Kurkure C-DAC, India . C-DAC IN HPC . High...

Post on 12-Oct-2020

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Resource Management Portal “CHReME” with Web Interface for

Scientific Users

Nisha Kurkure

C-DAC, India



High Performance Computing

National PARAM SuperComputing Facility.

10 Gbps PARAMnet III.

Reconfigurable Computing Systems (RCS): Bio-informatics sequence search commercial deployment.

Design and Deployment of High end HPC systems at various premiere institutions like IITM-Pune, JNU Delhi, TIFR Mumbai, BDU Tiruchirapally, NIO Goa, NCL Pune.

Maintenance and Application Support for HPC systems at University of Hyderabad, NCMRWF, JNU Delhi, IIT Delhi, NIO Goa, IITM Pune.

Deployed Grid File System prototype on Grid test bed between Pune and Bangalore. GFS Addresses data location independence for HPC applications.

End-to-End Solutions

Enabling Technologies

HPC, Language Computing, Speech Technology, e-Security, Geomatics,

Ubiquitous Computing, Embedded Systems, VLSI, Broadband &

Wireless, Software Technologies, …

Science & Engineering, Strategic Sectors, Health, e-Governance,

Education, Power & Industrial Sector, Agriculture, Rural Areas

C-DAC Activities

Need to develop CHReME…

Growth of Parallel Applications has posed a serious challenge of efficient, easy usage and management of resources of HPC systems

In domain specific organizations, Installation and porting of relevant applications is very difficult as the activity is computational in nature

Very Tedious for users to run heterogeneous scientific application codes using command line

Facilitate ease of use of large clusters as well as their increased adoption

Ability to address Large and varied Data sets efficiently

Handle the work load Ever increasing users (Novices????)

About CHReME – Salient Features

Developed on an open source platform and ecosystem

Fully integrated environment with Industry standard Schedulers

User friendly web based GUI providing access to various cluster resources

Submission, monitoring and management of jobs through GUI

Easy and secure access to all the cluster resources from remote host machine

Optimum Utilization of Cluster Resources

CHReME – Snapshot

CHReME – Additional Features

Creation and Management of various Cluster Resources viz. Queue, Parallel Environment and Users

Timely Email notification regarding job status

Provides application specific interface for pre-compiled applications in various domains viz. Weather Forecasting

Fully customizable - Scope for integrating numerous HPC Applications

Weather Research Forecast Model (WRF)

The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)

Model is designed to serve both operational forecasting and atmospheric research needs

It features multiple dynamical cores, a 3-

dimensional variational (3DVAR) data assimilation system, and a software

architecture allowing for computational parallelism as well as system extensibility

WRF is suitable for a broad spectrum of applications across scales ranging from meters

to thousands of kilometers

WRF & CHReME Portal

CHReME WRF Portal is an integrated solution with WRF application execution


CHReME WRF Portal guides users through the entire cycle of execution i.e.

Pre-processing (WPS)

Running WRF model

Post-processing of the model

GUI facilitates users with a modular and seamless approach for WRF execution by

Creating various workflows

Storing the workflow execution stages

Setting up of environment variables

Submission of the WRF execution jobs

Monitoring status of the workflows

Visualization of the output.

WRF Portal: Workflow Creation Snapshot

WRF Portal: Workflow Creation

For creating a new workflow, user has to specify a name for the workflow

Workflow name is a single name given to all the steps the user performs for running WRF model i.e.






After entering the workflow name, the user will be directed to the step of configuring the workflow details.

Initially once, the user will create a workflow and perform all the steps, further the user has to just load the workflow and run the model

WRF Portal: Geogrid run snapshot

WRF Portal - Geogrid run

The user shall enter the values required for running the geogrid

The user can view the namelist.wps file which is present in the WPS directory.

The namelist.wps file is edited by the portal according to the values entered by the user

For browsing the folder path the user is provided with a browsing feature

After pressing Execute button, the user will be redirected to a page where the user can see the running status of geogrid, the job of running geogrid is done through the scheduler.

Following are the outputs created after running geogrid.

The netcdf files generated after running geogrid.

The log generated after running geogrid.

The Processing details generated while running geogrid.

The error generated while running geogrid.

The status can be monitored from the job progress area

WRF Portal - Ungrib run snapshot

WRF Portal - Ungrib run

Enter the values required for running ungrib

After pressing “execute” the user will be directed to a page where one can view the running process of Ungrib, done through the scheduler

Following are the outputs created after running ungrib

The files generated after running ungrib

The Log generated after running ungrib

The Processing log of Ungrib

The errors generated while running Ungrib

After successful execution of ungrib, a link for executing metgrid would be highlighted

WRF Portal: Metgrid run snapshot

WRF Portal: Metgrid run

The user will be asked to enter the run directory path of WRF

“Run” the metgrid

After execution of the metgrid the following output files are created:

The met files generated after running metgrid

The log generated

The processing log

The error generated while running metgrid

The user has the option of re – running metgrid or proceeding to the next step of running “real.exe”

WRF Portal: Run real.exe snapshot

WRF Portal: Run wrf.exe snapshot

WRF Portal: Run WRF Model

The user can select the number of processors for running “real.exe”

After pressing “Run” the user will be redirected to page where he can check the “status of the run” of “real.exe”

After running the “real.exe” following outputs are created :

The files generated after running “real.exe”

The output log generated as the job is submitted to the scheduler

The error log generated while running “real.exe”

Update the namelist.input file to run “wrf.exe”

User can re – run “wrf.exe” by pressing Re – run wrf.exe

User can store the namelist.wps and namelist.input files after running the entire model for future reference

At any time, the user can load another workflow to run the WRF model with the entries specific to that workflow

The user can only delete the workflow created by him

Advantages of CHReME

Scientific users can now concentrate on their respective domains without having

to worry about computational aspects of supercomputing facilities.

It Scales to the environments with thousands of users that can access this Portal

through various clusters

Impact on the existing network and cluster infrastructure is minimal:

The HPC Access Portal server can be completely separate from the cluster, as it uses SSH to communicate with HPC Cluster Scheduler

Built using JSP/Struts, a specification making the server installation portable and scalable

Integrating new Parallel Applications and additional tools to those that are

provided by HPC Resource Access and Management Portal

The HPC Portal facilitates submission and monitoring of the job and hence freeing

users from the strenuous tasks of command line submission and monitoring

It also helps the Administrator to Monitor the entire Cluster Users, Job submitted by the users, Cluster Resources and various reservations by the user that are

being used

Future Work

Development of a application integration module for various other domains

like Bioinformatics, Oceanography, Computational Chemistry etc. with customised GUIs.

Support for advanced reservation policies of resource manager.

Application level check-pointing feature.