Responsible Business Summit 2013

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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May 7-8 2013 in London. 67 speakers, 500 attendees. A dozen CEOs. Running since 2002.


The Responsible Business Summit 2013

� Collaboration with key stakeholders – Find out how postRIO +20 corporations can come together alongside civil society, nGO andgovernment to successfully address long term corporate responsibilityand sustainability challenges.

� Resource scarcity in 2020 – Learn the steps required right nowto create a clear and coherent business model in response to a moreresource-constrained world

� Drive supplier performance – Frontline supply chainengagement to enable ethical sourcing. Build brand reputation andachieve environmental performance targets

� Human rights in action – how to embed the Ruggie Principlesinto corporate management systems

� Behavior change through consumer engagement – Learn how companies can grow a "green" consumer market



The biggest CR and sustainability event in Europe returns




� 5Chief Executive Officers

� 20+unique workshops

� 60+Speakers from Europe, Middle East,uSA and Asia

� 500attendees

� 10+hours of quality networking time

Daniel FranklinExecutive EditorThe Economist

Jeremy DarrochChief Executive OfficerSKY

John SauvenExecutive DirectorGreenpeace UK

Fiona KendrickChief Executive Officer Nestlé UK

Jane GriffithsCompany Group Chairman Janssen Pharmaceuticals



Corporate responsibility in 2013:Why it's essential and how to make it payCollaboration•Stakeholder Engagement• Trust•Supply Chain• Resource Constraints

In the past twelve months, social and environmental

responsibility has once again been a key issue for business.

Key stakeholders may not call it CSR and sustainability but

make no mistake, it is what they are talking about. It’s the

customer who wants to know if the cocoa farmers got a

decent wage. Maybe they want to be reassured their

precious stones aren't “blood diamonds". An nGO leading

a campaign to boycott your brand because of tax

contributions to society. It’s the major news outlet

highlighting human rights abuse in your supply chain.

At stake is your reputation and profitability. we have seen

record fines handed to companies: BP $3–$5 billion fine for

deep-water horizon. hSBC nearly $2 billion for failing to

prevent its banks being used by criminal enterprises and

rogue states. CEO’s from major multinationals such as G4S

and Barclays have suffered the ignominy of being dragged

through house of Commons select committees and uS

congressional hearings.

This isn’t to say the conversation is a purely defensive one.

CSR and sustainability is an opportunity driven agenda. The

summit will show how you can embed CSR to enhance your

brand reputation and profitability. Just ask brand leaders

such as Unilever, Procter and Gamble and Marks

and Spencer. Their business success has been

intertwined with their brand reputation as socially and

environmental responsible companies.

Competitive spirit, corporate self-interest and a

responsible approach can co-exist. 92% of multi-

national company CEOs believe sustainability will

be important to the future success of their business.

The challenges ahead are formidable but not

insurmountable. They require three main aspects.

Multi-stakeholder collaboration, response to resource

constraint and the restoration of corporate trust.

In the post RIO +20 world the need for collaboration has

never been greater. Successive summits in the past twelve

months from Durban to RIO to Doha have failed to reach

any global government consensus on how to progress the

sustainability agenda. Corporations on the other hand have

made significant progress working with nGO, industry

associations, government even competitors.

You can expect to hear from leading figures working

for Oxfam, Ethical Trading Initiative, European

Commission and Institute of Human Rights

and Business – hear them discuss in our breakout

sessions how to move collaboration with corporations

to the next level.

By 2030 the world's population could rise by up to a third.

Demand for food and energy will rise by 50% and fresh

water by 30%. The impact is being felt now. Increased

competition for resources is forcing corporations to

rethink how they use water and agricultural land. The

severe erosion of public trust following the credit crunch

and successive scandals involving major corporates

means a ground shift in how companies engage with

their core consumer base.

You’ll also be able to cherry pick your own priorities from the

20 breakout sessions covering the most critical CSR issues

– the topics have been chosen after months of in-depth

research and consultation with your colleagues and peers.

The focus this year is putting you at the heart

of the summit experience not the speakers.

with this in mind you’ll enjoy a highly interactive

experience combining live polling, Twitter feeds, question

time debates, roundtable discussions, 90 second speaker

pitches and more – to ensure you get the most from the

two days learning.

In short, this event is a one-stop shop for all your CSR

and sustainability best practice needs. You’ll have an

access-all-areas pass to two days of interactive learning;

knowledge and know-how from world class speakers, plus

a one-off chance to meet keys leaders from the world of

business, media and nGO’s.

It really is the un-missable event of the year, and I look

forward to meeting you on 7 – 8 May 2013 in London.

Steven WildingConference DirectorEthical Corporation

Join me and 500+ senior attendees including 50+ expert speakers as we discuss how to reshape business to meet the social and environmental challenges of the future

Unrivalled choice, with all the issues you want to hear about. Guaranteed!

2,086 The numbers show we're the centre of the community90%of the FTSE100 are part of our community.

we're trusted around the world: Representatives from 45different countrieshave met at Ethical Corporation events in the last year.

In the past 15 years, over10,000people have attended Ethical Corporationconferences.

Senior execs to learn from! 73%of our attendees are Managers or more senior.

75%of the FTSE100 have attended our conferences.


� Senior Managers: 18%� Managers: 35%●●� Directors: 22%●●� Vice Presidents: 4%� CEOs: 4%� Other: 17%


Majordecisionmakersin the ro


“Ethical Corporation is one of the most valuable resources ofbusiness information on sustainability”– Joaquim Croca, head of CR Performance and Reporting, Vodafone

“Thought provoking and inspiring lectures. high tier participants andsuperb engaging action”– Daniella Prusky, Director, CR, Sion

“Ethical Corporation brings together the no-nonsense criticalapproach to sustainability with business-savvy information”– Ramon Arratia, Sustainability Director, InterfaceFLOR

“The Responsible Business Summit was very informative and helpedme in reviewing our CR strategy.”– Tea Lindfors, CSR Manager, Amer Sports

“Ethical Corporation brings together the best in business to make a difference The wide variety of presenters and excellent facilitationmade the Responsible Business Summit a useful insight into ourcustomers’ challenges” – Jeff Swartz, Former CEO, Timberland


Number of attendeesin the last 5 years


●� Mainland Europe: 30%●●� uK: 59%●●� north America: 4%●� Other: 7%

A truly internati



Hardhitting keynotes + In-depth workshops + Excellent networking opportunities

Hardhitting keynotes + In-depth workshops + Excellent networking opportunitiesGroup discounts available – forward this brochure to your colleagues!

Issue-Based RoundtablesEach roundtable with a maximum ten people will discuss our agenda topics. notes in the form of bullet points will be taken on a flipchart, summarised afterwards and sent around via email / onthe conference website.

Live PollingLive polling will be used throughout the summit to decide which solutions from our speakersdelegates agree with most.

Crisis Communications LiveThis will be run as a live scenario session with our speakers presented with a series of live crisesunfolding in front of them. They’ll be asked to respond to key questions around each crisis and the audience will critique their response.

Tackling Real-Life DilemmasSpeakers will be presented with real life examples of challenges faced by companies and asked for their views on how to solve the problems. we then turn to the audience for comment and tovote on the best solution offered.

Question TimePre-requested questions collected from the audience are presented to the speakers. They are then probed on their answers by the moderator who also takes comments from the audience.

The 90 Second Speaker PitchSession format:  Each speaker addresses the audience at the start with 90 seconds on why theircase study deserves extra discussion. The audience votes to decide who goes first and has 10 minutes extra. we then have a discussion-based session focused on problem solving.

Speed NetworkingSame as speed dating but less awkward and no hidden agenda (OK maybe not). In one networkingcoffee break delegates will be encouraged to begin a discussion with someone new every 60seconds.

Crowd-Sourced Problem SolvingSessions voted for by you with the challenges resolved using your collective knowledge and input.

Scenarios for the FutureSpeakers will be presented with potential collaboration or business opportunity scenarios for the near future. They then offer comments and practical ways to approach these. we then turn to the audience for comment and to vote on the best solution offered.



In response to feedback we have totally revampedthe standard conference format to deliver themost interactive and value-added summit to date.

Gone are the PowerPoints and perpetual stream of plenary presentations.

DAY ONE 7th May 2013

KEYNOTE SESSIONCollaboration in the new economy: A “what if?” look at the near futuretPost Rio +20 the need for collaboration has never been greater, but proven examples are hard to find. In this session we look at what a greener sustainable recovery might look like. what might civil society, government and business working in concert be able to deliver? Is it even possible? In this keynote session a CEO, a politician, an nGO boss and a leading journalist will be presented with possible scenarios for business, government and civil society collaboration. we’ll then be asking them to comment on the possibilities, opportunities and challenges these ideas throw up.

Greenpeace UK, John Sauven Executive DirectorThe Economist, Daniel Franklin Executive EditorJanssen Pharmaceuticals, Jane Griffiths, Company Group ChairmanLondon Business School, Ioannis Ioannou, Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship (Moderator)

This session will also feature a special guest speaker from politics, to be revealed before the event…

KEYNOTE SESSIONHow the company of 2020 will operate in a resource-constrained worldBritain’s chief scientific adviser forecasts that by 2030 the world’s population could rise by up to a third. Demand for food and energy will rise by 50% and fresh water by 30%. In this session we’ll ask how a changing planet will affect how large companies operate by 2020. Each will have ten minutes to present a view. They will then be challenged by our moderators and the audience.

Nestlé UK and Ireland, Fiona Kendrick, Chief Executive OfficerPavan Sukhdev, Former head of unEP’s ‘Green Economy Initiative’CSM Global, Gerard hoetmer Chief Executive Officer

KEYNOTE SESSIONHow companies will build trust in 2020 The on-going economic crisis and steady stream of controversies involving large corporations has severely eroded public trust in large companies. Over the last few years the public has been bombarded by successive corporate executives being dragged before house of Commons select committees. Few have escaped the trust crisis. In this session, we’ll discuss the challenges that businesses face to build and maintain trust with consumers, how best to engage them and the opportunities there are for those that get it right.

This will be followed by audience q&A and debate.

SKY, Jeremy Darroch, Chief Executive Officer BNY Mellon, Michael Cole-Fontayn, Chairman of Europe, the Middle East and Africa and Chief Executive Officer of Depositary Receipts


How to train your company’s senior managersin sustainability

Engagement was the buzzword a few years ago in

internal comms. But with solid targets now in place,

training is a more relevant term. Or is it?

• This session, featuring a board director and

highly experienced head of corporate

responsibility, will draw out key lessons on how

senior and unit managers are not just convinced

about CSR, but actually trained in how to make it

work, day to day.

Session Format: Each speaker will offer ten

minutes of tips AnD must come up with a ‘challenge’

and ask the audience’s advice on how to solve it.

Our speakers then become Agony Aunts and offer

solutions to the problems faced by attendees. Only

managers in companies will be asked to bring

challenges to be addressed by the speakers.

Reed Elsevier, Márcia Balisciano Director CorporateResponsibility

TUI, Jane Ashton Director of Group Sustainable Development

Emirates Foundation, Clare woodcraft, Chief Executive Officer

Factories and fields: Frontlinesupply chain engagement toenable ethical sourcing The most recent world Trade Organisation data,estimates world exports of manufactured goods areworth $9.96tn, 18% more than in 2009. Asian exportsof manufactured products have grown by 30%. In thissession, find out how to utilise supply chainengagement to build brand reputation and hitambitious environmental performance targets.

• Examples from cocoa: Key lessons learned fromMars’ CSO on improving supplier capacity andproductivity

• Practical tips from ASDA to help suppliers identifywater, waste and energy savings to reduceenvironmental impact.

• Prioritising tier one supplier engagement inchemicals: how BASF engages in China.

Session Format: Each speaker pitches their casestudy in 90 seconds. The winner will be given the first10 minutes. we will then move onto the second casestudy based on the polling. Mars Inc, Andrew hobday, Chief Sustainability Officer

ASDA, Julian- walker Palin, head of Corporate Sustainability

BASF, Geoff Mackey, Sustainable Development &

Communications Director at Europe north

Marks and Spencer, Mike Barry, head of Sustainable

Business (Moderator)

Tools to embed human rightsinto corporate managementsystemsThe business world has embraced John Ruggie’s un-endorsed principles as a strong framework. Butconsensus on how to operationalise them remains achallenge. In this session we bring together an nGO, a large company and an Eu institution for practicalperspectives on application in your business.

• Challenge One – Your hR director requestsguidance on implementation of the Ruggieprinciples. what do you do?

• Challenge Two – Local management needs trainingto identify and resolve human rights issues in theirarea of operations. Find out how.

• Challenge Three – A dispute between unions andbosses needs to be resolved with respect for labourrights while minimising operational disruption.hear practical tips.

Session Format: Each speaker will offer pragmaticinsights for 10 minutes. Each speaker addresses a‘challenge’ and engages the audience on how totackle it effectively.Randstad Holdings, Annemarie Muntz, Director Public Affairs

Ethical Trading Initiative, Peter McAllister, ExecutiveDirector

Institute for Human Rights and Business, JohnMorrison, Executive Director

European Commission, Philippe Galiay, Policy Officer

BREAKOUT SESSION ONE All breakouts are held in an off the record (chatham house rule) format. questions by corporate and nGO delegates will be prioritised.

DAY ONE 7th May 2013



Innovative techniques to engage front lineemployees

Conversion of “buy-in” to actual behaviour change is

the ultimate metric. In this session you will discover

innovative ways to make CSR and sustainability real

and applicable to your front line staff.

• hear the best ways to empower your employees

through competition and recognition with

CSR initiatives relevant to their roles and


• uncover how you can increase participation in

social programmes and leverage that energy to

reduce environmental impact.

• Leverage the power of social media in addition to

traditional engagement tools.

Session Format: Pre-requested questions

collected from the audience are presented to the

speakers. They are then probed on their answers by

the moderator and audience

DuPont, Annette hansen, Director of Sustainability

Life Technologies Corp, Cristina Amorim, Chief

Sustainability Officer

Deckers Outdoor Corporation, Mark heintz,

Director of Corporate Responsibility

ArcelorMittal, Charlotte wolff, head of CSR (Moderator)

How to create and implementa business model to reflectwater, food and energyshortages

According to KPMG, 60 per cent of businesses do not have a ‘long-term strategy to deal with waterscarcity’. In a world where competition for resourcesgrows more fierce by the day why the lack ofpreparedness? In this session we look at:

• how to create and implement a business model toreflect water, food and energy shortages. Briefopening remarks by Jochen Gassner ExecutiveBoard Member, First Climate.

The session then splits into roundtable discussions:

• Roundtable One: “Without nuclear power

we will not be able to keep the lights on”

Arguments for and against nuclear power as partof sustainable energy criteria.

Rio Tinto, Tom Burke, Environmental Policy Adviser,

Senior Business Advisor to the Foreign Secretary’s Special

Representative on Climate Change from 2006-12

• Roundtable Two: Reduce waste, water,

emissions and energy use

how to enthuse managers and frontline staff todeliver efficiency gains.

Rezidor Hotel Group, Inge huijbrechts, Director

Responsible Business

• Roundtable Three: Sustainability as a

market strategy

Detailed insight on the business case from alender’s perspective.

ING Group, Leone Schreve, head of Sustainable Lending

• Roundtable Four: Sustainable logistics in

Emerging Markets – Lessons learned

A practical discussion about driving behaviourchange with the latest green technology. Lessonsin reducing your environmental footprint inemerging markets operations.

Aramex, Raji hatter, Chief Sustainability and

Compliance Officer

• Roundtable Five: Promoting cleaner

energy consumption in Asia-Pacific

Lower carbon energy options are key to loweringemissions in business customers and consumers.Learn from one of Asia’s leading energy companieshow they engage stakeholders in their plans, andwhat they gain as a result.

CLP Group, Dorothy Chan, head of Group Public Affairs

• Roundtable Six: Water Benefit

Programmes and Water Certificates

First Climate, Dr. Sascha Lafeld, Executive Board


Session Format: Each roundtable with a maximumof 15 people will discuss the above topics lead by ourspeakers. notes in the form of bullet points taken ona flipchart will be shared post-summit.

Build local communityinvestment programmes and measure their impact

Environmental impact assessment can be simple.

More difficult is quantifying the value that comes

from social investment. In this session examine pilot

approaches to community investment and impact

measurement in OECD regions.

• Roundtable One:

uK warburtons will share how they quantify money

spent on community projects and report back on

community investment impact.

Warburtons, Sarah Miskall, head of CSR and


• Roundtable Two: North America

Thompson Creek Metals will share how they both

create cost effective community capacity and

measure the results.

Thompson Creek Metals, Jocelyn Fraser,

Director CSR

• Roundtable Three: Central Europe

Mining companies have spent years helping and

measuring city development around their sites.

new world Resources will share key lessons

learned from cooperation with local towns and

villages from Central Europe.

New World Resources, Petra Masinova, head of

Corporate Communications and Sustainability

• Roundtable Four: EU

hear lessons from how hyundai measure the

impact of a three year programme to boost the

skills and employability of over 10,000+ young

people in the Eu.

Hyundai Motor Company, Stephen Stacey, Directorand Executive Representative

Session Format: Each roundtable with a

maximum of 15 people will discuss the above topics

led by our speakers. notes in the form of bullet

points taken on a flipchart will be shared



� Check the website!We will be updating the conferenceagenda up until the day of the event.For the full event updates and latestspeaker line-up go to


Highlight your company’s work,raise your profile and connect withsenior corporate sustainability andCSR professionals

Raise the profile of your service or productwith a focused group of senior decision makersin major corporations working in CorporateResponsibility, Sustainability, CorporateAffairs, Strategy and Communications.

• Over 10 hours of face-to-face networkingtime

• Intimate networking environment – 25exhibit booths, all coffee breaks, buffetlunches and evening drinks reception willtake place in the exhibit/networking area

• Address delegates and raise your profile with a speaking/sponsorship position – 10-15 minutes presentation time plus 40 minute q&A

• Online pre-conference e-networking centre – chat with delegates before theconference

This event sold out last year and will do so again – contact Aaron Jackson on +44 (0) 20 7375 7244 / email or Oliver Bamford on +44 (0) 207375 7518 /email

DAY TWO 8th May 2013


How to build CSR capacity inmanagement in executivelearningRecent Ethical Corporation research indicates thatmore than half of CSR executives have masters-equivalent degrees. 3/5 of these were insustainability-related disciplines. In this session wedebate how corporates and academia can partner toincrease CSR skills capacity:

• what gaps have businesses and academiaidentified in terms of sustainability skills. how might both work together to close thecapacity gap?

• how to embed CSR skillsets in specialist corebusiness roles such as human resources. helpother business units understand its practicalapplication.

Session Format: Each speaker will be asked tooutline a position on the above in five minutes. Theaudience is then invited to improve on thesesuggestions.

Cranfield School of Management, Prof David Grayson

University of Manchester, Dr David north, Executive

Director of the Sustainable Consumption Institute (SCI)

(Former uK Corporate Affairs Director for Tesco plc)

EABIS, Simon Pickard, Director General

New models for investmentusing social innovation Simple philanthropy and corporate givingprogrammes no longer cut it when it comes to seriousCSR. new approaches focus on programmes thatalign with a company’s core business, leveragingresources, to address critical societal issues. Find outhow they have gained competitive advantage:• Learn lessons from how the national Bank of Abu

Dhabi has created new products which bring thefinancially disenfranchised into the bankingsystem and created a new customer base.

• Find out how GlaxoSmithKline uses new businessmodels which incorporates nurse-run franchisedhealth posts and utilises mobile technology toincrease healthcare access.

• Practical advice from hP on the utilisation oftechnology to address crucial health and educationchallenges such hIV in Africa.

Session Format: The 90 second speaker pitch:Each speaker addresses the audience at the start withninety seconds on why their case study deserves extradiscussion. The audience votes to decide who goesfirst using live polling and has 10 minutes extra.

National Bank of Abu Dhabi, Belinda Scott, head of CSR

GlaxoSmithKline, Claire Dixon, Vice President GlobalCorporate Responsibility

HP, Paul Ellingstad, Director, Sustainability & Social Innovation

Increase efficiency andimpact through collaborationwith competitorswhile companies will continue to compete over flagshipCSR programmes, the sheer scale and complexity ofsustainability challenges requires increasedcollaboration. In this session, learn how companies cancollaborate to tackle industry specific challenges: • Collaboration is really tough: Learn some of Dow’s

hard lessons learned in creating and sustainingsustainability collaborations with the natureConservancy and others – and the businessbenefits of doing so.

• how and why CSM Global and BASF negotiated a jointventure deal for sustainable ingredients, and thepractical challenges they overcome along the way.

• how companies in the Middle East have gottogether to try and respond to a post Arab springbusiness climate, and the key lessons learned.

Session Format: Pre-requested questions collectedfrom the audience are presented to the speakers.They are then probed on their answers by themoderator and audience.

Dow Chemical Company, Russell Mills, Global Director of

Energy & Climate Change Policy

CSM Global, nicola Kimm, Sustainability Director

Pearl Initiative, Imelda Dunlop, Executive Director

BREAKOUT SESSION ONE All breakouts are held in an off the record (chatham house rule) format. questions by corporate and nGO delegates will be prioritised.


Ivory Tower Syndrome - How the financial sectorcan re-connect with thepeople they serveAccording to a YouGov poll, some 49% of peoplebelieve high-street banks to be dishonest while 45%think of them as incompetent. A mere 1% believesenior executives of the biggest banks have improvedtheir behaviour since the financial crash. This isn’tbanker bashing but a look at how banks can regain thepublic’s trust. Tough questions our participants willrespond to include: • will changes at the top of finance ensure

responsible senior executive leadership viaincentives that drive engagement?

• Find how the financial sector can learn fromFMCG/retail engagement success, such as M & SPlan A and unilever Sustainable Living Plan.

• Can the banks really grasp stakeholder engagementwhen many hide behind commercial secrecy excuses?

• Does the business model of banking make itimpossible to balance economic duty to societyand financial duty to shareholders?

Session Format: question Time style debate. Thesecond half of the session will be given over to audience-sourced solutions to banking engagement challenges.Royal Bank of Scotland, Andrew Cave, Group head ofSustainability

UBS AG, Christian Leitz, head of Corporate ResponsibilityManagement

Nordea, Antti Savilaakso, Director of ResponsibleInvestment & Governance

SRI Connect, Mike Tyrrell, Editor – Moderator

Tools and techniques formaintaining reputation intimes of turmoil – Real lifedilemmas on showThe ever-pervasive presence of social media meansbad news – or wrong news - has never been able tospread more quickly. In this session, we examinestakeholder engagement and how to survive areputational crisis:

• Lessons from the Arab spring: how stakeholderengagement – and response needs – have changedin the Middle East and northern Africa.

• how to maintain a consistent message when brandperception is vulnerable to stakeholder volatility.

• They think it’s true because it’s trending on to effectively deal with incorrect informationbecoming truth in the eyes of your stakeholders.

• Rapid response: how to manage a reputation riskscenario before it spirals out of control.

Session Format: This will be run as a live scenariosession with our speakers presented with a series oflive crises unfolding in front of them. They’ll be askedto respond to key questions around each crisis and theaudience will critique their response.

Microsoft, Tomas Jensen, head of Corporate

Communications EMEA,

Stora Enso, Tommy Borglund, Vice President,

Communication, Renewable Packaging

NWR, Gareth Penny Executive Chairman of the Board

Innovative approaches to the development of newsustainable products

In this session you will learn how some of the

leading companies are battling to drive increased

sustainability into product design and roll-out

• Insight into how Kimberly-Clark has used the

latest technology and research to create a new

line of toilet paper using 20% bamboo fibre

– Find out if they make any money from it.

• Examine Patagonia’s approach over many years

developing durable products with minimum

social and environmental impact: Do customers

appreciate it?

Session Format: The 90 second speaker pitch:

Each speaker addresses the audience at the start

with ninety seconds on why their case study

deserves extra discussion. The audience votes to

decide who goes first and has 10 minutes extra.

we then have a discussion based session focused

on problem solving.

Kimberly-Clark, Tom Berry, head of Sustainability, EMEA

Patagonia, Vincent Stanley, Vice President Marketing

Amcor, David Clark, Vice President, Safety, Environment & Sustainability

BREAKOUT SESSION TWO All breakouts are held in an off the record (chatham house rule) format. questions by corporate and nGO delegates will be prioritised.

During a period of austerity and tight budgets, The Responsible BusinessSummit remains a proven investment worth making

DAY TWO 8th May 2013


Stakeholder Engagement X FACTORYour chance to get off the side-lines and join the debate.

In this innovative, dynamic, new session, we'llbring together a panel of judges, and threecomms/CSR professionals. Each speaker will share a comms extract from their report and explain howthey have used it to engage successfully with keystakeholder. The judging panel will debate thestrengths and weaknesses of their report.

Once the judges have shared their feelings, it's up to the audience using live polling to choose theirwinner.

In this session you will receive in a dynamic andfun format:

• An in-depth and focused discussion around threecommunications and reporting strategies.

• The best ways to incorporate the lessons into yourown stakeholder engagement plans.

Warburtons, Sarah Miskall, head of CSR and Communications

Take your communications tothe next level: RoundtablediscussionsThis interactive 90 minute session enables attendees, in small groups of no more than 15, todiscuss in-depth a particular communications issue orarea with a leading business expert:

Roundtable 1: FMCG ConsumersThis discussion considers how one or more FMCGbrands have engaged customers in sustainabilityissues , and the results to date.

Roundtable 2: Retail ConsumersThis debate will be about how a top retailer has talkedto customers: And whether they feel they can growthe ‘deep green’ consumer market.Molson Coors, Scott wilson. Director of Public Affairs

Roundtable 3: Marketing TeamsIn this session, experienced managers will discusshow the top companies talk to marketing teams: howdo you enthuse and control them at the same time?Unilever, Matthew neilson, Global Sustainability

Roundtable 4: The Media Talking to the media about sustainability remains a real challenge for big companies. This discussionfeatures tips and debate and stories of what works – and what does not.

Roundtable 5: ConsumersThis debate will be about how a green London taxi caboperator has talked to customers: And whether theyfeel they can grow the ‘deep green’ consumer market.

greentomatocars, Jonny Goldstone, Managing Director

Engage with leading NGOs: Hear their agendas,and work out how toimprove collaboration and communicationsThis interactive 90 minute session enables attendees,in small groups of no more than 15, to discuss in-depth a particular communications issue or area witha leading nGO representative:

Roundtable 1: Vulnerable Communities A 15 person discussion group featuring a leadingcommunity engagement nGO offering tips and ideasfor better community collaboration.

Roundtable 2: Poverty Reductionhow can companies make a real difference withpoverty reduction and job creation programmes? Our experts will discuss and debate.Oxfam, Chris Ashworth, head of Corporate PartnershipsOxfam, Erinch Sahan, Private Sector Policy Adviser

Roundtable 3: Supply Chain Labour Conditionshow nGOs and companies cancollaborate better: And how – and when – should companies engagecampaign groups on challenging issues?

Roundtable 4: Forestry 2020 “no deforestation” targets by Consumer GoodsForum members will mean serious change if they areto be hit. hear from, and debate with, a leadingforestry campaign group on how better to makeprogress, and collaborate.

BREAKOUT SESSION THREE All breakouts are held in an off the record (chatham house rule) format. questions by corporate and nGO delegates will be prioritised.

Who will you meet at the Responsible Business Summit? here’s a sample of some of the companies that attended in 2012.

Come and join the industry-leading responsible business Awards Ceremony – just buy a diamond pass!1. Gain recognition from your peers as a global leader in Corporate Sustainability

2. Get the acknowledgement you deserve for your company’s commitment to responsible business practice

3. Boost your reputation for ethical best practice with the largest CSR community in the world

Buy a gold pass and save £50 on your seat!� A celebration of best practice � A great team-building opportunity

Go to to enter now!


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Company: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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� Credit Card � Invoice(we’ll call to pick up your details) nB: Full payment must be received before the event

Cancellation Policy: Places are transferablewithout any charge. But once you register at theevent your pass is strictly for your own use andyou shall not reassign, transfer or lend it to anyother person whether or not they are employedby the same company. Cancellations beforeFebruary 8th 2013 will incur an administrativecharge of 25%. If you cancel your registrationafter February 8th 2013 we will be obliged tocharge the full fee.The organisers reserve theright to make changes to the programmewithout notice. All prices displayed areexclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. Formore details about prices please see terms &conditions on


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GROUP DISCOUNTSDon't miss this opportunity to bring yourcolleagues. Come with your team andreceive group booking discount. to seeif you qualify and get your team in be-fore we sell out.

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breaks• Evening drinks reception+ Access to all presentation

slides post conference

SILVER• Access to all super-panels,

workshops and case studies• Networking lunches and coffee

breaks• Evening drinks reception• Access to all presentation

slides post conference+ Complete MP3 recordings of

every session at theconference

GOLD• Access to all super-panels,

workshops and case studies• Networking lunches and coffee

breaks• Evening drinks reception• Access to all presentation

slides post conference+ Complete MP3 recordings of

every session at theconference

+ 1 year subscription to EthicalCorporation Magazine(saving £145)

PLATINUM• Access to all super-panels,

workshops and case studies• Networking lunches and coffee

breaks• Evening drinks reception• Access to all presentation

slides post conference+ Complete MP3 recordings

of every session at theconference

+ 1 year subscription to EthicalCorporation Magazine(saving £145)

+ A copy of our essentialreport on embeddingsustainability inmanagement processes

DIAMOND• Access to all super-panels,

workshops and case studies• Networking lunches and coffee

breaks• Evening drinks reception• Access to all presentation

slides post conference+ Complete MP3 recordings of

every session at theconference

+ 1 year subscription to EthicalCorporation Magazine(saving £145)

+ One seat at the fourthannual Ethical CorporationAwards evening

+ A copy of our essentialreport on embeddingsustainability inmanagement processes

Greenpeace UK, JohnSauven, Executive Director

The Economist, DanielFranklin, Executive Editor

Janssen Pharmaceuticals,Jane Griffiths, Company GroupChairman

Nestlé UK and Ireland,Fiona Kendrick, Chief ExecutiveOfficer

CSM Global, Gerard hoetmer,Chief Executive Officer

SKY, Jeremy Darroch, ChiefExecutive Officer

Reed Elsevier, MárciaBalisciano, Director CorporateResponsibility

Mars Inc, Andrew hobday,Chief Sustainability Officer

ASDA, Julian walker Palin,head of CorporateSustainability

Marks and Spencer, MikeBarry, head of SustainableBusiness

BASF, Geoff Mackey,Sustainable Development &Communications Director atEurope north

Randstad Holdings,Annemarie Muntz, DirectorPublic Affairs (President of theEuropean Confederation ofPrivate Employment Agencies)

Institute for HumanRights and Business, JohnMorrison, Executive Director

Ethical Trading Initiative,Peter McAllister, ExecutiveDirector

European Commission,Philippe Galiay, Policy Officer

DuPont, Annette hansen,Director of Sustainability

Deckers OutdoorCorporation, Mark heintz,Director of CorporateResponsibility

Life Technologies Corp,Cristina Amorim, ChiefSustainability Officer

First Climate, Jochen Gassner,Executive Board Member

Rezidor Hotel Group, Ingehuijbrechts, DirectorResponsible Business

Aramex, Raji hatter, ChiefSustainability and ComplianceOfficer

Rio Tinto, Tom Burke,Environmental Policy Adviser;Senior Business Advisor to theForeign Secretary’s SpecialRepresentative on ClimateChange from 2006-12

ING Group, Leone Schreve,head of Sustainable Lending

CLP Group, Dorothy Chan,head of Group Public Affairs

First Climate, Dr. SaschaLafeld, Executive BoardMember

Warburtons, Sarah Miskall, head of CSR andCommunications

Thompson Creek Metals,Fraser Thompson, Director CSR

New World Resources,Petra Masinova, head of CSR and CorporateCommunications

Doughty Centre forCorporate Responsibility,Cranfield School ofManagement, Prof DavidGrayson

University of Manchester, Dr David north, ExecutiveDirector of the SustainableConsumption Institute (SCI);(Former uK Corporate AffairsDirector for Tesco plc)

Hyundai Motor Company,Stephen Stacey, Director andExecutive Representative

National Bank of AbuDhabi, Belinda Scott, head ofCSR

GlaxoSmithKline, ClaireDixon, Vice President GlobalCorporate Responsibility

EABIS, Simon Pickard, DirectorGeneral

HP, Paul Ellingstad, Director,Sustainability & SocialInnovation

CSM Global, nicola Kimm,Sustainability Director

Dow Chemical Company,Russell Mills, Global Director ofEnergy & Climate ChangePolicy

Pearl Initiative, ImeldaDunlop, Executive Director

Royal Bank of Scotland,Andrew Cave, Group head ofSustainability

UBS AG, Christian Leitz, headof Corporate ResponsibilityManagement

Nordea, Antti Savilaakso,Director of ResponsibleInvestment & Governance

Microsoft, Tomas Jensen,head of CorporateCommunicationsEMEA

NWR, Gareth Penny, ExecutiveChairman of the Board

Kimberly-Clark, Tom Berry,head of Sustainability, EMEA

SRI Connect, Mike Tyrrell,Editor – Moderator

Amcor, David Clark, VicePresident, Safety, Environment& Sustainability

Patagonia, Vincent Stanley,Vice President Marketing

Molson Coors, Scott wilson,Director of Public Affairs

Unilever, Matthew neilson,Global Sustainability

greentomatocars, JonnyGoldstone, Managing Director

Oxfam, Chris Ashworth, head ofCorporate Partnerships

Oxfam, Erinch Sahan, PrivateSector Policy Adviser

Warburtons, Sarah Miskall,head of CSR andCommunications

ArcelorMittal, Charlottewolff, head of CSR

New World Resources,Petra Masinova, head ofCorporate Communications andSustainability

London Business School,Ioannis Ioannou, AssistantProfessor of Strategy andEntrepreneurship

BNY Mellon, Michael Cole-Fontayn, Chairman of Europe,the Middle East and Africa andChief Executive Officer ofDepositary Receipts

TUI, Jane Ashton Director ofGroup Sustainable Development

Emirates Foundation, Clarewoodcraft, Chief ExecutiveOfficer

The Responsible Business Summit 201312TH ANNUAL!


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� ●Active Participation – Live Twitter feeds, use of live polling, scenario-based discussion, ‘question Time’-style debates and issue-based roundtables will ensure that you – not just the speakers – are at the heart of the discussion.

� ●Guaranteed corporate networking and insight – This year’s Summit will deliver a strongcorporate focus. They’ll be imited passes available to solution providers and vendors – ensuring you the bestchance to network with predominately corporates and nGOs.

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