REST API Security: OAuth 2.0, JWTs, and More!

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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REST API Security

Les Hazlewood @lhazlewoodPMC Chair, Apache ShiroExpert Group Member, JEE Application Security (JSR-375)Founder & CTO, Stormpath

About Stormpath• User Management API for Developers• Password security • Authentication and Authorization• Multi Tenancy• MFA, SAML, OAuth2• LDAP & Active Directory Cloud Sync• Instant-on, scalable, and highly available• Free for developers



• HTTP Authentication

• HTTP Authentication Schemes Comparison

• API Key Authentication

• Token Authentication

• Authorization


• Eliminate server state

• Secure user credentials

• Secure server endpoints

• Expose access control rules

• SPAs and Mobile: ‘Untrusted Clients’

HTTP(S) Authentication & Authorization


Proving you are who you say you are.


Ensuring someone is allowed to do what they are trying to do.

HTTP Authentication & Authorization

• Authorization header

• No Custom Headers!• Stay spec-standard• No pre-flight CORS requests (browsers) req’d• Custom schemes easily supported

Authorization header

How does it work?

Authorization header

How does it work?

Challenge Response protocol

1. Request

GET /admin HTTP/1.1

2. Challenge

HTTP/1.1 401 UnauthorizedWWW-Authenticate: scheme-name <stuff>

*multiple schemes allowed, typically set as multiple WWW-Authenticate headers

3. Re-Request

GET /admin HTTP/1.1Authorization: scheme-name <stuff>

Example: HTTP Basic Authentication

1. Request (Basic)

GET /admin HTTP/1.1

2. Challenge (Basic)

HTTP/1.1 401 UnauthorizedWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=“MyApp”

3. Re-Request (Basic)

GET /admin HTTP/1.1Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==


• Basic• Digest Schemes (OAuth 1.0a)• Bearer Token Schemes (OAuth2)• Custom

HTTP Basic

HTTP Basic

String value = username + ‘:’ + raw_passwordString schemeValue = base64_encode(value)


GET /admin HTTP/1.1Authorization: Basic schemeValue

HTTP Basic

Pros:• Very easy to use• Supported by everything

Cons:• Raw password always transmitted• Easy to leak raw password if not careful (logging)• Susceptible to Man-In-The-Middle attacks• HTTPS *always* required• Client must constantly retain/reference the raw password (server clients

usually ok, browser clients not ok)

Digest Schemes

Digest Schemes: Client

request.headers[‘Client-Id’] = getMyId()

String digest = hmacSha256(request, password)

request.headers[‘Authorization’] = ‘Foo ‘ + digest


Digest Schemes: Server

String clientId = request.headers[‘Client-Id’]byte[] password = lookupPassword(clientId);

String serverComputedDigest = hmacSha256(request, password)

String val = request.headers[‘Authorization’]String clientSpecifiedDigest = val.remove(‘Foo ‘)

if (clientSpecifiedDigest != serverComputedDigest) { sendError(401, response) return}

//otherwise request is authenticated

Digest Schemes: OAuth 1.0a example

Authorization: OAuth realm="", oauth_consumer_key="0685bd9184jfhq22”, oauth_token="ad180jjd733klru7", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_signature="wOJIO9A2W5mFwDgiDvZbTSMK%2FPY%3D", oauth_timestamp="137131200", oauth_nonce="4572616e48616d6d65724c61686176”

Digest Schemes

Pros:• Probably most secure• Password never sent over the wire• HTTPS not required (but your data may still require HTTPS)• Can guarantee end-to-end HTTP message authenticity

(HTTPS cannot do this)• Not susceptible to Man-In-The-Middle attacks

Cons:• Very difficult to design safely• Difficult to understand and use• Difficult to implement libraries• Client needs to retain a constant reference to the password

(server clients usually ok, browser clients maybe not?)

Bearer Token Schemes

Bearer Token Schemes

Authorization: Bearer opaque-token

Bearer Token Schemes

opaque-token can be whatever you want*

Bearer Token Schemes

opaque-token can be whatever you want*

*should always be cryptographically-signed and expire

Bearer Token Schemes: OAuth 2 Example

Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ.dBjftJeZ4CVP-92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk

Bearer Token Schemes

Pros:• Easier to use than digest• De-facto standard token format (JWT)• Can contain state – no server sessions needed• Does not require constant access to the user password

Cons:• HTTPS always required, during and always after login (not a big deal nowadays)• Cannot guarantee end-to-end HTTP message authenticity (like digest schemes can)• Susceptible to Man-In-The-Middle attacks• Token creation and renewal workflows can be very complicated and confusing depending on use case

(OAuth2 confuses many people).• When used for Browser or Mobile, additional security still required (Origin checks, CSRF-protection, etc)• Token content is not standard – applications can open themselves to attack

Custom Scheme

Custom Scheme

• Only if you really, Really, REALLY know what you’re doing.


No, rly. Srsly.

• Non-standard, so you essentially must provide your own client libraries.

Custom Scheme

• Stormpath has a custom SAUTHC1 digest scheme• Authenticates the entire HTTP Message, including the Body (OAuth 1.0a does not)• Uses nonces to prevent replay attacks• Uses key derivation algorithms and HMAC-SHA-256• We use it for our own SDKs*• If you’re curious:

(search for ‘sauthc1’ in any stormpath-sdk-* project)

*Basic still supported for non-SDK clients or ‘weird’ environments

API Key Authentication

API Key Example

ID : YLNVXG091ZO1BSANZ5U6DCTIXSecret: ZediwUeDCNl13ldjaFKFQzz0eD13PO931DLAopdeywixaeUAhsip+92iaY

API Keys

• Entropy• Password Independent• Scope• Speed• Limited Exposure• Traceability

API Keys

• Can be thought of as a really long username and password pair.

• Can be used with any HTTP Authentication Scheme that accepts a username and password: Basic, Digest, OAuth2, etc.

• Almost exclusively used for server-to-server communication.

• Never embed API Key secrets in untrusted clients like JavaScript or mobile applications.

HTTP Basic with API Key

String value = apiKeyId + ‘:’ + apiKeySecretString schemeValue = base64_encode(value)


GET /admin HTTP/1.1Authorization: Basic schemeValue

Token Authentication

Why not just use Session IDs?

Session ID Problems

• They’re opaque and have no meaning themselves (they’re just ‘pointers’).

• Service-oriented architectures might need a centralized ID de-referencing service

Session ID Problems

• Opaque IDs mean clients can’t inspect them and find out what it is allowed to do or not - it needs to make more requests for this information.

• Susceptible to CSRF attacks

Session ID Problems

• Sessions = Server State!• You need to store that state somewhere• Session ID look up server state on *every request*.• Really not good for distributed/clustered apps• Really not good for scale

Token Authentication to the rescue!

How do you get a Token?

Example: your SPA, your server

1. Token Request

POST /token HTTP/1.1Origin: https://foo.comContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


*Assert allowed origin for browser-based apps

2. Token Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8Cache-Control: no-storePragma: no-cache

{ "access_token":"2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA", “token_type":"example", “expires_in":3600, "refresh_token":"tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA", "example_parameter":"example_value”}

3. Resource Request

GET /admin HTTP/1.1Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA

Example: Token Request using an API Key

POST /token HTTP/1.1Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


*Assert allowed origin for browser-based apps

How does the server create a Token?

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

• A URL-safe, compact, self-contained string with meaningful information that is usually digitally signed or encrypted.

• The string is ‘opaque’ and can be used as a ‘token’.

• Many OAuth2 implementations use JWTs as OAuth2 Access Tokens.

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

• You can store them in cookies! But all those cookie security rules still apply (CSRF protection, etc).

• You can entirely replace your session ID with a JWT.

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

In the wild they look like just another ugly string:


JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

But they do have a three part structure. Each part is a Base64Url-encoded string:



Body (‘Claims’)

Cryptographic Signature

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)Base64Url-decode the parts to find the juicy bits:

{ "typ":"JWT", "alg":"HS256"}

{ "iss”:””, "exp": 1300819380, “sub”: ”users/8983462”, “scope”: “self api/buy”}



Body (‘Claims’)

Cryptographic Signature

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)The claims body is the best part! It can tell:{


"exp": 1300819380,

“sub”: ”users/8983462”,

“scope”: “self api/buy”


Who issued the token

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)The claims body is the best part! It can tell:{


"exp": 1300819380,

“sub”: ”users/8983462”,

“scope”: “self api/buy”


Who issued the token

When it expires

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)The claims body is the best part! It can tell:{


"exp": 1300819380,

“sub”: ”users/8983462”,

“scope”: “self api/buy”


Who issued the token

When it expires

Who it represents

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)The claims body is the best part! It can tell:{


"exp": 1300819380,

“sub”: ”users/8983462”,

“scope”: “self api/buy”


Who issued the token

When it expires

Who it represents

What they can do

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)Great! Why is this useful?

• Implicitly trusted because it is cryptographically signed (verified not tampered).

• It is structured, enabling inter-op between services

• It can inform your client about basic access control rules (permissions)*

• And the big one: statelessness!*servers must always enforce access control policies

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)So, what’s the catch?

• Implicit trust is a tradeoff – how long should the token be good for? how will you revoke it? (Another talk: refresh tokens)

• You still have to secure your cookies!• You have to be mindful of what you

store in the JWT if they are not encrypted. No sensitive info!



• JWT Claims can have whatever you want

• Use a scope field that contains a list of permissions for that user

• Client can inspect the claims and scope and turn on or off features based on permissions*

• *Server must always assert permissions

Authorization Failed: 403

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

In addition to user authentication and data security, Stormpath can handle authentication and authorization for your API, SPA or mobile app.

• API Authentication• API Key Management• Authorization• Token Based Authentication• OAuth• JWTs• MFA, SAML, OAuth2• Multi-Tenancy

Implementations in your Library of choice:

Use Stormpath for API Authentication & Security

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