
Post on 27-Jan-2016

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7. Resume

A female, 18 years old, consulted by PPJT team with ASD secundum pro

ASD closure. The chief complaint was “ sesak napas saat aktivitas berat ”. The

patient often felt short of breath when she was doing heavy activities ( especially

during sport lesson at school ) since she was in elementary school. The condition got

worse especially when she was in senior high school ( the past 3 years ). Besides


Endurance exercise with static cycle

exercise with incentive spirometry

Endurance exercise with treadmill

Strengthening exercise lower extremities with Q bench

short of breath, sometimes she also felt chest pain as a “pressed sensation” when she

was too tired.

From physical examination and supporting examination, she was diagnosed

with ASD secundum. She underwent surgery ( ASD closure ) at dr Soetomo hospital.

Rehabilitation programs include pre and post surgery. Her condition is now getting

better. She can do all activities daily living without no complaint