Retargeting tools and methods in programmatic advertising

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Retargeting Tools and Methods in

Programmatic Advertising

What is Retargeting in Programmatic Advertising? (1/2)Retargeting Advertising is showing digital ads to people who have shown interest in the same or similar product for which you are advertising.

As users are already aware of the brand and/or product/service, they are much more likely to be interested in it as a customer which is the whole point of direct response or conversion campaigns

When marketers retarget potential customers via programmatic channels i.e. automated ad serving on various ad networks or exchanges using these potential customers/audience data it is called Retargeting in Programmatic Advertising.

What is Retargeting in Programmatic Advertising? (2/2)

Are you the Audience?Before moving to discussion about tools and methods of retargeting by using audience, it is essential to understand how audience is stored and identified.Two ways of storing audience data:

Cookies Device IDs

Tools and methods used in Programmatic Retargeting Advertising

Search retargetingWhen user performs a search on any of the search engines like Google, Bing or even a search on the website, these searches can be mapped against keywords and users can be stored as Audience against keywords by dropping a cookie or saving device ID.

Most of the DMPs have their keyword tags integrated on publisher search tool, and that’s how they build their search targeting audiences. The audiences can be used by marketers for ad campaigns on DSP for re-targeting people who have searched for keywords like product itself or similar product or something very close to it.

Contextual retargetingUsers can be attributed to segments depending on their online behaviour and these segments can suggest how likely the user is good for conversion.

DMPs drop a cookie or store device ids of users to create audiences for these behavioural/interest segments.

For instance; a person browsing on travel blog is likely user, a person browsing on travel booking website is more likely user and a person writing travel blogs or travel review is most likely user, for retargeting ad by travel booking advertiser.

Site retargetingDuring the delivery of direct response campaign, there will be some users who left the advertiser website or app with incomplete journey.

To help them complete the consumer funnel journey, marketers can retarget these people in the second or parallel campaign burst using audience stored from first burst. Audience can be stored by firing DSP pixels (which either drop cookie or store device id of user) at each step of user journey in consumer funnel.

Cross device retargetingVarious DMPs have created probabilistic (location plus IP tracking) or deterministic (telecom or social media partner data integration) models for mapping device ids against a specific unique user in their audience pool.

These device ids mapping capability can be used for targeting users on their mobile devices if they have interacted with same ad on desktop/tablet

Something to keep in mindAlthough re-targeting is more about relevant audience targeting, we should still keep in mind other essential targetings for relevance and best of results:

• Brand Safety targeting• Contextual targeting• Location targeting and if required use hyper local

targeting like in stores or at airports• Time of the day targeting• Frequency cap


Anubhav MathurHead of Ad Operations and