Rethinking Facebook Strategy: Let's Move From Interruptions to Meaningful Connections

Post on 24-Jan-2015

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Rethinking Facebook Strategy

Dimitris Savvakos, Creative Director,OgilvyOne Athens

Let's Move From Interruptions to Meaningful Connections

Brands & FacebookA Love Story

!e relationship begins


40% drop in organic Facebook reach across all pages between August and November 2012

Social Bakers


Facing Issues

!e Real Issue

“!e internet was meant to herald the arrival of a more open, two-way dialogue between marketers and consumers, but that didn't really happen. We just created more ways of broadcasting.”

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's COO

!e Real Issue

How canwe change that?

Let's move: from Interruptions to meaningful Connections

Rethink Content

Being Relevant

Rethink Content

Being Relevant

Create content about relevant things that really matter to your fans.

Identifying a Need

Rethink Applications

Identifying a Need

Rethink Applications

O"er useful tools & services that help your fans satisfy a need or solve a problem.  

Rethink Applications

Identifying a Need Nescafé Frappé’s social exchange community with more than 100.000 items

Making a Social Exchange

Rethink Promotions

Making a Social Exchange

Rethink Promotions

Instead of prizes, o"er value to your fans by making a social exchange.

Rethink Promotions

Making a Social Exchange

Every time a fan shared Eject Festival’s poster the price of the

ticket dropped, for everyone.

Collaborating with your Fans

Rethink Your Business

Collaborating with your Fans

Rethink Your Business

Collaborate with your fans, get them involved in your projects making your business social.

Doing Instead of Promoting

Rethink Experiences

Doing Instead of Promoting

Rethink Experiences

Create experiences around your brand values instead of just talking about them.

“Part of our “engagement strategy” is not only to promote happiness but to “do” happiness.”

Joseph Tripodi, Coca-Cola 

Using Facebook as a Medium

Rethink Experiences

Using Facebook as a Medium

Rethink Experiences

Just adapting your campaigns is not enough. !ink of Facebook as a new type of creative medium. 

Rethinking Your Facebook Relationship

1 - Be Relevant2 - Identify a Need3 - Make a Social Exchange4 - Collaborate with your Fans5 - Do Instead of Promoting6 - Use Facebook as a Medium







Overall, for a relationship to work, you have to work hard. But...

(Your Fans Will)!ank you!