Returning to the delta wing, Assured of a solid home

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Returning to the delta wing,albeit with fly-by-wire controlswhich eliminate many of thedisadvantages associated withthe configuration, Dassault hasproduced a worthy successor toits earlier Mirage families.Assured of a solid homemarket, the Mirage 2000 hasalso achieved significantexports in an era of fallingfighter sales.

Puccini's 'Minii', the consumptive heroineof his opera La Bohème, had a short andunfulfilled life. Dassault's 'Mimi' ('Mini

Mirage'), admittedly less melodious, is today thematriarch of a large and diverse family; itsdescendants are instantly recognisable as theMirage 2000 in its various guises. However,slightly different circumstances could haveconsigned this aeronautical namesake to equallypremature oblivion.

It is as much a measure of the rapid evolutionof avionics as of the Dassault company's exper-tise that the sophis t icated and immenselycomplex warplane that is the Mirage 2000-5was developed as a cheap alternative to a designwhich would have had a fraction of its potential- albeit nearly two decades earlier. The story ofthe Mirage 2000 is woven from many threads,one of which, perversely, originates at exactlythe juncture at which the United Kingdom'sTSR.2 strike aircraft met an abrupt, political ly-inspired end.

In May 1965, one month after the cancella-tion edict, another UK government statementrevealed the launch of a venture known asAFVG: Anglo-French Variable Geometry. Thisinterceptor and strike/attack aircraft overlappedthe General Dynamics F-l l lKs to which theRAF committed as a TSR.2 replacement and -fatally, as it transpired - posed a threat to thevariable-geometry Mirage G which Dassaultwas developing. As in all the best French farces,the British Aircraft Corporat ion andGroupement Avions Marcel Dassault suddenlyfound themselves sharing the same bed as theunwitting victims of a misunderstanding.

Above: New life has been breathed into theMirage 2000 by the second-generation Dash 5family, which introduces a new radar, completelyrevised cockpit and the MICA missile, availablein both IR and active radar (illustrated) versions.

Below: Representing Dassault's heavy/lightfighter family, the sole Mirage 4000 poses withthe second prototype Mirage 2000. The 2000 nowundertakes all of the missions originallyenvisaged for the larger aircraft.

The crux of that muddle was that while theRAF and Royal Navy wanted strike/attackcapability, the Armée de l'Air (AA) then said itwas looking for an in terceptor , and thereseemed no way of combining the requirementsin one airframe with recourse to the technolo-gies available at the time. In June 1967 Francewithdrew from AFVG, releasing a joyfulDassault to proceed unencumbered with itsMirage G (which had been rolled out themonth before) and the UK, eventually, to fall inwith West Germany and Italy on the aircraftthat became the Panavia Tornado.

Looking like an enlarged, swing-wingMirage Fl, the Mirage G was further developedas the twin-engined G8, and from there into

the fixed-geometry, Mach 3 Mirage G8Astrike/interdictor, which the AA nominated asits Avion de Combat Futur (ACF) and plannedto fit with a pair of the new SNECMA M53engines, then on the drawing board.Procurement of 200-250 examples, redesignatedMirage F8, was envisaged, yet, before theprototype could be completed, the dispropor-t iona te cost of the programme proved itsdownfall: the same expenditure could havesecured 500-625 Mirage Fis.

Chaired by Prime Minister Valéry Giscardd'Estaiiig, a National Defence Council meetingof 18 December 1975 took the not-unexpectedstep of terminating the ACF when the prototypewas almost complete. In many countries, that


would have prompted a call of 'back to thedrawing board', but the designated replacementhad been taking shape in the Dassault designoffices for several years and was ready forimmediate adoption.

Simple fighterDespite working on ever more complex

versions of Mirage, Dassault had shown fore-sight in keeping alive the concept of a simplerfighter. Patriotic fervour may have been thedriving force, but a cynical observer mightpoint to the ACF's virtually non-existent exportpotential. During the early 1970s, severalconcepts of a 'Mimi' - Mini Mirage - had beenexamined under the direction of Jean-JacquesSamin and a team of engineers led by Jean-PaulEmoré and including François Dessirier,Christian Decaix and Jean-Maurice Roubertie.As the aircraft looked like the first-generationMirage, it was alternatively known as SuperMirage III and later gained the alternativeepithets of Delta 1000 and 2000.

By December 1975, Super Mirage 2000 wasthe generally accepted name for the aircraftwhich the Defence Council immediately nomi-nated as the ACF's successor. This appeared acurious move, as the F8 was optimised forpenetration missions with an AérospatialeASMP stand-off nuclear weapon and hadsecondary interception roles, whereas the 2000was seen as an interceptor (what the AA wanted

a decade earlier) with some ground attackpotential. A deciding factor in this volte face wasundoubtedly the promise of 200 Delta Mirage2000s at a total price of Frl5,000 million,compared with Frl8,000 million for a cut-downfleet of 100 ACFs.

While it was possible for the single-enginedMirage 2000 to adopt the M53 engine from itsstillborn predecessor, a suitable intercept-optimised radar presented more of a problem.Thomson-CSF, the natural source, had nodevelopment programme under way in late1975 and estimated that eight years would beneeded to have an advanced pulse-Dopplersystem ready for service. Dassault was moresanguine regarding its own capabilities, predictingthat a prototype Mirage 2000 could beflying within 18 months and be in service by1982. These dates were to slip, and although itwas 27 months before No. 01 took to the air,this still remarkably short time indicated howmuch work had been under taken on theventure while the F8 was still supposedly thepriority programme.

The impetus behind the Mirage 2000 wasclearly apparent from the viewpoint ofDecember 1975. Six months earlier, fourNATO nations had rejected Dassault's offer ofan M53-engined Mirage Fl in favour of the(then) General Dynamics F-16 and rubbed saltinto the wound by making their announcementduring the Paris air show. The ageing but still

Smce entering service in 1984 the Mirage 2000Chas slowly assumed the French air defencemantle from the Mirage F1C, and has nowreplaced the older type in all fighter squadronsapart from one in Djibouti. It is likely that morethan the currently funded 37 aircraft will beupgraded to 2000-5F standard.

dynamic Marcel Dassault spoke scathingly ofthe F-16's performance - par t icular ly inclaiming that its fixed air intakes restricted oper-ational speed to Mach 1.7 - but had to concedethat its fly-by-wire (FEW) design was a generationahead of the Fl. In the Mirage 2000, Franceplanned to embrace the new technology ofwhat was then called the combat-configuredvehicle (CCV) or relaxed-stability design.Target operational speed for the Mirage 2000was Mach 2.5, somewhat higher than actuallyachieved. Today, 'clean' speed is claimed to beMach 2.2 for the Mirage and 2.0+ for the F-16C.

Dassault made no secret of the fact that theMirage 2000 was intended to better the F-16 inall aspects except range, this deficiency being aconsequence of superior US engine technology.It may seem curious that, in order to achieve itsaim, the company resorted to an old configurationwhich it had seen fit to discard for thesecond (Fl) generation of Mirages. However,that would be to underestimate the advantagesof FEW control which enables a delta configu-ration to accentuate the positive while goingsome way towards eliminating the negativefeatures inherent in this shape.

A different deltaIn some (admittedly mainly British) accounts,

it was the potential of the record-breakingFairey FD2 which persuaded Dassault to abandonthe stubby Mystère Delta (or Mirage I) infavour of the larger, single-engined, area-ruledMirage III. With the prevailing technology, thedelta had much to commend it at a time whenthe driving forces behind fighter design wereever-increasing speed and ceiling. Benefitsinclude high internal volume, low wave dragand a simplicity of construction, reflected in

Having been deployed to Saudi Arabia for the1991 Gulf war, Mirage 2000Cs remained onstation in the country as part of Operation Alysse(Southern Watch), suspended in December 1998after the US/UK Desert Fox air raids. This EC 3/2aircraft ('4', seen over Iraq) was the first to bedelivered to the Armée de l'Air.

Throughout the fighter world the Mirage 2000 isrenowned for its excellent handling, makingaerobatics a joy to those pilots lucky enough tofly the 'Mimi'. Low-speed manoeuvrability is on apar with the F-16 and MiG-29.

reduced costs. In part, this is because a taillessdelta has fewer control surfaces than the moreconventionally shaped aircraft and does notneed the additional structural strength requiredto carry a horizontal tail. Furthermore - thoughfew bothered about it at the time - the deltaexhibits lower radar reflectivity at many angles.In short, it can fly fast in a straight line and carrya reasonable volume of internal fuel.

On the opposite side of the balance sheet, alow aspect ratio reduces the sustained turningrate, while having the aircraft's centre of gravityahead of its aerodynamic centre means that therear-mounted élevons have to work hard toproduce any effect. Taking off, the initialattempt to rotate the aircraft with élevons upmerely forces it harder down onto the runway,necessitating a larger airfield. Landing must becorrespondingly fast (typically 184 kt; 340 km/h;211 mph), with the additional complication of ahigh nose-up angle. In either circumstance, themoving trailing-edge surfaces are unable to actas flaps — as they \vould on a tailed aircraft — toreduce the speed required. The conventionallycontrolled delta needs a long runway and is at adisadvantage in a turning fight.

Relaxed stabilityBy contrast to the Mirage III, the 2000 has

'Karman fairings' at the wingroot whichproduce a more aerodynamically efficient blendwith the fuselage with increased internalvolume, but the minimum of additional drag.Less obvious, but essential to the aircraft'sgreater capabilities, is the relaxed stability designwhich moves the centre of gravity to behindthe aerodynamic centre. An automatic flightcontrol system and FEW controls are requiredbecause of this negative longitudinal stability,placing the Mirage 2000 in an entirely differentclass to its predecessor. Manoeuvrability isincreased and landing speed decreased (to a typical140 kt; 260 km/h; 162 mph). Rotation isachieved by lowering the élevons, thus increasinglift and pivoting the aircraft.

Slower speeds are made possible by the full-length leading-edge slats which also characterisethe later delta. In two segments on each wing,the slats increase lift and are deployed in closecombat, their use being restricted at other timesto obviate the drag penalty. Wing span is 9.13 m(29 ft 1 VA in), sweep is 58° on the leading edgeand area is 41.0 m2 (441.3 sq ft), giving a com-paratively low loading for a fighter. The entiretrailing edge is taken up with two-segment

élevons. Structure is mainly of metal, but withcarbon-fibre composites élevons and fin. Strakeson the air intakes generate vortices at highangles of attack to maximise directional control.Door-type, carbon-fibre airbrakes above andbelow each wing are borrowed from theMirage III.

Five hardpoints beneath the fuselage and twounder each wing are available for the variety ofweapons and tanks carried by the differentMirage 2000 versions. To free these positionsfor their best use, defensive aids are largelyinternal and result in antennas on the fin, wingtips and base of the rudder. Elements of theprotective suite are common to most versions ofthe aircraft, the more recent having increasedautomation. A detachable refuelling probe isfitted ahead of the windscreen, offset to starboard.Two-seaters suffer a slight reduction in internalfuel capacity and, at 14.55 m (47 ft 9 in) inlength (including nose probe), are 0.19 m (71A in)larger than the single-place aircraft. Occupantsare provided with an SEMMB (Martin-Bakerlicence-built) Mk 10 zero-zero ejection seat.

The 2000B sacrifices internal cannon and somefuel capacity for the second seat. This is theprototype, seen during carriage trials for theASMP nuclear missile intended for the 2000N.


Flying from Istrana until April 1995, and thenfrom Cervia, Mirage 2000Cs, Ds and Ns havebeen active over Bosnia as part of the NATOpeacekeeping force, the French contributionbeing known as Operation Crécerelle. A pair of2000N-K2s took part in the raid on Udbina airfieldon 21 November 1994, while one was lost to aSAM on 30 August 1995 during OperationDeliberate Force. This EC 3/5 2000C, seen peelingaway from the tanker over the Adriatic, displaysthe typical long-endurance CAP configuration,consisting of two 2000-litre tanks and two MagicAAMs. Fitment of the large tanks precluded thecarriage of Super 530D missiles, although aircraftarmed with these weapons were held on alert atCervia. For a time the 2000Cs carried two 250-kgor 500-lb bombs on the forward fuselage pylons.

New engines can take longer to develop thanthe aircraft they power, so it was as well that theSNECMA M53 was flying by the time that theMirage 2000 was ready to do the same.Airborne trials had begun on the starboard sideof a Caravelle on 18 July 1973 and continued inthe previously mentioned Mirage FIE from 22December 1974 onwards. A simple, modular,

Since the retirement of the Mirage IVP and S-3missiles, the 2000N is the only strike assetassigned to the Forces Aériennes Stratégiques.The hitherto nuclear-only 2000N-K1s have beenupgraded to have full conventional capability.

single-spool design, the afterburning M53 hasthree low-pressure turbine stages, five high-pressure stages and two turbine stages. Mirage2000 prototypes had early M53-2 versions, butproduction has centred on the -5 and, later,more powerful -P2.

That was not the only engine planned forDassault's third-generation Mirage. A pair ofTurbo Union RBI99 reheated turbofans (inother words, the Panavia Tornado powerplant)was revealed in 1978 as being intended for thein te rna t iona l co l labora t ive Mirage 3000.Nothing came of this proposal for an aircraftthat would have pre-empted the Eurofighter,but more promise was initially shown by anoth-er twin-engined var iant , the Mirage 4000.Announced by Dassault as a private venture inDecember 1975 (immediately after the DefenceCouncil approved the Mirage 2000), this 33 percent scaled-up 2000 employed a pair of M53sand bore the same relationship to its smallerbrother as did the Mirage IV and I I I . It was lesssuccessful, and though the prototype arousedthe interest of Saudi Arabia, it ended its days asa trials aircraft for the Dassault Rafale.

The effort to develop the Mirage 2000 alsoinvolved many other types, and by the end of1993, when work was virtually complete, 25

other testbeds had contributed over 4,100sorties to the programme, as summarised below:

Aircraft Quantity Sorties Task

Caravelle 1 17 M53 engineFalcon 20 7 2,376 nav/attack system

(incl. radar) and ECMMeteor 2 93 radar altimeter,

transponder and IFFMirage III 3 602 autopilotMirage F1 2 56 engine and cannonNoratlas 1 32 navigation systemsNord 260 4 62 TACANVautour II 5 865 radar, Super 530 AAM

Totals 25 4,103

Interceptor into serviceA mere three years after development had

been authorised, the prototype Mirage 2000made its initial flight and the first small batch ofproduction aircraft was approved for the AA. Ineach of the two following years (1980 and1981), enough were ordered to equip VAsquadrons, giving France the basis of its initialthree-squadron wing. Such priority may becontrasted with that afforded to the currentDassault Rafale, which managed to garner onlythree AA (and 12 naval) orders 13 years afterfirst taking to the air. Admittedly, that relaxedtimetable is partly the product of reductions inEast-West tensions, although the Mirage 2000order book was also to suffer as a result of these.Plans for 372 of several versions were pared to315, within wThich were minor variations ofquantity as some interceptors were swapped tothe attack contract.

It was as an interceptor that the aircraft firstentered service, designated Mirage 2000C.There were four prototypes, flown from 10March 1979 onwards, of which the first threerequired minor aerodynamic modificationsbefore the production standard was reached.The single-seat 2000C has an empty weight of7500 kg (16,534 lb) and a maximum take-offmass of 17000 kg (37,480 lb), including up to3160 kg (6,967 lb) of internal fuel and 6300 kg(13,890 lb) of external stores (of which droptanks are one option). Service ceiling is 54,000 ft(16460 m) and range on internal fuel is 1,000 nm(1852 km; 1,151 miles). G limits are +9 to -4.5.

Dassault Mirage 2000C-S4-2Escadron de Chasse 2/5Operation DaguetAl Ahsa AB9 Saudi Arabia

Flight controlsThe fly-by-wire system and•SFENA autopilot control two-section wing élevons whichtravel 16° up and 25° down.The inboard leading-edgeslats droop through 17° 30'while the outboard sectionsdeploy to a maximum 30°deflection. Small airbrakesare located above theforward part of the wing.

UndercarriageThe landing gear is made byMessier-Bugatti. The mainwheeltyres are pressurised to 15 bars(217 Ib/sq in) while thenosewheel is at 8 bars (116 Ib/sqin). The nosewheel steersthrough ±45°, but can bedisconnected for free castoringduring ground towing.

Internal fuelThe total internal fuelcapacity of 3978 litres (875Imp gal) is carried in wing(1480 litres/326 Imp gal) andfuselage (2498 litres/549 Impgal) tanks. Capacity in the two-seaters is 3904 litres (859 Imp gal).

The Armée de l'Air deployed 14 Mirage 2000Cs forOperation Daguet, the Armée de l'Air contribution toDesert Storm. All were S4 standard aircraft, andwere drawn from all three escadrons of EC 5. Serials,including those of additional aircraft deployed onrotation, were as follows: 39, 47, 65, 72 and 73 fromEC 1/5; 40, 45, 51, 59, 61, 63, 66 and 70 from EC 2/5;and 57, 58, 62 and 74 from EC 3/5. The first fouraircraft deployed on 3 October 1990, although airdefence missions in Saudi airspace did not beginuntil 12 December. The Mirage 2000s were initiallyrestricted to CAPs over Saudi Arabia or short escortmissions into Kuwait. From 24 January the 2000sflew with Jaguars and Mirage FlCRs into southernIraq, without making contact with any enemyfighters. French Mirage 2000s flew a total of 340CAP missions and 172 escort sorties. Abu DhabiMirage 2000EADs flew their first defensivemissions on 16 February, performing a totalof 58 by the war's end. Six reconnaissancemissions were also flown, using2000RADs, on 23/24/25 February.

PowerplantRated at 64.3 kN(14,462 lb) thrustdry and 95.1 kN(21,385 lb) withafterburning, theSNECMA M53-P2is a continuous-bleed turbojet(low bypass ratioturbofan). It has asingle shaftmounting twocompressors, thefirst of which (low-pressure) handlesa slightly largeramount of air togive a bypass ratioof 0.4. Total massflow is 86 kg (190lb) per second at arunning speed of10,600 rpm.Engine weight is1500kg (3,307 lb)and length is 5.07m (16f t7 1 / 2 in).

Weapon stationsNine attachment points areprovided, with five under thefuselage. The centreline station isstressed for 1800 kg (3,968 lb), asare the inboard wing stations.Outboard wing stations arestressed for 300 kg (661 lb) whilethe remaining four fuselage stationsare stressed for 400 kg (882 lb). Themaximum external stores load is6300 kg (13,889 lb).

RadarThe 2000C-S4 introduced the Thomson-CSF/Dassault Electronique RDIradar with high-PRF (above 100 kHz) Doppler function. In the final S4 aircraft(designated S4-2) the radar was initially the J2-4 version. The radar isoptimised for air superiority work, in conjunction with the AD26 seeker headof the MATRA Super 530D missile. The radar's flat slotted plate antennahas an integrated IFF antenna. Weight of the 11 LRUs which make up the

CountermeasuresEarly 2000Cs carry the manually operatedEclair (Alkan LL5062) chaff/flare systemunder the rear fuselage. ECM is provided bya Dassault Electronique Sabre in the fairingat tho haco nf tho fin

CamouflageMost 2000s deployedto Saudi Arabiaretained their two-tone blue scheme,but this aircraft had atemporaryexperimental desertscheme applied overthe top.

CockpitThe pilot sits on a licence-built Martin-Baker F10Q zero-zero ejection seat. The Sextant TMV-980 display systemconsists of a VE-130 HUD and VMC-180 HDD. There isalso a VCM-65 cockpit display for the Serval RWR.

Mirage 2000 Variants

Normally, the 2000C uses only a smallproportion of its weapons weight allowance tocarry MATRA Magic and Super 530 AAMs.However, a fuller load of ground at tackweaponry can be fitted to both the 2000C andits multi-role export counterpart, the 2000E.The two aircraft have the same weights andperformance, two DEFA 554 30-mm gunsmounted internally (125 rounds each), and alsoshare the same type of radar as far as earlyFrench 2000Cs are concerned. Previouslymentioned, it was the absence of intercept-optimised pulse-Doppler radar which resulted

in the first 37 AA Mirage 2()()OCs having amulti-role set , the Thomson-CSF RDM.Known at first as Cyrano 500 (followingCyrano II and IV in the Mirages III and Fl) ,RDM was first tested in a Vautour in January1980 and a Falcon 20 the following June. InNovember of that year, the third prototypeMirage 2000 was also equipped.

Thomson-CSF and Dassault collaborated onthe definitive RDI radar, which still had auseful surface capability despite being optimisedfor interception. Delivered to squadrons frommid-1987, it lagged three years behind RDM in

The two-seat strike/attack variants outnumberthe single-seat fighters in French service. Basedon the 2000B trainer but with airframestrengthening to cope with the rigours of low-level buffet, the 2000N (above) and D (left) havea new weapon system with Antilope 5 or 53 radarproviding various ground mapping functions andterrain avoidance (terrain following in D). Thenav system has two radar altimeters and two INSsets. The 2000D also has an embedded GPS.

this respect. Technology remains sensitive, andno RDI aircraft have been exported. With theadvent of RDI, the AA was able to use itsSuper 530D missiles instead of the Super 530Fs(the Mirage FIC's weapon) issued to squadronsflying the first 37 aircraft.

Military testingPrior to air force service, early Mirage 2000s

were evaluated by the Centre d'Essais en Vol(CEV) at Brétigny-sur-Orge and outstationsincluding Cazaux and Istres. The first militaryuser was the Centre d'Expériences AériennesMilitaires (CEAM) at Mont-de-Marsan. CEAMalso received a small initial batch of all newmajor versions and sub-versions in order toformulate operating procedures and, in somecases, train the first user squadron. CEV's rolewas init ial ly to evaluate the airframe andconfirm airworthiness, but it now has a fewMirage 2000s for pure research. In some cases,CEAM has also trained foreign pilots forDassault's export customers.

The AA marked its 50th anniversary — 2 July1984 — by commissioning the first squadron ofMirage 2000Cs. Escadron de Chasse 1/2'Cigognes', the famous 'Storks' squadron, wasbased at Dijon where, by early 1985, it hadachieved full strength with 15 aircraft, includingthree trainers. Co-located EC 3/2 'Alsace'followed in March 1986 and EC 2/2 'Côted'Or' equipped from June 1986 onwards, takingresponsibility for pilot training with an appro-priate share of the two-seat fleet.

Two more wings were outfitted with thedefinitive Mirage 2000C sub-variant, charac-terised by RDI radar (and Super 530D AAMs)

The primary weapon of the 2000 Ds of EC 3 is theAérospatiale AS30L laser-guided missile, withdesignation provided by the PDLCT FUR/laserpod orATLIS II TV/laser pod. Like the Super 530Dair-to-air missile, AS30Ls are flight-time limitedand are carried sparingly for training.


and M53-P2 engines. Whereas the Dijonaircraft replaced Mirage IIIEs, the remainingfive interceptor squadrons had formerly flownMirage FICs: EC 1/5 'Vendée', EC 2/5 'Ile deFrance' and EC 3/5 'Comtat Venaissin' all atOrange/Caritat, plus EC 1/12 'Cambresis' andEC 2/12 'Picardie' both at Cambrai/Epinoy.Defence cuts resulted in the third Cambraisquadron (EC 3/12 'Cornouaille') disbandingbefore re-equipment, further reductions bring-ing the disappearance of EC 3/2 in 1993 andEC 3/5 in 1997. Incorporated in the ForceAérienne Tactique, Mirage 20()OCs are assignedboth to home defence and overseas interven-tion, the Orange squadrons specialising in thelatter. Accordingly, it was aircraft of that wingwhich deployed to Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia, foroperations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in1990/91, marking the Mirage 2000's combatdebut - in the sense that it participated in a war,but encountered no enemy aircraft. Abu Dhabi,part of the United Arab Emirates, also committed

Exports of first-generation Mirage 2000saccounted for 157 aircraft for five air arms. India(below) was the second to order, but the first toreceive aircraft, including a few early machineswith M53-5 engines. Greece (below right) bought40, primarily for the defence of Athens. They havebeen considerably upgraded, and some now havea secondary Exocet anti-ship capability.

its Mirage 2000s to the conflict. They includedthe 2000R reconnaissance version, unique tothat customer, which relies entirely on externalpods to acquire its information.

Fifth and last of the Mirage 2000 prototypeswas the two-seat 2000B trainer, weighing 7600 kg(16,755 lb) empty and having a slightly dimin-ished internal fuel capacity of 3100 kg (6,834 lb).All three fighter wings have operated at least ahandful of 2000Bs for continuation training,with the previously mentioned EC 2/2 at Dijonacting as OCU for the interceptor force as wellas a type conversion unit for pilots destined tofly strike/attack Mirage 2000s. On 1 July 1998,that role passed to EC 2/5 at Orange.

Strike and attackIn putting the Mirage 2000C into service as

an interceptor, the AA had only covered thecancelled ACF's secondary role; there remainedthe question of a new low-level nuclear inter-dictor to replace the Mirage IVA, this havingbeen the ACF's raison d'être. France had formedits own strategic force from 1964 onwards,eventually fielding an operational total of 36(from 62 bu i l t ) Mirage IVAs, each with anuclear bomb semi-recessed in the belly. Thecarrier aircraft was no more than a scaled-up,twin-engined Mirage III , originally optimised

Ushering in a new era for the 2000D is theMATRA/BAeD APACHE 'stealthy'munitionsdispenser. This weapon has a stand-off range of140 km (87 miles), cruising at 150 m (500 ft) inmid-course before descending to 50 m (165 ft) forthe terminal, active radar-guided phase.

for high-altitude missions and only later adaptedto the low-level role with corresponding modi-fication of the 65-kT weapon as the AN22.Additionally, having foregone the US-ownedtactical nuclear arsenal for its North AmericanF-100 Super Sabres upon withdrawal fromNATO's military structure in 1996, France hadbuilt a replacement air arm from April 1973onwards, based on the Mirage HIE, SEPECATJaguar and the AN52 22-kT bomb.

Apprec ia t ing the l imita t ions of free-fallbombing, the AA decided that the next genera-tion of strike aircraft would carry a stand-offbomb, to which the designation ASMP (Air-SolMoyenne Portée - Air-to-Ground MediumRange) was assigned. ASMP remained a priorityafter the demise of the ACF, the programmeaccelerating in 1976 when Aérospatiale andMATRA were commissioned to undertakeparallel studies into turbojet- and ramjet-powered solutions, respectively. Aerospatiale'sdesign was accepted and began development in1978, remaining simply 'ASMP' to this day.

Left: Peru's Mirage 2000Ps are arguably 'top dog'in South America. This unusual formation sees apair being led by a Chilean Mirage 50 and followedby an Argentinean IA-63 Pampa.

Below: A Peruvian 2000 refuels an earliergeneration of Dassault delta, a Mirage 5P. ThePeruvians use the same Intertechnique 231-300refuelling pod as the Armée de l'Air.

Bottom: Oilfield defender-Abu Dhabi (UAE) hasbecome an important customer for the Mirage2000, and the only purchaser of the 2000Rreconnaissance sub-variant. In association with arecent order for the 2000-9, Abu Dhabi is upgradingits existing Mirages to a similar standard, whichincludes the ability to launch Black Shaheen, anexport version of Storm Shadow/SCALP.

Fi t ted with ci ther a TN80 warhead of150 kT or a 300-kT TN81, ASMP is broadly inthe class of the Boeing AGM-69 SRAM, havinga range of 43 nm (80 km; 50 miles) after low-al t i tude release from a platform f lying atbetween Mach 0.6 and 0.95. Upon launching,ASMP is accelerated to Mach 2 by a powderpropellant packed into the rear chamber of aramjet. At the end of this five-second phase,blanks covering air intakes on each side of themissile are discarded and the ramjet beginsoperating on kerosene fuel. ASMP is 5.38 m(17 ft 8 in) long and weighs 900 kg (1,984 lb).It has no wings, relying instead on dynamic liftgenerated by the angular air intake trunks.Neither is it an 'intelligent' weapon in the senseof the current generation of terrain-following,radar-equipped, GPS-guided stand-offdispensers. However, having an inertial naviga-tion system, it is programmed to fly a predeter-mined path (which can be varied until just

before launch) that makes use of terrain maskingand avoids high-risk areas.

Notwithstanding the fact that the MirageHIE and Jaguar were single-seat aircraft, the AAdecided from the outset that their replacementwould have both pilot and WSO for maximumefficiency in all-weather interdiction. A two-

seat Mirage 2000, as ordered for training ofinterceptor pilots, was viewed as the idealsolution. Two prototypes were put on contractin 1979, in i t i a l ly designated 2000P (forPénétrat ion) , but soon changed to 2000N(Nucléaire). Dimensions and weights are gener-ally as for the 2000B - no more specific details

France is acquiring second-generation 2000-5s by conversion rather thannew-build aircraft. Funding has been allocated so far for 37 for service withEC 2, the first entering service in 1998. The RDI radars released by theconversion process are being retrofitted to early machines which still haveRDM. The Dash 5 conversion takes approximately six months per aircraft.

In common with mostcurrent fighters, theMirage 2000 hasundergone a radicalcockpit modernisation.Compared to the 2000C(left), the 2000-5 (right)has a vastly improvedworkspace. The SextantTMV-980 data displaysystem (one head-updisplay and one head-down display) has beenreplaced by the SextantComète system, whichemploys a wide-angleHUD (not illustratedhere: this is the originalVE-130), three HDDsand a head-level displaybelow the HUD. Theonly traditional dial-type instrument is theclock to the left.

have been released - and lo-lo-lo range is 500nm (925 km; 575 miles). As for all Mirage 2000variants, maximum permissible weight is 17tonnes (16.7 tons).

The Mirage 2000B airframe required somelocal strengthening for its new mission in theturbulent lower air and, naturally, a navigationsuite optimised for high positional accuracy.Key elements include a Dassault/Thomson-CSFAntilope 5 nose radar and twin iner t ia lplatforms, plus appropriate instrumentation inthe rear cockpit. In its original form, Antilope 5provides terrain-avoidance capability which isgenerally stated to be effective down to 61 m(200 ft), although AA operating squadronsappear to regard 91 m (300 ft) as the lowerlimit.

'Pre-strategic' forceMirage 2()()ONs with ASMP were issued to

two former Mirage HIE squadrons and one thatpreviously operated Jaguars, all three transfer-ring in September 1991 from the AA's tacticalcommand to the Forces Aériennes Stratégiques(Strategic Air Forces), operator of silo-launchedS-3 missiles and a depleted Mirage IV fleet alsorearmed with ASMPs. (Both these accompany-ing systems were stood-down in 1996.) Despitethe nominal change of status, the ASMP force isofficially regarded as 'pre-strategic', leaving the

SLBMs of the French Navy as the weapons ofultimate recourse.

EC 1/4 'Dauphiné' worked up under theguidance of CEAM before transferring back toits home base at Luxeuil/St Sauveur on 30March 1998. It became operational on 12 July,its aircraft at first restricted to carrying ASMP.EC 2/4 'La Fayette' achieved IOC on 1 July1989, also at Luxeuil and also nuclear-only.Later Mirage 2()()ONs were able to mountconvent iona l weapons as an alternative tonuclear strike and they first went to EC 1 /4 toa l low surplus a i rcraf t to reform EC 3/4'Limousin' (previously the Jaguar-equippedEC 4/7) at Istres on 1 July 1990. Retrospectivemodification has now given all Mirage 20()ONsthe conventional option.

Because of delays with the Rafaleprogramme, the AA's requirement for Mirage2000Ns was increased from 110 to 180, not allof which needed to be ASMP-armed. A versionwithout the ASMP interface was at first mootedas the 2000N', then redesignated 2000D, theopportunity being taken to upgrade the naviga-tion and attack system and more clearly separatethe duties of the pilot and WSO. After somechanges to requirements, the eventual buy was161 aircraft, comprising 75 2()OONs and 862()OODs. The latter was intended primarily forprecision attack with self-designated laser-guided weapons (AS30L missiles and LGBs),but can also deliver ordnance such as clusterbombs and rockets which require a closerapproach to the target. Additional security from

SpiraleFitted to late 2000Cs, 2000N-K2s and 2000Dsduring production, and being retrofitted to 2000N-K1s, the MATRA Spirale system is an automaticcountermeasures suite designed specifically for theMirage 2000, and is integrated into the airframe.Chaff dispensers are mounted in the rear of theKarman fairings either side of the rear fuselage,while in the fuselage itself are eight-round flaredispensers. SAMIR missile plume warningreceivers are mounted in the rear of the outboardmissile pylons. Earlier Mirage 2000s use theDassault Electronique Eclair chaff/flare system.


the defences will be obtained shortly, uponservice entry of the MATRA/BAeD APACHEstand-off weapons dispenser.

Although nuclear delivery had long been theprovince of the tandem-seat Mirage IV, two-place conventional attack was a new concept tothe AA. To assist in development of operationaltechniques, a squadron's worth of Mirage2000Ns was assigned to Tactical Air Command,where it was declared operational on 30 August1991 as the Nancy/Ochey-bascd EC 2/3'Champagne'. EC 2/3 l iaised widely withsimilarly-tasked squadrons in other air forces asit built up experience prior to the arrival of thefirst Mirage 2()OODs. Furthermore, in June1992, as part of a reorganisation which resultedin all front-line units increasing from 15 aircraftin two flights to 20 in three, it was assigned athird escadrille. Various methods were used bydifferent squadrons to ensure that the threebadges were fairly distributed among theiraircraft's fins.

First of the 2000D squadrons , EC 1/3'Navarre' underwent conversion from MirageIIIEs at CEAM, Mont-de-Marsan. At the earli-est possible juncture, six aircraft, known as theCellule Rapace (Rapacious Cell), were declaredoperational there on 29 July 1993, armed onlywith laser-guided weapons.

'Navarre' later returned to Nancy to becomefully operational on 31 March 1994, but notbefore Cellule Rapace had been deployed toCervia, Italy on 19 February 1994, along with2000Ns of 'Champagne' squadron, to reinforce

the Mirage 2000C element stationed there forNATO policing of former Yugoslavia. EC 3/3'Ardennes' was the second Mirage 2000Dsquadron, becoming operational on 21 August1995 and sending a detachment to Cervia nineclays later. Two 2()()ODs from each unit madethe type's combat debut on 5 September thatyear when they used AS30Ls as part of aNATO attack on Serbian forces in Bosnia.

EC 2/3 began receiving Mirage 2000Ds inmid-1996, its conversion taking two yearsbecause of a reduced rate of deliveries. By then,all French Mirage 2000s except the ASMP forcewere contained within a new command, theAir Combat Force (Commandement de laForce Aérienne de Combat) w h i c h hadreplaced Tactical Air Command in March 1994and assumed responsibility for interception aswell as attack. It is in the former role thatCoFAC is currently receiving a further boostwith the beginning of deliveries of the latestMirage 2000-5.

Major upgrade: the -5During the second half of the 1980s and into

the following decade, export sales of the Mirage2000 slumped alarmingly as the aircraft wasunsuccessful in several fighter competitions.Dassault urgently required an updated versionto reinvigorate the interest of potential buyersand proposed to fît Thomson-CSF RDY radar,the equally new MATRA (now MATRA/BAc) MICA air intercept missile and a cockpitmodernised with technology from the Rafale

Orders for the Dash 5 were led by Taiwan, whichhas acquired 60 as part of its major revamping ofits fighter forces. Magic 2 and MICA missileswere included in the deal, and the 2000-5Els aretasked with air defence missions. Like the aircraftfor Qatar, the Taiwanese Dash 5s have the fullICMS Mk 2 electronic countermeasures suite.

programme. The separate elements were testflown from 1988 onwards and the whole cametogether on 24 October 1990 when the muchmodified prototype Mirage 2000B flew as thefirst 2000-5. A single-seater followed on 27April 1991.

Foreign interest was evinced in the Mirage2000-5, although the home air force was reluc-tant to bestow its stamp of approval by makinga purchase for the purpose of encouraging otherbuyers. After some behind-the-scenes lobbying,the AA announced in October 1992 that it did,after all, have "an operational need" for thisaircraft, albeit as a conversion, rather than new-build. Taiwan then quickly placed a substantialorder, followed by Qatar and Abu Dhabi/UAE.The first Mirage 2000-5s to attain IOC werethose of a squadron of the 2nd TFW atHsinchu, Taiwan in November 1997.

Apart from a length of 14.65 m (48 ft 0 in),the single-seat 2000-5 is similar in dimensionsand weights to the 2000C/E. Dassault quotes animproved service ceiling of 60,000 ft (18290m), declining to explain how this is achievedwith the same engine and airframe. Extremeoperational range in the air defence role - fourMICA and two Magic AAMs, three externaltanks jettisoned when empty, five minutes'combat at 30,000 ft (9145 m) - is 780 nm (1445km; 898 miles). The Mirage 2000-5 can beequipped for attack missions, its most recentsub-variant having appropriately modified radarand the ability to launch a stand-off weapon.

In France, the 2000-5F interceptor reachedCEAM in April 1998 and is now beingprepared for service entry with EC 1/2 and EC2/2. In a roundabout manner, Mirage 2000Cs

The Dash 5's RDY radar can provide groundmapping functions for attack missions. Qatar haspurchased a wide range of precision ordnance toequip its multi-role 2000-5DDA/EDAs, includingAS30L and Black Pearl, an export version of theAPACHE stand-off munitions dispenser.

Mirage 2000 Variants

from the Orange-based squadrons are beingupgraded for the Dijon wing, whose old aircraftare having their RDM radar replaced by RDIsets taken out of the Mirages before reissue toEC 1/5 at Orange. Following two prototypeconversions at Istres, upgrades are being under-taken at Bordeaux, including the completedis-assembly and transfer of fuselages to theArgenteuil plant for modification.

Preparation of the operating squadrons waslaunched in January 1998, when EC 1/2 begangiving up its aircraft and temporarily replacingthem with Alpha Jets (dismissively called'Gadgets', but painted in full squadron markings)to enable pilots remaining at Dijon to maintaintheir flying hours. At the same time, EC 2/2started running down its fleet of trainers andre-equipping with Mirage 2000Cs from Orange(RDI radar). This achieved, it was assigned toregular air defence duties from 1 August 1998onwards. After working up at Mont-de-Marsan,the first dozen Mirage 2000-5Fs were due togam IOC with EC 1/2 in April 1999, followedby EC 2/2 in 2000.

The Mirage 2000 story is far from finished,but the unusual absence of an aircraft at the1998 Farnborough show could imply the end ofthe beginning, suggesting tha t market ingemphasis has shifted to the Rafale. Eightcustomers have contracted for 574 Mirage2000s, not including 70 being upgraded to -5or equivalent standard. Compared with over1,400 Mirage III/5s and half that number ofMirage Fis sold, the third-generation Miragehas slowed the steeply downward trend inDassault fighter sales, in spite of being far moresophisticated — and costly — than its predecessors.No longer a 'Mini Mirage', it is, perhaps, aMirage Magnifique. Paul Jackson

Developed by TBA, now TDA, theBAP-100 is a runway-crateringmunition. The rear section contains aretarding parachute (below) whilethe main body consists of a boosterrocket to accelerate the weapontowards the runway, and a warheadwhich is designed to explode beneaththe concrete, lifting the surface. Theweapon strikes the runway at around230 m (755 ft) per second. A specialcarrier is required (right), whichreleases the weapons at a preselectedtime interval.

French Mirage 2000s carry bombs ofboth US and French origin. Shownabove left are US Mk 82s, whileabove are SAMP Type 25 250-kg(551-lb) weapons. SAMP (Sociétédes Ateliers Mécaniques de Pont-sur-Sambre) manufactures a rangeof low-drag bombs, with varyingwarheads (between 50- and 400-kg),noses and fin kits.

Left: Mirage 2000Cs areincreasingly seen carrying air-to-ground weaponry in the form ofbombs or rockets. This EC 2/5aircraft carries a MATRA F418-round pod for 68-mm TDA Multi-Dart rockets. A variety of warheadsis available, including kineticenergy darts, illumination roundsand inert trainers.

Left: An important family ofweapons being developedfor the air-to-ground role isthe MATRA/BAeD APACHEand SCALP EG. Based on thesame stealthy body, theseare stand-off weapons with asmall turbofan engine, pop-out wings and a range ofabout 150 km (93 miles).APACHE is a sub-munitionsdispenser employingProméthée millimetre-waveradar for terminal guidance.SCALP EG is a unitarywarhead version withGPS/TERPROM guidanceand imaging infra-redterminal guidance. Here a2000N releases a testAPACHE.


Mirage 2000 VariantsGeneral note: Dassault fighter sub-designations are not allocated in alphabeticalorder, but derive in many cases fromhistorical precedent originating in the 1960s.For example, there has been no Mirage2000A because the Mirage IMA appellationwas restricted to a pre-service developmentbatch. In the case of the initial two letters ofthe alphabet to be employed, usualaerospace practice is reversed, in that thetwo-seat trainer version is assigned the firstavailable character. Elementary Frenchsupplies the rationale: 2000B for Biplace;2000C for Chasse (Fighter).

Thereafter, other suffix letters areassigned according to role (N: Nucléaire) orcustomer (AD: Abu Dhabi). Some in thesecond category are more cryptic, such asM for Misr (Egypt) and H for Hindi (India),and it is usual for them to duplicate thedesignations of Mirage llls/5s or Mirage F1s inthe case of countries which are long-termDassault customers. The following data

therefore deal with Mirage 2000 variants inlogical sequence of their development, not inalphabetical order. As an aid to reference, thetable attached outlines the main 'families'.

The Mirage 2000 has emerged as a true multi-role aircraft, although ithas evolved into two distinct sub-families. They are optimised foreither air defence or attack and are represented here by a 2000D,carrying a PDLCT FUR/laser designator pod, leading a 2000B fighter.

Single-seat fighter variantsMirage 2000-01/03The initial authorisation to proceed with theMirage 2000 programme included threeprototypes which, in Dassault fashion, wereto be hand-built in the company's St Cloudexperimental workshops near Paris. Inearlier times, they would have been carriedby road the short distance toMelun/Villaroche for final assembly andflight test, but the Dassault trials base hadrecently moved south to the better weatherof Istres, and it was from here thatdevelopment flying was undertaken.Reinforcing a previous break from Frenchtradition, the trio was not numberedupwards from 001, but began with 01 - theseries more properly used by pre-productionaircraft.

Early trials demonstrated the need for afin of increased chord and modification ofthe wing trailing edge/fuselage junction.Consequently, 01, 02 and 03 were the onlyMirage 2000s to have the narrower fin withits distinctive curved leading edge, althoughthey were later modified to productionstandard. Contributions of the aircraft to thedevelopment programme were as follows:

Mirage 2000-01: First flown at Istres on10 March 1979 by Jean Coureau, achievingMach 1.02 on dry thrust and Mach 1.3 withafterburner during a 65-minute sortiepowered by the M53-2 engine. Initial officialevaluation was a flight with a pilot from theCEV on 29 May 1978 (14th sortie), followingwhich 01 was exhibited at Farnborough inSeptember by Guy Mitaux-Maurouard, whodemonstrated the aircraft's exceptional low-speed handling when only some 60 hourshad been accumulated. No. 01 wasmodified at Cazaux between October 1978and April 1979 with the larger fin, plus

2000-02 heads this prototype line-up, which includes one aircraft(probably 01) with the productionfin. The patriotic paint scheme wasapplied for air show appearances.

straight-edged air intake splitter plates, andthe Karman fairings at the wing trailing edgeextended rearwards.

The internal cannon were first fired on 12December 1979 (142nd flight) over therange at Cazaux, while between November1980 and March 1981 Mitaux-Maurouardand Jean-Marie Saget cleared the aircraft forall flight manoeuvres from 0 to 800 kt (1480km/h; 920 mph). By now with an M53-5powerplant, it was handed over to SNECMAat Istres for engine trials, taking the M53-P2aloft for the first time on 1 July 1983 (flight580). No. 01's 1,202nd and final flight, in1988, was to Le Bourget for exhibition inthe Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace, havingachieved a total of 1,149 hours 3 minutes offlying time.

Mirage 2000-02: First flown at Istres on18 September 1978 by Guy Mitaux-Maurouard. Completed 125 sorties in theoriginal configuration before receiving fin,trailing edge and air intake modifications.No. 02 concentrated on stores trials,including the RPL 501 and 502 1700-litre(374-lmp gal) drop tanks, and on its 164thsortie conducted the Mirage 2000's firstaerial refuelling. The aircraft's 188th flightwas delivery to the CEV for ordnance trialsover the Cazaux ranges with bombs, clusterbombs and rockets. Flight 278, on 9 March1981, saw the first launch of a dummyMATRA Magic AAM, while the first MATRA

Super 530 followed on 27 May the sameyear. Further modification was effected withfibre optic actuation of control surfaces, theaircraft returning to the air for its 479th flighton 3 November 1983. No. 02 was a fewmetres short of completing its 513th flight,on 9 May 1984, when fuel contaminationcaused a flame-out on the approach toIstres. Jean-Marie Saget ejectedsuccessfully from 75 m (250 ft), but theaircraft was almost completely destroyed byfire, having flown 399 hours 40 minutes.

Mirage 2000-03: First flown at Istres on26 April 1979 by Mitaux-Maurouard. Fittedwith a black radome, initially covering nomore than ballast, it did not fly with RDMradar until 13 November 1980, becomingthe first Mirage 2000 to do so. Equippedwith navigation/attack avionics and modifiedwith the new fin shape and relatedaerodynamic changes, it was based atCazaux in 1982 for trials with Magic and

Super 530F AAMs. Whereas the two earlieraircraft had flown initially in natural metalfinish before receiving an overall white paintscheme with red and blue trim, No. 03 wassoon given a coat of air defence blue andlight grey.

RDI radar was fitted (as was acamouflaged radome) during 1983 for trialsof the Super 530D, the first launch of thisvariant following on 26 October 1984. Thefinal flight (No. 647) took place on 31 August1988 and was a ferry from Cazaux to Istres,bringing airborne time to 648 hours 4minutes. After a period of storage, the thirdprototype was transferred on 20 May 1992to the air force technical school (Ecole desMécaniciens) at Rochefort/St Agnant.

2000-03 was the main RDM radartestbed, although it has yet to befitted here. The aircraft was paintedin this air defence scheme.

Mirage 2000-01 initial configuration

One blade aerialon spine

Tall fin initially, later retrofittedwith production shape

The second prototype is seen in theconfiguration and paint scheme inwhich it originally flew. Initially atleast, 2000-02 differed in only minordetail from the first aircraft. As withthe other prototypes, it was rebuiltwith the revised fin.


Vane andpitot tubeunder nose

No radar - slimmer nosprofile

*-<5M53-2 engine

No Karman fairings atrear of wing/fuselagejunction





2000-01/032000-042000C(S1/S3)2000C (S4/S5)2000E(EM, H,P)2000E(EAD, EG)2000R(RAD)2000X (trials)2000-42000-82000-CY2000-5 012000-5F2000-5E2000-9



2000B(S1/S3)2000B (S4/S5)2000BOB2000ED'2000DA'2000BX (trials)2000-3

2000-5B 012000-5D


N 01/02D 01/022000N2000N'2000D2000S

Initial RWR fairingconfiguration

Mirage 2000-04A fourth single-seat Mirage 2000 prototypewas ordered in 1976. Powered by an M53-2, No. 04 first flew at Istres on 12 May1980, piloted by Mitaux-Maurouard,achieving Mach 1.5 on this flight and Mach2.0 on its third sortie. It was the first Mirage2000 to be constructed to the definitiveaerodynamic configuration, apart from beinginitially unpainted, with a 'solid' nose.

Once RDM radar was installed (blackradome), No. 04 became representative ofthe initial production aircraft and, as such,was heavily involved in trials includingmissile and cannon firing, night refuellingand static tests in an anechoic chamber ofthe radar and self-defence jamming system.As part of the Mirage 2000-5 programme,No. 04 was modified to carry MICAmissiles, flying so-equipped for the first timeon 15 March 1990, its 732nd sortie. By1991, it had a camouflaged radome, but waslater withdrawn from flying.

No radar fitted - slimmer noseprofile and equipment hatches

Mirage 2000 Variants

In its last useful role, 2000-04tested the MICA missile. Hereboth EM and IR versions arecarried.

As originally flown, 2000-04 had the new fin, Karman fairingsand representative radome shape from the outset. Theaircraft worked hard on weapon system development.

Mirage 2000-04 initial configurationTwo aerials on spine

Small pitot forward ofwindscreen

Air data vane under nose M53-2 engine Lengthened Karman fairings at rear of wing/fuselage joinSabre jammerat base of fin

Mirage 2000C-S1/-S2/-S3 Mirage 2000C-S3 Serval RWR antenna in fin-top fairing.Additional antennas in wing leadingedge near tips

During the second and third financial years(1980 and 1981) of Mirage 2000 productionprocurement, France funded 22 and 152000Cs, respectively. As early productionaircraft, they were to a lower standard ofequipment than those which followed -particularly in view of the unavailability ofthe definitive M53-P2 engine and RDI radar.Provision was therefore made to equipthese machines with the M53-5 and RDM,so as not to delay entry into service.

In the traditional French manner,production aircraft were numbered upwardsfrom No. 1, the first two batches being Nos1 to 37. These identities are serials, ratherthan constructor's numbers (c/ns), in that asingle manufacturer's sequence was usedfor all Mirage 2000 types. For example,Mirage 2000C No. 22 (the last 1980-fundedaircraft) has the c/n 68.

Later Mirage 2000Cs, which conformedto the intended production configuration,retained the same designation. However,just as 'F-16A' covers Fighting Falcons fromBlocks -1, -5, -10 and -15, Mirage 2000s aregiven Standard sub-marks to differentiateminor changes in internal equipment. Forthe RDM/M53-5 aircraft these were asunder:

Nos1 to 15Nos 16 to?Nos ? to 37

Mirage 2000C-S1Mirage 2000C-S2Mirage 2000C-S3

All were subsequently upgraded to S3s.RDM radar is produced by Thomson-CSF

and derives its designation from RadarDoppler Multifonctions (Multi-Role DopplerRadar). It had always been intended thatMirage 2000C-series exports would beequipped with RDM because of exportrestrictions on RDI, so integration in the first37 French 2000Cs caused little additionalwork. The radar is a coherent, digital,frequency-agile system operating inl/J-bands (US military X/Ku) with modes forair interception and surface attack - bothland and sea.

In the air-to-air role, RDM can look bothup and down while searching, track whilescanning (TWS), provide continuoustracking, generate aiming signals forcombat, and compute attack and firingenvelopes. Look-down was poor in earlyversions, requiring an in-service updatebefore an acceptable standard wasachieved. Over land, RDM supplies real-beam ground-mapping, navigation updates,contour mapping, terrain avoidance, blindlet-down, target ranging and ground moving

Aircraft '472-EA was the firstmachine to be delivered to anoperational unit, EC 1/2. Althoughcarrying Super 530s here, the earlyS1 aircraft did not have the radarilluminator needed to guide them.

RDM radar in dielectricradome. Black radomeson initial 19 S1/S2aircraft. S3 aircraftintroduced CWilluminator

Two small bladeaerials on spine M53-5 engine

Super 530F missile (530D from S4 onwards and by retrofit)MS?

Alkan LL5O62chaff/flare dispensers

The first production Mirage 2000Cwas used for a series of avionicstests, including fitment of upgradedradars. The black radome gave wayto grey for these trials.

target indication. Lastly, as an overwaterradar, it gives long-range search and TWS,and additionally can designate targets foractive radar homing missiles. Other modeoptions include Doppler beam-sharpeningand continuous wave (CW) illumination ofaerial targets.

The Mirage 2000 employs a SNECMAM53 low-bypass-ratio reheated turbojetdeveloped for its predecessor, the stillbornACF. Whereas the four single-seatprototypes initially used pre-productionM53-2s rated at 83.34 kN (18,739 lb) thrust(although they were re-engined from 1980onwards), the 2000C-S1/S2/S3 received anM53-5, providing 88.24 kN (19,842 lb) at fullpower and 53.92 kN (12,125 lb) in drypower on a bypass ratio of 0.32. Essentialfeatures of both variants include a three-stage fan, five-stage compressor, annular

combustion chamber, two-stage turbine andmulti-flap variable nozzle. Digital enginecontrol gives carefree handling throughoutthe Mirage 2000's flight envelope, and themodular design, comprising 12 elements,simplifies repair and upgrading.

Self-defence aids of the early Mirage2000C comprise a Thomson-CSF ServalRWR with antennas at each wingtip and onthe trailing edge of the fin; a Dassault Sabre

jammer at the rear base of the fin with itsdetector in the fin leading edge; and aDassault Eclair manually-operated chaff/flaresystem comprising Alkan LL5Û62dispensers in the lower rear fuselage.

Mirage 2000C-S1: Production aircraftassembled and flown at Bordeaux. No. 1first flew on 20 November 1982 (GuyMitaux-Maurouard) and was delivered to

Productionfin shape

Cooling outlet

Magic 1 (laterMagic 2) IR AAMs

Mirage 2000 Variants

CEV at Istres for development work,including trials of avionics for S3, S4-2A andS5 versions. No. 2 first flew 21 January1983 and was assigned to SNECMA atIstres for trials of the M53-P2 engine andDassault for navigation/attack avionicsdevelopment. Nos 3 (flown 15 March 1983),4, 5 and 6 went to CEAM at Mont-de-Marsan for service development work.Nos 7 (flown 14 December 1983) to 15were delivered to first operational squadron,EC 1/2.

This first service variant was externallysimilar to prototype No. 04. Radomes wereblack, but gave way to grey when aircraftwere upgraded to S3 standard. Principalfeature of the S1 was the RDM Batch 1

radar which lacked an illuminator for a semi-active radar homing AAM. Accordingly, theSuper 530 missile could not be fired andonly the IR-guided Magic 1 was available forair combat.

Mirage 20OOC-S2: Improved radar look-down capability characterised the S2 sub-variant, which was otherwise as itsimmediate predecessor. No. 16 was thefirst aircraft, but the quantity delivered hasnot been revealed. It is conceivable that allup to No. 37 were so-delivered and wereuprated at a later stage to S3s. Greyradomes were introduced on the productionline from No. 20. Most of the batch up toNo. 37 had been delivered to EC 3/2 by

Left: An early weapon to be clearedwas the MATRA ARMAT anti-radiation missile, seen here carriedby a 2000C-S1. Both Egypt and Indiabought the ARMAT.

Right: Built as a 2000C-S2, thisaircraft has been brought up to S3standard with the grey radome.

early 1987, although a few joined the mainlytwo-seat complement of EC 2/2, the OCU.

Mirage 2000C-S3: Addition of a CWtarget illuminator to the RDM radar gavecompatibility with the Super 530F medium-range AAM, considerably increasing theMirage 2000C's combat potential. Super530 was developed from the firstgeneration R.530, used by earliergenerations of Mirage and readilyrecognised by its large, pointed fins. Long-chord fins, extending half the length of themissile body, identify this version, whichentered service in December 1970 with theMirage F1C interceptor, thus gaining the530F designation. French Mirage 2000Cshave a secondary attack capability with free-fall bombs and MATRA F4 pods of 68-mmrockets.

Mirage 2OOOC-S3 Upgrade: By 1998,26 of the original 37 RDM/M53-5 Mirage2000Cs remained in AA service and afurther two were with the CEV. As part ofthe Mirage 2000-5 programme, theseaircraft are to receive redundant RDI radarsfrom later production Mirage 2000Cs whichare being converted to -5s.

Mirage 2000C-S4/-S5RDI radar and M53-P2 engines wereavailable for installation in Mirage 2000Cspurchased with 1983 and subsequentfunds. An initial nine aircraft were funded inthat year and the total had increased to 99by 1989, or 136 Mirage 2000Cs in all. Thatfigure was later reduced to 124 by acombination of transfers of orders to othervariants and funding cuts. Production wasas below:

Nos 38 to 48Nos 49 to 63Nos 64 to 74Nos 75 to 124

Mirage 2000C-S4Mirage 2000C-S4-1Mirage 2000C-S4-2Mirage 2000C-S5

Thomson-CSF developed RDI radar inconjunction with Dassault's electronicsdivision, its initials signifying Radar Dopplerà Impulsions (Pulse-Doppler Radar).Optimised for the air-to-air role, RDI has aflat, slotted plate antenna and operates inI/J (X/Ku) Bands. Range is some 90 km (56miles) in look-down mode against a flyingtarget. The radar has air-to-air search, long-range tracking/missile guidance and short-range tracking/identification facilities for air

combat, but can also provide groundmapping, contour mapping and air-to-groundranging.

The Dassault Super AD26 missile seekerhead is compatible with Doppler signalsemanating from RDI, and when installed inthe nose of a Super 530 missile changes itsdesignation to Super 530D. This version ofweapon is standard equipment of the mainproduction batch of Mirage 2000Cs,matching the radar's better discrimination oftargets to an improved interceptioncapability. Slightly longer than the Super530F and having an improved rocket motor,Super 530D can 'snap-up' to targets 40,000ft (12200 m) higher than the launch aircraftand deliver a 30-kg (66-lb) fragmentationwarhead at a maximum speed of Mach 4.6to a hostile aircraft up to 21.6 nm (40 km/24.8 miles) away.

Since 1984, the Magic 2 IR-guidedmissile has also been available. Effective atdistances between 320 m (1,050 ft) and 5.4nm (10 km/6.2 miles), the Mk 2 has animproved proximity fuse for the 12.5-kg (28-Ib) warhead and a seeker which can bedirectionally slaved to the RDI's antenna.

Above: EC 5 began to equip with theS4 variant in 1987 to become the firstuser with a fully operational aircraft.Super 530D and Magic II missileswere available from the start, greatlyenhancing the aircraft's lethality.

Below: The S5 variant was thedefinitive fighter version,embodying full-spec RDI radar andM53-P2 engines. Both S4s and S5shave undergone upgrades, includingthe addition of HOT AS controls.


Mirage 2000 Variants

Increased aircraft performance isobtained from a considerable improvementin thrust available from the -P2 engine. Drypower is 64.32 kN (14,462 lb) - up 19 percent - and full thrust is boosted by 8 percent to 95.11 kN (21,385 lb) as aconsequence of improvements including abypass ratio raised to 0.40, a new low-pressure compressor and new fan. Thisversion of engine is not directly related tothe -2, having originally been designated -7.It is installed in all export Mirage 2000s, andwill remain so following withdrawal ofSNECMA's offer to provide a 98.05-kN(22,046-lb) thrust version, designatedM53-P20, for later Mirage 2000s.

Mirage 2OOOC-S4: Initial standard ofRDI/M53-P2 aircraft, delivered from July1987 onwards. Total of 11 produced, ofwhich the first three went initially to CEAMfor service trials and the remainder beganequipping EC 1/5. Radar in this version wasRDI Series J1-1.

Mirage 20OOC-S4-1: Improved J1-2 radarinstalled in the next 15 aircraft, which weredelivered to EC 1/5 and EC 2/2. S4s wereretrofitted to this standard.

Mirage 2000C-S4-2: RDI J2-4 radar in 11production aircraft, comprising five forCEAM and six for 5 Wing.

Mirage 2000C-S4-2A: Update to allearlier S4 aircraft between Nos 38 and 74,adding RDI J2-5 radar and a modifiedthrottle with HOTAS-type controls.

Mirage 2000-S5: Final 50 productionaircraft to definitive standard with J3-13radar. Delivered between late 1990 andJune 1995; aircraft up to No. 93 went toCEAM or 5 Wing, majority of remainder to12 Wing. No. 93 and subsequent aircraftwere fitted with automatic MATRA Spirale

Mirage 2000C-S5 early production

Optional bolt-on refuellingprobe, offset to starboard

Low-voltage formation 'slime' lightson sides of rear and forwardfuselage, and in leading edge of fin

High-PRF RDI radar

Extra small bladeantenna under nose

chaff/flare dispensers in the Karmanfairings, replacing Eclair.

Mirage 20OO-S5-2C: Retrofit introducedin 1995, initially on aircraft of EC 1/12, toprovide RDI radar with improved anti-jamming circuitry. At the same time, Mirage2000Cs operating over Bosnia onpeacekeeping duties were fitted with anSAT SAMIR missile plume detector in therear of a Magic launch pylon. In April 1994,these aircraft had gained a 'swing role' withMk 82 bombs for attacking targets ofopportunity while on Bosnian patrols. Somewere designated as buddy tankers with anIntertechnique hose pod on the centrelineand two non-standard 2000-litre (440-lmpgal) tanks on the inboard wing pylons.

Conversion is in hand of 34 (of 35remaining) Mirage 2000C-S4-2As and three(of 48 remaining) S5s to Mirage 2000-5Fstandard, as detailed later.

RPL 522 centreline tank


Late-production S5 has Spiralesystem in rear of Karman fairingsinstead of underfuselage Eclair

RPL-541/542 tanks of 2000-litre (440-lmp gal) capacity are increasinglycommon on 2000Cs. The aircraft above is seen on a mission over Bosnia,complete with Mk 82 bombs, while the pod-equipped aircraft below carriesthem for its tanking task. The refuelling pod is the Intertechnique 231-300.

Mirage 2000E (EM, H and P) Mirage 2000EM (Egypt)

Two series of multi-role Exportation Mirage2000s have been produced, not includingthe current 2000-5. The first of thesecomprised aircraft for Egypt (M), India (H)and Peru (P), all of which have basic self-defence suites and M53-P2 engines. Radaris RDM, fitted with a CW illuminator whichallows it to operate with the Super 530AAM. Differences from early 2000Cs(equipment in parentheses) include twomain computers with expanded memory, amodified digital databus, a ULISS 52Dinertial platform (52E), a TRT AHV-9 radar

Thomson-CSF ATLIS laserdesignator pod on forwardfuselage station

RDM radar with CWilluminator \

Revised fin-top antennas: rear fairingelongated with additional antenna above

One blade aerial ABD2OOO jammeron spine \ M53-P2 engine m fairing at base

Extra blade aerial under noseAérospatiale AS30Llaser-guided missile

M53-P2 engine ofincreased thrust

Cooling air outletat base of fin s

surface camouflage, suggestive of low-leveltasking. IAF Vajras have always had a dualrole, being able to carry MATRA ARMATanti-radar missiles, Durandal anti-runwaybombs and Bélouga cluster bombs asalternatives to Magic and Super 530.However, at the arrival ceremony for thefirst seven aircraft, it was stated that the2000H has an Antilope 5 radar and a secondULISS 52 INS, implying it to be a single-seatversion of the 2000D interdictor. Thisapparent contradiction has never been fullyresolved. Operating squadrons are Nos 1and 7 at Gwalior.

Mirage 2000P: Peruvian Air Forceversion. Intent to order 14 aircraft was

announced in December 1982 andrenegotiated in July 1984 as a consequenceof financial problems. An eventual total of10 was delivered to Escuadrôn 412 at LaJoya from December 1986 onwards,together with Thomson-CSF ATLIS laserdesignators, 1000-kg (2,205-lb) MATRAguided bombs, MATRA AS30L missiles anda selection of free-fall bombs.

Peru's Mirage 2000Ps have a dual-role tasking, and are often seenarmed with bombs. They also havethe ability to fit ATLIS for thedesignation ofASSOL missiles andMATRA BGL bombs.

Egypt's 2000EMs (this is the firstaircraft) were delivered with a rangeof weaponry that included AS30Lmissiles, together with ATLIS IIlaser designation pods.

altimeter (AHV-6) and provision for a widevariety of weaponry, including air-to-ground.The VE-130 HUD and VMC-180 head-downdisplays remain unchanged from the 2000C.Self-defence can be provided by eitherABD2000 (an export version of the 2000C'sSabre) or Thomson-CSF Rémora (DB-3141low-band or DB-3163 high-band) and CT-51JCaiman jamming pods. Each operator hasalso acquired compatible two-seat trainers,described under the Mirage 2000EDheading.

Mirage 2000EM: Egypt was the firstexport customer for the Mirage 2000, butthe second recipient. The contract placed inDecember 1981 included 16 single-seat2000EMs, the first of which flew inDecember 1985. Deliveries began in June1986, the aircraft serialled 101-116. Aunique feature of the 2000EM is a single,rear-facing antenna above the Serval DF unithigh on the fin trailing edge. Based atBengat, the aircraft are in a colour schemeof medium grey upper surfaces (with ablack radome, however) and light greyundersides. Armament includes Magic,Super 530, ARMAT ASMs and AS30LASMs with an ATLIS laser designator.

Mirage 2000H5 Vajra: India placed anorder for 40 Mirage 2000s in October 1982,including 36 single-seaters. To expeditedeliveries, the first 26, serialled KF101 toKF126, were produced with M53-5 enginesand carried a '5' in their designation. KF101flew on 21 September 1984 and, after pilottraining in France, the first batch of seven

was delivered by air between 20 and 29June 1985. The local name Vajra looselytranslates as Thunderbolt'.

Mirage 2000H Vajra: Ten final aircraftfrom the first Indian contract (KF127 toKF136) and a follow-up batch of six (KF137to KF142), ordered in March 1996 anddelivered by October 1988, were suppliedwith M53-P2 engines. The earlier 26 wereupgraded to this standard in India.Configuration and colour scheme (blackradome) was as for the French 2000C but,by 1993, at least KF101 and KF104 hadreceived mid-brown and dark green upper

Below: Confusion surrounds India's2000Hs, which may be fitted withthe attack-optimised Antilope Vradar instead of RDM.

Mirage 2000E (BAD and EG)Improved self-defence equipment, extracomputing power and additional air-to-ground armament options are to be found inthe second series of export Mirage 2000ssupplied to Abu Dhabi (part of the UnitedArab Emirates) (EAD) and Greece (EG).

Mirage 2OOOEAD: Between May 1983and 1985, Abu Dhabi ordered 22 Mirage2000EADs, which were numbered between731 and 752. Acceptance was delayed bythe customer's dissatisfaction with thestandard of equipment installed, and not

until November 1989 were the first flown tothe Middle East. Self-defence aids includeSpirale chaff/flare dispensers in the Karmanfairings and Elettronica ELT/158 radarwarning receivers and ELT/558 jammers inplace of the standard French equipment, thenew fit being known as SAMET. A furtherunusual feature is the adaptation to carryAIM-9 Sidewinder AAMs as alternatives toMagic (which is also used). In common withGreek 2000EMs, there is a Chelton spadeaerial under the forward fuselage in place ofthe usual swept-back blade antenna. Nos Iand II Squadrons fly Mirage 2000s atMaqatra. In November 1998 it wasannounced that the aircraft will be upgradedto 2000-9 (2000-5 Mk II) standard as part ofthe UAE's deal to purchase new aircraft.

Mirage 2000EG-SG1 (Greece)

Mirage 2000EG-SG1: The Greek Mirage2000 has extensive self-defence aids, moreakin to the later 2000-5. The Mk 1 version ofICMS (Integrated Counter MeasuresSystem), developed jointly by Dassault,Thomson-CSF and MATRA, is based on theMirage 2000C system, but with anadditional pair of superheterodyne(superhet) antennas on the fin-tip,secondary DF receivers scabbed to themain DF pods at each wingtip, and Spiraledispensers in the Karman fairings.

Serialled 210 to 245, Greece's 36 Mirage2000EGs were ordered in March 1985 andwere delivered from March 1988 onwardsto 331 and 332 Squadrons at Tanagra for airdefence duties with Super 530D and Magic2 AAMs. The exact version of radar is

One blade aerial onspine in forwardposition

Revised fin-top arrangementwith additional small antennasabove enlarged Serval units.Associated with ICMS Mk 1

M53-P2 engine

Greek Mirage 2000EGs fly fromTanagra, with the air defence ofAthens their primary tasking.However, at least some of the aircrafthave been modified to launch theAM39 Exocet anti-ship missile.


RDM radar with CWilluminator

Revised blade aerial under forward fuselageAdditional wingtip RWR antennasadded to standard Serval units Airfield emergency

arrester hookSpirale chaff/flaresystem in rear ofKarman fairings

reported to be RDM3, which initially wascovered by a black radome, later changedto grey.

Mirage 200OEG-SG2: Upgraded Greekaircraft, configuration undisclosed, butpossibly connected with an update to ICMSwhich was declared operational in August1995.

Mirage 2OOOEG-SG3: Modification toGreek Mirages to permit carriage of the670-kg (1,477 lb) Aérospatiale AM39 Exocetanti-ship missile.

Abu Dhabi received 22 Mirage2000EADs to equip its interceptorsquadrons. Like the Greek Mirages,the EADs have the Spiralechaff/flare system, and incorporatenon French EW equipment. Uniqueamong 2000s, the EADs areSidewinder-capable.

Mirage 2000R (RAD)In contrast to some reconnaissanceversions of combat aircraft, the Mirage2000R has no obvious airframe changes toaccommodate cameras. RDM radar isretained, and the aircraft is capable of flyingattack or air defence missions in addition toits primary duty. The operator is able totailor the Mirage 2000R to specific tasks byvarying the sensor pod carried on thefuselage centreline. Those available include:

-Thomson-CSF Raphael SLAR 2000(570 kg/1,257 lb), providing all-weathersurveillance capability at up to 100 km(62 miles) and capable of real-timetransmission of data to a ground station.

- Dassault COR2 multi-camera pod (400 kg/882 lb), with sensors operating the visibleand infra-red spectra. Contains a fan of fourAP OMERA 35 cameras (114x114 mmformat) with focal lengths between 150 and600 mm; an AP OMERA 40 panoramiccamera (240 x 47 mm); and an SAT SuperCyclope infra-red linescan. Speed andaltitude limitations are 600 kt (1100 km/h;690 mph) and 11600 m (38,000 ft).

- Dassault AA-3-38 HAROLD long-rangeoptical camera pod (680 kg/1,499 lb)containing a single AP OMERA 38 (114 x114mm) fitted with a 1700-mm telephotofor oblique photography of targets up to 100

km (62 miles) distant with a resolution of 1m (3.3 ft). To assist aiming, the pod (whichhas the same shape as the COR2) alsocontains an Inspectronic CCD TV camerawith a 30 to 300-mm zoom lens.

Only one customer has purchased theMirage 2000R.

Mirage 2000RAD: Abu Dhabi's contractsincluded eight of this version, serialled 711-718, which were built in 1987. Configurationand equipment is as for the Mirage2000EAD, except for the obvious provisionfor carrying reconnaissance pods.Furthermore, these are the only Mirage2000 exports with the confirmed ability to fitthe detachable refuelling probe available toFrench versions, although it may bepresumed that Mirage 2000s of other

operators have the option, if not the probes.In the case of Abu Dhabi, the tanker supportwould come from other Mirage 2000s fittedwith a 250-kg (551-lb) Intertechnique 231-300 buddy hose-pod on the centreline. The2000RADs are due for upgrade to 2000-9(now 2000-5 Mk II) standard.

Below left: Seen in 1991 duringDesert Storm, this 2000RAD sportsthe original desert camouflage andrefuelling probe.

Below: The RADs have received anew grey camouflage. Allreconnaissance sensors are carriedexternally, in pods on the centreline.

'Mirage 2000X' (single-seat)

The 2000 X7 is seen here with AS30Lmissiles, ATLIS pod and various testcamera installations, includinginward-facing cameras in place ofthe outboard pylons. Note thevestige of desert camouflage.

Black radome forRDM radar

Not an official designation, this is aconvenient label for various experimentalMirage 2000s which have appeared withnon-standard identities for both short- andmedium-term trials with the manufacturer.Two-seat aircraft in this category arediscussed separately. Most, if not all, havebeen delivered to a customer at the end oftheir experimental use, but in many cases ithas not been possible to determine theireventual identity.

Mirage 2000 X7: First flown on 9November 1987 and marked '2000 X7' onthe nose, carrying 2 Wing badges on thefin, this 2000C was used by Dassault forweapon trials including the AS30L and

1990, X7 gained this unit's badge on the finand 'X7' applied immediately above, in theplace normally occupied by the AA serial.Main trials use was as a launch aircraft forthe MATRA/BAe MICA AAM, replacingprototype 04. It has also been seen inpublicity photographs for the MATRA/BAeApache stand-off weapons dispenser.Changes from the norm included a camerain place of the forward-facing jammerantenna in the fin leading edge and a rear-facing camera pod scabbed to theunderside of the forward fuselage, bothbeing used to record weapon separations.(The aircraft is possibly a rebuild of 2000CNo. 7, which was damaged at Solenzara inJune 1985.)

Mirage 2000 X7

Large blade aerialon spine

Forward oblique cameramounted in former RWR fairing

Two large fairings on centreline house test equipment/cameras Fairings underneath each outer wing house inward-facing weapon separation recording cameras

Early production 2OOOCwith M53-5 engine

Mirage 2000 Variants

Mirage 2000P X34: One Peruvianaircraft was used for 1000-kg bombqualification in 1987.

Other export aircraft have been noted onflight test wearing their production numbers(for example, H37 on a 2000H) prior toapplication of serial numbers.

Left: Devoid of any pylons or testequipment, X7 is seen at the CEV.The flags are those of the (then)Mirage 2000 customers.

Above: Another photograph ofX7during AS30L trials shows theaircraft wearing a two-tone desert-style scheme.

Mirage 2000-4This designation was allocated to one of thetwo stages by which the Mirage 2000-5was evolved from the 2000C. Cockpitmodifications of the Mirage 2000-3 arerecorded in the section on two-seat traineraircraft, the -4 stage being integration of theMATRA (now MATRA/BAe) MICA AAM.The first guided flight of MICA against atarget drone was conducted on 9 January1992 from the Mirage 2000 X7 (see above).

The Dash 4 designation coveredintegration of the MICA missile.Here an EM (radar-guided) versionof the weapon is fired by the 2000X7, while another missile is carriedon the port pylon. The X7 retainedthe test camera installations fromearlier trials.

No further aircraft were built to the -4configuration, all other MICA-capableMirage 2000s having the revised cockpitand other changes.

Mirage 2000-8Dash 8 is the designation given to the

export variant which became the Mirage2000EAD, RAD and DAD for Abu Dhabi. It isconceivable that other export aircraft sharedthe -8 configuration.

Two-seat fighter variantsMirage 2000B-01In 1976, Dassault decided to increase thenumber of Mirage 2000 prototypes on orderto five with the addition of a company-funded two-seat aircraft. In the usualmanner, this was known as the 'B' version,but its duties extended far beyondconversion training, and it became both avaluable testbed and a useful demonstrator.Fifth to fly, it conducted its maiden sortie on11 October 1980 in the hands of MichelPorta, powered by an M53-5 engine. Initiallypainted in house colours of white overallwith red and blue trim, B-01 was theplatform for the first Mirage 2000 flightswith a dummy ASMP stand-off missile(8 July 1981, flown by Hervé Leprince-Ringuet) and ATLIS laser designation poc.

A live ASMP launch followed at CEV Cazauxin 1982, as did firing of the Dassault CC-630765-kg (1,687-lb) twin 30-mm DEFA M554cannon pod (25 October 1985) whichcompensates for the two-seater's lack ofinternal armament.

Early flights were with a white 'solid'nose, but the aircraft gained a black radomeand RDM radar (following No. 03) in 1981.When displayed in 1985 it was in airdefence camouflage and marked 'SNECMAM53-P2'. It then became the Mirage 2000BY2, as described later.

Equipment, configuration and capabilitiesare as near as possible to the 2000C, apartfrom loss of internal cannon and some fuel.Integral wing capacity of 1480 litres

(326 Imp gal) is unaffected, but the 2000Bloses 74 litres (16 Imp gal) from thefuselage tank, for a revised capacity of 2424litres (533 Imp gal). A slightly raised spineresults in the 2000C's aft-facing, raisedengine air bleed outlet immediately ahead

The first two-seater was unpaintedfor its initial flights. It subsequentlyreceived a white scheme.

of the fin being replaced by a pair of flushrectangular doors in each side.

Mirage 2000BFrance has not been the only nation to ordertwo-seat trainer versions of combat aircraftalmost as an afterthought, but that sin ofomission was not committed in the case ofthe Mirage 2000. In 1979, the first year ofproduction funding, just four new Mirageswere ordered - all of them 2000Bs. Thefigure had increased to 22 by 1986 and 32

by 1990, the last two suffering cancellation.Of the 30 built, two are with CEV on long-term trials and two have been lost inaccidents.

Mirage 2000Bs have been allocated bothto an OCU and to individual squadrons, thelatter requiring commonality with the sub-version of 2000C which they operate. In thecase of conversion unit aircraft, it will benoted that some have an engine/radarcombination which does not parallel anysingle-seat machine. Production details are:

Mirage 2000Bs mirror the Cs in production standards, which largely concernthe radar. The black radomes (above) identify early S1/S3 aircraft with RDM,while grey radomes (right) distinguish later S4/S5 aircraft with RDI radar.

Nos 501 to 514Nos 515 to 520Nos 521 to 522Nos 523 to 530

Mirage 2000B-S3Mirage 2000B-S4Mirage 2000B-S4-2Mirage 2000B-S5

All Mirage 2000Bs were delivered instandard blue and grey upper surfacecamouflage, the first 15 with blackradomes, the remainder grey.

Mirage 2000B-S3: The first production2000B flew on 7 October 1983, and thus

followed 2000C No. 6; Nos 502 and 503were supplied to CEAM for service trialsand the balance went to the threesquadrons of 2 Wing, including the OCU,EC 2/2. All have M53-2 engines and mosthave RDM radar, the exceptions being No.501, used by CEV as a trials vehicle for RDIradar and, later, the Rafale's RBE2; and No.503, delivered to CEAM in March 1987 withthe sixth RDI prototype. No. 504 wasconverted to a testbed, as described underthe Mirage 2000BOB heading. Some early


aircraft were built to S1 and S2 radarstandards (see Mirage 2000C) beforemodification to S3.

Mirage 2000B-S3 Upgrade: SurplusRDI radars will be installed in somepreviously RDM-equipped aircraft in parallelto the similar programme being undertakenon early Mirage 2000Cs.

Mirage 2000B-S4: In 1987-88, six furtheraircraft were supplied to CEAM (one) and 5Wing with RDI J1-1 radar, but retained the-5 engine. Two, Nos 516 and 517, werelater nominated for transfer to 2 Wing andthus were modified in 1990 with RDM radar.

Mirage 2OOOB-S4-2: The next twotrainers, supplied in 1990, both had RDI J2-4engines, but No. 521 was powered by anM53-5 and went to 5 Wing, while No. 522had a -P2 for use at CEAM.

Mirage 2000B-S5: Eight remainingaircraft were mostly issued to 12 Wing inthe first instance and were to the full 'early

S5' standard with RDI J3-13 radar and -P2engines, although no Spirale self-defencedispensers were installed. The last wasdelivered in December 1994.

Mirage 2000Bs are assigned throughout the air defence units for continuationtraining duties, with a larger number concentrated in the training unit. Until1998 the OCU was EC 2/2 'Côte d'Or' at Dijon-Longvic, with which this 2000B-S4-2 served. Now the training task is undertaken by EC 2/5.

Mirage 2000B-S3Second cockpit - reducedinternal fuel capacity

Standard Serval RWR fit in fin-topand wingtip fairings

Two blade aerials onspine - no cooling outlet

Optional bolt-on refuellingprobe, offset to starboard

RDM radar (RDI inlater aircraft) Internal cannon deleted

from all two-seat variants Centreline RPL-522 tank

No Spiraledispensers in rearof Karman fairings

Mirage 2000BOBThe Banc Optronique Biplace (Two-seatOptrpnic Testbed) is operated by the CEV atBrétigny-sur-Orge on behalf of the defenceministry and aerospace industry, specialisingin military electro-optic trials. After fouryears with 2 Wing, No. 504 was delivered toBrétigny on 5 August 1988 and underwentmodification for its new duties, flying againon 28 June 1989 with pilots Claude Sagetand Philippe Limacher. An upgrade to S3standard was completed when the aircraftreturned to the air on 19 September 1989,ready for its duties to begin.

Equipment tested has included theThomson-TRT Rubis FLIR pod, Sextant VEH3020 holographic HUD (for the Mirage 2000-5, replacing the standard VE-130) and

Sextant night vision goggles. Among non-visual tests have been those of an onboardoxygen-generating system for the Rafale.Externally, the 2000BOB differs little fromthe air force version, now having a greyradome and fixed refuelling probe.Unusually for a 2000B, it is often flown witha pair of RPL 541/542 2000-litre (440-lmpgal) external tanks, more commonly seen onthe 2000N/D.

The Mirage 2000BOB is apermanent test vehicle for variousequipment trials. Here it is seenoutside the famous hangars of theCEV at Brétigny.

Mirage 2000ED (BG, BM, DAD, DP and TH) Originally built as a 2000TH5, thisIndian two-seater was subsequentlyre-engined to full 20000TH standard.

Although never assigned to a specificcustomer, 2000ED is the generaldesignation for exported Mirage 2000trainers. In fact, customers for the first-generation trainer have been given 2000Band 2000D designations, those for Indiaadopting the English convention of T fortrainer.

Aircraft configurations reflect those ofthe main single-seat purchase by eachoperator, all having RDM radar and M53-P2engines, except where stated otherwise.

Mirage 2000BG: Greek version; fouraircraft delivered in 1988, serialled 201 to204. ICMS Mk 1 self-defence system,including second pair of fin antennas andSpirale dispensers.

Mirage 2000BM: By chance, Egypt alsoassigned the numbers 201 to 204 to its fourtrainers supplied in 1986.

Mirage 2000DAD: Six aircraft, 701 to

706 for Abu Dhabi, delivered 1989-90. Incontrast to the EADs and RADs suppliedsimultaneously, they have light blue andlight grey upper surface camouflage (plusblack radomes). In common with the otherAbu Dhabi Mirage 2000s, they will beupgraded to 2000-9 configuration.

Mirage 2000DP: Peru's trainer order wasreduced to two aircraft, serialled 193 and195 (194 being current on a Mirage 5). Thefirst was handed over at the Paris air showon 7 June 1985.

Mirage 20OOTH5: Four, KT201 to KT204,accompanied the first batch of Indian single-seat aircraft, all powered by -5 engines toensure early delivery. They were retrofittedwith M53-P2s in India and became 2000THs.

Mirage 2000TH: Three more Indiantrainers were KT205 to KT207, of which thelast was delivered on 7 October 1988. Thefirst four were converted to this standard.


M53-5 engine

Left: Six 2000DAD two-seaters wereincluded in Abu Dhabi's first batch,finished in a grey scheme. Theaircraft have Spirale installationsbut retain RDM radar.

Below: Peru was initially to haveacquired three two-seaters, but thiswas cut to two 2000DPs when theplanned purchase was reduced.They serve with Escuadrôn deCaza-Bombardeo 412 at La Joya.

Above: Greece operates four two-seaters, fitted with full missionequipment, including ICMS Mk 1.

Below: Coincidentally, Egypt's four2000DM two-seaters have the sameserials as the Greek machines.

'Mirage 2000X/Y' (two-seat)As previously noted under single-seatvariants, some aircraft were assignedspecial designations for trials leading up tothe Mirage 2000-5.

Mirage 2000B XI: First productionMirage 2000B No. 501 was transferred toDassault for trials and demonstration flying.Marked 'BX1 ' on the fin, and with nationalinsignia removed, it first flew in its new

guise on 13 February 1987 and has sincebeen occupied in trials and demonstrationflying. By 1990 it was marked 'Mirage 2000-5' and sported dummy MICA missiles, agrey radome and superhet fin-tip antennasin addition to the usual larger ECMprotrusions.

Mirage 2000B Y1: Two-seat prototypeB01 was renumbered BY1 and on 10 March

1988, with Patrick Experton in command,took to the air for the first time with a 'glass'cockpit from the Rafale, as described underMirage 2000-3. In May 1988 it added RDYradar, but was still marked only as 'Mirage2000' when shown statically at Paris in June1989, wearing a transparent radome andsuperhet antennas. It later became BY2.

Mirage 2000B Y2: Further modificationof BY1 with MICA AAMs resulted in thisnew identity, which was being worn by1990, together with the title 'Mirage 2000-5'. It reverted in the following year to B01,as described later.

Left: This aircraft, built as the two-seat prototype, has had a longcareer as a Dassault testbed. Here itis seen at the 1989 Paris air show,marked as 'BY1' and with atransparent radome for grounddisplay of the RDY radar. It hadalready received a glass cockpit aspart of the Dash 3 upgrade. Today itis the 2000-5B demonstrator.

Right: 'BX1' is seen carrying fourdummy MICA missiles. This aircraftis another Dassault Dash 5demonstrator, formerly the firstproduction two-seater and a regularsight at trade shows.

'Mirage 2000DA'Joint references to French Air Force Mirage2000Cs and 2000Bs sometimes use thisunofficial designation to indicate the

Défense Aérienne (Air Defence) role towhich they are assigned.

Mirage 2000-3The -3 project number was assigned to aprivate venture upgrade with fivemultifunction screens transferred from theDassault Rafale programme. Replacing the

earlier-generation instruments, the 'glass'cockpit was dubbed Advanced Pilot SystemInterface (APSI) by Dassault and first flew inBY1, as mentioned above. With RDY radar,a new central processing unit and VEH3020 holographic HUD, the -3 is raised to -5configuration.


Mirage 2000 Variants

Two-seat attack variantsMirage 2000N 01 and 02Using the two-seat 2000B as a basis,Dassault produced a nuclear strike versionof the Mirage 2000 to carry an AérospatialeASMP stand-off missile. Changes to theairframe were restricted to localstrengthening to combat the additionalstresses of prolonged flight at low level.More than compensating for the two-seater's slightly reduced internal fuelcapacity of 3904 litres (859 Imp gal), RPL541 and 542 external tanks of 2000 litres(440 Imp gal) each were developed as analternative to the 2000B/C's RPL 501 and502. On ferry flights, an RPL 522 tank of1300 litres (286 Imp gal) can be installed onthe centreline.

Avionics underwent considerablechange, beginning in the nose withinstallation of a Dassault/Thomson-CSFAntilope 5 radar. Optimised for air-to-ground

missions and scanning in J (Ku) Band with aflat-plate antenna, this terrain-avoidanceradar surveys the ground out to 12 km(7 miles) ahead and generates steeringcommands for the pilot when at altitudes aslow as 90 m (300 ft) and at speeds up to600 kt (1112 km/h; 691 mph). Other modesavailable are air-to-air (30 km; 19 miles),ground search (same range), groundmapping and surface target ranging. Whendesired, the terrain-avoidance and mappingmodes can be interleaved, the radar rapidlyswitching between the two to provide thesefunctions simultaneously.

In the rear seat, the WSO is providedwith two SAGEM ULISS 52P inertialplatforms, two TRT AHV-12 radio altimetersand a duplicate of the pilot's Sextant VMC180 three-colour head-down display of radarinformation. Further assistance in navigation

comes from the Antilope 5's partial terrain-reference capability which allows it toproduce a position update from groundheight variations. The 2000C's SFENA 605autopilot is replaced by a 606.

Mirage 2000N 01: First of two aircraftordered in 1979, No. 1 first flew at Istres on3 February 1983, piloted by Michel Porta

For its first six flights, the prototype2000N was unpainted. The radarlessnose carried a small air data vane.

(the second seat, normally occupied byBruno Coiffet, being empty on thatoccasion). Powered by an M53-5, theaircraft was initially unpainted, with a 'solid'nose, but green and grey low-leveldisruptive pattern camouflage was appliedbefore the seventh sortie. It first carried aninert ASMP on its 34th flight, during trials atCazaux. N01 was delivered to the CEV inOctober 1983 for preliminary assessment,yet it was not until later in the year that itreceived Antilope radar and a black radome(as did all later 2000Ns) for intensive trials inthe low-level regime. After its 615th flight,on 2 March 1990, N01 underwentconversion to the prototype Mirage 2000D.

Mirage 2OOON 02: Porta was the pilot forN02's first flight on 21 September 1983.Like the 12 Mirage 2000s which precededit, No. 2 relied on an M53-5. Camouflagedand with full avionics, it remained at Istresfor development work including ECMsystem, ASMP carriage and latermodification with Spirale dispensers in theKarman fairings. It conducted 493 sorties asa 2000N - the last on 26 April 1990 - beforebeing reworked as the second 2000D.

Still lacking radar, N01 is seen hereduring early ASMP trials. Note theundernose bulge and underwingfairings housing test cameras.

Mirage 2000NA batch of 15 Mirage 2000Ns was includedin France's 1983 defence budget, and by1987 the full total of 75 had been funded.Two production standards emerged:

No. 301Nos 302 to 331Nos 332 to 375

Mirage 2000NMirage 2000N-K1Mirage 2000N-K2

Mirage 20OOIM-K1(ASMP scrap view)

Bolt-on refuelling probeusually fitted

Antilope 5 radar inrevised radome

Revised fin-top antennasfor Serval RWR system

By 1998, seven had been lost inaccidents and another two were on long-term assignment to the CEV.

The Mirage 2000N/ASMP combinationreplaced Mirage IIIEs armed with AN52free-fall nuclear bombs, an initial squadronbeing declared operational on 12 July 1988.Normal operational fit is RPL 541/542 tanks

Below: Capable of ASMP carriageonly, Mirage 2000N-K1s servedexclusively with EC 4. The fleet hasbeen upgraded to N-K2 standard,with all 2000Ns now concentrated inthe wing, at Luxeuil.

Additional bladeaerials under nose

Right: Prior to deployment of2000Ds, EC 2/3 received N-K2swhich operated in the conventionalrole. This bomb-carrying example isseen on Bosnia patrol, its temporarycamouflage beginning to wear off.

Alkan LL5062chaff/flare dispenser(Spirale in IM-K2 andby retrofit)


RPL 541/542 tanks

Missionised cockpitswith new displays

Strengthenedairframe M53-P2 engine

Caméléon jammer in fairingat base of fin

Left: 2000NS can be readilydistinguished from Ds by theirblack radomes with a small pitotprobe on the end.

on the inboard pylons, Magic self-defenceAAMs outboard and ASMP on thecentreline. Defensive avionics are similar tothose of the Mirage 2000C, including ServalRWR, but with a Dassault Caméléonjammer replacing Sabre in the fin-rootposition. Two Alkan LL5062 16-shot flaredispensers are located in the lower rearfuselage.

Despite their nuclear role, some Mirage2000N squadrons maintain a secondarycapability with conventional weapons suchas BAP 100 and BAT 120 bomblets,Bélouga CBUs and 68-mm rocket pods.

Mirage 2000N No. 301: Unusually for a'production' machine, No. 301 was built atIstres, from where it first flew on 3 March1986, crewed by D. Chenevier and BrunoCoiffet. It was delivered to CEAM on 19

Clutching an ASMP to its belly, thisis the first 2000N. This aircraft issomething of an oddity, and is seenhere fitted with the extra fin-tipantennas of the /CMS Mk 2.

February 1987 and later to CEV (also atIstres) for development work, in the courseof which it was upgraded to K2 standardwith provision for conventional weaponryand Spirale dispensers. It also took on theexternal appearance of a Mirage 2000D inhaving the nose probe deleted and, later,superhet antennas added to the fin-tip.

Mirage 2000N-K1: The initial productionstandard concerned 30 aircraft which lackedSpirale dispensers and, less visibly, wereunable to launch conventional weapons. Thefirst three were supplied to CEAM (includingNo. 303, later to CEV for APACHE launchtrials) and the remainder issued to EC 1/4and EC 2/4. From 1990 onwards, they wereupgraded with limited conventional attackcapability and now equip EC 3/4 and part ofEC 2/4. Upgrading to K2 standard was duefor completion by the end of 1998.

Mirage 2OOON-K2: Able to operate withASMP or conventional weapons (althoughnot those with precision guidance), the final44 aircraft were delivered between July1988 and late 1993, the first four initially forCEAM. Spirale dispensers - or, at least, theappropriate mountings - were installed fromthe outset. The balance of the batchre-equipped EC 1/4, but 18 were delivereddirectly to EC 2/3, where only theirconventional abilities were employed untilthe squadron converted to Mirage 2000Dsfrom mid-1996 onwards. They are nowbeing transferred to the three other Mirage2000N squadrons to reassume a nucleardeterrance role.

Mirage 2000N'N Prime (N Apostrophe) was a 'non-nuclearnuclear' Mirage 2000N, foreseen as aMirage HIE replacement because of delayswith the Dassault Rafale programme. Toavoid contradiction and confusion, theversion was redesignated Mirage 2000D in1990, before any had been built.

Mirage 2000D 01 and 02In producing a conventional attack versionof the Mirage 2000N, Dassault took theopportunity to install later versions of someequipment to upgrade the aircraft'scapabilities. External differences betweenthe two include deletion of the nose pitot;addition of ICMS Mk 2 countermeasures,betrayed by a second pair of small(superhet) antennas on the fin-tip; a spineantenna for GPS (which is integrated with

the ULISS 52P INS); and cockpittransparencies covered in gold film toreduce radar reflectivity.

Internally, the ASMP interface isremoved and Antilope radar upgraded to53C/D standard, adding a terrain-referencesystem to provide terrain-followingcapability down to 300 ft (90 m) at the usualpenetration speed of 520 kt (963 km/h;598 mph). The central computer is now a

Dassault 2084 XR, and the autopilot, aSFENA 607. 'Have Quick 2' radios providesecure, jamming-free communications andlighting is compatible with night visiongoggles. Differences in the crew's positionsare profound, with the 2000D having moreintegrated HOTAS controls and being wellon the way to a 'glass' cockpit. The pilot hasa second large screen in the left of theinstrument panel and the Officier Systèmed'Armes (WSO) gains two more screens ofa similar size to add to the one (mountedcentrally) inherited from the 2000N. Amongseveral functions, these new screens can

display images from FLIR pods and laserdesignators. Whereas the pilot of the 2000Nhas some responsibility for navigation, the2000D's WSO is entirely in charge of thenav/attack system. With the benefit ofinputs from GPS, average navigationalaccuracy is increased from the 80 m (260 ft)of the 2000N to 8 m (26ft).

Dassault proudly proclaims the 2000Ddesignation to stand for the aircraft'sDiversifié (diversified) potential; French AirForce squadrons operating other, lessheavily laden fighters call it the '2000Diesel'.

Mirage 2000D 01: Following conversionfrom 2000N 01 at Istres, the prototypereturned to the air on 19 February 1991,flown by Chenevier and Coiffet and wearingD01 on the fin. Conversion also included anM53-P2 engine, but the black radome colourwas retained and superhet antennas werenot fitted to the fin. After use in weaponsand nav/attack system trials, D01 is believedto have been withdrawn from use.

Mirage 2000D 02: Previously 2000N 02,the aircraft was reflown at Istres on 24February 1992 by Chenevier and Brunet.D02 had extra features more representativeof the production aircraft which followed it,in the form of superhet antennas, a darkgreen radome and the standard grey andgreen camouflage applied to undersides aswell as upper surfaces. It, too, appeared tohave completed its trials by 1998.

D01 was converted from the first N,and lacked several features ofproduction Ds. Here the aircraftcarries the ATLISII laser designatororiginally used forASSOL delivery,rather than the PDLCT.


Mirage 2000DFunding of the 2000D began in 1988 with18 aircraft and ended with the 75th in 1991but, following a reappraisal of needs, theFrench Air Force cancelled 15 air defenceaircraft and reordered them in 1994 as2000Ds. A 1996 defence review amendedthe total again, resulting in a final figure of86. Since 1996, the 2000D has been theonly version in production (as opposed tounder conversion) for France. Plannedvariants are:

Nos 601 to ?*Nos ? to 686

Mirage 2000D-R1Mirage 2000D-R2

*The final delivery of 1997 was No. 651 ;the last in 1998 was due to be No. 659; andNo. 686 is scheduled for 2001. One hasbeen lost and another is assigned to CEV.

Key to much of the Mirage 2000D's extrapotential with precision weapons is the 340-kg (750-lb) Thomson-CSF PDLCT TV/thermalimaging pod carried on a pylon beneath thestarboard air intake. This Pod deDésignation Laser à Caméra Thermique(Laser Designation Pod with Infra-RedCamera) is effective day or night and isused to direct either a 520-kg (1,146-lb)Aérospatiale AS30L missile or 990-kg(2,183-lb) MATRA/BAe BGL 1000 bomb (aweapon rejoicing in the marketing name ofArcole). AS30L delivers 240 kg (529 lb) of

explosive at Mach 1.2; the Bombe àGuidage Laser is 850 kg (1,874 lb), includingcasing, before pop-out rear fins andguidance unit are attached.

One missile or LGB is carried on thestarboard inner wing pylon, balanced by anRPL 541 tank and having an RPL 522 on thecentreline. Two laser weapons and an RPL522 are possible on shorter missions, orwhen aerial refuelling is available.Additionally, as an economy measure,ATLIS designation pods from thediminishing SEPECAT Jaguar force are

being refurbished as ATLIS II and issued toMirage 2000D squadrons. Other ordnanceused by French Air Force units comprises:

- MATRA/BAe BAP 100 anti-runwaybomblets in two packs of nine on centreline

- MATRA/BAe BAT 120 anti-personnel/anti-armour bomblets, similarly stored

- MATRA/Thomson-Brandt BLG 66Bélouga cluster bombs, maximum of seven,each 305 kg (672 lb)

- 250-kg (551-lb) (conventional shape orSAMP BL ELJ2 low-drag) or US Mk 82 500-lb(227-kg) bombs, in several positions

- MATRA/BAe F4 68-mm (2.7-in) rocketsin 18-round pods, one per wing

From 2000, the MATRA/BAe APACHE-AP stand-off weapons dispenser will beavailable. The 1230-kg (2,712-lb) ArmePropulste A Charges Ejectables - Anti Piste(Powered Weapon with Ejected Load - AntiRunway) has pop-out wings, a smallturbojet, an INS and its own radar to enable

Left: This 2000D is in typicalprecision attack fit for a longer-range mission, carrying only oneAS30L missile (or BGL 1000 bomb).The PDLCT (illustrated) is theprimary designation pod but theATLIS II is also available. The latteris a daylight-only pod.

Derived from the 2000N, the 2000Dhas a further enhanced electronicwarfare suite and numerous otherrefinements, most notably in thecockpit. The WSO has screendisplays for FLIR/TV imagery andthe luxury of GPS for navigation.

it to attack airfields up to 140 km (87 miles)from the release point. The first fully-representative long-range launch of anAPACHE was by Mirage 2000N (No. 303)from the CEV base at Cazaux on 29 July1994.

Mirage 2000D-R1N1L: The first sixMirage 2000Ds initially had the ability onlyto launch (with PDLCT) AS30L and BGL1000, plus Magic AAMs. No. 601 wasdelivered to CEAM on 9 April 1993, andwith the five following aircraft was used towork-up a flight of EC 2/3 known as CelluleRapace. This gained IOC on 29 July 1993,giving the French Air Force an urgentlyneeded potential with laser-guidedweapons. By June 1995, all had beenupgraded to full R1 standard.

Mirage 2OOOD-R1IM1: From No 607, anincreased (but not complete) range ofweapons could be carried. Possibly as fewas four aircraft were supplied in thisconfiguration.

Mirage 200OD-R1 : Able to operate withall the conventional weapons detailedabove, apart from APACHE and SCALP.First aircraft believed to be No. 611 ; allproduction has been for ECs 1/3, 3/3 and(from mid-1996) 2/3. A 1995 retrofitintroduced the SAT SAMIR missile plumedetector (DDM - Détecteur Départ Missile)in the rear of Magic launch rails of both2000Ns and 2000Ds.

Mirage 20OOD-R2: Production will bechanged late in 1999 to this version, whichadds the ability to launch APACHE; fullautomation of the self-defence suite byintegration of SAMIR with chaff/flaredispensers and jammers; and provision forATLIS II laser guidance pods.

Mirage 2000D-R3: A third productionstandard was originally proposed withprovision for an APACHE developmentknown as SCALP and a reconnaissance pod.Cancellation of R3 was announced in June1996 as part of defence economies.

ICMS Mk 2 EW system with additionalantennas above main Serval units

Caméléon C2jammer in fairingat base of fin

The 2000D is being produced in twomain batches, later aircraft (R2configuration) being able to carrythe APACHE stand-off munitionsdispenser weapon. Here theweapon is seen during tests usingthe seventh production aircraft,which was the first 2000D-R1N1. Inthe anti-airfield role, APACHE-APdispenses 10 52-kg (115-lb) KRISSrunway-cratering sub-munitions.

Mirage 2000D-R1

Antilope 53C radarin green radome

Bolt-on refuellingprobe usually fitted

Missionisedcockpits withnew displays

GPS antenn

Additionalblade aerials PDLCT laser designator

and AS30L missile

Slightly fattened portionof spine between coolingoutlet and start of fin

Spirale dispensers inrear of Karman fairings 119


Mirage 2000 Variants

Mirage 2000PProposais for an ASMP-carrying Mirage2000 interdictor initially used thisdesignation to denote Pénétration. In orderto avoid confusion with the similarly-taskedMirage IVP, it was soon changed to Mirage2000N.

Mirage 2000SDassault used the 2000S designation for anon-nuclear interdictor to be offered forexport. Essentially a parallel to the 2000D, itwas quietly dropped from promotionalliterature in the mid-1990s before any couldbe sold. However, two Mirage 2000Ns hadbeen marked with the '2000S' logo for airshow exhibition: No. 314 in 1989 and No.327 the following year.

Marked simply 'S' on the fin andcarrying the legend 'Mirage 2000S',this aircraft is in fact a standard2000N masquerading as the exportversion of the aircraft then knownas the 2000N'. The aircraft is seen atthe 1989 Paris air show, fitted withMagics, ASSOLs and a dummyPDLCTpod.

Second-generation variantsMirage 2000CYDevelopment of the Mirage 2000-5 involvedthe contributions of several aircraft,including a single-seat Mirage 2000Cassembled at Istres and numbered 'CY1 '.By 1988, a 'CY2' and 'CY3' had been

reported, perhaps being the same aircraftwith progressive avionics upgrades. CY1later became the first single-seat Mirage2000-5 prototype.

Mirage 2000-5 01The Mirage 2000-5 brings togetherThomson-CSF RDY radar, the APSI cockpit,MATRA/BAe MICA missiles and the ICMSMk 2 self-defence system in a major updateof the original interceptor weapons system.This was first achieved in a two-seataircraft, the single-place prototype being aconversion of CY1, which first flew on 27April 1991, wearing '01 ' on the fin.

RDY (Radar Doppler Multicible - Multi-target Doppler Radar) initially went aloft in aMystère (Falcon) 20 testbed in June 1987and also underwent trials (of its air-to-surface modes) in a Sud-Ouest Vautour ofCEV in 1989-90 and in Mirage 2000s No. 04and X7. It is a multifunction X-band (l-band)Doppler radar, able to detect targets flyingat low or high altitude, irrespective of theirangle of approach. Performance is claimedto exceed that of current US radars such asthe F-16's AN/APG-68 and F-15's AN/APG-70, air-to-air range being a maximum of 70

nm (130 km; 81 miles). High pulse-repetitionfrequency is employed for velocity searchand for distant, low-flying aircraft; low PRFfor high targets and air-to-ground modes;and medium PRF for all-aspect look-up/look-down detection.

Processing of data presents the pilot witha tactical threat analysis based on up to 24potential target aircraft, of which amaximum of eight can be tracked whilescanning continues and four are presentedon the pilot's screen with annotatedinterception and firing data. The flat-plateantenna, scanning +/-600 in both azimuthand elevation, can contain four optionalraised dipole aerials for IFF interrogation bythe Thomson-CNI IDEE 1. Modes offered byRDY include others for surface attack, suchas ground mapping, contour mapping, targetranging and moving target indication; seatarget tracking; and Doppler beam-sharpening.

MICA, the Missile d'Interception, deCombat et d'Autodéfense, was developedby MATRA before its missiles divisionjoined with that of BAe. Developmentbegan in May 1987, and it was firstlaunched from a Mirage 2000C on 9 January1992. Similar in shape to the Super 530 but,at 112 kg (247 lb), only slightly larger than aMagic, it supplants both weapons by virtueof having the choice of either (pointed)radar-guided or (rounded) infra-red seekerheads. Furthermore, the former version has

An important feature of the 2000-5 isthe Sextant Avionique VEH 3020combined HUD/HLD (head-updisplay/head-level display). TheHUD can display FUR imageryacross a 14° x 10° field of view.

an AD4A head containing an active radar,making it a fire-and-forget weapon - unlikethe Super 530, which needs targetillumination by the parent aircraft throughoutits flight. MICA qualification trials from aMirage 2000-5 were satisfactorilycompleted in July 1996. Tests of air-to-ground ordnance continued until May 1997.

Internal aspects of the 2000-5 includeuprating the engine-driven generators from20 kVA to 25 kVA each and installing a VEH3020 HUD (VEM 130) and head-level displayfor the pilot. Autopilot is a SFENA 608, INSa ULISS 52ES (incorporating GPS), centralcomputer a Dassault XR13, and radaraltimeter the TRT AHV-17. For export, thefully-automated ICMS Mk 2 improves uponthe self-defence suite of the Mirage 2000Dby adding a receiver/processor in the noseto detect missile command links; secondaryDF antennas on the wingtip pods (as onGreek 2000EGs); and a third (LAM) antennaon the fin leading edge.

Originally 'CY1', this aircraft is the2000-5 demonstrator, completed inexport configuration with the ICMSMk 2 EW suite.

Mirage 2000 Variants

Mirage 2000-5FOriginally indifferent to the private venture2000-5, the French Air Force was eventuallyprevailed upon to allocate funding for theconversion of 37 existing airframes.Production approval was given on 25November 1993 and the first was funded inthe 1994 defence budget, followed by 10 in1995, 23 in 1996 and three in 1997. It isenvisaged (subject to prior attrition) that 34will be former Mirage 2000C-S42As (i.e.,between Nos 38 and 74), the balance ofthree to come from stocks of S5s (Nos 75to 124).

Prototype conversions were undertakenat Istres of Nos 51 and 77, the first flying inits new configuration on 26 February 1996,and the second two months later. The initial'production' conversion - at Bordeaux, butinvolving airframe refurbishment atArgenteuil - No. 38 was handed over atIstres on 30 December 1997 to meetcontractual obligations, but did not transferto CEAM to begin pilot conversions untilApril 1998. A further 11 deliveries were duein 1998, 22 in 1999 and the final three in2000, to re-equip EC 1/2 and 2/2 at Dijon.

Mirage 2000-5F-SF1: The initial standardof conversions for the French Air Forcediffers slightly from the 2000-5 baseline aspromoted for export, most notably inomission of the two superhet antennasfrom the fin (the single, small sensor beingretained below the forward-facing jammer).The French standard of self-protectionequipment (Serval, Sabre and Spirale) isretained, but with slight modifications.

Mirage 2000-5F

RDY multi-mode,multiple-trackradar

All-new cockpit withwide-angle head-updisplay

MICAactive-radarand long-range IRmissiles

(CMS Mk 2 system with additional antennasabove Serval fitted to export aircraft only

Additional antennabelow Serval unit


New undernoseblade antennas

Armament is optimised for the air defencerole, the normal configuration being fourMICAs on pylons beneath the wingrootsand a pair of Magic 2s outboard. Whenavailable, the IR version of MICA willreplace Magic. Use of the wingroot pylonsfrees the inboard wing positions for twolarge RPL 541/542 tanks and these, inconjunction with the usual RPL 522 tank onthe centreline, increase endurance in the airdefence role from 1 !/2 to three hours.

Converted aircraft - of which the firstalso include Nos 38, 39, 73 and 78 - retaintheir original serial numbers. The firstsquadron is to be declared operational inApril 1999.

Mirage 2000-5F-SF2: Projected FrenchAir Force upgrade with GPS, a JTIDS-typedatalink, compatibility with pilot's helmetsight and an unspecified long-distanceidentification aid - optical or radar-based.

Spirale dispensers

Above: In maximum-rangeconfiguration the 2000-5F carries acentreline RPL 522 tank, wing-mounted RPL 541/542 tanks and abolt-on refuelling probe. Theleading-edge slats and Spiraledispensers show up well in this view.

Left: This 2000-5F (no. 51) wears thebadge of CEAM, the air force testunit. The Dash 5 is readily identifiedby 'RDY' titles aft of the radome andby the lack of nose pitot.

Below: No. 77 was the one of the firsttwo aircraft updated to Dash 5standard. It carries the markings ofEC 2/12, although the first servicedeliveries were made to EC 2/2.

New blade antennaon spine

Mirage 2000 Variants

Mirage 2000-5E (EDA and El)Exports of the Mirage 2000-5 werelaunched in November 1992, on receipt of amajor order from Taiwan for 60. Qatar laterannounced a contract for 12 and Abu Dhabi(for the DAE) added 30 more to the orderbook, as well as funding an upgrade for 33older aircraft. The UAE batch is describedunder the Mirage 2000-9 heading.

Mirage 2000-5EDA: Qatar's order(contract Falcon) of July 1994 included ninesingle-seat aircraft, serialled QA90 to QA98.They have the full ICMS Mk 2 defensiveaids suite, including five fin antennas,secondary wingtip sensors and provision forSpirale, plus a GPS aerial in the spine. Air-to-air missiles are MICA and Magic 2, but theaircraft also have an air-to-ground role withthe MATRA/BAe Black Pearl stand-offmissile (which is an export adaptation ofAPACHE); AS30L and BGL 1000, with

appropriate designator; and BAP 100,Durandal and Bélouga. A 400-kg (882-lb)Thomson-CSF ASTAC ground radar locatorpod can also be carried. The first four Qatariaircraft (including some -5DDAs) arrived on18 December 1997 after training in France.

Mirage 2000-5EI: MICA and Magic alsoare the prime armament of Taiwan's 48single-seat aircraft, the first squadron ofwhich gained IOC in November 1997.Numbered 2001 to 2048, the aircraftadditionally carry their production numberson the fin in the form EI01 to EI48, althoughsome documentation has used thedesignation 2000-5Ei. Configuration issimilar to the air defence-optimised -5F,apart from having all five fin antennas.Deliveries to Taiwan began with the arrivalby sea on 5 May 1997 of the first five. Thereis a requirement for a second batch of 60.


Left: Qatar's nine 2000-5EDAs areemployed in both air-to-ground andair-to-air roles. Electronicreconnaissance is also possible witha centreline ASTAC Elint pod.

Above: Taiwan's 48 Mirage 2000-5Elsserve with the 2nd TFW at Hsinchu.Optimised for air defence duties,they were supplied with MATRA/BAe Magic 2 and MICA missiles.

Mirage 2000-9 (2000-5 Mk II)After a protracted competition, Abu Dhabiordered 30 new Mirage 2000s in December1997, requiring delivery to take placebetween late 1998 and late 2001. All 33remaining Mirage 2000EADs, RADs andtwo-seat DADs will also be modified to thisstandard, originally named 2000-9 but

rechristened Mirage 2000-5 Mk II in 1999.The $3.4 billion deal was not finalised untilNovember 1998, with an attendant slippagein delivery dates.

The -9 was specifically developed tosatisfy Abu Dhabi's requirement for a long-range attack aircraft, which could also carry

six MICA missiles. Synthetic aperture andbeam-sharpening modes have been addedto the radar, now designated RDY7. Othernew equipment includes an air-to-grounddatalink, Thomson-CSF Detexis integratedEW suite, LCD colour displays plus provisionfor a laser-designation pod or ThomsonOptronics Nahar navigation FLIP.

The GEC-Marconi Hakim PGM-4 poweredstand-off bomb was originally considered asthe most likely air-to-ground weapon for the

2000-9, but in November 1998 it wasannounced that they would be armed withthe MATRA/BAe Dynamics Black Shaheen,a development of the SCALP EG/StormShadow being developed for the RAF andArmée de l'Air. Despite US objections that itcontravened international missile controlagreements (due to its long range), theBlack Shaheen/MICA deal has now beenfinalised between the UK and the UAE, andis expected to be worth around $2.1 billion.

Mirage 2000-5B 01 Mirage 2000-5B (export)

The original Mirage 2000B prototype servedas an RDY radar testbed (BY1 and BY2)before being fully upgraded to become thefirst 2000-5. As such, it was flown byPatrick Experton on 24 October 1990, sixmonths ahead of the single-seat prototype.It reverted to the identity 'B01 ' (marked onthe fin) and was broadly representative ofthe export configuration, apart from lackingthe third forward-facing fin antenna. By1996, on completion of flight trials, B01 wasstored by Dassault in anticipation of theopening of an aviation museum atBordeaux/Merignac.

New blade aerialsunder nose

RDY multi-mode radar


Second cockpitwith new displaysand systems butlacking HUD

Full ICMS Mk 2 EW systemwith three small antennasadditional to standard Serval -

Based on standard 2000Bairframe - Dash 5 upgradeavailable for earlier B/C aircraft

Left: B01 seen at the 1992Farnborough show, displaying theunusual staggered MICA carriage.

\ SpiraleAdditional antennas dispensersadded to existingServal wingtip RWR

Below: In addition to trials work,the 2000-5B is used for exportdemonstrations and training.

Mirage 2000 Variants

Mirage 2000-5D (DDA and DI)Export trainers with RDY radar have beensupplied to two overseas operators of theDash 5E.

Mirage 2000-5DDA: Qatar's three

aircraft, QA86, QA87 and QA88, arepartners to nine 5EDAs. First to fly, late in1995, QA86 was handed over in France(with two other aircraft) in a ceremony on 8September 1997.

Mirage 2000-5DI: Taiwan has 12 of thisversion, 2051 to 2062 (production numbersDI01 to DI12), of which 2051 was the firstexport Mirage 2000-5 to fly, in October1995. The initial aircraft was handed over inFrance on 9 May 1996.

Both Dash 5 export customers haveacquired two-seaters, in fulloperational fit. The Qatari aircraft(below left) was the first to bedelivered to the Gulf state.

Mirage 3000Brief details were revealed in the spring of1978 of a Mirage 2000 air superiority variantpowered by two Turbo Union RB199s in

place of the single SNECMA M53. Theaircraft was offered as the basis for a jointventure between France, (West) Germanyand the UK, all of which were in the earlystages of establishing programmes for theirnext combat aircraft (which eventuallybecame the Rafale and Eurofighter).

French proposals were for its ownindustry to be responsible for the airframe,Germany for the armament and weaponssystem, and the UK to take charge ofengine installation. No size or weightinformation was publicised - even if suchparameters had been defined - but the

employment of two reheated turbofanstotalling 131.99 kN (29,680 lb) of thrustwould have provided an extra 50 per cent ofpower in comparison to the standard Mirage2000. The Mirage 3000 proved unsuccessfulas a viable joint venture project, no doubtdue to its wholly French origins.

Mirage 4000A private venture development, this one-third scaled-up Mirage 2000, with aprojected maximum take-off weight ofsome 20 tonnes (19.68 tons), wasannounced by Dassault in December 1975as the Delta Super Mirage. Mostsignificantly, having two SNECMA M53engines in place of one (the -P2 version wasspecified from the outset), it spanned 12.00m (39 ft 4/2 in), was 18.70 m (61 ft 4t in)long and had 73.0 m2 (786 sq ft) of wingarea. Systems and avionics were adaptedfrom the smaller aircraft wherever possible,and though the aerodynamics were virtuallyidentical, the 4000 did have variable-incidence canards (not strakes) and aproportionately shorter rear fuselage whichobviated the need for extended Karmanfairings as retrofitted to the first threeMirage 2000s. Including fin tanks, the4000's internal fuel capacity was somethree times greater than that of the 2000, inaddition to which carriage was possible ofup to three external tanks, each of 2500litres (550 Imp gal). With this maximum fuel,combat radius with a reconnaissance podwas stated to be 1,000 nm (1850 km/1,150 miles).

Intended as a dual role combat aircraftable to undertake both air superiority andstrike/attack missions, the Mirage 4000would have been a parallel to the BoeingF-15 Eagle or Sukhoi 'Flanker' family had itsfull potential been realised. When the mock-up was revealed in December 1977, hintswere dropped that Saudi Arabia was fundingdevelopment, and by 1980, DefenceMinister Prince Sultan Ubn Abdul Aziz wasopenly saying that procurement was beingconsidered. Following a recommendation bythe defence committee of what was thenFrance's ruling party that 50 Mirage 4000sshould be acquired to replace Mirage IVs,Defence Minister Yvon Bourges concededthat an order could be placed. However,these statements represented the nearestapproach the Mirage 4000 made to aproduction line.

Initially unpainted, the prototype wasflown by Jean-Marie Saget for the first timeat Istres'on 9 March 1979, achieving Mach1.2 and 10975 m (36,000 ft) on the power ofits two M53-2 engines. During the sixthsortie, on 11 April, it flew to Mach 2.04 andthen demonstrated a 25° angle of attack. ByJune, No. 01/F-ZWRM (neither identity wascarried externally) was performingimpressive, slow-speed, nose-up flypasts at

the Paris air show, painted in house coloursof white overall with red and blue trim, plus'Super Mirage 4000' titles. During 1980, theaircraft was flown with two of the largeunderwing fuel tanks, ending the year withapproximately 100 flying hours in the handsof five pilots, including one each from theCEV and French Air Force.

By 1981, it had received M53-5 engines,and at the following year's Farnboroughshow flew in interceptor and attackconfiguration on alternate days. In the latterguise it used all 12 hardpoints (including sixbeneath the fuselage) for two fuel tanks,two Sycamor jamming pods, two self-defence Magic AAMs, a laser designator,two AS30L ASMs, two 1000-kg LGBs and apodded Antilope radar. The production

Right: In original guise the 4000 wasdubbed the 'Super Mirage'. It waspowered by the M53-2 engines,subsequently receiving -5s.

Below: The desert scheme wasapplied for the 4000's reappearancein 1986. It is seen here carrying sixMagic 2 missiles.

aircraft would also have been able to carry anose radar with a scanner diameter of up to80 cm (31.5 in). Also in 1982, constructionwas reported to be under way of a pre-production aircraft, fitted with a fullnavigation and attack system, but it failed toappear and No. 01 was eventuallywithdrawn from use.

This unique aircraft returned to the air in1986 (now marked as plain 'Mirage 4000'on the cockpit sides) to undertake trials for

the Rafale programme, particularly theperformance of a canard delta in turbulentair. Both aircraft were shown atFarnborough in 1986, but when the bigMirage appeared at Paris the following year,it had adopted desert camouflage on theupper surfaces. No. 01 was still in use withthe CEV at Brétigny in 1989, but when itnext appeared at Paris, in 1995, it was as apermanent exhibit outside the Musée del'Air et de l'Espace.