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Post on 19-Jul-2020

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TrackMaven Retweet Report

The Retweet Report

TrackMaven Retweet Report

History of a Retweet

Twitter Launches July 15, 2006

The first “ReTweet” was attributed to Eric Rice April 18, 2007

Retweets, as a feature, rolled out to a limited group of users November 9, 2009

Retweets launch to everyone November 19, 2009



TrackMaven Retweet Report

In this report…Scheduling




Power Players

When is the best time to get Retweets?

#s, @s, and Link Positioning

Retweets and Pictures

CTAs, !s, and Uppercase Characters

Who Retweeted it Better? Justin Bieber vs. Barack Obama






TrackMaven Retweet Report

We analyzed…

• 1,423 Twitter Accounts

• 1.7 Million Tweets

• Limited accounts with over 1K followers

• Normalized Retweets per 1K followers

TrackMaven Retweet Report

I. Scheduling

TrackMaven Retweet Report

Tweet Frequency by Day of Week

Tweets are sent out at a higher frequency during the week and drop off towards the weekend. Thursday shows a slightly higher percentage of tweets at 17.4%, but it’s not much higher than Tuesday or Wednesday both at 17.2%.

TrackMaven Retweet Report

Average Retweets by Day of Week

Although more tweets are sent out during the week, the average retweets by day of week are higher on weekends. Tweets on Sunday receive on average 0.168 retweets.

TrackMaven Retweet Report

Tweet Frequency by Time of Day

Peak frequency hours are during the work day with a slightly higher frequency at 12-1pm ET representing 8.01% of all the tweets sent out during the day.

TrackMaven Retweet Report

Retweets by Time of Day

There is a higher frequency of tweets during business hours; however, tweets gain the most retweets after work hours. Tweets sent out from 10-11pm receive 0.194 retweets on average.

TrackMaven Retweet Report

II. Structure

TrackMaven Retweet Report

Using more hashtags increases the likelihood of retweets. 5 hashtags in a tweet on average gets 0.301 retweets vs. using zero hashtags results in an average of 0.116 retweets.

Retweets by Number of Hashtags

TrackMaven Retweet Report

Retweets by Number of Mentions

The higher the number of mentions in a tweet initially results in a positive relationship in the average number of retweets. With 6 mentions (@s) there is on average 0.190 retweets with a steady decrease after that point.

TrackMaven Retweet Report

Retweets by Position of Link

The link position in a tweet affects the CTR; yet, is there a relationship in the number of retweets it gets? Positioning a link 90% of the way through your tweet has on average 0.2 retweets.

TrackMaven Retweet Report

III. Visuals

TrackMaven Retweet Report

Retweets with Pictures

A tweet without a picture receives 0.133 retweets, but a tweet with a picture receives on average 0.404 retweets.

TrackMaven Retweet Report

Picture previews on timelines were introduced by Twitter on October 29th, 2013 and it only increased the likelihood of retweets with pictures. Post-preview picture tweets receive on average 0.496 retweets.

Retweets by Picture Usage Before and After Picture Preview

TrackMaven Retweet Report

IV. Language

TrackMaven Retweet Report

CTA Terms

What’s the difference between using Retweet and RT? Spelling out the entire word Retweet in your tweets receives on average 1.88 retweets. Using “please” will gather 0.32 retweets on average and “now” produces on average 0.17 retweets.

TrackMaven Retweet Report

Exclamation Marks

Using 6 exclamation marks in a tweet doesn’t just yield high emotion, but also produces an average of 0.299 retweets. And then using up to 9 exclamation marks produces 0.484 average retweets!!!!!!!!!

TrackMaven Retweet Report


IS A TWITTER USER MORE LIKELY TO RETWEET YOUR TWEET IF IT’S IN ALL CAPS? For tweets in all caps, they receive 0.8 retweets on average vs. tweets with a 0.1 ratio receive on average only 0.147 retweets.

TrackMaven Retweet Report

V. Power Players

TrackMaven Retweet Report

Who retweeted it better? Justin Bieber vs. Barack Obama

There is a relationship between the average retweets and the total number of followers. However, the outliers in this graph present the most interesting numbers and a different relationship. Justin Bieber heralds in 46,802,957 followers and Barack Obama is behind with 39,613,288 followers. Bieber wins with 67,676.97 retweets on average while Obama has 1,836.18 retweets on average.

TrackMaven Retweet Report

Conclusion and Key Findings

With a retweet you are sharing the words of another person, brand, or influencer; however, to get to that resonating point it requires more than just a 140 character limit. !Replying to someone has a conversation level or favoriting shows some type of support, but retweeting has a more emotional connotation. !More retweets happen with exclamation marks, pictures, or uppercase letters showing that if you want someone to help amplify your content you have to get a little emotional.


• Retweets happen after hours

• Spell out Retweet

• People will Retweet your picture


• More Followers does not always

equal more Retweets
